red-fox234 · 4 months
I’m so sorry but in the nicest way possible do yall actually read books or just read words??? Cause I’ve been seeing that trend of people not understanding how “snarled” and “eyes darkened” and “eyes softened” etc. was used in a book and like…
Genuinely, do yall just not have imagination?? Or not understand figurative language??? Also eyes do literally darken and soften have you not lived a life??? How do you read with no imagination? Is this how you get through so many books in one month - you simply don’t take the time the understand the words as they are read?
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red-fox234 · 6 months
I keep seeing fics that have been ai generated and I get so damn mad every single time, you didn’t make this, you can’t be proud of it, any kudos you get aren’t your own. You created a prompt, that was it. That’s all you have to show for your creativity, a prompt. I will take a poorly written fic with bad spelling, grammar, constant mistakes and inconsistencies over anything generated by a computer. At least that poorly written fic is their own work, something to be proud of. Something you did. The death of creativity is here and now, and it starts with this. These same people will then turn around and complain that big company films like Disney are awful now. I wonder why?? Maybe because you told them you don’t mind AI work with stuff like this?
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red-fox234 · 7 months
I'm glad that more people are getting annoyed by this and it isn't just me. I have never understood why some people are so damn against descriptive imagery. It's the same thing with 'their eyes darkened' or any of its variations. We know it's not literal, it's not meant to be literal. It's supposed to mark an obvious shift in tone or emotions without directly saying, 'they look angry'
Everyone preaches 'show don't tell' but will endlessly mock all attempts to actually show things without telling. Anything that is supposed to be subtle gets completely missed because no one is paying attention to that anymore in favour of being extremely literal. These memes and one off jokes are invading writing spaces and now people are starting to take them seriously, the same way everyone made the 'the curtain is just blue' memes a few years ago to the point where now it's considered almost a waste of time to look at the nuances and smaller background details that get missed because it's not in your face.
And we wonder why media literacy has gone down the drain recently. It's a reaction to all the recent pushback against these smaller details because people don't like sitting through their English lessons and want to complain about it. I get wanting to complain about school, I did the same thing, I was one of the people making 'the curtain is just blue' jokes and I do think that English lessons do oversell the idea, but those analytical lessons are important. Especially now in the age of the internet where basically all human interaction is done through some form of media.
You don't need to analyse every tiny detail, just enough that you understand exactly what is being said and why. Despite what you might want to think the small details do matter and they can change how you think without you ever realising it if you're not paying attention.
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
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red-fox234 · 7 months
Little bit about me
So, here's my intro post, been lurking for a while but finally decided to actually make a post so here's some information.
My pronouns are she/her, I am an aroace, autistic writer, with a special interest in stories. I like to write, read and analyse stories of any and all kinds, books, tv shows, cartoons, films, stage plays, mythology. Any and all, nothing is off limits.
As a result I am in several fandoms and have a lot of random almost disorganised thoughts but this is my blog so I suppose it's fitting that It's as disorganised as I am. So don't be surprised if I swing back and forth between fandom based posts and writer brain posts. Would depend on my mood.
I am on AO3 but I currently have no posts so no need for a plug, but I am looking to post on there soon depending how quickly I can get through my current WIP. That intro may come soon it may not, I don't exactly have a plan.
If you want to ask me anything go ahead, I'll answer what I can and I'm open to any advice anyone wants to give me. Just be polite and respectful and we'll have no issues.
So I'm not great at actually using Tumblr as a poster yet, so you guys can have fun watching me figure this out.
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