shut-in-demon · 4 years
Guda, jokingly: Hey, Astolfo, could you go to the moon and bring my lost potential back?
Astolfo, confused: But master, you can't lose something that has yet to be fully reached.
Guda, choking back tears: Oh, okay then.
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shut-in-demon · 4 years
I know no Shaw, only Lynx
MLQC: Here is Gavin's brother, his name is Shaw.
Me *scrunching nose*: No, it's not.
MLQC: ???
Me: He's Lynx.
MLQC: Wha- that was a mistranslation.
Me: He's Lynx.
Me: His. name. is. Lynx.
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shut-in-demon · 4 years
Know your myths
Gavin: I am your Jupiter.
MC, familiar with the Greek God counterparts of the planets: How 'bout you be my Pluto instead.
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shut-in-demon · 4 years
MC back again with the shenanigans
*MC returning late at night*
The Boys: Hello, MC. Where have you been?
MC: Nowhere.
Gavin: Getting into more trouble?
MC: No, Gavin.
Kiro: Looking for secret information?
MC: No, Kiro.
Lucien: Are you lying?
MC: No, Lucien.
Victor: Then show us what you have behind your back.
MC, averting eyes and hiding a pile of documents labeled 'CLASSIFIED': ...he he he
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