#/pos fwiw
mp100 really is just Steven universe for weebs huh.
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onionjulius · 1 year
TBH, I don't see how you can say that Catelyn emotionally abused Jon without saying that she could not opt out of being a parental figure to him.
And I think that's part of the point with that whole situation.
(I doubt most people who will be reading this would wilfully misconstrue what I'm saying, but this is not me saying she was fair to him. Because there's a gulf of possibilities in between, and conflating positions people take with one's they didn't take is an annoying way to carry out a debate.)
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rallamajoop · 5 months
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Chris Boulder-Punching Redfield and the Genius of the Karambit Knife
If you've played Chris' section of Resident Evil Village, you probably know that Chris' arsenal includes a karambit knife ‒ a way more effective weapon than the blunt POS knife poor Ethan's stuck with. You may even have picked up that the karambit is a real knife used in Indonesian and Filipino martial arts.
But I'm guessing most of you don't realise what a stroke of raw genius it was to give Chris, specifically, a karambit to wield.
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Now, I'm no expert on knife-fighting, but up until it was canceled for covid-reasons, I used to take this eclectic martial arts class run by a jedi ninja stuntman mate of mine, and the karambit was his favourite knife. We only got to use it a couple of times (knifework wasn't generally our focus), but I'm at least qualified to tell you that in some respects, a karambit may actually be easier than a regular knife for someone with a bit of bare-hand combat experience to pick up.
Why? Well, get this: a lot of karambit moves are basically just punches, with a knife in your hand.
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And if there's one thing Chris is known for (canonically, and possibly worldwide), it's punching things.
Sadly, I could not find any online resource to demonstrate this aspect of the karambit nearly as effectively as watching one of my classmates get really excited by how all these moves we were learning felt just like throwing a familiar old punch (something our instructor enthusiastically agreed with, FWIW). But here's a couple of videos which kinda touch on the subject at least.
(Have some sources for those other two pics while I'm at it too, though neither say anything much on the subject of knife-punching.)
Obviously, there's more to using a karambit like a pro than just 'hold knife do punch', but it's not like Chris uses it in any way that demonstrates that, so I think the point stands.
Now, is this why they gave Chris a karambit in RE8? I cannot say for sure. The whole "a great knife to punch people with!" aspect of the karambit isn't nearly so storied online as it deserves to be, and I can't speak to its overall reputation among pros.
But given that this is the same game that went out of its way to call Chris a boulder-punching asshole, and that reworked his whole move-set in Mercenaries mode to be no-blocks-all-punches, I'd certainly like to think there's a stuntman somewhere on Capcom's RE team whose eyes just lit up when asked what the perfect knife for Chris Redfield would be.
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junglejim4322 · 5 months
Tone indicators EXPLAINED
/hj = handjob
/srs = sex reassignment surgery
/pos = piece of shit
/j = joker (from the joker movie)
/fwiw = folga wooga imoga womp
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adrianicsea · 2 years
so uh. the saw 7 survivor group blog posts. lawrence has one highlighted post of his own there (credit goes to @absolutedoorknob for finding this blog and posting about it in the first place, and to @macabre-angst for linking me to the post!)
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this post is interesting enough in its own right, because we don’t have much of ANYTHING canon to work off of when it comes to lawrence. whoever wrote for him did a really good job— the writing doesn’t sound exactly like lawrence’s speech pattern, but it DOES read like it would if lawrence sat down to write something. (fwiw, this post DOES read a lot like cary elwes’ own writing voice in his princess bride memoir, which wasn’t published until a year or two after this blog was made. so that’s... interesting.) the one or two typos add a bit of character, and i’m VERY intrigued by the way jigsaw isn’t always capitalized, and that he seems to prefer writing it in lowercase to capitalizing it. lawrence being so adamant that his job was NEVER to nurture or heal is.... well. i’ll be honest it makes me want to scream and cry and throw up. to me, it reads very much as him having lost any and all idealism or self-worth/self-illusion about his job and falling fully into the nihilism of being an apprentice. it would be so painful to admit that you had gone from healing people to willfully hurting them— wouldn’t it just be easier to lie to yourself and say that you had never been a healer at all? wouldn’t that hurt less? if you never had a heart, then you don’t know what you’re missing. having a heart and having it torn out of you is the worst pain there is.
anyways it would all be well and good if it were just lawrence’s solitary post on the blog— and at a cursory glance, it is. the other posts are either from bobby dagen or the other survivors in the group. but when you look a little closer at the comments... there’s one anonymous poster who shows up over and over again. first on simone’s post...
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now, a bit of metatextual context— saw 7 had its wide release on october 29, 2010. when this comment was written, the vast majority of the public hadn’t seen the movie, so how would they know about the fake survivor? it’s also apparent from looking through the comments that this person deliberately chose to be anonymous, as the way blogger sets up its guest accounts looks different.
but like. really and truly... look at the writing style and voice. curious! let’s see if we can spot this anonymous poster in the comments on any of the other survivors’ po—
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it really doesn’t get much more obvious than that, does it? at this point in the series, nobody has seen adam’s corpse who’s still alive to talk about it. amanda is dead, eric is dead, john is LONG dead, daniel may as well be dead because he’s not mentioned at all in 7. this comment has a double meaning: lawrence has seen adam’s body (likely, given his longstanding apprenticeship), but it also reads as him being haunted by guilt and uncertainty over adam, for people who don’t know what’s REALLY going on with lawrence.
i really don’t have it in me to do a full fledged meta analysis of this comment yet bc honestly i’m just reeling from FINDING it. ask me again later if you’re interested. either way, it’s clear from the consistent tone and subtext (think critically about your trap and what you learned, don’t listen to bobby) that this is the same person who commented on simone’s post, and the slip about adam is pretty much a smoking gun that it’s lawrence. so what else did lawrence say to his fellow survivors?
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i don’t have much to say about these, partially bc i haven’t seen any of the movies that are being referenced in these posts. it’s more of the same, really— lawrence being backhandedly-supportive, while warning against bobby. his “darker ghosts” comment is... interesting, but i don’t really know what to make of it yet.
what’s really haunting is the last comment i saw that can reasonably be attributed to him:
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this is the one I’m LEAST sure about, because it’s so out of time sequence with the rest of them. but again, the way the anonymous account looks is VERY different from “real” guest/anon comments on the blog posts, and the way it’s written sounds like the same person who wrote the others. this... speaks VOLUMES to lawrence’s true guilt and feelings about the person he’s become.
anyways sorry for clogging up everybody’s dash with this but i could not for the life of me get a read more to work. and again, credit for finding/posting about this blog to @absolutedoorknob because i wouldn’t have had any clue this existed otherwise! please hit me up to talk about this bc it’s got me lying facedown in the darkness
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
fwiw I don't think you're losing me would be a bashing song because that'd just make her worse tbh. She has no rights to release a bashing song rn like yes I said it and i mean it, she'll not come out of this breakup looking like #girlboss because she CHOSE to date a bigoted pos. And whitewash his reputation.
Well she’s been making everything worse every single day so why would she stop now
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esther-dot · 1 year
So re Jon's legitimacy v. bastardy conversation. FWIW, when the annulment/marriage plot point was revealed in season 7, Linda of Elio and Linda fame, had a twitter conversation with another user and Linda basically implied she was skeptical of the annulment because it wouldn't fit in-universe rules and a poly-marriage would have made more sense as there is "precedent" for that (because ya know targs are going to targ). Linda and Elio are essentially GRRM's canon fact checkers so I found that interesting. Also, in one of Jaime's flashbacks I think, this was after the rebellion popped off and R decided to show his face in KL I suppose (so I'm assuming after any alleged marriage took place/after L got knocked up), he told Jaime something to the effect that he was putting "my wife and children" in your hands/care (which lmao). So he did still refer to E as his wife which I know, I know the bar is in hell. Don't get me wrong, R is POS but I do think in his warped mind he did care for E, didn't think he humiliated beyond comprehension (yet again, lmao), and loved his children. Also, wasn't he obsessed with the "dragon having three heads" so I don't think in his mind he intended to throw away E and their children (I'm not saying I agree with that sentiment myself) but in terms of GRRM's authorial intent I think this is where he was getting at.
(in reference to this convo)
Oh, thank you for that info, anon! I’ve never followed those people closely but I’ve certainly heard them mentioned a lot, and know Martin considers them kinda experts on his world. (How weird is it to think about reminding the author of what he has written!) I’ve been struck by some of Martin’s comments to fans about them thinking about a certain thing more than he has or his recent comment about how he’s making things up as he goes along and felt that as fans, we look at things on a very strict/nailed down kinda way, whereas for him, the endpoint for our mains are fixed, but he’s exploring his world and developing it as he goes. Something I find so interesting is that he’s chosen to write about the past and the future, unfolding things as we read that change what we know, that mean what we know isn't.
With the entire fandom agreeing about R+L=J, it's easy to forget that technically, it's still a mystery being spun-out. To me, it is so omnipresent, it requires plot significance ie I feel that Jon will need to be trueborn and deal with the consequences of having a claim, but Martin has such a unique twist on things, it's hard to know which way that goes. He could take it mostly negative, the purpose be to derail Jon's life-- a subversion of how the hidden prince trope usually plays out-- and it be the means to dethrone him, not give him a happy ending. As in, say Jon is accepted as a legitimized Stark, becomes KitN, and then suddenly, this revelation. Usually unexpected parentage reveals result in a crown, Martin could decided to use it to take one away. After all, Robb wrote that will thinking Jon was his father’s son, and it seems to me that as understandable as his choice was in the moment (fears about the Lannisters getting Winterfell), I have to think Martin won’t “reward” it in the narrative by having it play out nice and neat. That solution seems destined to create chaos when we think of the R/L bombshell.
Don't get me wrong, R is POS but I do think in his warped mind he did care for E
is something I've wondered about. Here is the line that I think you’re remembering:
Prince Rhaegar burned with a cold light, now white, now red, now dark. "I left my wife and children in your hands."                 
"I never thought he'd hurt them." Jaime's sword was burning less brightly now. "I was with the king . . ." (ASOS, Jaime VI)
which I think speaks more to Jaime’s feelings of failure/guilt than to Rhaegar’s perception of Elia since elsewhere there’s a mention of it being Aerys who wanted Jaime in KL. And yet, the way Martin writes about Rhaegar in different POVs and some of his comments made me think he feels very differently than I do about the character. The way Elia and Rhaenys' deaths are placed primarily on Tywin and The Mountain's heads which is true, except, none of that would have happened if Rhaegar hadn't set the whole catastrophe into motion with the Lyanna mess means I find the guy an absolute loser. I just can’t get past poor little Rhaenys hiding under his bed, thinking her father might save her when her father had run off with another woman in pursuit of an additional child. I suppose, the story is showing the dangers of being guided by prophecy and creating our own destruction, but in the words on the page, I don’t see the contempt that I feel for Rhaegar. 
So yeah, I have my feelings and I try to differentiate between them and what Martin intended the takeaway to be.
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natasharomanoff · 1 year
Noo! You have Twitter verification? Get rid of it!! It's bad for engagement, it's a way for nazis to find one another, and it puts money in that pos owner's pockets! (Also I block a lot of blue checks without even acknowledging who they are :x)
ahhh sorry this is late!! here’s the thing, i havent paid for twitter blue since april 10, it just still gives me the checkmark for some reason 😂😂 im sure ive ended up on tons of block lists but here’s the other thing that SUCKS - i originally bought twitter blue for about a year for $2.99 a month to edit tweets after i sent them, and i had a feature to “undo” a tweet 30 seconds after i sent it to change any typos or whatnot. then when muskrat made twitter blue have the checkmark, the ONLY way to get the other features is to also subscribe to twitter blue. not a fan of giving muskrat money but i hate that i can’t have access to the features without the checkmark! but FWIW i’m not actively paying for it and haven’t in over a month :)
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katrafiy · 1 year
Gr8 explanation of why TME people are TME when they experience misdirected transmisogyny. I'll be using "your experience with transmisogyny began and ended when they mistook you for one of us" bc that's a really succinct way to put it. am TME fwiw. Hope you're doing well
I'm doing about as well as one can as an unemployed trans woman in 2023 (/gen /pos). Thanks for reading and thanks for this message. It really means a lot.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Jelonka was also way too classy for her milieu, fwiw. In 1972 Erwin Axer staged a production of Pinter's Old Times po polsku & almost all the contemporary critics were like "a bloo bloo, psychoanalysis" or "hurr hurr, lesbians" & Jelonka did a wonderfully thoughtful & sensitive reading that compares the text & the actors' performance "method" to Proust's In Search of Lost Time re: memory as a "revenant," appearing in the present as an affective force in gesture and spontaneous, involuntary sensory associations that make the past materialize into the moment at hand, & she very correctly gestures at how these embodied memories can also become the foundation FOR a kind of method acting. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Pinter asked to work on a film script for Swann's Way at the time he was writing this? Jelonka's right!
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bisluthq · 12 days
“I refused to believe that Harry wasn’t somewhat aware of the Jason situation with Olivia”
But legitimately, why would he be aware? From what I heard + pieced together with what we saw and the nanny said, she hired him because she wanted to sleep with him. She literally said she wanted Harry before Shia because of his role in Dunkirk and that makes no sense to me, because the roles couldn’t have been more different. What about the quiet moody young soldier Alex, which Harry portrayed very well, made her think about a conniving loser man who has to be facetious the entire time, which Harry had a much harder time portraying convincingly? She thought he was hot. She wanted to sleep with him. That’s pretty much confirmed for me.
FWIW I was a huge fan OF OLIVIA. I became a fan of Harry’s because of her. I know it’s probably me and two other people who went this route, but I can promise you that’s the case lmao, and if you dig deep in your old asks from when they got together you’ll find a bunch of mine saying this exact thing!
I say this because what I think happened between Jason and Olivia is that she realized he cheated on her with Keeley Hazell when Ted Lasso came out. She probs didn’t have hard proof but Jason and Keeley met in 2014 filming Horrible Bosses II, and then based two entire characters on Keeley, one even admitted by the actress who portrayed her, Juno Temple (who Olivia unfollowed when Ted came out, btw. They’d worked together on Meadowland). There’s no way she saw that, knowing that he’d spent months in London while she was with the kids in LA, and didn’t think “this son of a bitch is cheating on me.” I’m sorry but she’d be an idiot.
So she hired Harry and had every intention of sleeping with him. And she made a pass at him, which I presume means she told him from the jump that she was single. Maybe even told him that Jason cheated. It’s not hard to believe that it’s true considering it was the middle of the pandemic and they had two young kids. “We still share a house because it’d be too complicated.” Makes perfect sense. “We don’t want to make the breakup public since we still have to share a house.” Also makes sense.
The fact that Harry included their anniversary date on a bag he gifted her and that said anniversary date is prior to the date Jason outright said they separated (the bag said October 25 and Jason is on the record saying they separated in November) to ME says that Harry was confident in what Olivia had told him. Even if for his own image and how he was perceived, he wouldn’t flaunt being a homewrecker. I don’t think saying he’s at least somewhat aware of his own image and would be more careful than that is babying him.
Also, if my partner told me “my POS partner cheated on me look at all this evidence, we are separated but he’s an ass who wants to drag me down. So don’t believe a thing he says.” I would probably believe them.
My guess is that the nanny having hard proof (text messages) and dates is what made him go “hell no.”
Also, the nanny claimed Olivia lied about Harry hooking up with his friend’s girl. And Harry and Zach haven’t hung out since that whole thing happened, as far as we know (but Zach and Florence are all good). I can’t imagine Harry would be too happy about that. There were rumors about this whole Florence and Harry thing since before Venice. The Sun posted them. I 100% think it all stems from Olivia trying to cover her ass.
The nanny described Olivia as someone who likes to pretend that everything is perfect all the time and that there are no problems. Like she buries her head in the sand and I can SO see it.
There’s the little detail of Olivia continuing to sleep with Jason for two months after announcing their breakup AND getting with Harry. She cheated on him too.
I’m the last person to demonize a woman for the sake of it. But there’s no saving some of us. I’m sorry but she’s a mess, and if Harry even for a second glances in her direction, I’ll be extremely surprised. Even if he’d want to, his friends would probably slap him.
I hope his friends slap him but idk Harry is a big boy who makes his own decisions and I’m… genuinely not convinced he’s done™️ with her. Yes, a lot of what you say is right but also like… he really really really loved her and I think that type of love doesn’t fade in a year.
she reminds me of my bf’s ex-wife lol who is even more nuts tbh but who kept that man for like 8 years I think??? or 12??? it was a long time??? until he had irrevocable proof she’d been cheating repeatedly with multiple different dudes and that happened less than a year into the actual marriage lmfao so idk. Crazy bitches are crazy but they get shit done. I’ve got to give them that.
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oncomics · 2 years
I endeavor here to show and link to stuff that normal, common and/or popular comic sites don't, so this link.
Clearly, I have a political POV. I believe even entertainments, as a rule, should have some sort of political spirit.
That said, I'm overing the link FWIW because I do not agree with it -- just here for the readers consideration for better or worse. Of course politics in the broadest sense are fucked up. But Wakanda Forever as a source to teach the audience? Please, no.
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asktheraggededges · 6 years
If you woke up knowing that today was the day you were gonna die, what would you do differently?
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‘Ave one last cold one wiv da boys. Strap meself wiv boms and dakka and knives and flash gubbinz and go bakk to da jungle. Put a fukkin gap in em wun last time.
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[subject smiles very very slightly but says nothing]
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Get my affairs in order. Fill out all the appropriate paperwork so as not to be a bother for anyone. Leave my possessions, the few that there are, to the appropriate people. My Corporal, My Commissar and what little family I have. Take my shotgun, and slip away quietly. Find trouble. Keep fighting until my time comes.
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Call bullshit. Fuck what you know. Fuck fate. 
I was born in to this world kicking and screaming and by fuck that’s how I’m leaving. Let whoever, or whatever is responsible for the injustice at removing me from this plane of existence suffer for what they have done.
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A last glass of the good stuff.  A little cake, maybe if it was there. Apologise to everyone.
I’d..I’d tell her how I feel. 
Fuck it, I’d kiss her.
Not cool to do so, but..nothing to lose, right?
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Smoke ‘em if you got em. Go down fighting and looking sharp. All I’d want.
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[subject gives a small, bitter laugh]
I wouldn’t even be allowed to feel relieved. I’d just end up worrying about them.
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No sense worrying about it. I’d try to instruct people. Get someone - maybe Ike or Mags to look after my gardens. Grab some edibles and drift off into space. No big fuss. No big deal.
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J’know? I would love to have one last gallop. Not fussed. They’ve all been wonderful. Clean up, dress up. And have one last drag and a brandy as I watched a sunset somewhere. I think, perhaps, that would be an acceptable end.
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Mama would worry so much. Who’d look after my little ones?
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I would do everything I could to make Angie happy one last time. But, then she would know something was up and she’d be sad anyway. Its a conflict. Best to do, nothing. Just…business as usual. Leave her a note if I can find the words.
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Your sister.
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I’d imPArT the SuM of aLL my kNOwLeDge to soMeOne. 
MayBe the SpEcK.
SpEnD tiMe wiTh tHe bOss. SoMe tIme with Grisholm. KiSS him AGAin.
fInALLy..I wOuLd see NaDa. InSisT that sHe cONSUME me in fuLL. So thAT my deATH and the MAGNIFIcence of My PowEr is NEIther CorRUPted or causes TrOUbLe for thOsE I caRE abOUt.
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Forget the hearse cause I’ll never die!
I got
Nine lives!
Cats eyes!
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I don’t know. I don’t. Die fighting, please.
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I’d do my duty. Same as always. If I had time for a last drink and a roll in the hay, sure. But there are things to be done and people die every day. Cogs keep turning. Shove it, keep walking.
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Fool question.
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It’s a conflict. On one hand, I would love to be surrounded by these guys, the people I care about, before I go. For the last thing I see to be their smiling faces. But that’s kind of selfish, you know?
I think, so long as it was worth it, I’d find my peace with it all. Dying taking down a really big dude, or giving my life to save a bunch of others, I’d be okay with that.
On the understanding that no statues get built. No places get named. Don’t even write down what I did. Tell people of what I did only if they ask. Whatever happens, don’t let anyone call me a fucking hero.
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Let the water be taken from me. Then commit me to space. or the earth. Whatever. No day should be any different. 
Look after him.
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Behg pess ahp. A bawnk.
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Destroy what’s un finished. Spend time with Wes. My main wish, however foolish and unlikely is to die as myself. Send a message to Briton so they can collect my armour. A little music. Some port if someone can spare it. 
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I bagel know. 
I float it would be very beautiful to hold close first friend best friend longest time only friend Zune.
I bagel be leaves I can be by the grand big golden couch. I have nothing to go there with. No ticket. No bottom of the shoes.
So there is no thing for me after the adjserious or solemn in manner or appearance.
If the last thing I hear is her. if the last thing I feel is her.
I am fine with this. it’s okay.
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Hm. Upload everything. Absolutely everything. My mind, my thoughts, my dimensions and physiology. Multiple terminals. Even onto nebulous data transmissions. Some one will find it. Maybe someday some mad man will find a way to make me again and I can pick up where I left off. Hope. Hope for humanity and technology and the harmonious fusion of both…that is what I believe in. It’s worth believing in.
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[subject pointedly doesn’t look into the camera and is barely audible]
I wouldn’t do a goddamn thing different.
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Shit, man. I don’t wanna think about stuff like that! Come on! There’s ALWAYS a way.
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I’d only tell Jonny. I’d do whatever she wanted me to do from there. If we spend all day in bed, so be it. If she collects my thoughts for the future because, for whatever reason she thinks they’re valuable, so be it. If she just wants me to leave quietly, so she doesn’t have to see me die, or feel me die so be it. I understand the revolting world of war and the worse world of politics. I wouldn’t know what to do.
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Stiff upper lip. Let it mean something. Let it be dignified and purposeful. keep smiling. Keep singing. It’s a drop in the ocean. I don’t want any tears. The sun will rise. Humanity will prevail. Play up and play the game.
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Is not likely. I am invincible! 
But should worst come to worst. Let me die knee deep in stupid baby enemies or with Solnishko in my arms.
No alternative acceptable.
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I..I dunno. Heh. Uh.
I guess…take off all the passwords.. hand out some data chips. 
Just…give access to all the data…the writing, the footage the sound bytes..
All the …stuff..for lack of a better description that will let anyone who cares know who we are. Or who we were. Let our story be known to anyone who wants to know.
Maybe they’ll learn from it.
Maybe they’ll find it interesting.
That’s ah…all I I’d really like..
Doug Boyd/ Masaya Onosaka
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dangermousie · 3 years
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God, I love Yuwu so much. Not as much as 2ha but it’s going in as a fave right behind it.
FWIW, here is my top 10 fave web novel ranking
10 (tie). To Be a Virtuous Wife
10. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
9. Golden Stage
8. Return of the Swallow
7. Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator
6. Ever Night
5. Heaven Official’s Blessing
4. Sha Po Lang
3. To Rule in a Turbulent World
2. Yuwu
1. 2ha
It’s kind of funny, only 4 out of 11 are not BL even though I’ve probably read way more het romance web novels than danmei. Maybe I just read more high quality ones of the latter variety for some reason?
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imamoffett · 4 years
60 Most Important Abbreviations LOL: laugh out loud OMG: Oh my God ILY: I love you LMAO: laughing my a** off TTYN: Talk to you never FBO: Facebook official TTYS: Talk to you soon HMB: Hit me back SFW: Safe work work PTFO: Passed the f** out ASL: Age/Sex/Location AFAIK: As far as I know IMHO: In my humble opinion IRL: In rela life ISO: In search of J/K: Just Kidding L8R: Later POV: Point of view RBTL: Read between the lines RT: Real time BTW: By the way CTN: Can’t talk now CYE: Check your email dI: Download ETA: Estimated time of arrival FWIW: For what it’s worth FYI: For your information GG: Good game GJ: Good job GL: Good luck gr8: Great GTG: Got to go GMV: Got my vote HTH: Hope this helps OT: Off topic PC: Personel computer pls: Please POS: Parent over shoulder ppl: People Txt: Text BRB: Be Right Back B4N: Bye for Now BCNU: Be seeing you BFF: Best Friends Forever CYA: Cover You’re A** TY: Thank you w/e: Whatever W8: Wait XOXO: Hugs and kisses Y: Why YOLO: You only live once YNt: Why not YW: You’re welcome ZZZ: Sleeping MMB: Message me back msg: Message NC: No comment noob: Newbie GMV: Got my vote HTH: Hope this helps
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thedawgsblog · 5 years
ATD..At The Doctors.
BFF..Best Friend Fell.
BTW..Bring the Wheelchair.
BYOT..Bring Your Own Teeth.
FWIW..Forgot Where I Was.
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