mogai-trender-sideblog · 44 minutes
Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist
[pt: Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist ./. End PT]
I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it.
[PT: I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it. ./. End PT]
Tagging @imoga-pride and @in-nature-archive.
Here is a list of GIN ([Gender]-in-nature) terms that I used on my old blog (Gender-Resource) for tagging. I have also included more recent GIN terms that either I have coined or has been coined by others that I currently use or likely will use in the future for tagging.
If anyone has any questions about the terms here, just let me know and I would be happy to answer them :-)
Fin: (Feminine-in-nature)
Unfin: (Unfeminine-in nature)
Troin: (Troinine-in-nature)
Min: (Masculine-in-nature)
Droin: (Droxinine-in-nature)
Unmin: (Unmasculine-in-nature)
Lin: (Androgynous-in-nature)
Unlin: (Unandrogynous-in-nature)
Femain: (Femasline-in-nature)
Ambiguin: (Ambiguine-in-nature)
Altrin: (Altraeninine-in-nature)
Nin: (Neutral-in-nature)
Unin: (Unneutral-in-nature)
Neuin: (Neutrine-in-nature)
Epin: (Epicene-in-nature)
Trinin: (Trinterine-in-nature)
Amin: (Ambiguous-in-nature)
Perin: (Peraine-in-nature)
Ilyin: (Ilyagine-in-nature)
Mvin: (Mavriquine-in-nature)
Auin: (Autonomous-in-nature)
Othin: (Other-in-nature)
Nuin: (Null-in-nature)
Vin: (Void-in-nature)
Agin: (Agender-in-nature)
Glin: (Genderless-in-nature)
Gein: (Generic-in-nature)
Kein: (Kenochoric-in-nature)
Luxin: (Luxine-in-nature)
Inbin: (Inbissiec-in-nature)
Enmin: (Enmitiec-in-nature)
Shocin: (Shocking-in-nature)
Uin: (Undescribable-in-nature)
Din: (Describable-in-nature)
Apin: (Apathetic-in-nature)
Usin: (Confused-in-nature)
Main: (Male-in-nature)
Fein: (Female-in-nature)
Lein: (Femache-in-nature)
Buin: (Butch-in-nature)
Sobin: (Soft Butch-in-nature)
Fuin: (Futch-in-nature)
Femin: (Femme-in-nature)
Bufin: (Butchy Femme-in-nature)
Genoin: (GNC-in-nature)
Qin: (Queer-in-nature)
Ain: (Aporine-in-nature)
Ouin: (Outherine-in-nature)
Diasin: (Diastine-in-nature)
Xin: (Xenine-in-nature)
Oriein: (Orientation-in-nature)
Lexin: (Lexcial-in-nature)
Gsrin: (Gesneriad-in-nature)
Aesin: (Aesthetic-in-nature)
Coriin: (Coric-in-nature)
Whilin: (Whilom-in-nature)
Roin: (Neuroine-in-nature)
Iin: (Intersex Exclusive-in-nature)
Altin: (Altersex-in-nature)
Yin: (Yonderine-in-nature)
Cuin: (Culturally Exclusive-in-nature)
2sin: (Twospirit-in-nature)
Amplin: (Amplusian-in-nature)
Chin: (Changing-in-nature)
Plasmin: (Genderplasmic-in-nature)
Cinn: (Choice-in-nature)
Idin: (Fluid-in-nature)
Uxin: (Flux-in-nature)
Flin: (Fluix-in-nature)
Aporin: (Nonspecific-in-nature)
Porin: (Specific-in-nature)
Unrelin: (Unrelated-in-nature)
Relin: (Related-in-nature)
Plin: (Partial-in-nature)
Poin: (Polygender/Omnigender/Pangender-in-nature)
Antin: (Antigender-in-nature)
Novin: (Novel/New-in-nature)
Infin: (infinite-in-nature)
Doxin (Paradoxical-in-nature)
Oposin (Opposite-in-nature)
Contrin (Contradictory-in-nature)
Vain: (Vague-in-nature)
Vasin: (Vast-in-nature)
Win: (Weak/Disconnected-in-nature)
Reclin: (Reclaimed-in-nature)
Rin: (Rejected/Repulsed-in-nature)
Contrin: (Contraversial-in-nature)
Polin: (Political-in-nature)
Sucuin: (Subcultural-in-nature)
Cocuin: (Countercultural-in-nature)
Quesin: (Questioning-in-nature)
Virin: (Virine-in-nature)
Lierin: (Eraine-in-nature)
Commin: (Commidine-in-nature)
Ithin: (Itherinine-in-nature)
Andin: (Anderine-in-nature)
Diphin: (Dipherine-in-nature)
Umbin: (Umbinine-in-nature)
Pretin: (Preterine-in-nature)
Bin: (Binarine-in-nature)
Nobin: (Nonbinarine-in-nature)
Enbin: (Enbinine-in-nature)
Midbin: (Midbinaraine-in-nature)
Nomidbin: (Nonmidbinarine-in-nature)
Abin: (Abinarine-in-nature)
Noabin: (Nonabinarine-in-nature)
Trin: (Trinarine-in-nature)
Midtrin: (Midtrinarine-in-nature)
Atrin: (Atrinarine-in-nature)
Noatrin: (Nonatrinarine-in-nature)
Tin: (Trans-in-nature)
Cin: (Cis-in-nature)
Trisin: (Tris-in-nature)
Ipsin: (Ipso-in-nature)
Ultin: (Ulter-in-nature)
Iptin: (Ipter-in-nature)
— Gent (link)
[PT: -- Gent (link) ./. End PT]
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atrigender: a genderness that is both agender and trigender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly trigender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called trxgender, triagender, or libratrigender.
aquadgender: a genderness that is both agender and quadgender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly quadgender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called quxdgender, quadagender, or libraquadgender.
apentagender: a genderness that is both agender and pentagender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly pentagender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called pxntagender, penta-agender, or librapentagender. pentagender is synonymous with quintgender, so one could also use aquintgender, quxntgender, quintagender, or libraquintgender.
ahexagender: a genderness that is both agender and hexagender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly hexagender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called hxxagender, hexa-agender, or librahexagender.
aoctagender: a genderness that is both agender and octagender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly octagender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called xctagender, octa-agender, or libraoctagender.
after making my abigender flags, i started thinking about the other numbered polygenders that don’t have flags, so i decided to make some! all flags are formatted like the pxngender flag with colors that correspond to their respective flags, adjusted for visibility and flow. septagender (having seven genders) has no flag, so i had to leave that one out, and nothing above octagender has a flag to my knowledge. also, some of the alt terms may look odd (i’m personally fond of ‘xctagender’), but i wanted to lay out all the options anyways!
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Bxgender Pride Flag
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Bxgender or Gxndxr (gxnder/gendxr/gender-x): a set of bigender terms where another identity is mixed with agender. 
These agxndxr identities have an X replacing vowel(s), such as in gxrl/gxl/lxdy, bxy/gxy/dxde, nxnbinary, neutrxis, pangendxr/pxngender/pangxndxr/pangxnder, andrxgynx/androxgynx, gxnderfluid/gendxrfluid/gxndxrfluid and gxndxrqueer/gxnderqueer/gendxrqueer.
See also: pluragender, polyagender, abigender/biagender, demiagender, genderdox. 
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abigender: a genderness that is both agender and bigender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly bigender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called bxgender, biagender, or librabigender.
two versions of an abigender flag for anon! i based them on the pxngender/panagender flag, first with a white stripe and second with a pale yellow in order to include the yellow from the bigender flag.
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Masterpost : Bxgender | Abigender
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Bxgender/Abigender : A gender that is both any gender and agender. It can be fluid, flux or static. Umbrela term for any gender which is a mix of agender\genderless and another gender.
Flag created by me, DM me if you want to know more about it. I'll update this masterpost regularly so don't esitate to send me the new bxgender terms you'll see to help me.
Terms under the cut. ⬇
Abigender: a genderness that is both agender and bigender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly bigender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings. could also be called bxgender, biagender, or librabigender.
Apanprince/Pxnprince: a genderness that is both agender and panprince (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panprince); an identity that is mostly panprince, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panprince person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panprinceness.
Apanprincesse/Pxnprincesse: a genderness that is both agender and panprincesse (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panprincesse); an identity that is mostly panprincesse, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panprincesse person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panprincesseness.
Apanroyal/Pxnroyal: a genderness that is both agender and panroyal (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panroyal); an identity that is mostly payroyal, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panroyal person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panroyalness.
Azurxen(o)girl: being both a xen(o)girl and an azurgirl; being a xenic and masculine girl/woman in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc).
Bxrl or Ambxrl: A gender that is both (am)birl and agender/no gender. The combination of gxrl/gxl and bxy/gxy. It could be either a(n am)bxgender or a trxgender.
Bxy: A gender that is both boy and agender/no gender. You can be a boy and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling male and not feeling gender.
Bxyflux: A gender that is both male and agender and fluctuates in intensity.
demixeno(boy/guy/man): being partially a xenoboy, or partially a xenoic boy/guy/man
demixeno(girl/gal/woman): being partially a xenogirl, or partially a xenoic girl/gal/woman
demi(xenby/xenbie/xenonbin): being partially a xenby, or partially a xenoic enby/nonbin/nonbinary person
demi(xenoqueer/xenqueer): being partially xenoqueer, or partially a xenoic genderqueer person.
Demixoy: A gender that is both demigender and xoy.
Demixirl: A gender that is both demigender and xirl.
Dxde: A gender that is both dude and agender/genderless. You can be a dude and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling dude/like a dude and feeling genderless.
Enbxrl or nbxrl: A gender that is both enbyrl/enburl/enbirl and agender/no gender. The combination of engxrl/gxrlby/engxl/xngirl/gxrlbie/xngal/gxlby/gxlbie and enbxy/gxyby/gxybie/engxy/xnboy (zeninœ/zeninoe/zenineo & zeninea/zeninae/zeninæ); non-binary bxrl (zeninoa/zeninao).
Gxl: A gender that is both gal and agender/genderless. You can be a gal and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling gal/like a gal and feeling genderless.
Gxndxrqueerness: A gender that is both genderqueer and agender/no gender.
Gxrl: A gender that is both girl and agender/no gender. You can be a girl and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling female and not feeling gender.
Gxrlby. Gxrlenby, Femxlenby, or Womxnby: enby gxrl/wxmxn/fxmxle; a gender that is both girlby/womanby/womenby/femalenby (nonbinary/abinary girl/woman/female) and agender/no gender.
Gxrlflux: A gender that is both female and agender and fluctuates in intensity.
Gxy: A gender that is both guy and agender/genderless. You can be a guy and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling guy/like a guy and feeling genderless.
Lxdy: A gender that is both lady and agender/genderless. You can be a gal and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling lady/like a lady and feeling genderless.
Mxn: A gender that is both man and agender/genderless. You can be a man and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling man/like a man and feeling genderless.
Neurobxy\Neuromxn: Feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. This gender may be fluid, flux, demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
Neurogxrl\Neurowxman: Feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. this gender may be fluid, flux, demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
Neurobxyflux\Neuromxnflux: Feeling male but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a bxy. This gender is flux and may be demiboy, multigender, or any combo of masculine and genderless.
Neurogxrlflux\Neurowxmanflux: Feeling female but also genderless caused by a disconnect from gender due to neurodivergence, therefore identifying as a gxrl. This gender is flux and may be demigirl, multigender, or any combo of feminine and genderless.
Paxndisso (pron. pawn-disso): pangenderflux- While not dissociating, you’re Pangender (or close to pangender). When you dissociate, you’re Pan-nongenders (examples; Agender, Gendernull, Gendervoid, etc.). A neurogender for anyone who dissociates.
Pxlygender: A gender that is both polygender and agender/genderless. You can be polygender and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling polygender and feeling genderless.
Pxnfingender/Apanfingender: a genderness that is both panfingender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panfingender); an identity that is mostly panfingender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panfingender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panfingenderness.
Pxngender/Apangender: A genderness that is both agender and pangender and/or somewhere between them; an identity mostly pangender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a pangender individual feeling they have null/no gender identity; an agender person having some connection to panhood/pangenderness.
Pxnmingender/Apanmingender: a genderness that is both panmingender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panmingender); an identity that is mostly panmingender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panmingender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panmingenderness.
Pxnningender/Apanningender: a genderness that is both panningender and agender (and/or a genderness somewhere between agender and panningender); an identity that is mostly panningender, but has a connection to genderlessness and/or agendered feelings; a panningender person who feels they have null/no gender identity; an agender person with some connection to panningenderness.
Rosxen(o)boy: being both a xen(o)boy and a rosboy; being a xenic and feminine boy/man in some way (alignment, expression, multigenderness, etc)
Transfembxyflux: A gender that is both transfemboy and agender/no gender; the combination of transfem/femboy, fembxy/fxmbxy/fxmboy, bxy/femboyflux, bxyflux/genderless and genderflux/boyflux.
Trxgender: A gender that is both trigender and agender/genderless. You can be trigender and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling trigender and feeling genderless.
Wxman/Womxn/Wxmxn: A gender that is both woman and agender/genderless. You can be a woman and agender/genderless at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling woman/like a woman and feeling genderless.
Xenbxy: xenoic bxy, xenine enbxy/nbxy; an identity that is boy/enboy, xenogender, and agender or otherwise genderless; a xenic arcturian ; xenby, nby, xenboy, xenobxy, xenx/xenoagender/xenagender, xengender, nxnbinary/nonbxnary/xnby/nonbinxry, xoy-x.
Xenoagender: A xenogender and genderless or one or more non-gendered xenic identities.
Xirl: A gender in some way nonbinary girl or nonbinary girl-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part woman\womanhoood but wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren't entirely boys or don't want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word "girl".
Xoy: A gender in some way nonbinary boy or nonbinary boy-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part of man/boyhood but who wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren’t entirely boys or don’t want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word “boy".
Xirlflux: A flux gender in some way nonbinary girl or nonbinary girl-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part woman\womanhoood but wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren't entirely boys or don't want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word "girl".
Xoyflux: A flux gender in some way nonbinary boy or nonbinary boy-adjacent. Someone who identifies with some part of man/boyhood but who wants a more nonbinary and neutral sounding word because they aren’t entirely boys or don’t want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word “boy".
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Being 100% agender while simultaneously being genderfluid.
This is not limited to experiencing one secondary gender at any time; some individuals will experience being Abigender (being agender and solely one other gender at a time) while others may experience being Apangender (being agender in a way that feels like every gender simultaneously), or any experience in-between. This may or may not fluctuate as well.
Unlike Afluid, an Agenfluid individual does not need to feel any form of discomfort with or dysphoria regarding their fluid gender(s).
Use this term in whatever way is most comfortable for you!
Update [10/10/23]: The term was changed from "Agenderfluid" to "Agenfluid", as there was already a term coined as that which had a fluidity based on emotions.
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Abigenderfluix is when someone has two distinct gender identities of which one or both may be fluid and/or fluctuate in some way, though generally or at times there is a vague perception of and loose connection to one or both gender identities.
Both genders are fluid and fluctuate in intensity
One gender is fluid and fluctuates while the other is static
One gender is fluid while the other fluctuates in intensity
And any other definitions that one sees fit.
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Black - Fluidity White - Fluctuation Pink - Gendered feelings of any kind Light Purple - Multigender Purple - Overlap between these experiences Blue - Distinction between gender identities Light Blue - Loose or vague connection to gendered feelings Green - Genderlessness
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abigender / agender bigender
when one identifies as both bigender and agender. this can be accomplished in many ways; one may feel connected to two genders where one is agender, one may identify as both agender and bigender, and many more.
flag colors picked from both the agender and the bigender flags. requested by @doppiofromthestars.
[ID] a seven-striped flag. the flag colors, in order from top to bottom: sky magenta, pink pearl, white, pale light green, white, light cornflower blue, light steel blue. [/ID]
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Linguistic Anarchy
[PT: Linguistic Anarchy /end PT]
Linguistic Anarchy is a subset of descriptivism (the idea that following linguistic rules is not always strictly necessary, read more about it on the wikipedia page) that emphasizes the bending or ignoring of linguistic rules to create more inclusive and accommodating language for queer people (especially neopronoun users) and preserving and recording language in an effort to oppose colonization.
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[ID: A flag with three equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are faded orange, faded yellow, and faded blue. The lower half of the flag is covered by a black triangle. In the center of the flag, there is a black circle with a white outline. In the middle of the symbol is a birdlike creature. End ID.]
The illustration in the center is a wug, which you can read about here.
Linguistic anarchy supports:
neopronouns, nounself pronouns, and emojipronouns
degendering of language as needed
typing quirks with translation provided for accessibility
being accommodating and patient with people of neurodivergencies that make spelling and/or language difficult (i.e. dyslexia)
being accommodating and patient of those with OCD or similar who may feel the need to correct grammar or spelling
reclaiming slurs
normalization of Ebonics and similar
learning languages for communication or educational purposes (cultural appreciation)
Linguistic anarchy does NOT support:
spreading misinformation or disinformation about preexisting linguistic rules or concepts (i.e. folk etymologies)
getting rid of languages
misusing slurs or other offensive, marginalizing, and/or culturally appropriative language
capitalism and associated concepts
tagging @radiomogai (idk if this completely fits sorry)
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Alternate Offallosexual (link) flag for myself!
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[ID: A flag with nine equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are white, light grey, purple black, rich magenta purple, pale lilac purple, purple grey, purple black, light grey, and white. End ID.]
Flag by me. Offallosexual coined by @neospronouns.
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Offallosexual / Off-allosexual (Offallo / Off-allo)
A sexual orientation in which someone feels as if they are allosexual or otherwise non-asexual, but feels that their experience and/or attraction is "off", "unusual", or "different" (etc) compared to the typical allosexual experience. This may be due to neurodivergency, trauma, etc. but does not have to be. They may or may not consider themself under the asexual umbrella.
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Offalloromantic / Off-alloromantic (Offallo / Off-allo)
A romantic orientation in which someone feels as if they are alloromantic or otherwise non-aromantic, but feels that their experience and/or attraction is "off", "unusual", or "different" (etc) compared to the typical alloromantic experience. This may be due to neurodivergency, trauma, etc. but does not have to be. They may or may not consider themself under the aromantic umbrella.
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[plain text: Kaleidigender! /end plain text.]
Kaleidigender - a term for when your gender is not fluid, but it appears to be due to your changing perspective of it!
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[ID: two images;
The first image is a rectangular flag with nine equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are rich wood brown, lapis blue, slate blue, sky blue, icy blue white, sandy yellow, salmon orange, tabasco red, and rich wood brown. In the center of the flag is a symbol that consists of four intersecting ovals forming a star-like shape, colored rich wood brown. End first ID;
The second image is a rectangular flag identical to the first one, except that it does not have the symbol. End second ID.]
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[ID: A divider that consists of a thin white line with three stars on each side. End ID.]
Flag by me, using this symbol (link) from the noun project. Tagging @radiomogai.
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@tertiary-attraction-archive @radiomogai
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Apothifamilial: a term for familial-repulsed afamilials.
Flag colors: red represents blood, which is associated with family. Also ties to the phrase "blood [of the covenant] is thicker than water [of the womb]".
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NONHUMAN 4 NONHUMAN⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀A flag for nonhumans for prioritize or exclusively date other nonhumans.
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Reminder that My requests are open 🤎
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Monofamilial Flag!
[plain text: Monofamilial Flag! /end plain text.]
Monofamilial - a term for one who only experiences familial love and/or attraction!
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[ID: Two images;
The first image is a flag with seven equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are light storm grey, storm grey, black grey, silver grey, black grey, smoky grey, and dark smoky grey. The flag has an upside down chevron that is the height of the flag and has its own seven equal stripes. In descending order, the chevron's stripes are light blue, sky blue, navy blue, white, navy blue, light purple blue, and grape purple. End first ID;
The second image is a flag with seven equal horizontal stripes. In descending order, the stripes are light storm grey, storm grey, black grey, white, navy blue, sky blue, and dark blue purple. End second ID.]
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[ID: A divider that consists of a thin white line with three stars on each side. End ID.]
Flags by me. Requested by @clowncarfullofrats. Tagging @radiomogai.
The only other monoattractional flag I could find to use as a reference was the monoattractional spectrum flag on the LGBTQIA+ wiki, so I'm sorry if it looks a little weird or not what you were expecting! /gen
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so there's a thing i noticed from spending time in the acespec mspec community that i haven't seen a specific name for. and that may just be because i haven't looked hard enough idk. but i tried to fill the gap with this term:
asymmetrisexual / acesymmetrical
an acespec person who's attracted to two or more genders, but is different degrees or types of asexual for different ones.
so for example:
someone who bi & graysexual for women but asexual for men
someone who is pan & cupiosexual for women but demisexual for men
various flavors of nbs also factor into it but i didn't include them in the examples because it would get very complicated quickly.
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i made a bunch of flag drafts but i ended up liking both of these, so i'll just give you both (one has more purple, the other has more black).
i think my attempt to visually represent this idea was successful and it looks both unique and relatively easy to reproduce! (if u want to know the exact geometry lmk i will break it down for u)
feel free to use these for yourself, credit not required but appreciated
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Dellosexual : experiencing attraction to multiple genders and experiencing allosexual style attraction to some genders, but is demisexual towards other genders. For example, a dellosexual person may require a close emotional bond with a woman before experiencing any attraction, but they do not need such a connection in order to be attracted to a man. Dellosexual can be a sexual orientation on its own or can be combined with other orientations. For example, one could be dellosexual and polysexual (dellopolysexual), meaning that when one does experience sexual attraction they can experience it towards multiple genders, but not all genders. The romantic counterpart is delloromantic.
Term coined on Wikia FANDOM by user the user GenderGay.
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