#〈  TH: PARK DURI.  〉
fmdrorinarchive · 3 years
Honestly speaking, this restaurant is one of the first places she’s been in Korea that truly reminds her of home. The classic diner-style food, the atmosphere, and the “vibe,” in general, lend themselves to American culture fairly well. That, and well, she’s able to indulge in one of her favorite guilty pleasure meals: a giant cheeseburger, a side of french fries, and a milkshake to sweeten things up. Would BC Entertainment threaten to destroy her if they knew what she’s currently putting into her body? Absolutely—but she doesn’t really care much. Lately, when she looks in the mirror, she’s not incredibly pleased with how thin she’s become. Ever since she agreed to follow the eating plan provided by the company’s dietitian, she’s felt hungry and undernourished, but now that she’s at a/n ( underweight ) size that the executives approve of, Michelle figures that she can “cheat” a little bit here and there; mostly to keep her delicately curvaceous figure mostly intact. She realizes that the standards of beauty are hugely different in the East from what they are in the West, and given that she works in Asia, she’s contractually obligated to maintain her appearance to “fit the mold” there, so to speak—especially since she was street-cast based on her visual alone—but that doesn’t mean that she personally enjoys it.
What she fails to realize is that she’s not the only one put under a microscope and told to look flawless at all times, and by choosing to ignore her meal plans, she’s essentially raising a middle finger up to all the other idols who are in the same predicament. If they all have to suffer, then she should have to, too, right? She has some pretty strong opinions on that subject in general, but for tonight, she hopes to just disconnect from those troublesome thoughts and focus in on the man seated before her—one that she felt a magnetic pull towards upon first meeting him. It’s not as though she’s interested in him romantically—not at all—but there’s a sense of warmth she feels from Park Duri that’s comforting to her; one that she thinks she needs in order to be better adjusted to the ever-changing tides of being a public figure. As he’s had more experience than she has, and has mostly remained free of any “damage” to his career, she hopes picking his brain will lead to some peace of mind, especially since she’s about to make her début.
Reaching forward, she grabs onto one of her fries and eats it; smiling at him as she chews. “So, I don’t think I can thank you enough for agreeing to meet up with me tonight.” She hums, taking a moment to peek around at how shockingly vacant the late-night eatery is. “I guess I was just feeling a little lost in everything and I don’t know—you seemed like the perfect person to talk to about it. I hope it’s okay of me to pull you away from whatever plans you may have had...” It’s not like he owes her anything. Michelle just has a feeling that he’s a sweet guy, and that’s why he’s present tonight. “I would hate it if I was interrupting something or whatever...”
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durifmdarchived · 6 years
date: may 20th, 2018 / september 15th, 2018 about: after yet another bad night, duri begins to write a song. but, the only thing that he can really get out is a few lines of the chorus; his usual spot not bringing him much inspiration on that certain night. months later, duri finally finishes the song after he opens up to leo about what happened when he was five after he witnesses duri having a ptsd episode. he decides to dedicate the song to those that have really gotten him through things, as he talks about in the song. mentions: uncle minho, aunt taekjo, his grandparents, mari (his cousin), jinsol + hanui (two best friends), @fmdjaewon, @fmdlyra, @fmdchanwoo, @fmdsooyeon, @fmdleo, @fmdminki trigger warnings: ptsd, car accident mention, parental death mention word count: 2,679. (this is minus the dates + mentioned lyrics)
May 20th, 2018.
It was happening again; the nightmare that he couldn’t get out of. It felt so real, it felt like it was happening all over again, like he was his five-year-old self. But, it was, again like always, done in a much different way. He could never remember how the car crash occurred, what happened during it. But, he could feel the emotions of being horrified before everything went dark again. That was his body’s cue to awake him after experiencing the horrible tragedy of the car crash once again. He shot up from the bed, heavy breathing leaving his mouth as his chest moved up and down. His eyes looked around in a quick pace, trying to come to terms with where he was, that it wasn’t real; not even noticing that there was streaks of wet running down his cheeks. It was something that he had grown accustomed to; he shouldn’t have to, but he did. He hated everything about it, he wanted it to stop. He wanted to be able to sleep tight at night, but that seemed to be something that he would never get.
After finally coming to his senses, knowing where he was. He had grabbed a light jacket and his notebook off his desk, before leaving the bedroom. He couldn’t be in the apartment any longer. It felt like the walls of the two floor apartment was closing in on him, he needed the fresh spring air. After making his way to the front door, he slipped the jacket over his torso, before slipping shoes on his feet. Earphones went in and he was down the stairs. It wouldn’t take long until he was his spot; that one spot that would comfort him when he was done, the spot that would give him inspiration when he needed it. The swing set in a park not fall from Knight’s dorm. It was quiet, but not completely quiet due to the cars that would still roam the street at night. It was the perfect spot to just look up at the stars; one of his favorite things to do.
He would sit there for at least half an hour, eyes just staring off into the distance. He could deep breathes, something that he had picked up to calm him down from the anxiety and panic that was racing through his veins. But, it was soon waring off as he was talking himself through it, trying to relax as he sat upon the swing. It seemed to be working and his focus was elsewhere. Like, how beautiful the stars looked upon that spring night. There were two that sparkled the most, which made Duri smile a small, soft smile, “Hi mom and dad,” he says, voice hushed. “I’m okay, I promise,” he uttered after. The soft smile still present against his face. They probably knew that he wasn’t okay; but, he was just what Duri always said. Because to be frank, he wasn’t okay at all, he was just pretending to be because he didn’t want others to worry. That was always the issue with Duri, worrying about others over himself.
Then it hit him, some form of inspiration. The stars were always there for him the most, especially when he needed to get things out. It helped his creative process, but tonight it didn’t seem to be doing so much. He wanted to something that was completely from the heart, that had really helped him to get out how he was feeling. But, it seemed like there wasn’t much coming to Duri. There was a sigh as he tapped the pen against his notebook, his eyes just looking around. He was thinking trying to find some form of inspiration. What did he want to get out with this song? He had written a few things, before crossing them out completely. It would happen a few times, being blocked out by what he wanted to say. There would be new words on the page, before he’d be crossing those out once again. He’d take in a deep breath, starting his thinking process over once again.
The direction he wanted to go was one talking about the Stars, since that was his comfort, that was one of his favorite things. His grandmother had told him a story about how when people pass, they leave the earth to live among the stars, where they watch over their loved ones, and help to suit their destiny and their path, as well as protecting their dreams; it was something that Duri had come to believe with his whole heart. He still believed it, even if it was foolish. But, he liked it, it was something that had become comforting to him. He had that idea pop up; it was something that meant something so important him, and yet he couldn’t get much out.
He would only write a few lines of the song, which would go “like the star that we looked at together, I promise to be the star in your heart that remains for a long time and shines for you, who endured through the dark times with me.” That was all he could get down before he’d give up for the night. It would be good for now, something that he could probably come back to when the time was right. But for now, he decided to just go back to the dorm to have some coffee and soon start his day.
September 15th, 2018.
He couldn’t believe that such a thing had happened. But, he was glad that it did. Duri had finally been able to get it off his shoulders that he was still suffering, that he wasn’t okay, and it was something that Leo had known now. He still, however, wished that Leo didn’t have to witness Duri going through the episode. But, he felt like he could breathe somewhat now. Even though he was still, obviously, going to go through things pretending as if he was fine. It was good to know that someone else had known now, that someone was there for him in the dark times. But, he knew that Leo wasn’t the only person that was there for him in those times. There was so many people in his life that was there for him, that had helped him through, even if they didn’t know it.
There was Uncle Minho and Aunt Taekjo, who had taken him after his parents had passed away with no questions aunt. Even if Minho was hurting himself at the sudden loss of his brother. They had dealt with Duri at his worst with his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, always rushing to his side to aid him. Even doing intense research to try and figure out what exactly was wrong with him before getting him the help that he needed. They helped a spot in his heart that was forever gone, that was taken when his parents had passed.  If it wasn’t for them, he wouldn’t be where he was today.
His grandparents; even though they grew up in a generation where things were obviously different, they never turned their backs on the man. They understood him, they understood his mental health, they understood the dreams he wanted to chase, and everything in between. They were different from their generation, they were the type that would fight for what they believed in because it was very much different from what a lot of people in their generation believed in. They were educated and they believed everyone had a right to things. His close relationship to them and their understanding… that was truly something that was hard to come by.
There was two cousins, Mari and Jihyun, who were by his side no matter what. Often times when he was younger, Mari would rush to spend time with Duri, to help him take his mind off of things. They had seemingly gotten really close and she understood everything that he had been going through. Mari never judged him, she had just aided him, as well as been one of his biggest hype men with whatever he did. With her help, his confidence would seem to boost a bit more. She had easily become one of his best friends early on, as well as a sister to him. The same had gone for Jihyun; a protector of sorts and a best friend that had come out of the blue with her mom to live with Taekjo and Minho. It was nice and having someone younger than him to be there felt rather nice to have. Duri had done his best to take care of her and he felt like she had done the same with him. Even being sure to warn him before he had entered idol himself after he had put it off for a very long time. These two had meant the world to him, entirely.
Then there was Jaewon, someone that he had met while still in middle school. He was someone that Duri truly believed that his parents had put in his path. Jaewon had seemingly come into his life when he needed someone the most. A little brother; that’s something that he needed. Someone to take care of, to spend time with. He got to do just about everything with Jaewon, hanging out with the younger boy from time to time, before he would walk him home, and watch as he went into his home; just to make sure he had gotten there completely safely. He would often buy him his favorite sweets and snacks every time the two young kids would roam the streets of Seoul on their own. It made him feel better because Jaewon was someone that he truly needed and to this day, he’s a best friend and a little brother that he still very much needed.
Jinsol and Hanui; his two best friends ever since he had moved to Seoul. They met at a playground and from there, they were almost inseparable. The two saw how broken he was; even though he was always really happy, always taking care of everyone else, making friends with just about everyone, helping others out, and everything else that they wanted to take care of him, to protect him. Duri, Jinsol, and Hanui were a trio that understood everything about each other and even if they would walk different paths in life, they would still always contact one another, and hang out as much as possible. Those are two people that really helped him get through many, many things.
Next there was Minki, someone that would come to Duri during the pre-debut months of Knight. Duri had only trained for November and December of 2011 before he was announced a member of the upcoming boy group, Knight. Duri was still very much in his awkward stage of change; he was never good with change, it was something that had made him incredibly nervous ever since his parents had passed and his big change of losing them, then moving to a brand new city where his aunt and uncle resided was a lot for him. But, Minki was someone that had helped him get through that period of time. He helped his confidence, helped him to come back to the person that Duri really was; the friendly, talkative guy. Not the shy one that didn’t know what to do in a brand new place. If it wasn’t for Minki, he wouldn’t know what to do and he’s someone that had helped him and continued to help him more than he could possibly know.
There was no possible way for him to leave out Leo; someone that he was very close to. The two had become close to one another over the years of Knight and there was no doubt about that. It was something that could be seen, you wouldn’t even have to ask. Leo was truly someone that had meant a lot to Duri based on their friendship and interaction together. And obviously, what had happened previously where Duri had told him everything that was going on with himself, about the death of his parents, and how he was in the backseat during the accident; how he didn’t shut him out after learning about everything had truly helped him. It probably solidified their friendship even more and he felt like Leo was someone that he could go to for just about anything. That meant the world to him, that had helped him a lot.
The pretty smile, the soft, nice boy; he was perfect. He was someone that made his heart beat completely; but, he was also a good friend on top of the feelings that he felt for him and another person that his parents had seemed to send him. Yoo Chanwoo was his sunbae, but his good friend, someone that was there for him, and someone that he would spend time with (to be quite honest… he would spend a lot of time with this man, but that was beside the point.) There was just something different with him, this level of comfortableness that he had with the other. He felt close to him and he had come so close to telling him things, even if they wouldn’t move pass his lips. But, if he was ever feeling down, Chanwoo was there to help him, to make him feel better. It made his heart skip just a little bit more.
Then, of course, there was Sooyeon. She was another protector, it had seemed. She was for sure one of those people that would beat up anyone that wronged Duri and he was incredibly grateful for that. But, she was also like a little sister or daughter to him, someone that he would just take care of no matter what was called for it. Someone that he could trust, someone that he could just talk to for hours on end. She meant a lot to him and he hoped that she had felt the same way. No matter how old she would get, Duri will still very much take care of her and making sure that she was okay.
Then it hit him.
The song that he had started writing months ago, the one with only four lines; it had popped into his head, and he believed he had the missing puzzle piece to it. It had to be about these people, the ones that had gone through his darkest times with him (even if they really didn’t know) and still are, these were the people that he was going to stay in their hearts, that he was going to protect as best as he could. He would stay in their hearts as a shining, bright star. He had quickly grabbed his jacket and things, before he had gone out the door, and down the steps on that same night where things had fallen into place. He had come upon his favorite spot once more, before he’d sit down, and open the notebook to that page. It was going to be a puzzle, but now, the difficulty had decreased from months prior.
He would begin to piece around what he had already written down. It was all about how they had looked at a star together, how he would be there star, how he would protect them, and everything in between. It was for these people, the people that had really done so much for him, even if it was little things; they still meant the entire world to him and he wanted them to know. It was starting to come out, even though it would take some time to get things to sound right, he made it work. It would finally all together and he would smile softly. Eyes looking upon the glistening stars above. “Do you think they’ll like it, mom and dad?” He questioned, nodding his head. They probably think so.
He’d write at the bottom of the page
“For Uncle Minho, Aunt Taekjo, Grandparents, Mari, Jihyun, Jaewon, Jinsol, Hanui, Minki, Leo, Chanwoo, and Sooyeon…”
This was it, this was “Star” and he was happy with it. He hoped that those who would listen to it would feel what he wanted to say to them.
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fmdduri · 2 years
self para.
character(s) involved: n/a. about: on an early morning in the middle of march, duri takes a secret trip via train to incheon to visit his parents’ final resting place since he won’t be able to during the anniversary due to promoting. it’s something that has become yearly at this point.  trigger warnings: parental death mention tw. notes: okay this one is my last dramatic™️ one for now. though, this one is far less than the previous one, i promise !! the amount of time i also spent thinking spelled basic words wrong... down bad.  word count: 1,790.
the sun had yet to be shining through the curtains of the windows within duri’s bedroom. but, he was up - truth be told, he didn’t really sleep. but, he was used to that, especially on a day that he was actually going to quickly visit incheon. luckily, incheon was only ever a rather quick train ride (well, over an hour) and he’d only spend a short amount of time actually there, before coming back. it wasn’t going to be too long, no one would ever really know that he had gone. he was well at hiding himself as well, so no one would really know that he had actually gone or that he was on the train. he became a bit of an expert on that after eleven years within the industry. or, perhaps, he was just lucky and no one really decided to look in his direction. nonetheless, it worked out in the end for park duri, so that was alright, wasn’t it? 
he got himself up from the bed, turning the lights on in the bedroom, and shutting off the television. the dogs had seemingly gotten up and followed him around as he did so. he made the bed, as he always does in the morning - simply because duri couldn’t go without making the bed, truth be told. once the bed was put back together, kangaroo, peanut, and moose couldn’t help but to get back onto it, as duri went off to the bathroom to get ready. he completed the morning part of his skincare routine, before brushing his hair - he didn’t have to take much care of his hair, considering it was going under a hat anyways, and he was going to practice after he returned back, anyways. he went off to the closet, where he’d simply dress rather comfortable, for the ride and for the fact that he’d be in practice later, and because that’s what he was feeling today. more so of a... comfortable but make it fashionable in someway? that seemed to make sense, seemed to be the best thing. 
he would then grab one of the coats out of his closet, and make his way downstairs. he let the dogs outside to go to the bathroom, the usual morning routine. once they were all be back inside, he locked the backdoor, and making his way to the foyer. he opened up the shoe storage, grabbing a pair of matching shoes. “i have to do things today, okay? but, i’ll stop home before i have to go to practice for another bathroom break!” he promised, before he’s petting all kangaroo, peanut, and moose on their heads. he’d hit the alarm on his way out the door, and shutting the door behind himself, before locking it. he’d go out the gate, letting it deadbolt behind himself. his mask went on, as did his sunglasses as the sun was beginning to come up. his airpods went into his ears, before pressing play on a playlist, and making his way towards the subway station. a bit of a trek, but duri’s used to making treks, as he always preferred walking. nonetheless, he’d make it there, scan his card, and make his way towards the train he’d be taking. 
it was a simple ride, with duri not really doing much. simply, he looked out the window like a child that was rather curious the entire time, with airpods within his ears, listening to one of his many playlists that he curated himself. this time, he was listening to something rather high energy, to help wake himself up, and because he wanted things to be positive. was it going to work? he wasn’t entirely sure, but he didn’t give up hope on that, to say the least. nonetheless, this was what he had done the entire time... probably looking a bit odd, considering the fact that you couldn’t actively see his face or anything. but, as long as no one actively knew who he was. 
his first spot once he was in incheon was a stop at the floral shop that he would always go to when he visited. he’d pick out that favorite boquet of his parents that he was told about, the one that he would often have around his own house. he picked out the perfect sunflowers, red roses, and lavender, that would be put together and wrapped up so perfectly. he thanks the florist, taking the flowers, and going off to his next spot. this time, finding himself inside of a bakery that he really likes within the city of incheon. he’d order a coffee and some type of treat that would be good for breakfast, considering the fact that he planned to eat breakfast while he was visiting - plus, it was a lot easier since he decided to get there rather early for his quick trip. from there, he’d make the trek towards his parents’ final resting place, truly just taking deep breaths as he made his way, his heart always seemed to beat rather fast and he was never entirely sure as to why, but things always worked in such an odd way. 
nonetheless, he had finally made it. 
he approached their final resting place, where he had placed the bouquet of flowers down in front of it. then, he’d go off to the side, looking upon their place, and sitting down. he’d begin to have his coffee and treat for breakfast, sitting in complete silence, in the cold of the ending winter. he wasn’t ready to talk yet, to say anything, but to sit there, in the company of them. he always believed in the whole thing of them being around, that they were with him currently there, as he visited - they too came onto this plane to visit him as well. perhaps he was wrong in that, but this was something that had always made duri feel better, make him feel more at peace, in a way. perhaps, the quiet, and the slight breeze was a bit comforting right now, and he’d continue to sit there, just eating and sipping on coffee. he wished, though, that he could still have breakfast with them, or just a meal in general, every now and then. but, that was something that duri didn’t get. 
he places the wrapper in the pocket of his jacket, making a mental note to throw it out later when he was somewhere with a trashcan. he takes another sip of the coffee - a mocha, the type that he would always get, unless he really needed the bitterness of an americano. but, this morning had called for a mocha. it seemingly brightened his spirits in an odd way, to say the least. he took another sip, before he placed it down onto the ground next to him, his eyes looking over to their final resting place, once again. 
“the only good thing about spring, is that you two get to bloom again, and wake up from your winter nap,” he says, his words soft. he looked upon the tree, that had no leaves or flowers blooming upon it, quite yet. it wasn’t time for the flowers to spring, as winter still needed to end, and the chill had to come out of the air. “i hope spring is good to you this year and all your flowers really bloom,” he said, a soft smile on his face. “i’m sorry i don’t get to visit you often, but i’ll try again in the summer when you’re fully bloomed, okay?” he says, the soft smile still placed upon his lips. he always liked to see their tree all full of it’s leaves and the flowers that sat upon it’s branches. it was even better in the summer breeze, there was always something special about it. he liked that the most. 
he tries to think of what else he should say, what to actually formulate together.  perhaps, maybe, he should just sit in the silence for a while. maybe that would be enough for him to do? but, he finds it odd to not just talk to them. so, he kind of just goes on a whole conversation, telling them about how things were going, the things that he had coming up, and everything in between. it always felt important to do that every time he came and it just gave him a chance to talk. plus, duri really did love talking, that much was probably known, and he’d have his giggles when he talked about things, as he tends to usually do. it was nice, even if duri was rather cold, but he seemed to be able to ignore it for right now. 
he takes a deep breath after his long form of talking, before he’s looking away for a moment. following that, he looks back at the resting place, before he starts speaking again. “i’m sorry that i’m still not better... and that i don’t know how to be better,” he says, speaking softly and more quietly. “i hope you’re not disappointed in me for that,” he says, frowning just a bit. “i’m trying... i just don’t know what to do,” he says, sounding a bit disappointed in himself. “maybe if i continue to ignore it, it’ll just go away again?” he suggest, shrugging his shoulders. 
he gets up from his spot, getting closer to where their names are, before his hand would run over their names. “i miss you, mom and dad,” he said, tearing up just a bit. “somedays i’m okay and somedays i’m not,” he says. “i just wish you were here, to see everything going on, and so we could have meals together,” he said. he wasn’t going to get emotional, he was trying to stop himself. but, truth be told, duri is emotional and a crier, so he just let it happen. “i know there’s times you’re with me, but it’s not the same,” he states. nonetheless, he kind of just lets it out, his hand still running over ‘park bongju & oh aeri.’ once he had let it out, he gets up, grabbing his coffee, and standing back. he’d look upon their names again. “i’ll look for you in the sky next week,” he says. “and i promise i’ll come back in the summer, when i can,” he says. with that, he turned out and left. duri never said goodbye to them... simply because he didn’t know how to and he never actually got the chance to say goodbye. 
he’d go on his way, going back to seoul via the train, where he’d stop at home to let the dogs out again, before going for a day of practices.
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PARK DURI is MAIN VOCAL 1 of KNIGHT under BC ENTERTAINMENT. He was born on DECEMBER 25, 1990. He looks a little like CHOI MINHO OF SHINEE. 
faceclaim: choi minho of shinee
legal name: park duri
stage name: better known as just ‘duri’
pronouns: he/him
birth date: december twenty-fifth, 1990
hometown: seoul, south korea
position: main vocal 1 of knight
claims: osts: Because I Couldn’t Say The Words I Love You from The Night Watchman’s Journal OST,  Beautiful Accident featuring open from Beautiful Accident OST, Can’t Say Goodbye (I’m Not Okay) from Missing 9 OST, Just a Little Bit More featuring open from What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim OST. music video appearances: hoot by lipstick
triggers: car accident, parental death, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety,
Life can easily take random turns… it’s unexpected.
There’s something special once galaxies meet with one another, you know? They burst, create new things, and make heart beats race like they thought they never could. Two different galaxies collided with one another, the stars crying out to one another with wanting to meet. This was a little thing called love at first sight, it was so connected, that they’re very stars wanted to be with one another. Though, shyness on both ends seem to pull those stars away from one another; at least, that’s what it felt like. Fallen books were picked up, shy, flustered smiles from both planets, before they moved on to their own orbits. “We’ll be back together,” the stars cried out to one another.
These two planets and stars met on a day in the year of 1988. They took the forms of Park Seah and Oh Jangmi. There they seemed to fall in love with one another with just one look, one lock of the eyes together. That day forward, they wouldn’t stop thinking about one another. It was nothing but a look, a lock of the eyes, a collection of books, and shy smiles. But, something seemed to fall upon the premise of the books, running to check book bags; only to realize the complete wrong books sat in their own backpacks. The young college students would meet once again to exchange the right books. Though, they would also have managed to exchange confessions to one another. It was unexpected, but sometimes your stars slip past your very lips. From that day forward, their stars would be completely connected.
It was a romance filled with adventure; it was courageous to say the least. They did a lot of things together, a lot of adventure; the two had always looked for the next thing that they could possibly do. People wanted the love that they had, they hoped to find a love that Seah and Jangmi held. With connected stars, every moment would seem to explode with one another; normally in the best way possible, but every couple had their arguments. That was perfectly okay, it was healthy, and it was amazing.
Thought, this is where the unexpected would soon come into play…
Everybody makes mistakes, right? That was nothing but human nature, it happened all the time. This was a mistake on their own part, something they didn’t even realized they missed after a night spent together. It wasn’t something they should have done, they should have been good and waited until marriage. But they were young and this was something that young people did. Except, most young people didn’t forget a condom. Nor would they be sat on the bathroom floor in the dorm building staring at the pregnancy test that told them that the pregnancy was positive. Then for them to go to the hospital, have the test done, told she looked too young to have a baby (she was twenty-two years old, as was he) and there they would be told that Jangmi was in fact, pregnant.
They had no idea what to say or even do at this point… what exactly where they meant to do? It seemed like they were too young to have a baby, considering they were both college students and only in their third year… at least, Jangmi was in her third, whilst Seah was in his second due to military enlistment. There wasn’t words they could come up with in these current times, no way to explain what had happened. The only thing they knew that the wanted was the baby that was growing inside of Jangmi currently; as well as to just tell their parents that they were close to. After the two cooked dinner for their family, a big feast (which just made it even more obvious that something was going on.) There, they would reveal that Jangmi had fallen pregnant after they had a foolish night together. Of course, their parents were respectfully mad about their foolishness. But, they had accepted it, and offered their help with the baby. That was the least they could do and that’s what the Park and Oh families were all about.
Someone new would be on their way…
December 24th, 1990; what a wonderful day that was. Jangmi and Seah were out, enjoying a nice meal together as snow fell down to the ground, lights lingering all around outside. They were enjoying their winter break from school together, as they should. That’s when it all suddenly happened and before they both knew it, Jangmi was being rushed to the hospital. They say to except the unexpected; and this was one of those very moments. She thought she had until the new year until the baby would come into this world. But, they were ready right now and they were going to come, there was no way they weren’t going to. The kids believed that Santa Claus would be flying high right now, whilst new life would come into the world all over.
December 25th, 1990; the birth of a beautiful baby boy would come to be. There were no words to describe the beauty of the boy before them. Jangmi held her baby boy so tight, while Seah had his arm wrapped around Jangmi, looking down upon the two loves of his life. This was a picture perfect moment for them; even if their brand new son would bear no name for the time being. Truth be told, they’ve been back and forth on names, not really sure what exactly they wanted to name him. It was a hard decision to agree upon. Day light came and he had yet to be named. But, there was something that kept falling upon Jangmi. Many nurses and family members kept mentioning something along the lines of “you know… he looks like the perfect combination of the two of you,” and “he looks just like you two!” Two… two… Duri. “His name is Duri… Park Duri.” She stated out loud and that’s how Duri came to be named.
He grew to be a curious child, full of nothing but long. He was the type that could go from being full of nothing but energy, to suddenly stopping and smelling the roses. Duri was also the type that could just blink his eyes and suddenly, you wanted to shoot for the moon so that you could give it to Duri yourself. He grew up with nothing but love from the parents he loved so much and the other family members that surrounded him. A beautiful memory was a three-year-old Duri being part of his parents’ wedding, a ceremony in spring time when the cherry blossoms were blooming; petals falling down upon the ground.  Childhood was so good, filled with the sweet memories.
Those cherished memories… soon would become a blur.
He’s a five-year-old now, a boy full of happiness and charm. Full of life; but life was about to take a turn for the worst. It was a lovely day, it was spring time again, where the flowers were coming out to play as the cold weather was fading until next winter was going to come again. It was an early morning, Duri was on his way to school with his parents. They were having a good time, just like they always were. The cold weather was fading, but it had yet to leave; which was evident of this morning. You had to watch the roads; but they may have not watched well enough, at least, the other driver didn’t. A speeding car came for the car that the Oh family was in. The impact was so great that it sent the car flying; there was quick screams that filled the surroundings, before the car would flip upon the top. Instantly, Oh Jangmi would die from how badly the car hit her side and her. Something would be happening to Seah from the sounds that you could hear him making; Duri would soon be knocked out due to hitting his head against the seat in front of him. Shortly after, Seah would die from the injuries he sustained from the accident.
Hours later, Duri would wake up in a hospital bed. He would be confused, not sure what exactly was going on. He raises an eyebrow as he meets with his grandparents, before tears are rushing out of his eyes. He already knows what happened; he could remember every detail that had happened hours before hand. He had saw his parents one last time, moments before they would die and he would survive. These memories were something that would haunt Duri for the rest of his life; blurry memories too would haunt Duri.
Soon, after laying his parents to rest for the rest of time; something so horrible for a young child to have to go through. It was obvious how bad everything was, considering he had broken down in the middle of the funeral and had to be taken out to collect himself. He would be finding new life, saying goodbye to Incheon until holidays would come around. Maybe this was something that would be the best for Duri… considering Incheon was a place with bad memories now. But, it was his hometown, it was where his parents were now resting in an enteral life.
Seoul is his new home… but, you are still the Incheon boy, Park Duri.
Coping; that was something a young Duri had to come to learn to do. So, he did; he found an interest in music, that soon became a passion in music. Soon, he was taking guitar lessons, piano lesson, and vocal lessons; something that Minho and Taekjo were funding. They were truly happy that Duri found something that made him happy because that was something that made them happy. Sure, there was times when Duri was happy; he is a boy who is soft, kind, and everything else in between. It was nice to finally see him have something that would give him some kind of wings to fly. They even started having open mic nights at the café, which was something that become a big hit in their already popular café. People just seemed to love that Minho and Taekjo opened up their place for creativity.
Duri would always do these open mic nights at the café; he loved it, really. He got to perform for people who were there to experience the art that people were sharing, seeing the way they just did their thing. But, there was no doubt that Duri was talented. He has a voice on him, and a talent that just flows right out of his fingertips. His family would often joke that Duri was born to do music, he just had to find it first, and when he did, he would take the whole world into his hands. There was someone that even so though Duri was talented, which was why they kept coming to see Duri perform at these open mic nights.
Though, this seemed to be the only thing Duri would be doing with that talent of his. But, he thought it would be better to hold off on the dreams that he had, that he would be better to take care of himself. He wanted to continue the focus on his education, rather than chase after the dream he had of being a singer. Even though his uncle and aunt had encouraged him to go after his dream, they respected his decision of waiting to chase it for now. It showed a form of strength that he was willing to take care himself instead of being selfish and chasing after what he had wanted.
Though, that didn’t stop him from learning about his dream.
As high school approached, Duri made the decision to attend Seoul School of Performing Arts. He wanted to focus on studying music performance and singing, since it was something that was his passion, something that he wanted to get into. Though, he wasn’t one hundred ready to dedicate himself to the life of performing just yet. Every time he performed at a showcase, he was scouted by multiple different entertainment agency, so many mentions about his voice being so incredible; yet, each and every time, Duri had turned the offer down. Something in him told him that it wasn’t the time yet – until he felt healthy enough and ready. He continued to learn more about vocals and music in general, making himself knowledgeable on the ins and outs on what he had become so interested in as a child. It seemed to be his destiny, but one that he had put off for every single thing that loomed within his head; things that he couldn’t even put his finger on. But nonetheless, it was going to be a lot better that way… hopefully.
Upon graduating high school, Duri decided that he was going to enlist in the military; wanting to get his military enlistment over. He felt that once he finished his enlistment, even though he was going to be a little older than when most people debut, he was going to finally be ready to work on his dreams. So, he did just as he planned to do, going to the military and enlisting. Though, he would be put as a public servant due to the post-traumatic stress disorder still being present in health, but it wasn’t bad enough to the point where they would have kept him from enlisting. He’d even get the chance to join the military band, which was like some form of dream come true to really enjoy himself.
He thought things were going well, but as he lived away from normal life and no longer following his therapy; his mental health began to worsen. But, he put it off, pretending like he was fine. He didn’t want to worry about it, he didn’t want anyone to worry about it. He thought it was a simple phrase where he was just getting the nightmares again and they would go away soon. But, they kept being more frequent and he could feel his anxiety about things flare up more and as he graduated from enlistment, his mental health was worst once again.
Though, he would ignore this to follow after the dreams he always thought about.
The dreams had sat at the back of Duri’s mind for years. They always popped in his mind, especially whenever he’d see a group doing a performance on television. But, he always pushed it away, always unsure on exactly what or when he was going do it. But, after pushing it off for so long to do other things, Duri decided that now was the perfect opportunity, especially since BC Entertainment was going to have an open audition. Truly, he didn’t care where he got into, he just wanted to get into somewhere. BC Entertainment was the first to have their auditions open and so, he decided that he’d leap towards the opportunity to see if he’d land anywhere. This was going to be the moment and hopefully, it was the moment for life. He was ready to sign his life away.
He practiced all night the night before the audition was going to occur, sitting in the café in hopes of not awakening his uncle and aunt, who had no idea that he was even going to audition for an entertainment company; he wanted it to be a surprise if had managed to get in considering he wasn’t entirely sure himself if it was possible that it would happen. But nonetheless, Duri did it anyways, considering it was time. On the day of, he was incredibly nervous, not sure what to except. He definitely wasn’t excepting all the people that attended nor did he except to look like the oldest one in the room, but thus, things like this were bound to happen. Nonetheless, he sat in the row of people, closing his eyes as he went over all he needed in his head, breathing in deeply as he could feel himself tense up a bit. Then, the group was called in to audition and that’s when he really felt it. He was never nervous about stuff like this before, but maybe, since it was his very first audition, it was something that Duri could really feel. He followed the line, no other thoughts in mind except for what he had to do.
Each person went one by one, barely getting pass singing their auditions before being stopped and the word “next” being said throughout the room, leaving the person rather embarrassed. He gave them a look of sympathy and a soft smile to tell them that they did well, just because he didn’t want anyone to feel bad – it truly hurt his heart. But, before he knew it, it was his turn to go, and he moved to the middle of the room, guitar strapped around himself. “Hello, I’m Park Duri and I’m going to audition for you today!” He said with a bow, to greet the camera and the man conducting the audition. He strummed his guitar before playing the chords to Decipher’s “Replay” before he sang the words, letting it easily slipped pass his lips. The man conducting the audition stopped himself from looking down, looking at Duri as he sang the tune, really in his element. He was never stopped, getting to finished the allowed time for singing. “Can you dance?” He was asked, before he nodded his head. Which, after forgetting what exactly he was going to do, he decided to just to do the dance to BEE’s “Tell Me.” Either way, it worked, and he was handed a paper to go into the next room, where he would have managed to pass the second part of the audition. He ran home to tell Minho and Taekjo that he had passed an audition and he was going to do what he always wanted.
So, he did just that.
He didn’t actually train for long, after passing his audition and signing his trainee contract, he started training immediately, before pushed directly into the potential line up for Knight. It wasn’t something that Duri was excepting, it was all sudden, and fast. But, word must have gotten around about the impressive audition. Suddenly, he would be announced as a member of Knight nine months before the debut, which seemed to cause quite a stir that the brand new trainee who had not been there for a while was a member of the brand new group. It left some trainees that were there longer bitter towards Duri, but all he did was kill them with kindness, even though he knew some of them were talking bad about him behind his back. He ignored them, continuing on, before officially debuting as a Main Vocal in Knight.
Over the years, Duri was one of the members to remain without any scandals. They only thing netizens would try to come at him for was how nice and caring his personality is at all times; how overly energetic he is on any given day. He was called fake, acting as a completely different person; but, armors were quick to jump to his defense on how real his personality truly is and it’s not something that he’s faking, he’s the same with everyone, even with those who weren’t even fans of the group because of the care he showed towards them at times. He became known as one of the members that netizens felt like they could trust, one that wasn’t going to cause any problems like some of the other members were doing.
BC decided to not give Duri much to do acting wise; while some others would be given roles, they decided to refuse any offer for Duri. Instead, they wanted to use Duri for his voice completely. He has a voice of honey, a voice of an angel, a voice that people want to listen to, and one that could easily hit high notes. So, they decided to push him with just his vocals; which would explain why they would accept offers for OSTs over anything else for him, it was really easy to make money off his voice, since he didn’t get the chance to be trained in anything but singing and dancing. While he doesn’t mind it, considering his plans are to do more music (and hopefully solo music,) he can’t help but to feel a bit left out on acting opportunities.
There is still so much left to chase, Park Duri.
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FANTASIA FILM FEST Announces Second Wave of Programming
One of Canada’s favourite genre film festivals is back, and they’ve announced even more exciting new films coming to the 22nd annual Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal on July 12th-August 1st.
The second wave of films, which Fantasia announced via press release (check it out in full below) is chock-full of premieres, awards, exciting new talent, and genre legends. The full lineup of 130+ films won’t be announced until June 28th, but there’s plenty here to whet our appetites until then.
Fantasia 2018’s opening night film will be the North American Premiere of Dans La Brume (“Just a Breath Away”), co-production between France and Canada, directed by Quebecois filmmaker Daniel Roby (Louis Cyr, White Skin) in a welcome nod to Fantasia’s Quebecois roots. A disaster thriller about a mysterious toxic gas and a Parisian family that tries to escape it, Dans La Brume looks like a tense, nervy start to the fest.
On the premiere front, several films will have their official debut at Fantasia: the world premieres of The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot, directed by Robert D. Krzykowski in his feature debut and starring Sam Elliott, as well as another fantastically-named film: Louder! I Can’t Hear What You’re Singin’, Wimp!, a musical action comedy from festival fave Miki Satoshi (Adrift in Tokyo, Instanto Numa). Fans of the brutal Korean horror I Saw the Devil will also be pleased to note that its writer, Park Hoon-jung, will be premiering his latest film at the fest, a bloody sci-fi about telekinesis: The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion.
Finally, in news so exciting it deserves its own paragraph, the festival will present the world premiere of Tales From the Hood 2. The sequel to the beloved cult classic anthology Tales From the Hood, original Executive Producer Spike Lee and writers/directors/producers Rusty Cundieff and Darin Scott will return for another series of anthology shorts exploring social topics in funny, clever, creepy ways. Considering how films like Get Out have brought socially-aware horror to the forefront of the genre these days, it seems like an especially apt time to make another Tales From the Hood.
Check out the full press release below, which contains more news on Fantasia’s debut Action! Achievement Award as well as more films in its Action! programming block, some indie anime, a bonkers-looking true crime doc, and the Canadian premiere of La Quinceañera, the new web series from the queen of Tex-Mex horror, Gigi Saul Guerrero. We can’t wait for the full lineup of films on June 28th – stay tuned!
World Premieres of John Sayles-produced THE MAN WHO KILLED HITLER AND THEN THE BIGFOOT and Satoshi Miki’s LOUDER! CAN’T HEAR WHAT YOU’RE SINGIN’, WIMP!, bold new works from Sonny Mallhi and Dennison Ramalho, and a special Action! Achievement Award for Cynthia Rothrock are among the Montreal genre festival’s spectacular Second Wave announcements
Montreal, Quebec – June 14, 2018 – The Fantasia International Film Festival will be celebrating its 22nd Anniversary in Montreal this summer, taking place from July 12 – August 1, with its Frontières International Co-Production Market being held July 19 – 22. The full lineup of over 130 feature films will be announced on June 28. In the meantime, the festival is excited to reveal a selected Second Wave of titles and events.
Fantasia is proud to announce that the festival’s 22nd edition will open with the North American Premiere of DANS LA BRUME (“Just a Breath Away”), a large-scale genre co-production between France and Canada, directed by celebrated Quebec filmmaker Daniel Roby (LOUIS CYR, WHITE SKIN), starring Romain Duris (MOOD INDIGO), Olga Kurylenko (QUANTUM OF SOLACE), and Fantine Harduin (HAPPY END). Paris is hit by an earthquake, then filled with a mysterious toxic gas that seems to come from below ground. A family attempts to survive the massive catastrophe, but first… they will have to face the fog.
Fantasia is proud to present the highly-anticipated world premiere of Universal 1440 Entertainment’s TALES FROM THE HOOD 2. The sequel to the groundbreaking original film TALES FROM THE HOOD reunites Executive Producer Spike Lee and writers/directors/producers Rusty Cundieff and Darin Scott for an all-new gripping,  horrifying, and oftentimes devilishly comical anthology. This next installment will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, as they course through several stories that explore socially relevant topics from the past and present.
After a five-year hiatus from feature-filmmaking following 2013’s IT’S ME, IT’S ME, Fantasia favorite Satoshi Miki is back with LOUDER! CAN’T HEAR WHAT YOU’RE SINGIN’, WIMP! An explosive musical comedy with energy to spare, Miki’s usually quirky, offbeat characters, extravagant hairdos and vintage costumes are back, colliding here with a renewed sense of energy and chaos, as the charismatic Sin (THE APOLOGY KING’S Sadao Abe), a rock musician with an superhuman, steroid-enhanced voice, meets the shy Fuka (AKEGARASU’S Riho Yoshioka), a gifted busker with a whisper quiet style. With an eclectic soundtrack oscillating from J-pop to metal to clerical music, with contributions from TOO YOUNG TO DIE!’s Kankuro Kudo, Hyde from L’Arc~en~Ciel, and comedian Abe himself, this is the rock ‘n’ roll feel-good-movie for the ages!
Sam Elliott stars as a legendary World War II veteran who many years ago assassinated Adolf Hitler – an incredible secret that he’s frustratingly unable to share with the world. One day, just as he’s coming to terms with rounding out his life, Calvin gets a visit from the FBI and RCMP. They need him to take out Bigfoot. A wondrous feature debut from writer/director Robert D. Krzykowski, featuring visual effects by celebrated two-time Academy Award Winner Douglas Trumbull (2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, BLADE RUNNER), who also co-produced alongside the great John Sayles and Lucky McKee. A fantastical discourse on the melancholia of old age and a singular blast of entertaining wit, THE MAN WHO KILLED HITLER AND THEN THE BIGFOOT (World Premiere) also stars Aidan Turner, Caitlin FitzGerald, and Ron Livingston.
A nefarious agency has been genetically engineering children. One of the telekinetic kids escapes and goes into hiding with an adopted family. Ten years later, she appears on a talent show, where she’s spotted by the bad guys and  becomes prey for both her peers and a hit squad. Writer/Director Park Hoon-jung, who wrote the savage I SAW THE DEVIL, is back with THE WITCH: PART 1. THE SUBVERSION. Nothing will prepare you for the fusion of over-the-top sci-fi thrills, surprising twists and a climactic bloodbath that will leave you gasping. After THE VILLAINESS, South Korea has a new girl in town (Kim Da-mi) to kick butts and give action fans what they always dreamed of.
Fantasia will bestow its first-ever Action! Achievement Award upon U.S. athlete and action legend Cynthia Rothrock, an unstoppable action starlet who inspired a generation of martial artists and kicked open doors for women in the male-dominated action industry. Her skills, courage, and determination – along with black belts in seven separate martial arts – paved the way for today’s action starlets such as Charlize Theron, Gina Carano, and Milla Jovovich.
Rothrock – or Law Fu Lok, as she was known to millions of Hong Kong cinephiles – was a five-time World Champion before becoming the first western actor to headline a Hong Kong action film with 1989’s THE BLONDE FURY. A member of Black Belt Magazine’s Hall of Fame and the inspiration for the Mortal Kombat character Sonya Blade, Rothrock would go on to star in over thirty martial arts films and inspire a generation. Fantasia is deeply honored to bestow their debut Action! Achievement Award to the amazing Cynthia Rothrock, a true pioneer in the worlds of martial arts and action cinema.
Fantasia is proud to be showcasing the Canadian Premiere of Aneesh Chaganty’s Sundance smash SEARCHING, produced by Timur Bekmambetov (working with Sev Ohanian, Natalie Qasabian, and Adam Sidman) in his innovative “screenlife” storytelling approach that brilliantly captures the way we engage online. After David Kim (John Cho)’s sixteen-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, David decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter’s laptop. In a hyper-modern thriller told via the technology devices we use every day to communicate, David must trace his daughter’s digital footprints before she disappears forever.
Brazilian Writer/Director Dennison Ramalho instantly captured the hearts and nightmares of legions with his brilliant shorts LOVE FROM MOTHER ONLY (2003) and NINJAS (2011), in addition to scripting José Mojica Marins’ celebrated Coffin Joe comeback EMBODIMENT OF EVIL (2008). His entry in ABCS OF DEATH 2 (2014) further cemented the filmmaker as a hellishly original talent to watch in world horror cinema. Fantasia will proudly be bringing Brazil’s subterranean maestro of the macabre back to Montreal for the World Premiere of his long-awaited feature debut, AMONG THE LIVING, a film brimming with grotesque imagination and otherworldly magick in which a morgue attendant working the night shift in a very large, very violent city possesses an occult ability to communicate with cadavers. He commits the sin of acting on information obtained from the dead and horrifically curses himself and those that he loves. Brace yourself.
Multiple award-winning director Baek Seung-bin brings us to doomsday with a smile in the omnibus styled intimist South Korean apocalyptic dramedy I HAVE A DATE WITH SPRING (North American Premiere). Different characters, all with unique personalities, celebrate their birthday the day before the end of the world, meeting bizarre individuals in surreal circumstances in this truly unique gem of a film that debuted at 2018’s International Film Festival Rotterdam.
The world first discovered Sonny Mallhi’s poignant style of character-driven horror storytelling with 2015’s ANGUISH (a Fantasia World Premiere). Earlier this year, his second feature, the vampiric drug addiction chiller FAMILY BLOOD debuted on Netlfix. And now, Sonny Mallhi has teamed with Blumhouse for his third feature, HURT, in which the collective psychosis of American culture is an inescapable horror film and a waking nightmare. Its story honors masked mascots of fear such as Jason, Freddy, and Michael…. but explores those who helplessly wear a mask of normalcy while desperately fighting the traumatic monsters within.
It’s not getting into an exclusive fraternity that three geeky college freshmen need to worry about, it’s getting out – alive! Boasting amazingly well-rounded characters, endearing performances, a wicked streak of black humour, and a desperate situation that erupts into sickening violence, in many ways Daniel Robbins’ PLEDGE (World Premiere) is an intense, acceptance-themed companion film to Jeremy Saulnier’s similarly gasp-inducing GREEN ROOM. Rats, torture, knife fights, and vodka shots – who’s ready to pledge?
In this clockwork thriller, nothing is what it seems – not even a corpse. THE VANISHED (North American Premiere) is a piece of classic cinematic construction right out of the Golden Age of Hollywood, polished to a sleek modern sheen, South Korean-style. Without an ounce of padding, this is modern suspense in gothic drag, full of old school brio, dolly zooms, a ticking clock, entitled murderers, and vengeful ghosts.
The Camera Lucida section, dedicated to experimental, boundary-pushing and auteur-driven works on the borders of genre cinema, unveils two major International premieres!
Taka (SAUDADE’s Yota Kawase) is a bong-playing, turtle-loving saint. When a hypocritical couple from Tokyo moves into town, intent on opening a health-conscious, eco-friendly coffee shop at all costs, the man’s peaceful existence is shattered to pieces. Tadashi Nagayama’s second feature, BEING NATURAL, is a total revelation; a surprising and eccentric satirical rural comedy, with a dash of the absurd and the supernatural! A unique introduction to one of Japanese cinema’s most promising new auteurs!
The beautiful Mabel (TEETH’s Jess Weixler) admits to being pushed outside of her comfort zone on the set of a foreign auteur’s shlocky English-language horror film debut. Playing the role of a blind woman, she soon meets her disabled co-star Rosenthal (UNDER THE SKIN and DRIB’s Adam Pearson) and soon, the boundaries between fiction, reality, exploitation, and fair representation become blurry. GO DOWN DEATH’s Aaron Schimberg returns to Fantasia with CHAINED FOR LIFE, a reflexive and surreal black comedy about life on set – casting a critical eye on cinematic representations of disability and difference, from ELEPHANT MAN to FREAKS and beyond.
The full Camera Lucida lineup will be unveiled on June 26.
Dedicated to discovering the world’s best undiscovered action films, Fantasia’s Action! Section, now in its seventh year, is proud to announce three new titles and one incredible retrospective film. Following the section becoming competitive in 2017, Action! is now proud to introduce its debut Action! Achievement Award, which will be bestowed on U.S. martial arts legend Cynthia Rothrock. For the occasion, Fantasia will present a 35mm print of the 1989 Hong Kong classic THE BLONDE FURY with star Rothrock in attendance.=
Four years after seducing Fantasia audiences with his short film RAGING BALLS OF STEEL JUSTICE, Michael Mort will return to the festival with his animated feature debut, CHUCK STEEL: NIGHT OF THE TRAMPIRES (North American Premiere), hot off its World Premiere at Annecy. Chuck Steel is a maverick, renegade, loose cannon, lone wolf, cop-on-the-edge who doesn’t play by the rules. He’s the best goddamn man on the force and, once again, Los Angeles needs him to save the city from an army of Trampires – a mutated hybrid of vampire and hobo.
With LÔI BÁO (North American Premiere), Vietnam has officially jumped on the wave of superhero movies in a very big way. Without a single cape or hero clad in spandex, Victor Vu’s clever interpretation of what it means to be a superhero brings a wildly unique vision to the genre, as a man on the receiving end of a head transplant finds himself suddenly granted a seemingly endless supply of superhuman abilities. With LÔI BÁO, Vietnam has created a world of very unlikely superheroes – and villains – like no other.
Five years after the impressive ON THE JOB, director Erik Matti returns to Fantasia with the Canadian Premiere of BUYBUST, one of the most action-packed movies ever to come out of the Philippines. Here he writes, produces, and directs a truly one-of-a-kind actioner about a rookie female cop who finds herself in hot water with an anti-narcotics squad. Starring Filipino superstar Anne Curtis, over 1200 extras, and featuring an unbelievable 300 stuntmen and women, BUYBUST is packed with spectacular gunplay, nonstop hand-to-hand combat, and a nearly-uncountable number of people being stabbed in the face.
As of 2017, all titles selected in the Action! Section are eligible for Fantasia’s Best Action Film Award, awarded by a jury composed of Quebec director Alain Desrochers (BON COP BAD COP 2), actor/stuntman Alain Moussi (KICKBOXER: VENGEANCE), and filmmaking duo Sebastien Landry and Laurence Morais-Lagace (GAME OF DEATH).  
Fantasia’s Axis section is thrilled to announce two more anime titles in its lineup, each a major premiere.
Something sinister is manifesting itself – something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity, and medical science – in Saku Sakamoto’s ARAGNE: SIGN OF VERMILLION, a potent new slash of independent, high-standard horror anime from Japan making its World Premiere at Fantasia this summer.
One memorable summer, a precocious schoolboy contends with a crush on an older woman and a strange penguin invasion in the sentimental, surreal science fiction anime PENGUIN HIGHWAY (International Premiere). The first feature from Japanese director Hiroyasu Ishida, creator of the 2009 indie online sensation FUMIKO’S CONFESSION, and his colleagues at Studio Colorido, PENGUIN HIGHWAY is a delight for the mind, eye, and heart.
Fantasia’s section dedicated to bold, ultra-independent, outsider works returns with a charming, counter-cultural teen film made by a twenty-year-old girl who cut classes to shoot it, a single-take Japanese zombie oddity, a genuinely shocking and surprising black comedy/crime thriller from Colorado, and a Mexican-Canadian action siege assault that’s likely the bloodiest coming-of-age film ever made.
Described at the latest Berlinale as the “distant cousin of Louis Malle’s ZAZIE DANS LE MÉTRO crossed with the DIY spirit of punk Japanese cinema from the 1980s (Tsukamoto, Sogo Ishii, and co.), one thing’s for sure: twenty-year-old Yoko Yamanaka’s AMIKO (North American Premiere) will instantly charm you with its gleeful irreverence, and its crystalline, sour-sweet candied confection of extreme emotions, forged in the fiery pits of adolescence, and effectively turning the schoolgirl into a counter-culture icon.
Let’s be honest – a low-budget zombie movie shot in one take about a film crew shooting a low-budget zombie movie in one take sounds bad. Add the fact that the indie film crew stumbles across real-life zombies and Shunichiro Ueda’s debut, ONE CUT OF THE DEAD (Canadian Premiere) sounds worse. And you couldn’t be more wrong. This indie marvel isn’t a just zombie movie or even a one-take stunt. Instead, it’s Japan’s smartest comedy of the year: a touching father-daughter story, a tale about the value of perseverance, and a meta puzzlebox that cleverly unpacks itself onscreen, one severed limb at a time. Pick your rotting jaw up off the floor, because this is pure horror-comedy gold in the vein of SHAUN OF THE DEAD.
A neurotic, introverted young military veteran forces himself to go to a party to meet new people and finds himself plunged into a bizarre criminal underworld of sex and blood in Drew Barnhardt’s utterly mad RONDO (World Premiere). An exuberantly seedy, obsessively well-directed gonzo thriller that’s funny in the darkest ways, RONDO’s violent twists and genuinely uncomfortable moments will leave you breathless from gasping, laughing, and screaming – possibly at the same time. Oddly reminiscent of CRIMEWAVE-era John Paizs by way of De Palma, this is a squirm-inducing, one-of-a-kind exploitation oddity that even the most brazen viewers will never be able to unsee.
Award-winning Mexican-Canadian filmmaker Gigi Saul Guerrero bathes the screen with ferocity in her scorching web series LA QUINCEAÑERA (Canadian Premiere), in which a girl’s fifteenth birthday party becomes a demented, blood-fuelled journey of revenge when the cartel shows up to attack her relatives. This ultra-violent homage to the strength of women and the power of family may be the bloodiest coming-of-age tale ever told.
Fantasia’s showcase of compelling documentary works returns with a trio of docs hailing from Quebec, China, and the USA.
Jailed for comics?! The unbelievable true story of the only U.S. artist convicted of obscenity is explored in the chilling and captivating BOILED ANGELS: THE TRIAL OF MIKE DIANA (International Premiere), directed by the legendary Frank Henenlotter (BASKET CASE, BAD BIOLOGY) and narrated by Dead Kennedys’ Jello Biafra, neither of whom are strangers to censorship struggles themselves. The obsessively well-researched doc features Neil Gaiman, Stephen Bissette, Peter Bagge, and Diana himself, alongside the case’s investigating officers, prosecution, defense, and even members of the local Florida press who initially reported on the situation. This truly thoughtful account won a well-deserved Audience Award at NYC’s What The Fest!? and should be considered required viewing for anyone remotely interested in confrontational art or stories of overreaching law enforcement.
Marginally-talented internet personalities skyrocket to fame in Hao Wu’s provocative, dystopian documentary PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF DESIRE (Quebec Premiere), where hordes of devoted fans tune in to find comfort in virtual relationships through live streaming. A Grand Jury Prize-winner at SXSW, the film tracks China’s emergent breed of off-the-rails celebrity-making obsession, and the impact of plunging into the virtual to satisfy real human needs. Fantasia’s screening will be a co-presentation with the RIDM.
Shot over a period of three years, Jean-Simon Chartier’s PLAYING HARD (Quebec Premiere) gives us a sprawling behind-the-scenes window into the drama, tension, and compromises behind the creation of a blockbuster Ubisoft video game, and the grueling personal tolls the process can take on its creators, both in terms of fractured relationships and mental anguish. An engrossing film that met with major acclaim at its recent Hot Docs launch.  
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ccagalleries · 6 years
She knows what she likes and she likes what she knows.
With prints to suit all styles and tastes we've got Mothers Day covered!
Call the office on 01252 797 201 today to place your order
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Designer Trees Bruce McLean
Silkscreen print with collaged elements Edition size: 100 Image size: 790 x 583mm Paper size: 943 x 748mm Published: 2011 BUY HERE
Two black Trees combines dynamic geometric shapes suggestive of architectural forms and with tree-silhouettes. Though effectively abstract, McLean’s palette and inclusion of a segment from a London street map perfectly capture the atmosphere of a sunny day in a London park.  The urban atmosphere is increased by the inclusion of graffiti –like text. Companion piece to Pink Moda.
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Encounter Danny Rolph
Silkscreen print with glazes Edition size: 15 Image size: 700 x 985mm Paper size: 725 x 1010mm Published: 2017 BUY HERE
Usually finding inspiration in philosophy, poetry and history, Rolph wanted to produce a print that related to his current interests in the studio. Having only produced one silkscreen edition before, Rolph saw creating this edition as an opportunity to allow him time to investigate the process further, which he found informative and exhilarating in equal measure. ‘Encounter’ will shortly be followed by another silkscreen edition. “Recently I swam in the Indian Ocean and encountered colours, animals and geology I had only previously seen on TV. The experience of being in such a stimulating, other worldly environment influenced my choices quite strikingly in ‘Encounter’. The objective in using these particular shapes, forms and colours was to communicate the experience I had in nature and to expand my visual vocabulary in a new direction.” - Danny Rolph
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This is the Big City Baby Dan Baldwin
Silkscreen print with gold leaf, diamond dust and glazes Edition size: 100 Image size: 800 x 400mm Paper size: 950 x 560mm Published: 2014 BUY HERE
This piece was created in collaboration with Allison Mosshart (lead singer of The Kills). "Allison Mosshart, lead singer of the band The Kills, wrote a piece called ‘THIS IS THE BIG CITY BABY’ when sitting with Jack White from the White Stripes, they had been sitting in New York by the wishing well fountain, and the events of that day prompted the written piece. It was then given to a project SFWAM - (Songs For Words and Music) which is a charity based literacy project with Jeff Antebi Waxspolitation records, pairing artists with musicians - Tom Waites, Nick Cave and many more. Allison had been hanging on for several years waiting for the right artist to illustrate her piece, my image was inspired by her writing - the cats and freaks come out at night whilst the city sleeps, as the clock strikes 12am some magic occurs. It’s quite a specific illustrative piece as it was a specific image for a project." - Dan Baldwin.
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Faith, Hope and Charity Peter Blake Silkscreen print Edition size: 125 Image size: 990 x 547mm Paper size: 990 x 547mm Published: 2012 BUY HERE
Faith, Hope and Charity is a nostalgic triptych of segments made up from collaged elements of Victorian postcards. This delicate and feminine work illustrates the three Christian virtues mentioned in Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians. This work is about sentiment and the power of words.  It continues the exploration of this power, these eternal themes, that Blake examined in his recent ‘I Love You’ and ‘Hope’ prints. Using floral motifs on postcards was very popular in the Victorian era; here Blake has re-arranged these ornamentations to suit his own aesthetic vision. Cherub heads and child-figures playing musical instruments feature in the ‘Faith’ section; echoing the themes of childhood innocence and joy that recur throughout Blake’s work. The rectangular panel at the peak of the cross is taken from a work by Sir Joshua Reynolds ‘A Cherub Head in Different Views’ 1787.  Each panel includes the design of a hand holding a messages ‘Remember Me, Forget Me Not and A Tribute of Love’ that would have been the centre-piece of the original postcards from which they are extracted.  
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Philip Morris Peter Blake
Silkscreen print with silver leaf Edition size: 175 Image size: 760 x 1015mm Paper size: 760 x 1015mm Published: 2007 BUY HERE
One of Peter Blake's found art cigarette packets or fag packets as they have come to be affectionately known. This series demonstrates Blake's belief that beauty can be found anywhere, even in objects that most would believe to be rubbish. The fag packets highlight iconic 20th century design and branding, a key component in the pop art movement. The simplicity of these pieces adds to their wallpower.
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Milk Maids Peter Blake
Silkscreen print Edition size: 175 Image size: 455 x 660mm Paper size: 595 x 820mm Published: 2009 BUY HERE
Milk Maids is part 11 of the 12 pieces that comprise Peter Blake's portfolio box set, based on his work in the early 60's. The bright colours, bold patterns and simplistic compositions of pop art are heavily present, as are 60's pop culture icons such as Marilyn Monroe as seen here, Kim Novak, Lavern Baker and Billy Rainbow. The paper border has CCA's publisher stamp embossed in bottom right hand corner (not shown).
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Dark Side of the Moon 30th Anniversary Storm Thorgerson
Silkscreen print Edition size: 325 Image size: 480 x 480mm Paper size: 835 x 660mm Published: 2004 BUY HERE
Storm decided to rework his iconic album cover for the re-release of Pink Floyd's album, he says 'Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon was remixed from original tapes in 5.1 surround sound or super audio to provide an even more detailed and splendid audio experience. It was the same music but not the same mix. A different beast, in effect, and it seemed appropriate to indicate as much on the cover by reworking the original design, which was an airbrush illustration with line work for tint lay.'
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Pink Pig Over Battersea 3 Carinthia West
Archival inkjet with satin glaze Edition size: 50 Image size: 307 x 467mm Paper size: 406 x 562mm Published: 2017 BUY HERE
Her black and white photographic stills of the inflatable pig 'Algy' (the actual album cover devised by Hipgnosis for Pink Floyd's Animals album 1976) have appeared in several international exhibitions including London, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, along with forty other images in her archival collection entitled 'Hanging Out'. Most recently, seven of Carinthia's images of this historic shoot, hang in the Victoria and Albert's Pink Floyd exhibition 'Their Mortal Remains'  until October 2017, after which it will travel to Rome, New York, and other cities.
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Vintage Blake Peter Blake Silkscreen print Edition size: 250 Image size: 570 x 570mm Paper size: 750 x 770mm Published: 2012 BUY HERE
Peter Blake celebrated his 80th birthday in 2012, the year was peppered with projects and events to celebrate the occasion. In Spring Blake unveiled a variation of his magic crowd composition: Vintage Blake: Peter Blake’s 80th Family Friends and Icons that was created especially for the celebrations around his birthday. The work  features a magic crowd full of the key figures from the artist’s career and personal life, including David Hockney, Damien Hirst, David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Eric Clapton, Ian Dury and many more.
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Sea Rock Louise Cattrell
Silkscreen print Edition size: 20 Image size: 815 x 655mm Paper size: 815 x 655mm Published: 2017 BUY HERE
"The opportunity to make a large scale screen print made me evaluate many of the ways in which print evolves from the process and how that responds to the way I make paintings. Printmaking has always been a part of how I develop work fusing drawing, tone and colour. My work is inspired by the natural landscape, in particular where the boundaries of sea, sky and land come together and depart. I make the paintings using thin layers of paint akin to watercolour in substance; using the transparencies of the screen printing film was a new way of building an image. Using early examples as a base, the context was developed through the application of watercolour as the ability of the movement in the paint responded to the ideas behind Sea Rock - where a rock within sight of the shore becomes a landmark and guide for those on both land and sea. Encompassed by all that the change of light and weather does to transform the known into the mysterious."
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To the Lighthouse, Ile de Re Lucy Farley
Silkscreen print Edition size: 100
Image size: 1070 x 800mm Paper size: 1270 x 1020mm Published: 2013 BUY HERE
To the Lighthouse, Ile de Ré showcases Farley’s fresh and dynamic take on nature, landscape and the spirit of place. Romantic and windswept, Farley’s sweeping lines and washes of colour draw the viewer into this coastal scene of lighthouse, boats, ominous sky and swelling water. She combines a tremendous sense of atmosphere with a modernity and minimalism that reflects her personal connection with the landscape. The title of this piece reminds us of the novel of the same name by Virginia Woolf, and indeed the flow of line and colour is reminiscent of Woolf's stream-of-consciousness style of writing. 
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Beachscape Wester Ross Donald Hamilton Fraser Silkscreen print Edition size: 175 Image size: 453 x 560mm Paper size: 605 x 725mm Published: 2006
Beachscape Wester Ross by Donald Hamilton Fraser. Fraser's dramatic use of colour lends the landscape an almost surrealistic air. The marks of his palette-knife technique can be clearly seen in the foreground, lending real texture to the picture surface. The bright swathes of colour are not blended together, but stand in stark contrast and create a feeling of joy and vivacity that dominates the work.
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Horse at Water (silkscreen) Nic Fiddian-Green
Silkscreen print Edition size: 50 Image size: 550 x 950mm Paper size: 600 x 1000mm Published: 2017 BUY HERE
World renowned as an equestrian sculptor, Nic Fiddian-Green's Horse at Water limited edition silkscreen print is an edition size of 50 and demonstrates the dramatic elegance of his iconic horse's head. Whilst studying at Chelsea School of Art, Fiddian-Green took a trip to the British Museum and found inspiration in the shape of the head of the horse of Selene. 'The encounter paved my future. It was as if lightning had struck twice in the same place. The horse's head was so beautifully made, so considered, so right. It was as if it had been carved by the gods: a lesson in balance and harmony and proportion. Immediately it became my benchmark. For the past 30 years I've focused on capturing the beauty of a horse's head.'
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Dog Rose Peter Blake
Silkscreen print Edition size: 50 Image size: 250 x 195mm Paper size: 380 x 310mm Published: BUY HERE
Dog Rose by Peter Blake. A delicate signed limited edition silkscreen print featuring a stunning watercolour illustration of a Dog Rose in flower.
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Pueblo Barbara Rae
Published: 2008 Paper size: 990 x 937mm Image size: 760 x 757mm Edition size: 125 Silkscreen print with silver leaf and glazes BUY HERE
Pueblo, signed limited edition silkscreen print with silver leaf and glazes by Barbara Rae RA CBE.
Printed with 29 colours + silver Leaf on 400 gsm Velin Arches paper.
Rae's printmaking has been integral to her artistic activity since her student days. The way she conceives and works on her monoprints, screenprints and etchings complements and informs her approach to painting. The discipline imposed by these media and the unique opportunities offered by them create a set of possibilities, which stimulate her vision of the world, whether she is drawing, painting, making prints, or simply observing.
Call the office on 01252 797 201 today to place your order
To see the full range of all of our artists visit our website at www.ccagalleries.com
Please note all works are subject to availability and price changes
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dheelifestory · 6 years
Weekend in Taman Safari Indonesia, Bogor
Hari ini Minggu, 10 Dec 2017.. Kita Sekeluarga Jalan jalan ke Taman Safari Indonesia di Cisarua Bogor.. Berangkat dari rumah Jam 6 pagi… walaupun rumahnya deket tapi kan weekend yeee.. takut penuh ..
 Alhamdulillah perjalanan dari rumah sampai gadog masuk cisarua lancaaaarrr… macet tapi ngga parah dan ngga panjang..  Lumayan lah… menjelang liburan panjang… Karena hari masih pagi kita mutusin untuk makan pagi dulu di jalan.. kita makan bubur ayam di deket pintu masuk taman safari… Lumayan lah buat ngisi perut yang kosong walaupun banyak juga alternatif2 lain … Setelah makan kita mulai masuk ke area taman Safari… jarak masuk dari jalan besar ke dalam lumayan jauh.. Sepanjang jalan ke area Taman Safari banyak sekali yang jual wortel dan sayur2an makanan untuk binatang disana… hmm.. kita sih ngga beli soalnya kan kita ngga tau apakah mereka boleh dikasih makan sembarangan atau tidak??.. dan juga kana da larangan dilarang memberikan makanan kepada hewan.. apa kurang jelas??.. memang sih dengan membeli pasti akan membantu perekonomian sekitar.. tapi buat saya sih kurang pas .. Lanjut ke tempat tujuan yang lumayan jauhnya …
 Setelah sampai di Gerbang gading… kita diarahkan ke parkiran dulu karenaloket masih disiapkan dan hari masih pagi juga sih… kita parker sekitar ½ jam an.. daripada bengong mendingan kita pee dulu kali yee… yang mau pee cuman Ayah, Bunda sama De Cha… yang laen belum mau… meskipun dipaksa sama Bunda wkwkwkwk..
 Sampe di kamar mandi ternyata penuuuuh dan ngantriiiiiiiiiii… ya maklum lah semuanya sama2 ke kamar mandi y owes deeeh…sabar menanti ajaaa…. Akhirnya kita pee juga… tapi ada kejadian lucu… itu Cha terbiasa pis di Closet duduk.. nah pas dapet kloset jongkok langsung ngga bias pee… hahahahah susah katanya … ya udah akhirnya yang pee cuman  Bunda sama Ayah aja deh…
Ngga lama abis pee kita nunggu di mobil.. akhirnya pintu gerbang pun dibuka… horeee… kita masuuuk… lets goooooo….
 Tiket masuk Taman safari meningkat tajam sejak terakhir kalo kami kesana sekitar 3 th lalu… lama yaaaa…. Xixixi
Di loket tertulis tanda tiket masuk sbb :
 Domestik Turis
Terusan Regular
Anak2 (dibawah 6 tahun) : Rp. 160,000
Dewasa (Diatas 6 Tahun) : Rp. 180,000
Terusan dengan Panda
Anak2 (dibawah 6 tahun) : Rp. 220,000 
Dewasa (Diatas 6 Tahun) :Rp. 200,000
Kendaraan Roda 2 : Rp. 10,000
Kendaraan Roda 4 : Rp.  20,000
  International Turis
Terusan Regular
Anak2 (dibawah 6 tahun) : Rp. 300,000
Dewasa (Diatas 6 Tahun) : Rp. 250,000
Kendaraan Roda 2 : Rp. 10,000
Kendaraan Roda 4 : Rp. 20,000 
 Nah karena kita beer lima yaaa… 4 Dewasa dan satu dibawah 5 tahun.. jadi totalnya 900 ribu sama mobil… hmm lumayan ya.. tapi tetep kurang sebanding dengan perawatan hewan2 disana walaupun tidak separah Kebun Binatang lain di Indonesia…Tapi tetaaap ini masih kurang kalau menurut saya…
 Setelah membayar tiket masuk, kami diberi gelang.. owh sekarang pake gelang yaaa… gelang kertas ini berfungsi untuk memasuki area dan memasuki wahana .. dengan gelang ini setiap pengunjung di perbolehkan menikmati wahana satu kali per wahana… Lumayan laaah jadi ngga harus bayar berkali kali buat main wahana… dan ngga perlu ngantri berkali kali juga… horeee…
 Lanjuuut mari kita mulai masuuuk… Area pertama adalah Area gajah… pas masuk kita akan bertemu dengan gajah2 lucu yang jumlahnya ada lumayan banyak.. ter diri dari gajah dewasa dan Gajah anak2… Ada gajah Sumatra.. aa juga gajah Afrika… ish anak2nya lucuuuu … gemesin ikut orang tuanya makan pagi… heboh kaya anak manusia sibuk ngerecokin maknya… hahahahah… Cha seneng banget liat Gajah… semua Gajah disapa sama dia..malah ada yang disuruh pulang ke rumahnya Cha.. hadeehh…Selesai menikmati Gajah kita memasuki wilayah Tapir dan teman temannya… Tapir itu ternyata lucu ya… warnanya hitam putih seperti panda…Sama sama Bulet hanya Tapir memiliki belalai pendek… Pas kita kesana mereka sedang tidur ternyata.. mungkin sudah makan pagi ya…
 Selepas Tapir kita masuk ke area Unta… wow… Banyak sekali untanya.. mulai dari unta local sampai unta import asli Arab… mulai dari yang kecil sampe yang guedeeee… mulai dari yang bopung sampe yang bule… ada semua… guedeee… cuman takut aja kalo mereka ngerangseeek ke mobil.. hahaha cilakaaa….ternyta yaaa onta ituuuhhhh lucuuu mukanya… daaaaannn alisnya luaarrr biasaaa….. hahahha.. cetaaaarrrr kalaaah bulu mata eikeee cyyynnn…. Daaan ternyata punuk unta ituuuuu yaaaaaaa bukan isinya aiiir tapiiii isinya lemaaak sodara… baru tau kaaannnn???... samaaa duuunkssss…..
 Abis Onta kita menyusuri jalan.. dan disepanjang jalan ketemu banyak  binatang betebaran… ada Llama.. rusa dan teman temannya… ketemu Jerapah juga tapi kecil2 ngga terlalu besar dan ngga terlalu tinggi.. tapi teteeep menggemaskan laaahhhh…..
 Area selanjutnya kita memasuki wilayah Singa.. My favourite animals.. King of jungle.. dan cakeeeeepnyaaaa itu King of jungle sama surainya yolooohhh kalaaah emaaakkkk suweeerr… jadi pengen turun trus ngobrolin ttg rambut deh sama dese.. #eehh…Daan baru kali ini mak denger suara auman Singaaaaa.. kenceeeeng dan guedeeee…. Mangstaaappppp…. Pantes lah dibilang raja Hutan… sekali aum semua minggir…kek emak2 bubarin tawuran gitu cuman bedanya klo makemak pan suaranya bikin sakit kepala dan kuping nah klo singa bikin kagum ….
 Keluar dari kandang Singa.. masuk kandang Harimau .. kali ini Harimau dari berbagai Negara di dunia..Paling seneng liat Harimau putih dan harimau Siberia… Corak loreng di Badan dan mukanya bikin jadi cakep… Subhanallah.. Memang Kuasa Allah itu manusia ngga pernah bisa ikuti ya… ya ampun bener2 terpana liat mahluk mahluk ciptaan Allah yang ngga pernah gw temui di tempat2 normal…
Kemudian Lanjooot kandang beruang coklat… yang biasa di Amerika disebut dengan Grizzly Bear… tapi yang ada disini cilik cilik… entah masih kecil atau memang jenisnya berbeda dengan Grizzly yang ada di Amerika… Tapi tetep menggemaskan … namanya juga beruang… gendooottt… seneng guling2an sama temen2nya… makan dan tidoooorrr Bahkan waktu kita lewat sana Ada yg lagi bête langsung tidur taro kepalanya di atas kayu hahaha.. bête keknya abis dimarahin pawangnya…
 Kandang selanjutnya kandang harimau local… yaitu Harimau Sumatra .. bedanya dengan harimau Negara2 Lain porsi badannya lebih kecil dari Harimau international… mengenai loreng nati yak mak nanyain ke Mr, Google dulu….
 Lepas dari Kandang Harimau masuk ke kandang Badak dan Jerapah Afrika… ya ampuuun itu yang namanya Badaaak lucuuuu bingiiits… Guedeee … ulanya mangstap buat nyongkel hahahaha… Di alam ada Badak Bercula satu dan Badak bercula 2 .. yang tersisa sekarang tinggal bedak bercula 2 itu pun jumlahnya sudah tinggal sedikit.. yang ada di penangkaran memang ada beberapa hanya di alam sudah mendekati kepunahan… ini diakibatkan oleh para pemburu liar yang tidak punya hati membunuh hanya ingin mengambil culanya saja… Diperkirakan sekarang tinggal puluhan ekor saja di Alam,,,Faktor Genetis mereka adalah karena mereka susah mendapatkan keturunan… segala cara telah diusahakan oleh para peneliti… tapi Kuasa Tuhan berkata lain… mungkin seleksi alam sudah memutuskan bahwa Badak akan mulai punah… Sedih rasanya mungkin generasi peners gw ngga bakal bisa liat badak lagi di manapun.. penangkaran ataupun di alam bebas… tapi bersyukur bisa mengantarkan anak2 melihat mereka di penangkaran. Serta mengajarkan pada anak2 gw untuk melestarikan dan menyayangi hewan seperti menyayangi diri sendiri…
 Sehabis itu kami bertemu dengan Llamma lagi.. Bisson dan kerbau afrika.. dan yang terakhir adalah Orangutan… beberapa hewan yang dalam beberapa tahun kita mungkin tidak akan melihat wujudnya lagi di alam liar… so sad … akibat ulah manusia terpaksa mereka punah… hiks..
 Selesai melakukan safari road.. kita langsung menuju ke area amusement park … untuk melihat Bird sactuary dan Baby Zoo … Cha udah booking mau naik kuda poni… hahah emang anakku yang satu itu luar biasa hebaattt…
 Setelah dapet parkiran langsung kita masuk ke Bird Sactuary… liat burung2 dengan berbagai macam jenis terbang kesana kemari… dengan riangnya… Burung yang ngga biasa kita liat…ada disana dan terbang bebas sesuka hati mereka… senang liatnya.. hanya saja karena hujan jadi tempatnya agak lembab.. dan agak kotor dan gelap.. itu saja…setelah puas menikmati burung .. kita memasuki area Baby zoo.. dimulai dengan beruang merah.. yang mulai langka ini sedang tidur.. mungkin karena dingin ya… di sini ada Landak juga lho.. hahah wait jangan deket deket… nanti kena serangan duri .. haiiiiyaaaaahh…. Wkwkwkwkwkw….Ulasan untuk daerah ini kelihatannya akan agak panjang teman.. area pertama yang kami lihat yaitu baby orangutan.. well.. ada yang ngga baby lagi sih… alias udah tua karena guedeee bingits lhoo…lagi nangkring di atas… hhehehe.. sedangkan baby nya pada di bawah lagi mainin tali … lucu ya mereka… eeh tau ngga kenapa mereka diperlukan di alam ??.Mereka itu kan makanannya bbuah2an dan biji2an nah karena mereka sering bermigrasi ke berbagai macam tempat.. ketika mereka pup .. disanalah mereka meninggalkan biji dari buah sehingga mereka sangat membantu untuk penanaman kembali hutan..nah mungkin para pembunuh binatang dan para pembakar hutan ini ngga ngerti ya fungsinya hutan apa dan fungsi binatang2 di alam apa… harus pada kembali ke sekolah ya biar bener bener ngerti deh fungsinya apa… Tempat bermain mereka sebenarnya bagus sudah memadai buat mereka.. hanya kolam di sekitarnya sangat kotor .. apalagi di huni oleh bayi2 kuda nil kerdil yang baru lahir..entah apakah memang bayi2 kuda nil memang harus berada di air seperti itu atau lumpur?...
 Kemudian beralih ke kandang lyontigress yaitu persilangan antara singa dan harimau.. jadi berbulu loreng seperti harimau tapi bersurai seperti singa… ada manusia yang tega melakukan persilangan seperti ini terlepas ini untuk kepentingan penelitian atau bukan.Ketika kami kesana binatangnya dalam keadaan tidur.. entah memang karena habis makan atau keadaan dingin… keadaan kandangnya sangat kumuh seperti tidak terawatt dengan rumput rumput yang tinggi…
 Diarea ini ada juga Istana White Bengal Tiger dari India yang punya singgasana sendiri… Tigernya ada di satu tempat yang disiapkan ditengah danau.. sementara dikelilingi oleh air danau yang keruh dan juga keadaan istananya yang kumuh… entah memang disengaja atau memang tidak dibersihkan.. hanya Tuhan yang tau..
 Untuk bayi2 binatang yang suka dijadikan objek untuk foto tidak terlihat.. tempat2nya saja yang kosong… memang kami pun tidak berminat sebenarnya .. setelah puas berkeliling dan melihat keadaan barulah kami pindah ke Australia’s area..di area ini kita bisa melihat adanya beberapa kangguru da nada juga Lemur cincin… kalau lihat di TV sepertinya lemur2 itu besar ya.. setelah liat aslinya ternyata mereka imut imut .. alias keciiil.. wkwkwkw.. tapi kalo jalan tengiiil wkwkwkwk… disebelah kirinya ada display kucing kucing dahan… ada snow leopard.. kesayanganku… ada kucing dahan… khusus daerah ini lokasinya sangat bersih… binatangnya pun bersih… sehat… hanya snow leopardnya saja yang kelihatan belum mandi karena warnanya bukan putih tapi coklat wkwkwkwkk…. Dari Baby Zoo karena Kuda pony nya belum keluar jadi kita lanjut aja ke plaza gajah… liat gajah2 lucu yang di display… hmm selama ini belum parnah pegang gajah ini kesempatan kita buat ngerasaain bagaimana rasanya kulitnya gajah…dan seneng banget bisa ngerasain ini… wow… ternyata kulit gajah itu kasar.. dan punya bulu2 yang jarang tapi kasar… I looove big animals… Dari gajah, anak2 minta main di wahana permainan… Ngga disangka.. Cha ternyata seneng sama permainan2 yang menyita adrenalin… naik kora2 malah ketawa ketawa sementara Bunda ayah dan kakak2nya stress minta turun wkwkwkwkwkw…. Ampuuun deeh..selama 1 ½ jam kita main.. ternyata lapar juga.. naiklah kita ke atas nyari restaurant… makan di Foodcourt namanya Rimba Footcourt… ngga banyak makanan yang di tawarkan tapi lumayan lah buat makan siang.. ada nasi timbel complete … ada Safari Chicken dan berbagai macam makanan lain… termasuk makanan padang…
 Anak2 memiluh untuk makan Safari chicken sementara Bunda dan ayah makanNasi timbel… kalau ditanya harga disana lumayan… yah namanya saja tempat wisata ya… Bunda pesen Paket nasi Timbel 2 buat Bunda sama ayah…Satu porsinya Rp. 60,000 karena pesan 2 jadi total Rp. 120,000… lumayan ya…
 Selesai makan kita lanjut mau nonton Dolphin show… dengan jalan kaki kita ke atas… lumayan laaah melewati Buaya sactuary.. nocturnal tunnel.. penguin castle… komodo island .. Akhirnya kita nonton dolphin show.. pas dating keadaannya belum rame… makin lama makin banyak peminatnya… Dolphinenya lucuuuuuu dan pintar ya ternyataaa…. Ampuuun… jadi pengen ngelus deh… lucuk banget aslik…dan cerdas…Pertunjukan berlangsung sekitar ½ jam… cukup menarik sih.. lumayanlah untuk ukuran pertunjukan ½ jam wkwkwkwk…Tujuan kami nonton bukanlah untuk kesenangan hanya untuk melihat bagaimana mereka bisa sampai di tahap seperti itu yang tidak mungkin bisa dilakukan di alam liar… Pada akhir acara pun kami sempat melihat bagaimana mereka berlatih bersama para pelatih mereka untuk show show selanjutnya.. saying saya tidak menanyakan berapa kali sehari mereka berlatih sebelum dan sesudah pertunjukan dimana itu pun berhubungan dengan naturenya mereka…
 Cha ternyata kurang suka nonton2 seperti itu.. mungkin kurang menantang buat dia… hhhuuufffttt…sehabis itu kita nonton Cowboy show.. yang letaknya bersebelahan dengan Dolphin show.. nah Cowboy show ini berbeda lagi dengan Animal show biasa… Cowboy show lebih kepada lifestyle.. tapi banyak binatang2 lucu sebagai cameo… Tapi kalau punya penyakit jantung dan kagetan lebih baik ngga nonton yaaa… soalnya adegannya penuh dengan letusan letusan senjata.. heheheh..
 Pulang dari Cowboy show..karena hari sudah menjelang sore dan hujan sudah mulai rintik rintik… kami pun memutuskan untuk segera pulang.. karena Cha pun sudah ngantuk ternyata… tapii karena mobil diparkir dibawaaah dengan amat sangat terpaksa kita berjalan turun…itung2 olah raga lah yaaaa… melewati Kera jepang yang lucuuu… yang hanya hidup di salju dengan muka yang merah … hahaha lucuuuu… dan punya istana sendiri pulak… hanya saying kurang saljunya karena di alam liar biasanya mereka senang berendam di air panas yang berada di tengah salju… dengan cuaca yang mendekati minus mungkin membantu sedikit…. Setelah itu..Ke tempat Chimpanse.. wew… saudara terdekatnya manusia.. wkwkwkwk…. Chimps tidak terlalu besar… sebenarnya pengen liat Silverback Gorilla… tapi koq ngga ada ya… hmmmm…doain deh semoga satu saat bisa liat mereka di alam aslinya.. Aamiin…
 On the way turun… mampir di Sealion show.. pas mereka lagi show.. hahaha daaannn Cha pun sukses bobo … zzzzzzz… bosen katanya… pas selesai acara.. ternyata hujan… ngga besar tapi cukuplah bikin kita basah .. wew… akhirnya karena semua sudah cape dan udara pun semakin dingin dan semakin sore.. kita memutuskan untuk pulaang..
 Karena di rumah tidak masak kita mampir ke Cimory riverside.. wew penuuuh yaaa… ya iya laah kan hari Minggu keleess…. Setelah kenyang .. Mataharipun beranjak meninggalkan siang.. malampun dating menjelang…Waktunya kami menyudahi kebahagiaan hari ini… pulang untuk menemui para mahluk berbulu yang sudah menunggu di rumah…
 - End of a beautiful weekend holiday -
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