#;Eira Silvanil
silvanils · 1 year
A Reason to Stay
A prompt fill from @blossom-adventures​​ over at @nirnwrote​​!
I had so much fun with this one! For story-context, this would be after Eira becomes Thane of the Rift but before her ill-fated mission with Mercer... So Niruin’s smitten, but has not quite realized he’s in love just yet!
Rating: T+ (language, mature themes, off-screen sex - no explicit smut!)
Word Count: ~850
You can also read it on Ao3 here!
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“Look at all this space, Niruin!” Eira says, gesturing around the kitchen. “There’s room down below for me to put up some displays of my favorite, uh… acquisitions. What do you think?”
Niruin’s not sure why she’s asking, or even why she invited him over for dinner when they’re just friends with a few extra side-benefits, right? They’ve always kept their meet-ups fairly brief.
But she’s staring up at him, now, with her too-pretty eyes — and damn it all, she always leaves him feeling foolish and tongue-tied. He’s been staring too long. “It’s a beautiful house, Eira. Much nicer than my tiny apartment, anyway.”
She flashes one of her knowing grins at him, then, and reaches out to tug him closer by the lapels of his coat. “Just wait until you see the bedroom,” she teases. “And the heated bath! It’s absolutely decadent.”
“Perhaps we should have eaten out,” Niruin sighs, later, poking at his half-burnt dish. “Not that I doubt your cooking abilities, of course, but…”
“I blame you,” she huffs, her cheeks all dark and ruddy. “This recipe is supposed to be foolproof, but you showed up in those snazzy clothes and distracted me!!”
Niruin can’t help but laugh at how stupidly adorable she looks when she’s embarrassed. No one’s perfect, I guess. “Oh? Well, I had to look my best! You live in the nice part of town, now! I can’t strut down these streets looking like a… a… you know!”
“...A thief and scoundrel?” Eira offers, raising an eyebrow. “That’s fair. Honestly, I’m surprised you clean up so well — where did you find that coat?”
Niruin tugs on the end of his sleeve. It’s one of his nicer possessions, a wine-red coat lined with fur. He hasn’t worn it in years. “Valenwood,” he finally says. “It was a gift, and… one of the few things I kept from my old life.”
It feels like a lifetime ago, now: his father’s verdict, all the frantic farewells, the hasty packing… and his older sister showing up, teary-eyed, this coat folded up in her arms. ‘Don’t forget this, you dumbass. It gets cold where you’re going.’ 
He’d only found the note she had tucked in the pocket much later: instructions on how he could get in touch with her if he ever needed anything. But he’d been to stubborn, too proud, to reach out. And when he had to buy an even warmer coat for the thick of winter, this one had gotten shoved into the bottom of a chest where it had stayed until… recently.
“It really suits you,” Eira says, snapping Niruin back to the present. “You should wear it more often.”
“Well,” Niruin says, coughing and flushing as he sits up a little straighter. What man wouldn’t preen a little when someone looks at him like that? “Perhaps, if I were to go out more…”
“That could be arranged,” Eira teases, standing up so she can move closer. “But tonight, I’d rather you stay in.”
Niruin is used to brief, quick affairs that end before the night does, usually with him picking his things up and slinking out a window feeling only a slightly better than before. He’s not used to staying until morning, or waking up to a sight as lovely as this.
Eira is still fast asleep, surrounded by her collection of soft, down-filled pillows. At some point during their coupling, his fingers had tugged her hair free of it’s binds — leaving it all mussed up, now, fluffed out around her face and curling up around her neck and shoulders. 
Niruin can’t help but grin as he hears her soft, barely-noticeable snores, watches the slow rise-and-fall of her bare chest. No one’s perfect, he thinks, but she comes pretty damn close.
He slips out of bed carefully and tugs on a robe before heading upstairs again. “Foolproof, huh?” He sighs, flipping through the recipe book on her counter. “Well, we’ll see about that.”
Soon enough, the whole house smells of warm cinnamon and baked apples, and Niruin grins when he sees Eira pad up the stairs just as he pulls the tray out of the oven. She’s only wearing a thin shirt, her hair still a fluffed-up mess… and she’s pouting.
“Still trying to one-up me, aren’t you?” She mumbles, grabbing one of the fritters and shoving it in her mouth before Niruin has time to warn her not to. “Ow! Fuck, that’s hot — !”
“Yeah, no shit! It just finished baking!” He huffs, setting the tray down. But his curiosity wins out as she keeps chewing, her cheeks growing flushed. “Well? What do you think?”
She glares at him. “They’re good,” she concedes. “Much nicer than mine, anyway. Oh, and we should get  some wine-colored curtains.”
Somehow, impossibly, they spend the morning together as well. And when they head out to have lunch together in the market, the falling leaves make Niruin think of autumns at home but… for the first time in ages, it’s not a feeling that leaves him sick with longing. Just a warm, cozy sense of nostalgia.
Maybe our luck is changing, he thinks, his eyes lingering on Eira’s snow-bright hair. One thing is sure, though. You’ve given me a reason to stay.
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silvanils · 1 year
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A charming newcomer in Riften hopes to shake things up and earn some coin, but shadows loom on the horizon. Assassins, bears, civil war, dragons… Eira has an ace or two up her sleeve, but is she a match for Maven Black-Briar, whose honeyed words drip with poison? (A Thieves Guild centric story that also deals with the Dragon Crisis, the Thalmor, and Skyrim’s politics.)
Main Pairing(s): Female Dragonborn/Niruin Rating: M
Eira joins the Guild, but her welcome isn’t as warm as she’d hoped. Brynjolf promises things will get better if she keeps up the good work, but most of her fellow thieves seem less certain of that. What’s more, while she’s still finding her bearings in Riften, Eira keeps stumbling into troublesome situations...
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silvanils · 3 years
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“Where’s Eira, Mercer?” “She’s dead. Karliah killed her, just like she killed Gallus.”
The Flagon was pretty glum, that night, after Mercer left to take care of other business. Her absence was keenly felt by everyone, but.. the weight of loss was heaviest for a few of the guild’s regulars. Brynjolf couldn’t quite make himself believe she was really gone, while old Delvin couldn’t hold in his tears after he’d taken a shot in her honor. 
“She was one of the damn best thieves I’ve ever known.”
Niruin only sipped his drink before setting the cup down. He knew no amount of alcohol would dull the sharp ache he was feeling, and he didn’t even want to try.
“We won’t see one like her again.”
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A small scene that will find its way into “When Shadows Wake” eventually. I have a lot of feelings about how losing Eira for a few weeks actually made everyone realize how much they needed her around.
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silvanils · 3 years
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A charming newcomer in Riften hopes to shake things up and earn some coin, but shadows loom on the horizon. Assassins, bears, civil war, dragons... Eira has an ace or two up her sleeve, but is she a match for Maven Black-Briar, whose honeyed words drip with poison? (A Thieves Guild centric story that also deals with the Dragon Crisis, the Thalmor, and Skyrim's politics.)
Main Pairing(s): Female Dragonborn/Niruin Rating: M
Eira arrives in Riften, where she hopes to find a way into the Thieves Guild. When she meets Brynjolf in the market, he promises he can get her in if she helps him out a little... but Eira quickly learns the Guild doesn’t work the same way here as it does in Cyrodiil, and that seems to be quite a problem.
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silvanils · 4 years
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Just two ladies going for a stroll in Windhelm, making some trade deals... Eira might have gotten a little bit distracted by how tall and pretty this Altmer lady is, though.
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silvanils · 3 years
4, 8, and 11 for Eira???
4. What’s their biggest pet peeve?
It really bothers her when other people take credit for things they didn’t do, or try to act like they’re more important than they are. See also: Maven Black-Briar. Eira really dislikes Maven’s attitude. And Maven in general, actually. (Maven kind of IS her biggest pet peeve...)
8. What do they act like when they’re sick?
Eira is not patient enough to deal with being ill. She’ll push herself and keep working like normal when it’s not something too serious, like a cold. When she’s ill enough to need bedrest, though, she complains a LOT... but appreciates having a caretaker who is willing to make sure she has everything she needs, like water, soup, and medicine.
11. What is their idea of a perfect date?
She really loves spending some quality time with her date, talking while they take a walk through some scenic location --- the woods, a lakeshore, some docks, rooftops, etc. This is followed up by eating and/or having drinks together, and then turning in to have a bit more fun before they actually get some rest. A truly perfect date would also include a bath, preferably shared with her lover --- she loves the intimacy of just cleaning up and getting ready together.
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silvanils · 4 years
Okay I have another question for Eira and Aril: What do you think about one another's significant other?
ask my characters anything
Aril: “Niruin’s alright. He’s handsome, witty... a bit lofty, sometimes, but Eira doesn’t mind that sort of thing. He’s obviously sweet on her, and she’s sweet on him --- that’s the part that matters. I wouldn’t mind having him around.”
Eira: “Oh, Farkas is adorable. Not the sort of man I would have expected Aril to go for, but... seeing them together, I can’t imagine anything else would be better for my brother. I bet he gives the most wonderful hugs.”
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silvanils · 3 years
hi! for the dragonborn ask meme! what about 3 & 16 & 24 :D ?
30 Questions for your Dragonborn!
3. How do they feel about being Dragonborn- does they identity feel right for them and did they embrace it immediately? Do they consider themselves a true dragon?
It’s complicated. Eira defintely didn’t embrace the role right away, even though it felt right, because it frightened her. She ran away from what it meant for a while, until she was basically forced to accept it. She’s still not sure she wants it, but it’s part of who she is now.
16. Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home? 
Eira hangs out in Riften, mostly. It has a cozy feeling, feels like home, and she feels like she really fits in with the people there.
24. How did they respond to Miraak and what do they feel about him? Do they regret killing him? Did they spare him?
(I’ll admit I’ve never finished the DLC for Skyrim yet, so this is an educated guess based on having played about half of Dragonborn.)
Eira... has very mixed feelings about Miraak. His methods creep her out but she’s NOT a fan of Hermaeus Mora, either. She thinks Miraak had the right IDEA (to go renegade and try and end the Dragon Cult) but he took it too far because of his own nature as a Dragonborn - his arrogance, greed, and lust for power made him think he could do anything, and then ages of imprisonment twisted his personality even more.
What Eira wouldn’t be so keen on admitting is that she sees herself in him - or, rather, a reflection of something she could easily become. She might try to save him, but if he refused to listen she’d... at least make sure she defeated him as swiftly as possible.
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silvanils · 4 years
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So I was reminded about bi visibility day just in time to do a little something for the occasion with one of my own favorite pairs of bisexual rogues who LIVE by the motto: “Be Bi, Do Crimes!” (aka Eira and Niruin)
As a biromantic ace myself, I wanted to share the love in some way~
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silvanils · 4 years
Title: I’ve got everything I want
Relationships: Niruin/Female Dragonborn
Rating: M
Summary: The Flagon was always busy, now, with new faces turning up all the time. The regulars didn’t mingle much, but that wasn’t exactly unusual. They’d been a close group even under Mercer’s leadership, but Eira had brought to them a sense of camaraderie that had transformed them into a true, tight-knit brotherhood. 
Niruin had never believed a single person could make that much of a difference, but Eira was one hell of a person.
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Fulfilling a prompt sent by Alexis from the @nirnwrote​​​ discord: Eira (optional Niruin): "I've got everything I want."
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silvanils · 4 years
For Aril/Farkas and Eira/Niruin:
Did either of them try to resist their feelings
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
How do they celebrate holidays?
ship questions
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Nope! It did take Farkas a little while to realize he was crushing on Aril, though... and it also took him a little while to say anything. Aril figured it out right away and was just amused by his lover’s antics and shyness. He wanted to see how long it would take Farkas to get around to actually confessing, so he kept quiet about his feelings... but yeah, neither of them resisted the process. LOL.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
ALL THE TIME. Neither of them is shy about physical contact, but they (usually) keep it somewhat tame in public spaces. In private, they’re also always touching each other and they both love hugs and spooning.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
It’s the first serious relationship for both of them. Aril is also the first man Farkas has been sexually intimate with, so he gets the firsts that come with that --- but Aril had experience before Farkas (which is probably a good thing.) Farkas is, however, the first person to propose to Aril.
How do they celebrate holidays?
Depends on the holiday, but there’s usually some sparring, drinking, and merry-making. Aril also likes to play some music, which Farkas joins in with (usually slightly off-key) and they both use holidays as excuses to give each other gifts and special treatment. 
Heart’s Day is a big one, though, since it’s both the holiday for lovers AND the eve of Aril’s birthday. Farkas likes to make sure they stay up until midnight so he can wish Aril another happy year and give him lots of kisses. ;D
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They BOTH did to some degree, but for different reasons. Niruin’s feelings about romance are complicated and he tends to avoid his problems instead of facing them. He’s not fond of the idea of being “stuck” in a relationship, either, which was one of the reasons Eira’s nonchalant attitude about physical intimacy was appealing to begin with. 
Then he caught feelings and started to worry that she wouldn’t want to be with him anymore if she found out, since it changed the nature of their relationship (which was supposed to be a “no strings attached” sort of thing. Oops?)
On Eira’s side, she was caught up in so many other things herself that she didn’t really notice the hints that he was having these problems. She had to lay low to avoid the Thalmor for a while, which was the catalyst for her realizing she was also in love with Niruin. (And, sadly, a thing that kept them apart for a while...)
After THAT ordeal, though, they both had a heart-to-heart that made them both feel a LOT better about their future. ^-^
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They engage in a lot of flirty banter and some light PDA around others and cuddle a LOT in private, especially when it’s cold.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
It’s the first time Eira’s been romantically interested in someone, though that takes a while to develop. It’s also the first time Niruin’s been willing to seriously commit to a relationship and been HAPPY to say “I’m yours.” (Bonus: Eira’s not the first person he’s been engaged to, but she IS the first person he actually ties the knot with.)
How do they celebrate holidays?
Holidays are VERY busy days for members of the Guild, so they usually spend a good part of the day doing “work.” Eira also likes to check up on the poor and make sure their affairs are sorted... and then they end the night with drinking, having fun, and love-making.
Once they settle into a serious relationship, she starts to take the few days around Heart’s Day off (since the day after is ALSO her birthday) and they often travel to Riverwood for some rest and relaxation away from the bustle of the city.
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silvanils · 4 years
Important OC Ask : What does your OC smell like?
Tagged by @curiousartemis, thank you!
I’m just going to do my 3 Skyrim muses this time, but I may revisit this idea later with other OCs of mine. ^-^
Leather, smoke, mint. She chews mint leaves a lot to stay fresh and also bathes with mint-scented soaps and oils. She likes the clean smell of it, and it’s potent enough to get rid of other less-savory scents (like the ratway stink.) She will also splurge and spoil herself with nicer soaps quite frequently, so sometimes she’ll smell like lavender, rose, vanilla, honey, juniper, etc. She usually smells soft and sweet under the leather scent.
Juniper leaves, smoke, leather, fresh metal. He works as a smith so the smells of the forge cling to him and eventually permeate most of his clothes. Metal, leather, wood smoke... etc. He also loves the smell of juniper, so he does scent his bath supplies with crushed juniper leaves. It’s strong enough to cover up some of the forge-smell, but not all of it. He usually smells warm and earthy.
Cedarwood, mint, medicinal herbs. He bathes frequently in strong-scented water to get rid of the smell of blood because he hates that smell, especially when it clings to him. He also covers up a lot of his poison-making by also making medicines and antidotes, so herbal smells do permeate his things. He usually smells woody and fresh, almost too clean.
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silvanils · 4 years
This question is for Aril and Eira: What do you like most and least about each other?
ask my characters anything
Eira: “He’s loyal. I know I can always count on him in a pinch. He’s covered for me so many times... Sometimes he’s too good, though. It’s annoying when he’s the one that gets all the credit for doing something nice. I’m nice, too! Most of the time, anyway.”
Aril: “She’s a handful, and I get roped into her messes more often than I’d like to. I don’t know how always manages to convince me it’s a good idea. She’s so damn good at getting people to do what she wants them to... Which is honestly pretty amazing.”
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silvanils · 4 years
the sound of her heart
In the quiet hour before dawn, Niruin lay awake, listening as the city began to wake up outside. The house Eira owned was tucked perfectly between the market and the lake, the hushed voices and lapping waves. 
They were tucked perfectly together, too, his head resting against her back while his arm held her close against him. The ends of her hair tickled his nose, but he couldn’t move, couldn’t make himself pull away from her.
He felt her warmth, her softness, the gentle beating of her pulse. Heard it, too — the quiet thumping, slow and steady. And suddenly, it was the only sound he could focus on, the rest of the world falling away around them.
“She’s dead. Karliah killed her, just like she killed Gallus.”
Niruin shifted against her, warding off the chill that threatened to creep in. She was here, now, safe in his arms — that was all that mattered. 
She was alive. 
He heard the shift in her pulse as she stirred before her head shifted against the pillow, and then she hummed softly and cupped her hand around his. He felt a spark of warmth deep in his chest, the tender gesture somehow far more intimate than any of the things they’d done in the middle of the night.
“Good morning,” she whispered. “Sleep well?”
He kissed her shoulder, smiling at how her heart skipped and fluttered. He’d missed this. Missed her. “Best rest I’ve gotten in weeks.”
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From this list of intimacy prompts, as requested by Alexis of @nirnwrote​!
Niruin x Eira: listening to someone’s heartbeat
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silvanils · 3 years
Title: Stranded
Relationships: Syrus & Aril & Eira, Siblings Bonding
Rating: G
Summary: A short fic set several years before the events of Skyrim, when the Silvanil siblings still lived on the Gold Coast, near the city of Anvil. A day's fishing trip took a bad turn because of a storm, but Syrus manages to keep his younger siblings from freaking out too badly.
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An older fic I posted here a while ago, but finally cross-posted to Ao3!
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silvanils · 4 years
@curiousartemis said:
Eira, Aril, and Syrus 😁 ALSO ANDERS AND NATE
1: sexuality headcanon: bi / aro (mostly)
2: otp: Eira/Niruin
3: brotp: Eira + Aril is the ULTIMATE brotp... but also Eira + Brynjolf and Karliah or Eira + Rune
4: notp: Not sure I have one, I lowkey ship Eira with several folks
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: She doesn’t actually hoard gold, she makes sure to redistribute that as often as possible in various ways.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: She’s empathetic and genuinely hates to see people suffering.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: She likes to dirty talk and some of her one-liners make me facepalm.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: Sinnamon Roll. (Alternatively, she switches between “Cinnamon Roll” and “Would Actually Kill You” depending on circumstances. And is very mischievous and wily to boot. SO.)
1: sexuality headcanon: bi (prefers men)
2: otp: Aril/Farkas
3: brotp: Aril + Eira, but also Aril + Vilkas
4: notp: I don’t really ship him with anyone but Farkas anymore xD
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: The incident that led to him being (mostly) blind in his right eye was one of the few times he got dragged into Eira’s fishy business back in Anvil. He learned he’s not great with knives... and should always be wary of poisons that sap magicka.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: He gets very sucked into whatever he’s doing, whether it’s crafting or reading a book.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: He will get very in-depth when talking about things and the other person isn’t often expecting such an involved answer to their question. Farkas loves it, though, so. That helps prevent SOME of the embarrassment. (Since Farkas WILL glare at folks that try to shut Aril up, lol.)
 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: CINNAMON ROLL. Who could probably kill you, but is still a cinnamon roll.
1: sexuality headcanon: demi / biromantic (prefers women)
2: otp: Syrus/Katria
3: brotp: Syrus + Spectral Assassin, aka Lucien Lachance (I like to imagine Lucien as a more constant companion for Syrus once they meet so... they get to know each other pretty well!)
4: notp: I don’t think about shipping him with people much so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Flirting goes over his head, he will not realize someone likes him unless they spell it out for him
6: one way in which I relate to this character: He really loves his younger siblings even if they don’t always see eye-to-eye or agree on everything... he’d give anything to help them if they needed it.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: I’m not sure if it’s “embarrassment” exactly but sometimes he gets stuck in awkward situations with a body nearby and he internally panics because OH GOD WHAT IF THEY NOTICE - he has to try to act natural but that’s HARD for him xD
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: Problematic Fave, aka Looks Like He Could Kill You, Would Actually Kill You. Unless you’re family.
1: sexuality headcanon: bi (prefers women)
2: otp: Anders/Nathaniel
3: brotp: Anders + Hawke and the Hawke Brigade in general
4: notp: I don’t think I have one? I’m not super keen on “never met” ships with him but they’re not really NOTPs, I just don’t ship them
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He remembers his real name, but he keeps it secret now because he wants to keep it safe - the last person to call him by it was his mother, as she kissed him goodbye and slipped him the pillow he’s kept safe all this time, too. He does eventually tell it to Nathaniel, though, and hearing him say it is like finding his way home.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I also struggle with mental illness and depression, though not quite as badly as Anders seems to.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: He comes on a bit strong sometimes and I get the feeling that he immediately regrets some of the things he blurts out.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: Problematic Fave with a Heart of Gold
Nathaniel Howe
1: sexuality headcanon: bi (prefers men)
2: otp: Anders/Nathaniel
3: brotp: Nathaniel Howe + Lyanna Cousland
4: notp: Again, don’t really have one.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He deeply regrets that he wasn’t able to help Anders through the shit he was dealing with in Kirkwall. It’s one of the reasons he decided to “disappear” and stay with Anders after they fled the Gallows. “I should have been there for you before, but I’ll be damned if I leave you to face everything alone again.”
6: one way in which I relate to this character: He has complicated relationships and feelings about the people he’s close to, especially family.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Whenever he pokes other people about personal issues and they cut back. The way he tends to go “forget I asked” but then bring the same topic up again later makes it OBVIOUS he dwells on it in private and I feel for that. Oof.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave: Cinnamon Roll Masquerading as a Problematic Fave
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