phoenixphox · 6 years
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keith's beard in action
i know all of us love keith “older clean-shaven or unable to grow facial hair” kogane
have you considered
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phoenixphox · 6 years
i know all of us love keith "older clean-shaven or unable to grow facial hair" kogane
have you considered
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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happy 16th to our favorite space techie from my sis and me!!!
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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@smol-ghosts my sister and i absolutely adore your voltron kitties, and she wanted to show her love for keith and lance. she really wanted you to see them, and she can't wait to look at more of your work!!
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phoenixphox · 6 years
bring it hell yEA H-
okay so it’s pretty much confirmed that we’re getting keith’s reaction to finally seeing his mother in s6, and most responses i’ve seen have been a tearful, happy reunion, and that’s all well and good and i would love it, but,
give me angry keith.
give me keith with tears in his eyes, demanding to know why she left him. give me a keith who’s felt abandoned and alone his entire life, and show me him unleashing all the years of pent up anger on her. show me keith screaming himself out until he collapses into her, a sobbing mess. give me krolia holding him and trying to explain herself, but she can’t find the right words. 
she said it herself - she left him. 
i want to see keith give her hell for it. 
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phoenixphox · 6 years
huh that's cool!! tbh i don't see it bc it's only on one side of his face (whereas galra markings are pretty much symmetrical) but damn, that's something to really interesting think about!!!
have y'all seen the photos on lancey.png’s account on insta?
y'know, these:
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where my son has a giant-ass fucking scar on his face
y'all what if it’s because of a mission complication
or he’s captured by the galra
like,, it honestly makes sense?? to me, that is
the galra would want to capture someone from the blaster of mildew, or they found out about keith’s heritage so they like
run tests on him or some shit like that
idk i’m just theorizing because that new season hyped me up y'all i’m sobbing it was amazing
aNYWAYs idk i’m just pondering aloud ig
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phoenixphox · 6 years
have y'all seen the photos on lancey.png's account on insta?
y'know, these:
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where my son has a giant-ass fucking scar on his face
y'all what if it's because of a mission complication
or he's captured by the galra
like,, it honestly makes sense?? to me, that is
the galra would want to capture someone from the blaster of mildew, or they found out about keith's heritage so they like
run tests on him or some shit like that
idk i'm just theorizing because that new season hyped me up y'all i'm sobbing it was amazing
aNYWAYs idk i'm just pondering aloud ig
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day twelve: galactic lance!!
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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🎶 A happy girl 🎶
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day 11: vld friend ily @cloazi this is the first time i've drawn a squid and it looks pretty good are y'all proud
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day nine: brotp
i love them more than words can describe let them be the buddies they deserve to be
please don’t tag as k//dge thanks
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phoenixphox · 6 years
i’m bored so here’s my contribution of klance headcanons to this fandom
can’t believe i lasted 12 days without typing a single one of these
aNYWAYS onward to the precious:
their relationship is so s o f t,,
they give each other so many kisses it’s great
lips, cheeks, head, hands, nose,, anywhere and everywhere
keith favorite kisses are ones on his temples, and lance likes them on his cheek
every kiss is full of so much love and appreciation,, wow they’re mushy, lovey-dovey dorks
they cuddle a lot, especially after a tough mission where they just need to be with each other
it’s completely silent, too, which makes the moment so peaceful and relaxing for the both of them
when they’re cuddling in their free time, though, they sometimes talk about their days or tell each other how much they love each other
it’s sweet and they’re smiling from ear to ear
lots of pet names
they use sincere ones like: sweetheart, babe, baby, darling, honey, etc.
but they also use joking ones like: sweetie-pie, cutie-patootie, honey-bunny, snuggleluffagus, etc.
for example:
lance: hey cutie-patootie can you help me with this
keith: shut the fuck up
lance: but my wuvwy honey-bunny, can you pretty please come here?
keith: ENOUGH
honestly they say those more than each others’ names
both of them sing to each other, too
keith’s is soft and sweet, and he typically does it when lance is really upset
he’s not the best singer in the world but damn lance doesn’t care he’s comforted either way and he thinks it’s really pretty
lance sings to him like that too, but he also sings obnoxiously and terribly to annoy keith because he’s an ass
no regrets
sorry that was the only spanish song i could remember atm don’t hurt me
but when keith wakes up from a really bad nightmare, he’ll sing the sweetest little lullabies to help calm him down
keith loves it and he’s asleep in minutes again
they also like slow dancing in their room
they mainly do it after a pretty risky mission (once they’re completely rested) because they always want each other to know how much they love each other
but they’re also so scared that they may never be able to do it again, so they want every moment with each other to count
lance will typically put on some quiet music and they just sway in the center of the room together, listening to their heartbeats and melting in each others’ arms
when keith gets really really upset and starts crying, lance holds him in a way where he can’t see his face because he knows he feels uncomfortable when he cries
he also strokes his hair
it’s not often when he cries, either, so when lance sees him cry, he knows it’s really serious, too
when lance cries, keith gives him a really soft hug (all of his hugs are soft but this one is extra) and sings to him as well as pet his hair
lance cries a little more than keith but he still is quick to comfort him
both of them feel really comforted when the other strokes their hair bc it feels nice
they also don’t like it when the other cries because they can’t stand to see each other so upset,, they just want each other to be care-free and happy 24/7
also, when keith gets stressed or angry (or both), he’ll train his ass off without a second thought to get his mind off of everything
lance understands this is the easiest way for him to get everything out, so lets him do his thing without intervening
however, he still stays nearby just in case anything gets too serious
after, lance gets him water and waits for him to shower, then he wraps him in blankets (after tending to any injuries that might need attention) and they lay together for a while
it further clears keith’s mind and he typically ends up falling asleep in lance’s arms
he’s glad lance is there for him, and he’s also trying his best to learn to tell lance things instead of bottling them up and exploding like that
despite them being soft and loving, you gotta remember they’re teenage boys
so they do stupid and impulsive shit because why not
they wrestle and spar in the training room and the person who loses has to be the big spoon that night
it’s fine either way because at least they get to cuddle at the end of the day
they also have food fights
it. does. not. end. well.
they’re both all sticky and covered in goo and shiro low-key high-key scolds them
it’s okay though because they can’t stop laughing wow these dorks are so in love and that was really fun please stop them
they like to have arm wrestling competitions because strength
lance wins a lot of them, (it’s canon that he’s stronger than keith this bitch knows the facts hell yeah) but the ones he loses are because keith distracts him with a kiss or a small flirt
he’s not happy that he list but he’s happy at the same time bc he got a kiss so?? he’s conflicted
they’re always trying to one-up each other, too
lance, holding a spoon: hey i can totally balance this on my nose longer than you
keith, quickly grabbing a spoon: fucking try me, asshat
cue pidge and hunk walking in on lance and keith in the dining area aggressively balancing spoons on their noses and shouting at each other
keith wins
lance ignores him for ten minutes because he’s a sore loser
he could’ve waited longer but wow keith is really pretty so,, again, he’s conflicted
on normal missions, they probably just do stupid shit that ends up getting them in trouble. i.e., the space mall episode, but x10 because it’s the two combined
also don’t forget that they’d so jump in front of each other in the heat of battle to save them from an attack just so they wouldn’t be in pain or die
just sayin’
anyways this was super long, sorry. if you guys really like it, i’ll probably do one about their relationship when keith in the blossom of macbeth
also, please, please, please add on!! i’d love to see your hcs!
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day nine: otp
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day eight: crossover AU
coran as the 10th doctor from doctor who
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day seven: any au
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day six: streetwear
i so imagine shiro having this big-ass tat on his arm
also no metal arm for him in this drawing. his white puff is dyed and the scar is from a childhood injury.
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phoenixphox · 6 years
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day five: genderbend
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