#(because he's the one that possessed Archeros and sparked the panic)
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Hyperventilating for Archeros
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CWs: Half demon whumpee, Demon caretaker, (post) Possession whump, Familial whump, Whumpee assuming the worst, Whumpee believing he killed his found family (He didn’t, they’re fine), Self blaming whumpee, Hyperventilating leading to panic attack, names and brief descriptions of gore but no detail (none actually happen, result of whumpee assuming the worst), Whumpee and caretaker have a father son relationship
Note: Canon, AYYYY ONE WITH COMFORT! I think this is also the longest one so far :3c Also the ‘father’/’dad’ Archeros is referring to is his bio dad, Azradel (Who is also a demon) and not Lixue!
Archeros’s head was foggy as he was coming to his surroundings. Water was running, he was standing up, he was holding something. 
He brought his free hand up to his face to rub his eyes. His hand was wet but he freezes upon feeling his birthmark. 
It was cold and hard, a sign that his father is or was just possessing him. 
He lowered his hand so he could see where he was at. He was in the kitchen, in front of the sink. He was holding a knife under running water. 
Looking down at himself, he was wearing completely different clothes than he remembered. 
The only times he’s been in the situation was after his father possessed him and killed someone. Which means…
“Oh god..” Archeros whispers as he drops the knife, letting it loudly clatter in the metal sink. “No, no, no,no-” He backs up from the sink until his back hits the wall. 
He slid down to the ground as his breathing was quickening, he knew this would happen, he tried to warn them! They wouldn’t listen to him! He knew it, he knew he was going to hurt them, even if he didn’t want to he knew his dad would make him!
He was just starting to let his guard down! He was just starting to finally allow himself to open up! 
He puts his head in his hands, running his fingers into his hair.
Was it quick? Probably not, his dad hates him and so he probably hates them too. He probably made them suffer. Their bodies were probably upstairs, waiting for him to see them.
He can’t breathe, he doesn’t deserve to, not after what he just did.
Lixue’s ear twitches as he hears a loud clatter. “Seth, can I call you back? I need to go make sure everything is okay downstairs.” he asks into his phone. “Thank you, I’ll call you later, I hope you feel better soon. Talk to you later.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket. 
He makes his way to the stairs, slowly walking down them “Archeros?” He calls out. 
No response, but he could hear running water, sobbing, and gasps for air. 
He sped down the stairs into the kitchen where the source of the sound was.
He could see the sink was on and directly across from it was Archeros on the floor in a fetal position. He moves to the sink to turn it off, knowing that the background noise would be a hindrance when trying to calm the half demon down. 
He then turns his full attention to Archeros. “Archie?” He says, trying to get his attention. 
Archeros could feel himself shaking, breath catching in his throat with each sob causing him to need to gasp to try to get more air. 
He didn’t hear his name being called or the water stopping. His mind was too busy racing through what possible brutal scene could be waiting for him upstairs. Were they strung up and bled like pigs? Disemboweled? Decapitated with their heads on the bed posters?
When he feels something touch his right shoulder, he lets out a scream as he scrambles to the left, trying to get away from whatever was touching him. 
That was until he recognized it was a familiar face. A good familiar face that looked concerned. 
“Li- Lixue?” He asks breathlessly.
“Yeah, it’s me, Archie” Lixue confirms “What happened?” His voice was gentle. 
Archeros pushed himself back up so he was sitting up “I, I came to at the sink. I was washing a knife. And-” he swallowed, struggling to get the words out “And his symbol felt like he had just- I saw I had different clothes so I thought- I-” A sob cuts him off. 
“Did you think you hurt us?” 
He nodded.
“Oh Archie… Is it okay if I hug you?” 
“Please..” He replied with a weak voice.
Lixue moved closer to gently pull Archeros into a hug. 
The two sat mostly in silence, with the exception being the half demon’s own sobs and hiccups. 
“I thought he.. He made me kill you guys.” He managed to finally get out. 
Lixue runs one of his hands into Archeros’s hair “I promise you, neither him or you hurt any of us. Myra and Abel are at work right now.” He says, trying to reason with Archeros’s worries. “I can call them if you want. So that way you can hear that they’re okay. How does that sound?” 
Another nod.
The demon shifted, keeping one arm around Archeros while using his other hand to reach into his pocket for his phone. He dials Myra first, putting it on speaker phone.
It rings a few times before she picks up “Lixue, is something wrong?” She asks, he rarely called her when she was out at work unless it was an emergency. 
“Myra, I’m with Archeros right now. We just wanted to check in to make sure you’re alright.” He replied.
That told her everything, she let out a sigh “Yea, I’m fine. Listen, I'm questioning the last guy for today, on the way home how about I pick up those mini tarts that he likes?” 
Lixue felt him nod, he could feel that he was no longer shaking so the phone call must really be calming him down. “That sounds wonderful, thank you sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome dear. I’ll be home in a couple of hours. See you two then.” 
“Got it, see you then.”
Archeros managed to mutter out an ‘okay’ before Lixue hung up to then call Abel. 
“Yellow!” They answered, sounding chipper as always. 
“Purple-blue.” Lixue answered, they had a color response depending on the situation going on. 
“Hey Eliene, could you cover the register for a moment? Yea? Awesome, thank you, I’ll only be a moment.” Abel’s voice said a bit more distant from the phone as they talked to their co-worker. 
“What’s up?” They then ask
“Calling to check in if you’re alright.” Lixue answered
“Oh yeah! I’m fine! Working my shift at Claire’s, working register and stock today! No troubles here!” They answer, adding detail knowing that it would help Archeros. “Any plans for dinner tonight?” 
“Not yet.” Lixue started but Archeros moved so he could try to speak into the phone.
“Myra’s bringing home tarts.” Archeros sounded exhausted. 
“Tarts? Nice! I know those are your favorite! They’d be a good treat! How about I make orange chicken and rice for dinner?” They ask
“That’d be nice.” Archeros answered. 
“Consider it done! I’ll get started on that when I get home! See you then!” Abel says
“See you then.” Archeros replied
“See you when you get home!” Lixue replies before the phone call ends. 
He tucks the phone back into his pocket before looking at the half demon. “See? We’re all okay. You didn’t hurt anyone.” He reassured. 
“Thank you, Lixue.” Archeros said, his limbs felt heavy and his lungs hurt. He felt so tired. 
“You’re welcome, Archeros. Do you want to come upstairs with me so you can rest? That way if you have a nightmare you’ll see I’m still there and I’m okay.” Lixue offered
“Yes please.”
Lixue wraps his arms around Archeros and helps him to stand up before helping the half demon upstairs to take him to one of the bedrooms for him to lay down.
General content: @emmettnet​ , @thebluejaysworld​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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