#♡         wanted plots
narrator-kun · 7 months
i think one of my favorite things about the svsss fandom is the plots we make up and blame on qinghua the amount of numbered wives i have read with ridiculously specific plotlines (that sqq remembers by heart!??!?!?!?) that are followed up with "wow, great job sqh" its the funniest thing ever
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svftlove · 2 months
grumpy bodyguard x soft president’s daughter.
i need it so bad. 🥺
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selev-shirogane · 6 months
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The first concept of the original idea / 2022-2023
Pecky Delaink
The story is the same ( well a lil bit- ) but the most notable chance was about her family, she born in France in a very important family but they moved to usa because idk xd this ""rework"" was my urge to finally show more of how I wanted Pecky to be and her story, that's why all the clothes of her and everything about her family was ambiented in this victorian era style but being honest it had no sense with a fnaf au-- but yeah, everything of the story was the same as the previous one, she wanted to be a singer but her parents didn't supported her at all so one day she escaped from home just to take fresh air and relax after a discussion with her parents so she went to Circus Baby Pizza World and yk, everything was the same xd
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The appareance changed a little bit and her personality too, her principal hairstyle was this hair drills, and always using more elegant clothes but still a little bit modern, she was still 19 years old and albino too, about her personality, she was more innocent and kind even if it was Connie or Candy, also need to clarify that in this and the previous version her best friend was Alice as always because yk, Alice best girl 🖤
Stay tunned for the next post because it will finally be her entire rework, and also with her I'll ( finally ) start uploading the changed lore of her, Connie, my own version of Michael and fnaf characters and also new characters that are very important in Pecky's and Connie's lore!!!
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wiredsmi1e · 3 months
haven't watched tadc yet , just theories n stuff on it but just know i think pomni is fucking PRECIOUS
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makiluvbot · 1 month
i need fantasy fxf plots asap, pls 🧎‍♂️
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lupaeusmoved · 2 months
alpha!emma plot when tho ???? let her do a little murder and give her red eyes she DESERVES IT
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dejwrld · 10 months
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priesm · 7 months
shippy thoughts. since reincarnation is a very big part of sailor moon … how about … reincarnation ships but one remembers and the other doesn’t … ? because the angst ???? unmatched. the longing, hoping they remember you, trying to make them fall in love for you all over again …. maybe having to watch them date another person … YOU KNOW ?????????
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lunesoye · 6 months
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aberto ♡ amizades de paris : esses muses e lune se conhecem há um bom tempo. como lune morou em paris por vários anos, qualquer pessoa que morou por lá também e se encaixe no perfil dela pode ter tido alguma amizade com ela. lune é uma pessoa muito comunicativa, o único tipo de gente que ela não gosta é da realeza.
aberto ♡ colegas de trabalho : lune é uma pessoa muito focada no seu trabalho e agora em versalhes mais ainda. essas pessoas viraram amigas de lune pois compartilham o mesmo dia a dia e devido aos horários batendo, acabaram gerando uma amizade. [@thaliablu3 & ]
aberto ♡ irmã mais nova : essa muse é uma selecionada que acabou cativando o coração de lune na maneira mais platônica possível. apesar de não terem nenhum parentesco, lune adotou a muse como sua protegida.
fechado ♡ frenemies : nas poucas semanas que se conhecem, lune e muse conseguiriam construir uma amizade pegando um no pé do outro e baseada em leves insultos. [ @bernwrd & @azclie ]
fechado ♡ admiração : lune não gosta da maioria das pessoas da seleção além das selecionadas e dos outros empregados, mas apesar de ser um membro de alguma realeza, esse muse conseguiu conquistar lune por ser uma pessoa muito boa e/ou estrategista. uma pessoa muito inteligente, assim como ela. [ @inimigodoblazer ]
fechado ♡ bud like you : somehow these lune and muse ended up at a party together and spent the entire time trashing everything that was going on around them. the set-up, the drama, the people around them– they hated being at that party, but they spent all night there. ever since they know they can depend on someone during nights out / parties or they know they have someone to complain about utter nonsense too. a friendship over dislikes more than likes, if anything. [ @dddesiree ]
fechado ♡ first date : once upon a time, lune and muse went on a date. one or both of them were incredibly nervous but when they got to the actual date they clicked almost immediately. in fact, they may have clicked a bit too much. they both loved the connection the two of them had, so in an attempt to make the feeling last forever, they decided they are better off as really good friends. ever since, the two talk everyday and hangout whenever they can. [ @lwuise ]
aberto ♡ royal subjects : basicamente uma conexão que vale para 90% das pessoas da realeza do rp. lune não vai nem um pouco com a cara da realeza, seja a francesa seja a estrangeira. ela tenta se manter no limite da educação para não perder o emprego, mas não esconde a rigidez que toma conta dela quando alguém com seus títulos chega perto dela. [ @andrc , @notprinceadonis ]
aberto ♡ cliente ruim : assim como o nome diz, esse muse foi cliente do restaurante em que lune trabalhava e o encontro dos dois foi um desastre, pode ter sido ou não um mau entendido, mas lune ficou com a impressão de que muse era um daqueles clientes bem chatos. uma karen ou quase isso.
aberto ♡ opiniões : esse muse não faz parte de nenhuma realeza, mas defende a monarquia com unhas e dentes, coisa que irrita profundamente lune. [ @celwstia ]
aberto ♡ sous-chef : esse muse vive infernizando a vida de lune para fazer pratos especiais para ele, mas as suas escolhas são sempre tão boas que lune sai do seu cronograma só para agradar essa pessoa e seu paladar incrível.
aberto ♡ linguagem do amor na amizade : essa muse é uma das selecionadas e tomou morada na cozinha, virando grande amiga de lune e ganhando presentes em forma de comida, pois essa é a linguagem do amor de lune.
fechado ♡ oops : conexão específica para realeza convidada - lune odeia com muito louvor a família real francesa, mas não conhece de memória o rosto de todos os nobres do mundo e cometeu um erro ao ter um one night stand há um bom tempo com esse muse, só para chegar na seleção e descobrir que ele também fazia parte do problema. [ @montrceal ]
aberto ♡ meet the parents: lune and MUSE B had great chemistry and a lot of fun together. the only problem- lune was never willing to introduce MUSE B to their family. MUSE B and lune may have even been official, but lune still wasn’t willing to introduce MUSE B to their family with their official role in their life. in the end, MUSE B felt they were looking for something more serious that lune wasn’t ready to commit to yet.
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lupaeusarc · 3 months
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dozenrozez · 5 months
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someone needs to give me a wedding plot please and thank you
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solarisgod · 4 months
So, I wish to gently put this reminder out here, because we find that we've been in this position once more where there's a high activity of stalking by our perpetrator who we knew from the rpc since February 4--- last time we read her being tracked on November 12 - 14 last year--- I am highly uncomfortable to interact with a muse who have a history of manipulation and / or especially stalking. I do believe muse =/= mun and I am okay to talk and read about manipulation and stalking, but while providing trigger tag + warning of them would be most appreciated to give me the chance of building mental preparation to read them, we prefer not to plot and write with that kind of character for our comfort and wellbeing. At the very least, I'd still like to be in touch with the mun out of character and / or interact with their different muse, if they have any, instead. Thank you so much. ♡
#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇�� : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PSA . ›#[ I want place this out because we are mutuals with some who writes horror centric muses ]#[ and while I'd still like to seek friendships and we are okay to be mutuals with those who writes that kind of character ]#[ with our past ( + unfortunately current ) experiences and my usual erratic mental state ]#[ I think putting ourselves in an active writing / plotting based interactions with the knowledge of what that muse does ]#[ will prompt unwanted memories and hitting home sense of familiarity ]#[ I hope this makes sense... ]#[ so basically : ]#[ we're okay being mutuals ( as doing so ext. selectively ) with who writes stalkers + manipulators and following /back/ those blogs ]#[ but we wish not to put ourselves and our muse in a position of directly interacting with those muses for our sake ]#[ so we'll likely at least watch that muse in the background while engaging in ooc interactions with the muns in some ways. ]#[ okay gonna take a nap while our wolf week cramps are killing us but ]#[ I don't want this psa to discourage anyone in being mutuals with us still ]#[ or feel bad about who they're writing ]#[ people can still be mutuals even if no ic interactions get done much or at all ]#[ and I've written the Corinthian and Mephistopheles who are known to be manipulative stalkers ]#[ I still would be okay to write and talk about them if given a chance despite everything ]#[ but we at least kindly ask to please tag manipulation and especially stalking to give us that heads-up and mentally prepare if possible ]#[ thank you again so much ♡ ]
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slytherintragedy · 7 days
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Yes, so I still want a plot based on Wedding Bells by Jonas Brothers and Speak Now by Taylor Swift.
Childhood friends turned high school sweethearts, they were so in loved and swore nothing could tear them apart. But they were wrong because either muse a or muse b moved away or they went to two different colleges and while they tried to make long distance work, eventually life pulled them in two different directions so they ended up breaking up but promised to remain friends.
A couple of years later, they are meeting up in a little café, Just talking about their life and everything that's been going on since they last saw each other, it felt like nothing had changed and muse b wonders what went wrong because the feelings are clearly still there, for both of them it seems but then muse a is like can you keep a secret? Which muse b is like sure, not expecting what's said next but when muse b hears muse a is getting married and the ceremony is set for the month their anniversary falls. Which leaves muse b speechless but muse a just continues with they know it's a rush but they just love muse c so much and they hope that muse b can meet muse c soon.
Which clearly muse b who just found out is heartbroken but they try their best to be happy for muse a, even agreeing to be the best mate for the wedding. But as the wedding draws closer, muse b has been doing everything to get caught showing muse a they're unhappy about this whole situation because they really don't wanna hear the wedding bells prove that they can't try one last time. Muse b realizing they don't wanna love if it's not muse a. And it all comes to a blow at the rehearsal party, when muse c calls out muse b attitude lately after muse a leaves the room, which causes muse b to have a harsh reaction for being put on the spot. Muse c ends up telling muse b if they are so unhappy about all this then don't bother coming to the wedding, muse a wouldn't want someone who couldn't truly be happy for them to be there, muse b wants to argue but ends up saying that they wouldn't dream about going before storming off. When muse a returns and asks about muse b, muse c tells them muse b left and wouldn't be back. Which breaks muse a's heart.
Day of the wedding approaches and muse b sneaks in trying to find muse a but ends up overhearing muse c with their snotty little family, talking about something that unsettled them. But before they could get caught, muse b ends up hiding somewhere. Especially when they hear the music start playing a song that sounds like a death march, which means they didn't get to muse a before it started. Muse b gets a glimpse of muse a and has a moment where they doubt if this was a well thought planned but muse b hears the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace" There's the silence and muse b know it's their last chance so they stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on them. Muse b is aware of all the horrified looks from everyone in the room but muse b is only looking at muse a. Muse b taking a deep breath before apologizing saying that it seems that they were uninvited by muse c before going on to say that they aren't the type of person who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion but muse a isn't the kind of person who should be marrying the wrong person so don't say yes, just run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait, or say a single vow, you need to hear me out and they said, "Speak now." Then muse b leaves, which leaves muse a with a choice to make, either meet muse b or marry muse c. What choice muse a makes, can be left up to discussion :)
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staronline · 9 months
(    ཐི♥︎ཋྀ    )     dear   @lovedsick​​​​​​  ,            
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              “  what  was  that  —  you  got  this  look  in  your  eyes  just  now  and  then  pushed  it  back  down.  tell  me  what  you  were  thinking.  ”
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tenpixelsusie · 1 year
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a heem heem whimper
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lupaeusmoved · 2 months
okay but who will give me a thread set in this godforsaken city tho i just feel like if i have to endure philly then emma should too
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