#abel writing tag
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
BTHB: Hyperventilating for Archeros
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CWs: Half demon whumpee, Demon caretaker, (post) Possession whump, Familial whump, Whumpee assuming the worst, Whumpee believing he killed his found family (He didn’t, they’re fine), Self blaming whumpee, Hyperventilating leading to panic attack, names and brief descriptions of gore but no detail (none actually happen, result of whumpee assuming the worst), Whumpee and caretaker have a father son relationship
Note: Canon, AYYYY ONE WITH COMFORT! I think this is also the longest one so far :3c Also the ‘father’/’dad’ Archeros is referring to is his bio dad, Azradel (Who is also a demon) and not Lixue!
Archeros’s head was foggy as he was coming to his surroundings. Water was running, he was standing up, he was holding something. 
He brought his free hand up to his face to rub his eyes. His hand was wet but he freezes upon feeling his birthmark. 
It was cold and hard, a sign that his father is or was just possessing him. 
He lowered his hand so he could see where he was at. He was in the kitchen, in front of the sink. He was holding a knife under running water. 
Looking down at himself, he was wearing completely different clothes than he remembered. 
The only times he’s been in the situation was after his father possessed him and killed someone. Which means…
“Oh god..” Archeros whispers as he drops the knife, letting it loudly clatter in the metal sink. “No, no, no,no-” He backs up from the sink until his back hits the wall. 
He slid down to the ground as his breathing was quickening, he knew this would happen, he tried to warn them! They wouldn’t listen to him! He knew it, he knew he was going to hurt them, even if he didn’t want to he knew his dad would make him!
He was just starting to let his guard down! He was just starting to finally allow himself to open up! 
He puts his head in his hands, running his fingers into his hair.
Was it quick? Probably not, his dad hates him and so he probably hates them too. He probably made them suffer. Their bodies were probably upstairs, waiting for him to see them.
He can’t breathe, he doesn’t deserve to, not after what he just did.
Lixue’s ear twitches as he hears a loud clatter. “Seth, can I call you back? I need to go make sure everything is okay downstairs.” he asks into his phone. “Thank you, I’ll call you later, I hope you feel better soon. Talk to you later.” He hangs up and shoves his phone into his pocket. 
He makes his way to the stairs, slowly walking down them “Archeros?” He calls out. 
No response, but he could hear running water, sobbing, and gasps for air. 
He sped down the stairs into the kitchen where the source of the sound was.
He could see the sink was on and directly across from it was Archeros on the floor in a fetal position. He moves to the sink to turn it off, knowing that the background noise would be a hindrance when trying to calm the half demon down. 
He then turns his full attention to Archeros. “Archie?” He says, trying to get his attention. 
Archeros could feel himself shaking, breath catching in his throat with each sob causing him to need to gasp to try to get more air. 
He didn’t hear his name being called or the water stopping. His mind was too busy racing through what possible brutal scene could be waiting for him upstairs. Were they strung up and bled like pigs? Disemboweled? Decapitated with their heads on the bed posters?
When he feels something touch his right shoulder, he lets out a scream as he scrambles to the left, trying to get away from whatever was touching him. 
That was until he recognized it was a familiar face. A good familiar face that looked concerned. 
“Li- Lixue?” He asks breathlessly.
“Yeah, it’s me, Archie” Lixue confirms “What happened?” His voice was gentle. 
Archeros pushed himself back up so he was sitting up “I, I came to at the sink. I was washing a knife. And-” he swallowed, struggling to get the words out “And his symbol felt like he had just- I saw I had different clothes so I thought- I-” A sob cuts him off. 
“Did you think you hurt us?” 
He nodded.
“Oh Archie… Is it okay if I hug you?” 
“Please..” He replied with a weak voice.
Lixue moved closer to gently pull Archeros into a hug. 
The two sat mostly in silence, with the exception being the half demon’s own sobs and hiccups. 
“I thought he.. He made me kill you guys.” He managed to finally get out. 
Lixue runs one of his hands into Archeros’s hair “I promise you, neither him or you hurt any of us. Myra and Abel are at work right now.” He says, trying to reason with Archeros’s worries. “I can call them if you want. So that way you can hear that they’re okay. How does that sound?” 
Another nod.
The demon shifted, keeping one arm around Archeros while using his other hand to reach into his pocket for his phone. He dials Myra first, putting it on speaker phone.
It rings a few times before she picks up “Lixue, is something wrong?” She asks, he rarely called her when she was out at work unless it was an emergency. 
“Myra, I’m with Archeros right now. We just wanted to check in to make sure you’re alright.” He replied.
That told her everything, she let out a sigh “Yea, I’m fine. Listen, I'm questioning the last guy for today, on the way home how about I pick up those mini tarts that he likes?” 
Lixue felt him nod, he could feel that he was no longer shaking so the phone call must really be calming him down. “That sounds wonderful, thank you sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome dear. I’ll be home in a couple of hours. See you two then.” 
“Got it, see you then.”
Archeros managed to mutter out an ‘okay’ before Lixue hung up to then call Abel. 
“Yellow!” They answered, sounding chipper as always. 
“Purple-blue.” Lixue answered, they had a color response depending on the situation going on. 
“Hey Eliene, could you cover the register for a moment? Yea? Awesome, thank you, I’ll only be a moment.” Abel’s voice said a bit more distant from the phone as they talked to their co-worker. 
“What’s up?” They then ask
“Calling to check in if you’re alright.” Lixue answered
“Oh yeah! I’m fine! Working my shift at Claire’s, working register and stock today! No troubles here!” They answer, adding detail knowing that it would help Archeros. “Any plans for dinner tonight?” 
“Not yet.” Lixue started but Archeros moved so he could try to speak into the phone.
“Myra’s bringing home tarts.” Archeros sounded exhausted. 
“Tarts? Nice! I know those are your favorite! They’d be a good treat! How about I make orange chicken and rice for dinner?” They ask
“That’d be nice.” Archeros answered. 
“Consider it done! I’ll get started on that when I get home! See you then!” Abel says
“See you then.” Archeros replied
“See you when you get home!” Lixue replies before the phone call ends. 
He tucks the phone back into his pocket before looking at the half demon. “See? We’re all okay. You didn’t hurt anyone.” He reassured. 
“Thank you, Lixue.” Archeros said, his limbs felt heavy and his lungs hurt. He felt so tired. 
“You’re welcome, Archeros. Do you want to come upstairs with me so you can rest? That way if you have a nightmare you’ll see I’m still there and I’m okay.” Lixue offered
“Yes please.”
Lixue wraps his arms around Archeros and helps him to stand up before helping the half demon upstairs to take him to one of the bedrooms for him to lay down.
General content: @emmettnet​ , @thebluejaysworld​
BTHB: @badthingshappenbingo​
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fandumb-thoughts · 3 months
“What did you do?” Adam asked.
Cain—his first born, the first ever born—looked at him with eyes wide and terrified. Adam’s eyes, Eve would say, the same brown of rich, rain-watered soil.
“I don’t know,” Cain said. “I don’t- Dad, I don’t know. Why won’t he wake up?”
Cain’s lip trembled, hands clasped tightly together, tears welling and falling in great fat drops. He was still so young, younger than Adam had ever been. His knees were knobbly and his wrists thin and he barely came up to Adam’s chin. Big enough to work, to till the fields and pull the weeds and harvest the crops, but small enough to curl tight in his mother’s arms when lightning cracked the sky.
On the ground was Abel, even younger yet. He tended the flocks and kept watch for anything that might want to harm them. He was good with them—gentler than Adam understood, though Eve told him to let him be. Even now several sheep creeped closer, braying nervously at the sharp scent of iron.
Abel was still shorter than Eve. He had a gap in the far back of his mouth where the last of his molars had popped out only a handful of days before. He had freckles that showed up in the summer sun, as if he had grown them there, all over his face and shoulders and arms.
“Dad, what do I do? What can I-?”
Abel’s eyes were open, looking to the sky that they so resembled, but they didn’t see anything. Somehow, Adam knew. Abel wouldn’t see anything ever again.
Adam hadn’t known that they could die. Humans, that was. Adam hadn’t known that Humans could die. How could he?
He’d suspected, of course. He bled when he was cut just like the animals he’d learned to butcher for their fat and meat and skin. He grew weak when they had little food to come by, they all had fallen ill a time or two, he’d watched as Eve lost what would have, otherwise, turned into a child. It wasn’t a shocking conclusion to reach, but he’d never known for certain. Not like he did now.
Adam fell to his knees, hands helplessly cradling Abel’s face. His son, his body, his baby-
There was so much blood, comign from the cracked-open place in Abel’s brown hair. It dyed his curls slick black, spilling down his neck. The soil was covered in it. This place would be stained for days—weeks, maybe even months—just as the place they slaughtered the livestock was marked as a place of death.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry.” Cain was sobbing, hiccuping over his words and gasping for breath.
Adam’s vision was blurring as his own tears came. Abel’s face felt rubbery and wrong underneath his hands. Lifeless.
This was wrong. This shouldn’t have happened. This should never happen. Abel was so young, had so much more to live. He would keep growing—maybe until he was taller than not only his mother but Adam too—and he would continue to tend the flocks like personally tending to the lambs that fell ill with sudden weakness and some day he would have his own children because that’s how it worked, how God had told them it worked and He never lied.
“D-Dad, say something, please. Daddy, say something!”
Cain was his son, too. The first Human ever born when Adam and Eve still struggled to provide even the most basic needs for themselves. He was a good boy—always so helpful, always so smart. He knew when food ran low, when the well pulled up dry, when the hearth burnt out, that it wasn’t easily fixed and so he didn’t complain and tried his hardest to make it better, somehow. He was a good son. 
So why had he done this?
“What happened?” Adam asked, still looking at those glassy blue eyes.
“I-” Cain stuttered, like he didn’t expect to be asked. “We went to bring out sacrifices to God. I brought what extra I had grown and Abel slaughtered a goat—the little one, with the limp. God accepted the goat but He…He said I was to do better.”
God was like that sometimes, Adam knew. He didn’t know why, maybe He just liked meat better than grains and fruit. 
Each time they had to butcher even a chicken Abel got—had gotten—upset. When they slaughtered the goats and sheep and cattle he always cried, but they needed to eat and God needed to be praised and worshiped.
“He- He always says that, but I give Him everything. I’ve always set aside the sweetest fruit, the finest wheat, the very best of the lot. I make sure to give Him everything Mom thinks we can spare—sometimes even more because I don’t want to disappoint Him.”
Cain sounded desperate. Like he needed Adam to understand.
“What happened?” Adam repeated. His voice thundered, and he saw Cain’s feet stumble back. Some part of Adam was distraught at having incited such a fearful reaction, but some other part nearly reveled in it.
“I was just so angry,” Cain said, sounding miserable and defeated and small. “It isn’t fair Abel is always getting praised when he’s choosing the weakest and worst of what he has. I didn’t…I wanted him to hurt but not this badly.”
“Wasn’t,” Adam said.
He was shaking, but not from cold or fear. Rage coursed through him like it never had before—not even when Lilith left him, or when he’d bitten into the Fruit and understand what they had just been tricked into doing, or when God had cast them from Eden.
“What?” Cain asked. He still sounded so small, like he was Seth’s age instead of nearly fifteen. Maybe even younger than that.
“It wasn’t fair. Abel was getting praised.”
“No! No, Dad, he isn’t- I didn’t-”
He understood what he’d done. He probably had since the very start, or close to it. He was never stupid.
“He is,” Adam said, and finally looked at Cain.
Cain looked lost. Frightened, in many ways, like every single thing he knew had been upended and scattered. Adam…couldn’t feel much of anything.
“He can’t be,” Cain said, a plea like a prayer. “I didn’t mean it.”
“He is. He’s dead. You killed him.”
“No,” Cain wept. “No!”
Adam was standing. His hands were covered in his son’s blood, his son who lay dead on the ground at his feet. Cain shrank away from him, like-
Like he was afraid Adam might kill him.
“Leave,” Adam said.
Cain sobbed. “No, Daddy, please- I didn’t know! I didn’t know!”
“Leave!” Adam shouted. “You killed him! Get away from here, get out!”
Cain tripped over his feet, scrapped a knee and both palms in the dirt. And then he ran.
Adam watched until he left the field they had tended together, that Adam had first sowed when Cain was first learning to wobble on chubby legs. He watched as he tore through the brush and sharp brushes, until he lost sight of his hair and brown tunic, until he couldn’t hear him in the forest. He stayed there, staring off into the space where he had gone, until a small lamb brayed near his feet.
The creature had crept closer to him and its fallen favorite master. It bleated at the boy crumpled to the earth, clean white wool coming nearer and nearer to being stained by the blood congealing in Abel’s clothes.
“Fuck,” Adam said. His boy—his boys. Cain and Abel, the first two and then only two for several grueling years. One always coming right after the other.
Hadn’t Eve seen this coming? Had a dream so terrible it woke her in the night with a start so strong it had woken Adam, too? She’d begged him to help them, their two eldest children, to prevent the animosity she knew was brewing.
Adam hadn’t believed her, not really. The boys adored each other, it was plain as day to see. Still, she had insisted and it wasn’t that bad of an idea to separate their area of work. Perhaps it would be best, in the long run, for Cain to know as much as he could about farming the earth and for Abel to know how best to tend to their animals. A downright practicality. Up until this moment, had Eve come to him again with her concerns, he didn't think he would have believed it. 
Even now, even after all this…he couldn’t actually believe that the two hated each other. Certainly not their sweet, gentle Abel and their thoughtful, dedicated Cain. Not when the roughest tumble they’d gotten into before had only resulted in bruises because they’d accidentally fallen from the river bank they’d been walking near. Not when Adam had watched Cain rise from the bed he and Abel shared with their youngest brother, delicately extracting himself from the tangle of limbs so as to not wake the others, only this morning. 
“Fuck!” Adam yelled, tears falling hot and fast.
It was frighteningly easy to gather Abel into his arms. To carry his limp little body back to the house—back to his bed, his mother, their hearth.
“Adam?” came Eve, as he entered their little yard. “What- no, no!”
She must’ve thought he was carrying something else, at least for a moment, but the instant she realized her scream was shrill enough to send the chickens flying to the trees.
“No, no, my baby, my baby,” she cried, running to Adam as if she could take the weight all unto herself. “No, please, this can’t- oh!”
From where Eve had come was Seth, only seven and still little enough to cling to his mother’s legs when uncertain. He looked very much like he would like to do just that, now, old enough to understand that he wouldn’t be able to. Not when Eve wept as she did, not when Adam’s face was wet, not when Abel was limp and Cain was nowhere to be found.
Eve crumpled to her knees, taking Adam down with her. Her arms crossed beneath his. Between them they cradled Abel, so small and so young and so very dead.
A/N: Full disclaimer I did in fact write this because I watched Hazbin Hotel. Yes, it did surprise me that such a stupid little show (that I have semi-complicated opinions about but did enjoy watching) inspired something like this. I don't think it's strongly related to Hazbin Hotel in any way, though it could be if I was actually interested in expanding it (and I'm not really). There is non-negligible impact from Supernatural and Good Omens in this as well.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Writing prompts! I'm sending them individually to make it easier to answer all or a few or none of them. They all turned out to be LU in Healthcare oops
When Hyrule is on a call and the patient is awake and alert enough to be scared, how does he help?
EMS calls had phases to them.
The first phase, of course, was getting dispatched, and responding to the scene. It was typical for emotions to run high immediately, for the adrenaline to spike, and everyone reacted differently. Hyrule usually ran scenarios through his head, easing his own anxiety by preparing himself based on the dispatch information. It wasn’t much, especially since dispatch could have faulty details, and he was more than happy to wing it… but it kept his mind preoccupied.
Mo’s usual response was to get aggravated. He would judge the dispatch information, would get irritated whenever a driver messed up and did something reckless. The man’s compassion was quiet and immense, but his stress came out in snappish quips directed at situations and nonexistent people.
The third phase began with their arrival. This was usually when they would figure out what they were actually dealing with.
A dispatch for chest pain meant Mo drove and Hyrule led. The secondary indicated a male in his 40s with severe chest pain and difficulty breathing. It couldn’t really get more cut and dry than that, Hyrule supposed. They had to drive to the central train station, which complicated matters. Hyrule had to agree as Mo grumbled about the situation - he hated crowded scenes.
As the pair walked inside with a stretcher loaded with supplies, they were directed to a secluded area, which surprised Hyrule. He was far more accustomed to people bunching up to stare, getting in his way and making his skin crawl. Instead, they were ferried into a small room, and Hyrule’s senses immediately went on alert at the sight of security guards.
He supposed one of the security members was the patient, then.
But no, because it was clear who the patient was, and his lack of security uniform was not the first thing Hyrule noticed. It was his grayish complexion, the sweat beading his forehead, the scrunched up expression of focus and agony fighting for control. It was the way the man was carefully rocking back and forth between leaning back and clutching his chest and leaning forward to open his airway because he couldn’t breathe. It was how silent he was, eyes piercing through the table in front of him as he fought with all his might with how he was feeling.
This man was sick.
Mo sensed it too, and immediately started to guide the stretcher in time with Hyrule as they reached the patient. Mo prepped the monitor to get the man’s vital signs and do an EKG to look at his heart while Hyrule assessed him and spoke to him.
“Hello, sir,” he greeted, eyes looking the man over. “What’s going on?”
“These gentlemen are being too dramatic,” the man wheezed, sharp eyes burning into the security guards. “I’m fine.”
The statement was so ludicrous even Mo stopped what he was doing to throw the patient a look.
“You sure don’t look fine,” Hyrule noted.
“That’s what we said,” one of the guards piped up. “His friend called us over because he nearly collapsed.”
Hyrule glanced around. “Where’s your friend?”
“I told him to get on the damn train,” the patient grumbled. “Which is where I should be.”
“Let’s make sure you’re okay first,” Hyrule advised him. “It won’t do you any good to board that train if you die before you reach your destination.”
Given the man’s attitude, Hyrule expected some kind of scoff or angry response, but instead, the man bit his lip, showing fear. A pang of sympathy went through the paramedic, and he put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Let’s just see what’s going on, okay?”
The man watched him a moment, saying nothing, eyes searching for something, and then he squeezed them shut, chin tilting down as he nodded.
“When did this start?”
The patient hesitated before answering. “It’s been going on for an hour or two. Just got much worse when were climbing the stairs.”
Alarm bells continued to ring in Hyrule’s mind as he listened. Time is heart tissue repeated over and over. He felt his own heart beat faster as the monitor collected information.
HR 118. BP 92/44 with a MAP of 60. RR 28, SpO2 89%, and the EKG…
ST elevation. Leads II and III, with reciprocal depression in V4. Shit.
This man was having a heart attack. He’d been having one, and he was going into shock.
“Sir, it looks like you’re having a heart attack,” Hyrule informed him as he and Mo moved into action, getting him oxygen through a nasal cannula that could also read capnogrpahy, moving bags off the stretcher so they could quickly get him on it. “Have you had one before? What kind of medical history do you have?”
The patient watched him a moment, growing paler, and then he squeezed his eyes closed yet again, trying to calm himself. “I smoke. Nothing else. Doc mentioned high blood pressure during the last exam, but he said cut the cigarettes and the stress. Didn’t need meds yet. I don’t take anything.”
“Any medical allergies?”
“Have you taken anything for this pain?”
“Aspirin,” the man answered with a huff. “I started carrying it just in case.”
“Good thing,” Hyrule commented, patting him on the shoulder lightly. “We’re going to take good care of you, okay?”
Mo had the stretcher ready and in front of them, with the monitor behind the back of the cot. Hyrule shoulder the go bag and oxygen tank while assisting the patient to stand, pivot, and sit. The less strain on his struggling heart, the better.
Security helped clear a path for them as they moved quickly. Hyrule already had his phone in hand, telling the ER to call a STEMI alert. Once they were inside the ambulance, Mo helped Hyrule secure everything and then quickly went up front to drive them out of there. Hyrule grabbed defibrillator pads, placing them on the man’s chest.
“Are those necessary?” The man asked, far more out of fear and dread than anything else.
Hyrule tried to find a balance, tried to reassure the poor man as he moved. “They’re just a precaution. Right now I don’t see a big indication for them, but I like to be ready.”
As he moved on to start an IV, he worked on trying to distract the man. His oxygen saturation had improved with the oxygen, but his blood pressure was still low. Too low for nitroglycerin, which was contraindicated in an inferior MI anyway. Hyrule didn’t have many treatment options, and he hated that. He’d tentatively give fluids. The MAP was still survivable, but barely.
“You from Castle Town?” He asked with a small smile as he put the tourniquet on the man’s arm.
“No. Well. I was.” The man answered, watching him work before swearing under his breath and staring at the ceiling. “I’m supposed to be going home. This was my break from work.”
Hyrule struggled a bit to comment on that. He tried, “Well, once the hospital patches you up, you’ll be able to go home in better condition than you would’ve.”
“You mean alive,” the man remarked bitterly, huffing, “God certainly does like to fucking test me. But if he doesn’t kill me, my wife and daughter will.”
Hyrule was about to ask about them, but the patient picked up on his attempt and waved him off. “Please, just do what you need to do.”
Hyrule obliged him, thankful for the silence to focus. He got the 18G IV in the man’s forearm—for being a smoker he had very good veins and toned arms. He at least kept in shape in that regard.
As Hyrule ran out of things to do aside from observe, he grabbed his computer to collect information. He got the man’s name and date of birth, home address, basic medical information. He called the hospital and updated them.
Mo got them to the ED in record time. The pair quickly unloaded the stretcher and went inside, where charge told them to go to one of the major rooms. A group of three or four people was waiting for them, including Warriors and Legend and Twilight and an emergency physician, as well as a cardiologist. Hyrule gave his report quickly as they moved the patient and wished the man luck.
As he exited, he sighed, feeling the tension drain out of his body. They got him there alive. That was a victory. He hoped the hospital could help him.
“Hey Rulie!”
Hyrule turned and smiled as he saw Wild. “Hey! I thought you weren’t released to go back to work until next week?”
“Eh, I passed the last exam with flying colors,” Wild shrugged with a satisfied smirk. “I heal pretty well, you know.”
The crash flashed in his mind again. The blood. Wild’s broken body. Hyrule’s smile grew a little strained. “Please don’t strain yourself.”
“I won’t,” his friend replied sincerely. “I promise.”
Movement caught his eye, and Hyrule looked beyond to see Warriors and Twilight pushing the stretcher with his patient into the hall, likely heading for the cath lab. He was honestly surprised he himself hadn’t been directed to take the patient there directly.
Wild turned as well to look. “You brought him in?”
“Yeah,” Hyrule answered quietly as the man caught sight of him, pained, tired eyes scanning him before stopping at his companion.
The man jolted up, nearly ripping out an IV in the process. Hyrule jumped, startled, and watched Twilight fight the man to lie back down. He stepped forward, eager to help and soothe the man, who had mostly been reasonable for him. Wild stayed frozen in place.
“Abel, it’s okay,” Hyrule assured him. “They’re gonna help you.”
“L—Link—” the man said, arm reaching beyond Hyrule.
How did he know his…?
He wasn’t talking to Hyrule, was he?
Hyrule turned hesitantly, and saw that Wild was nearly paler than the patient. His eyes were glazed over in that familiar look, that look that the medic knew now to recognize.
Hyrule quickly went to his friend while Warriors and Twilight both held down the patient, who was hurried out of the ED while breathlessly saying all their names over and over and over, his voice growing steadily weaker.
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Yayyy...I did my able/abel design for my tadc au....
It doesn't look fully like how I wanted ;)...*cries*
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Also he has eyeshadow so haha caine
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I wanted to make him a bit original,So you know that one abel/abel design by sm-baby (I think)? But instead of multiple cards it's one black heart card with his yellow/amber eye next to it :3
And also decided to give him an ōpàn I think its called ? And have his other eye on one of them and make it green :D,and of course the classic suit that all tadc fans decided that able has,✨ The Blue shirt ✨
And here's his little sidekick/assistant creato !!!
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It uses any Prounouns but mainly IT/THEY !
They a tiny sea creature thingy,and they're mute !!!!
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Unlike bubble who is a (loveable) menace,Creato is innocent !! (Kinda) ,just wake the lil baby up from a nap and they'll hold grudges against you
Pretty much a top reason on why able is so Fatherly towards it and so damn protective (jax,don't you dare even try and prank creato..you don't wanna be on able's bad side trust me...)
Also I finally redesigned Caine and I actually like the design
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sunshiline-writes · 8 months
A Rose Amidst Thorns #7: Anger Arrives
Oh boy, this chapter is ROUGH. PLEASE HEED WARNINGS THAT I POST BC THIS IS A WILD ONE. -- Miguel finishes his punishment and Solomon stands up to Xavier after seeing what has been made of his ward. CW: Whumper POV, deaf whumpee, defiant whumpee, ableist language, suggestive comments and actions but nothing super sexual actually happens, broken bones, nailed to the wall, removing nails from hands, Xavier being a CREEP, sadistic whumper, intimate whumper, threats, fingerfucking a hand hole (I am so sorry), whumpee is referred to as a kid but is an adult, dissassociation, blink and you miss it mention of disordered eating, Xavier doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself, uhhhh I think that's it.. but like... let me know if I missed anything -- Previous | Masterlist | Next
Xavier was not one to stay angry for very long. He released his anger once and it was done. This time however, he’d been holding onto the anger for a long time. Three years against Miguel, against Henrietta. It festered and bubbled and destroyed him. Now he would destroy them from the bottom of their souls, break them up, and then put them back together again. Xavier loved putting people back together. Molding them, shaping them. Humans were so malleable once they were broken down to their core functions. 
Lately it seemed though, that Miguel was constantly needing to be broken down, shapened, and broken down again. Miguel was someone who took a little more finesse than what he was used to. Perhaps it was because he started young. Or perhaps it was because Miguel was just that stubborn. Whatever the case, it made Xavier’s blood boil. 
When he made his way back into the barn, the anger was still there. Xavier walked directly up to the boy and sighed, taking in the sight. Blood ran down his arms, dripping from his elbows. His white undershirt was soaked in blood and covered in dirt. Every muscle in his body was wound tightly. He was still on the tips of his toes, trying not to hang from the nails in his hands, his calves shaking. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face. It was his hands though, they looked the worst. His right one, the one he had broken, was swollen, purple and misshapen. It was so swollen he almost couldn’t see where the nail had been embedded in the middle of his hand. Xavier smiled to himself, admitting that he admired his handiwork. Miguel’s head rested on the harsh wood, the bridle still in his mouth, teeth clenched down on it. A good distraction, Xavier assumed, from the pain of everywhere else. 
Slowly, he ran a hand over the bit, halfway in his mouth, pressing a finger against his tongue, this caused Miguel to open his eyes, breathing hitching. His eyes were cloudy with pain. Xavier pressed down harder on Miguel's tongue, just to see him squirm before retreating his hand. Miguel dipped his head low, staring at his boots.  
Xavier watched him. An old memory of when he first met the boy flashed in his mind. Scared and hiding behind his father, having to be dragged away kicking and screaming from his family. It didn’t matter. Fighting never got him anywhere. Another memory of the boy holding the gun, pointed straight at him. Xavier wasn’t afraid then, but the anger flashed hot in his stomach now. The kid had always been a pain. 
Reaching out, Xavier wrapped a hand around Miguel's throat, forcing Miguel's head up, grinning from ear to ear. The boy looked up at him. He was met not with pain or even a blank expression like Xavier had originally suspected. Instead he was met with an icy glare. A smile tugged at the corner of Xavier’s lips. 
“Do you hate me Miguel?” he asked, enunciating, speaking slowly so he could read. 
Miguel’s glare faded and he gritted his teeth on the metal bit in his mouth, the sound vibrating through the boy's throat and Xavier laughed. Pressing his head against Miguels forehead. The boy winced as he pressed his head farther into the wall behind him trying to get away. But he couldn’t get away. There was nowhere to go. His family was gone and no one wanted a defective person working for them. Xavier didn’t want him at first. But after the first time that the boy pointed a gun at him, Xavier knew that breaking him would be a fight well earned. It had been fun and interesting to see what broke the boy down, slowly, bit by bit. Sometimes it was successful, other times less so. 
This was one of those times that it was a strange mix of the two. Xavier gave Miguels throat a little squeeze. “I asked a question..” he said, stepping back slightly. 
Miguel nodded his head slightly, movement restricted by the bridle. 
“Oh Miguel.. You don’t have to lie. I saw the way you looked at me. You don’t hate me, you fear me.” Miguel’s eyes were wide, tears starting to stream down his face. “I like you like this. Afraid, in pain, you’re so much less of a problem like this,” a choked sob came from the boy beneath him. Miguel shook his head and closed his eyes. Xavier could hear the way Miguel’s teeth grinded against the metal in his mouth. His grin widened. It was like hearing a real horse chew on the bit. The thought amused him. 
Xavier squeezed again, a choking sound came from the boy but he still didn’t open his eyes. Stubborn mule. His hand retreated from his throat and instead went to his back pocket where the bandana hung loosely. He took it out. It was annoying how much he fought him. Fought what was about to happen, as if he could stop it. Well, if he wasn’t going to open his eyes to listen to him, he didn’t need them right now anyway. Xavier had thought about it before, permanently blinding Miguel, but always decided against it. There was no use in keeping around a blind and deaf person, not unless they wanted what was an equivalent to a corpse stumbling around. The blindfold usually did the job anyway. 
Instead his palm connected with Miguel’s face, the slap loud but not nearly enough to make a lasting mark. However, it was enough for Miguel to open his eyes with a groan as he slipped and hung by the nails in his hands for a second. Another whimper escaped him and Xavier grinned. 
“If you won’t look at me, if you won’t listen, I think you deserve the blindfold,” he stated simply. Dangling the blindfold in front of Miguels face, who was now breathing more heavily than before and shaking harder. He could almost see how he normally responded, the index and middle finger pressing onto the thumb. The simple ‘no’ sign. It was the first sign he ever learned. The first word he saw Miguel speak to his parents. “Shhhh,” he cooed, starting to wrap the black bandana around his eyes, tighter than he assumed was comfortable, and tied it around the back of his head, the knot tangling in his hair. It wasn’t about his comfort anyway, he ignored the way his stomach dropped at the way Miguel whimpered and shifted his stance slightly. Scared and unable to  guage his surroundings. It was his favorite punishment for Miguel at times. It happened less often now. But he always loved the way his body tensed and he strained to understand what was happening to him. The stress of not knowing what was happening, it was exhausting to Miguel. Made his light go out faster. It was why it was a favorite of Xaviers. It was also the fact that Miguel just looked so good blindfolded and shaking like this. He trailed his fingers up Miguels Adams apple, pressing into the soft flesh under his jaw. Xavier dragged his fingers up to the side of his jaw and traced the outline of it. Cupping the boy's cheek, he kissed his forehead again. Sighing softly. “I’ll take you down now. Just a few more things..” he whispered, he knew that the boy could not hear him, couldn’t even tell that he was talking, but sometimes talking outloud helped with the thought process. Xavier left for a moment to grab the hammer. He thought for a moment about hitting his broken hand again with it, but at the look of it, it did not need to be more broken. It would be hard enough dealing with it the way it was. 
It was hard to find where the nail had gone in, the hand was so swollen. But he found the area quickly and with an amount of gentleness that surprised himself, he used the claw of the hammer to pry the nail out. Miguel screamed as the nail left his hand and it was left dangling by the cuff Xavier had put on earlier. The boy groaned and shuddered lightly as he used the claw to pull the nail from his other hand. Then he let the boy hang from the cuffs. 
Miguel was sobbing, barely holding himself up, head bowed. Xavier stared at him, just watching for a moment. How sad it was, that the boy had been reduced to this sobbing, whimpering thing. When he had first arrived at the ranch, he was all fire and all bite. Now he was a good little dog, hanging by broken hands. He took the boy down from the nails on the wall, positioning him on the floor. 
“Good, good, you’re so good for me Miguel,” he cooed gently, running a hand in his hair as the man beneath him withered on the ground. He took a deep breath and pressed his forehead against Miguels, kissing the tip of his nose. Pulling back, smiling at the thing below him. That is, until he was hit with a sudden wetness on his cheek. Did he just.. spit on him? 
“What the fuck?” He wiped the wetness off his cheek, looking down at the smiling expression on Miguel. “You never learn do you? Never. Fucking. Learn.” Every word was punctuated by Xavier forcing his hands above his head, straddling him, and then panting. “I give you clothes, shelter, a job. I make you fucking useful, and you still never learn. You’ll never learn. I should really just kill you. It would be a load off my mind. But..” one of his hands that held onto Miguels wrists, let it go, his other hand still held firm. With his free hand, he pressed a finger into the hole in the hand that wasn’t broken. The one that he could still hurt. “Does this hurt Miguel?” Miguel opened his mouth and the bit was pressed further into his mouth, making him choke. Xavier pressed his finger deeper in and finally, he heard what he wanted to hear as Miguel screamed again, choking on air. Coughing and sputtering on his own spit. Xavier pressed harder into the wound, slick with blood, now he was so deep into his hand that he couldn’t see his first knuckle. Still he pressed harder and further, until he could feel the dirt on the other side of his hand and he stopped when his second knuckle disappeared into the wound. He marveled that Miguel was even still awake. But he was kicking and screaming under him. Miguels knee slammed into Xavier’s back slightly and that only made Xavier angrier. His finger curled into the wound and he pulled slightly, feeling bone and tendons shift. There was a certain giddiness that he felt over it. Miguels hand clenched and he turned his face, screaming again. 
The boy would not stop screaming. That didn’t bother Xavier, not really, it was what he wanted. There was a point after Xavier pulled his finger back and then pushed back in that Miguel stopped screaming. Instead opting to groan and sob quietly. Yes.. yes he was getting it now. The silence that Xavier often asked for. He was so close to being good again for him. He pulled his finger out so only the tip of it rested against the wound, then plunged it back in, curling it again. 
“This is different from what I usually do. I think the difference is welcome though,” he said with a laugh. Then he continued to finger the wound, still not satisfied as the boy eventually stopped groaning and the only sound that came from him were quiet whimpers. Too weak to even try to fight back. Even Xavier was panting by the time he even thought about retracting his finger. He curled and pulled at the wound, widening the hole slightly, one last time before he looked up. 
“What are you.. doing?” Solomon asked, voice tense, expression hard. 
“Having a little fun,” Xavier responded cooly, despite the cold shiver that went down his spine. The anger that radiated off Solomon could be felt throughout the barn. It was thick in the air. 
“You’re done now,” Solomon said, it was not a request. He was telling him that he was done.
“I am now?” 
“Yes, you are. Uncuff him, take that bridle off and get your damn finger out of his wound. You’re going to cause an infection.” 
Xavier sat there for a moment longer before licking his lips. He did follow the orders from Solomon though, retracting the finger and uncuffing the boy. Then he removed the blindfold and the horse bit. The boy was panting under him, eyes closed still and face stained with tears. Xavier gently stroked his face, tapping his eyelid gently. 
When Miguel opened his eyes, his expression was different. Good that was exactly what he wanted. His eyes were full of pain and of fear. “Good. You did good,” and when Xavier kissed his forehead one more time, Miguel did not flinch. Then he stood up, using the bandana that was damp with tears to wipe the blood from his hands. “All yours Solomon,” he said to the man with a smirk. 
*** Solomon was not an angry man. Not usually. But at the moment, it wouldn’t take much for him to snap Xavier’s neck in two. Especially after that smirk. It was the smirk that made him see red. He clenched his fists, clenched his teeth and waited for Xavier to pass him and leave the barn before he rushed to Miguel.
Gently he picked up the boys torso and held the limp body close. “You’re okay Miguel. You’re okay. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” he whispered softly, taking the boy's hands, covered in blood and grime. He looked them over. Purple, red, swollen. It was awful. He’d seen worse, but his right hand was something that he could never repair wholly. There was a chance that Miguel would lose all feeling in that hand alone. His left hand had a hole through it that would have  “Oh god,” he whispered. Solomon shook his head and gently looked at the boy's face, he seemed to be staring far away. Not even registering Solomon's appearance, or the fact that Xavier had left.
“Miguel, look at me. You have to look at me,” he said to him, gently cupping his cheek and moving his face so that he looked at him. If Solomon didn’t know better, he would have guessed that the boy was dead. But he was still breathing. He blinked at him slowly and tears came to his eyes again. “There you are. You’re safe. You’re safe..” 
Then Miguel was sobbing, curling into Solomon's chest, hands unmoving. He buried his face into Solomon's shirt, in the space between his shoulder and chest. “Shhh.. Shhh,” he begged quietly, one hand holding Miguel's head for support. Miguel pulled his face away, eyes glazed with pain. Hands twitching. “No no… don’t try to move them. I have to carry you now okay?” Solomon told him, the hand on the back of his head slid to his back, and his other arm cradling Miguel's knees. Then he lifted, staggering to his feet. 
Miguel was surprisingly light and Solomon made a mental note that after he gave the morphine, he’d make Miguel eat something. Miguel cried out when his hands shifted onto his stomach, curling tighter. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.” As he walked to the house, Solomon thought of Henrietta. He wanted to blame her. It would be so easy too. But blame never did anyone any good. The only blame that was deserved was Xaviers. He was the one that hurt them, he was the one that threatened them all into compliance, hurt them when they didn’t abide. It was all his fault. Every single piece of this was his fault. Solomon glanced down at Miguel who’s eyes were closed, his body was trembling. 
Miguel was going to need a splint, antibiotics, pain control.. There was so much that Miguel needed right now. Solomon couldn’t possibly do everything all at once. Or maybe he could. If he could get the morphine at just the right dose to let him fall asleep… Yes that was what he would start with. The morphine. 
Solomon walked up the steps of the house, walking through the open door. Then he immediately took Miguel to his room. Solomon’s room was small, only a bed, dresser and bed stand was in it. He never saw a reason to add anything else. He laid Miguel into the bed, letting Miguel curl in on himself for the moment. While Miguel made himself comfortable, Solomon grabbed his medical bag under the bed. Shuffling through it for a moment, he grabbed the morphine bottle and the needle he needed. He filled it to what he thought was sufficient enough, and he didn’t tell Miguel when he injected the needle into his shoulder. He just did so, stroking his hair until Miguel's breathing evened out and he stopped trembling. 
“Will he be okay?” came the voice from the doorway as Solomon manuevered Miguel to lay on his back as gently as possible.
“Leave,” Solomon said, gently taking Miguel’s hands in his. “Now.” 
“You’re in a mood right now so I'll let that go..” Xavier said, leaning against the doorway. “It was a simple question.” “No. He is not okay. You took his hands,” Solomon said, trying to keep the anger out of his voice. From Xavier’s smirk, he wasn’t doing a very good job at that. 
“So, he can’t..” Solomon almost said communicate but that wouldn’t prove anything to Xavier. In fact, Xavier would probably laugh at that. Solomon could hear the snarky comment about how Miguel didn’t talk anyway. He didn’t need to communicate to work. All things he’d said before. So instead he tried a different route, “he can’t work. You destroyed his hands and he can’t work for the foreseeable future. He can’t grab the saddles or the leads for the horses. Let alone carry things with these hands for months at the very least.” As he spoke, Solomon cleaned out the wounds, disinfecting them with care so he didn’t cause so much pain as to wake the sleeping figure on the bed. “You put him out of commission as your saddle boy,” Solomon finished. Glancing up at Xavier. Xavier seemed to be contemplating his words for a moment, expression pensive, before it warped into a grin. “He has other uses.” 
“No,” came the automatic reply. 
Xavier let out a snort. “Get your mind out of the mud Solomon. I was going to suggest simple house work.” 
“You’re disgusting,” Solomon said, returning his attention to Miguel’s hand as he set up the splint. Every touch of the boy's right hand made Miguel whimper and groan in his sleep. Pain shot through Solomon's chest and he shoved it down. He could deal with that later. He could try and understand this later. For now he had to focus on the here and now. Like right now, there was a new tension in the room. Xavier pushed himself from leaning against the doorframe. “Watch your words Solomon. I never had to hurt you before, don’t give me a reason to do so now. I know plenty of ways to hurt you without rendering you unable to do your job.” 
Solomon finished the splint, gently placing Miguel’s hand down on the bed. Then he stood from his chair and stood up looking Xavier in the eye. “Here is what is going to happen. I don’t want you or Jesse touching him until I say. He needs to heal and if you or Jesse slow down that progress I will do unspeakable things. I am a doctor but I will not hesitate to use my knowledge to cause pain, instead of relieving it,” he watched Xaviers blank expression shift slightly, “do you understand me Xavier?” 
The silence felt like it was eating him inside, but he did not falter before Xavier smiled again. “Ah, so you didn’t lose that backbone I admired so much back in the day.” 
“Do you understand me Xavier?” 
Xavier waved his hand in a dismissive fashion and glanced back at Miguel on the bed. “Yeah yeah. I understand you. No touching until he’s all healed up right?” 
“Understood doctor.” Xavier said with a chuckle, “he’ll have to make up for all the work he missed later. But it’ll never get this bad again. He took the punishment well and I’m sure you and Etta will make up for it too, yes?”
Solomon thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes. We can do that.”
“Good, good. Very good Solomon. I’ll let you continue your work then,” Xavier grabbed one of Solomon's braids and gave it a playful tug. It made Solomon's skin crawl. Like he had just touched a part of his soul. Which he technically did, but.. Solomon tried hard not to think about it. Xavier grinned, letting go of his hair, turning around and leaving. 
Solomon collapsed into the chair next to the bed. 
“I’m so sorry Miguel. I’ll get you out of here soon. I promise,” he said to the sleeping figure, rubbing a thumb along Miguel's forearm. 
This time, this time he meant it. 
This would be a promise that he was going to keep. Even if it killed him. Even if he had to sacrifice everything. Miguel and Henrietta deserved better than this. They deserved freedom. Solomon was going to do everything in his power to get them there. He just had to be patient and not let the anger in. 
But the anger was already here. No, he just had to control it now. 
He could do that. 
Solomon had to do that. 
For them. __
@demondamage @burntcoffeewhump @for-the-love-of-angst @just-a-silly-little-whumper @tictac-murder-spaghettii @crash-bump-bring-the-whump @whumpifi
@flowersarefreetherapy @badgerwhump
ask if you'd like to be added or removed!!
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bluberimufim · 3 months
I just discovered that there's a biblical figure named Seth who has absolutely nothing to do with the Seth that I named my protagonist, Seth, after
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asksolarandlunar · 7 months
Guessing you really like snakes huh? Like the stigma around them cause it's just like you? Poisonous and biting for no reason
Snakes are my favorite animal yes. I don't care much for the stigma around them. Most snakes only bite when threatened, very few are poisonous, and only about 10-15% are venomous.
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pulpitude · 1 month
I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE. since when have i been complaining about not having enough motivation or inspiration i feel like it's been so long since all my posts were about that. so be prepared because once i start i won't stop (at least not until i get writer's block again but here's to hoping i won't)
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sandificatedman · 2 years
You know what time it is :
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hes so. he's. he's a little goofy but also so charming. He has a cane sword. He is a sentient meadow. He reads philosophy books. He lives in the attic with all the other gays in the village. If he didn't see The Corinthian I genuinely don't know if he would have figured out what the Deal (tm) was with the cereal convention. He wears a pince-nez. He would fight muggers in an alley for a complete stranger. he is the perfect man.
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HE!! IS!! SO!! TALL! Kyo Ra is 5'6, Stephen Fry is 6'5!!
I,,, am 5'5. my brain has collapsed in on itself. Hello Mr. Gilbert you are so husband. What do I have to do to give you a kisskiss.
(also. this has nothing to do with nothing but they're so sweet. sometimes best friends are an orphaned Dream Vortex and a sentient Meadow. Friendship goals.)
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if you don't think he's handsome. Idk get well soon I guess MSNDMSND
BUT AAA <3333 he's so enthusiastic about the smallest things. Look at him. Look at that smile!!! I love the constant twinkle in his eyes. There's so much delight packed inside this single man.
He gives the vibes of smb you'd meet randomly at the worst point of your life in a cafe or park, vent to, and receive the most philosophical, vague advice in return. It somehow solves all your problems, and you never see him again MNSDMSNDMN
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No other thoughts here this is just a very amusing screenshot.
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HIS POSTURE!! HE LEANS A LITTLE!!!! I don't know why I find this so sweet but. like. He knows how tall he is and leans in a little so he doesn't look as tall. So he's more on other peoples level. Gilbert you are perfect.
Also, ring? ring? He's wearing a ring on his wedding finger? I know it's alluded to that the form he's taken is just a copy of smb else who existed at some point, so it could be from that.
BUT ALSO,, the prospect that Gilbert at one point married someone during his time on earth? Presumably smb who has died since there's no mention of it? idk fanfic writers go wild
(or,, that was just a Whoopsie from Stephen Fry forgetting to take his wedding band off before filming MSNDMSN which,, is the most likely. but shoosh let me dream.)
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AND LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IS!!!! The way they adapted his transformation is so gorgeous. I've rewatched the gifs a billion times, and they still make me all soft and gooey inside.
I want to. have a nap here. just a nice little honk shoo honk shoo honk shoo in his embrace. A little stroll. Talk to him even tho he can't respond and ramble about the books I'm reading.
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TLDR. Gilbert. A single hug from him would cure all my illnesses.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 2 years
Anyway villain arc for my Five in s10
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treflev · 2 years
Might the sequel be about (among others) the other people that disappeared?
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Do you remember the asks I sent a while ago about how another hero would have risen faster if Zelda had let link die in the calamity and the new hero’s « imaginary friend » was the spirit of botw link acting as the companion for the new hero? And how it would make botw link’s family feel? Do you think you could write something with that?
(@wildsage00 @luckybyrdrobyn @artisticgamer)
There was chatter of a strange swordsman amongst the gossipers in Hateno.
Abel was wary of it. He didn't like when there was "exciting" news in Hateno. He preferred it when the village was quiet. It had been quiet for so long, any change in the status quo immediately put him on edge.
He could only handle so much these days. Hylia knew Lyra was enough of a handful.
It had been fifteen years since the Calamity. Fifteen years since he'd lost nearly everything, fifteen years since he'd failed in his duty as a knight, as a husband, and as a parent, fifteen years since he'd buried his soldiers, civilians, his father-in-law, his wife, and his son all within the span of a few weeks.
He still had never spoken of it since then.
In a way, it was foolish of him not to bring it up. Clearly Lyra was just as affected as him, and she had far more of her mother's temperament than his own. He handled the matter silently while she fell apart. He held her while she cried herself to sleep night after night, shivering from nightmares, begging him to make it better and find a way to bring her family back.
She'd stopped crying, after a while. He'd hoped it meant she was improving, but he knew better. His daughter's one saving grace was that both her parents were stubborn, and she had inherited that. It had been interesting, watching which child took after which parent and how they blended them together. Link had always been sensitive, and he had grown quiet under pressure, putting duty above all else like his father. Lyra had always been louder like her mother, understanding the importance of duty but always questioning it; despite this, she held much of her father in her, growing resistant, angry, driven, outright frightening in the face of pressure. She would rise to the challenge and destroy any obstacle in her way out of pure spite if she had to.
As the years had gone by, Lyra's stubbornness and anger came to a head in her adolescence, that horrid time when a desire to grow, naiveté to the world, and self centered viewpoint all mixed into a stubborn and emotional teenager who wouldn't listen.
Those years had been difficult. Abel and Lyra had fought many times, and he'd had to leave the village in search of her more often than he cared to recall. She'd been insistent on learning how to fight, on reclaiming Hyrule as if she could do so by herself, on picking up her brother's sword and killing Ganon singlehandedly.
Those years had... strained their relationship. But they were trying to rebuild. Abel had compromised, teaching her a little of how to fight. She patrolled the forest just outside of Hateno and fought off monsters. Every time she returned with excited tales of her victories his smile grew a little more. It was a fair arrangement, and it kept things quiet and peaceful.
Until the talk of a swordsman started.
Visitors to Hateno Village were a rarity. No one dared venture out of whatever safe haven they had found the first few years after the Calamity. Refugees trickled into town the first few years and Hateno could barely support them. It wasn't until close to a decade later that anyone dared explore once more, and that was when word spread of the dangers of travelers. Strangers were watched warily these days.
Abel washed some dirt off his hands by the pond as he listened to some women gossiping. He heard feet shuffling and glanced to see Uma, one of the village teenagers, approaching him.
"Sir Abel, Mom says there's a swordsman in town," she noted.
Abel hummed noncommittally in acknowledgement.
"Have you seen him?" Uma continued gently.
Abel sighed. Uma was one of the chattier kids in the village, and she found events outside of Hateno fascinating. Naturally, she gravitated towards those who had any sort of experience with the rest of the world, so Abel had been victim to her interrogations in the past. An exciting visitor was definitely likely to pique her interest. "No. And you'd best be careful about him."
Uma gave a small pout, nodding a little in acknowledgement before asking, "Do you know where Lyra is?"
As a matter of fact, Abel did not know. Given the current excitement buzzing through town, he probably should look for her. "No."
"Oh. Ok. Can I get you anything before I go, Sir Abel?"
Abel paused from drying his hands on his tunic. The question was spoken innocently from the lips of a child who didn't know any better, but its origin was something he didn't care to think about.
Hateno Village was not a large place. Everyone knew everyone. They had all known Abel and his family, they had all seen Link walk through town to get home with a legendary blade on his back. Though many didn't know the happenings of Hyrule, word spread of the Hero of Hyrule, the Princess' Champion, and his role in destiny. Just before the Calamity it had gotten bad enough that Link no longer spoke in to anyone in the village and barely uttered a word in the safety of his family's home. When everything had fallen apart...
Well. Abel didn't care for the way people looked at him. Most did so with pity. Some with curiosity, eager to hear what had actually happened. The mayor had been kind enough to prevent any sort of interrogation. Over the years the concern and nosiness had transferred to their children. Uma was a kind soul from a kind family, and had clearly been told that Abel was in need of help, and so she always offered when she could.
He hated it.
"No," he answered quietly, and the teenager traipsed off, likely in search of Lyra, unbothered by his short responses.
Sighing, the world weary man turned and nearly ran into yet another teenager, though he immediately realized this one was not from the village. Based on the boy's dark complexion and black hair, he looked like he could be from Lurelin Village, one of the few remaining hamlets in the entire country. He was built strong; though short in stature, his muscles were apparent, sculpted from training though still softened by youth. He wore garb from the fishing village, all the more confirmation to Abel, and, as suspected based on the rumors, he had a sword on his back alongside multiple travel supplies.
Abel watched the boy warily. He hadn't expected the swordsman to be this young, but he still didn't trust him. What was he doing here, anyway?
"Um... hi," the teenager said, shifting in place awkwardly. "I... heard that girl--Uma? She... she called you Sir Abel. Are you Sir Abel?"
"What do you want?" Abel asked, crossing his arms and staring the boy down.
The teenager shriveled a little under his gaze before glancing to his right, staring at something for a moment. He took a shaky breath, his hazel eyes darting back to Abel for a moment.
Something about this kid was off.
"My... I..." the kid tried awkwardly, and then gave a sharp bow. "Sorry! I'll leave now!"
With that, the boy rushed by him, heading for the village inn. Abel watched him go, hackles less raised than before as he grew bemused.
The inn was really nice. Like, much nicer than the one back home. Of course, he guessed more people came here. Hateno was more centrally located. Maybe that was it.
Link didn't know. All he knew was this place was so big and overwhelming. He missed home.
After paying for a place to rest, he dragged his feet upstairs, thankful that he had the place to himself. Then he looked hesitantly to his right. "I'm... I'm sorry. He's... I..."
"It's okay," came the always quiet voice as the Hero reappeared, eyes downcast. "He can be intimidating."
Link watched his companion worriedly. The Fallen Hero often had an air of sadness to him, but he usually tried to hide it behind a neutral face or a small smile. Today had been a nerve wracking day for both of them - as soon as he'd been given this new task he'd seen the tension in his companion increase, and he'd spoken even less.
"You said he was the captain of the guard," Link offered with a shrug, trying to cheer him up and also trying to figure this out. "I mean... captains sound intimidating."
The Hero huffed a little, not commenting, still gazing somewhere far beyond where Link could reach. He wondered if it had to do with the Hero's guilt. Link had seen his friend through the years, playing with him, and as he'd grown older the visits had been fewer and far between until the Hero had finally admitted his true destiny with reluctance. He had apologized, stating that the fault was his own, but had promised to be with him every step of the way. Link had found what answers he could from his family and his village, but not much was known about the Hero of Hyrule except that he, alongside all the other Champions, had been killed.
Link supposed the true issue, then, was that the Hero's guilt made him think that he had failed the captain of the royal guard. After all, he had been tasked with protecting not just Hyrule, but the princess specifically. Now she was trapped in the castle.
This entire side quest was... terrifying to Link. He had been traveling with his friend for a good while now, but after many battles and growing in strength, the Hero had said they needed to find Sir Abel, who would be able to help him find the legendary sword that they would need to defeat Ganon. That had led them to Hateno Village.
The idea of taking the mantle of Hero had not quite sunk in until he'd realized that once he accepted that sword, he accepted his destiny. Having to do so was already weighing heavily on him... having to speak to such a scary looking man didn't help.
He kind of looked like his friend, though. That was weird.
"I'll talk to him, I promise," Link said as he sat on the bed. "I just... need to come up with a good way to approach him. Got any tips?"
The Hero hugged himself, looking opposite of Link.
Well, great. His friend was really upset about this. Link sighed. "Hey. It's... don't feel bad about... him. The Calamity destroyed the entire country and killed all the Champions. You know that it's... it's okay, right?"
He'd been trying to have this conversation for a while now. It was obvious his companion bore the weight of the entire Calamity on his shoulders. He'd tried dancing around the subject, thanking him for his help, saying he was great fun to be around. It had been complicated at first - he'd wondered if the Hero had befriended him as a child just to manipulate him into doing his duty when he was older. But he knew this person - he knew the reason he'd befriended him was out of shame, not some devious ulterior motive. So he'd been trying to cheer him up, because any joy he'd seen in his friend had slowly drained out of him as their quest had progressed.
The Hero looked back at him, face stony.
Link huffed. "It's okay. I wouldn't expect you to stop an entire freaking army of guardians. They look really creepy."
"You haven't faced one yet."
"Yeah, yeah, so I don't know how strong they are, whatever," Link said dismissively. "They still look freakishly strong."
"That's why I've told you stay away from Central Hyrule."
"Okay, but like, there were a million of them at the fort on the way here."
The Hero grew silent.
"Did... did Sir Abel fight them?" Link asked hesitantly. When he got no response, he sighed. "We'll figure it out, okay? I'll get the sword."
"Please," his friend suddenly said. "Don't... don't try to do this for me. I don't want you to do this for me."
"You want me to do it for Hyrule?"
"I want you to choose to do it."
"I already did," Link answered immediately. "I chose this. And I'll, uh... choose to maybe try some of the local food and go fishing before I get near that guy again."
His companion chuckled, a rare smile pulling at his lips. "I'll think of a way you can approach him in the meantime."
"Great! You think about it so I don't have to," Link chirped happily, hopping to his feet. "Maybe we can talk at dinner?"
"You know I can't maintain my form that long."
His companion pointed outside the window, and Link slowly walked to it. This was another trial, wasn't it?
"Get the spirit orb from the shrine," the Hero instructed. "I'll meet you after that."
"Spirit orb. Got it." Link nodded, turning to smile only to find himself alone in the room. He felt a little cold and empty all of a sudden, sad and lonely, but he tried to shake it off. He wished his friend could just stay with him, but he guessed it took work being a spirit in a land of... not spirits.
Link looked back outside, catching sight of the knight he was supposed to talk to. The man was wandering by the inn, throwing a wary glance its way. The fisherman gulped.
Later. He'd deal with it later. It was time to relax for the day, and then defeat the shrine in the morning so he could talk to his companion.
They'd figure this out together, like they always did.
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dontwaitforupdates · 5 months
Alphabet soup fun fact
Before I decided to hate myself this project only had 5 ROs, It was A, F, G, O, and R. Then the title and concept of Alphabet Soup came to me and I expanded the game to include all 26 lovely characters.
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bratzforchris · 1 month
the bratzfornick 141 writing challenge
hi everyone! me and @nicksbestie been looking for new fics to read and so many of you are so talented, so what better way to have new reading material than hosting a little challenge to fuel our delusions 😋
here are the basics for the challenge: pick 1 character, pick 4 story elements, and create 1 fic! more details below!!
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the following rules are things you must follow. otherwise, you will be eliminated from this challenge. 
no being rude or hateful to other creators. this includes us, as well as others participating in the challenge.
no copying or plagiarizing ANY work. this includes challenge submissions as well as other stories that have been posted to tumblr/wattpad/etc. if you choose to use one of your works from another platform, please make sure that you have proof it is your own work
no submissions that revolve around anything weird or illegal (abuse, incest, illegal age gaps, highly graphic mental illness, hard drugs, age play, homo/transphobia/racism/abelism/etc, bathroom play, etc) 
5k max word limit. in order for us to be able to thoroughly read all of your submissions, please keep your word count to 5k or less and use paragraph breaks!
when you post your fic, please tag @bratzforchris and @nicksbestie and use the tag #bratzfornick’s 141 writing challenge 
characters (pick 1)
matt sturniolo
chris sturniolo
nick sturniolo
nathan doe
story elements (pick any 4): you may mix and match these to your liking. you are not required to do one from all four categories (for example: two locations, one trope, one genre OR two genres, two tropes, etc)
Age regression (not age play. your work must be 100% SFW and innocent to fall into this category)
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Little x caregiver 
Friends with benefits
Chronically ill x healthy
Mafia x goody two shoes
Academic rivals
Lovers to strangers
Nurse x doctor coworker
Fake dating
Grumpy x sunshine
Royalty x bodyguard
Major character death
Angel x demon
Singer/band member x fan
Arranged marriage
Alternate universe (AU)
Outskirt small town
Big city
The forest/woods
Haunted/abandoned house
Plot Ideas: 
Accidental confession (it slips out when drunk, caught in the heat of the moment, etc)
Revenge (fake dating, sleeping with an ex, etc)
Getting used to a new diagnosis/disability (a doctor who is so used to coaching patients through their new diagnosis that they struggle with theirs, getting used to new dynamics with a partner)
Forced proximity (one bed, locked in a room, etc)
Redemption arc
Taking care of each other (cleaning wounds, cooking, holding the trash can while they’re being sick)
Hiding a big secret
Fight that turns sexy
Language barrier (a Southern partner not understanding Boston slang, an actual language barrier, etc)
Chance encounter
Caught in the rain
create 1 fic: please follow the rules, characters, and story elements listed above! as stated before, you do not have to pick from all four story categories, just four total. write as many fics as you’d like for this challenge. 
don’t forget to tag BOTH of us: @bratzforchris and @nicksbestie and use the #bratzfornick’s 141 writing challenge in your submission!
Submissions close May 15th, 2024! Most importantly, have fun! No actual monetary or material prizes will be given out for this challenge→it’s all meant to be fun and creative. Good luck and have fun! We can’t wait to see what you come up with ♡
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penny-for-thots · 12 days
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[!] KISSES P2.
ⓘ part 2 of how mashle boys kiss you! please read rules and warnings of the upcoming content: gn!reader — fluff w/hints of suggestion; incl. rayne, margarette, abel, + abyss. kissing, fluff, spice-ish, + light teasing. i had criminally forgotten rayne last time, so here he is. tagging bc i said i would write it: @mayurin17
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rayne kisses softly.
he's not to forceful, nor too light, but just enough to give the right satisfaction. he kisses you like your glass that could be shattered at any given moment. his hand cups your cheek as he leans in carefully to steal your lips for a single moment.
rayne kisses like you like he worships you. especially, when the two of you are in private. his soft lips travel from the tips of your ears, to the underside of your jaw, to your collarbone, down the soft skin of your arms, and to the palm of your hands before he flips them over to kiss the back of them.
if it's truly a special night, he'll go past that, breathing as if he'll soon while slowly, yet softly, kissing down the valley of your chest and down to your stomach.
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margarette's kisses are smooches.
they kiss like a grandma meeting her grandchildren. they also kiss with the purpose of marking you up. after all, the deep purple lipstick is for more than show. if anything they start wearing it because the purple looks to good on your skin, paired with the fact that people know your theirs.
margarette grabs your face when they kiss you. again, grandma. they pour love and adoration to the kisses as they nuzzle your face. a happy hum of a tune leaves their lips as they smash them against yours.
"ah, darling, it seems you've got a little something on your face." they smirk as they admire your face littered with kiss marks.
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abel kisses like a middle school. he has zero idea what it is or what it looks like to kiss. he was the type to shy away or cover his eyes when people kissed near him, hence he has no blueprint.
he leans in close, still holding the odd wooden doll in his arms. "um, abel?" you whisper, looking down at his oddly puckered lips and the doll in his arms. you look at him and then at the doll, "oh," he whispers before putting it down.
abel carefully holds your arms, "ive never- im not sure how to- " he mumbles until you chuckle. his eyes widen a smidge as you smile sweetly at him before presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
"lets start with that, hm?"
the man let's out a shaky breath, but nods. he leans in close, deciding to press his lips to your forehead instead.
"is that satisfactory?"
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abyss kisses like a kid going through the start of puberty. after all, he's been isolated his entire life. who would ever want to be with him? he has the devil's eye after all.
so, logically, he swoons, melting in your hold when your hands cup his face. one of his hands moves to encompass yours, his droopy eyes flutter when he looks at you. he shifts his face to press a soft kiss to the palm of your hand before rubbing it on his cheek.
abyss learns to kiss you with love. it starts from hand kisses, to forehead kisses and kisses on the cheek, to kisses on the corner of your lips, to your lips themselves, paired with soft, loving kisses to your collarbone.
he smiles softly at you after every kiss, whispering a 'thank you,' as if he needs to.
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needfantasticstories · 3 months
Hi again, @twistedstoryteller!
Okay, LU recs off the top-ish of my head in a sort of organized-ish order:
Angst, Action, and Mixed:
Faerule and the No Good Very Bad Road Trip by ImperialKatwala, PolynomialPandemic is a great "Chain Meets Hyrule" fic.
@gintrinsic-writing is phenomenal. A gem. I love all of it, but check the tags to find ones you're comfortable with. AO3 Blood Like Yours is my personal favorite, and the sequel Like Fire in Your Veins by @pocketramblr are both about Hyrule's Blood Curse from Adventures of Link. M for Violence for most of them, but check tags to be sure. If you like it, consider also...
Protector of the Golden Power by Sillus Hyrule centric but he has a different secret.
@somer-writes has a lot of great short one shots, some darker than others. My personal favorite is a sort of character study of the boys at their lowest and how they recover called "Depletion"
For a Sliver of Sunlight by tirsynni: Warrior's dedication to his brothers makes him question his title as Hero.
What are You to a God Slayer by Secretlysheikah BAMF Sky
Brethren in a Cradle by Skyward_Arpeggio BABY!!!! It is adorable, if a bit sad at the start.
Always Darkest Before the Dawn (Linked Universe Whumptober 2023) by Skyward_Arpeggio because in general they don't go above T ratings and write excellent fics.
this year it taught me (lost and ambitious) by qar Also EXCELLENT writer. "Sky has a separate moment with each member of the team"
Whumptober 2023 by Arecaceae Great fics! Plus, "Each story will have warnings in the tags and the story notes as well as a 0-5 whump rating. The ratings will be relative to my writing, so my 5 might not be equivalent to someone else's 5. I don't write MCD, extreme gore, non-con, or extreme emotional angst."
Major's Whumptober 2023 by major_de_speed Major's are also quite clean despite the M rating which is more about the violence.
Linkeduniverse Shorts by Skyward_Arpeggio LU Short fics
A Royal Castletown Wedding by Skyward_Arpeggio This story is so good!!!!!!!!!
Whumptober 2022 by Arecaceae more great fics, rated T.
LU Whump Dump by UnexpectedStormy (ArtemiStorm)  need AO3 account to read, but worth it! Linked Universe Whumpy One-Shots, rated T.
There's one I'm missing, and when I find it I'll add it here. It involves a cursed magical artifact that Legend messes with... it's intense.
Fluffier Fics:
Frosty Reception by Skyward_Arpeggio "Four’s glad to finally be home again, and he’s not the only one happy at his return." Cute fic!
S’more Stories by Ginger375 "A collection of drabbles and mini-fics for LUtober! Day 31: Costumes"
Sentiment by Arecaceae
nine heroes, one spirit by Imjustherefortheangst, uncleskyrule (unclemoriarty) tons of great short fics, all with G-T ratings
Finding Family by Tashacee "AU where Wild's scars are a lot worse and he isn't used to interacting with people. The Chain think their new brother is dope af and are determined to make him feel at home."
My Heart's Forsaken Me by sister_dear "Four looses his sword in the heat of battle, and it's picked up by someone else... Time’s aren’t the only secrets coming to light, and the gang discovers they still have a thing or two to learn from each other."
Ambush at the Bridge by JinxedRuby Very action and healing oriented fic, multiple perspectives on one event.
Dark Clouds on the Horizon by CubanCracker62 "he Chain ends up in Wild's era shortly before the events of TotK."
There are worse ways to stay alive by EliotRosewater one shots rated T.
Crack Fics:
Misplaced Heroes by notOK this had me busting out laughing SO MANY TIMES!
Peak Gremlin Energy by defenestration_nation "Fics focusing on various Links being chaotic gremlins"
Not Necessarily LU, but Adjacent or just LoZ:
Blood of the Hero by Skye_the_Lofty_Nutcase: (Wild) Link's parents have to step in to save him when the Shrine of Resurrection gets damaged. His parents are so well written, and Abel makes appearances in LU-related/adjacent fics, The Many Misadventures of Dad Squad and Dad Squad AU by Nancyheart, Silver_Captain82403, Skye_the_Lofty_Nutcase
which is part crack and part angst, mostly lighthearted.
Don't Worry Man, I'm from the Yiga Clan: Link makes a Yiga friend due to being a delightful chaos gremlin.
Feature MCD... but might be worth it:
And Still the Cradle Blooms by Solistrix: GORGEOUS literary masterpiece. The writing is unreal. It's descriptions and emotions are incredible. This is more like finding the meaning in eventual death, so of the three here I suspect you'll like this one best as far as not being too hurt by the character's mentioned end.
This is an Adjuration: I'll be real, this is full of action and excitement but yes, it has MCD and is making me cry, but it's also REEEEAAALLY good!
Blood Drops on Roses by HotCheetohatred Fantastic storytelling! Wild centric, Twi is big brother but from day one of Wild's journey. Unreliable young Wild as narrator is an absolute delight. Unfinished, no MCD yet, but it's in the tags so no promises.
Modern AUs for not-big-on-modern-au fans:
As a fellow not-seeker of modern AUs, I personally have enjoyed the following
@skyward-floored Incredibles AU
Wild’s Wolf by HotCheetoHatred "Modern AU where young Wild is a feral forest child, raised by Wolf Twilight. He is captured, separated from Twilight, and put under observation. Time helps him escape." Unfinished, and I admit personal bias here because HotCheetoHatred is my BETA reader.
@ovegakart: amazing action, gut-busting humor, and captivating storytelling! Does comics
@la-sera: beautiful, ethereal, and gorgeous illustrations and a great storyteller, loves downfall duo but does every one of the boys justice
@dfanart: HILARIOUS and such heartfelt emotions on them boys.
@kikker-oma great art from fluff to whump to action
@1caru has so many fluffy LU gems!
@linderosse has a Zelda's meet AU, does LU, and much more!
@lele5429 great illustrations and abstract pieces of LU fanart.
@theecholegend hahaha... arson.
@ikaishere has so many cute LU ones.
@thepinklink fabulous LU character sketches
@hiimgin BIAS! I got to work with them and they are FABULOUS!
@pluviatrix has art for their fic And Still the Cradle Blooms
@cherrypaii has fantastic illustrations of these boys!
(Commenters, please add artists I forgot. I know there are a ton Im missing!!)
Hope this helps you feel welcome!
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