otplusprompts · 1 hour
Person A has gone on a business trip and Person B and C cuddle in their bed and FaceTime with A every night. A loves being able to hear from both of their partners even from so far away. They eventually all fall asleep while still on the call.
Thanks for the prompt!! :D
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otplusprompts · 1 day
An unlikely ot7 who nobody thought would even end up as friends let alone become a polycule.
A is a grump who finds most people annoying
B is an extremely lucky gifted kid who doesn't really have much friends
C is a loud rebel who drives people away with their behavior
D is someone who seems to care only about themselves and their selfish demeanour drives people away
E is a chaotic gremlin who can and will murder you. tries to make friends but people just find them annoying
F is pretty much a mysterious loner who doesn't really interact with people. And is also a sign language user
G is someone who has a really bad home life and doesn't get out much. Never had any friends and is the last to join the group
They all hated each other when they first met but then became friends and grew feelings
( basically a huge enemies to lovers polycule lmao )
When they first realized they had feeling one another it was very awkward, having fought all the time and literally being opposites attract kind of thing, they found a way to make it work. They still fight sometimes. Person A can be grumpy a lot, but their partners always find ways to calm them down. They still keep the though "I don't give a shit about you" attitude, but they have a soft spot for their partners. Sometimes a few of them (like two to three) hangout or go on dates alone. Many people question if they are cheating, but no one really knows that they are all dating. Person B can often be found studying, occasionally their partners will join them or try to drag them away to hang out with them. As much as they pretend to hate it, they enjoy the attention. Whenever the OT7 go out on a date, everyone around them just assumes that they are just a group of friends. (Just besties hanging am I right) Person C is often causing trouble/getting in trouble. Their other partners have to bail them out of the situations they got themself into. Sometimes, C will steal stuff for their partners (which they [partners] will sometimes go back and pay for. The 7 of them occasionally fight (often times they will be split into two groups) but in the end they all apologies and just cuddle watching a movie. Person D spends a loooooonnnggggg time getting ready for dates or anything at all. Their partners don't like it, but damn. They look good. D tries not to spend that much time on their looks but they can't help it. They feel really lucky that their partners still stick with them despite them being really selfish occasionally. When the OT7 came out to their other friends they all thought they were joking. After a while they [the friends] realized they weren't and accepted them none the less. Person E has probably killed someone once. Their partners are like 70% sure that they are joking. No matter what, they all would defend them in court. (Making sure they stay on their good side /j). When the OT7 go anywhere they have to use a big van, they all take turns driving to where every they are going and on what song is playing. It's chaotic but it's nice. Person F is a sign language user, when they all first met no one in the group could understand them so they were forced to just write down whatever they had/wanted to say. But secretly they all took lessons to communicate with F. When they finally told F (in sign language) they started sobbing (/pos). A polycule as big as theirs means that they have more people to play DND with!! Often times than not, they all end up flirting with each other in character (and occasionally out of character) When the other found out about Person G's home life they all took turns sheltering them. And when the time could they bought a house together. G is now doing much better, and their partners are helping them with whatever trama they might have.
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otplusprompts · 2 days
★彡𝓜𝓪𝔂𝓫𝓮 𝓦𝓮’𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓵𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓼? (𝓞𝓣3 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼)彡★
Person A and B fell in love in the same city growing up. But when college/university came around, Person B had to move away and they lost contact. After some time, Person A falls in love again with Person C, a new person in town. They start dating and talk about their past lovers/crushes and they just so happen to connect the dots and figure out they both fell in love with Person B. Knowing that, they both start to look for Person B together to reunite.
In an alternate world, imagine Person A and B are vampire rivals who were secretly pining for each other. Enter Person C, a normal human who just so happens to have the preferred blood type of both A and B. In their quest to win Person C over for harvesting they both end up falling in love with C. Now, all three of them are left confused and flustered all the time.
Person B and C are already in a stable, normal and loving relationship for a long time. They live in a nice home and pursue good jobs. However, when a new neighbour, Person A, moves in they find that they have a lot in common with them. Both partners fall in love until out of guilt, Person B and C admit to each other they both have feelings for A. Shocked that they feel the same way, they decide to try and invite Person A into their relationship with dinners, movies, carnivals etc… each time, these meet ups slowly start feeling more like dates. But to Person A they couldn’t be anymore dense.
Person A and C are the type of people who don’t like violence. Person B on the other hand, doesn’t mind. A and C work together to show B aggression is not the answer to everything and C convinces them how to defend themselves better. In the process, they all learn they’re definitely not monogamous.
Person C is a huge flirt, they love to tease everyone with their comments but especially Person A and B who never seem to show interest or always shut them down. A little dissuaded, they decide to stop but it turns out B and C actually really enjoy it and begin to flirt back.
Person A is a rational person who plans out their life and expects to be married and settled by a certain time at a certain age. To increase their chances of meeting that goal, they start advancing on two different people and comparing their results. They decide that both were suitable but now all they needed was to get them to meet up and fall in with each other through a series of ridiculous plots.
Person A and B are really good at almost everything. Person C is more into obscure interests. While C admires A and B for being so talented they think of themselves as lesser than both of them while A and B agree that C is superior. Their admiration for each other quickly turns affectionate.
Person C and B are introverted, Person A is an extrovert. Through so much common interests C and B fall in love and because they can always rely on Person A to do the talking, A begins to feel appreciated too.
Person A and C work as baristas during separate shifts (morning/afternoon) both of them meet Person B and always personally serve them with cute messages on their cup each time. The staff think Person B is a player and notify A and C, but this only motivates them after finding out they both like B and agree to make them their next S/O.
Person A likes B but not C. Person B and C like each other and A. It seems like A can’t come around to seeing C other than a friend. But after B takes a long trip away from home, C starts pining after A again who rejects all their advancements. But as soon as Person C gives up, Person A can’t stop missing them.
After Person B and A break up due to external reasons they still have deep feelings for each other. Determined not to betray A, B forbids themselves from falling in love with anyone other than A. But it becomes apparent that Person C is an exception and so they give it a shot and begin flirting back. Person A reunites with B and they resume their old inside jokes and fall in love again. Person C starts to feel awkward and distance themselves but is surprised to learn that Person B has shared all their experiences with A and they’re also crushing on C too.
Person B and C are rich upstarts who caught the attention of media fast for being the ultimate power couple. Person A knows Person B and C personally but as a normal citizen, they don’t care much for the wider public. Until one day Person A accidentally finds themself a part of a scandal after a picture is leaked on the internet. People start claiming Person A is a secret partner that cheats on both B and C so now they risk losing their job/friends etc. Person B and C decide to step in and lie that they are actually in a polygamous marriage with A. Now, all A needs to do is play the part and hopefully not actually fall in love.
Person A, B and C find it hard to meet rent on their own, especially when living with previous bad roommates. They decide to share the same living space for convenience but end up liking the way they all work in unison more smoothly than they thought. Perhaps they can do this long term?…
Person C can tell that A and B are really bad flirts who are oblivious to their love and helps set them up. When they do eventually confess their feelings, it’s now Person C’s turn to be set up for love.
Person B and C are very physical and love to show their affection with touch. Person A much rather prefers the use of words and spending intimate time alone with them doing what they like.
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otplusprompts · 3 days
Imagine your OT3: which one is the awkward third wheel in Halloween costumes
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otplusprompts · 4 days
Can you do one of my OT4 if your still taking? Person A (He/Him) is a huge softie and is a fully transitioned transgender. Person B (He/Him) is a lazy stoner and is always tired. Person C (He/Him) is the dad friend but sorta getting into trouble making. Person D (They/Them) is a chaotic arsonist who has a split personality disorder on which the other side is more feral and charming. Hope that helps :)
- Imagine Person D dragging their partners around to commit arson because that’s love, bitch.
- Imagine Persons A and B being a couple before meeting Persons C and D, who are also a couple. How would they get together?
- Imagine your OT4 carrying out a heist.
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otplusprompts · 5 days
Imagine your OT3 going to an amusement park.
Bonus 1: C is afraid of heights but wants to try out all the rides. Que A and B reassuring them and being amazing partners.
Bonus 2: They all play games to win prizes for the others. They eventually leave with a bunch of huge stuffed animals.
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otplusprompts · 6 days
Imagine your otp/ot3/ot4/etc sitting outside when it’s cold, wearing jackets and cuddling close as they drink hot chocolate (or what ever drink you prefer) and watch the sunrise/sunset.
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otplusprompts · 7 days
Ot3 Prompt #20
Person A is badly sunburnt meaning every move they make hurts and doing simple tasks pain them. Person B and C take turn rubbing aloe vera on them and giving them kisses.
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otplusprompts · 8 days
imagine your polyship in a band together
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otplusprompts · 9 days
can we get some prompts about compersion? i’m just so soft for when person A loves person B and person C so much and ALSO loves how much B and C love each other, and all vice-versa
• Imagine your OT3 proposing to one another. Person A gets down on one knee and B runs off screaming no while C just cries on the spot. Eventually B comes back with two boxes of rings for A and C, telling them they were planning to propose. C just says they bought ring pops for now because they hadn’t found any good rings so far.
• Imagine Person A of your OT3 feeling down, so B and C do everything to help them. While B would rather cuddle their partner and tell them sweet things, C spoils the hell out of A.
• Imagine your OT3 being actors and meeting on set for the first time. They all have liked one another for awhile even before meeting, but nobody is ready to take the first step. Who would be the one to confess their love for the others first?
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otplusprompts · 10 days
prompt #64
A: "I know I ate the last of the ice cream, but can you guys not cuddle each other so much in front of me? You're really making me jealous..."
C, patting the space between themselves and B: "Okay, come on over here, then."
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otplusprompts · 11 days
Idk if self promotion is alright, feel free to not post if not, but I run an ot+ prompt blog where I reblog whatever polyam writing/drawing prompts I can find called otplusprompts
I even got a bunch of posts archived from a deactivated ot3 prompt blog that was popular :0
that sounds sick absolutely drop the link!
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otplusprompts · 11 days
And on top of that last one, triad as a heist crew.
Person A is the brains of the crew, the one behind the mic so to say. They enjoy whispering little comments to their partners. "Ooh honey, you looked so good doing that move!"
Person C has to break A and B out of jail because some how, they got caught. In return, A and B made sure to give them lots of love and affection.
Person B is the one doing all the stealing/killing. They are very good at it, but they are very soft when it comes to their partners.
Cuddling after a very hard task, or any task at all, is important. They all enjoy it. And everyone else in the company they work for doesnt understand it but yk they are the best workers so they can't say shit >:3
Person C is their clean up crew. They get B and C out of their mess if they ever get caught. They get a lot of gifts in return.
(Btw if you like these kinds of prompts I recomend reading "The Barber" on Tapas. It's so good and totally didn help with the prompt making)
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otplusprompts · 12 days
Imagine your OT3/OT4 all have vastly different work schedules, so much so that it can sometimes be a strain on their relationship or time together. This considered, what would they do when they finally all have the day off at the same time? Spend the day in? Go out on a rare date all together? Sleep in and head out late to the movies or a bar?
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otplusprompts · 13 days
Hey hey! Hope you're doing well~ Are you still accepting prompt request? If so, can i request a prompt for my ot4?
A: chaotic pretty man who uses his charm to get away with some weird shit. His skills on acting is so impressive it's actually pretty scary.
B: history nerd who's just trying his best. Is really shy but is the one who talks the most among all of them.
C: an aspiring musician who unironically jams to 'Two Trucks' by Neil Cicierega. She's literally just vibing.
D: a man who everyone assumed is a jock but actually is the smartest and the most logical of them all.
Thank you~
My bio has the status on whether or not I am accepting prompts btw ^^
• Imagine Persons B and D needing to be tutors for A and C because they always make the executive decision to not pay attention in class. Eventually B and D give up because they are too tired and need to cuddle for like 300 years to make up from the brain cells they lost.
• Imagine Person C posting their songs/covers on YouTube (or TikTok idk). A, B, and D are fans, so when Person C eventually becomes more popular and starts making small concerts across the country, their biggest fans are in attendance. They all eventually meet backstage. How would their first meeting go?
• Imagine your OT4 making a YouTube channel to vlog their daily (or weekly) lives.
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otplusprompts · 14 days
Ot3 Prompt #10
Person D: Person A, I have something to tell you. It's really important and you have to believe me. Person A: Ok, whats up? Person D: I think Person B is cheating on you. Person A, trying not to laugh: Why do you think that? Person D: I iust saw them on a date with Person C!! Person A:...Boy do I have some news for you-
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otplusprompts · 15 days
Person A invites their partners to dinner.
They decide on a local restaurant that they've never been to before, that none of them are familiar with.
Person A shows up to pick up their partners dressed in casual clothes, only to find that they are severely underdressed. All other partners are in suits/dresses/nice outfits, and Person A is completely overwhelmed!
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