#⸢  DANA SCULLY. ⸥  //  she’s gonna kick our ass.
misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Last Chance For Spotting A Rainbow
If you know you know ;)
[ FM ]
The second Friday in school marks the end of the grace period for the first-grade parents where they can accompany their kids all the way to the classroom. From now on, we wait for them in front of the school with the other parents.
It also ends the grace period where I can “casually” bump into Miss Scully in front of her classroom and I’m a little disappointed, to say the least.
This morning though, I get lucky because when we enter the school, we run into her on the way from the teacher’s lounge to the classroom, a stack of books in her arms and a cup of coffee perched perilously on top of them.
Felix is ecstatic. “Good morning, Miss Scully!,” he yells from across the front hall and tugs me towards her.
She stops and waits for us, her coffee cup wobbling. “Good morning, Felix! Mr. Mulder!”
“Good morning! Do you need help with that?” I gesture towards her books but the shakes her head no.
“No, no, I’m fine, thanks. So Felix, you got any big plans for this weekend?” They’re walking in front of me and I’m proud of myself that I steal a glance at her ass only once. Okay and one at her legs. ‘Those heels, oh boy. Another pair to add to my inappropriate fantasies, in most of which she always wears heels. And nothing else.’
“Yeah, we’re going to the farmer’s market tomorrow! Have you ever been there Miss Scully?” Felix swigs his schoolbag along, his gaze never leaving her.
“Actually, me and my friends go there every Saturday, so maybe we’ll run into you guys there!” I somehow get the feeling that if Felix gets any say in this, we’ll be spending the whole day there until we run into her.
When we reach the classrooms, she finally lets me help her out. “Could you get my keys please? They’re in my back pocket. Just pull on the lanyard.” ‘Oh Lord. They’re in the freaking back pocket of her jeans. Of course they are. I just can’t seem to catch a break.’
Biting back a dirty joke – which I’m 100% positive she wouldn’t appreciate – I do as told and tug on the lanyard, unlocking her classroom door and opening the door for her. I briefly wonder if I should just put the keys back where they were, but the thought alone almost gives me a heart attack, so instead, I loop the lanyard with her keys around her neck and she smiles thankfully.
“Thanks. Have a good weekend, Mulder boys!”
After school, I don’t see her again because they’re, as Felix informs me, in the gym already. But I’m treated to a story about her in recess in the car.
“So I was sitting on the teacher’s bench again today and Miss Scully was talking to Miss Anderson and you know how they’re kind of weird and only ever use the first letters of their names? Miss Anderson always calls her “D” and I’ve been wondering forever what it stands for.” Yes I do know, I had to get him the book of first names from our library’s top shelf. Also, a kid’s definition of forever will never cease to amaze me. It’s been a few days, tops. I wait for him to continue.
“… and then, Miss Anderson said it, dad! She said: ‘Dana, I’m not sure this is gonna work!’ Now I finally know! …Dana.”
I nod, but on the inside, I sincerely hope that he hasn’t made the obvious connection, that her name is almost eerily similar to his mother’s first name. Just one letter.
[ DS ]
That night, we order Chinese takeout, none of us particularly interested in cooking and we gather around the kitchen table. Sarah passes out the chopsticks while Holly opens a bottle of Shiraz, our classes clinking together for a toast. “Two weeks down! So girls, how was your week? Any juicy stories?,” Sarah asks, looking around at us expectantly.
“Well… I could tell you about that really awful date I had this week with Mark the banker, on which he made a move 10 minutes into the conversation buuuut I get the feeling someone else might have more interesting stories.” Holly points her chopsticks at me and grins, waggling her eyebrows. My own chopsticks pause halfway to my mouth.
“Me? Why?” I ask innocently, stuffing a piece of spring roll into my mouth.
“Very funny! You wanna tell me why I saw a very handsome dad leave your classroom all smiley faced on Tuesday?” ‘Busted.’
“What?! Mr. Mulder? How did I miss this?” Sarah looks at the both of us incredulously.
“Because your classroom isn’t across from D’s and you didn’t happen to look out through the window to see Dopey McSmileypants leave! So D, spill it, and don’t leave anything out!” I shrug nonchalantly.
“I asked a mom to help with read-alouds but her kid was sick, so since Mr. Mulder happened to stand there, I asked him if he could do it. Of course, the kids were all over him with questions, who are you, what are you doing here, you know how curious they are. He was a big hit with them, though, they absolutely loved him.” ‘They’re not the only ones though’
“Bet they weren’t the only ones who loved him, huh?” Damn Sarah for reading my mind! I laugh uncomfortably, shifting in my seat, but I nod. It was really nice to have him in my classroom. To cover for the fact that I’m not telling them the whole story, I help myself to some Kung-Pao Chicken. Sarah catches on anyway, of course she does.
“Wow, that’s mighty nice of him, to take an hour out of his workday to help you out! But I get the feeling that there’s more to the story, what aren’t you telling us, D?”
“Well… after he left, the kids had even more questions, they practically fell over each other, why are your cheeks so red Miss Scully, is he my boyfriend, or is he my husband? And… I caught myself thinking ‘Ya, I wish!’ …” I trail off, a little embarrassed at my admission.
“Man this is some serious Romeo and Juliet shit that’s going on here, D. So we’ve established that you like him, we suspect that he likes you too, judging by the glazed over look on his face when you walk by and he thinks no-one is watching. What’s the hold-up then?”
“Please don’t tell me we’re still hung up on the people talk – good reputation bs!” If I had hoped that the conversation would not take this turn, Holly quickly extinguishes it.
“I don’t know, guys… it’s not complete bs though, you know how I hate when people gossip about me behind my back, and dating the new guy in town puts me in a spotlight that I’m not particularly comfortable being in. I guess what’s worse however is that I’m scared. Like, terrified, of putting my heart out there again after that 2 year on-again-off-again shitshow with Steve last year.”
“That narcissistic asshole…,” Holly mutters under her breath and the others nod, remembering when I had finally hit emotional rock-bottom last year, after I realized that he’d gaslighted me over and over again, resulting in me having a mental breakdown curled up on the cold bathroom floor.
“My anxiety has been badever since, it’s getting better with therapy, but still… I just know I’ll screw it up. I’m damaged goods.” Alex, who hasn’t said anything yet, listening intently, finally speaks up.
“That’s not true, D. You’re getting help and you know we’re always there for you.” – “Yeah, we’ll kick anybody’s ass who dares to hurt you!” – “Don’t interrupt me, S. If he’d ask you out on a date, do you think you’ll say yes?” I consider this for a moment.
“I’m not sure. I don’t really know anything about him except that he seems to be a great dad and that he believes in aliens…” Holly bursts out laughing at the last part.
“What? Aliens?” I tell them the story that took place with the PTA parents in front of the school and the others join Holly’s laughter and I’m grateful that the conversation has taken a lighter turn.
“That’s too funny... You know, he could really learn a thing or two from his son, he asked us to his and his dad’s birthday party today at recess! It was so sweet, guys, I can’t even… We’re all invited, by the way – I think it’s going to be quite the event!” Felix had come up to Sarah and me today, holding out an official invitation and one that he had made himself, just for us.
“Yay, a party, I love me a good party! So, are we going to go?” Holly looks at us questioningly. Sarah only scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Are you kidding? Of course we’re going to go!”
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
This is just a one-shot writing exercise, but I had fun. 
The person who was assigned to run surveillance on the basement office of the Hoover Building was a man with the unlikely name of Ichabod Weaver.
Ichabod had been previously employed in wetwork but had been demoted after a collosal fuck-up, which had been Percy-Fucknut-Ryan’s fault, but Ichabod was in charge of his own operations and ultimately took responsibility. Running surveillance on the X-Files project was a punishment, pure and simple.
“If you happen to kill the wrong person down there,” his employer had said to him initially, blowing a plume of smoke into Ichabod’s face, “it would take care of several of my problems.”
Anything would have been preferable to the drudgery of listening, day after day, to the insane theories of Fox William Mulder (Subject 240629) and his skeptical lady partner (one Dana Katherine Scully, Subject 241204). They were intelligent (pretentious), talented (annoying), and honorable to a fault; the kind of people who would point out to a waitress if she hadn’t charged them enough for dinner. It was enough to make a guy puke. Ichabod would have happily put his old skills to work on himself to escape the tedium of his assignment, but he had two years left on his contract and enough savings in the bank to live out the rest of his days on an island somewhere near the equator. If he didn’t die from boredom down here, that meant he also wouldn’t die of it while lounging in a hammock slung between two palm trees.
Ichabod mostly ran audio surveillance, but there was video too, if anything got interesting. He mostly used that when Mulder or Scully was out of the office leaving the other alone. Mulder would inevitably watch porn, which Ichabod could see if he adjusted the camera just-so, and Scully would take the opportunity when Mulder stepped out, to reach into her bra for one reason or another, or adjust her pantyhose or stretch her long, elegant neck. It was the best he would ever get from an uptight, conservative broad like Scully, and Ichabod was a guy who would always take what he could get.
When he first started the gig, he thought it was fairly obvious that the two agents were fucking. With Mulder’s constant proximity to Scully’s tight little ass and round plump mouth, Ichabod could hardly blame the guy--but they never did anything untoward in the office aside from light flirting and the occassional glancing sexual innuendo, and after nine months Ichabod decided that in actuality, they weren’t fucking each other, but that they obviously wanted to. God, what idiots. If Ichabod had learned anything in life, it was that life itself was too damn short.
They had been out of the office for a week and a half out in the field -- some other poor shmuck’s problem -- and Ichabod hadn’t even bothered coming in the last three days. They were back in their office today and had beaten him to work, which he discovered when he set down his coffee and flipped on the speakers to find the two agents and their boss, the stick-up-his-ass AD, in the middle of a conversation.
“--surprised you were able to get a confession, Agent Scully, the local PD had interrogated the suspect on four separate occasions and never got enough to justify a warrant.”
“Agent Mulder should get the credit for this one, sir,” Scully said, standing -- judging from the sound of her voice -- on the other side of the room, “it was his idea to use the interrogation technique that garnered the confession.”
“Well,” Mulder said, his voice casually modest, “we were all ears and he was all mouth.”
“Nevertheless, it was a job well done,” Skinner said. “Can I expect your report on my desk by Friday?”
He must have gotten a nonverbal confirmation, because the next thing Ichabod heard was the office door closing and the sound of the assistant director’s footsteps fading away to nothing.
“You didn’t have to do that, Scully,” Mulder said, after a brief minute of quiet.
“Do what?” she asked on a shuffle of papers.
“Give me all the credit,” Mulder said, “you know I wouldn’t have gotten a confession from the guy if he hadn’t been so hot for you that he didn’t even notice when he confessed to the crime.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mulder,” Scully said, in a tone that it made it obvious to both Mulder and Ichabod that she most assuredly did.
“The guy had a pretty severe priapic condition when you stood him up and slapped on the cuffs, or don’t you remember the thing practically brushing your arm when I was Mirandizing him?” Mulder said, his tone playful.
After a moment, Scully rose to the bait, answering in just as playful a way -- something that grabbed Ichabod’s attention, because it was something she’d never, ever done before.
“The genitalia of the male of our species is a complicated system of hydraulics, Mulder. His priapic condition as you call it, could have been caused by any number of stimuli, be it sexual or otherwise.”
Ichabod was certain that if he turned on the video right now, he and Mulder would be wearing the same impressed/amused reaction.
“Otherwise?” Mulder’s voice was low.
“You pumped him full of cola, Mulder,” she said, and Ichabod could hear the smile in her voice, “maybe he just really had to pee.”
“As the owner of ‘a complicated system of hydraulics,’ and a person who spends hours a week in confined spaces with you, I can assure you, Agent Scully... he didn’t have to pee.”
Ichabod leaned back in his chair and began clicking a ballpoint pen. The tension in that office was so high it was leaking into his cramped surveillance room through the wires that fed its sound.
“And trust me,” Mulder’s voice came so quietly that Ichabod had to turn up the volume on his speaker, “when the hydraulics kick in, it doesn’t feel all that complicated.”
There was a muffled sound of footsteps, a mumble he couldn’t make out and then the quiet wisps of a sound it took Ichabod a minute to identify as the rustle of clothing, and he went flying in his office chair across the room and to the video monitor that he hadn’t turned on in weeks.
It took several long seconds for the screen to flash to life and another few for Ichabod to jostle the joystick that controlled the camera until he brought the two agents into the center of his screen, as close together as he had ever seen them, inches apart but not touching. Mulder was leaning down into Scully’s space and she was looking up at him intensely, her hands at her side, fingers clenching open and closed as if she were trying to make a decision.
Mulder brought his hands up slowly to her face, holding it gently, his thumbs rubbing along the seam of her plump, ruby lower lip.
“Awww, he’s gonna do it,” Ichabod said to the empty room, then, as if the people on the screen could hear him, said, “Do it, Mulder. Do it.”
As if in answer, Mulder leaned slowly down and brushed his lips lightly across Scully’s, and both Ichabod and Mulder seemed prepared for the inevitable slap. Instead, Scully stepped in even closer, the tips of her shoes stepping on the tops of Mulder’s own and pulled him down into a kiss that started sweetly, but turned passionate in matter of moments.
One of Mulder’s hands stayed on her face, but the other arm snaked around her waist, his hand grabbing hot handfuls of her tight ass, and Ichabod had to bite a knuckle in jealousy.
He could hear a tight female moan and then the sound of desperate pants and huffed breaths, followed by a cacophonous waterfalling thud as a stack of files fell off the desk as Mulder pushed Scully into it -- the sounds all a half second out of sync from the video screen before him.
Ichabod saw Mulder pump his hips against Scully once and fumble his hands at her shirt, pulling it out of the waist of her skirt. Scully took the moment to run her hands up over his shoulders, cleaving the suit coat from his back so that it pooled to the floor at their feet. Mulder’s hand was up and under her shirt in a flash, and Scully threw her head back from where she sat on the desk, the column of her throat almost white in the dim light of the basement.
Mulder’s mouth was at her neck an instant later, and Ichabod was impressed with his dexterity, his mouth working at his partner’s throat even as one hand was filled to bursting with her ass and the other was working her breasts, and all Ichabod could hear were her moans and a roaring of blood in his own ears.
When Scully reached for Mulder’s fly, he almost reached for his own, but then stopped as Scully did, who put a hand up to Mulder’s chest, where she wrapped his tie around her hand once and leaned her forehead against his heaving chest.
“Not…” she struggled to catch her breath, “Not here.”
“Yes here,” Ichabod said to the screen, willing the agents to keep going, his thumb continuing to click the pen, in and out, in and out, faster and faster.
“Scuh-” Mulder started to say, one hand reaching down to lift her chin until she was looking him in the eye.
“Not like this,” she said to him, her eyes searching his, “I want it to be right, I want you to-”
“To what?” Mulder whispered, then touched the tip of her nose with the gentlest of kisses.
Her head fell downward again, her hair falling like curtains to block what Ichabod could see of her face.
Mulder then whispered something Ichabod couldn’t make out. She looked back up at Mulder, her face as yearning and bright as any classic Hollywood starlet. She pushed herself off the desk and pulled herself up to her full height, then pulled on Mulder’s tie, bringing his face slowly down to her own. She gave him a firm, full kiss, her tongue invading his mouth once, quickly.
“I love you too,” she said earnestly, and Ichabod felt something in his chest loosen and fly free.
“Come to me,” she said quietly, and Mulder’s eyes never once left hers, his hands holding her tightly to him, “tonight.”
Mulder nodded once firmly, and then reluctantly released her. He took one step back.
“Tonight,” he said, his voice raw and needy.
Scully reached up with a hand and ran it gently through his hair once, then let her hand fall. She stepped away from her partner.
Ichabod stared at the screen before him as both agents stepped out of frame, the basement office quiet but for the dull background hum of desktop towers, the quiet buzz of monitors and various investigative equipment. He released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
After a few moments of introspection, Ichabod looked at the video recording device in front of him for a full minute and then on an impulse, rewound it quickly and pressed the “erase” button. Then he pushed back from the desk, loosened his tie and made for the door. Ichabod needed some air.
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on All Souls (5x17)
Written by Frank Spotnitz and John Shiban
Directed by Allen Coulter
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I feel threatened by this episode and it hasn’t even started yet
A baptism is happening 
The father, son, and Holy Spirit...yeehaw
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That’s one hell of a thunderstorm
Water=rebirth and such
This would be so cool if I was watching it during a thunderstorm
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Ooo pretty church
Dana Scully...returning to her faith?
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Why’d you have to hit me with this 10 episodes later….I was just getting over it
We (and by we I mean me) ARE losing our goddamn minds, in case that wasn’t clear
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I’m feeling like neither I nor Dana Scully deserve this
Where’s Mulder...just kidding I don’t care….just kidding I do care
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BITCH you mean we’re gonna keep going back to the confession scene throughout the episode...and you think I can handle this?
Not sure what’s happening with this adoption stuff, but I’m thinking that this is probably the innocent girl Scully says she kills?
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Listen...every time she holds up the picture of Emily I lose a year of my life
Mulder in the phone booth is aesthetic 
Why did I have to see that with my own eyes huh [if you know you know, I’m not adding a picture]
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Victim number 2
An inverted cross as a protest against the church...
An eye for an eye...Fox Mulder has some points
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What kind of freaky ass church 
Oof someone’s watching them
I fucking knew this was gonna happen...M&S disagreeing on religious aspects
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BITCH what the FUCK
Who am I fistfighting for making me see this??? John Shiban?? Frank Spotnitz?? Chris Carter?? Square up
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I need to take a walk 
Wings?? Like an angel perhaps?
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God is an alien? That’s my takeaway
The devil is here apparently
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Father Gregory is creepy but I don’t think he’s the villain
She put the Emily thing right out there...whew
Mulder telling her she should step away as if his personal issues don’t cloud literally every case
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Uh found the devil
Mulder said alright, I’ll kick the door in
The keys are worrying me
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The noise...I don’t like it
She saw the devil, so jot that down
The music is so ethereal 
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An angel???? Uh
Told you the girls were angels
So she gave her soul to the angel thingy
Don’t go with the red haired guy, please
She’s going and the music is scary
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Whoa again
She found her
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The girl turned into Emily...and she let her go….ask me how I’m doing, I dare you!
Why why why why why why
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This is just...not what I signed up for when I started watching this little alien show
Where’s Gillian Anderson’s 2nd Emmy????
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Consensus: I’m gonna need 3-5 business days to process all this.
4.5 out of 5 stars 
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sigritandtheelves · 5 years
I know you *just* posted the second chapter of Simple, but I’m here to implore you to write tons and tons more. PLEEEEAAASSSEEE! I have never loved an AU fic like I love this. I am so, so hooked and I love it!!!!!
I saved this ask to post with part 3–I hope you still like it, anon. 💛
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
PG-13 |  3.4k wds | pre-XF AU | MSR, Melissa/Samantha
A/N: y’all, this feels like it got a little out of hand, length-wise, so I hope it’s okay. And I swear to god, smut is on its way. Also an actual conflict, maybe.
November 23, 1989 - Baltimore
The Scully household was full of sound and light and laughter. Nat King Cole was already singing, despite Melissa’s protests—“At least wait until after dinner!”—but Charlie had insisted and his mother backed him up.
“I don’t see how it could hurt,” she’d said. “It’s nice.”
Melissa rolled her eyes and Charlie snuck a bite of stuffing off her plate while she wasn’t looking. There were two new guests this year, Samantha and her brother Fox, though the family was one short in Dana, a fact they all lamented (one of them, in particular, perhaps more than the others).
“How’s the house, Melissa? How’s that porch roof?” Bill Scully, who still pretended his daughter had only moved in with a friend, stuffed a bite of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
“It’s fine, dad. The inspector said it had at least another five years.”
“Huh,” he grunted. “Well. You keep an eye on it.”
“Fox, do you want sauerkraut?” Maggie held the bowl up to him, and he tried not to make a face.
“Um,” he said. “No thanks.” He couldn’t get used to that particular Baltimore turkey-day tradition. She smiled at him and passed the bowl to her older son. The younger Bill kept glaring at him uncomfortably, and at Samantha, too, as if trying to puzzle them out. As if these Mulders were working some angle on the Scully family.
They were all scraping their plates and debating seconds when the phone rang.
“I’ll get it,” Maggie said. “It’s probably Dana.”
Bill Sr. stood up as well, anxious to talk to his youngest girl, and one by one, each of the Scullys popped into the kitchen to say their hellos and happy thanksgivings. Fox’s knee was bouncing, and he was chewing on his bottom lip. Melissa smiled at him from across the table.
“You wanna go say hi? Mom called her back so she’s not running up her long-distance.” She could tell he wanted to, could read his eagerness like a book.
“Does she know I’m here?”
Melissa nodded and Samantha shook him by the shoulder. “Go on,” she said. “When’s the last time you talked to her?”
He cleared his throat. “Ah.” A sheepish smile. “Yesterday.”
Melissa laughed and shook her head while he scooted around the table and into the kitchen.
“—I mean, if you’re able to come then. Melissa said she wants to have a Christmas Eve party? You know you’re welcome to stay here, too.” Maggie looked up, surprised to see Fox tiptoeing into the kitchen. He gave her a shy wave, then stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Uh huh,” she said. “Okay, honey, if that’s what you want to do, that’s fine.” She raised her chin at him in question.
“Melissa said I could say hi,” he explained, and Maggie’s eyebrows went up.
“You want to say hi?” Then back into the phone, “Dana, Samantha’s brother is here and he said he wants to say hi, is that alright?” A brief pause, then she smiled. “Dana says only if you promise not to talk about work.” She passed the phone to him, and he took it with a quick thank you before Maggie headed back to the dining room.
“Hey,” he said into the phone, smiling already.
“Oh hey,” she said, mock-surprised. “Long time no talk.”
“Hmm, it feels long.”
She chuckled. “So you’re at my parents’ house, huh? That’s kind of weird.”
“It is, it is,” he said. “Your parents are so nice, though. Your mom, especially. She kept checking on me all through dinner.”
“She’s sweet. No flack from dad?”
“Nah, he’s too concerned about Melissa’s home repair schedule. I think your brother hates me, though.”
“Bill, right?”
“How’d you guess? Charlie’s alright. They’re all great, really.”
“Well,” she said. “You know what this means, don’t you?”
“I’m going to have to go over to each of your parents’ houses while you’re not there and just hang out with them. Maybe I’ll bring Samantha.”
“Oof, Dana, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
“They’re that bad?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you some day.”
“Good. I want to know.”
“Did you book your flight yet?”
“I did. I fly in on the fourteenth… But here’s the thing.”
“Uh oh.”
“No, it’s good. I got my first interview for my residency. I’ve applied to a few on the east coast, so it’s a good sign. But I’ll be busy my first week or so before the holiday.”
There was a brief pause. “Oh,” he said. “That’s great about the interview.”
“Are you disappointed?”
“Only a little. And I’m happy you’re applying out here.”
“Me too.”
“Hmm, your brother is giving me a look from the other room. I think he’s suspicious. Is he gonna kick my ass?”
“You can probably take him. But, you know. Family dinner.”
“Will you call me again soon?”
“Of course.” He was tucked into the corner of the kitchen, talking into the phone like it was her ear, like they were completely alone. “Hey,” he said.
“I miss you,” he murmured. “When I see you again… I’m going to kiss you, okay? I don’t think I’ll be able to help it.”
Her breath sounded just a bit louder on the other end of the line. “Okay,” she said.
“I’ll talk to you soon. Bye, Dana.”
Much later, after everyone had eaten pie and Fox had headed home to D.C., Melissa stood with her mother in the kitchen, drying and putting away dishes.
“Fox seems nice,” Maggie said. Nonchalant, as if it were just chitchat.
Melissa smiled. “He is. He’s a good guy. Sweet. Really smart.”
“How does he know Dana?”
“They met at our house last summer.” She put a plate in the cabinet.
Melissa smirked, looked at her mother. “And what?”
Maggie crossed her arms over her chest. “And?”
“And they hit it off. I think she helped him with some work thing.”
“Are they dating?”
Melissa sighed and leaned back against the counter. “Mom. You need to ask Dana. Who lives in California, in case you’d forgotten, making ‘dating’ something of a complicated term.”
“Alright, alright!” Maggie raised her hands in the air, then went back to the dishes. “It’s sweet, though. Dana and your roommate’s brother.”
Melissa’s spine stiffened. “Mom—“
Maggie’s face looked pained. “I know.” She sighed.
“She’s not my roommate.”
Maggie nodded and took a deep breath, but didn’t look at her daughter. “I know.”
Melissa squeezed at the dish-towel in her hands until her fingers hurt, stared at her shoes. After a moment, Maggie looked back at the other woman, took the two steps across the kitchen to stand beside her, and put her hands on Melissa’s arms. “I know, sweetheart. It’s hard for me, but just… know that I love you. We all do.”
Melissa’s eyes burned. She sniffed. “Dad too?”
“Yeah,” Maggie said. “Dad too.” She held her daughter’s eyes for a long moment, rubbing her upper arms. “Come over again next week,” she said. “I think we just need to get used to it.” Another brief pause, as if Maggie were thinking through something. “But she’s lovely, Missy. I really like her.”
Melissa’s lip wavered, just a little, and she nodded, sniffed again. “I should see how she’s doing with the boys.”
She gave her mother a watery smile, and slipped out of the kitchen.
December 24 - Baltimore
Their timing was awful. It seemed a truly grand failure of fate that kept them apart for over a week after Dana arrived in town, despite their efforts to meet. First, she had an interview in Philadelphia, and then a case took Fox out of town until the twenty-third. Once, he showed up at his sister’s house and found he’d missed her by only ten minutes and he nearly beat his head against the wall in frustration. And then finally—finally—on Christmas Eve, the stars aligned. They would be in the same place at the same time—but only for one night. He and Samantha were driving to Connecticut to see their mother in the morning. Once again it felt like cruel fate was holding them forever apart.
Still, they would make of tonight what he could. He knocked on the door at 7:23, and stood shaking in the frigid air. The temperature had plummeted, but at least there had been no snow to slow his drive from Alexandria. Sam opened the door with a cry of delight and a “Come in, come in, it’s freezing!”
Inside it was warm and the lights were low and golden, the Christmas tree glowing, fireplace lit, that terrible Wham! song playing for the nine millionth time of the season. “Merry Christmas!” He told her, wrapping her into a hug with his free arm. She wore a red dress and a Santa hat, her long brown hair curling over her shoulders.
“Merry Christmas! Here, I’ll take your bag,” Samantha said, pulling his duffel from his shoulder so he could strip off his coat. He hardly noticed. He was scanning every space he could see, eyes everywhere at once. “She’s in the kitchen, Romeo.”
He looked at his sister and offered a sheepish smile. “Thanks,” he said.
He was sweating, though it was barely 20 degrees outside. His heart was hammering in his chest, blood rushing his ears. She was here, somewhere in the same house as him, after all these months. He walked, hands shaking, head buzzing, through the living room and toward the kitchen.
Sam waited to put away his bag and instead rushed to grab Melissa, who was chatting in the living room, by the arm. “Wait wait, look, come here!” Conspiratorial, she dragged Melissa to the doorway that led to the hall.
Fox was not halfway to the kitchen door when Dana appeared in the corridor and stopped cold with a little gasp.
“Oh!” She said when she realized it was him.
She wore a deep green crushed velvet dress, long-sleeved, to the knee. Her hair was pulled back away from her face. Her lips and cheeks were red, with surprise or wine or makeup, he couldn’t tell and didn’t care. The world had gone black-and-white but for her: radiant, in full color, a beacon of warmth and light in these cold, dark days of early winter. Quiet hung between them for a long moment until he could speak.
“Hi,” he said eventually, feeling stupid. It was like he could hardly breathe in her presence, like no words could possibly do this moment justice.
Her lips turned up into a nervous smile, and she took a small step toward him, eyes drinking him in just as openly as he watched her. “Hi,” she replied.
He took a step forward to match hers, and they were only a few feet apart now, standing at the event horizon of their gravitational pulls. They hovered there, awed by the electric buzz of their attraction. Then they both moved forward at once, like slow motion, and his hand was reaching out to her face and he was bending down and she was leaning in and going up on her toes… and then he was kissing her. She tasted like white wine and her fingers were in his hair, touching him as he touched her. His free hand came to her waist and guided her body to rest against his. He felt her back arch, her breasts press against his sweater, and he was already embarrassingly hard, like a teenager with no self control, but he couldn’t help it, nor did he care. Not when this was really her, solid and true, flesh and blood, soft lips and warm skin after six months of wanting. He imagined hoisting her over his shoulder and dragging her upstairs, party be damned. He wanted to make love to her slow and soft behind closed doors.
There was a squeal behind him, the sound of Samantha’s feet hopping up and down on the hardwood as she still gripped Melissa’s arm. He heard Melissa mutter, “Come on, give ‘em some space.”
Dana’s arms came around his neck, and he wrapped his own around her waist so he could lift her momentarily, holding her tight to him, wanting all of her at once. Her feet dangled by his shins, and she giggled into his mouth, making him laugh too. When he worried they were making a scene, when he felt capable of maybe surviving a separation of a few inches, he set her back down and their lips parted. Her hands went to his shoulders, and his moved back to cup her face. Her eyes looked wet—as overwhelmed as he felt.
“You’re here,” he said.
“So are you.” One of her hands splayed across his chest, and she could probably feel his heart pounding under her palm.
“I’ve been waiting so long to do that,” he told her.  “I’ve been thinking about it forever.” One of his thumbs brushed across her lips and she kissed it. He was utterly, stupidly in love with her.
She nodded. “I know. Me too.”
Then she leaned in again, wrapped her arms around his waist, and tucked her body into his, her head resting on his chest like it belonged there always. She smelled so good, like clean shampoo and sweet perfume; the velvet of her dress carried the warmth of her skin to his fingertips. He didn’t want to let her go, even when party guests began making their way past them to and from the kitchen.  
“Come help me meet people,” she said, and took his hand in hers. “I’m not great at parties.”
He laughed and let her pull him toward the living room. “If you’re looking for a social butterfly, I have some bad news for you,” he said.
She tossed a smile at him over her shoulder, and he felt a kind of click in his mind—like he’d snapped a photo of her wearing that smile, in that dress, that he would keep with him for the rest of his life.
It was a smallish gathering, maybe fifteen in total, but for Dana, it felt like a massive crowd. All she wanted to do was be alone with him. Maybe have dinner, talk for a few hours, make out in his car afterwards. A normal date, she thought. They managed quiet moments here and there, a few stolen kisses under mistletoe, a handful of slow dances to Bing Crosby where she pretended not to notice how he grew hard when she pressed her belly against him. It was nice. But she was glad when the party began to thin around eleven and she didn’t have to explain to any more strangers why she was studying pathology, where she was applying for residencies, what she hoped to do when she finished, all while fully aroused.
By midnight, the last of the guests had left, and the four siblings were straightening up, carrying dirty cups toward the kitchen and throwing away paper plates and napkins. When the clock struck twelve, Samantha called out “Merry Christmas!” to the whole house. In the living room, she grabbed Melissa and pulled her into a kiss.
Fox and Dana were in the kitchen, rinsing egg-nog cups. He glanced at the clock and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Merry Christmas.” She flushed and angled her body toward his. He rested his forehead on hers, brushed their noses together.
“Mmmerycrims,” she mumbled against his lips, half kissing, half laughing.
Sam walked in then, barefoot now and sans Santa hat, carrying an armful of dishes. “Hey, get a room,” she said. “Just kidding. Dana, can you go help Melissa for a minute? I want to get these washed up before we go to bed.”
In the living room, Melissa was pushing furniture back into its usual place, out of the corners, angling the couch back toward the TV. Dana helped her carry the coffee table back into the center of the room. “There,” she said. “Looks good.”
Before heading up to bed, Melissa turned to look at her sister. “Hey,” she said. “Can I say something, Day?” Dana dropped a throw pillow onto the sofa and watched her sister carefully. Melissa lifted both hands to Dana’s shoulders and spoke softly. “He is wonderful and I love him. I want you to be happy. But remember to listen to yourself and what you need, too. Think about where you are and what you want, and don’t feel pressured.”
Dana nodded, eyes wide, suddenly grateful for her sister’s words. “I know.”
“Good,” Melissa said. “Now that I’ve said that, there are condoms in the top drawer of the night stand. Be safe and make good choices. Love you.” She squeezed Dana’s arms then turned and walked to the stairway, calling toward the kitchen on her way up, “I’m headed to bed, Sam!”
“Coming!” Samantha’s voice echoed from the other room.
After Sam went up a few minutes later, it was just the two of them for the first time, standing several awkward feet apart in the living room. Dana felt suddenly nervous, like the weight of the past six months had settled onto this moment, these hours that would follow now that they were alone. She watched him watch her, felt his expectations, and felt suddenly unsure. She chewed the inside of her cheek and looked toward the stairway. Her feet hurt. Her makeup felt old. She suddenly wanted very badly to be wearing pajamas and to be curled up in bed.
Fox took a few steps toward her, reached out to touch her elbow. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah,” she said, perhaps too quickly, fingers fidgeting, swallowing hard. She was shaking. Afraid of what tonight might mean, of what he might think of her. Were they really going to do this?
“Hey,” he said, pulling her into a gentle hug, just enough so she felt warm—safe. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “It’s a lot,” he whispered. She leaned back to look into his eyes, and he touched her face again. “Too much, too soon?”
She didn’t want it to be, but she was overwhelmed. She felt her eyes filling with tears against her will. She nodded, her bottom lip wobbling.
He leaned down and kissed it, just a reassuring press of his lips on hers. “Okay,” he said. “It’s okay.” He hugged her again and spoke into her hair. “We don’t need to do anything. It’s late, and I’m just glad I got to see you again.”
She let out a little choked sob into his sweater. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just… there’s a lot going on right now.”
He pulled back again so he could hold her face in his hands, look into her eyes as he spoke. “Dana,” he said. “I am standing in the same room as you. That makes this the best night I’ve had in six months. I’m sleeping on the couch—right here. So I’m gonna go brush my teeth and put on sweatpants and watch old movies until I can’t keep my eyes open. If you want, you can put on your PJs and join me. If not, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Okay? You don’t need to be sorry. You don’t owe me anything.”
His eyes were serious and blue-green, softened by affection and concern. Was this what love was like, she wondered? This careful kindness, this swelling of the heart at the very sight of the other? Wasn’t this too soon for love?
“Okay,” she said. “I’d like that.”
Dana wanted this man very badly. More, perhaps, than she’d ever wanted anything else in her life. And that scared her. This thing they had was still soft and fragile, no mere lust, but the seed of some great flowering organism. She was grateful that he seemed to want to care for it as much as she did. In the upstairs bathroom, she washed her face and brushed her teeth and changed into comfortable pajamas. Perhaps it was too soon for flannel-love, too—perhaps she should have kept her makeup on, maintained the illusion a little. But she didn’t think so. As she walked back down the stairs, she thought, This feels right.
And it was.
-end chapter three-
Go to Chapter 4
279 notes · View notes
agentelmo · 6 years
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The X-Files MSR Analysis Series: Season 1 Episode 11
Previous episode analysis - 1x10 Fallen Angel.
Eve is a nice episode in terms of MSR because it is littered with cute little moments between Mulder and Scully.  Mostly characterised by their silently eyeballing each other.  Sometimes when the other isn’t even looking.  
Sorry, lets be real here - sometimes when Scully isn’t even looking. 
There’s a great scene in Mulder’s motel room which shows they’re still feeling each other out on a personal level - despite Scully’s dismissal of Mulder as a potential love interest in Jersey Devil, she clearly hasn’t 100% given up on it because she’s definitely putting the feelers out in that scene - testing the waters of Mulder’s personal life. 
On a non-MSR front, we also get our first whiff of a mention of the super soldiers that become so prominent in season 9.  Which is interesting, right?  Right?
So the episode begins with Mulder and Scully in Basement HQ talking about the latest spooky goings on.  Professor Mulder must have got in late this morning, as he’s still putting together his slide show for this mornings class.
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Mulder’s characteristic gallows humour makes an appearance, and what I really like is that he looks up to see her reaction to his joke - is he gonna get a flash of her dazzling smile?
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He gets nothing - nada, zip.  Scully isn’t rewarding that mediocre attempt.
You know why this stood out to me now?  After seeing season 11′s This, it reminded me of the skanky bar scene where Mulder makes a joke about Scully looking “adorbs”.  Mulder stares at her for a long ass moment afterwards, waiting for a response.  
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From the very beginning, he always got a kick out of getting a rise out of her - cracking her cool exterior.  I just like that the same gesture is seen here, right at the very beginning of their relationship.  He makes a joke to enjoy her response - and I think, a little bit, just to see her smile, because holy shit, Scully has a million watt smile.  
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Who wouldn’t want to be the cause of that?
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How quaint.  Remember a time before you knew anything about cattle mutilation, Scully?
What I love about this is what I love about all Mulder’s slide show scenes, which is that he enjoys the song and dance of presenting his ideas to Scully.  He likes playing teacher.  Look at his face when she gives him her “say what now?” look.
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Close enough, Mulder?  He’s looming over her, being an utter space invader - as usual.  It’s their classic physical flirtation, but where the real foreplay lies between them is in the meeting of two sharply intelligent minds. 
He already knew that she wasn’t familiar with the fine art of cattle sucking, and that this would be how their conversation would go.  He had it all planned out.
This is why he was queuing up the slide show before he even asked the question -  he was just waiting to explain it to her.  He sports the smile of smug success, because it’s all gone to plan.  He’s hit his mark and now he’s ready to go - Professor Mulder is in the house, people!
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He does this for her validation, which in turn allows him to present otherwise fantastic ideas in a way that fits the conventions of a regular FBI investigation - she brings order to his chaos and I think he actually desires that - at this point he’s come to see the value in it.  
In Basement HQ with Dana Scully in attendance, Professor Mulder’s theories and ideas are not dismissed as nonsense, they’re treated as potentially valid.  This is a place of safety and mental freedom for him.  His relaxed demeanour, as he regales the grim details of the case, suggest this is the portrait of a man freed from the limitations of self-doubt and judgement. 
This is in sharp contrast to how Mulder has been know to behave around his peers.  He has a tendency to be very reticent with his fellow FBI colleagues. He’s been burned one too many times by talking about his ideas, and so tends to keeps his cards close to his chest. 
It just goes to show how her validation is like catnip for him - there is no holding back in these show and tells.  He fully expects Scully to hear him out and throw out her usual challenges, to which is he more than happy to rise because he knows they come from a place of scientific rigour not condescension and mockery - he revels in the acknowledgement and the challenge.  
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As the series progresses he refines his beliefs - he too needs proof.  But at this stage he really does believe in almost anything, and is happy to go along with any bat shit theory.  Seeing is believing for Mulder in season 1.
Not so with Scully, of course.  He’s so overtly open and unabashed with his beliefs that sometimes - when you actually listen to exactly what it is he’s saying - you do have to wonder if he is, in fact, crazy.
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See what I mean?  He’s pretty bald-faced about it.  Unflinchingly eccentric.   It’s actually kind of touching to watch him spout this nonsensical stuff about aliens coming thousands of light years to exsanguinate some poor moo cows.  Seriously, the guy sounds like he’s been smoking the good stuff.
Most normal people would tell him he’s a fucking mental case and report him to FBI human resources - this guy needs a psych evaluation - stat!
But Scully?  Nope, she’s there to do a job - put his bat shit craziness to the test, so she swallows her disbelief and instinctive need to object... literally...
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...and off we go!
So Mulder and Scully go off to investigate the man who had been blood suckered and have a chat with his daughter - the only witness to his death.  
And oh God this series can be tough to watch at times with hindsight... more Scully being totes adorbs and sweetly softly spoken with kids.  
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Any time Mulder and Scully are in scenes with kids I can’t deal.  It hurts man.
Even if the kid in question is creepy AF.
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Seriously what is it with the kids being freaky mofos in this show?
Creepiness aside, I love that this little bunny-clutching satan spawn totally plays Mulder.  
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She tells him what he wants to hear; the implication is that this girl has some kind of mind reading capability to pull “men from the clouds” and the word “exsanguinate” from out her arse.
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Uh yeah...
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Mulder, this is important... and not the time to be staring at your partner’s lips again.  Geez, man. FOCUS.
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Scully gets a call that there’s been another murder, so off they jet to San Fran baby!  Check it out - that’s a sunny establishing shot!
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Although when they get to the murder victim’s residence the weather is grey and overcast as fuck.
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You tried, Vancouver.  You tried.
What I admire about this scene here with Mulder and Scully is the fact that she doesn’t let Mulder intimidate her.
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When Scully was assigned to Mulder, she was green, untested.  He’s literally her first ever partner since she’s never been a field agent before, and he has quite the reputation as an incredibly savvy profiler and successful investigator.  Not to mention the fact he’s a man, and she’s a woman.
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Yet she doesn’t let that stop her questioning his every step.
That’s pretty fucking impressive, isn’t it?
Scully’s self-confidence is crazy admirable.  She truly is a phenomenal role model for young girls.  I know she was for me.
What’s even more brilliant about her challenge here, is that she is more right than he is.  Mulder is, in fact, super wrong.  As we discover much later, these two deaths actually are the work of two killers working in tandem like Scully says and Mulder, the career profiler, dismissed this out of hand.  1 - 0 to Scully.  Keep score in this episode, because Scully does well to prove she’s more than a match for Mulder.
So they head off to speak with the daughter of the second murder victim, and Mulder exhibits his terrible parking skills.  How far away from the kerb do you wanna be, Mulder?
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Look at Scully with her little season 1 briefcase... D’awwwwwwww.
Mulder is clearly in a good mood this morning, he’s quite playful with Scully all throughout this scene.
Case in point, when they’re discussing the fact that Teena Simmons has been abducted....
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Let’s pause for effect.  Look at him looking at her.
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Oh Mulder... are you GAZING by any chance?
Scully says the roadblocks turned up nothing... again Mulder, in his chipper mood quips back...
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He’s doing it again.  Looking for her to react.  Both times.  He really does like to  enjoy her reaction, and I think she knows it because she refuses to give him one.  Perhaps it’s to loosen her up; relax.  My theory is that he just enjoys breaking down her professional exterior and so he make it his low key eternal mission to make her crack.  Like the proper little wind-up merchant that he is.
Also, whoa... Mulder are you blatantly checking Scully out?  She conveniently looks away... and down go those eyes.  You bad, bad man.
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“I do not GAZE at Scully.”  Again, pause that.
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Sure you don’t.
Then the door opens and we see that the second murder victim’s daughter - Cindy Reardon - looks exactly like the first murder victim’s daughter - Teena Simmons.
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Mulder... focus.
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I like the little silent conversation that goes on here.
Scully:  Mulder, are you seeing this? Mulder:  Yeah, what do you think is going on here? Scully:  No fucking clue.
Scully starts to question the mother about Cindy, and when Mulder chimes in to cut to the chase, he unintentionally upsets the mother.  Scully realises instantly he’s in trouble as Mulder stumbles over his words and Scully touches his hand, silently communicating – I’ve got this.
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He instantly takes a step back and lets Scully handle it.  I fucking love these two.
It’s such a simple gesture, utterly meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but for some reason little things like this make me think these two were made for each other.  I know, that’s a melodramatic thing to say, but this little exchange just thrilled me.  The simple act is trivial but also beautiful at the same time.
Am I weird?  I’m probably just weird.
Muldo and Scullbag head back out to their car and whoa... that is some heady bright red velour interior in their car - yikes.  
Holy crapsicle even the steering wheel is red!  The 90′s man...  Yeesh.
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The banter… ah the banter.  This is what makes these two so deliciously fun. It’s not the Joss Whedon style of hyper-lighting-fast, sarcastic barbs or witty, self-deprecating one liners that permeate pretty much every TV show going these days.  It’s two clearly distinct personalities interacting and sparking off of each other in distinct, individual ways.
Mulder’s sense of humour bubbles along the surface of many of the duo’s scenes together, and it’s Scully’s reaction to his humour, rather than sharp-shooting back, that makes their to and fro banter feel genuine and real.  Her reactions tends towards the incredulous or playfully disapproving, but every now and then, he will be rewarded for his efforts with a dazzling smile of genuine amusement.
That feels more real to me because we’re not all witty zing-miesters ready and waiting with the best come back of our lives.  Although Mulder does land a few good ones, that’s defined as part of his personality, not just the collective state of all human beings that exist in the world like we seem to get in a lot of TV these days.
That’s not to say that Scully isn’t funny too.  She also gets her occasional zingers, but the infrequency of them makes them all the sweeter.
So Scully goes to check at the IVF treatment centre to find out how these two girls look so alike, and asks the Doc a question that is kinda scary in hindsight.
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Especially given season 11′s recent revelations regarding how Scully became pregnant.  Yeah... this scene made my insides wiggly.
Scully discovers that a doctor called Sally Kendrick was experimenting with eugenics - tampering with the ova before fertilisation.  Again, all very troubling to hear in hindsight for us as viewers in the midst of season 11.  We as fans felt this question had been laid to rest about how William came to be, but season 11 has busted it wide open again.  Scully may have had this same tampering done to her ova before being implanted - if she even was implanted, we have no idea anymore!  Fuck CSM, man...
But lets wash the ickiness away with a stunning profile shot.  Naw... Looks how beautifully 90′s Scully is...
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Now the next scene takes place back in Mulder’s motel room... hey now guys, you do know this goes against bureau’s policy on male and female agents consorting in the same motel room while on assignment, right?
Want to see another creepy connection to William?  Mulder and Scully are watching Sally Kendrick’s video monologue, which signs off on this oddly prophetic note...
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I realise that babies are described as miracles all the time, so it’s unlikely to be an intentional connection, but I got chills.  Did you get chills?
Scully doesn’t miss a chance to point out that Mulder’s cattle guzzling alien theory is looking less and less likely by the minute...
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Scully is the one rewarded with the smile this time, oh man keep ‘em coming Scully... Mulder in his glasses with his sleeves rolled up and his tie undone is my kink, my aesthetic, my everything, the sweetest song that I could sing...
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It’s like watching the air go out of a balloon.  Scully kicking dejected puppy!Mulder.... 
But wait! Ring ring... answer the phone, Scully.
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New phone, who dis?
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Yeah Mulder, how far does a girl have to go to untangle her tingle?  
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You’ve not yet qualified Scully, so get the fuck outta here.  No girls with tangled tingles allowed that haven’t gone through the 7 year Mulder vetting process.
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He’s not kidding, he doesn’t have a clue what a girl is because thus far no one has made it through the 7 year Mulder vetting process.  
Who is up to the task, I wonder...
Mulder, are you seriously asking “what’s a girl?” when you have one of the most beautiful specimens right in front of you?  Go die in a fire now please. Thank you.
Poor disappointed Scully, too.  She wasn’t ready to leave and who can blame her with him flouncing around in those fucking glasses?  STOP IT.
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Ughhhh... this whole fucking scene is just lady porn.
Also, isn’t it sweet that Scully’s automatic assumption is that he has a girl coming over?  She must think his little bit on the side was the one who hung up on the phone.  
Notice how Scully executes a classic fishing expedition, here.  She is curious about his personal life and because of his frankly highly suspicious behaviour - seriously Mulder, guy has zero chill, you could have done this a bit more convincingly - has handed her a prime opportunity to jokingly ask an otherwise overtly personal question. 
Don’t think I can’t see what you’re up to, Ms. Scully.
So Mulder goes to meet his girlfriend, Deep Throat and they take a romantic stroll along the jetty, casually bumping shoulders, talk about catching a Warriors game together.  So sweet.
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I like that Deep Throat is concerned that Scully has followed Mulder.  Look at this muppet.  He’s a powerful man at the centre of an international consortium of men embroiled in all manner of nefarious government conspiracies and he’s hiding in a bush, afraid of a 5ft nothing red head in a pantsuit.
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To be fair to him, Scully is a bad ass, I’d be afraid of her too.  Don’t be messing with her boo, or she’ll be having words.
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I had a discussion recently about how Deep Throat seems to take on a fatherly role for Mulder in season 1.  A friendly, compassionate guide who supports Mulder at great risk to himself, his ideal father figure.
These little moments where Deep Throat (Or Ronald Pakula as we know now him, cheers season 11) seems to have more than a professional interest in Mulder.  It’s not simply that he is using Mulder, he appears to genuinely care about him too - this is merely one of several occasions where he suggests they might have enjoyed spending time together outside of their clandestine meetings.  
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I’d say we will never know if this care is genuine, as there are certainly times when Deep Throat is shady as fuck - and later will even lie to Mulder - but then we see Deep Throat speak to Mulder from beyond the grave in his The Blessing Way fever dream in season 3.
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Where he encourages Mulder to go back to the living world and not to look into the abyss.  Suggesting he truly did care about him.
So moving on, Deep Throat tells Mulder about a secret government eugenics project called The Litchfield Experiment.  Deep Throat says the purpose of this project is to create a “superior solider”.  Yep, that’s right... the notion that the Syndicate were involved in creating super soldiers were seeded back in season 1.  
He directs Mulder to an insane asylum where a subject of this shady experiment is being held named Eve 6.
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So I am confused, how did Mulder explain to Scully how he knew about Eve 6 and the Litchfield experiments?  He still hasn’t told her about Deep Throat, and won’t tell her about him until E.B.E.  So how exactly did he explain to Scully why they were going there?  “I dreamt it, Scully!  I totally do not have an informant that basically lets me cheat every paranormal investigation I get stuck on.  It err... yeah, came to me in a vision!  Honest!”
Seriously, I’d forgotten just how often Mulder cheats by getting help from Deep Throat. 
So off they trot to meet Eve 6, and Mulder takes another opportunity to side eye his hot new girlfriend partner when she’s not looking.
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The eye sexing in this episode is off the chart by the way.  They’re silently communicating a lot.  A LOT, A LOT.
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Eve 6 explains that she and many others were part of an experiment which gave them heightened strength, intelligence but also psychosis.  They’re failed early attempts at creating super soldiers as they are uncontrollable.  They all have a tendency to go bat crap crazy.
And shocker, the two girls Cindy and Teena are part of that same experiment.
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Its interesting to watch Mulder and Scully’s differing reactions to Eve 6.  The horror of what she is, a human monster but through no fault of her own.  They both have a very visceral reaction to Eve 6′s Hannibal Lecter moment as she talks about trying to get a bit of lovin’ from a guard.
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Scully is clearly uncomfortable; disturbed by Eve 6; her mental state; her living conditions, and the claims of what has been done to her.
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Whereas Mulder looks at Eve 6 with morbid fascination.  Like watching a car crash - you just can’t seem to look away from the horror of it.  He’s reviled by her, but also strangely transfixed.  Probably the profiler in him.
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Now remember I said to keep score on how many times Scully gets it right and Mulder gets it wrong in this episode.  Well, here’s another doozey.
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So that’s Mulder acknowledging that the murders could have indeed happened at the same time by two different people working together, which earlier he summarily dismissed when Scully suggested it.
Have you noticed yet that I like to make a point of highlighting when Scully was actually right and Mulder was wrong?  Why do I do it?  Honestly, it’s because I still haven’t forgiven Mulder for his “who turns out to be right 98.9% of the time?” comment in season 6′s Field Trip.
Arrogant little bishop basher.
But wait, it gets better!
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*whispers*  Scully is too good for you.
Mulder suggests the two remaining Eves, Eve 7 and Eve 8, are killing the parents in order to take the girls back into the Litchfield fold.
But there’s some big holes in that hypothesis.  First, if that was their goal all along, why not take the girls when they killed the fathers?  Both kids were alone with their father’s at the time of their murders, so why kill the fathers and return later when the girls would be more protected, not less.
C’mon Mulder, there is obviously more going on here... you’re really off your game on this episode.  
Maybe if you weren’t so distracted by all the eye sexing?
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Cindy Reardon is kidnapped by Sally Kendrick a.k.a. Eve 7, and Mulder and Scully are left in the dirt.  Mulder gets to do a bit of sexy running though.  Damn, that boy can run!
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Thankfully, through some spiffing police work, they locate the girls again, and it’s like someone has dressed them up in red as a warning - DANGER FOX MULDO, DANGER!  They may as well have a neon sign above their heads blinking out the words “SATAN SPAWN!”
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Someone has to take custody of the girls temporarily and, unexpectedly, Mulder volunteers himself and Scully for the job.
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Wow, admit it, you just want to play dad.
Seriously, it’s almost like he planned it after watching Scully play Mum, talking about how “we” will take care of you... you’re safe with “us”.
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You think I’m reaching?  What is this “reaching” you speak of?  This is a serious analysis series, with serious analysis only.  
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This is such a dad thing to say, Mulder.  The translation is:  SHUT UP AND JUST GET IN THE DAMN CAR.
I can just see Mulder and William now...
“Dad, what’s a momomyth?” “Not now, son.  Just put your shoes on.  We’re going to grandma Maggie’s” “But Dad, is it the sum of all human knowledge or first contact with an alien ra--” “WE’LL TALK ABOUT IT IN THE CAR, OKAY?!”
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I see you Muldo, checking Scullywag out.  Shouldn’t you keep your eyes on the road?  Look, even the creepy murder baby has noticed your wandering eye.
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Hmm, asking a kid if they can hold their pee.  Yeah, Mulder has definitely never had kids before.  Heck, I’ve never had kids before and I know that’s a dumb question.  Kids seem to like waiting until their bladder is about to explode before asking to stop.
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Ah the domesticity of the coke saga… the adults watching their waistlines get diet.  The kiddiewinks in need of recharging their murder batteries go for some of that high fructose goodness.
I love the look Scully has on her face in the background, a look that seems to be saying ‘don’t mind our precocious little brats’.
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It kind of tickles me that this serving wench believes Mulder and Scully are married with kids.  Don’t worry, the rest of the world will catch up with this statement of fact in 25 years.
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Mulder and Scully even do the eye sex communication before they’re about to go do their business.  Pee you on the other side, Scully!
Mulder even tells jokes silently.  It’s all there in the eyes.
Then the more sinister of the two satan spawn, which I think is Teena, comes out to poison Mulder and Scully’s drinks.
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It’s all right for me to joke about it, but when kids in the actual show start calling Mulder “dad”, I am gonna probably hyperventilate to death.
So of course, Mulder goes and acts all fatherly again.  AHHHH THE PAAAIN!
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He would have been such a sweet dad, guys… seriously.  FFS CHRIS CARTER.  MOVING ON...
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It’s hypnotic, actually, watching their hands meet on a perpetual loop - you start to notice weird details, like how her finger slides over his.  
Look at what this show reduces us to.  Slavering weirdos who get excited at the merest brush of a hand.   Just, fuck this show... sometimes, really, it can just fuck off?
Then in a touch of writing genius, they drop the “oops I forgot my keys” trope.  
Mulder runs back into the cafe to find DUN DUN DUN... the poison conveniently left a partial mug ring on the table.  
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Which makes no sense either, because if Teena had got it on the cup, wouldn’t Mulder and Scully have seen it already?  It’s bright green after all.  But whatevs... Mulder goes and sticks his fingers in an unknown substances then true to form, puts it straight into his mouth.  
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I know, I felt thoroughly ashamed of taking this screen cap of Mulder licking his finger.  But it’s not like I stopped and looked at it for a long time or anything.  *whistles*
Realising the girls have poisoned his and Scully’s drink, Mulder runs back outside to rescue bae.
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Again, Mulder has zero chill when it comes to feigning ignorance.  Was the earlier kerfuffle getting Scully out of his motel room in such an obvious way put there just to demonstrate that Mulder has the acting ability of a wacky, flailing, inflatable, tube man?
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How chivalrous.
Before we move on, lets rewind back a second...
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Okay, okay... so the girls know Mulder is onto them, obviously... I guess Mulder forgot that the Eves have heightened intelligence as well as heightened psychosis.  
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Arghhh.. they’re so young!  Mah baby agents!
The girls vanish but Mulder and Scully outsmart the fuck out of these little shits.
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Side note... baby!Scully... such a badass.
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baby!Mulder... eeeh not so much.
Mulder and Scully go back into the cafe to see if the girls went to hide in there, and Scully ruins my dream - of a single human being existing in the world who thinks Mulder and Scully are married with kids - by flashing her FBI badge at the serving wench.
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I know she’s a waitress.  Shhh... If I was a waitress, I’d much prefer to be called serving wench.
Wenchy McWenchface says a school bus just left with a ton a kids, so Mulder and Scully, quite cleverly I might add, trick the girls by splitting up.
Just to show us once again, these two are a pair of smart cookies, and are clearly meant for each other, as work partners as well as being the loves of each others lives.  Yeppers.
So Scully follows the bus in the car, and Mulder stays at the cafe.
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Come out, come out, wherever you areeeee....
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Mulder bullying children.  It’s a side hobby.
That’s all for Mulder and Scully, but there is an interesting scene at the end with the Eves.  It seems Sally Kendrick was, in fact, Eve 8 not Eve 7 (or maybe they were both her?) as she arrives to rescue the girls.
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I wonder if perhaps, after they escape, these three are involved in the super soldier project that spawns the super soldiers we come to know later in season 9?  Who knows... but it would have been a cool little twist if they’d have brought back the Eves in season 9.  
It would have been a brilliant little bit of continuity.  But we know this show is continuity averse at the best of times, so it doesn’t really surprise me that the never took the opportunity to tie that thread.  
Next up... Ooh it’s the one you’ve all been waiting for, I can tell.  1x12 - Fire.
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baronessblixen · 7 years
Hey I really love your work :) was wondering if you could write msr at a theme park/ funfair ? Maybe with one of them scared of the rides but trying to hide it ? Maybe season of secret sex..
Happy first day of Fictober! Thanks to everyone at the workshop Friday for your lovely comments. I tried to incorporate what was said, but as it turns out I really, really suck at sensory writing. I hope it’s not too bad. 
It’s a post-ep for “Rush”. 
“Hey Scully, what do you say? Want to feel youngagain?” Mulder’s grin is infectious. They’re on their way to the car whenMulder stops suddenly, grinning like this, staring at her like that.
“You just told me in the hospital that they closed upthe cave. Not that it worked for us the first time.” They really must betoo old. Any other day it might irk her that she’s not only considered old, butactually too old. But right now, Scully doesn’t care. She is not concerned withbeing on the wrong side of 30. Not today, anyway. In her mind, the case isclosed. She’s mentally written the report already knowing that Mulder won’t bemuch help. All she wants to do right now is get home, take a shower, have sometake out and sleep. Preferably with Mulder by her side for all of it.
“No, I know,” his voice cuts into her fantasies,“I have a much better idea.” Scully swallows the sigh that’s ticklingher throat. As much as she loves Mulder, and at least some of his ideas(particularly the ones he has in the bedroom), she doesn’t want to go on acrazy goose chase right now. They just solved a case. Can’t they accept thatthey’re not young and spent an evening like normal adults?
“You wound me, Scully.” Apparently she’s said herlast thought out loud.
“Mulder, listen,” this time there is no stoppingthe sigh, but judging by Mulder’s look he’s been expecting it, “In thegrander scheme of life we are not old. As healthy adults in our 30s we-”
“I’m sure you’re right, Scully,” he puts his handson her shoulders to turn her around, “but look at this.”
“What am I looking at Mulder?” She’s staring at awall that’s plastered with posters old and new telling her about music she’snever heard about.  
“This.” His breath tickles her ear as he leans overher shoulder to point at the colorful sign reading ‘carnival’ in big letters.
“Mulder, please tell me you’re not serious.”
“Oh come on, Scully. Don’t tell me you don’t like carnivals!”
“That’s not what I said.” Though if she’s honest,she’s not particularly fond of them.
“Just for a short while? Just to feel young for anhour.” He pouts at her. It was hard to resist the pout before they starteddating. Now it’s impossible. He grins again, that charming irresistible smirk,and gives her a quick, loud kiss.
“We’re gonna have so much fun, Scully.” He sprintsto the car and Scully follows him feeling tired and yes, old. With every step allher plans fade away; no home, no shower, no take-out. At least she’s gotMulder.
She should have known that Mulder would turn into a big childat the carnival. His sweaty hand clings to hers as they make their way throughthe crowd. A group of teenagers runs past them and Scully is pushed against Mulder.They’re too slow here, too. The tinkling music leads them further inside past explosionsof red, yellow and blue colors while metal monsters and complicated gamespromise them excitement and fun. The air is laden with the smell of greasy,fried food that makes Scully’s stomach grumble. Mulder stops to buy twocorndogs for himself and a regular hot dog for Scully.
“We need to buy candy apples, Scully. For later.”
When he suggests cotton candy, though, Scully puts her footdown.
“Mulder that stuff is pure sugar.”
“So? We have the candy apples.”
“But we’re not eating them now. Please?”
“How about we buy popcorn instead?” They share thesmall bag as they stroll around the fair. His hand is sticky, as is hers.Scully licks her lips suppressing a smile as she remembers awkward first datesnot unlike this. Once again Mulder was right; she does feel younger. Young andcarefree.
“This was a good idea, Mulder.” She tells him. Hestops walking and glances at her. His earlier grin fades to make room for oneof Scully’s favorite sights: the small smile that tells her that Mulder ishappy. It’s not often that she sees his face this relaxed.
“I’m glad you think so.” He leans down and kissesher. The kiss was obviously meant as a small peck of appreciation but Muldertastes likes popcorn, like fresh air and something that’s just so him that Scullydeepens the kiss.
“Now that was an even better idea.” Mulder says.His eyes are still closed. “But I have another one.” His eyes popopen and Scully sees enthusiasm sparkle in them.
“I have the perfect idea that I’m sure you’ll love. Comeon.” He takes her hand in his again and leads her through the waftingsmell of sugar and salt, past a few stalls and a ride that has people screamingwith delight – or fear. Distracted for a moment Scully almost doesn’t noticethat they’ve stopped. She looks around and realizes they’re in a line. Waitingfor…
“A roller coaster, Mulder?” The grin is back andit’s bigger than before.
“Nothing like a roller coaster to feel young again,huh?”
“I think I’ll pass.” Mulder grabs her hand as sheattempts to step away to make room for more eager people. Most of them teenagers.
“Hey, what’s the matter? You don’t like rollercoasters?”
“Does that surprise you?”
“Yeah. Actually yeah, it does. You’re not scared ofthem, are you?”
“What? No, of course not!” Scully answers tooquickly.
“You’re scared of roller coasters?”
“That’s ridiculous, Mulder. There’s a greater chance toget struck by lightning than to be injured during a roller coaster ride.”
“Here I thought you’d take the thrill out of it byexplaining the physics of the ride and I find out you’re scared. I thought Iknew you.” But he’s smiling softly at her. Her heart beat picks up eachtime they advance in line. The teenagers in front of them ramble on, laughloudly and point at the metal monstrosity that Mulder wants to get on, too.
“I’m not scared,” Scully says, “I just don't…like it. You know it’s merely a constantly changing pattern between potentialand kinetic energy, right? Do I need to explain it to you?”
“I know my physics, thank you. But does your scienceexplain the thrill?”
“It does, Mulder. The fluctuation in acceleration causeswhat people experience as fun. From a psychological standpoint, you’ll feelmost excited when they strap you in. The feeling of not being able to escape iswhat thrills you. The chain noises you hear that has people hold their breath?It’s a safety device.”
“Did you know roller coasters were inspired by Russianice slides, Scully? How’s that for facts?”
“In the end, a roller coaster is just a machine thatuses gravity and inertia to send a train along the winding track. It’s not thatspecial.” Scully ignores his comment and tries to concentrate on hersteady breathing. Next time the roller coaster comes around, it’ll be theirturn.
“I won’t force you to do this, Scully. But I think youshould try it. For science.”
“I have tried it, Mulder. And people have tested rollercoaster in the name of science before me, you know.”
“How old were you?”
“Ten, I think. Bill was… he said I wouldn’t dare. Iproved him wrong.” They were standing in line much like they’re now. Herheart was beating fast, too; this was the first year she was big enough to goon the roller coaster. She’d finally made the height restriction! In thedistance she could hear Charlie, still too small that year, bawling. 'You sureyou’re not too chicken, Dana?’ Bill kept asking, smirking at her. Dana’s angerwas greater than any fear. She cocked her chin and told him that she was nolonger a baby. She was not afraid. When they strapped her in, Dana thought herheart would jump out of her chest. She felt it in her stomach, in her throat;it beat everywhere and it was way too fast. Bill laughed. All through the ride,hardly more than two minutes, he laughed at her, loudly, cruelly and Danastared straight ahead, willing herself not to cry. She didn’t. Not until it wasover, not until she’d been sick all over her shoes. Back then she vowed neverto go on a roller coaster ever again. She shudders now, remembering.
“You don’t need to prove anything here, Scully. If youdon’t want to do it we’ll leave. There’s uhm… the ferris wheel? We could do theferris wheel.” This time it’s Mulder who steps away and Scully who holdshim back. Mulder is not Bill; he’s not going to laugh at her. Scully is not littleDana anymore; she knows the facts, the mechanics of it now. It’s time to letherself feel it again.
“There is nothing to be afraid of.” She says matterof fact and Mulder, very slowly, nods. “There isn’t anything to be afraidof… right?” Again, he nods.
“It’s perfectly safe, but I’ll follow your lead,Scully.”
“I made my choice… Mulder?”
“Will you hold my hand?” She blushes; what a stupidrequest. She is a grown ass woman with a gun on her hip and karate kicks in herrepertoire. Mulder smiles. He kisses her nose as a promise before he leans backto have a better look at her.
“I swear I won’t let go.”
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feministbynature · 6 years
I don’t really post on here, but I just found myself inspired after watching “Plus one” so here are my thoughts on the ep...
Who would have thought hell would freeze over and I would find myself giving Chris Carter credit and literally wanting to thank him for not completely screwing up an episode and finally giving us something that he has been dangling as bait above our heads for literally decades?!? ATTHS!!!! That should be the title of the episode because let’s face it that’s the main thing that I am taking away from this episode 😂 but that’s just me, one track mind and also no tolerance for Chris Carter’s “did they didn’t they” bullshit. Philes have withstood it for ages and I’m glad the game of torture is finally over. Apparently this is going to turn into a love letter ode to Chris Carter because right from the get go it felt like a proper xfile, I got that reminiscent chill way deep in my bloodstream when the doppelgänger appeared, nothing like things that go bump in the night with loud music in the background to raise my Adrenalin level to a high. The first dialogue between far fetched theory Mulder and rational medical doctor Scully  as they battle it out cerebral style is how we like our x files! Or at least how I like mine. It also continues Mulder’s theme of claiming the x-files as “theirs” as states in the last episode “This”. These cases are collectively Mulder and scullys bread and butter, and as much as Scully puts up a fight in trying to discredit Mulders whacky enthusiasm over the idea of doppelgängers Scully is intrigued enough to jump into a car with him hit the I95 south to get to the bottom of this phenomenon wether they are mental illness or else... and Mulder is gracious enough to extend her the first go at discrediting him by allowing her to conduct Arkie’s first interrogation at the jail. Bringing Karin Konoval back is yet another mark in Chris Carter’s favor, her fabulous acting abilities as both male and female deranged and mentally ill just blew my mind!  The whole theme of the episode evil minds evil forces borderline mental illnesses was just the thing that Xfiles has been known for and allowed for the frameworks in which Mulder and scullys mind work to kick into high gear ringing true to my ears. And now let’s talk foreplay! Cause there was so much of that interweaved with comedic splatters that I had to rub my eyes in disbelief that Chris Carter actually possesses these abilities (and why has he not used them more frequently?? They are equally as supportive of the show as the angsty ones if u ask me).- Asking for a couple of rooms and not just one assisted to get these two where we wanted them, together in each other’s arms, and it also ties in with the bureaus policy of agents sharing a room. the scold on scullys face as she tells Mulder she is glad to hear all he wants is some shut eye could be seen as an older prudish version of Scully minus the eye roll and skip in her step. But in the aftermath of the episode it reads to me like a married couple that the man is feeling frisky and the woman is just not feeling it that night so she sternly puts him in his place. Let’s face it right now Scully is leaning towards her medical theories to try and make sense of this case and the subject matter is hitting her, she sees more in Judy than meets the eye, and so I kind of understand this scene and appreciate it. Especially since we get the eyebrow foreplay when Mulder asks if that bed is nice and comfy as he comes through their adjoining rooms making it clear that he is still frisky and would rather be in that bed with Scully rather than chasing the case as needed. That actually says a lot about Mulder, sex with Scully is better than weird ass theories (I wouldn’t argue with that). I kind of got catapulted back to “rain king” when Mulder denied blatantly that he stared at Scully while someone pointed out the sheer attraction to him. And here we have Judy clearly seeing the connection between our two agents from just being in the same room with them for a few minutes. And also her twin brother who asks Mulder if he is “tapping” that tasty red head. Everyone sees it and at least they are not denying it even though they aren’t yet addressing the elephant in the room. I found it quite interesting that Special agent Dana Scully as well as Doctor Dana Scully who has fought men with guns and other social deviants and has conducted multiple surgeries and autopsied dead bodies in the past would get so flustered while dealing with a psych patient and her own mortality and aging. I think this was a critical comment about how society brands women as useless and nothing more than their labels, a woman who hits her 40’s is apparently less worthy bcs her womb is no longer functioning.   The fact that she can turn to Mulder for the cold harsh truth when it comes to insecurities shows just how Dana Scully has progressed from the woman who’s catch phrase was “I’m fine Mulder”. She no longer feels the need to hide from this man, she trusts him in more ways than one. And how endearing is it to hear him say “u have still got it going on”. The man speaks the truth! (Bless). And I don’t know if Chris Carter had “tony Orlando and dawns” song in mind when he wrote knock three times but that completely fits in with the solicitation of one Fox Mulder who tells Scully he is just a door away if she should ever want to get it on 😂 and let’s face it, it’s hard to resist the upper arm and torso muscly built of Mulder in that tank top 👅 Knock three times: Hey girl what ya doin' down thereDancin' alone every night while I live right above youI can hear your music playin'I can feel your body swayin'One floor below me you don't even know meI love youOh my darlingKnock three times on the ceiling if you want meTwice on the pipe if the answer is noOh my sweetnessMeans you'll meet me in the hallwayTwice on the pipe means you ain't gonna showIf you look out your window tonightPull in the string with the note that's attached to my heartRead how many times I saw youHow in my silence I adored youOnly in my dreams did that wall between us come apartOh my darlingKnock three times on the ceiling if you want meTwice on the pipe if the answer is noOh my sweetnessMeans you'll meet me in the hallwayTwice on the pipe means you ain't gonna showI can hear your music playin'I can feel your body swayin'One floor below me you don't even know meI love youOh my darlingKnock three times on the ceiling if you want meTwice on the pipe if the answer is noOh my sweetnessMeans you'll meet me in the hallwayTwice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show Continuing with the progression in scullys character I love the fact that she can come into Mulders room and just ask to be held, it’s a little reminiscent of the bed scene in I want to believe where Mulder offers to take the burden, curse god so that Scully can have a break and sleep peacefully. At that given point in time Scully might be cursing god for the pain that is in human mortality and having the ultimate stop be at heavens door so to speak. Mulder undressing in freak out mode and scullys naked shoulder bobbing from above the sheets is the moment that the fandom will forever be screaming about because we finally got a literal confirmation that our duo are doing it!!! (Enter mental freak out and jumping up and down with ecstatic overtones). And there we have it, the afterglow of sex apparently agrees with Scully as she has become the calm and rational no longer haunted by the ghosts that seeped in to her psyche beforehand. And apparently sex with Scully agrees immensely with Mulder as well who movements before his freak out smiled at himself in the mirror. He’s always been so harsh with himself so it was a touching moment. And that last scene, if you mute it and watch scullys facial expression as she shoots off Mulders invitation of a second round of bed wrestling u can see that she is flirting and contemplating it even as she is saying no. I would put more emphasis on the part where she is shooting him down if it ended with just that, but hey, I just call it a knee jerk reaction which was erased momentarily cause let’s face it Scully will now forever be drawn to that damn afterglow of sex with Mulder!!! And now that I have all of the positives out of the way, it’s inevitable to put aside the truly bad dialogue that was held between Mulder and Scully in bed. Had it been anywhere else I would have shrugged it off but Chris Carter, dude, the spooning was probably hurting your retinas and so u thought u would try to distract us with words that were just plain and simple garbage! (Lucky for us we can hit the mute button and just relish in the intimacy and the love that is Mulder holding Scully close). Here is the 💩 that Chris had to inject (I mean how can u get your characters so spot on in all of the other scenes and then fuck up the scene with the best potential??? This is the mystery of CC himself one which we might never really understand)- insinuating Scully thinks Mulder wants children and with a younger woman! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I mean sheesh! He has stuck by Scully for so long and looks at her like a love sick puppy!!! This whole Scully doubting Mulder when it comes to their personal ship is something that will never ring true to me. - Also the stupid question asked by Scully - are we going to spend time together (when they are retired) - as if the x files is the only thing that keeps them together. Has Chris forgotten he wrote a whole damn movie where Mulder and Scully were living in the same house, sharing a bed and not working at the FBI? I know Scully is talking after retirement but seriously man when would Mulder never be part of scullys life? - What’s stopping u from having another kid??? Like are u fucking kidding me dude?? Mulder knows what Scully went through to actually get pregnant (or try to get pregnant) that is not a line he would ever throw her way! And Scully saying she wouldn’t have anyone to have a kid with even if she wanted to? 😡😡😡 I would like to throw “per manum” in Chris Carter’s face and smash his nose with it! Mulder will never say no to scullys request of fathering her child no matter how uncomfortable it might be for him (which at this point I don’t even think this element even exists between them anymore). - Sorry not even Scully saying “we will think of something” as an answer to Mulders question what will we do if we  lose our jobs, which ultimately leads to sex can salvage this scene!!!  I want to see the original script of this scene because it seems that dialogue was cut form it, it kind of is all over the place near the end which is such a chris Carter move, leave the social criticism dialogue in, super glue it with some sort of Shippy elusive declaration and try to get away with it knowing fully well it’s less than perfect. But he gave us the sex, and as a PHILE I have over the years gotten accustomed to blurring the parts and selectively choosing the strong points of the episodes so I am choosing to focus on the physical closeness on this one rather than the flaky words. Ending with a few comments that I had that don’t fit into any long argument 🤷‍♀️ - let’s face it Scully can even make the words “gestalt gestven syndrome” sound like foreplay and totally sexy (and is anyone else wondering how many takes of that they had to shoot because Gillian just kept messing it up? I’m counting on seeing this scene in the blooper reel 😂- The mature  version of Scully, skeptic as she might be is willing to subscribe to the notion better safe than sorry while popping the bread pills- It was nice to see the actual scene on the road where the bear story happened 🐻🐻🐻- Chris Carter with his sexist dick/sword collection scene at the diner 🤢 - And seriously who has that amount of ammunition in his home???? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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The Bodyguard Ch. 13
Presenting chapter 13 of The Bodyguard! Written by @alittlemissfit and myself! 
If you need to catch up here is Chapter 12
Despite the constant hovering of one Dana Scully, Mulder found a few spare moments to contact the Gunmen. He used his cell because he knows they traced his phone in case he received any verbal threats.
“Hey Frohike, it’s Mulder,” he says into the receiver quietly.
“Mulder! How are you doing? How’s the new guard?” Frohike asks, genuinely happy to be hearing from him.
Mulder makes a strangled noise, “Driving me up a wall. Listen, I want to make a break for it but it’s going to be tough. This place has more security than Buckingham Palace.”
“You sure that’s a good idea, buddy? Right after the accident?”
“She’s going to make you do background checks to get in here. Your faces will be on camera. I wouldn’t be surprised if she took your fingerprints or some shit.”
“So you want us to spring you out? What do you propose?”
Mulder’s mind had been on this plan for awhile, and a lot of the logistics to it weren’t clear but it was all he had. He’d wait until Scully left for the night and Carter was on duty, knowing the kid would be easier to slip. He’d say he wanted to take a walk and they’d go outside, where one of the Gunmen would cause some kind of distraction once they reached an intersection. When Carter’s eyes were off of him, the Gunmen would pull up so he could jump in the van. He can practically hear Frohike’s skepticism as he relays the plan to him.
“I don’t know, Mulder. I’m not really up to getting my ass kicked,” he says gruffly.
“You won’t! Carter’s a kid, Frohike. He’s a junior agent and Scully’s mentoring him. As long as we just move fast…”
“How do you plan to do that, Tiny Tim?”
“If you get close enough to the curb it won’t be a problem,” Mulder reasons.
“What about this ‘distraction’ of ours? You don’t think it’ll incur an ass kicking?”
“Just pay someone to yell and scream in the street! I don’t know!” he grumbles. “If I’m cooped up in this place though for one more night…”
Waking up to the sound of her phone, Scully knows even without answering it that Mulder has done something stupid.
“Scully,” she mutters, rubbing her eye.
“Someone took Mulder, Dana,” Carter says, sounding panicked on the other line.
“How the fuck did you let that happen?!” Scully snarls, not even trying to keep her voice low to spare the neighbors. Shoving the phone between her shoulder and her ear she gets out of bed, grabs for her already worn slacks.
“Someone started screaming behind us. I turned around to check it out right as a van pulled up by the curb and grabbed him. I chased them for a few blocks but they ran a light and they were gone!”
“Please tell me you got the plates?”
“There were no plates.”
“Damn it, Carter!” Throwing on a blouse, her fingers are shaking too much to do the buttons.
“Did you talk to the screaming person at the scene?” she asks.
“I tried, Dana. W...when I got back they were gone.”
“Well, do your fucking job and ask around. Where are you?”
“Just outside the apartment. Turn left and walk two blocks. I...I’m in front of the bakery,”  he says, sounding dejected and just the right amount of sorry to twist at her guts.
Hanging up without a goodbye she finger combed her hair, brushed her teeth and was out the door.
When she reaches Carter she finds him talking to a bum on the street.
“Look, all I know is some guy with long hair slipped me a twenty when I said I’d cause a distraction,” she overhears as she approaches. Seeing her, Carter turns to her with a mix of fear and relief on his face.
“This is the guy who caused the distraction.”
“I gathered,” she said coolly., “Give me a detailed description.”
“The guy looked like some kind of hippy. He had long blond hair. glasses. He was wearing a tie dye shirt. Looked like he belonged on the streets too.”
“Tell me exactly what happened.” Scully demands. Taking a small notebook out of her pocket she scribbles down all the facts she has.
“The guy just walked over to me, asked if I wanted to make a few bucks. He said all I had to do was start screaming when I saw the hood of his van at the intersection. Told me I was supposed to distract the guy in the suit. When I saw the other guy get in the van it all looked like bad business so I ran.”
Frowning, Scully looks on in disbelief.  
“What do you mean the guy ‘got in the van’?”
“The guy on the crutches. He got in!”
“He went willingly?”
“Looked like it to me,” the man says with a nod. “I mean they had to help him in cause of his leg but…”
“Damn it, Mulder,” Scully mutters under her breath.
“You said ‘they’, what did the other people look like?”
“A weird group. Driver was a guy in a suit. Ones who pulled him in was the guy who paid me and a short balding guy with glasses.”
Her mind jumping to to Mulder’s odd group of friends, Scully lets out a sigh.
“Do you hang around here?” she asks, getting a nod.
“Alright. Thanks for your help.” Pulling five dollars from her pocket Scully hands it to him, earning a grateful nod before the man takes off, as if thinking she was going to take the money back. She watches him run away before running a hand over her face, earning a perplexed look from Carter.
“He wasn’t taken,” she says, turning to him. “I’m pretty sure he ran away with his idiot friends.”
“What now?” Carter asks, earning a scoff as she secures her holster.
“Right now, Carter, I’m going to track them down and kick their asses.” 
“I’m still not sure about this, Mulder.” Byers says warily as he waits for the computer to boot up.
“Just relax and pull up the information you found.”
Sighing, Byers opens up the file on the desktop.
“The truck that rammed the town car was your standard delivery truck. Only it wasn’t labeled. Naturally, the truck had no licence plates and it came at you from the opposite side of where you were sitting. We found that strange considering you were the target. This makes us think that they didn’t want to kill you, they just wanted to scare you, or scare your father.”
Swallowing hard, Mulder nods to him to keep reading.
“Here is where things get even more interesting. On the side where Spender was sitting the door was reinforced. We also found extra padding on the door, the headrest, and the seat in front of him. There is also evidence that right before the truck hit the vehicle, it slammed on the brakes to slightly lessen the impact. Spender is still in the hospital but sustained minor injuries considering he was on the side of the vehicle he was hit. He should be dead, like the driver, but because he was insulated the crash resulted in significantly less damage to him.” Mulder sits forward in his chair at this, “Son of a bitch. He knew it was coming.”
“That’s what we think.”
“What now?” Mulder asks, partly to himself.
“Now we narrow our research strictly to Spender,” Byers says, earning a nod from Mulder.
Their thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door and the whole room froze. They never got visitors.
Frowning, Frohike runs over to the video screen by the door. Checks to see who their guest is.
“Damn. It’s a pretty lady,” he says in appreciation.  “But she looks pissed. She has her gun drawn.”
“That would be my new bodyguard.”
“You’re kidding!” Frohike marvels as Mulder nods, a small smile on his face.
“Careful. She moves fast.”
“MULDER! I know you’re in there!” Scully shouts, pounding on the reinforced door.
“Mulder, just open up this damn door and everything will go a lot easier.” Her voice echoes both through the door and the intercom that is placed outside.
The Gunmen all frown, look to Mulder to decide what to do next.
“Just let me walk out. Maybe when she sees I’m alive and unharmed she’ll leave.”
“I don’t know, man. She looks ready for a fight.” Frohike says, with admiration and fear in equal measure.
“Well. it’s the best we can do right now.”
“Mulder, you have until the count of five to get your ass out here or else we take down the door,” Scully yells, staring up directly into the camera.
“It’s reinforced. She couldn’t do that,”  Langley reminds, before they see Carter step around and crouch down beside her. Reaching into a case at his feet he retrieves, starts placing small charges around the edge of the door. “She’s gonna blow it down!” Frohike yells, looking panicked. “Shit! Mulder, get out there!”
Scrambling to his feet as fast as he can on his crutches, Mulder swears hearing Scully and Carter counting.
“He’s coming!” Frohike yelps into the mic.
“Well he better hurry up! 3…2….”
After Langley unlatches the door, Mulder hastily stumbles outside before they shut, secure the door behind him.
Noting this, Scully lets out a small laugh before folding her arms, staring down Mulder.
“I needed to get some work done without you breathing down my back!” Mulder cuts off, snappy and defensive as Scully looks on coolly, shakes her head.
“That’s not how this works, Mulder. And your little stunt just means you’ll be guarded even more closely so good work,” she snorts, walking him to where Carter is waiting.
“Take him to the car, Carter” she orders, shooting the junior agent a look. “And try not to let him escape while you do.”
“Yes ma’am. This way, Mr. Mulder.”
Shooting Scully a glare Mulder fights out of Carter’s hold, resigns himself to the younger man walking two steps behind him.
Seeing them get to the car, Scully locks the doors with the remote key fob, then looks back up to the security camera.
“Alright, you idiots. We have some things to discuss and I’m not leaving until we do.”
Met with no response she picks up the case with the explosives, lifts it so it’s in the eye of the lens.
“You going to make me use this?” she asks, arching a brow and then smirking, hearing the intercom click on.
“Fine. C’mon in,” she hears after a beat. Smiling she shakes her head, walks through the now unlocked door.
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kickourass-blog · 6 years
just dumping tags.
⸢  THE LONE GUNMEN. ⸥  //  not paranoid enough.
⸢  FOX MULDER. ⸥  //  your ideas are weirder than ours.
⸢  DANA SCULLY. ⸥  //  she’s gonna kick our ass.    
⸢  FROHIKE. ⸥  //  a man of action.
⸢  BYERS. ⸥  //  an idealist.
⸢  LANGLY. ⸥  // a computer god.
⸢  YVES ADELE HARLOW. ⸥  // the same fifteen letters.
⸢  JIMMY BOND. ⸥  // believes in our message.   
⸢  FROHIKE. ⸥  //  isms.
⸢  BYERS. ⸥  //  isms.
⸢  LANGLY. ⸥  //  isms.
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