rosekushina · 6 days
you’ve heard of thor, protector of lesbians, so here i bring you:
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rosekushina · 2 months
Wonder how they feel about the loveable Chinese man (Ironwood) being turned into an irredeemable dictator with his elite POC group (the Ace Ops) while the other Asian character (Ren) is the character that agrees with him most? 😭
I've seen the "100 reasons to watch rvvby" list and im baffled. What did I just read.
I'm actually angry because there are some entries on this list that are straight up wrong and fucking ignorant. The list is not just stupid, but it also is straight up wrong about the POC and queer representation of rvvby in many ways. It's kinda vile how ignorant it is in a way...
I am actually angry. I can't even laugh at this shit. Whoever wrote this can fuck off.
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rosekushina · 5 months
Check out the 2023 update of my Volume 8 rewrite!!
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rosekushina · 6 months
Hey everyone!! Please check out this podcast video my friend and I made together ! We had such a fun time discussing the pros and cons of the show in a civilized manner. Our goal with this podcast was to help bridge the gap between fans and critics of the show, and hey howdy hey, we found out we have a lot of the same points!
If you do view it, please please please leave a KIND comment; my friend is totally awesome and his channel deserves more love! ❤️
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rosekushina · 10 months
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Girls night, pizza and translation~♡
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rosekushina · 10 months
So the original epilogue for volume 9 was released today and it has me raging like nothing else.
We hear Winter comment that she “stayed with Ironwood for too long” as if everyone didn’t spend most of volume 7 agreeing with his plans. As if he didn’t turn evil for two in universe days before dying, as if that turn made sense in the first place. No one mourns what happened to him, no one cares that he turned. They’re just tsking they didn’t realize that the pure perfect mains.
Their is also more FG bullshit with Qrow wearing Clovers broach and fondly remembering him despite volume 8 telling us he was a bad guy but now he’s not?? Cuz someone needed to magically cure Qrows depression and RT decided that some more queerbaiting would be perfect for that.
Also Ruby’s “messages” being this super powerful thing that brings the world together and makes people build monuments in their honor when everyone who is pissed off about the situation is their because of team RW//BY. But the show sure as hell isn’t going to actually comment on how monumentally they fucked up, it’s only going to act like they’re the only ones who wanted to tell the world the truth and they’re the only ones who could do it. A bunch of kids no one really knows or has any reason to believe. If the mains where more well known as the ones who saved Haven and in Atlas and Mantle shown to be heroes who helped people Ruby’s message reaching people may have worked but… no one knows who she is, her sending a message terrifyingly similar to the one before Beacon fell shouldn’t be this rallying message that United the world it would realistically make people scared and panicked.
This whole epilogue is a load of garbage and I know I’m going to loath volume 10 if it even happens (doubtful) and if it follows close to what this epilogue set up.
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rosekushina · 10 months
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Part two to this team. Aka team horribly written and or wronged by the writers
[ click for better quality ]
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rosekushina · 10 months
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I’m just I’m so tired. Arryn keep your hands off of James you clearly do not understand his character nor do you give a shit about ptsd or mental illness’s. He’s never had any fascist tendencies much less starting from a volume he wasn’t even in. He doesn’t shut down criticism of him, the man that was arrested at the beginning of volume 7 was arrested for throwing a brick at a military ship and he was released the same night.
Fans should be concerned about CRWBY’s fundamental lack of understanding of these characters but instead they’re eating this shit up.
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rosekushina · 1 year
Guess you girls are "cowards" when you fought Cinder in the V8 finale 🥰🥰🥰
EDIT: "LeT's 5 V 1 IrOnWoOd"
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girl u went to school with pyrrha nikos who did this in her first year of school
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its literally a amateur training routine done apparently on the regular why are u worried
and we know previous penny was on par with pyrrha at least and shes been upgraded in both hardware but also shes a maiden. its not a problem just focus on failing on getting through the door
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rosekushina · 1 year
Was Ironwood alive during/after the Great War?? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that like 100 years ago?
Because I remember in the first episode of Volume 7 Maria said Atlas was raised in the clouds after they LOST the Great War as a "symbol". They needed something to "look up at/to".
My guess, is it was the previous headmaster, or even OZ, who rose Atlas. Head-canon, but I refuse to believe Ironwood actually knew the password to the Staff because he would have 100% used it at the end of V7 to save everyone.
Either that, or the writers didn't know how the Staff worked until V8, which is completely possible.
And let's not forget that Gravity Dust IS ACTUALLY KEEPING ATLAS FLOATING partially, another glorious retcon, so team RWBY could have time to evacuate everyone in V8 after using the Staff. Another reason why Ironwood didn't use the staff at the end of V7: it was heavily implied Atlas would fall INSTANTLY if someone used the Staff for another purpose, because it can only be used for "one purpose at a time".
So much for stakes 💀
Which ALSO begs the question: did previous headmasters know about the Relics?? Who did Oz trust in the past? And what the HECK is this "Great War" we know so little about?
I feel like someone on Atlas should have noticed that the gravity dust devices that supposedly keep the city afloat, you know, aren't actually doing that. Like, scientists and the engineers maintaining the machines would notice that they aren't powerful enough to lift the entire city. There's no way Ironwood, and only very recently Winter and Penny, could possibly maintain this conspiracy by themselves.
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rosekushina · 1 year
Holy shit these anti-RWDE anons just keep getting dumber. "Crying over a white man not being the focus" um, Jaune??? Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jaune who takes way too much screentime from the very girls the show is named after. You guys hate Jaune because he gets way too much focus wtf is this absolute dipshit on about. istg being a RWBY stan melts people's brains or something.
I guess "RWDE blog crying over a white man getting way too much focus in what's supposed to be a girl power show" just didn't sound faux-progressive enough to them, but they felt the irresistible urge to puke something into your inbox, no matter how fake that something ended up being. You really do live in their heads rent-free.
It's also just something they copy and paste into RWDE inboxes because they actually have nothing to say, so use faux progressive language to make themselves feel superior.
Nevermind that most of the people they do this too are POC, women, queer or all of the above. They don't actually care about these people, because then they wouldn't be harrassing them over a bunch of pixels.
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rosekushina · 1 year
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Still living with the fact that this very important development as to why Ren was loyal to Ironwood was never addressed in the show.
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rosekushina · 1 year
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based feminist sailor moon
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rosekushina · 1 year
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This is one of the reasons why Ruby is not a good hero.
There's been plenty of heroes out there that have displayed flaws that we don't like, but we still love them. There are some heroes that have embraced their flaws.
And then there's this. Ruby came back from the other realm and now she's become flawless and the CC is so "wrong." Since the CC is a villain, of course he's wrong in RWBY's world, because the heroes are always right and Ruby isn't flawed one bit.
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rosekushina · 1 year
You know what's really funny?
Anti-rwde posters
coming to rwde posters that are women
who are criticizing Rwby
which is created by and heavily written for by men, some with a history of misogyny,
and being like "you can't stand that women say anything against men, can you?"
Like ???? Bro, can you stand that women say anything against men?
Me being like "I think Ironwood's fall to villainy arc was really badly done and I wish it was different" isn't saying "I think Team RWBY and co shouldn't have ever been against anything Ironwood does and should've been one hundred percent in the wrong and just should've shut up and stayed in the background while Ironwood became the lead."
However, going to my ask box and trying to bully me into shutting up because I'm just being oh so unfair to Miles uwu Luna and his poor well intentioned self-insert attention hog of a character is in fact trying to get women to stop criticizing men. Funny how that works lol.
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rosekushina · 1 year
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Guess who had never drawn a mermaid before and never will again ✌️
Here’s my contribution to the Ever Artists’ RWBY MerMay collab!
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rosekushina · 1 year
What everyone thoughts on episode 7 of vol 9?
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