seanhuze · 4 years
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RUFKM!? I was not promoting violence nor was I harassing Donald Trump for any of the reasons listed in Twitter’s Hateful Conduct policy. I wasn’t even harassing him really. I was just calling him out on his bullshit.
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seanhuze · 6 years
THE BOONDOCKS - "YOU SPEAK SO WELL" from Elmo Tillar on Vimeo.
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seanhuze · 6 years
Trump warns of violence... VIOLENCE... if Democrats win the House in midterms 🙄
In Trump's "private" comments to Evangelicals yesterday, that were of course recorded and released to the media, he warns of violence against them if Democrats prevail in the midterms. This is of course total bullshit. People usually [always] celebrate after a victory, not form murderous lynch mobs. The real repercussions of Democrats taking the House is that they will control the committees and Congressional subpoena power. Basically Trump loses his flunkies like Devin Nunes who actively interfere with the DOJ's investigations into his criminal activities with their "investigate the investigators" crap. This isn't the first time Trump has warned his supporters that Democrats want to literally purge them either. It's dangerous rhetoric intended to incite his base into violently defending him against their own family, friends, and neighbors when and if he's impeached or loses in 2020 (whichever comes first) and subsequently indicted, tried, convicted, and imprisoned unless his little maggot minion Pence pardons him first.
Brilliant strategy considering it worked out so well the last time for the rural folks who committed treason and went to war against the industrial population centers of America. 🙄 And that's when those populations were universally behind their cause (the white man's God-given right to own black men & women to toil in their fields and rape at for their pleasure), excluding the ⅓ who were slaves of course. Today the people in the Southeast aren't nearly as united as they were in 1860. While White Southerners, particularly older men who didn't attend college, are overwhelmingly behind Trump, his support among minorities is laughable, ahead by a slim margin with white women overall, but trails among college educated white women, and only has 60% of white men overall (interesting correlation between education and a lack of support, huh? Almost like those who aren't ignorant know he's full of shit or something). Surely Trump realizes this, so keep that in mind the next time he pretends to care about his base. He would lead them like lambs to slaughter if necessary to cover his own ass.
"This November 6 election is very much a referendum on not only me, it's a referendum on your religion, it's a referendum on free speech and the First Amendment. It's a referendum on so much. It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. VIOLENTLY! THERE IS VIOLENCE. When you look at Antifa -- these are violent people. You have tremendous power. You were saying, in this room, you have people who preach to almost 200 million people. Depending on which Sunday we're talking about."
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seanhuze · 6 years
I already miss John McCain (August 29, 1936 - August 25, 2018)
There will never be another one like him. He was one of those rare politicians who not only proved worthy of the high standards Americans historically expected from those who we entrusted with great power, he exceeded them. As a liberal Democrat, I rarely agreed with Senator McCain’s domestic policy positions, but there wasn’t a politician from either party whom I respected more than him. I mourn his passing, but I also feel so much gratitude for the privilege of being around for a few of the many decades of service he gave our nation. We are a better country for it and his life provides an example that future politicians should emulate. They will likely fall short of the high bar set by John McCain, but they will still tower over those who take the low road.
I keep thinking about how John McCain always referred to us as, “My friends,” when he addressed the public. Uttered by any other politician, it would come across as hokey at best, but it rang true when he said it because he meant it. He genuinely considered us his friends instead of strangers who just happened to be citizens of the same country as him. Maybe that’s why he never regretted his sacrifices or became bitter because he endured 5 1/2 years of torture as a POW in Vietnam while other men his age with his connections used them to avoid service altogether. Not only wouldn’t he wish what he suffered on any of us, he would’ve endured it again to spare any of us that pain... because he felt we were deserving of his friendship.
John McCain spent his life in service to this country and his 330 million friends. He did so right up until the moment he drew his last breath 2 hours ago. I hope we prove worthy of his sacrifices and unwavering faith in us. After all, it’s the least we could do for our friend.
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seanhuze · 7 years
“You’re Not Going To Heaven”
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seanhuze · 7 years
British Parliament Attack
10:52 AM (CST) Something bad happened/is happening outside of Parliament in London. Prime Minister moved to secret location. Several blocks around Parliament have been cleared by polic and remain blocked off/locked down. Shots fired. Multiple attackers. Police shot at least one assailant. At least a half dozen people injured/wounded. A vehicle rammed the iron gate surrounding Parliament. That's all I know right now.
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seanhuze · 7 years
Se7en - Do you know youre insane? from Sandstorm Productions, Inc. on Vimeo.
“I’ve been trying to figure something in my head and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane? Maybe you’re just sitting around, reading Guns & Ammo, masturbating in your own feces… Do you just stop and go, ‘WOW! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!’ Yeah? Do you guys do that?”
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seanhuze · 7 years
Se7en - Do you know youre insane? from Sandstorm Productions, Inc. on Vimeo.
“I’ve been trying to figure something in my head and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane? Maybe you’re just sitting around, reading Guns & Ammo, masturbating in your own feces… Do you just stop and go, ‘WOW! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!’ Yeah? Do you guys do that?”
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seanhuze · 7 years
Listening to Know Your Enemy by Rage Against the Machine
"What⁉️The land of the free❓Whoever taught you that is your enemy‼️" 🖕🏽#donaldtrump 🖕🏽 #putinspuppet 🖕🏽 #resistance #resist #rage 🇺🇸 with The Flying Spaghetti Monster at Trapped near the Inner Circle of Thought – Preview it on Path.
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seanhuze · 7 years
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Donald Trump to 89 year-old Charlie Brotman, the announcer for every presidential inauguration, without exception, since the 1957 inauguration of Dwight D. Eisenhower, "YOU'RE FIRED!" http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-dumps-long-time-announcer-presidential-inaugurations-article-1.2940068
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seanhuze · 7 years
"If people are afraid to say what they think based on fear of reprisal … that’s not free speech," says Congressman Mark Sanford (Republican - SC) to Politico in article discussing the wrath GOP politicians face from the denizens of the "Basket of Deplorables" for even the slightest criticism of Tiny Hands Trump.
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seanhuze · 7 years
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#daddyslittlegirl rockin my @dodgers cap in front of our #christmastree tonight. 2 cute! #daddysprincess #fatherdaughter #fatherhoodrocks #dodgers4life #dodgersfan
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seanhuze · 8 years
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How to Report Under Authoritarianism — TIME When I first started reporting in Egypt in 2012, in the wake of the Arab Spring, the story there was about elections and protests.
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seanhuze · 8 years
Peter Thiel, a billionaire who advocates economic Darwinism and says shit like this, "I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible," is part of US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. 😐
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seanhuze · 8 years
It's finally here! US Election Day 2016 Predictions
It’s finally here! US Election Day 2016 Predictions
Before any polls close and I open myself up to accusations of writing a rigged prediction post 🙄, here is how I think it will turn out after the votes are counted: US PRESIDENT Winner: Hillary Clinton with 323 Electoral Votes and 49% of the popular vote Loser: Donald Trump with 215 Electoral Votes and 45% of the popular vote Loser: Gary Johnson with 0 Electoral Votes and 4% of the popular vote…
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seanhuze · 8 years
Listening to Mosh by Eminem
Vote – Preview it on Path.
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seanhuze · 8 years
Embattled FBI Director James Comey wrote another letter today as a follow up on his now infamous October 28th letter to select Republican members of Congress informing them that after extensive review of the recently discovered emails on a computer from an unrelated case (Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner’s sexting a 15 year old girl) there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and therefore…
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