strivingislam · 21 days
"In the tapestry of life, she weaves her devotion, sacrificing all with a smile for the Beloved Lord"
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strivingislam · 1 month
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?
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strivingislam · 1 month
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“The person who treats others kindly and thinks well of them, will find that his intention will remain true, he will feel at ease, his heart will be sound and Allah will protect him from evil and calamity.”
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strivingislam · 2 months
Ramadan Day 1
اَللّـهُمَّ اجْعَلْ صِيامي فيهِ صِيامَ الصّائِمينَ، وَقِيامي فيهِ
قيامَ الْقائِمينَ، وَنَبِّهْني فيهِ عَنْ نَوْمَةِ الْغافِلينَ، وَهَبْ لى جُرْمي فيهِ يا اِلـهَ الْعالَمينَ، وَاعْفُ عَنّي يا عافِياً عَنْ الْمجْرِمينَ .
Lord! Make my fast in it one of those who truly fast, my prayers those of who truly pray, and awaken me from the sleep of the inattentive, grant me forgiveness for my sins in it, O Lord of the Worlds, and do forgive me, O One Who forgives criminals.
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strivingislam · 2 months
“Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hope for reward, his past sins will be forgiven.”
— Prophet Muhammed on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, Recorded by al-Bukhari (no.1901) and Muslitm (no.760).
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strivingislam · 2 months
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous [achieve Taqwa]." (Quran 2:185)
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strivingislam · 2 months
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I can’t begin to visualize the “hunger” of Ramadan, while the visuals of the starvation of Rafah are so confronting. Forgive us Our Lord for not being able to do more for them, and help us confront their oppressors with them.
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strivingislam · 2 months
The problem with men is that they take better care of their car than the people in their life. They chase women instead of chasing purpose.
They waste time instead of investing time. They are more lost the sheep in my backyard. They have forgotten how to lead, how to be their best self.
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strivingislam · 3 months
“By Allah, what is the example of this worldly-life in comparison to the Afterlife other than one of you dipping his finger in the sea. Let him see what he brings forth.”— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ [Sahih Muslim, 2858]
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strivingislam · 3 months
If someone corrects their intentions regarding what they are seeking, Allah will bring them closer to what they desire
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strivingislam · 3 months
1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to;
2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.
3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.
4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don't you buy a car? For God’s sake it isn’t your problem;
5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone well in public;
6. If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time;
7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what's 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative;
8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all;
9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you're;
10. Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.
11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately;
12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weight, they will;
13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next;
14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say "I hope you’re okay". Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they'll do so without your inquisitiveness;
15. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect;
16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude;
17. Never give advice until you’re asked;
18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary;
19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly - just stay out of it;
20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. Moreso, eye contact is as important as your speech; and
21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly, don't talk about your children in the midst of the barren.
22.After reading a good message try to say "Thanks for the message".
APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don't have....
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strivingislam · 3 months
"If we wanted to light candles for all those who have been killed in Gaza in recent months, we would need at least 25 000 candles."
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strivingislam · 4 months
Islam is perfect, but I'm not. If I make a mistake, blame me but not my religion.
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strivingislam · 4 months
i saw a quote that said “i feel like i’m constantly worrying about the next part of my life without realizing that i’m right in the middle of what i used to look forward to.” and i felt that.
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strivingislam · 5 months
If it is important enough, you will find a way. Otherwise, you’ll find an excuse.
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strivingislam · 5 months
Dua for Pain relief :
Keep your hand on where you're hurting say:
Bismillah 3x
Aoodhu Billahi wa qudrati hi min shari ma ajid wa uhaadhirb 7x
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strivingislam · 5 months
If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love.
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