my-sexy-blog · 6 years
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
The drama on Twitter
Hey. So I know I’m a few days late or something like but I was just on Twitter and I saw a tweet from Mark saying he was proud of the students marching for their lives. Well, then i made the mistake of scrolling through the replies… I don’t care that people have different opinions than him, you know that’s fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and the option to share it is their own. What does bother me is the people attacking him and people who have similar opinions to him.
Here I’ll show you what I mean
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“disappointed in everyone using politically ignorant kids…” “He is extremely proud of you all being zombies…” “The maniacal leaders of the world have finally converted the youth into sheep that are easily controlled.”
This is upsetting to me. They truly believe that, because people’s opinions differ from their own and agree with someone with a high social status, they must be brain washed.
Okay, yes he has an influence on a somewhat impressionable audience, but if their core beliefs were different in the first place they wouldn’t falter because some man said something on Twitter. Influence is drawn from many places, people, and experiences, not just one person. Mark is just one person, he may be the god of the discord, but he is not the god of these people’s opinions. He, and any other YouTuber or entertainer, do not have the power some might think they do. We are not sheep because we share a common opinion. We are not zombies because they have an influence on us. We are not politically ignorant because we want to feel safe in our schools and our country. We are conscience human beings with the ability to think for ourselves.
We are the new generation fighting for a safer place to live. We are the generation that is cognizant of real issues that effect us today, not in 1791. It’s a different world we live in, those laws may have kept us safe then but it is now an increasing endangerment to youth and all American citizens. We are the generation that can see the future a head of us and we know there needs to be a change. We will show that our brains are the only weapons we need to make that change happen.
(most “woke” generation is on the rise)
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
Jack Ethan and now mark have said the “fuuuuuck it so much” line from Simulacra
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
I'm so lost in all this.
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isn’t this fun?
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
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That last gif conveys how I feel about this moment…
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
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You all matter
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
In case you didn't know ⬆️
You can't be passive about this guys, this is important.
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!!!THIS IS URGENT!!! The FCC is NOT taking the “resist” texts into consideration anymore! CALL 202-418-1000 (aka the FCC) and say your name, state and that you oppose the repeal of net neutrality! This is our only hope!! Share this please
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
This is extremely important guys
Sign the thing!
attention all Officials, all Tumblr users, whoever the fuck you are.
This is severely important.
Ever sit down after a stressful day, watch your favorite youtuber, do commissions, etc.? Well in FOUR DAYS, that can all be taken away very easily. We’re so close yet so *far* from possibly saving the internet, and those who’s lives depend on it. Within this blog, there will be a link to a petition to stop net neutrality from being killed. There are many people who’s jobs are online. online schooling. the internet is extrememly important, and we can’t let the FCC take it away! Instead of just merely liking this post, sign the petition and reblog this post!
>> Here’s the link. <<
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
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So I was in a creative mood and stole someone’s art and made somethin creepy with it so… Here ya go! Feel free to use it you don’t even have to credit me because I can’t credit the original!.
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my-sexy-blog · 6 years
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whenever i’m depressed i remember that these pictures exist
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
We are a community that thrives on connection. Just as people we strive to connect with others and we are allowed to connect to people across the globe at anytime we please, if this is put in motion we could be restricted by a fee just to gather information and do the things we enjoy on the internet. We can not let this happen.
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
About the Thank You video
I feel like I really needed this video. Okay I know that sounds mean saying that I needed a video of Mark crying, but honestly in a way I did.
I’ve been watching Mark for a while but I only subscribed just over a year ago. I subscribed when he was doing a bunch of videos with his friends and he looked like he was having the most fun, just goofing off and laughing their asses off together. I subscribed to a man who was genuinely happy and it showed. Like I said I had been watching him for a while before I subscribed and of course I’ve gone back and watched super old videos, watching the growth of the content and Mark himself. I’ve seen the videos where he seemed like he was in a bad place emotionally, I’ve felt them and related to those moments more than you’d ever believe. I was around when the “I feel lost” videos came out, I watched them minutes after they came out and just sobbed because I could feel every word. Never have I felt like I was more on the same page as someone. Every time a new “emotional” vlog comes out, it feels like I’ve been living in those emotions for the week before and they’re always so perfectly timed to validate my feelings of lost or found, happy or sad.
I really needed this one. For a while this year I’ve felt really disconnected from the channel. The videos didn’t seem like fun to him from what I saw and he looked like he was tired a lot of the time. I worried for him and some of the videos I couldn’t watch. They felt forced and almost fake. I didn’t subscribe because he was happy, I subscribed because he was real. I was having a hard time with the recent videos because I couldn’t really tell if he was being genuine or just poking fun at daily vloggers and their community. But as I continued watching and watched the charity live stream where he explained the idea behind it, I really felt that connection coming back, one that I truly missed. This video said it all for me. That you are still open and honest with your fans. You show people that all emotions are valuable. You show people that sometimes you need a break, to reassess who you are and what you’re doing to know if you are truly happy with yourself. Everyone goes through these times and your videos will forever be there for someone to relate to, cheer them up, or even just distract themselves. I am so grateful that there is someone so honest and amazingly vulnerable on the internet especially, but just in the world in general. I know the road you take is a more difficult one, but it’s also so much more rewarding.
I was at his first ever show with one of my best friends and I was unbelievably proud of them the whole time, I am constantly more and more proud of Mark for who he is. You will never lose me as a supporter, Mark. I will always be proud. @markiplier
There are so many things I would love to tell you (so much that none of this had any structure) but I’ve rambled on long enough. Just know that I am with you though this and I love seeing you so overwhelmingly emotional, whatever that emotion may be.
~Shebly 💙💚💜
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
I need a compilation of all the times Mark has asked someone to inflict pain on him or willingly inflicts pain on himself.
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
I'm starting to feel a little bit Ancient™ in the Markiplier fandom, so reblog if you remember any of these
Tiny Box Tim Press B to Blow Lucky Flannel Herb Lore Unnecessary Censorship “BITCH IM FABULOUS!!!” Drunk Minecraft The Fish Cone “Ass-blasting bitchaloid” The original Darkiplier videos (like Be Still)
Mark first adopting Chica Stone face Tyler (aka the first video Tyler was in) Mark first dyeing his hair pink for charity Mark moving in with the Cyndago guys
Feel free to add others if you guys think of any!!
(P.S. I’m in no way trying to say that you’re not a “true fan” or something stupid like that if you don’t know all these references/didn’t see all these vids when they first came out. I’m just still feeling nostalgic after seeing Mark on tour and felt like taking a walk down memory lane.
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
@therealjacksepticeye this is A Mood™
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
An interaction I wish happened not just in my head
*friend scares me*
Me: *jumps and yells* “Jesus fucking Mary on a park bench!”
Friend: “Mary is Jesus’ mother.”
Me: “Yeah, he’s a motherfucker just like you for scaring me.” *Punches friend in arm.“
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my-sexy-blog · 7 years
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Mark’s real arm length exposed
From Amy’s twitch stream.
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