queen-gorgo · 1 day
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queen-gorgo · 5 days
When a meme is representing the "bad/wrong" opinion with an image of a drooling person with a dented head, especially contrasted to white people with blonde hair and blue eyes, maybe it's time to reconsider posting or reblogging it. Just a thought.
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queen-gorgo · 6 days
In light of the current crisis in Gaza, we encourage you to support organisations providing aid to Palestinians both in Gaza, and seeking refuge abroad.
As Australians, we’d like to highlight Palestine Australia Relief and Action, which provides support for Palestinian migrants and refugees in Australia through advocacy, financial and material aid, and community engagement.
We’d also like to highlight the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, which has been operating since 1991, and continues to provide free medical care and humanitarian aid to children in Palestine.
Even if you can only spare $2, your donation will contribute to improving the lives of Palestinians.
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queen-gorgo · 7 days
Making a new post to condense info: I am a trans woman living in the South, and I'm lucky enough to have gotten in at an informed consent clinic, but I keep losing work and being unable to find new jobs. So I'm asking for donations to pay for my quarterly blood work to keep on HRT and to cover my new patient fee and other bloodwork required by the new personal care physician I'm required to have to keep accessing HRT through a nurse practitioner which my insurance is refusing to cover because the state kicked me off medicaid for being unable to prove my future income as a freelance writer but they didn't file the paperwork and it's taking MONTHS to get this sorted out. (Sorry that was one sentence but it's an irl clusterfuck too)
If you have a buck or two to spare, it would be much appreciated: I don't want to start HRT just to be forced off of it by poverty.
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queen-gorgo · 7 days
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queen-gorgo · 7 days
Another day with no water dropping :/
Apparently today the whole municipality is without water.
What are we going to do?
Maybe the nearby Coca cola factories and similar could stop production? Water is a basic need au contraire of soda.
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queen-gorgo · 7 days
Some quick tips to spotting accounts that are pretending to be a Palestinian needing mutual aid. Please keep in mind that not all of them are scam accounts, and that some may legitimate blogs who just aren’t too knowledgeable on how tumblr works. This guide is based around what I go by when checking certain blogs and usually it’s a quick giveaway the blog is a scam.
1. You was sent the ask as someone who regularly shares Palestine related content such as regular news updates of posts by other Palestinians who are regularly giving updates. You may also get these asks from sharing a popular post that is from the Palestine tag. If you post often about Palestine, you will always start getting these asks. These askers don’t care if you state don’t send the asks. They will anyway. Unfortunately minors also get sent asks.
2. The ask has odd formatting such as having odd quotation marks in it or unusual formatting that may indicate it’s been edited and copied from somewhere else. Often the ask is the same thing as the post itself minus a link to a donation site. These asks rarely change so searching it should pull up if it’s been sent to other bloggers.
3. The account is almost always a few days old or a week old or long depending on how often they have sent asks.
4. The blog has a few Palestine related posts or posts from random tags reblogged to pad out length and then no more. They will have no original posts besides the pinned post while occasionally answering asks that they may have received but otherwise nothing else and no further updates given either.
5. They may have a Linktree link that is called “GoFundMe” as if indicating they have a GoFundMe there. However, they don’t. When clicked on, the Linktree actually goes to a PayPal account whose name may not even match the one their supposed name is. They’ll say it’s a friend, but it’s just the same person not someone else. You’ll see this same name across multiple accounts after a while usually giving away it’s not legitimate even under a different theme.
6. The text used by the blogs are often real stories stolen from legitimate fundraisers and searching parts of it in your preferred search engine should pull up the sources. These sources make no mention of a tumblr account either or don’t have the PayPal account associated with them in the info. Scammers often impersonate a real person in need and will ignore you if you show them the source they copied from.
7. Legitimate Palestinians often link to their own GoFundMe posts that their friends have set up or post links to other social platforms they are found on. They will regularly post updates when possible, post sources to support them when necessary, and also generally have some method of verifying their legitimacy. They may often share links to support others as well or give links to charities that have been shown as reliable. They will have more original posts than just a single pinned one and regularly speak to other tumblr accounts beyond just an ask. Please don’t bother them with asks about possible scam accounts. There are many guides out there that can do that for you if you search.
8. Scammers don’t know anything about Palestine and will often have trouble once you ask them anything beyond the mutual aid post. They don’t know the languages decently and you can tell it pretty easily if you’re one who uses it regularly. Whatever the scammers use is often just copied off the site they got the post from.
9. These scammers can and will use names stolen off real Palestinians to look more legitimate and trustworthy. They change names constantly once one of their PayPal accounts is shut down.
Please don’t let these scams deter you from sending support where it needs to go. Even if you can’t donate personally, there are other ways to help. If you are sending money, please make sure that it’s going to where it’s needed and the place it’s sent has been verified accordingly. If you find a blog is a scammer, and have been able to prove it, please make sure to alert anyone sharing the post and report the account.
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
Hi I'm an unemployed autistic trans woman and I need help making rent this week. I'm asking for $465 total, anything else I get will go towards life needs and paying off debt. Plz boost and help out if you can! 💜💜💜
Vnmo: demonic_donna
Cshpp: demonicdonna
Pypl: demonicdonna
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
WHY are some parents like “ooo we hate each other but we’re staying together for the kids” no no NO you’re fucking fighting and screaming at each other every day you’re traumatizing that fucking kid and making it worse
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
Making a new post to condense info: I am a trans woman living in the South, and I'm lucky enough to have gotten in at an informed consent clinic, but I keep losing work and being unable to find new jobs. So I'm asking for donations to pay for my quarterly blood work to keep on HRT and to cover my new patient fee and other bloodwork required by the new personal care physician I'm required to have to keep accessing HRT through a nurse practitioner which my insurance is refusing to cover because the state kicked me off medicaid for being unable to prove my future income as a freelance writer but they didn't file the paperwork and it's taking MONTHS to get this sorted out. (Sorry that was one sentence but it's an irl clusterfuck too)
If you have a buck or two to spare, it would be much appreciated: I don't want to start HRT just to be forced off of it by poverty.
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queen-gorgo · 8 days
At this point I don't really care. Saying transandrophobia doesn't exist is the same thing as saying transmascs don't face oppression. Yes this includes saying it's "just" transphobia because you're denying entire intersections of oppression that we face in tandem with transphobia. Yes this includes "well transmascs do face oppression but you need to call it something else because I said so" I don't care what bullshit excuse you come up with to justify that. Transmasc voices come first when discussing our own oppression, period.
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queen-gorgo · 12 days
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queen-gorgo · 15 days
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all their history reduced to nothing bc xbox decided that all their resources should go to the 36228th call of duty and a new fallout sequel bc now there is a show on and they need the hype to sell more. the future looks terrible. Thanks for nothing.
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queen-gorgo · 16 days
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Reblog if you stand against order, civilization, and goodness itself
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queen-gorgo · 16 days
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