They are back and so am I
I am back and so are they, this happend on 8/11/23. I dreamed into a forest, a beautiful forest that looked like a mystical forest. I walked and walked until I heard something, that something was the sounds of whistling, they were whistling a song.
The thing, they spoke in song, I never seen them before. I didn't get a good glimpse of their face, but they spoke in riddle and poems
"You must,
They will know and they,
When they find out,
They rule and rule."
They said, then brushed passed me like I wasn't there, they were cold in both the demeanor and physical sense. I look up and saw the moon like it did at my school when I got out of it after club.
When I looked up, I fell back, feeling like I was flying more and more then I woke up, and saw my popcorn ceiling and the sound of my alarm.
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New to this but this has been bugging me
I had this lucid dream on the 19th but never told anyone.
Ive seen this thing in my dreams multiple times, his name is Rawheaded, this time he told me to help him, I needed to he was technically a hunted animal.
He thanked me after I took out the arrow in his knee and gave him a bandaid. He thanked me and told me to wake up, I laid back down where I standed. I closed my eyes and I felt his dry, pointed teeth kiss my forehead. I woke up at 04:27 (4 am) and I heard his voice still in the back of my head even today.
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