#-는 동안 vs -(으)면서
dalgona-korean · 1 year
Expressing Time
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Consolidating notes now on Time Expressions!
1. N + 전에, V + 기 전에 (before, ago)
This pattern means 'before a certain period of time' or 'before some action'.
*Difference between 1시 전에 and 1시간 전에 = before 1 o'clock vs 1 hour ago
2년 전에 한국에 왔어요.
식사 전에 이 약을 드세요.
싱가포르에서는 집으로 이사하기전에 결혼해야돼요.
2. N + 후에, V + (으)ㄴ 후에 (after)
This pattern means 'after a certain period of time' or 'after some action'. You can also use - (으)ㄴ 다음에 to express the same thing.
한 달후에 인턴십이 끊을 거예요.
이년 후에 대학교를 졸업할 거예요.
인턴십이 끊은후에 교환학생으로 한국에 갈거예요.
3. V + 고 나서 (and then, upon finishing)
This grammar expresses the finishing of one behaviour followed by the beginning of a subsequent behaviour. Even though technically 고 is sufficient, using 고 나서 greatly emphasises the completion of the first behaviour.
*When the subjects of the first and second clauses are the same in sentences using the motion verbs 가다, 오다, 들어가다, 들어오다, 나가다, 나오다, 올라가다, 내려가다, 일어나다, 앉다, 눕다, 만나다, - 아/어서 is used instead.
나는 학교에 가서 공부해요.
샤워하고 나서 로션을 바라요.
문제를 잘 듣고 나서 대답을 찾으세요.
4. V + 아/어서* (in order to)
Similar to the previous grammar, this is a connective ending indicating the temporal relationship between events. The two actions must be so closely related that the second action cannot occur without the first action occurring first. The subjects of both verbs must be the same!!
*Tenses are expressed only in the second verb, not the first.
*When used with verbs designating the wearing of clothes and accessories, 고 is used in place of 아/어서.
네 시간 동안 공원에 앉아서 이야기했어요.
여자 친구에게 목걸이를 사서 주었어요.
사람들이 우산을 쓰고 가요.
5. N + 때, A/V + (으)ㄹ 때 (time when something occurs)
This grammar expresses the time when an action or state occurs or its duration.
*때 is not used together with 오전, 오후, 아침 or the days of the week.
메 방학때 인턴십을 해요.
시험 볼 때 옆 사람의 시험지를 보지 마세요.
몇 살 때 첫 데이트를 했어요?
6. V + (으)면서 (occurring simultaneously)
This grammar indicates that the actions of the first and second verbs occur simultaneously.
*The subjects of the 2 clauses must be the same. If they are different, you use 는 동안.
*Always write in the present tense before attaching the grammar.
밥을 먹으면서 TV를 봐요.
운전하면서 전화하지 마세요.
저는 공부하면서 노래를 부려요.
7. N + 중, V + 는중 (currently doing, in the midst of)
This expression is used with a noun that corresponds to 'in the process/middle of' or 'currently doing' in English.
*This grammar is similar to 고 있다, but 는 중 is simply limited to being unable to describe natural phenomena.
바람이 부는 중이에요. (X) 바람이 불고 있어요. (O)
사장님은 회의중이에요.
요즘 집을 찾는 중이에요.
8. V + 자마자 (as soon as, right after)
This grammar indicates that something occurs immediately following the end of some event or action, meaning 'as soon as' or 'right after'.
*The subjects of the 1st and 2nd clauses can be the same or different, and tense is not expressed in the verb of the 1st clause, but it is in the 2nd clause.
대학교에 졸업하자마자 취직할 거예요.
제 핸드폰을 사자마자 고장났어요.
제 남친을 첫 보자마자
9. N + 동안, V + 는 동안 (during, while)
This pattern expresses the length of time starting when a certain action or behaviour begins and lasting until it ends.
*The difference between (으)면서 and 는 동안 is that the first one is about doing something simultaneously (subjects of the 1st and 2nd clause must be the same); while the second is about things happening at a certain time period (so 1st and 2nd clause subjects can be different).
어제 4시간 동안 노래방에서 부렀어요.
4개월 반 동안 교환학생으로 서울에서 살거예요.
비행기를 기다리는 동안 면세점에서 쇼핑할까요?
10. V + (으)ㄴ 지 되다/ 넘다 (since)
This grammar indicates how much time has passed since some situation or action occurred and thus corresponds to 'since' in English. It can be expressed in the two ways mentioned above.
한국어를 공부한 지 3년이 되었어요.
우리 사귄 지 2년이 넘었어요.
공연한지 10년이 되었어요.
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years
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⚠️I got this list from the "koreantopik" website. Not only that but each thing listed there, they have a lesson on it. Visit this website to find and have access to all those lessons😉
If you were on a mission to learn "all" of the beginner grammar in Korean I think this would help you A LOT. For my advice, I'd say break it down into sizeable chunks & take your time to learn each one thoroughly that way you don't have to re-visit it later.
1. Expressing Korean Alphabets, Numbers, Dates and Times in Korean
1.1 Korean Alphabet: How to Read, Write, and Pronounce
1.2 Numbers in Korean = Sino-Korean and Native-Korean
1.3 Dates and Times in Korean = reading Year/Month/Date/Day & Hour/Minute
2. Expressing Tenses and Negation in Korean
2.1 Present Tense in Korean = A/V/N-(스)ㅂ니다 or A/V-아/어요.
2.2 Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and A/V-았/었었어요.
2.3 Future and Progressive Tense in Korean = V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 and V-고 있다
2.4 Negative Expressions in Korean = (1) 아니다, 없다, 모르다; (2) V-지 않다, 안 V; (3) 못 V, V-지 못하다
3. How to Use Particles in Korean
3.1 N-은/는 vs 이/가 = 'topic marker' vs 'subject marker' in Korean
3.2 을/를 and N의 = 'object particle' and 'possessive particle' in Korean
3.3 N와/과, N (이)랑, N하고 = 'and' ~ listing particle in Korean
3.4 N에, N에서 time & place particles in Korean = at/on (time), in/on/at/to (place)
3.5 N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지, N에게/한테(서) grammar = from…to, from..until, to/from N
3.6 N도, N만, N밖에 particles = also/too, only/just, only/nothing but
3.7 N(으)로, N쯤 particles = to/by/using, about/around
3.8 N(이)나, N처럼/ N같이 particles = or/no less than, like/same
3.9 N보다, N마다 particles in Korean = more...than/-er...than, every/all
4. Expressing Listing and Contrast in Korean 
4.1 V-고, V-거나, V-지만 grammar = ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’ in English
4.2 A-ㄴ/은데, N-인데, V-는데 grammar = (1) 'but', (2) 'so/and' in English
5. Expressing Time Events in Korean 
5.1 N 전에/후에, V기 전에, V(으)ㄴ 후에 grammar = before/ago, after/later
5.2 A/V-아/어서 grammar = (1) and/ (in order) to, (2) because (of)/ so that…
5.3 V-(으)면서 grammar = while/during…~actions occurs simultaneously
5.4 V-고 나서 grammar = and then, after doing ~express sequential events
5.5 V-자마자 grammar = as soon as, right after ~something occurs right after the end of an action or event
5.6 V-(으)ㄴ 지 grammar = how long has been 'since' I did something
5.7 N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 grammar = when, during ~express the time when an action occurs or its duration
5.8 N 중, V-는 중 grammar = in the middle of N/V, currently doing
5.9 N 동안, V-는 동안 grammar = during /for N, while V-ing
6. Expressing Ability in Korean
6.1 V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 grammar = can/ can't do V ~express possibility to do/ not do something
6.2 V-(으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 grammar = know how to/ don’t know how to V
7. Expressing Demands, Permission, and Prohibition in Korean
7.1 V-(으)세요 grammar = (1) honorific ending ~show respect, (2) making requests politely
7.2 V-지 마세요 grammar = please don’t V~ requesting someone not to do something politely
7.3 V-아/어야 하다 grammar = must, have to ~express necessity to do something
7.4 V-아/어도 되다 grammar = may, can I...? ~ask permission or approval for a behavior
7.5 V-(으)면 안 되다 grammar = may not, not allowed ~express prohibition or limitation of an action
7.6 A/V-지 않아도 되다 (안 A/V-아/어도 되다) grammar = don’t have to ~express the unnecessary of a behavior
8. Expressing Hopes in Korean
8.1 V-고 싶다 = want to, prefer to ~express one's wish or hope
8.2 A/N/V-(으)면 좋겠다 grammar = hope, wish ~express desire, wish, or hope that has not been realized
9. Expressing Reasons and Causes in Korean
9.1 A/V-아/어서 grammar = (1) and/ (in order) to, (2) because (of)/ so that…
9.2 A/V-(으)니까 grammar = (1) because/ since, (2) when/ do sth to discover
9.3 N/A/V-기 때문에 grammar = because (of), since ~Express a reason or cause of a situation
10. Expressing Requests and Assisting in Korean
10.1 V-아/어 주다 and V-아/어 주세요 grammar = assist / please do ~assisting someone or making a request to someone
10.2 V-아/어 줄게요, V-아/어 줄까요? grammar = Shall I, Let me, I will ~attempt to help someone
11. Expressing Experiences in Korean
11.1 V-아/어 보다 grammar = try, have tried ~ tell or ask someone to try or experience something
11.2 V-(으)ㄴ 적이 있다, V-아/어 본 적이 있다 grammar = have done, have tried ~express the past experience
12. Expressing Suggestions and Asking Opinions in Korean
12.1 V-(으)ㄹ까요? grammar = (1) shall we, why don’t we…? (2) shall I, should I…?
12.2 V-ㅂ/읍시다 grammar = let’s, shall we ~suggest someone doing something together
12.3 V-(으)시겠어요? grammar = would you like, why not...? ~politely suggesting or asking for preference
12.4 V-(으)ㄹ래요 grammar = (1) do you want to, how about? (2) be going to, will
13. Expressing Plans and Intentions  in Korean
13.1 A/V-겠어요 grammar = (1) will, plan to; (2) looks, sounds
13.2 V-(으)ㄹ게요 grammar = (I) will ~express intention or promise to do something
13.3 V-(으)ㄹ래요 grammar = (1) do you want to, how about? (2) be going to, will
14. Expressing Purpose and Intention in Korean
14.1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 grammar = go/come (to somewhere) to do something
14.2 V-(으)려고 하다 grammar = plan to, intend to ~express intention or plan that has yet to be done
14.3 V-(으)려고 grammar = in order to, so that ~express intention or purpose to do something
14.4 N을/를 위해서, V-기 위해서 grammar = for (the sake of), (in order) to
14.5 V-기로 하다 grammar = decide to, promise to ~make a promise with oneself or someone
15. Expressing Suppositions and Conditions in Korean
15.1 A/V-(으)면 grammar = if, when ~express a supposition or a condition about a fact ...
15.2 V-(으)려면 grammar = if you want/ intend to…then you should…
15.3 N/A/V-아/어도 grammar = even if, regardless of ~a situation occurs regardless of the previous action
16. Expressing Conjecture (or Guess) in Korean
16.1 A/V-겠어요 grammar = (1) will, plan to; (2) looks, sounds
16.2 A/V-(으)ㄹ까요? grammar = (3) do you think, I wonder if ~express a supposition of an action or state
16.3 A/V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 grammar = (2) I think ~express a supposition based on a direct basis
16.4 A-(으)ㄴ 것 같다, V-는 것 같다 grammar = look like, seem, I think ~express a supposition based on subjective reasons
17. Expressing Suffix Changes in Parts of Speech 
17.1 A/V-은/는/을 N grammar = N that A/V ~noun modifier
17.2 V-기 grammar = V-ing in English ~turn a verb or a phrase into nouns
17.3 A-게 grammar = '...-ly' or 'in a ... manner' ~turn an adjective into an adverb
17.4 A-아/어하다 grammar =~turn an adjective into a verb
18. Expressing State-of-Being in Korean
18.1 V-고 있다 (2) grammar = ~be wearing/taking off ~state of wearing/taking off something
18.2 V-아/어 있다 grammar = 'V-ed/-ing' ~express the continuing state of a completed action
18.3 A-아/어지다 = to get/become ~express a change over time
18.4 V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another
19. Confirming Information in Korean
19.1 -ㄴ/은/는지 + V grammar = V + who/what/where/how/when +clause
19.2 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 grammar = take/ cost (time, money) to do something
19.3 A/V-지요? grammar = isn't / don't /..., right? ~to confirm information
20. Expressing Discovery, Surprise, and so on
20.1 -는군요, -는구나, and -군 grammar = I see that, I didn't realize that ~express surprise
20.2 N(이)네요, A/V-네요 grammar = really, certainly, wow ~ express surprise or agree with someone
20.3 A-(으)ㄴ가요? V-나요? grammar = are/do you...?, Is it...?
20.4 A-(으)ㄴ데요, V-는데요 grammar = (1) well, (2) why/what, (3) wow, (4) set background information
21. Expressing Quotations in Korean
21.1 Direct quotations in Korean 라고 했다, 하고 했다 = said/asked/written
21.2 Indirect quotation in Korean 다고 하다 = said ~citing of what someone said
21.3 Indirect quotation in Korean 냐고 하다 = asked ~citing of what someone asked
21.4 Indirect quotation in Korean 자도 하다 = suggested ~citing of what someone suggested
21.5 Indirect quotation in Korean 라고 하다 = told ~citing of what someone requested
21.6 Indirect Quotations in Korean 대요, 래요, 재요, 냬요 = said, asked, told (casual form)
22. Irregular Conjugations and Common Connective Adverbs in Korean
22.1 Korean ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 1)
22.2 Korean ㅎ, ㅡ, ㄹ, 르-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 2)
22.3 Common connective Korean adverbs: 그래서, 그러나, 그럼, 그런데, 그래도
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