sparkly-pastel-pig · 4 months
oversharing online is so important cus like what if someone needed to know that
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 4 months
shout out to the artists who's "art studio" is just their ugly ass cluttered bedrooms. those aesthetic art studios in instagram with hundreds of perfectly organized copic markers are not real it can't hurt you
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 5 months
why “Can You Spare a Dime?” is best Spongebob episode
When the goofy, care-free character gets serious/angry>>>>
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 5 months
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 5 months
That fuckin smile at the end
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 5 months
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big fan of when emotions are converted into magic
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 5 months
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Which one of you cosplayers left this at the local City Thrift
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 6 months
I love how Phoenix Wright has a ':D' face but his inner monologue is like "why won't everyone stfu. I hate this plant. when will this nightmare end", and Miles Edgeworth has a '>:[' face but his inner monologue is like "this is such a nice furniture. I should offer some help to this unfortunate person. ants are amasing and nature is full of wonders".
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 6 months
phoenix wright is the type to sigh by audibly saying "sigh"
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
me: you can’t make sweeping generalizations about someone and their likes/dislikes based on their gender because generalizations about people are always going to be false by their very nature of being a generalization!
me but I’m reading this post: …no no she has a very valid point actually
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that’s just science
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
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A little experiment I’ve been working on - some Victorian street lamp inspired earrings that actually light up 💡
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
The ADHD urge to not
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
Translation from Gyakuten Saiban Fan Book
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What sort of person is Miles Edgeworth?!
Phoenix's best friend and rival, Edgeworth, has gained a reputation among fans throughout the trilogy of being a man who carefully hides the chinks in his armor. Mr. Inaba and Mr. Iwamoto seem to have rather different opinions on the finer points of his character.
Mr. Inaba's comments
Interviewer: What blood type do you think Edgeworth is? (T/N: in Japan, it's believed that blood type reflects a person's personality)
Inaba: I happen to think he's type B.
Iv: What gives you that impression?
Ia: It's not so much that I dislike B types as I find them intimidating. They seem strong and I feel like I can't stand up to them.  I think good-natured people can generally be found in the O type category (lol).
Iv: By the way, what type are you, Mr. Inaba?
Ia: I'm a meticulous, cleanliness-loving A type Virgo. Also, I think Franziska is an A type like me. On the outside, we look like punks, but we have a fragile side that comes out looking a bit crybaby-ish sometimes. Kinda cute, don't you think?
Iv: Actually, most players seem to feel that Edgeworth is an A type Virgo (lol). So how about his birthday?
Ia: In the winter. I feel like winter suits him.
Iv: What sort of place do you think he lives in?
Ia: Definitely not in an official residence. He seems like he's probably swimming in old heirlooms (lol).
Iv: What sort of hobbies or luxury foods do you think he enjoys?
Ia: I feel like he probably plays some expensive sports and lounges at home in his robe with a glass of wine. My image of him is that he's like a host club host. His lifestyle is like a host's (lol).
Iv: Do you think he listens to music? 
Ia: I feel like if I say he listens to classical, that would make him seem too proper, so… I think he listens to new and old American and European music equally.
Iv: Do you think he has a cellphone?
Ia: He's definitely got one. One with a simple but sleek design.
Iv: And finally, what do you think his type is?
Ia: Hmmm… someone warm, I guess? This is kinda basic, but I feel like he cares more about how someone is on the inside, rather than their appearance, and he probably prioritizes personality. He might be surprisingly disinterested in women. Maybe he'd accidentally treat his partner coldly or something. Oh, I kinda touched on this earlier, but for Franziska, I think she seems like the type who'd be difficult to win over but would fall in love surprisingly easily, so I hope Edgeworth will do his best (lol).
Mr. Iwamoto's comments
Iv: Mr. Inaba said he thinks Edgeworth was born in the winter, and players overwhelmingly agreed with that. What do you think, Iwamoto-san?
Iwamoto: Edgeworth was born in June, just like me who voiced him in the games! And I think he was born in Chiba Prefecture because I was too (lol).
Iv: So from your position as the voice of Edgeworth (lol), what type of place do you think he lives in?
Iw: Either a designer penthouse, or somewhere surprisingly simple, like a place with plain concrete walls. I feel like he lives in an unexpectedly functional apartment. At least more than you might think, based on his frilly outfit.
Iv: So considering the type of room you imagine him living in, what sort of clothes do you think he wears at home?
Iw: Clothes that are out of touch with reality. Like the kinds of things most normal people wouldn't wear, or like… Like he wears silk just because, or instead of a regular shirt, a prince-like blouse. I feel like Manfred Von Karma probably influenced him there, but he dresses more plainly now than he did when he was younger (lol).
Iv: Maybe he started to notice that he didn't quite fit in with others (lol). It might be because of his frilly clothes, but he seems to be in better shape than Wright. Is his build based on your own, Iwamoto-san?
Iw: No way (lol). But I did sneakily make him the same height as myself.
Iv: Since he's in such good shape, do you think he does sports?
Iw: Maybe long distance running. He seems like the type who might go out jogging by himself in silence to "outrun his sins…" (lol)
Iv: What do you think his blood type is?
Iw: B type. I don't really have any real basis for that, he just strikes me as a B type.
Iv: And what do you think Edgeworth's type is? 
Iw: Let's see, maybe someone enthusiastic and passionate? (Lol) Like maybe he likes the kind of person who charges recklessly into things? And that's not just for women but in general the type of person he likes.
Phoenix version
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
reading fanfic before bed is just me never growing out of the need for a bedtime story
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
Now I haven’t played Apollo Justice but from what I gather Apollo is very iconic because an international celebrity rockstar basically threw himself at his feet like “I am head over heels for you, wanna date????” and Apollo (rightfully) went “This is a murder trial????”
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
Now I haven’t played Apollo Justice but from what I gather Apollo is very iconic because an international celebrity rockstar basically threw himself at his feet like “I am head over heels for you, wanna date????” and Apollo (rightfully) went “This is a murder trial????”
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sparkly-pastel-pig · 1 year
Okay, they weren’t even trying to be subtle with that last one, smh.
today, i offer yet another triumvirate for the gays.
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