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The week after reading week (last week) I didn't have classes so I decided to take a trip to Dublin, Ireland. This was the first trip I have taken to another country since being here and it was amazing! I have always wanted to visit Ireland, being Irish and all. My grandpa's family is very much Irish and I have always wanted to see where my family roots come from. It was such a cool experience drinking my first pint of Guinness, trying black pudding, watching live Irish dancing, spinning on Irish hills and hearing my favorite accent in it's own country!! And to mention how much the Irish love Americans! It was so great!! It was such a great experience and I can't wait to visit again and see more of Ireland. 
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2 weeks ago we had reading week, which basically means we have no classes for a week and most people go home. Since I obviously couldn't go home I went home with a friend who lives really close to London. It was such an amazing time! I have wanted to go to London since I was little. It was like going home and I miss it so much. I am planning to transfer to a uni in London in the fall and I'm so excited! There are just no words to describe the feeling when I stepped foot off the tube and up the steps to Westminster. I sound like such a geek but it was truly an amazing experience and I'll be seeing you in less than a month London :)
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2 months.
Today marks 2 months since moving to the UK. I honestly never thought i would make it this long. I didn't think I'd last a week, and neither did everyone else at home. Coming to university in England was the best decision I've ever made. I have learned so much about myself and the world in the short time I've been here and can only imagine how much I'll learn in a year or even 3 when I'm finished with uni and off into the "real" world.
There are so many differences between the US and the UK and some I've had a harder time adjusting to than others. Like how everything here seems to be so unorganized. I feel like everywhere I go I'm forced to wait longer than I should or have to take the long way around. It seems so backwards to me. I also feel like I should be doing more in my course. Having come from a college in the states the transition is a bit weird at times. I have so much free time and not much work to do, which is the complete opposite of college in America. Then there are the differences in slang, which I will admit I'm picking up on much faster than I thought. haha 
Along with all the good has come bad. I have been up and down with my homesickness and feeling like I don't belong. The part of the country I have come to is very different than other parts i have seen. I feel more judged here for being American and it's sometimes hard to be outgoing because people aren't always accepting of the way I speak or being American in general. I wasn't sure what to expect when I did come here, how I would be received or what people here thought of Americans but I didn't know how hard it would be to be myself and be accepted. This definitely plays into the homesick feeling. Also doesn't help that there isn't much going on where my uni is and most of the time everyone just sits in their flats. But I'm trying to get past the feeling and make the most of it. This has lead to me questioning coming here and sacrificing so much to get this far, and for what? Some days are better than others though.
In the past 2 months I have seen places I have always dreamed to visit. I have experienced things I never thought I would. This has been the most exciting and scary months of my life and I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. I have grown so much as a person and in 26 days I will be going home. I cannot wait to see my family and friends and be back on American soil. 
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A month of highlights. Part 5
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A month of highlights. Part 4
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A month of highlights. Part 3
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A month of highlights. Part 2
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A month worth of highlights. Part 1
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One Month Down...
So this week marks a month since I stepped on a plane in good ole Virginia, USA and headed off to England to start a new chapter in my life. I'm not going to say this month has been all peaches, because that would be far from the truth. The truth is I cannot believe that at this very moment I am sat in  my flat in England typing this post right now. I can't believe I have lasted a month away from my comfort zone, my family. I will say in just 4 weeks I have learned more about myself than I ever thought I would. I have done things I never imagined I would be able to in my life. I am so thankful for following through and not giving up. To all the people who said I couldn't do it and wouldn't last...look at me now. I am more confident in myself than ever before. Of course I still miss my family and can't wait to see them in 54 days (yes i am counting down) but I will be going home a far different person than when I arrived. And I've always wondered what people went when they say things like that, but it's something you have to experience for yourself. Going away and chasing after what you want is so life changing you can't sit behind a computer to understand. You have to go out and live the life you want to life. After saying all that, I will try harder to update this page I've just been so busy taking it all in. And who knows maybe this is where I'm meant to be after all. 
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Are you in Falmouth?
Yes I am!
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What do you do when you come 35000 miles from home and the university you picked is not the fit for you. When you can't seem to make friends or find your place. When everything seems to be going wrong and you're so homesick you don't know what to do with yourself. That's exactly how I feel right now. I am so ready to leave this place and never come back. I want to be home with my family not miserable in an unknown place. This past week I've been asking myself why I even thought I could do this and prove everyone wrong. I'm so far from everything I want to be near and i've never been in so much pain.
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Currently sitting in the Heathrow airport waiting for my friend to arrive and head to Fal. I'm so excited but still feeling sad. Customs was a breeze but waiting in line to cross the UK border was a pain. Advice for any students coming to the UK don't go through the student line the regular line moves faster and students may use that line as well, or should I say queue. I'm now sat people watching and soaking in all the British accents, which I'll never get tired of. Already feeling jet lagged and just want to sleep for days. I want to get coffee or explore the airport but I don't think I could move from this seat if I tried. 
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All packed and getting ready to head to the airport. I can't believe it's really happening!
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The day I thought would never come.
My visa finally arrived and I'm leaving for the UK tomorrow afternoon. I never thought this day would come. The wait and build up to now has been such a long and bumpy road. Tonight is the last night I'll be sleeping in my own bed for the last time for a while. The day before my whole life changes, when everything I've ever known is changed. Tomorrow is going to be so difficult to say goodbye to my parents and brother. I really don't know how i'll get through it and on to the plane. This is the last night of my normal, comfortable life. In less than 24 hours my whole world will change. And i don't know if i'm ready for that. I don't know if I can leave my mom, dad and brother..but i guess ready or not here I come England. 
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Seriously EVERYTHING THAT COUD GO WRONG HAS. I still haven't gotten my visa back and I'm supposed to leave Monday. How can I change my flight if I have no idea when my visa will be here don't even get me started on the flight fees I'll end up paying. I knew i should have prioritized my stupid visa application but everyone was all "no you'll get in time and save $170" WELL GUESS WHAT YOU WERE ALL WRONG AND NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND AHHHHHHHHHH! I cannot even deal with this stress anymore I have reached my limit and am about to explode. I don't even know where to begin now...
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Yesterday my parents gave me a going away party. My cake was unbelievable! My aunt always does such an amazing job on all my cakes but she knocked it out of the park on this one! It was a happy and sad time. My two best friends drove 6 hours to be there and it was so special. I was surrounded by the most influential people in my life, I just feel so blessed to have this opportunity to live my dream but also come back to these wonderful people. With the countdown reaching single digits this past week I would have thought it might hit me that this is actually happening but it didn't. Maybe when I get my passport back and have my visa in front of me it will. Here's a few pictures of the great weekend I had. :) oh yeah, there's no pictures of my parents, brother and I because by the time we thought to take a family picture i had cried my eyes out and they are not pretty pictures haha 
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