sapphicconservative · 8 months
Is there another account of yours you're more active on and willing to share? I feel like I never see you in my feed anymore and missed your takes :)
Aww that's sweet you've thought of me! :)
Truthfully, I've taken long pauses from Tumblr in general. Busy with work and life, and trying to focus on myself. I don't have a lot of time to keep up with a lot of current events like I had in the past. I don't think it's best to form strong opinions on matters and debate them if I'm not well informed as it is.
I do have a book blog for my bookish thoughts and aesthetic posting, though. It's a bit slow, but definitely far more active than this blog. For obvious reasons, I'm keeping it under wraps. I don't mind handing it out directly to certain folks, though!
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If I "have to" be okay with harassment of others because they're "bad people" so I can be considered a "good person", then I don't want to be good. Hope this helps.
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how do my parents have the kitten version of your cats 😭😭😭
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I love them so much you have no idea 😭
I am SO jealous your parents kitties can curl up together like that! The pic I shared of my two girls close by is a very rare occurrence. They absolutely do not click despite being mom and daughter. They respect one another's space, but they don't like to interact and be cute with each other like these two 🥺🥺
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You're a metal fan? 👀👀👀 What kind of bands do you like?
Have you ever had moments where you surprise others irl when you tell them you're into heavier music? I know I have - it's pretty fun to see their reactions, since apparently I look extremely innocent lmao
Yeah, it really surprises people because I'm very sweet and quiet at work. But on the rare occasion I come in on my off days and am in full black make up, wearing old emo band t-shirts & boots, and always buy the available rock or metal CDs leftover (I work at a popular thrift store). The manager checking me out usually asks which concert I'm seeing today (I'm not).
It's not that I TRY to keep it a secret, but nobody expects it and it never comes up during work. But it happens all the time when people meet me during work and then see me outside of work.
For artists... It bounces all over the place, and I tend to prefer "metalcore" as it's very reminiscent to the emo music I grew up with. I've Nine Kills, Motionless in White, In This Moment. Electric Callboy, Rammstein, I Prevail. Slipknot, Five Finger Death Punch, Babymetal. I could go on and on, and I'll likely look back at this list and think "damn, I forgot X how could I."
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Poll because I'm curious:
I ask for the "roots" because of this idea that in some "cultures" families are very big, and in other "cultures" they tend to be small, and I want to know to what degree this applies to cousins 😄
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If you ever are self-publishing or illustrating a paperback, an absolutely essential tool is this page, which gives you the exact pixel count of a book spine based on its page count, and/or a template you can use for the correct width/height ratio.
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Today’s Sunday.
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It's great, everywhere people are making excuses why they should be mean to people, every day I hear a new reason that advocates to be evil to this particular group, but don't worry, this time, for realsies tho, they definitely deserve it :)))))
People wonder why they're so miserable, well frankly, I don't see them adding much joy to the world when they're just searching for the next acceptable target to vilify idfk
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also put where you’re from (not the exact town, just the region or whatever) !!
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You know what, fuck people who force writers to reveal their trauma in order to justify the stories they write. No consumer is owed an explanation for the content a creator creates, and no creator should feel obligated to draw from or admit to pain that may or may not be in their life in order to craft a work of fiction.
“I had an idea for a story” is all the justification you need to write one, and all anyone needs to let it be. 
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instagram | pepperharrow_
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It's just very important to me that you know prairie-style gardens exist.
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Ok. Thank you. Carry on.
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@timetravelingshark I feel compelled to share some of my favorite pics of Jill. She's also very dramatic and will stick her head through any bag handle so I'll have to "rescue" her and give her attention.
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How are your cats?
My cats have learned a new sentence and they don't like it. Every night I go into the living room and strongly say "bedtime, go." And every time they lower down to the ground and hiss. But they still move on into the bedroom after a bit of poking.
So I tried a new method of just going through my normal routine of going to bed and rounding them up quietly. They figured it out by the 3rd night. Jill now hides under a table when I get up to turn lights off.
It's not that they don't like being in my bedroom, they actually will take their sweet time leaving my room in the morning! They're just little shits who hate being forced to do something.
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