#[ to be fair insects are the strongest creatures in the world ]
despairforme · 5 months
I find it amazing that someone as beautifully slender as yourself could be so incredibly strong. It's poetic, almost, like you are a work of art only found in the greatest fiction. I see myself in you. I know your pain, and how you feel inferior, but you are not. You are a wonder, unique and lovely. You are a gift to have around, just keep that in mind. This world is unforgiving, but I am sure you will find your happy ending, dearest.
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❝ Tesla.... Ya got competition. ❞ @cinghialefedele .
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Loadind Screen Tips! The Flower From Tiamat's Fire~
Wiki | The Flower From Tiamat's Fire | Loading Screen Tips Masterlist
Tips about paths:
When you make choices, focus on Fire or Sword and don't try to balance.
When things are difficult, Nikkal will solve her problems differently depending on how many Fire or Sword points you have.
Willpower points will be useful in many different situations!
High Willpower can help you in situations where people around you are trying to pressure or manipulate you.
Low Willpower might make you fail in certain situations.
Tips about gameplay:
It's just as useful to become friends with humans as it is with mages. Try gaining the support of both sides!
If you help or support a character, they'll return the favor sooner or later.
Important choices affect the end of the story. If you make many correct choices, your characters will be better off!
Some diamond outfits are more than just nice to look at: they can also give you extra points.
Your choices influence the plot, even if sometimes you might think they don't.
Some choices influence the plot in hidden ways.
If you watch adverts regularly, you can save up diamonds for exclusive scenes.
By buying diamond scenes with another character, you can improve your relationship with them.
The lives of other characters might depend on your choices. Choose wisely!
Listen to what your interlocutors are telling you. Their words might carry a hint that will help your next choice.
You can choose diamond scenes with different characters, but sooner or later, you'll have to decide who stays with you for good.
Tips about characters and plot:
Many characters in this story have important roles in Sumerian mythology, as this story is inspired by it.
In this story, Tiamat is an ancient goddess who created this world and left it after a war against her own creatures.
In this world, the Anunnaki are insect-like monsters, created by mysterious magic.
The horses in this story are not only a convenient way to travel, but they are also intelligent conversation partners.
This story is set in a world full of magic and magical creatures. You won't find firearms here. For now...
The Five are the great mages who rule over all the lands of this world. Well, almost all...
Water mage Enki is the strongest of the Five and the head of the Lords. He's considered a kind and fair ruler, at least among mages.
Fire mage Shamash is the second most powerful among the Five. Cruel and inflexible, he enjoys war and carnal pleasures above all.
Air mage Enlil is the third most powerful among the Five. For some reason, he's never far from Shamash for long.
No one knows how powerful is Kingu, nor what is his element. He's very secretive and doesn't appear in public, sometimes not even for the ceremonies.
Earth mage Ishtar is the weakest of the Five, but she makes up for her lack of power with her craftiness and her alliances with useful mages.
The Five are given the titles of Lords and Lady, as they are the rulers of almost all the lands in this world.
Each of the Five owns their own lands where they rule, but for the ceremony and other important events, they all gather in Enki's lands.
Ur is the glorious capital of Enki's lands, the main stronghold of the Lords, and a place where to find any delicacy or fun known in the world.
It's been about a century since a slow but persistent war broke out between humans and mages. This significantly affects life in Enki's lands.
Humans and mages don't get along, mainly because of laws that are unfair to humans.
The Salute to the Five ceremony is an event in this world that happens without a regular schedule. Usually, its beginning is announced by Enki.
Mages can live for several centuries. The stronger the mage, the longer they'll live.
A mage's natural death is a rare but beautiful sight: the mage's body crumbles to dust, and their soul mixes with the source of magic.
Children's Homes are refuges for young mages and humans who have no one caring for them. In most of them, mages and humans live in different wings.
The House of the Lion is a magical academy run by warden Niall.
In the magic circles, Niall's academy has a reputation as a strong, but very free-spirited institution.
Forest spirits are half-magical creatures inhabiting the forests of this world. It is believed that they have special abilities.
If you put four fingers of one hand against your collarbones, you'll show the utmost respect to your interlocutor.
If you put your index and middle fingers against your collarbones, you'll show respect to your interlocutor, but not as much as with four fingers.
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cant-blink · 4 years
It’s Not Over Yet
Summary: Something I whipped up really quick. Godzilla wasn't supposed to be alive. Ghidorah saw him die, so how is he still alive? How is he able to take the form of fire? And how will they survive when Ichi refuses to yield?
This was never supposed to happen.
The former king, the false king was supposed dead, and yet here he was, standing over him in a terrifying new form. It's been so long since Ichi felt fear for his own life, not since he was a child on his first planet. He was able to escape to live another day back then, a luxury he felt he no longer had here.
So this was how it was all going to end. Almost half-a-billion years of life, smothered out in this moment. So many trials he's overcome in his life, hardships of his childhood now flashing in his mind. So many lives he's taken, toyed with, the idea of his own mortality never crossing his mind. A Ghidorah is meant to be an immortal being, and to be slain as a full-grown adult was unthinkable.
Yet it was happening.
His brothers were gone, but their neurons remained. He can feel them still, the fear from San was intense and palpable, fueling his own. He is meant to be the alpha brother, to let his own fears not be known to his siblings, yet he knew they could feel it.
Ni's neurons were silent, as it always had been. Ichi wondered if he too was scared.
Self-preservation would tell him to yield, to surrender and plea for his life, his brothers' lives. He felt the neurons of his youngest begging not to die, to be spared, but San had no voice to make his pleas known. He wanted Ichi to give up but the eldest felt their chest tighten at the idea, his throat refusing to speak such words. His pride was always his strongest asset, his biggest weakness, and he refused to back down even as he felt the intense heat and heavy weight upon his chest. His defiance remained strong as he felt their ribcage begin to give way.
His own neurons managed to whisper what should be his final goodbye to his brothers, his apologies for failing to protect them.
Should be.
For the fates had other plans, and that plan took a familiar shape, a familiar sound as a piercing shriek cut through the air. The weight was removed from Ghidorah's chest as a red firey form slammed itself into Godzilla, the glow of its wings just as intense and angry as the radioactive titan’s.
Rodan was used to the heat, he was born of the heat, and his former king's new form did little to frighten him. His body was still pained and stiff from the toxic blow from the fallen Queen, but he still pushed himself to defend his new king, his mate.
Having succeeded in pushing Godzilla away, Rodan stood his ground between the two rivals, wings flared and toothed beak agape in a threat. Godzilla had one hell of a temper, and he would not take kindly to this interruption, but the pterosaur didn't care. He was not willing to stand back and watch his mate be killed. If he had to fall to save them, then so be it.
At the very least, it would serve as a distraction.
Without a word, Ichi pulled his mangled wings painfully against his body as he pushed himself back onto his feet. Retreat was not something he was proud of, but it was certainly better than yielding. Or dying.
All three of their hearts racing, Ghidorah ran as fast as their injured wings and legs could carry them. Even on the ground, he stood a fair chance of outpacing the fat lizard, but in this state, the fear of being caught was very real indeed. He could hear the roar of rage from his rival, and a responding one from the fire pest. He could hear the impact of bodies behind him, he could hear the sound of a charging attack and-
He saw the light before he felt it. A blinding light that engulfed him.
He felt the agonizing wave of heat over his back, and he instinctively curled his head under his body, mangled wings circling around him. But even with this pain, he noticed that it wasn't as bad as it was supposed to be. He dared to look back and saw the their slave has spread his wings to take the brunt of the blow, his rock armor now glowing red as if new from the volcano.
Rodan would survive, and it surprised Ichi why he would bother to think that. Not like he cared about the bird, who served only as their loyal slave to the bitter end.
That seemed to be the last pulse his rival was able to give, for his terrifying new form was gone, his dark grey scales back to normal. Even with that, Ghidorah was not keen to stick around and Ichi pulled himself from his defensive ball and pushed himself forward.
He could hear yelling behind him, didn't care enough to try and understand it. He had to get away, as far away as he can, recover his strength enough to return to the nearest volcano, and use its energy to regenerate his wings and brothers.
Is it over? he heard San ask in their neurons.
"Yes," he whispers in response, echoing the word through his neurons so the youngest can hear him. "It is over..."
They kept going, even when the noise behind them faded, they kept going. The pain was only getting worse as their adrenaline ran itself dry. Their legs felt pulpy and shook beneath their weight with each step. Their wings shot out webs of agony through their shoulders and chest with each movement. Even their tails had not the strength to keep themselves from dragging on the ground.
Their energy was draining fast and there was no sun to help them, their own storm having yet to subside.
At last, Ghidorah could take no more steps and they fell still before collapsing onto the unforgiving ground. Breathe, that's all Ichi could think to do. Draw breath as much as he can, for although they did not require breath to live, it helped in taking what little energy there was in this planet's atmosphere. Ichi's lung was alone in this task, and he wondered if it would be enough to keep them conscious.
It wasn't.
Ghidorah did not know how long they were out for, only that it was the hot gust of wind that woke them from it. It was terrifying, Ichi's head snapping up with wide eyes, fearful that the former king has returned to finish the job. Already, a Gravity Beam was building from his chest into his throat. It would be very weak, but it had all their remaining strength put into it. Meant as a final act of defiance.
But there was no sign of Godzilla, no vibrations from the earth to signal his heavy footsteps. Instead a shadow falls over them, and another hot gust of wind came upon their scales as a winged form landed by them.
It was the fire pest. He survived after all.
Ichi swallowed back the Gravity Beam, and growled a warning at Rodan's approach. He never felt so vulnerable, where even a slave could threaten them, and his eyes gave a brief flash. The telepathic wave of fear emanated from their broken body, and Rodan hesitates for a moment. Just for a moment.
The damn bird always was stupidly suicidal and now was no exception as he continued approaching them. Ichi growls louder, urging a wing to move so as to push themselves up, but no such movement happened. He felt his own scales flinch tenderly as their slave gently settled beside their left side, a wing moving to drape over them in a blanket. He used to always do this, something Ichi used to enjoy. The heat, the volcanic energy always coming from the bir-
Of course.
Ichi felt himself relax, his growls falling silent. The bird's natural energy was helping to mend their smaller wounds, and he felt the impulse to bite down onto their slave, -his armor was still quite soft-, and drain every ounce of life he had, regain that energy faster so as be at peak strength once more. But he knew better. The fire pest always was more useful to them alive than dead.
There was silence between them and Ichi felt nibbles on the scales of his neck. He does nothing to push the bird away, only hissing when Rodan got too close to the burn wound left from the pulse that took his brothers' heads. Rodan paused and then just rested his beak on what remained of San's neck. He felt the twitch there too, but San's neck made no move to push him away.
Finally, after a long moment, Ichi heard Rodan whisper.
"I told him you've yielded," he starts. He feels Ghidorah's body tense up and heard the soft growl from Ichi's throat. But he was not swayed. "It's the only way to keep you alive. I really don't give a shit if you agree with it or not."
"It is-" His voice was soft, too soft for his liking, but at least it still held the level of menace he needed to get the message across. "It is not your place to speak for us."
"Then you can tell him yourself, when you stop dying on the ground," Rodan retaliated. "Honestly, this is the thanks I get for putting my ass on the line for you."
"That was your choice," Ichi stated, lifting his head off the ground to glare down at the bird. Weak as he is, he was still imposing towards the smaller titan. "I do not recall commanding you to get between us. Only to deal with the insect."
"And you just expected me to let you die like that?" Rodan was still not backing down, always so argumentative. "I already lost one mate, like hell I'm losing you too."
Ichi had no real response to that. He knew the fire pest had some odd bond with them, a bond he readily took advantage of to command their slave that much easier. He didn't really care to fully understand it in the past, to understand this dedication to mates that the bird exhibited. Among Ghidorah, there were no pair bonds between mates and the idea was an alien one to them. The only real attachment they had was between the heads, a brotherly love.
Yet here was this creature, completely unrelated and just as much an alien to them as they were to this world, ready to give up everything for this mate bond.
Ichi didn't know if he ever wanted to fully understand it. But at least for the moment, he was grateful that it existed, that it allowed them to live just another day. It's not often he felt grateful to a lesser life-form, and his voice became a whisper as he fights through his pride to say-
"Thank you" to a slave.
Rodan blinked, having never heard such words from Ghidorah before. He taught San to say thanks, but the left head never actually said it with any meaning behind it. Here though, he knew there was truth behind it and he felt his heart lift to be given such an honor. He gives a soft smile.
"You're welcome."
Ichi doesn't look at him, giving a huff as he rested his head back onto the ground, feeling the bird shift to now rest his beak upon Ichi's neck. No twitching this time; already the pain was getting more manageable thanks to their Rodan-shaped first-aid kit. He lets out a breath through his nose and closed his eyes once more. With the warm wing over them and watchful eyes keeping a look-out, he didn't feel so vulnerable anymore and rest was what they needed to get back on the right track.
Soon, they would be strong again and that FALSE king will perish. And this time, they'll make sure he stays dead.
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the-ash0 · 6 years
surviving paradise chapter 1
I am free.
Oh, sweet euphoria.
I might be laughing a little too loud, a little too high. The edge to it reminds me of Raditz. Pathetic, crazy bastard. I cut off the sound. Echoes reflect back at me from trees and hills at the far end of the clearing. The sharp, dangerous cackle cuts through an oppressive silence, and causes both humans and Nameks to recoil from me. Which is what a laugh should do. Still, I would prefer these creatures would not keep staring at me so. Am I the only one who gets the enormity of the joke?
“You messed up your wish,” I explain, but they simply stare at me. Nameks and Earthlings both inch away, huddling together for safety. The silly creatures cannot even comprehend their own stupidity: they got their wish, but not what they wanted.
As for me? My wish, human? Well I missed my chance. Got cheated out of it. Murdered out of it. Still, it’s fine. This is better. Way better. Do you wonder why, human?  Well, I am not sure I can explain in terms you could understand. I guess you could say I escaped the game. Or, maybe this is a new game, but this time I shall control the rules. Heh. maybe I’ll have you little humans dance for me like the puppets you are, weak and mindless fools that you are.. No, I didn't think you’d understand.
Yet I can explain to these creatures staring at me where their wish went wrong: “Don't you see? You resurrected all those killed by Frieza and his men, but I was no longer a part of the PTO when I killed those villagers.”
“So cruel!” Kakarot’s halfbreed whispers as understanding dawns on both green and Saiyan-lookalike faces, then twists to revulsion. Rightly so; we had an uneasy truce back on Namek, the humans and I. But now that all greater threats have been eliminated, I am the one they should fear. They are at my mercy, and my best approximation of that is a clean kill. A fact they had conveniently forgotten in the heat of battle, and now remember on account of these few missing Nameks.
Serves them right. It would be poetic justice if their complacency and reliance on death-cheating magic bites them on the tail this way. It’s an extra bonus if said injustice is dished out by me; someone only alive by a mistake in wording. Oh, how it must sting: to wish for those you have lost but to get the one who took their lives instead. The murderer instead of the murdered. The one you hate instead of those you love...
“That’s right.” I smirk, then bask in their reactions: shock, anger, and of course fear. Even as the surrounding wildlife returns to its soft hum, the cluster of Namek and human fighters keep their focus on me. A wise decision, and I cannot help but rub it in: “Be careful what you wish for.”
What now, human? Does it bother you that I ridicule them for it? Do my words upset you? Does it shock you that I laugh at their pain, that I find mirth in the fact that not even magic can erase their loss? Too bad, human. Life isn’t fair and relying on fairy tales to right its wrongs never got you anything.
Well, I’ll admit it did get them something: me. The Prince of Saiyans, the planet destroyer and— right now— the strongest thing on this planet. And yes, recently the one responsible for the deaths of those Namek villagers.
“Monster,” they call me, and several drop into defensive stances. Which is amusing, really. What do they want from me? An apology? That would not do. Why, these Nameks might get it into their heads that I owe them a debt. No; anything I ever owed is surely cleansed from me in death. Nothing will tie me down: no planet, no people, no warlord, and certainly not guilt. I’m free!
Besides, it is hard to regret something that proves Shenlong agrees: the villagers remain dead because when I killed them I had already escaped Frieza… No; not only have I escaped, but I have been wished back to life and gone straight to paradise.
Which, I suppose, is disagreeable to these weaklings’ sensibilities.
“And what are you going to do about it?” I ask, and turn to face them casually. Predictably my taunt incites them, their bodies shake with fury. To them, I must seem like the epitome of injustice. Good. I cannot help but draw my lips back further and grin. Will any of these fools dare the first strike? It is suicide; they must know. They are weak.
Can I take them all? It would be like ants taking down a lion. Ridiculous, until you have felt a swarm of killer ants come for you. Did you know, human, that there are worlds where thousands upon thousands of workers will throw themselves at an enemy to save their queen? Being swarmed again and again for hours on end is... not a pleasant memory.
There are not that many Nameks. Still, there are more than a few, and they are stronger than most beings. Also, the human fighters proved tenacious last time around. That was not a fond memory either: escaping in my pod battered and bloody. So I ponder this, my relaxed stance honed over the years: Nameks and Earthlings combined; could they manage to take me down?
“Tch.” I dismiss them, turn my nose up as I step back to lean back against a tree. It is only half a bluff, for their pause proved their reluctance. And, with the sky blue and the sun bright, I think I may pass on this opportunity as well. A breeze brushes softly through the trees. The sound and smells of this place call out seductively: soft clear water flowing, insects humming, sweet nectars in the air...
One by one, the warriors turn away. This is victory. I close my eyes as I revel in it, aware that no one will challenge or take it from me. And what a victory it is! I’ve won. Nobody seems to understand, to realise, I’ve won that final game in the end.
“Frieza is dead.” The words hum around the group in whispers, repeated again and again as they huddle together. Now and again, they spare me a furtive glance. As if I would take offence at this— this joyous fact. They do not realise, it seems, that I have been waiting for the monster's end since I was five...
Well, perhaps not quite that long, foolish child that I was. But still, long enough. The Super Saiyan is born to kill the monster, like the legends promised. That Kakarot is the one to pull it off does not even surprise me. The feeling of pride it gives me does. But then the Super Saiyan goes down with planet Namek. A loss, but it’s a good death.
Besides, “you can easily fix this with your magic”, I explain with a half-raised hand, suddenly eager to help. I wouldn't mind fighting that oaf of a Saiyan again, you see. It was great fun. An honest fight; refreshing. There is a poetic justice in someone so simple ending one as twisted and deceitful as Frieza. Odd perhaps that he could succeed when I failed. But there is little reason to fear that third-class. I have beaten him once, I can do it again.
Perhaps I have been playing its games for too long. Perhaps calculating and thinking were my downfalls in the end. I doubt one as addled as Kakarot ever grasped the enormity of what he was up against. He just kept going; tore down the walls that kept him from his goal and fought until he had won. It was what upset me about him on my first trip to Earth as well. An unrelenting, unbridled will to win… Is that Saiyan instinct?
Or, perhaps Kakarot simply lacks the mental capacity to know when defeat is imminent, does not have enough brain cells to know reason. Not enough smarts to stay alive, really. In any other place than this gentle little planet.
“You really are smart!” It is the blue haired woman that praises me, odd thing she is. I cock open a lazy eye as she flutters my way, and I resolve to blast her head off if she adds ‘for a monkey’ to her words. But I am left waiting for it. Perhaps she really does think I’m clever. Humans, so far, have not impressed me with their intelligence. Oh, do not take too much offense, human. Saiyans are hardly known for their brains either. The sad part is that you are also lacking in power.
She’s right though. I am smart. Smart enough to know I got lucky by not getting my wish. For a little while on Namek, I feared Frieza had decided to keep me. Even now, I cannot help but wonder. Would Frieza have tired of me if Kakarot had not come along? Or would I still have that noose-like tail around my neck as that monster laid into me just to see what it would take to get me down on my knees? Back on my knees.
“Feh.” I guess in Kakarot that monster found someone more fun to play with. Finally. Lucky me. Clever me. To let the two greatest warriors in the galaxy end each other. What a victory. Frieza is dead and all I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me.
Right here, on this opulent, soft planet. Before, I would have been disgusted at the sight. But I am different now. There is nothing to be jealous over. No rush. No orders. Nothing to do. If I wish, I could simply sit in the shadows until the sun goes down. Enjoy, bask and take of it. Yes, this planet is ripe for the taking. What was your Earth expression... having your pie and eating it too?
No...it gets better. They are giving it away! “Vegeta, you’ll need a place to stay too, won’t you?” That woman, the mental one with blue hair, walks up to me with an open, naive smile. Simply invites me into her own house. For free. I keep a straight face, but I can hardly believe my luck. Trusting little fool; she’ll be lucky to live to regret it. I follow her and her entourage of Nameks projecting pure innocence.
I did not get my wish, but I got what I wanted.
I am free.
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moonlightreal · 6 years
Treatise on Power Sources
More Winx magic stuff!
A Treatise on Power Sources
From the Alfea Library
A message from Miss Faragonda: Dear fairies of Earth, as you explore the possibilities of your newfound magic, please remember that magic works differently on Earth than it does in the magic dimension. Your specific power may not protect you as it would in a more magical realm, so never put yourself in any situation that would be dangerous to a nonmagical human.
Fairy Magic
Fairies are connected to all the magic of the universe, but many fairies have a special connection to a particular kind of magic.  Just as each person has certain talents, each fairy has special magical talents granted by the Great Dragon to help make the universe a better place.
A fairy's power source can be nearly anything; an element of nature, a talent, even an idea or spiritual force.  Some power sources are more common than others.  There are many Fairies of Nature in the realms, but a fairy with an 'oddball' power source may be the only fairy of that power who exists at the present time.  Nobody truly knows why fairies get the power sources they do.  The current theory is that the Great Dragon grants power sources where they are needed to solve some problem in the universe.  Different power sources are meant to work together to solve problems.
Please note that a fairy's power source is not meant to limit her magic but rather to guide it.  A fairy of music, for example, will be able to learn painting magic with no problem but may find her picture spells have more power if she listens to music while painting them.  A fairy of nature may not be a natural with computers, but her magic will not stand in the way of her becoming skilled with technology.
A fairy's true power source can never be destroyed.  Fairies have many things that can strengthen their magic such as magic items, bonds to magical creatures, and even places that make their powers stronger, but the loss of any of these things cannot take away a fairy's true power.  A Fairy of Nature may experience her magic strongly while walking in a particular park, but if she must move away from that park her magic may be weakened for a while but will not be lost forever.
Some young fairies boast that they have the “most powerful” power source, but in truth there is no such thing.  Different fairies will be better suited for different missions but there is no power source that is strongest in all areas.  The most powerful fairy is the one who has the most understanding of her own talents and uses them to the limits of her ability.
It is also true that there are no 'bad' power sources.  Fairies of Destruction are rare, but their power is aligned towards clearing away old things that don't work anymore so that new things can be built.  No fairy will ever have a power source that cannot be turned towards good, just as any power source can be turned towards evil.  Good and evil are in what we choose to do with our powers.
Finding Your Power Source
Discovering your power source will make your magic stronger, but it is not necessary in order to work magic.  There have been fairies who used magic for years without being sure of their power source.  Each fairy will find her power source when the time is right.
For many fairies discovering their power source is very easy.  Simply take some quiet time and think about what gives you energy, what makes you feel powerful and magical.  That is your power source.  It could be an element of nature, an activity, or any facet of life.  In some special cases fairies may call their power from a bond with a powerful spiritual being.
There are also a number of mystic rituals and meditations that have been created to reveal a fairy's power source.  Augustus Bramble's book Magic Basics,which is available on the Earth section of the realmwide web, has a very good meditation that all Earth fairies are encouraged to try if they are in confusion about their power source.
Readers of this treatise may be surprised to learn that it is possible to make a mistake in learning one's power source.  Magic is the reflection of a fairy's true self, but must be seen and understood by the mind.  And the mind of every thinking being can be fooled, from within and without.  As such, fairies are prone to finding the power source they wish for or fear rather than the one that is truly theirs.  This can be a cause for some embarrassment, but it is a very common phenomenon, a result of the normal workings of a thinking mind, and as such is nothing to be ashamed of.
It is impossible to discover for certain what someone else's power source is.  Occasionally psychics or diviners claim to be able to help young fairies discover their power sources, usually for money. These people may be gifted, but their pronouncements will at best be educated guesses.  The only person who can discover your power source is you.
Some Power Sources Detailed
Many tomes have been written in the magical realms listing different power sources and noting down all the details of each one, but those are only truly useful for scholars.  Fairies only need to know that whatever the power source is, each fairy will interpret it differently.  Just as ten artists could take the same box of paints and paint ten different pictures, ten fairies of the sun will use their powers in ten different ways.
For the purposes of this treatise we have decided to describe the power sources of the six fairies best known on Earth, the Winx Club, and describe how other fairies might use those powers differently.
Nature magic was the first magic discovered,  when people were first discovering the world around them, and nature is important to all fairies.  Nature Fairies however are the most connected to the wild world.
Many Nature Fairies are Plant Fairies.  Some of them specialize in gardening, growing vegetables to eat and flowers to make the world more beautiful, while others communicate with tree spirits and study how plants grow best in the wild.  Garden Fairies can also specialize in growing herbal medicines, but this ancient art can be quite dangerous and no young fairy should ever eat or drink any herbal mixture. Herbs should instead be used to make scented potpourris or mixed into homemade soaps.
There are also the Animal Fairies.  Some Animal Fairies work to understand and help animals, while others can transform into them. Animal Fairies may be especially attuned to one species such as cats, or to all animals. Insect Fairies work to understand the place of these small creatures in their environment.
Still other Nature Fairies seek to understand nature as a whole, seeing how the different species of plants and animals work together to keep life in balance, and find ways to heal that balance where it has been disrupted.  There is a great need for Ecology Fairies on earth today.
All Nature Fairies should spend time outside whenever they can.  Many Nature Fairies enjoy gardening and feel their power increase when they tend to plants, whether outdoors in a garden or inside in pots.  They should also give attention to learning about the natural world.  In Earth schools this is covered in science classes and, for older fairies, biology and ecology classes.  The people of Earth have spent hundreds of years learning about their realm, and that knowledge should not be scorned.
Light is one of the most common power sources, and comes in a multitude of forms. Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight, and Firelight are only a few of them.
Sunlight fairies tend to be outgoing and cheerful, while Moonlight fairies are more often quiet and thoughtful.  Firelight Fairies may be warmhearted friends, or may channel the power of the forest fire, which clears dead wood so that new plants can grow.  These Firelight Fairies can become too harsh in telling their friends what needs cutting from their lives, but their strong opinions are sometimes needed.
Many Light Fairies are adventurers, battling darkness in its various forms. Some Light Fairies concentrate on wielding the light of knowledge against the darkness of ignorance, while others bring the light of friendship to those in the darkness of loneliness.  And of course some simply fight monsters.
Light Fairies of more peaceful temperaments may devote themselves to creating beauty in the form of some sort of art, or to being good friends.  Some Light Fairies can light up a room with their presence, and some become quite famous.  
Light Fairies should try to make beauty in their own spaces, keeping their rooms clean and colorfully decorated.  Most Light Fairies are very social, and should take care to see their friends often but also to schedule quiet time alone.  Those Light Fairies seeking to battle against darkness will benefit from physical exercise as well as study on many topics.
Water is one of the four magical elements and is traditionally associated with emotion.  Water is also the element where life began, and is needed by all life on Earth.  Like their element, many Water Fairies have strong hearts and can adapt to new situations just as water adapts to the shape of the land around it.  Water Fairies are often very active, always moving.  
For more studious Water Fairies, living near a body of water is ideal.  Whether it's the ocean or a small stream or pond, learning about the changes in a watery environment during the year help connect Water Fairies to their power.  
The most mystical Water Fairies are also connected to the moon, which creates the tides.  They watch the tides of magical energy that move through the world, predicting important events.
If you suspect you may be a Water Fairy, it is important to get into the water at least occasionally.  Swimming lessons are ideal, but the occasional bubble bath can lend a magical boost.  It is also important to learn about watery ecosystems
Many Fairies of Music play an instrument, but not all do.  They all enjoy listening to music however, and most sing, if only in the shower.  Fairies of Music gain strength from music, and can turn a bad day into a good one with a change in their mental music.  They can tune themselves in to the sounds of life around them, many are good listeners who can pick up the rhythm of conversations between people and listen to what is truly meant rather than just what is said.
Some Music Fairies are performers, musicians or singers.  Others enjoy singing or dancing to cast their magical spells.  
Music Fairies should create a collection of music for different moods or casting different types of spells.  They should explore many different kinds of music, study the history of music, and learn about the cultures that created different styles.  Of course, many Music Fairies will wish to learn how to play an instrument or improve their singing, when their circumstances allow.
Synergy is the name that has been given to the newest type of magic, the magic of the mind and expanding civilization.  With technology expanding at such a great rate, Technology Fairies are needed on Earth like never before.
Fairies of Technology blend magic and technology.  The realmwide web connects people all over planet Earth, and Technology Fairies use those connections to spread positive energy by sending encouraging messages to their friends and use the web to spread the word of opportunities to do good.  They face problems such as online bullying and cruelty, which must be fought.  
Synergy also includes aspects of the mind and imagination.  Fairies of Stories create works of poetry or prose that bring joy to people and inspire them to see the world in new ways.  Or they find new ways of seeing meaning in stories, seeking to understand different cultures by what they create.  There is no better study partner than a Fairy of Knowledge; they always seem to know how to look up what they need, whether it's for a class assignment or investigating a haunted house. Fairies of History find meaning in the past events of their realm and seek out magic that may have happened in the past.
Synergy Fairies should devote time to seeing out where magic and humanity meet, perhaps by searching for magic in works of media or even by creating their own.  They should also keep up on the new inventions of their realm.  You are only young fairies today, but soon you will be the people who make decisions for your whole realm and it is important that you understand the changes that will shape the future.
The Dragon Flame
The Great Dragon is one of the primal spirits of the magic dimension.  Its essence is joy and wonder, and it is the being that chose to give the power of magic to all thinking creatures.  So in a way, all fairies are fairies of the Dragon Flame!  However in normal speech that title is given to one particular fairy, at the moment Princess Bloom of Domino.  The Great Dragon chose Domino as its resting place, and its power joined with the royal family so most Fairies of the Dragon Flame have been born into the royal family.
It is not likely that any Dragon Fire Fairies are on Earth at present, but it is not impossible.  There are several past members of the Domino royal family whose fates are unknown; possibly one of them could have married a resident of Earth and had a family.  
Slightly more likely is the possibility that the Great Dragon would choose to bestow its power on an Earth fairy, or even a group of them.  The Great Dragon certainly has the ability to do this, but that fairy would have to have a truly amazing destiny.  
There are other primal spirits, ancient fairies, and other powerful forces in the magic universe, far too many to detail here.  They are rarely seen even by powerful fairies, but any of them could choose a fairy whose nature matched its own to bestow its power upon.  The royal families of many realms have legends of powerful spirit patrons, and while many of those stories are mere propaganda, some are sure to be true.
A fairy with a spiritual patron as a power source will be very powerful, but not invincible.  Princess Bloom has access to infinite power in theory, but in practice she is still human and can only use as much power as any other strong fairy.  
There is also a danger in communication with spiritual creatures.  As mentioned above, all people can be fooled, and it is possible for a fairy to imagine that she hears the voice of her patron when she is truly hearing only her own thoughts.  For this reason such fairies must be very cautious about their own thoughts and learn to think critically about the things that they hear.  The necessity of examining their own thoughts makes these fairies very wise.
Other Power Sources
There are of course many other possible power sources, far too many to detail here.  Earth Fairies use the magic of gemstones.  Storm Fairies monitor wild weather, when they aren't flying through it.  Fairies of Cooking invent new delicious recipes.  Fortune Fairies use different magical means to predict the future and help their friends avoid bad luck.  Fairies of Justice seek new ways to solve problems between people.  
Finding your unique power and using it to help others brings positive energy to the realms and makes the universe a more magical place.  
This treatise is part of the Alfea Earth Fairy Initiative, dedicated to producing introductory magic texts for young fairies who cannot attend a fairy school.  Further treatises may be forthcoming upon request from local fairies. Please suggest topics for future works in the “comment section” of this realmwide web posting.
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rilenerocks · 4 years
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Here’s a selfie I took this morning, me wearing my favorite mask. As I believe this pandemic is going to last a long time, I’m collecting a variety of them. How very strange. Of the many things I’ve done in my life that seemed unimaginable, wearing a mask daily ranks near the top of that list. I remember having lots of conversations with people about how if time travel was possible, as portrayed in films like The Time Machine or Back to the Future, I’d never have chosen to go forward, to see what was waiting for me down the road. I still feel the same way.
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I didn’t realize I’d accidentally taken this photo of my hair today, some time when I was out in the garden, looking for my newest blooms or insects on the wing. I thought it was both funny and oddly artistic. My garden, along with my funny little kiddie pool, are my salvation during these seemingly endless repetitive days of social distancing. I know that because my country’s response to the coronavirus has been so abysmal, I’m likely to be occupying this unexpected peculiar life for many months so I’d better make good use of whatever breaks the monotony. Outside I go, absent intolerable weather, to hunt for what nature has to offer daily, a beautiful little transient moment that I can freeze in time. Here are some of today’s little treasures.
I have lots more photos from today and many other days. They’re easier for ne to edit and publish than a post I’ve  been grappling with for a week. It’s chapter 11 of my small book about the years of Michael’s cancer and death – Be 278. I knew I needed to write that narrative, even when Michael was still alive. I thought it would not only help me come to terms with those challenging years, but also help others whose lives are upended  by a terrible diagnosis. I’m at the part when Michael has risen from the proverbial ashes, rescued from what we thought was imminent death, by a drug that for him, was essentially a miracle. This chapter is about remission which I thought would be easier to describe than some of the more painful moments. But it isn’t. I still get overwhelmed. I take breaks, going outside to see what the birds are doing, and other winged creatures or random garden visitors as well.
This is all great distraction. I give myself a break for being undisciplined about writing all that hard stuff because living it all over again is really brutal. I remember a lot of it, vividly, even after five years which in reality, is only a little time. But I also have my journals, pages and pages of feelings and descriptions, of ugly moments and painful beauty. I get involved with reading them to the point where I’m so exhausted that when I’m finished, I can’t write a word. That’s when I go outside, or read a book, or splash my feet in my little pool and watch the clouds go by while I listen to music on my ridiculously large headphones. I think it’s good to know yourself well enough to listen when your mind tells you to take a step back.
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This evening I was immersed in the journals again, trying to establish a sequence of events, having gotten almost 1400 words squeezed out of my head that for the most part, seem coherent. While flipping the pages, I came to a number of them that I wrote in the fall of 2015, at a time when Michael was still in his exceptional response to treatment and I felt safe enough to venture back into the non-medical world to do something for myself. I took a creative writing class. I remember how great it felt to be participating in a normal retirement activity, doing something I’d always wanted to do, years before I initiated this blog. I didn’t remember all that much about what I wrote though. I liked my teacher and distinctly recall an ego-boosting moment when she read what she felt were the greatest first sentences in fiction and I could identify every single book. I felt like this part of my brain that I’d forgotten was abruptly, back up front, away from cancer studies and clinical articles. I even remember the first sentence she read: “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which happened to be my favorite novel.
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After that class, our assignment was to write ten sentences that we thought would be engaging starters to a story or novel. What I found tonight in my journal was what I wrote for that assignment. I was fascinated by them but I never had time to go back and use them to go any further. Michael was still living and when he was at his strongest, I wanted to experience as much time together as possible. And when remission ended, and we walked those last months to his death, I forgot about creative writing. After he was gone, I took more classes, mostly about science and genetics, with jazz thrown in on the side. I started this blog about 6 months after Michael’s death, committed more to memoir than fiction. But now my interest is piqued. I don’t know whether I’ll pick these up and go anywhere with them. Regardless of what I’ll do, here are my 10 opening sentences, written five years ago.
1) When the sun broke through her bedroom blinds, Belle pulled the comforter down far enough to peek over it with one eye and register dismay that she was in the same room where she’d fallen asleep the previous night.
2) No matter how hard Jack squeezed and twisted the nightgown, his face pressed against the slinky cotton, no scent of Emily remained.
3) Goldfinches swayed on the pampas grass, denuding the plumes of their seed bounty in the brisk November wind.
4) Low tide, the edge of the beach covered in the former homes of sea creatures who had made a splendid snack for the inevitable predator.
5) The house appeared to be average for the neighborhood, effectively concealing the emotional disarray behind the sturdy wood door.
6) Every time Claire drew closer to Chicago, the sky’s subtle transition from blue to a sickly yellow color was a reminder of why she’d left so many years ago.
7) Although a distant geology class had provided the reason for the change in the color of the earth, the brilliant orange ground never failed to stun him.
8) “Keep your head down and don’t make eye contact with anyone or we’ll never get out of here.”
9) When they walked to the lake that morning, neither one imagined that this particular day would provide sanctuary for them through all life’s agonies, small and large.
10) Impossibly, a fountain pen with green ink and a piece of damask paper was enough to blot out the disappointment of last night’s dismal sexual failure.
So, there they are. Ten beginnings. I still like most of them and have a fair idea where I’d go with them. We’ll see. Tomorrow, I go back to the remission chapter. Time only allows for the occasional step back at my age.
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A Step Back Here’s a selfie I took this morning, me wearing my favorite mask. As I believe this pandemic is going to last a long time, I’m collecting a variety of them.
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digital-dragoon · 7 years
okay here's one: if your non-human characters had daemons, what would they be?
!!! oh boy!! this is gonna be fun
imagine a creature capable of camouflage in the foliage, one that blends in as much as fiver sticks out from the rest of his rabbit kind… the leaf-tailed gecko is that creature. secretive, rare and mixed up with the latin name: phantasticus meaning ‘imaginary’. it is a creature holding a fair amount of mystery about it. they are vulnerable creatures - much like how fiver himself seems - but hardy in their madagascar-based environment. dark in colour as to be almost black, with amber-red eyes, she goes by hellebore - a beautiful if deadly poisonous flower
Raptor Red
in a world where only the strongest survive, red must have a daemon befitting adaptability and resilience both. female - like red herself - she doesn’t have a name as such, but a memory of senses attached to her, fluffy sensations that caused red to sneeze before she’d even opened her eyes, a smell of her and comfort, of shapes that always seemed to change… raptor red simply refers to her as flicker. now, flicker used to be a being that switched quickly between forms during her hatchling days, but, once red had been old enough to make her first kill, flicker settled as a majestic harpy eagle. she often rested upon her friend’s back, taking to the air to agilely take down targets to make red and her partner’s work easier during the days when they still hunted together as a pack
sluggishly switching between forms, it seems the day when spyro’s daemon is to settle is drawing ever nearer. in the past, she became swamp-based creatures: turtles, snakes and birds… but as time ticked by, she began to become more focused on staying in the forms of various species of dragonflies and butterflies, owls and mustelids. small and winged creatures that could fly alongside spyro or remind them both of home. spiritous is her name, meaning spirit and breathing in latin, it signifies the powers that spyro will soon gain but also their spirit to continue on, even in the face of danger
still ever-shifting as sunpaw’s daemon would be, they aren’t too sure what he’ll end up as but they do know that he feels more comfortable in insectoid forms - from dragonflies to butterflies. things small and easily hidden, beings that flutter above and around sunpaw’s head without ever having to concern the other about brief touches. he is called dart, though once sunpaw has earned his warrior name, he will be referred to as dartlight
the creature that lumbers like a menacing shadow after the large tabby cat. the living, breathing soul that is his daemon. a komodo dragon with scars around her ribs and legs, she is just as intimidating a creature as tigerstar is himself. nightstrike is her name and intimidating others by her silent stature alone is her game
(i’m still in the middle of writing up her app but uH i really wanted to include her on this list so….)
spider’s wave a web of their own lives, letting the vibrations tell them of sustenance that keep their lives flowing on. and a spider is what gossamer became. the actual specification of the species is as of yet unknown but the mythical ties to the insect are based around control of your life along the lines of a web, something that clearsight had to eventually face as her future continued to unravel before her eyes
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bibaleen · 6 years
A fan-made Servant race for Kill Six Billion Demons
While the gods were around, they served as bards, storytellers, couriers, and reporters, able to relay the complex experiences of life with charisma and grace. It was their job to take the experiences and facets of life and report back what was found so the gods are informed how things were. Not simply news, but how existence is, feelings and skills and experiences.
The jacks of all trades, the experience antiquarians for the gods. They can absorb memories, thoughts, skills, and feelings through touch. Their curiosity and charisma, mixed with their natural ability to charm and subdue, results in each Transient having unique skill sets.
They are lanky humanoids with 2 sets of arms, slender fingers, and long legs that give them considerable height and stride. You’ll rarely see one less than 6 feet tall.
Their skin color varies over time, starting with light blue and darkening to deep purple, almost black as they age.
Their eyes and blood/veins range in color, depending on temperament.
They reproduce asexually, planting a spore-like egg that will feed on nearby life. Plants, bacteria in the air, small creatures like insects. Once they assimilate enough matter they’ll begin to wander, absorbing small things along the way. Eventually they will grow a mouth and can eat and drink.
Their bodies have natural forming lines and glyphs corresponding to experiences. As they gain or lose experiences, their body physically alters. It is like their memory is painted on them. As a result, complex glyphs are seen as a sign of wisdom.
When the gods started to tell stories and create worlds, the Transients were sent off to go to the world’s, pluck experiences, and bring them back. When they tried to return, they found they could not enter Throne. The gods who sent them were now dead as well. Collectively their race was outcast, scattered to the winds to wander the King’s Road and whatever sealed off worlds they were stuck in. But then, much much later, the demiurges came and started opening the worlds once again. The Transients, with curiosity being their strongest trait, jumped at the chance to explore the vast cosmos.
Nowadays they serve as information brokers, guides, tutors, and entertainers of all kinds. Whenever a story must be told, they are often there.
They offer a unique sale, the barter of experience. The ‘devil at the crossroad’ myth was started here, with the more unsavory Transients taking what they wish while better ones offer fair trades.
Due to their nature as wanderers, storytellers, and assimilators, they don’t really have a set culture, meerly trends.
It is common fashion to wear wrappings or bandages around the arms or legs and to wrap a bandage over the mouth when not planning to speak.
They are an extremely curious race and due to their abilities, even children are quite worldly and experienced. They enjoy travel and wandering. The amount of worlds visited is often a thing of pride.
They are typically solitary, rarely ever living in groups of their own race. They can sense the general presence of their own kind and as a result, prefer to live without the company of relatives and rarely settle down.
- Exceptional charisma and experienced storytellers
- 2 sets of arms with each set being ambidextrous
- Don’t need to breathe
- Their gaze is known to lull or captivate (doesn’t affect angels, devils, or the strong willed)
- Can take, store, and bestow memories and skills. Absorbed skills degrade over the course of 3 years if not practiced and thereby genuinely learned
- They have an internal gps, able to pinpoint distant things in relation to themselves
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“A Humanist Ethical Code
1. Think  for Yourself: Ethics  is not simply  a matter of what we do. It also compels  us to think  before we act. Nor can we act morally simply by appealing  to what others think, because they may be wrong. As Socrates,the founder  of moral philosophy,  realized, moral thinking  arises when we pass beyond the stage of being directed by traditional rules and begin instead to think  for ourselves  in critical  terms. We have to think  out our principles  in the light  of which  we make our decisions.  A key word is autonomy,  which  here means acting  as independent  moral agents. Unfortunately,  only a minority  of people ever seem to reach this stage. A common classification  of cognitive  moral  development  is the preconventional,  conventional  and post-conventional.  Most people rarely  proceed beyond the conventional  stage, and this fact will  be especially  true in very traditional  and conservative  societies  where there is likely  to be a large measure of consensus  on what is right  and wrong and where there is little exposure to alternative  viewpoints.  In a society  like Northern Ireland there is no shortage of authoritarian  figures -priests, teachers, youth leaders, politicians -telling  others how they should  think. This  conformism  is particularly  prevalent  in religious  societies,  for religion  has always been the greatest foe of free thought. The main  agent of change has to be education.  If morality  has to be learned, then the young have to be led along  the path to autonomy.  So far, education  has failed  in this task, and it will continue  to fail  until  at the very least there is integrated  schooling  and moral  education becomes a subject in its own right,  freed from the constraints  of RE.
2. Respect Truth and Reason: The world's ills  are not simply  the result  of human  wickedness;  they are also due to ignorance,  stupidity,  and misunderstandings.  Knowledge  and intelligence  are therefore  of crucial  importance  in any advanced code of ethics. We may not logically  be able to derive 'ought' from 'is', but our nature and our needs require that we use knowledge  to enhance the good life.  'Knowledge  itself  is power', noted Francis Bacon, and whether  it is the medical discoveries  that assist us in curing  disease, the technological  advances that improve  our material  welfare,  or the psychological  and sociological  insights  that enable us to make people happier and more fulfilled,  knowledge  clearly  enriches  human  life.  It is a primary means to achieving  mental  and physical  health.  Moreover, the search for truth  is itself  a good and the joy of discovery  can be one of our greatest pleasures. The philosopher  David  Hume suggested  that "'tis not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction  of the whole world to the scratching  of my finger".  But reason does play a crucial role in ethics  as well  as in the acquisition  of knowledge.  It is by our reason that we acquire the ability  to sympathize  with another's  situation  because we have to think  out what it would be like to him or her in that situation.  To empathize  with  others is to use our reason. The role of empathy  explains  the importance  which  Humanists  place on the Golden Rule of human  behavior.  This  principle  is older than Christianity  and is found,  for example,  in the Sutra Kritanga  (circ. 550BC) and in Confucius:  "Do not do to others what you would not like for yourself".
Reason in ethics also means taking  into consideration  all our relevant  desires and not just the desire that happens to be strongest  at the moment.  In other words, it involves  us thinking about the consequences  of our actions. Thus, as Bertrand Russell  put it, "a man is rational  in proportion  as his intelligence  informs  and controls  his desires"  (Can Men Be Rational?).  It is also in this sense that Leonard Woolf spoke when he remarked:  "the  sordid and savage story of history  has been written  by man's irrationality,  and the thin  precarious crust of civilization which  has from  time to time  been built  over the bloody mess has always  been built  by reason" (BBC broadcast, 1949).
3. Be Skeptical, Yet Open-Minded: Much harm in the world results from,  ideas, whether  religious  or secular,  which  are held dogmatically  and imposed on whole communities.  Humanists  are naturally  critical  of religious  ideologies,  such as Catholicism  or Protestant fundamentalism.  But we are also critical  of most political  ideologies.  This does not mean that we reject them all, but it does mean that we subject them to the severest critical  scrutiny.  It also means that we believe facile  certainties  are mistaken  and dangerous,  however secure they make their supporters feel in their  own minds.  From our more skeptical  perspective,  we think  that there are no final solutions,  that societies  will  always have problems, that life  cannot be neatly  wrapped up, and that knowledge  is always expanding.  We believe  that people have no need to feel unhappy  or insecure  about a state of skepticism  and doubt and that the world would be a better place if more people were, in the words of Francis Bacon, 'committed  to uncertainty'.
4. Respect Values: Values  are of crucial  importance  to Humanists.  We believe  in the fullest  realization  of the best and nobles that we are capable of as human  beings.  We value  reason and science, human intelligence,  justice and fairness,  altruism,  integrity,  honesty,  truthfulness,  freedom  and responsibility.  Humanists  also prefer to stress the positive  side of our natures:  optimism rather than pessimism,  hope rather than despair, learning  in the place of dogma, truth instead of ignorance,  joy rather than guilt  or sin, tolerance  in the place of bigotry  and fear, love instead of hatred, compassion  over selfishness,  and so on. Being  a Humanist  means BELIEVING  IN HUMANE VALUES. It means, for example, supporting  the rights  of women and the rights  of minorities  such as Blacks or Gays. The following  parts of the code outline  some of these humane  values.
5. Respect Life: Humanists  might  not go as far as Albert Schweitzer  who advocated a total reverence for all life,  including  insects and plants  as well  as humans  and other animals.  We would, however, argue that -apart from special cases like self-defense  or war -it is wrong to kill  human beings  irrespective  of their race, religion,  class or nationality.  Even in those exceptional cases where killing  may be justified,  we should  not kill  unless  there are no other alternatives or the alternatives  have been full  explored. It may be necessary to kill  in order to avoid greater killing.  But even in war the means should  be just. The actual killing  should  not be disproportionate  to the goal; serious attempts  should be made to avoid civilian  deaths; aggression  should  be directed towards its true object and not at the harmless;  and the use of cruel weapons or weapons of mass destruction  should  be avoided. Some, but not all, Humanists  accept a hierarchy  of rights to life.  They argue that the more autonomous,  self-aware  and conscious  the being, the greater its right  to life.  This  would mean that human  beings  in general  have more right  to life  than other animals  but that there is also a hierarchy  of rights  in the animal  world itself.  Other Humanists  are convinced  of the equality  of all animals.  We would certainly  all agree that we should avoid inflicting  suffering on other species.
6. Be Open and Honest: Respect for others entails  that we do not deceive, abuse exploit  them. Personal relationships should  be based on trust, and this can only  be secure if we are open rather than secretive  and honest instead of deceitful.  This  honesty applies  to opinion.  While  Humanists  want to create a good impression,  it would be against  Humanist  principles  for us to pretend that we agree on everything.  We are essentially  freethinkers,  which  implies  that we disagree on many things  and indeed welcome  argument  and debate. It is indeed one of our strengths.  Therefore, we should not think  that we must  conceal our opinion  in order not to offend others or in order to present a 'good' image.  We hope that openness and honesty  is the best policy  and that others will  respect more for it.
7. Be Loving  and Kind: Christians  do not have a monopoly  of love. Weal believe  in its crucial  importance  in morality.  We would however, reject its Christian  basis in 'posthumous  self-interest',  to use Milton's  phrase. To love others because a god commands  it is to promote self-centered preoccupation  with our own individual virtue  and salvation.  Instead Humanists  see love as grounded in our nature as social animals.  Like all gregarious  creatures, much  of our behavior  is quite naturally  co-operative and altruist  "The  inclination  to goodness is deeply imprinted  in the nature of man",  wrote Francis Bacon. Darwin  reached a similar  conclusion: "It can hardly be disputed that the social  feelings  are instinctive  or innate  in the low animals; and why should they not be so in man?"  The difference,  of course, is that we have the capacity extend our loving  nature outward from the immediate  family  to the whole of humankind.  And that is what we mean by moral progress. It is, as the 19th century  Irish historian  Lecky noted, an expanding  circle:  "At one time the benevolent  affections  embrace merely  the family,  soon the circle expanding  includes  first  a class, then nation,  then a coalition  of nations,  then all humanity  and finally,  its influence  is felt in the dealings  of man with the animal  world" (The History  of European Morals ). Consider also the words of Alfred Adler:  "Every  human  being  strives for significance;  but people always  make mistakes if they do not see that their  significance  must consist  in their contribution  to the lives  of others"  (What Life Should  Mean To You ).
8. Help The Weak And Needy: There is much  suffering  and hardship  in the world. Millions  live  on the margins  of existence, dragged down by malnutrition,  disease, squalor and illiteracy.  Possibly  40% of the people of less developed countries,  or at least a quarter of the world's population,  live  in absolute poverty. In relative  terms, too, the gap between rich and poor nations  has widened in recent years, and the level  poverty in many developed countries  also rose during  the 1980s and early 1990s. Since Humanists  strive  to work together  for the common  good of humanity,  we deplore this trend, both within  countries  and between them. Regarding  the Third  World, we would therefore  support projects which  minimize  the dependence of poor nations  on the importation  of goods from developed nations,  and would also commend  policies  which improve  their  terms of trade. We also call for an increase in aid programs  and note that the UK's official  aid as a percentage of GDP is lower than that of many  European countries.  We also favor  aid distributed  through  multinational  agencies  rather than bilateral  aid, which  often has strings attached. Within  the UK we deplore policies  which  increase  poverty and unemployment.
9. Respect Nature: Humanism  is not just a philosophy  of humankind;  it is also, because we are a part of the cosmos, a philosophy  of nature. We are conscious  of the essential  unity  of the natural  and the human  worlds and so we wish to protect and enhance  the earth and preserve it for future generations.  Ecological  humanism  seeks more humane  priorities  for production,  in which there is achieved  a balance between progress and conservation,  a compromise  between industrial  modernization  and environmental  protection. We are not advocating  a return to a pre-industrial  era but rather supporting  a policy  of sustainable  development  which  tries to conserve instead of depleting  natural  resources.
10. Support Worthy Causes: Humanism  is not just an armchair  philosophy;  it is also a springboard  to action. Humanists do not just sit around and talk but are also actively  involved  in attempts to improve  society and the long run betterment  of humankind.  Most Humanists  belong to other organizations  in various  walks of life  and regard them also as expressions  of their  Humanism.
Humanists  themselves  give active support to such causes as: the Peace Movement;  the campaign  to extend the provisions  for abortion  which  apply in Great Britain;  greater availability  of advice on sexual  matters for young  people, such as the Brook Centre; greater equality  of rights  for women in Ulster; equality  of rights  towards minority  groups, such as homosexuals;  voluntary  euthanasia;  the campaign  for integrated  education;  replacement  of RE by moral  education;  and the campaign  to persuade other parties, such as Labour, to organize  in Northern Ireland.
NOTE.The above principles  are not the 10 Commandments  of Humanism.  We do not believe  in dictating morals  to one another. Not all Humanists  will  agree with ALL the sentiments  expressed in them. For we value, above all, free thought  and tolerance.  They are therefore  only intended  as a guide”
Read in full... http://dev.humanistni.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Humanist-Handbook.pdf
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kamenhusband · 7 years
So in the meantime of getting a new laptop I did a writing exercise for my OC Gyro doing character banter with the Injustice 2 cast, like the pre-fight dialogue.
Crimson Rider vs Injustice 2 cast
Batman: Show me you got what it takes.
Gyro: I started training at half Nightwing's age.
Batman: You’ve never fought me before.
Gyro: Don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Batman: Trust me, I can afford it
Gyro: My tech’s more, economical.
Superman: You know exactly how strong I am, right?
Gyro: Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you
Superman: That was your last chance.
Gyro: You will be stopped
Superman: I only fight for justice
Gyro: A lot of villains start off that way too
Wonder Woman: It would be wise to surrender
Gyro: Says the homicidal demi-goddess.
Wonder Woman: You know nothing boy.
Gyro: Zeus is gonna be so disappointed in you.
Wonder Woman: I am the gods’ judge and executioner.
Gyro: So ALL the gods are gonna be disappointed.
Aqua man: What is your business with Atlantis?
Gyro: Just wanted to try some sushi.
Aqua man: The trident says otherwise.
Gyro: You must hate Seaworld don’t yah Arthur?
Aqua man: Get out of my way.
Gyro: Just trying to make conversation dude.
Super girl: This is a symbol of hope.
Gyro: And I’m the symbol of freedom.
Super girl: You have the freedom to run away
Gyro: My girlfriend can beat the tar out of you.
Super girl: Then why isn’t she fighting me?
Gyro: Cause I’m still stronger than you.
Power girl: How can you stand all those sounds from your suit.
Gyro: Makes me sound cooler.
Power Girl: Makes you sound deader.
Gyro: My coordinator says you’re…different
Power Girl: What’s that supposed to mean?
Gyro: You don't belong here, and that’s coming from me.
Green Lantern (Hal): You’d make one helluva Green Lantern kid.
Gyro: My power comes from all emotions, not just one.
Green Lantern: Fair enough, let’s begin.
Gyro: Y’know, red’s more my color anyway.
Green Lantern: Red is the color of rage.
Gyro: Red is the color of heroism.
Green Lantern (John): The Guardians have an interest in you.
Gyro: Not interested, flying’s not my thing.
Green Lantern: You don’t have a choice.
Gyro: There certainly a lot of lanterns
Green Lantern: Universe’s a big place.
Gyro: Aren’t you afraid you won’t stand out?
Flash (Barry): I’m the fastest man alive
Gyro: Subjective and also super debatable.
Flash: You don’t even have the speed force.
Gyro: I don’t need the speed force to outrun you.
Flash: I can't run from a fight.
Gyro: Yeah, also better at that than you.
Flash (Jay): Ever faced an original speedster?
Gyro: In my world, yes, yes I have.
Flash: Then this will be refreshing.
Gyro: You remind me of my grandfather.
Flash: This old timer can teach you some things.
Gyro: He taught me everything he knew.
Reverse Flash: I am the master of the speed force
Gyro: I am the master of kicking your ass
Reverse Flash: You’d be surprised.
Gyro: Speedsters never last long.
Reverse Flash: You don’t know what I’m capable of.
Gyro: Quite frankly, yes I do.
Green Arrow: How does your bow work?
Gyro: charged by kinetic energy, infinite arrows.
Green Arrow: Way to make the rest of us feel jealous.
Gyro: Where’s Canary to fight your battles for you?
Green Arrow: At least my defender isn’t called Pink Princess.
Gyro: Okay I get it, let’s drop it Oliver.
Black Canary: You wanna throw down with me?
Gyro: This suit has some great ear plugs.
Black Canary: My cry will rattle your skull.
Gyro: Please, go raise your son, he’ll thank you later.
Black Canary: I’m not one to back down from a challenge.
Gyro: This isn’t a suggestion.
Cyborg: So you know an android?
Gyro: And she’s three times more human than you.
Cyborg: You’re going to regret saying that.
Gyro: My tech surpasses yours.
Cyborg: All your tech is is sketchy.
Gyro: Yet not as sketchy as the regime.
Grid: You will help me on my quest for emotion.
Gyro: You will not succeed rust bucket.
Grid: It is futile to resist.
Gyro: The Pathos Drive isn’t something you can just acquire.
Grid: False, everything in this world is just data.
Gyro: Time to you prove you hella wrong.
Firestorm: I can go nuclear in seconds.
Gyro: I can punch mountains apart.
Firestorm: Now that is seriously badass.
Gyro: You know my father can make blue flames?
Firestorm: Does he have the matrix too?
Gyro: No, it’s natural for him, me… less so.
Blue Beetle: Is your coordinator as scary as the scarab?
Gyro: Probably, who knows, Liz can be petty at times.
Blue Beetle: Can we switch please? Pretty please?
Gyro: Once again, I'm a grasshopper, not a scarab.
Blue Beetle: But you got a scarab shield.
Gyro: Details, details Jaime.
Robin: I’m the world’s greatest assassin.
Gyro: And I’m the world’s best fighter.
Robin: Won’t help you here bug boy.
Gyro: And I thought I had father issues.
Robin: I don’t have any issues.
Gyro: Just settle down Bat boy.
Harley Quinn: And what are you exactly?
Gyro: Italian and Hawaiian, I know it’s hard to pinpoint.
Harley Quinn: I meant Batman, Flash, B.B, you’re them all.
Gyro: You know, I have a friend kind of like you.
Harley Quinn: Ooh, are they pretty as me? No don’t tell me.
Gyro: I meant you both got out of a shitty relationship.
Black Adam: I command the living lighting.
Gyro: I dodge lighting bolts for funsies.
Black Adam: You dare mock a king?
Gyro: I can’t stand with the regime.
Black Adam: Then you will fall under my strength.
Gyro: I’ve fought gods too.
Gorilla Grodd: My powers don't work on you?
Gyro: Nothing up there, nothing to control.
Gorilla Grodd: Clearly, you will die nonetheless
Gyro: I'm used to fighting weird animal people.
Gorilla Grodd: I will show you my superiority.
Gyro: Bring it on Donkey Kong.
Bane: Bugs get squashed.
Gyro: Fruit gets old.
Bane: I will break you.
Gyro: You’re nothing without that Venom.
Bane: I can destroy you without it.
Gyro: Just try it little guy.
Cat Woman: I’ll steal that belt right off of you.
Gyro: You can’t even if you tried.
Cat Woman: That makes it all the more worth it.
Gyro: Do you need relationship counseling?
Cat Woman: I don't need insight from a kid.
Gyro: I know how you can seal the deal with Brucie.
Poison Ivy: All men are the same
Gyro: A lot of villains in my world think the same way.
Poison Ivy: Doesn't make them any less wrong.
Gyro: I’m gonna break your green thumb.
Poison Ivy: The Green is stronger than you could possibly imagine.
Gyro: I’d say I’m pretty imaginative.
Cheetah: I’ve never seen prey like you.
Gyro: Who says I’m prey?
Cheetah: When you’re but meat on my claws.
Gyro: There there, good kitty.
Cheetah: I am no mere house cat.
Gyro: You’re as harmless as one.
Vixen: So do you really have bug powers?
Gyro: Depends on what powers you think a bug has.
Vixen: Well that’s different.
Gyro: I know a lot of people on my world like you.
Vixen: There’s only one me here.
Gyro: Yeah your powers aren’t that intimidating.
Dr. Fate: You’ve defied fate once before.
Gyro: It was necessary.
Dr. Fate: I will be the judge of that
Gyro: Magic was never my thing.
Dr. Fate: It takes eons of discipline and training.
Gyro: Kicks just feel so much better.
Swamp Thing: Are you friend or foe?
Gyro: Friend, hopefully.
Swamp Thing: The Green will decide that.
Gyro: I can’t stand those who stand back and do nothing.
Swamp Thing: I only do as the Green commands.
Gyro: You have to take matters into your own hands.
Deadshot: Still not use to killing kids.
Gyro: you can stop killing altogether y’know.
Deadshot: Not happening.
Gyro: You don’t hold a candle to Sanguine.
Deadshot: What kind of name is Sanguine?
Gyro: Never mind shouldn’t compare you to my nemesis.
Atrocitus: I feel rage burning within you.
Gyro: Nope, just buffalo chicken pizza.
Atrocitus: Do not deny your anger.
Gyro: You do the color red a disservice.
Atrocitus: I’ve been a Red Lantern eons before you were born.
Gyro: Guess we gotta throw down for dibs then.
Captain Cold: My gun can stop the Flash
Gyro: I also have fire gauntlets
Captain Cold: Can they handle absolute zero?
Gyro: You have a chance to be good.
Captain Cold: Sorry, like stealing too much.
Gyro: I gave you a fair chance.
Dr. Freeze: I must bring back my wife
Gyro: She wouldn't want you to do this.
Dr. Freeze: You nothing about my pain.
Gyro: Please let it go
Dr. Freeze: I can bring back your mother with this too
Gyro: I won’t tell you again.
Scarecrow: I know what you fear most.
Gyro: So what big guy?
Scarecrow: I will use it to destroy you.
Gyro: My fear makes me stronger than you.
Scarecrow: You fear losing the ones you love.
Gyro: I will protect everyone with my power.
Joker: I hate you goody-two shoe types.
Gyro: How about I kick you with those shoes.
Joker: Your material could use more work.
Gyro: I will make you regret every crime you committed?
Joker: With what, the power of friendship?
Gyro: That and a proper ass whooping.
Brainiac: Your powers pique my interest.
Gyro: No way you’re getting a hold of the Pathos Drive.
Brainiac: I must add you to my collection.
Gyro: You will return all the cities you stole.
Brainiac: Who do you think you are to command me?
Gyro: The symbol of freedom.
Darkseid: What manner of creature are you?
Gyro: The world’s upcoming strongest hero.
Darkseid: I will crush you like an insect.
Gyro: Maiden Heaven was more intimidating than you.
Darkseid: You will kneel at the sight of Darkseid.
Gyro: Can’t be afraid of someone who talks in third person.
Red Hood: All those weapons and no guns.
Gyro: I got a bow, does that work?
Red Hood: Okay Red Arrow.
Gyro: You need to stop the killing.
Red Hood: I don’t touch women and children, that’s the rule.
Gyro: That doesn’t excuse everything.
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the-ash0 · 6 years
surviving paradise chapter1
Author's notes:
Hi and welcome to my new fic.
As you may or may not have noticed I've messed with this for a while now. But I think all the complicated stuff is fixed now so it should be smooth sailing till the end now.
Well it's not the first time that I made a complicated fic, but this one seems to take the cake.
Which is why I need to take a moment to thank over8000 and maganechan720 for their awesome work beta-ing for me. Couldn't have done it without you!
So, what's up? This is a Vegeta-past AND three-year- beyond fic. It kind of puts past and present in perspective I suppose.
The way it works is you get odd chapters in the present -in first person-, and even chapters in the past tense, third person.
check up later chapter on ff net or ao3. or wait till I post.
I am free.
Oh, sweet euphoria.
I might be laughing a little too loud, a little too high. Something close to madness enters my voice so I cut off the sound. Echos reflect back at me, from trees and hills at the far end of the clearing. The cackle cuts through a sudden, oppressive silence; dangerous and sharp. As it is supposed to. Still, I would prefer these creatures would not keep staring at me so.
Am I the only one who gets the enormity of the joke? They got their wish, but not what they wanted.
They stare at me, Nameks and Earthlings both, confused and scared. Even as the surrounding wildlife decides to ignore my outburst and return to its soft hum, they keep their focus on me. A wise decision, but in lieu of my recent bit of luck I grace them with an explanation instead of death. “Don't you see? You resurrected all those killed by Frieza and his men, but I was no longer a part of the PTO when I killed those villagers.”
Understanding dawns on both green and Saiyan-lookalike faces, then twists to revulsion. Even the half-breed turns away, as if he cannot face the truth. Rightly so; we had an uneasy truce back on Namek, the human fighters and I. But now all the greater threats have been eliminated, and I am the the one they should fear. They are at my mercy, and my best approximation of that is a clean kill. A fact they had conveniently forgotten about in the heat of battle, and only now remember on account of these few missing Nameks.
Serves them right. It would be poetic justice if their complacency and reliance on death-cheating magic bites them in the tail this way. It’s another little bonus that the said injustice has been dished out by me; someone only alive by a mistake in wording. Oh, how it must sting: to wish for those you had lost, but to get the one who took their lives instead. The murderer instead of the murdered. The one you hate instead of those you love...
I smirk at their faces. Be careful what you wish for.
What now, human? Does it bother you that I ridicule them for it? Do my words upset you? Doesit shock you that I laugh at their pain, that I find mirth in the fact that not even magic can erase their loss? Too bad, human. Life isn’t fair and reverting to fairy tales to right its wrongs never got you anything.
No, actually it did. It got them a lot more than they bargained for: me. The Prince of Saiyans, the planet destroyer and — right now— the strongest thing on this planet and its entire solar system. No, the entire galaxy! And also, just recently, the one responsible for the deaths of some Namek villagers.
I suppose it was a bad choice, to continue on as I had in Frieza’s service. Especially as I had promised myself that everything would be different from the moment I threw off the yoke of oppression. I was going to think for myself, follow my own lead. I would stand, and never kneel again.
But I will not apologize, lest these Nameks get it into their heads that I owe them a debt. As far as I am concerned anything I ever owed is gone, cleansed with death and a remarkable return. Besides, I can hardly regret my actions. The villagers remaining dead only proves that even Shenlong agrees that I escaped Frieza...  Escaped, wished back to life, and gone straight to paradise.
That’s right, bitches! I am free.
“What are you going to do about it?” I ask instead. Predictably my taunt incites them, bodies shaking with fury. To them, I must seem like the epitome of injustice. I cannot help but draw my lips back further and grin. Welcome to the real world, you dumb, peace-loving Nameks.
Will any of them dare the first strike? It is suicide; they must know. They are weak. Can I take them all? It would be like ants taking down a lion. Ridiculous, until one has felt a swarm of killer ants come for him.There are worlds where hundreds upon thousands of workers will throw themselves at an enemy to save their queen. Being swarmed again and again for hours on end is... Not a pleasant memory.
However, there are not that many Nameks. Still, there are more than a few, and they are stronger than most beings. Also, the humans fighters proved tenacious last time around. That was not a fond memory either: escaping in my pod battered and bloody. So, I ponder this, my relaxed stance honed over the years. Nameks and Earthlings combined; could they manage to take me down?
I hope they have as little interest in finding out as I do. The air is blue and the sun is bright. A breeze brushes softly through the trees. The sound and smells of this place call out seductively; soft clear water flowing, insects humming, sweet nectars in the air...
It seems an awful waste to destroy it now. Before, I would have been disgusted at the sight. But I am different now. There is nothing to be jealous over. After all, if I wish I could simply sit in the shadows until the sun goes down. No rush. No orders. Nothing to do.
Frieza is dead.
The Super Saiyan was born to kill the monster, and so he does. It did not surprise me; the feeling of pride it gives me does.
Did the lizard seems as untouchable to Kakarot as it did to me? Did Kakarot feel the immeasurable gap of power as the tyrant finally did away with pretence and showed the power he had hidden? Did he feel despair at the knowledge his life would last only long enough to watch all he held dear destroyed? Surely he must have, before reaching Super Saiyan.
Although, perhaps one as addled as Kakarot never grasped the enormity of what he was up against. He just kept going; tore down the walls that kept him from his goal and simply fought until he had won. It was what upset me about him on my first trip to earth as well. An unrelenting, unbridled will to win… Is that Saiyan instinct?
No; more likely Kakarot is just missing the brain faculties needed to calculate when defeat is imminent.
I knew right away when I had lost. A life of working my way up the ranks, and still I couldn't even scratch the white shining lizard that was Lord Frieza’s final form. Once I realized this, I was happy that I did not get my wish. You see; I had promised myself that I would defeat the lizard or die trying. With my first option closed off, the second became my only way out.
For a little while, I feared Frieza had decided to keep me. And even now, I cannot help but wonder. Would Frieza have tired of me if Kakarot had not come along? Or would I still have that noose-like tail around my neck as that monster laid into me just to see what it would take to get me down on my knees? Back on my knees.
I have not lived through what I did just to return to servitude. Let me tell you, I have seen creatures throw themselves at Lord Frieza; taunt it for a slow, torturous death. Just to get out, away from it. Not just Saiyans. Not just warriors. No; scientists and little girls and old fools. Honestly, without a chance of taking the beast down, they had the right idea.
And when I realized my gambit had failed, I too would have been content just to get away through death.
And so I died and escaped, but now I live again… What was that Earth expression.. having your pie and eating it too?
Kakarot went down with planet Namek. It is a loss, but it’s a good death. Besides they have their magic balls, although they start moaning about not being able to bring him back. Something about his body drifting in space. That seems like an easy thing to fix with magic, so I explain to them how. I wouldn't mind fighting that loaf of a Saiyan again, you see.
It was great fun.
The woman congratulates me on my cleverness. I half expect her to add ‘for a monkey’ at the end of her sentence, but I am left waiting for it. Perhaps she really does think I’m clever. Humans, so far, have not impressed me with their intelligence. Oh, do not take too much offense, human. Saiyans are hardly known for their brains either. The sad part is that you are also lacking in power.
So I did not kill the lizard. Yet Frieza is dead and all I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me, rife for the taking. No...it gets better. They are giving it away! That woman, the mental one with blue hair, offers me a place to stay. For free. I keep a straight face, but I can hardly believe my luck.
I did not get my wish, but I got what I wanted.
I am free.
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