#2) the ui has improved drastically over the years
asleepinawell · 4 months
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(it should be noted that to get this screenshot i deviated from the optimal strategy for winking island, intentionally making it take longer so i could share this vital image with all of you)
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synergostech · 1 year
How do SEO + UI/UX Drive Better Results and Conversions?
26 Sep 2017 / Search Engine Optimization
The digital marketing landscape has changed drastically over the past year. Advanced proven metrics such as new and returning visitors, top organic landing pages, user demographics, conversions etc., are evolving to be a lot more important than the usual digital marketing staples.
We are all aware that, traditional marketing trends rely comprehensively on SEO for most of the above metrics. But, by banking on just SEO in today’s digital marketing scenario, are we missing out on better opportunities to increase the traffic?
The answer is YES!
With digital marketing being picked by every brand to make an online presence and boost their performance and metrics, SEO has sure made its presence irrevocably important. But, the coming together of SEO and UX is as integral as other vital elements such as social media and content strategies, development and integration, etc.
There are many contributing factors to developing effective SEO and, UX is one of the lesser known but majorly influencing aspects. Implementation of an effective framework to improve the metrics in terms of SEO and UX is imperative! Read on to know more.
1. Is simplifying the structure important?
In layman’s terms, while SEO is responsible to drive traffic to the website, UI/UX is responsible for conversions. With a user friendly and visually appealing design, the chances of conversions increase to a significant extent. And, convincingly, both, the end user’s take away and the business conversions are met.
2. Why you should focus on page load speed?
With constant demand for instantaneous results in this digital era, the audience rarely appreciate increased loading time. Researchers have concluded that, the total time a user waits for a page to load is anywhere between 6 to 10 seconds, maximum. So, the structure of UI/UX needs to be designed in a way that it complements the SEO process.
Continue Learning - How do SEO + UI/UX Drive Better Results and Conversions?
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antagonistchan · 3 years
god damn
Mass Effect 2 has always been my least favorite of the trilogy
i still love it, but not as much as i love 1 or 3
and honestly
this is even more true in the Legendary Edition. the Legendary Edition widened that gap even further.
like, with each game, the Legendary Edition’s upgrades get more and more subtle. in ME1, they’re the most visible; in ME3, they’re the least. but that’s not the entire story.
the original ME1 had absolutely garbage graphics. that’s just the baggage almost every game from 2007 has, 2007 fucking sucked for game graphics. it could look good on occasion, but just from the sheer strength of having a good enough art style to make up for the garbage graphics. most of these occasions were when you were looking at something that was clearly supposed to wow you, like the view of the nebula surrounding the Citadel; otherwise, things tended to be fairly unimpressive. and it wasn’t just the graphics that were a problem. certain aspects of the gameplay were extremely clunky and awkward, and the UI was okay at the time but our understanding of good video game UIs progressed significantly over the course of the late 2000s.
in the Legendary Edition of ME1, this is no longer true. the entire game looks spectacular. ME1′s graphics have been fully updated to modern standards. i think the polycounts are still ultimately the same, but by the time ME1 came out we’d already basically gotten as far as we ever need to with polycounts. there are only so many polygons you actually need before increasing the polycount just becomes overkill. on top of that, the UI has been fully revamped to be more like ME2 and ME3′s UI, and the vast majority of the clunky gameplay issues have been resolved. the Mako in particular controls so much better. LE1 is the game ME1 was always meant to be, with all the junk wiped off. the junk had its charm, and i still absolutely intend to play the original on occasion, but overall, removing the junk made this amazing game shine even brighter.
the original ME3 was already a fucking spectacular game graphically. not only did it look amazing when it came out in 2012, but i honestly think it holds up today. it still looks very modern. and ME3 never had ME1′s problem of “junk obscuring the quality of the core game”- ME3′s flaws have always been more in the core game itself. i absolutely adore ME3, but i’ll admit, it’s an extremely flawed game and fixing those flaws wouldn’t be possible just with a remaster. so, when its flaws can’t be fixed with a remaster and its graphics still hold up amazingly well today.... i was extremely afraid that LE3 would be underwhelming.
thank god i was wrong. in the Legendary Edition of ME3, the game overall looks the same. again, the game already looks good by modern standards, why fix what ain’t broke? so they didn’t. but yet, while the game overall looks the same, it looks noticeably better, SOMEHOW. the longer i play LE3, the more and more subtle improvements i find myself picking up on. for instance, the way Husks and Cannibals get more and more visibly damaged as you hurt them (burning and emaciating when you set them on fire, chunks of flesh flying off as you shoot them, etc.). or Anderson’s clothes looking slightly more detailed. on the final Mars scene, Dr. Core seemed more visibly damaged. etc. and i’m sure there’s also a ton of stuff that i haven’t noticed yet, but has still contributed to this general feeling of “this looks better somehow”.
the graphical improvements of LE1 feel like making ME1′s garbage graphics finally good. meanwhile, the graphical improvements of LE3 feel like taking ME3′s already really good graphics and adding subtle and refined improvements that result in a game that looks the same but better, somehow. i really love these two improvements. too bad now we have to talk about LE2.
the original ME2 was an okay looking game. it was good by 2009 standards (and graphics from 2009 do not suffer the same curse as graphics from 2007; 2007 wasn’t a general sign of the era, it was just a particularly bad year because the industry was having trouble coping with the jump to HD), but it hasn’t aged nearly as gracefully as ME3′s graphics. but the graphics weren’t as garbage as ME1′s either. it was okay.
and the Legendary Edition of ME2 feels just about the same. the graphical improvements in LE2 are more drastic than they are in LE3, yet somehow they’re less noticeable. most of the time, it doesn’t really feel like i’m playing an improved version of ME2, it just feels like i’m playing ME2. LE3 and ME3 look almost fucking identical and yet LE3 still feels like a massive improvement somehow because the few changes they did make are so good; ME2 and LE2 have tons of extremely noticeable differences and yet it just feels........ the same. and actually, in some ways, LE2 is a little bit of a downgrade. for instance, the lighting on the Normandy. in ME1 and ME3, the Normandy was pretty darkly-lit; by contrast, the Normandy was brightly-lit in ME2. i prefer the dark lighting, but i always found it cool that ME2 did contrast the others in this way. and in LE2, the Normandy is still more brightly-lit than the other two games, but noticeably not as much. but that’s just one minor thing- the bigger and more consistent issue is that LE2 can feel really sloppy a lot of the time. there are so many assets that i can tell they haven’t changed. a few models that are egregiously low-poly (i said earlier that polycounts have mostly been solved since around ME1′s era, and yet...), a ton of video and picture files that clearly haven’t been updated (any video or picture of Anderson looks really weird, because in LE1 and LE2 Anderson uses the ME3 model, but in the original ME1 and ME2 he looked a bit different, and because all the pictures and videos are unaltered, any pictures or videos you see of Anderson.... look like the old Anderson), textures that are really low-res (especially weird because from what i understood the entire LE project started off as just a texture upscale?), a number of other things that i can think of but won’t list because this list is already so long....... LE2 just feels like a pretty sloppy improvement overall.
in the end, this isn’t that big a problem for me. the improvements to LE1 and LE3 are strong enough that i can put up with the comparative weakness of LE2. but it has widened the gap that already existed between ME2 and ME1/ME3 even further.
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brandtreein · 3 years
How do you think marketing works? Well, my perspective on digital marketing in simple layman’s terms is the use of the internet to reach consumers. It is believed that business has only two functions – MARKETING AND INNOVATION.
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Marketing Advertising Commercial Strategy Concept
1. Right Strategies, Implementation, & Success.
Planning out business goals and how to achieve them is very important for any brand, don't you think so? I believe it is important to figure out where the brand stands right now and its goal in the forthcoming years. And to achieve the above-said goals, it is necessary to have a well-planned set of strategies in a cost-effective yet impactful manner so that no stone is left unturned. To mention a few strategies:
Creative Web Design/Development: Using UI/UX interface designs and catchy graphic designs and standardized software along with developing the website further helps in generating leads.
Personalized Content: Content is king. Make sure to give out content that grabs the attention of the readers by making it more relatable and personalized to adhere to their requirements.
Discounts/Sale: Providing discounts, cashback, and season sales is something that catches the eye of every given consumer. This will ensure website traffic and to reach a wide range of consumers.
Social Media Marketing: Social media has become a rage amongst people. Marketing a certain business on social media is one of the most effective ways to reach a wider audience and helps to constantly engage with your followers/consumers in different ways.
Omnichannel Marketing: This is the practice of marketing a business across many channels including online and offline modes. It helps to provide an enhanced and customized user experience across numerous channels through any method that the customer prefers.
Once we have a plan, it's now time to implement them! Reach out to various platforms and make sure that your brand visibility is improving with every passing day. It is important to use all the technologies at hand and put your best foot forward in getting your brand on the radar. With this outline, every process can go on organically and effectively which will eventually lead you to success.
2.Content Still Matters
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It is said that great content is the best sales tool in the world. Content marketing is an effective approach to marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material such as videos, blogs, website content, social media posts, etc and eventually not only promotes the brand but also intends to stimulate interest in the services it has to offer. HubSpot research suggests that businesses that blog are 13 times more likely to witness ROI than those that don't. Now, how will content help, improve brand marketing? Here are a few content marketing tips that will answer the above question:
Perfect Keyword Research: It is of utmost importance to make a list of relevant keywords that people are searching for and to make sure to use them in your content. This helps improve brand visibility and eventually to reach out to numerous customers.
Constant Content Optimization: Great headlines catch the attention of the readers and force them to read the blog. It is important to keep optimizing your content with time to make sure that your brand is hand-in-hand with the current trend.
Visual Appeal: Videos/pictures are what adds more understanding to any given concept that you are trying to explain. Add relevant yet innovative photos and videos to grab the attention of readers.
Promotion: Once we have an initial set of audience, it only makes sense to keep expanding it. Promote your blogs/website on various platforms like social media, another fellow brand, and others make sure your brand attains success in every possible way.
3.Social Media is a Game-Changer.
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How many of us don't use social media? I'm sure not many of us can say "ME" to that. As of 2020, over 3.6 billion use one or the other social media platforms. With that huge number, isn't it only logical to make use of social media in the field of digital marketing as well? SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a process where the marketer uses social media networks as a tool for promoting their website thus increasing traffic. This is done because, when a website is connected to a social media network its position in the search results increases drastically. Here are a few tips:
Device a full-fledged social sharing strategy.
Use the maximum number of social media platforms possible.
Discuss the current trends and make sure to use them, thus attracting an audience on a larger scale.
Constant engagement with your followers. Run contests/games to stay connected.
Regular social media creation and optimization.
Put across simple and fundamental concepts that can be understood by anybody who reads it. Try not to complicate the content.
Analyze and improve.
4.Make Your Customer the Hero of Your Story.
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What determines the success of a brand ultimately? Its customers. Every brand’s ultimate goal is to reach the maximum number of customers and doing this is not an easy task at all and involves a series of best marketing strategies that could be:
Market Research: Make sure to do a quick market survey and collect data as it is very important to understand the needs of your customers and the current trend.
Email Marketing: Emails happen to be one of the easiest means of customer communication since time immemorial. Sending out personalized emails to a set of customers makes it easy for them to stay updated about any new launches/services thereby, increases customer engagement with the brand and increase the potential number of customers from time to time.
SMM: 83% of people who use the internet, use social media as well. This is yet another platform to reach out to a wide range of customers. This has been explained above in detail under the heading, “Social media is a game-changer”.
Content Marketing and web design: It is important to have a website that can be easily accessed on all devices be it smartphones, tablets, or laptops, and also to make it visually attractive. Content is king. The more entertaining and relatable the content is; the more will be the readers who will eventually become loyal consumers. Ain't that so simple?
Ask Customer Reviews: Ask the customers how satisfied they are with the service you are providing. Asking for feedback is one of the ways where the brand understands what it needs to improve whilst making the customer feel important and that their opinion/feedback matters.
5. Page Speed Matters
According to a study, 40% of customers discard websites that take more than 3 seconds to load. So yes, I still stand by what I said, “Page speed matters”. With good page speed, comes, better conversion rates, better search engine rankings, and user experience. Let us see as to how page speed can be improved:
Google Page Speed Insights: This is a free tool, made available by Google which runs performance tests on your website and also gives insights on how to improve the same. It works for desktop and mobile versions.
Image optimization: Images hog the maximum bandwidth of a website. Thus, we can use images in jpeg, jpg, or png formats and compress them, so that they occupy less space which will eventually increase the speed of the page.
Use a CDN strategy: A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network spread across various locations in the world. A website with a single server is bound to have an increased loading time. Hence, by incorporating the CDN, user requirements are put across to the closest server(in accordance with their location) and as a result, website speed is increased and keeps the customer engaged.
HTTP Compression: It is mainly used for text-based data like HTML, Java, CSS, and others. These days everybody makes sure that their webs server is GZIP enabled. SO, compressing content will lead to faster loading of web pages.
Transfer the database: Moving the entire data to a separate, optimized server is one of the most effective to improve page speed.
Performance budget calculator: The importance of catchy content has been repeatedly made very clear. This tool helps you to improve your existing content on the website and to constantly optimize it.
Effective tools: There are a bunch of tools that help you to test websites and understand the flaws. To name a few: Pingdom, YSlow, and others.
6. Data Privacy
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While the internet is a vast ocean of technology, it also comes with its own risks. This is when cybersecurity/data privacy comes into the picture. During consumer and company interactions, there will be a need to share some personal contact and bank information which need to be protected no matter what. Now, how can that be done? Read along.
Ask for permission: California consumer privacy act (CCPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) act in such a way that, it gives the consumers all the control over the data/information they wish to pass on according to their own will.
Know and agree: Create a page enlisting all the security tools and policies and go further only if the customer agrees to it upon reading the security you have to offer.
Focusing the right data: Data is most important for any kind of marketing. So, it is important to collect the required data and make sure none of it goes unused. Thus, making it comfortable for the customer while fulfilling the data the website needs as well.
7. Constantly Optimize User Experience
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Developing a website and getting customers is one thing, while constantly being able to optimize the user experience is another key aspect. Better user experience leads to better conversion rates and increased revenue. With rapidly increasing trends, don't you think, it is necessary to make sure that your website is not looking old? Well, here are a few tips that can help you improve your website experience:
Google is definitely the most popular and used search engine in the world. Google search rankings play a very important role for any website from any sector. Google algorithms are a set of complex systems that determines the rankings of websites in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Google makes updates/changes thousands of times, and given the importance of it for our website, it only becomes necessary to keep ourselves updated.
Improved page speed.
Use attractive images and videos to keep the website engaging.
Keep the web pages consistent with catchy and well-designed headlines.
Based on the data fed by the user, provide personalized and reliable suggestions/services to the users.
Conduct behavioral UX data analysis and with the final results, work on improving the user/website experience
8. Always Analyze The Results.
There is always an increasing drive to provide the customers with the best experience under any given circumstances. Constant analysis of the results or outcome of the website is the only way to improve any business. Here is how it can be achieved:
Collect data on the works of the website or brand in the past week/month.
Make a statistic analysis by making a graph for better understanding.
Understand why certain aspects might have gone wrong and in the meantime also make sure to keep up with the existing highlights of the website and keep optimizing it and making it better.
Make sure to make all the necessary changes/updates required on a weekly/monthly basis and be at the top of the game and hand-in-hand with the ongoing trend.
A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer – it is what consumers tell each other it is. – Scott Cook
For more visit Brand Tree
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danavelwenztorres · 4 years
Download Guns of Glory PC
Most people do not know that they can play Guns Of Glory on Pc. If you are looking for that you are in the right place. 
In this guide, you will find out how you can download Guns oF Glory on your PC or Mac. 
Download now 
Guns Of Glory was created mainly for mobiles but there is an emulator that will allow you to play Guns Of Glory on PC. You do not need to have a great PC To download it.
To be honest there are a lot of emulators on the internet but Bluestack is the only one that will allow you to play Guns Of Glory without lag. On top of that Bluestack is one of the first emulators that is ever created. They have been operating since 2009 and they have improved so much through the years. 
They had over 200 updates and they have one of the best developing teams. With time they created an emulator that none can beat in performance. 
Why Play Guns of Glory on PC & Mac using Bluestacks
Free to use: not only free but they have giveaways 
UI- UI is so simple that you will learn how to use it in 5 min 
Easy to download- all you have to do is click to download and install 
Multy account- they have an option where you can play more than 2 accounts at same time. 
How to Guns of Glory on PC & Mac
The first thing that you have to do is download Bluestack
The second step is to install Bluestack installer 
The third step you have to log in with your mail 
After that search for guns of glory and download it. 
Game mechanics of Guns OF Glory PC are the same as the mobile version. The only difference is that you are using a keyboard and mouse. 
Guns Of Glory PC is an RTS game where you will build your army, create an alliance, become a king and fight your enemies. Game is set in the time of Musketeers and they are following style from that area. 
Guns Of Glory PC has an enormously huge map and there is room for all players. 
You have to be careful because in any time enemy can surround you and flounder all your resources and hard-earned gold. 
Guns Of Glory PC is a place where you will find a lot of friends and you will have so much time. But you have to know that it is just a game so do not take it seriously if someone zeroes you and steals all your resources. 
There are a lot of great events in Guns Of Glory PC where you can earn great rewards and it will boost your progress drastically. 
Also, there are a lot of commanders that you can choose and play. So don't be scared to test them and play. 
Overall Guns Of Glory PC is great and it is all possible because of bluestack. Download Guns Of Glory NOW. 
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harrimir · 6 years
Upgrading Your on-line Gaming Setup With Netgear Hardware: Is It worth It?
Over the final 12 months, I’ve been looking to drastically improve my on-line gaming setup. It’s no longer that my normal connection speeds were especially slow or my remote interactions rather laggy. Multiplayer suits of Overwatch and Sea of Thieves ran well ample, and most video game downloads chugged alongside at a more than applicable tempo except i used to be on the psnetwork—why the insistent statistics cap, Sony?.
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however here’s the thing: For a small while, i used to be buying 250Mbps internet service and not ever even getting near that marketed velocity. Most connection checks petered out at a measly 140Mbps, which isn’t anything else to scoff at, but I wasn’t getting what i used to be procuring. After dealing with that minor frustration, I knocked my plan right down to 150Mbps and, to be fairly sincere, nothing in reality changed. speed checks nevertheless reported a max of round 140Mbps.
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bottom line became this: I just knew that my hardware became surprisingly out of date and that definite improvements can be made that might alternate my cyber web experience for the enhanced, so I reached out to Netgear in an try and are trying a few of their extra enjoyable gaming-connected items. They were kind ample to send over three compelling items of hardware, and what follows is my honest event with each and every gadget.
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CM1000 ultra-high pace Cable Modem MSRP $169.ninety nine
As i discussed above, I’ve been getting around 140Mbps down load and 6Mbps add on a comparatively out of date Motorola SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 modem. I feel I’ve been using that equal piece of hardware for around 10 years now, supply or acquire, so I’d say I’m due for an improve. Enter Netgear’s DOCSIS 3.1 beast, and what the field reproduction dubs as delivering the “World’s quickest Cable cyber web” at “up to 6Gbps downstream and 1.8Gbps upstream”. if you’re unique with what DOCSIS three.1 is, here’s an outstanding video describing the technology. In a nutshell, it’s an up to date protocol that allows for fiber-caliber internet speeds over current cable web infrastructure. Granted, your web provider issuer needs to present that form of lightspeed option, after which you certainly deserve to be paying for observed speed.
That talked about, I’m not currently procuring gigabit information superhighway I wish!, so i will be able to’t verify that selected tier of provider on this new modem, unfortunately. however after tinkering round with things, what i will say is that, strictly out of the field, the machine definitely looks to have stronger my network condition vastly. without even touching my historical router, I conveniently swapped out my SURFboard modem with the clean CM1000, had the cable enterprise activate it, and right away administered a wired ethernet velocity test. With simply the modem trade on my own, my clocked velocity went from 140Mbps to round 180Mbps—dazzling damn fantastic. add velocity still hovered surprisingly low, round 6Mbps, though I suppose that’s extra of a controversy with my frequent service area.
The CM1000 allows for some critically speedy cable internet speeds.credit: Netgear
on the grounds that installing, the CM1000 has delivered constant connection and speeds with none deserve to be rebooted, all whereas staying mostly cool to the touch. For journalistic functions, I bumped my carrier tier back up up to 250Mbps just to see how the modem would react, and now I’m getting a whopping 300Mbps ! download. The upload velocity doubled marginally to round 12Mbps, which I’ve study is more than satisfactory for many excessive nice gameplay streaming. I’d say this is all an awful lot proof that Netgear’s hardware will increase whatever thing speeds you’re currently paying for.
So the question turns into here: Does the standard gamer need this cable modem? It pains me to say it, however probably no longer. which you could fully nevertheless get through with more run-of-the-mill hardware, primarily in case you’re most effective purchasing lessen-tier internet speeds. but if you have Xfinity from both Cox or Comcast and wish to supercharge your connection with more moderen gigabit cyber web which you’ll want the blanketed DOCSIS 3.1 to permit, or in case you’re without problems trying to future-proof your getting older home network, I’d wager it’s value the just a little high asking expense. The CM1000 is in reality the caviar of cable modems: A tasty luxury.
XR500 Nighthawk pro Gaming Router MSRP $299.ninety nine
I have to say that my trusty Netgear Nighthawk R7000 has treated me smartly through the years, and honestly, it’s no shabby router via any stretch of the creativeness: A swish design, three adjustable antenna with impressive wifi signal energy and a bunch of normal firmware updates left little or no to complain about. however now that I’ve tried Netgear’s personal Nighthawk seasoned Gaming XR500, it’d be basically problematic to head again, as I suppose like I’ve graduated to the networking massive leagues.
The Nighthawk pro Gaming router has all of the commonplace instant community facets we’ve all come to predict, together with 2.4GHz, 2.5GHz and visitor networks. There’s even a sensible connect function that unifies and intelligently sorts all incoming device connections beneath an single, automated SSID in reality easy, in fact. Don’t overlook Quad circulate and MU-MIMO for sooner all-around connections, and fancy beamforming technology that provides additional-stable wireless indicators. also, there’s 4 antenna as a substitute of my general three, which managed to enhance my wireless connection speeds by using about 20Mbps. Then there’s the further gaming stuff, which is what makes the XR500 in reality stand out.
Netgear’s XR500 is a very strong choice for hardcore gamers.credit: Netgear
first off, the main UI browser dashboard DumaOS allows you to display screen literally everything occurring in your community in real time: ordinary download endeavor, normal add exercise, ping, as well as the bandwidth utilization of every connected device. that you can then go past that to the QoS, or quality of provider, and dictate which gadgets ideally gaming consoles or PCs get to use essentially the most bandwidth at any given time. i will be able to see this coming in handy for large households where on-line gamers should coexist with heavy-usage Netflix and Hulu streamers. that you would be able to moreover utilize the Geo-Filter, which draws up a global map that lets you control the gap of online connections to multiplayer servers with a purpose to curb lag. It’s a very amazing set of features that presents some critically customizable options for dedicated game enthusiasts.
yes, it’s an expensive—and extreme, some would argue—networking accent geared nearly fully towards the hardcore gaming market, however I consider that it hits the bullseye in terms of what that demographic desires. It’s additionally a superb choice for anybody who with ease desires greater authority over their home network. It’s having comprehensive agency over the Handmaid’s tale binge happening within the living room while Fornite and Overwatch rages upstairs, all while somebody is watching outlandish ASMR movies on YouTube in the basement and a kick back-out Spotify mix plays within the backyard. My biggest criticism is that it doesn’t consider like it prices $300; i might have favored a pleasant metal casing as hostile to the low-cost plastic Netgear selected to go along with. perhaps it turned into for overheating causes.
SX10 Nighthawk seasoned Gaming change MSRP $299.ninety nine
Rounding out the trio of premium Netgear hardware is one severely pricey networking swap. searching suspiciously like the spaceship from ‘80s Disney sci-fi traditional Flight of the Navigator, the SX10 in contrast to the XR500 fully seems like an elegant piece of package for your palms. With foremost steel housing, it weighs in at just over three pounds, so we’re talking particular doorstop fabric right here. You recognize, some thing that looks like it might effortlessly outlive the cockroaches. Such solid fabric may come throughout as overkill for whatever as purposeful as a swap, however I appreciate the attention to aspect. Makes it more durable to by accident tug the device off a desk or entertainment center.
blanketed onboard are 2 10GMulti-Gig ethernet ports, eight 1G ethernet ports, a whole bunch of customizable RGB LEDs and a physical button to manually flip the lights on and off. just like the Nighthawk professional Gaming router, the SX10 has an attractive in-depth interface that lets you fully customize your network experience. you’ve got the power to manage each and every of the 10 ports, so the rest wired without delay to the swap is commence for bandwidth allocation. that you could also alternate the hue of any LED gentle to your liking, whatever thing specially positive for determining certain video game consoles or PCs at a glance. keep in mind that one of those 10 ports is reserved for connection to a cable modem or router.
The SX10 has a number of ports and LEDs for total customization.credit score: Netgear
regardless of some salt-of-the-earth reliability, the SX10 is possibly the hardest Netgear contraption to recommend on its own, and never most effective because of the steep fee. It’s without doubt a high quality piece of hardware with quite a lot of alternatives game enthusiasts curious about their wired ethernet have a great deal to be enthusiastic about right here, nevertheless it feels much extra like an augmentation to the XR500 than any kind of standalone product. That’s not to say you couldn’t spend it absolutely independently of the aforementioned router and find a ton of great use. I’m easily seeing the SX10 as an unbeatable partner piece to an already rocking XR500 setup. probably that’s nitpicky aesthetics, however there it’s. besides the fact that children, if you do should extend your wired ethernet alternatives and choose to fork over the money for this swish little manage container, you gained’t be upset, not in the slightest degree.
Netgear provided complimentary evaluation product for insurance purposes.
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10 Web Development Trends Succeed In 2021
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Being a web developer isn't an easy task. It is a task that requires you to work in a world that is always growing. It is necessary to stay up-to-date with the most up-to-date developments. Build your Website among Website company in usa
The standards for Website Development in USA change faster than they can be completed. To remain one step ahead, it is important to keep an eye on the latest trends, methods, strategies, and techniques growing popular.
We've analyzed trends across various businesses to produce this classic list of web development trends for 2021. You need to be aware of these trends, whatever you're currently interested in, such as marketplace innovation, startups, or IoT inventions. Additionally, you'll learn about the most popular web technology that deserves consideration this year.
Why Is Web Development Yet a Trend?
There is no doubt that there has been a change to social media platforms, mobile phones, and applications beating all other forms of communication. In turn, how people use online to buy, chat and find information has also drastically improved. Companies have been required to alter their websites to be visible to their clients in all and standards.
With everyone having joy with social media, what is the reason why web development is still important? The trends in web development 2021 will develop these results to a greater impression.
The world of web development is evolving fast, and it is saying that you must be in sync with the latest trends in the field to stay ahead of your competition. This article will examine 10 web development trends that will be the most popular by 2021. help you in expanding your business, and tap into more markets. This is why we considered compiling the most popular 10 trends in web development that will rule in 2021 and beyond.
Continue holding to find out about the newest trends in web development to the full extent.
1. Chatbots
Offering a seamless user experience is the purpose of every web admin. The knowledge to answer the questions of customers about your product, as well as the service, are a necessary element of giving buyers a seamless buying journey.
But this job is a lot more difficult with human involvement. Chatbots come into the fray! It assists in responding to the needs of the user. They also guide people to information and websites or helping users complete a transaction.
According to a recent report on the industry that as increasing numbers of customers become dependent on chatbots, companies of all kinds are expected to integrate chatbots into their websites. 2021 is predicted to see the widespread integration of chatbots into websites.
2. Voice-Enabled Navigation
According to Google, voice search is expected to comprise more than 50% of overall search volume by 2021. Therefore, web developers must create seamless websites to navigate and accessibility by using more technology that provides voice-enabled browsing.
3. Progressive Web Apps
Apps. A progressive web application is a mobile-friendly web page that functions as native apps. Based on Gartner Research, progressive web apps will replace 50 percent of all native apps designed for consumers. By 2021 and beyond, the usage of PWAs will increase exponentially because of the following factors:
Engaging - Provides rich user experience. It is reliable and loads instantly, regardless of whether connected to an unreliable network. Rapidly responds to user input even when animations are involved. Smooth scrolling.
4. Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is a sharp term in the field of web design. According to experts in web development, responsive web design is with the most well-known web development trends because it solves numerous issues on the site. It allows a site to be mobile-friendly, improves the appearance and feel of the site across various platforms, and offers an effortless user experience.
The net effect? Better visibility in SERP. Utilizing asymmetric layouts, background video, and 3D design are the hottest trend in responsive web design in 2021.
5. Push Notification
The integration of push notifications has been among the most talked-about web development trends since the year 2017. 2021 is no different! Studies suggest that push notification usage will rise in the upcoming decade.
According to the most skilled web developers, push notifications aid businesses in giving information to their users about sales, new blog posts, or any other information related to their Website. It also increases engagement, increases the number of visitors, and boosts sales at no extra cost.
6. Motion UI
Making the user experience better is vitally important. This is that Motion UI is gaining popularity every day. One of the most appealing aspects of motion-based UIs is that developers can quickly develop animations of the site's content without using JavaScript and JQuery. Expert web developers have concluded that integrating motion UI into web pages can increase dwell time and sales.
7. Single-Page Websites
A single-page site interacts with users by changing the content dynamically instead of loading all server pages at once.
With this in mind, trusted web development firms offering web-development services are working on static and single-page websites. The main advantages of single-page sites are one of them being Speedy and responsive. Single-page websites do not load all of the applications but load the necessary content. This allows users to avoid interaction between pages. The greatest part is the fact that HTML, as well as CSS Scripts, are loaded once. The only thing that is transferred is the data back and back and forth. This speeds up loading time.
Offers a direct user experience. Single-page websites offer simple direct experiences to the users. According to a study, the site provides a wonderful experience with parallax scrolling.
Simple Caching: A single-page website can efficiently cache local data because it sends just one request to the server and stores the information it gets. This improves loading speed.
WebAssembly, also referred to as WASM, is a small and quick binary format that offers fast, near-native performance to web applications. Experts believe that WebAssembly was specifically designed to serve as a target for compilation for JavaScript and other web development languages.
The usage of WebAssembly to write client-side applications on the internet and for creating high-speed web applications is predicted to increase in 2021.
9. Headless CMS
Digital transformation is taking place now at a greater more speed than it ever has before. A headless CMS offers a lot more advantages than the traditional CMS and is one of the latest trends in web development.
The greatest benefit is that it can be connected to multiple platforms via different devices. This is especially the case in the case of the delivery of content. A new report on the industry discovered that companies are moving to headless CMS over traditional ones to distribute content to their intended audience because of their versatility.
10. Static Web Hosting
2021 isn't going to remain an unexceptional year. Netlify and JAMstack are two manners of hosting service which has gained a lot of attention in web development over the past few years. Netlify offers advanced web hosting features that are integrated with automation, while JAMstack improves the performance of websites principally regarding speed.
The development of websites has completely changed throughout the decades. Nowadays, websites are developed and designed with the latest standards in mind and the most recent technology. This is why web developers have to always keep up with the newest developments and constantly improve their ability to develop amazing websites.
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5 Trends in Online Food Ordering and Delivery Industry
Online food ordering and delivery organizations are experiencing a change in outlook. Driving this change are — greetings speed web and the expansion in cell phone utilization. The colossal capability of the market has brought about the expansion of incalculable online food ordering and delivery sites, each with its own Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
These sites work as a commercial center where clients can peruse close by cafés that convey food, access their menu, analyze costs for comparable food things, and put in a request utilizing a basic (UI).
Trends in the Food Ordering and Delivery Business
The ideal conjecture of the online food ordering and delivery business has additionally pulled in light of a legitimate concern for some new companies and little estimated organizations that are anxious to procure a piece of the pie in this blossoming exchange.
Be that as it may, as the stakes get higher, the market gets prepared for interruptions. At such at such critical times, to comprehend the business back to front. Following are the key patterns that online food ordering and delivery entrepreneurs should know about
1. Millennials Are the Most Active Users Online
Contrasted with some other age, twenty to thirty year olds spend the most noteworthy level of their income on arranged food. This reality alone makes them the main segment in the realm of online food ordering and delivery business.
Because of their tumultuous timetables and relentless way of life, they wind up drawn towards brisk help food ordering and delivery sites. According to Technomic's Generational report, 3 out of 5 occasions, recent college grads either place orders on a food ordering and delivery application or visit eateries for takeaway.
2. Trending Innovative Delivery Channels
55% of US people state they would lean toward utilizing a simple online ordering framework. The essential purpose for food ordering and delivery stages trying different things with numerous channels is to secure more requests from their clients.
Order by Tweet
Domino's was the first to present 'request by tweet' technique and it has exactly the intended effect. To utilize it, clients first need to make a profile on Domino's site and afterward spare a default request, likewise called Easy Order. Next, they have to interface their Twitter account with their Domino's profile. When connected, clients can submit a request by tweeting a pizza emoticon to the organization's Twitter account.
Order Using Virtual Assistants
The popularity of Virtual Assistants keeps on expanding with the expansion of new and energizing highlights routinely. Similarly as it rushed to detect an open door with Twitter, Domino's utilized Facebook courier ideally by presenting their Pizza bot called Dom. This bot is equipped for taking requests, illuminating clients about vouchers and offering the most recent arrangements to the clients.
GrubHub works with Amazon's Smart Assistant - Alexa. Clients can submit a request from any of their last three buys. When a client reveals to Alexa what they might want to arrange, the activity is executed trailed by a declaration about the assessed conveyance time.
Order Using Smartwatches
The smartwatch trade is booming, and a number of other makers have shaped strategic tie-ups with some major food ordering and distribution firms. Domino's has launched the primary ever smartwatch app for golem watches. The app was successful because it drastically efficient the ordering method. Since then, several brands have followed up with smartwatch apps that enable customers to put orders and track delivery on their wearable devices.
Order from Car
Pizza Hut has made it possible to order food from cars. The company has developed an in-car pizza ordering system with Accenture and Visa. The visa checkout process has been integrated into the car's dashboard, meaning drivers can place orders using voice commands without having to get out of the wheel.
3. Modern Delivery options
Since the good 'ol days, a devoted delivery group has been essential to the achievement of the online food ordering and delivery business. However numerous brands consider it to be an 'temperamental reliance' over the long haul.
There is space to upgrade the delivery cycle both as far as speed and cost-adequacy and we are seeing the endeavours being made into growing new delivery channels — Robots, Parachutes, and Drones.
Delivery with Robots
With the appearance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), we presently approach self-driving vehicles and are on the way of creating robots that will have the option to arrive at their maximum capacity later on. In the UK, JustEat and Starship Technologies have created moving asphalt droids to convey food to their clients.
The six-wheeled droid can stir up a speed of 4 miles for each hour and convey orders inside a 10-mile span. To explore the area, the droids use GPS signs and cameras. The clients can gather their requests by entering a confirmation code.
4. Impending Niches
Having a wide range of cafés on an online food ordering and delivery stage is the customary method of accomplishing greatest productivity. Notwithstanding, there are arising stages that oblige the sellers of a particular specialty. For instance, Food Nerd, MamaSezz and VegReady include vegetarian cafés as it were.
Utilizing this methodology permits delivery new companies to essentially wipe out all the section obstructions and set them apart from the opposition. For proprietors for food ordering and delivery organizations, they should remain mindful of the specialty stages that are picking up footing:
5. Crypto Food orders
By utilizing digital currencies to put orders, it is conceivable to upgrade the client's food ordering experience. They are not restricted to a specific installment alternative and complete the exchange utilizing diverse digital forms of money.
Some remarkable models are Feastly, Papa John's Pizza, Takeaway.com, and Lobster Gram. The conceivable contention for digital forms of money for food ordering is that they can dispose of dangers of monetary misrepresentation and give an issue free shopping experience. In any case, the food ordering and delivery stages need to guarantee that they uphold however many digital currencies as could be allowed to urge more clients to arrange food through their application.
Last Thoughts
All the advancements and improvements lead to expanded client desires. Along these lines, it's vital for current food ordering and delivery stages to keep steady over the arising patterns in the business and devise approaches to improve consumer loyalty and have a continued income age model.
Resource: https://www.absolvetech.com/blogs/5-Trends-in-Online-Food-Ordering-and-Delivery-Industry
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goloyieng · 3 years
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Tekedia Practice, An advanced Diploma Program Guarantees Internship for Learners
By Ndubuisi Ekekwe
Tekedia Practice, An advanced Diploma Program Guarantees Internship for Learners
Tekedia Institute is excited to announce that we guarantee a 4-month internship in our Tekedia Practice, an advanced diploma program. We have 4 tracks now – Practice of Agribusiness, Practice of Renewable Energy Business, Practice of Digital Business, and Practice of Automotive Business. Learners spend two months in the Institute mastering business systems, and then 4 months in a partner company as an intern.
Practice of Agribusiness: delivered with many partners including Soilless Farm Lab, TAFS, etc with internships guaranteed.
Practice of Renewable Energy Business: delivered in partnership with OneWattSolar which recently raised a $4.9 million green bond. OneWattSolar guarantees internships for participants.
Practice of Digital Business: delivered in partnership with many fintech, healthtech, logistics and digital-anchored companies (Pass, Symplifix, SproutPay, etc) with internships guaranteed.
Practice of Automotive Business: delivered in partnership with Mecho Autotech under NADDC protocol to ensure vehicle maintenance, repair and service professionals deliver consistent, dependable and high quality technical and business services. Internship guaranteed.
New members are enrolled on the first Monday of every month. Learn more here: https://www.tekedia.com/tekedia-practice-an-advanced-diploma-program-guarantees-internship-for-learners/
Good People, please Join me to thank Paul O. Erubami CFM, CIWFM, SFP, FMP, MRICS, MIoD. , the Principal Consultant and CEO of Max-Migold, a physical facilities management, training, inspection, and technology advisory firm, for funding the FUTURE. Mr. Erubami has offered scholarships to tens of young people to attend Tekedia Institute Advanced Diploma programs.
The Erubami Scholars will spend 8 weeks with us and each will pick tracks from Logistics & Supply Chain Management;
Business Innovation, Growth & Sustainability; Project Management; Risk Management; Business Administration; Innovation & Design Thinking; and Accounting, Auditing, Forensics & Taxation.
Across Africa, young people are acquiring capabilities from business leaders who teach at our Institute. The impact is evident. We wish Mr. Erubami and Max-Migold open markets in business for funding the Future of Africa. And to the Scholars, welcome to the Institute; you will master the mechanics of markets.
In addition, The Bank of Industry likes our work and in 8 months has extended $2 million credits to our innovators from here. Out of these scholars, the promises of the future become more amazing.
Fred Swaniker, founder of African Leadership Academy and now African Leadership University: Ever since we started AfricanLU, I’ve dreamt of disrupting the higher education system. I wanted us to design a university unlike anything the world has seen: one that challenges the status quo by asking students to declare “missions” over “majors” and is not afraid to transform its operations and adapt to a fast-changing world. This vision includes providing young Africans with access to excellence that scales, and I am thrilled to announce that ALU’s bold new strategy will bring us closer to it than ever before.
The new strategy is a product of my belief that constraints drive innovation. The pandemic forced -and inspired us- to reassess and innovate. So this new inclusive excellence strategy will drastically reduce the cost of attendance while increasing our enrollment by 10x over the next 5 years- change at a rate and scale unheard of for traditional universities. And we will drive this by transitioning to a distributed model that combines learning in-person and online, by doing, and through a campus experience with small, in-person local hubs.
But we can’t do this alone. As we embark on this exciting journey, we welcome inventors, data scientists, software engineers, UI/UX developers etc., to make history with us.
Welcome to the future of education!
Shule Direct, developing cutting edge educational programs to empower youth and children
Born and raised in Tanzania, Faraja Nyalandu, founder of Shule Direct, is a resourceful social entrepreneur passionate about developing cutting edge social and educational programs that empower youth and children. What inspires her the most is working collaboratively in social development and educational industry to develop and deliver innovative resources and solutions that prepare children and youth for a sustainable future. With over 15 years’ experience in engaging young people, she has dedicated her professional career and personal life to empowering them to achieve their full potential.
In 2013, Faraja established Shule Direct, a thriving organisation providing comprehensive web and mobile educational platforms offering national curriculum based learning content across multiple subjects to over a million in and out of school youth. The enterprise now hosts Tanzania’s 1st Start up incubator for young women entrepreneurs for their personal and professional development and developing a digital platform for young entrepreneurs to learn, network and grow their businesses.
She is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network after serving on the Global Future Council for Education, Gender and Work. Faraja is a Teaching and Learning Thematic Lead for the Regional Educational Learning Initiative (RELI) where she focuses on teachers’ pre and in service professional development. An education enthusiast, she has also served on the Board of Ubongo Learning, READ and a technical adviser for Institutions for Inclusive Development that helped Tanzanian institutions innovate and scale systemic solutions to big development problems.
Last year, the World Economic Forum appointed her as a Young Global Leader Class of 2020, a tenure for 5 years. Prior to that she has been recognized as a Leading Woman in Technology in Africa award for her work with Shule Direct, Tanzania Leadership Awards’ Hall of Fame Woman of the Year Award and a System Innovator award by Segal Family Foundation for systemic change in digital learning in Secondary School education in Tanzania. Africa Youth Awards has named Faraja among 100 Most Influential Young Africans.
An avid reader who has authored two youth empowerment books written in Kiswahili, Tanzania’s national language, to reach underserved young people and catalyse their dreams. Faraja is a qualified Lawyer with an LLB and LLM (Master of Laws) in Human Rights and Migration.
Lioness Weekender spoke to the truly inspirational Faraja Nyalandu to learn more about her unique entrepreneurial journey and to find out about her plans for the future.
What does your company do?
Shule Direct’s goal is to provide local and accessible digital educational content for young learners across Tanzania and Africa to improve their learning outcomes. We are working with qualified teachers to create digitized learning notes, tutorials, quizzes, and multimedia content and developing technological solutions to deliver comprehensive curriculums on web and mobile solutions.
Source: lionessesofafrica.com
Images: learners at Tekedia, Paul O. Erubami, Fred Swaniker of ALA & ALU, and Faraja Nyalandu, another social educational entrepreneur.
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seedtreedb · 3 years
Motto: "Automation literacy for all peoples."
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SeedTree DB
build [event-driven] software you never thought possible
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Drastically simplifying event-driven programming with a lightweight module: easy-to-use JavaScript Object Notation with Function Objects included. The structure of JSON. The functionality of JavaScript. A bridge between stateless (halted) and stateful (non-halting) objects. This site is still under development. Please visit again soon for an improved experience. Or, sign up to our newsletter for updates. Thanks! Jump to: EXAMPLES | TEAM | LINKS
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Hi, the SeedTree DB founder here. Event-driven programming is an incredibly powerful and extremely popular GUI and Web app software paradigm: well over 90% of all websites use JavaScript and JavaScript is event-driven. If an app is user controlled (has a UI) or communicates on the Web (uses APIs), it probably relies on event-driven scripts. However, event-driven development comes with major downsides. As Wikipedia puts it: "the event-action model leads programmers to create error-prone, difficult to extend and excessively complex application code." A few years ago, I made my first sophisticated event-driven program. It was an interactive e-contract Web app with jQuery to handle UI and REST events. I stopped working on the program when it became so complex, it was error-prone and difficult to extend. It became complex because it lacked unified hierarchical structure. I couldn't make another program like that. There had to be a better way! After years of first principles R&D, I've come up with SeedTree DB as the solution. SeedTree DB is a JavaScript add-on with a very small footprint that lets programmers adopt JSON-like tree structure within a program whenever they want. => SeedTree DB scripts are JavaScript Object Notation files/modules with working Function Objects; JSON document stores are JavaScript Object Notation files without Function Objects (unless stringified). We're in the process of conducting research to empirically show how much SeedTree DB lowers complexity and improves efficiency compared to the alternatives. In my experience, SeedTree DB drastically lowers complexity by giving each function the regiment necessary to fit into distributed-state compilations with simplicity and ease. As such, my SeedTree DBs don't have definition scope issues or control flow timing issues. Apps are fast to extend with very few and quick-to-fix errors to debug. With SeedTree DB, I've been able to build parallel, multithreaded event-driven order on top of order sans namespace collisions or problematic unmet promises/callbacks, far beyond what I was able to do without its graceful constraints. As soon as possible, we'll open up sliding scale subscriber Git repositories so you can start using this groundbreaking proprietary technology in your projects. The repositories will include working modules that you can use as-is or as templates to get you started.
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Why is it that SeedTree DB is the first to develop something as fundamental as script/database hybridization? => Scripts define change whereas databases define order. We had to reimagine "irrational" number theory to find a way to harmoniously marry these two "opposing" concepts as one before we could properly visualize SeedTree DB.
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Please visit this GitHub repository for an example of the grammar SeedTree DB uses. Though SeedTree DB was removed from this repository at publication, SeedTree DB scaffolded the code flow during construction. These examples are of the runtimes, not the scripts. Runtimes and scripts reflect each other. The scripts are easy to make. We'll have script demos ready soon. If you want, you can expand the following videos full-screen as well as pause on specific frames. Each video is at or under 1 minute long. Click here for a playlist with additional and real-world demo videos, including a Twilio/Raspberry-Pi e-ink programmable SMS pager example.
(1) In the above example, we show the "x" tree-app and its children. Then we show the "x.tool" branch and its children. We show how the "x.tool.example" branch applies its schema and gives the user feedback about an input value that conflicts with its schema. Finally, we show a successful "x.tool.example" branch input. Note how each "x.tool.example" output is recorded as a greater than zero "$#" child leaf object in the "x.tool.example" namespace stack.
(2) In the above example, we attempt to add a data object input to the "x.tool.example.$2" database leaf. The database successfully adds one of the data object input's key/values to a matching key/null leaf-destination cell in the database. The database refuses the other data object input's key/value because the key/value leaf-destination cell is already occupied in the database.
(3) In the above example, we try to add a key/value without a preexisting key leaf-destination in the "x.tool.example.$2" database leaf. The database gives us feedback about our error. We respond by trying again with an 'o' option that overrides the default requirement that an entry can only be added to the database if the database already has an empty key/null cell available. We then try the previous example's key/value with an already occupied "x.tool.example.$2" key/value leaf-destination but use an 'n' option that overwrites the already occupied leaf-destination's cell-value.
(4) In the above example, we make a successful "x.tool.example" branch input. After that, we lookup the output by entering its "x.tool.example.$3" leaf address. We try to do the same for "x.tool.example.$4" but, since the 4th "x.tool.example" output hasn't happened yet, the database returns no leaf. We try it for the "x.tool.example.$2" output, which has happened, and the database returns the leaf. We then lookup the "x.tool.example" branch and observe its "x.tool.example.x" key/value. We change its "x.tool.example.x" value to a different value. Finally, we make a schema-successful "x.tool.example" branch input and "x.tool.example" uses the new "x.tool.example.x" value to calculate its "x.tool.example.$4" output object.
(5) In the above example, the "x.twil" progammable-database branch is a GET server calibrated for Twilio Programmable SMS Webhooks. When Twilio contacts the branch with an SMS, the branch's "x.twil.chat" child determines the SMS is a number and then, using the "x" namespace, sends it to the "x.tool.example" branch. "x.tool.example" processes the SMS input like any other input: applying its schema and additional calculations, then recording the output as the next "$#" child leaf object data entry in its stack.
(6) In the above example, we look up the "x.tool.example.$0" metadata-header value determined by the database's kernel-module. We then change the "x.tool.example.$0.show" database metadata-header setting to on. After that, we try an input improper for the "x.tool.example" schema and the database gives us feedback about it. Finally, we lookup "x.tool.example" and see that, now with the show setting turned on, the "x.tool.example.$6" output we just made with our failed input attempt is visible in the "x.tool.example" namespace.
(7) In the above example, we lookup the "x.tool.example" namespace constructor function, the namespace constructor function for each of the greater than zero "x.tool.example.$#" child leaf output objects of "x.tool.example" and, finally, the instructions "x.tool.example" uses to calculate the values of its greater than zero "x.tool.example.$#" child leaf output objects.
(∞) In the below example, a walkthrough of the above (1) to (7) examples.
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Kyle MacLean Smith B.B.A., J.D. Founder & Inventor Victoria, BC, Canada For more about me, please visit my personal website linked directly below. besta.pe
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SeedTree DB
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Motto: "Automation literacy for all peoples."
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steamishot · 3 years
christmas eve
this year is the second time i’ll be spending christmas in NYC! it’s snowed quite a few times already and we experienced a snow storm recently. the weather fluctuates between 45~ (not that cold) to 31~ (kinda cold) and i adjust the layers i wear accordingly. with the right winter gear, winter hasn’t been so bad. i think i feel less cold being here this year, because i’ve already been in the area long enough to gradually transition vs. coming here from sunny california and experiencing such a drastic weather change. i’m glad i got to experience a snow storm, because there was no snow storm at all last year, and it barely snowed.
matt has been on electives, which is only 3-5 hours of work M-F. we’ve never spent this much time being home together. on one hand, it’s nice. on the other hand, it can be annoying sometimes because it’s a small space. i go back and forth between wanting him home, and wanting some space lol. i’m happy that he finally has time to unwind for more than a week, after consistently working for like 8 months now without a vacation. he’s been sleeping so much - will sleep the full night and then take naps during the day. he also recently got the pfizer vaccine and had arm soreness and fatigue afterwards. i realize i’m also slow at adjusting. i have to adjust to him being away, but also adjust to him being at home. it’s a lot to learn with his erratic schedule. oddly enough, he tends to sleep earlier when he doesn’t have to wake up until 7:30am than when he has to wake up at 5:30am.
i’ve been inspired by my childhood friend/running buddy D who recently passed her DPT exam and can officially practice as a physical therapist. on the side, she makes succulent arrangements. it started as a hobby she picked up in PT school, and she sold them to friends/family to fund her education. it evolved into a small business this year while she was studying for boards. this past weekend, she was able to host a pop up shop in front of a boba shop and had a great turnout. not gonna lie, my initial reaction was comparison and i felt like a real loser. not only does she have a stable career that she’s passionate about, she’s also successful in her small business. i think i’m also way more prone to comparison with her, because we’re the same age and have similar backgrounds (our dads are best friends). anyway, i had to remind myself to be happy for her, and that she got where she is because she put in a lot of hard work. 
i completed the ux/ui bootcamp back in feb 2019, but i have done very little for it afterwards. i’m still helping my dietitian friend out with her website. she recently gave birth to her second child, and i went on a design hiatus after my move - so it’s been a quiet few months. it’s easy and comfortable to do my current HR work while also being compensated overtime. however, WFH seems to be coming to an end in the next 3-6 months and it’s finally time to move forward with my life and find a new job. 
i learned that my brother and i share similar qualities. neither of us have developed much grit in life, and we just give up when things get hard. we’re the type of people content with coasting by in life. luckily, my parents are able to financially support themselves, but i feel guilty that i don’t have the mentality that many asian americans (children of immigrants) do: of doing financially better than the last generation. my dad hustled and took a lot of risks to get to where he is today. perhaps when i have children or a sense of responsibility over someone else’s life, i’ll have an innate strive to hustle harder. my brother has a BS in chemical engineering, and a MS in electrical engineering. he’s been at the same job since he graduated college, even though i’m sure he could be compensated way more elsewhere. for whatever reason, he’s doing an online BS degree in computer science as well. however, it’s a course that goes at your pace. it’s been like two years and he still hasn’t completed it. 
for a long time, i used to look up to my brother who is 2 years older than me, and think - if he was making X at age X, then i’m okay. however, i should be looking up to more ambitious people - upward comparison, not lateral comparison haha - if i want to become inspired.
in regards to ux/ui, i always felt i wasn’t “passionate enough” about the work. like i would blank during an interview because i couldn’t articulate why i was doing this. i’m scared because of my lack of experience (transitioning careers), and scared just because i lack confidence. i haven’t had a formal interview in almost 4 years. i’m pretty sure i scared myself into not trying at all, just to avoid failure. and that’s what i want to improve on. to just try. and develop grit. finish my portfolio. and at least apply to jobs. i was fortunately able to maintain my current job amidst a pandemic and have an easy and restful year, but now, it’s. time. to. put. in. WORK! 
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t-baba · 4 years
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9 React Native App Templates for You to Study and Use
Are you looking for the best resources to create cross-platform mobile apps with native-like performance?
React Native is an awesome way to create cross-platform mobile apps with native-like performance and a single JavaScript codebase. In this post, I'll share 9 React Native app templates to make your mobile app development easier.
Why Should I Use React Native?
The React library is a powerful collection of code on its own, but React Native takes it a step further.
When building native applications, for many years it was necessary to create entirely separate apps, with their own code bases and sometimes even different languages.
React Native acts as a wrapper for each of these native applications, allowing you to use a single code base to deploy to multiple devices. This drastically cuts down on costs, time, and maintenance when it comes to building your app. And you can build everything using JavaScript instead of a handful of disparate languages.
Getting started can be a bit rough, but there are plenty of apps, templates, and tutorials to help get you up to speed.
Pairing something you want to build with a good template and resource material is a recipe for React application success.
The Best React Native App Templates on CodeCanyon
CodeCanyon has the best React Native app templates on the internet, with nearly 200 currently available. Ratings and reviews help to make sure you pick the right template for your project, and the extended support makes the template developers available to you should you need any assistance.
Check out all of the available templates on CodeCanyon now.
9 React Native App Templates for You to Study and Use
Here are nine React Native mobile app templates to boost your projects and your skills.
1. Bestseller: MStore Pro—Complete React Native Template for eCommerce
Nothing can be quite as difficult as organizing and presenting eCommerce apps. Taxonomies and collections are complex at best. Each item requires a high baseline of repetitive data depending on what is being sold. Variations can quickly get overwhelming, with data such as sizes, quality, inventory, color, versions, etc.
Now in its third version, MStore Pro (formerly called BeoStore) is a beautiful example of a React Native application for eCommerce.
Features include:
two product list modes
flexible product filter
user profiles
and more
The UI of this app template is top notch. When you consider the depth of data that is being sorted and presented—not to mention the fundamental feature set—this is a React application worth looking at closely.
The MStore Pro app template is amazing. You can learn more about what it can do with our tutorial on creating an eCommerce app with MStore Pro.
React Native
Creating eCommerce Apps With the MStore Pro React Native Template
Ashraff Hathibelagal
2. Antiqueruby React Native Material Design
If you're just starting with React Native, Antiqueruby is one of the best tools you can have. With a collection of over 200+ screens, this kit gives you a ton of drop-in components for almost any scenario.
With direct access to the code behind the components, you can also use Antiqueruby to learn about each part of what goes into a React Native app, using small, self-contained components.
There are a ton of components to learn from, including:
user profiles
logins, sign-ups, and registrations
advertising displays and handling
complex navigation handlers
third-party app integrations
If you're looking to improve your skills when it comes to modular components and front-end development, this kit will help you close the gap! 
Learn more about the Antiqueruby React Native component library with our tutorial.
React Native
Beautiful Material Design Apps With the Antiqueruby React Native Components
Ashraff Hathibelagal
3. BeoNews Pro—React Native Mobile App for WordPress
BeoNews is an app that does magic for your website by converting your WordPress website into mobile true native app with customized contents.
There's hardly a better example of funneling your WordPress-based website into a React mobile app.
Easily get your WordPress site into mobile app form and onto the AppStore and Google Play with BeoNews Pro.
Features include:
easy Facebook integration
swipe gestures and animated UI/UX
multiple layouts
and more
If you're digging deeper into React or you want to get your WordPress-powered website into a mobile app store, this is an excellent place to start.
The BeoNews Pro React Native mobile app template for WordPress ticks all the right boxes.
4. BeoUI—Complete Mobile UI Template for React Native
This is another beautiful UI with plenty of styles that can be used in many different applications.
The BeoUI UI template will let you create great-looking apps for iOS and Android.
Features include:
flat design mixed with wonderful animation and parallax scrolling
multiple menu styles
WordPress support
and more
This reactive application template packs plenty of punch. With good looks and flexibility, you can build just about anything with the BeoUI UI template for React Native.
5. Best React Native App Builder: React App Builder
React App Builder
React Native app builders make it easy to create any kind of React Native mobile app. These are multipurpose tools that save development time and make it possible for even non-developers to build an app for iOS and Android. 
React App Builder is a multipurpose React Native app builder that helps developers and non-developers alike create any kind of iOS or Android app they want—chat apps, event apps, recipe apps, shopping apps, restaurant apps, etc. 
All you need to do is choose one of the available React Native templates, edit and reorder the app’s more than 30 sections, customise the design, colours, and layout, add your content, and your app is ready to publish on Google Play and the App Store. 
And for beginning developers, studying the code of this app template, unpacks tricks of the trade that will flatten your learning curve and help you advance faster. 
6. Listar: Listing Directory React Native App Template 
Directory listing apps templates are multi-faceted and contain a wide variety of possibilities in one single app. 
Listar is a mobile React Native app template for the classified directory listing industry. It is suitable for many kinds of mobile directory listings, like store locators, city guides, events and attractions, and even real estate applications. 
The design is quite simple. Its components were made with pure React Native, without using extra libraries, so you can easily customize it for your business.
When you download the source code, open to study how the app has been written. Then you can practice customizing it to your own preferences and build some mobile apps with it. 
7. Food Delivery: React Native Template
Food Delivery is a component-based application template for React Native. The application has more than 25 components and 50 screen containers, and the visual design can easily be customized.
You can choose from two versions of the application:
Food Delivery Pro: built with React Native CLI 0.62
Food Delivery Expo: built with Expo SDK 37
This powerful React Native starter kit saves you hours of development so you can focus on what makes your app unique. You can look under the hood of each template and learn how it is code and how it helps you save hours of development. 
Note: this is just a mobile app—no back-end functionality is included.
8. GoFit Fitness App Template
If you want to create your own fitness app that covers all aspects of a get fit plan from nutrition to exercise, check out the GoFit app template. 
This React Native app template features a signup and login screen, main menu, workouts, exercise, recipes, blog, levels and goals, body parts diagrams, and equipment—in other words, everything you need to create the best fitness app.
You can examine every screen in this react native fitness app template and see how they've been put together. 
9. Myyaow Realtor
Myyaow Realtor is a React Native real estate mobile app that allows agents to post properties and customers to search through those properties according to their budget and required amenities.
It is the perfect React Native app template for developing apps for the real estate industry. 
Here are features you will find very useful:
builds for iOS and Android (though requires a Mac for development)
more than 20 screens designed for the real estate niche
screens for complex forms and search functions
React Native components users and agents
Choose Your React Native App Template 
If none of these templates are quite what you're looking for, you can find more on CodeCanyon. And if you want to learn more about React Native app development, check out some of our other posts. 
Get a good overview of the React Native templates and tools that are available, and then check out how to use a React Native template in your own project.
Become a React Native Pro!
Using, studying, and applying these React Native applications and strategies is one of the best ways to become a React pro. Digging into completed code, examining UI and UX choices, and using existing building blocks provides insight that is difficult to come across when starting from scratch.
If you're looking for other ways to improve your React Native chops, check out:
other React Native applications on Envato Market
Envato's React Native how-to tutorials, courses, and eBooks
this overview of the tools available for React Native
React Native
Create Your First React Native Android App
Esther Vaati
React Native
How to Learn React Native: Start With These Courses and Tutorials
Kyle Sloka-Frey
React Native
Understanding React Native Components, Templates, and Tools
Kyle Sloka-Frey
React Native
Beautiful Material Design Apps With the Antiqueruby React Native Components
Ashraff Hathibelagal
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Creating eCommerce Apps With the MStore Pro React Native Template
Ashraff Hathibelagal
React Native
Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template
Kyle Sloka-Frey
React Native
How to Create a React Native Calendar Component
Ashraff Hathibelagal
React Native
Code an App With GraphQL, React Native and AWS AppSync: The App
Nader Dabit
by Franc Lucas via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/336tSm4
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waftr · 4 years
The smartphone user burns through an absurd number of apps in a year. We get bored quickly, and app developer companies keep coming up with new products. And we most definitely will try out the new one, stick with it, and get rid of the old one. To do this fast and efficiently and perhaps arrive at the app of your choice quicker, you should know how to delete apps on android.
A quick answer to uninstall Android Apps
Open Menu (App Drawer)
Long press the app you want to uninstall
Click Uninstall
Bloatware and Unwanted Apps!
Android operating systems these days come with a lot of preinstalled apps. These apps work best with the phone’s built-in functions, but they may not be what you are familiar with. If you are used to other apps that can sync through all your devices, you may want to get rid of these pre-existing apps. But most phones do not allow you to uninstall these, and they take up a lot of your storage space. These kinds of apps are called Bloatware.
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How Bloatware Pose a Problem?
It will either just keep using the internal storage, or restore all the data you moved back from the external storage. Eventually, you will run out of storage space, and the performance of your smartphone will drop drastically. To avoid this, you need to retain only those apps that are necessary. Knowing how to delete apps on android is, therefore, more important than ever.
Before we start purging your phone of all the unnecessary apps, make more space for your new apps by clearing all the data, previous apps will leave, even if you uninstall them. One crucial step to take when you are learning how to delete apps on android in the neatest way possible is to head over to the Clear Data setting for all the apps you are uninstalling. But be careful with this – if there is any chance you would want to reinstall the app and want your mobile to remember the settings and accounts it had previously, this is not a good idea:
The Clear Data option is usually found in the Storage section near the Uninstall option of your apps.
Steps to Delete Apps on Android
There are multiple types of Android Operating systems out there, the most basic of which is the stock android. Here is how to delete apps on android (stock):
Go to your app drawer or home screen and select the Settings button.
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Scroll down to find Apps and Notifications.
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Select ‘See All Apps.’
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Locate the app you want to be removed and select it.
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Press the Uninstall button right next to the force stop. 
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You can also force stop and delete the app cache to freed memory if you don’t want to delete the app.
Stock android is the simplest and lightest operating system out there, but it also has adverse reports when it comes to managing storage space. Sometimes, there will be apps that you cannot uninstall from the phone because it is part of the OS. In this case, your next best option is to Disable it. While this does not remove the app in its entirety, it can reduce the amount of storage it takes up on your phone and keeps it from interfering with your phone’s general performance. This should be enough to guide you on how to delete apps on android if you own a phone with Stock Android.
Android Related Posts: 1. How To Factory Reset Android Phone to Improve speed. 2. How to Change Ringtone on Android Phone 3. 7 Facetime Apps For Android 2020 4. How to Take a Screenshot on Any Android Mobile 5. How to Recover Deleted Text Messages on Android
The more advanced generation of android operating systems include the Samsung or One UI OS. It is far easier to figure out how to delete apps on android if you own one of these because the interface is much simpler and user-friendly. If you are doing a mass deletion of apps from your phone, you can do it the old manual way on the Settings app. But these operating systems offer a shortcut.
Here is How to delete apps on Android in Samsung or One UI:
Browse through your phone and find the app you want to remove,
Long press the app icon. (Tap on it and hold your finger there)
A pop-up menu should appear, showing you the various tasks it can do from the home screen.
If it is an app that can be uninstalled, press ‘Uninstall.’
If you are doing a mass clean up of apps you no longer require, you can select multiple apps at the same time. Select ‘Select multiple items’ from the pop-up menu.
Select each app you want to remove and press Uninstall, which is found on the top left.
Just like in Stock Android, if the phone does not let you uninstall the app in its entirety, choose to Disable it instead. Now you know how to delete apps on android if it is Samsung or One UI.
There are other operating systems available, like the ones Huawei produces. You can follow the same steps to figure out how to delete apps on android on most operating systems.
While you are on your app removal spree, be careful that you do not delete any apps that you actually may need in the future. The removal or disabling of certain apps may affect the performance of your phone detrimentally. Share this article so your friends and family can learn how to delete apps on android.
The post How to Delete Apps on Android appeared first on Waftr.com.
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digitalmonsterorg · 4 years
Top 11 SEO Experts Revealing “How to Improve Google Ranking?” [EXCLUSIVE ROUNDUP]
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We conducted a SEO Roundup with SEO Leaders across the globe on "Best SEO Strategies" on the topic “Advice to Marketers for Improving Website’s Google Ranking in 2019 – 2020”. We reached out to SEO Thought Leaders of top ranked organisations who are prominent in their businesses and received few exclusive advice for marketers and digital agencies. The response we received has been quite insightful and fascinating. We are delighted to share with our privileged Digitalmonster.org readers the top tips and actionable techniques given by the veterans of the world of SEO like Larry KIM, Bruce Clay and many others. Some of the revealing facts are: How to achieve top keyword position on Google? What does Google expect from a website? How to improve website quality score? What is the right content strategy? How to get right people to do the right job? How to hire a SEO agency? Tips for sustaining in this dynamic Digital Search mode? and many more.. Here are the responses from the experts. 1) Larry Kim - CEO at MobileMonkey Larry's 3 Best Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Increasing time on page and reducing your bounce rate and improving mobile speed will increase your site's quality score. Getting more branded queries will tell Google that your company is an authority in your space. Getting higher than expected Click-Through-Rates on organic click-through rates. I believe that in 2019 the above 3 activities will greatly increase your Google rankings and is even more valuable than traditional SEO activities like link building and on-page SEO.   2) Bruce Clay - Owner of Bruce Clay, Inc. Bruce's 5 Best Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Hire a professional at an expert level. That is not hiring “just an SEO” – you need to hire a seasoned team led by a person with over 10 years of SEO experience. Be prepared to make changes to your website. Many times the web team is too busy to pay attention to “enhancements”. Make sure there is a commitment to implementing SEO changes. Have a suitable budget, then double it. You are competing, and so you need to run faster than the competition. Hire smart and compete like your life depends upon it. That takes resources, tools, education, staff and more. Never hire the cheapest brain surgeon. Know your competition. Sometimes you can merge with them. Sometimes they will link to you. Sometimes you can partner for mutual benefit. But keep your enemies close and watch and outmaneuver their moves. Simply put, become least imperfect. Buy Google. I have not tried this, but if you own Google you may be able to rank better for a few keywords… who knows? 3) Ashley Ward - Digital Marketing Strategist at Madhouse Matters, Keynote Speaker, Author Ashley's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Coming from a content perspective, creating content that answers what people are searching for or provides them with entertainment based on what they're looking for on Google is the best way to help improve your rankings. Tons and tons of websites will rank thanks to a certain blog post that provided a solution to a commonly searched for the query. If the content we produce focuses on doing just that, either entertaining or informing based on relevant queries, we have a chance to improve our rankings drastically.   4) Carolyn Lyden - Lead SEO + Owner at Search Hermit LLC. Carolyn’s Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Create quality content--whatever the best form of content is for your site and brand--that answers users' questions and helps them do what they're looking to accomplish. Expand your definition of content. It can be anything from the typical blog to user reviews and social media posts. If Google is focusing on entities (source: Cindy Krum), then make sure you’re focused on the content on ALL your digital properties. Create a web of presence for your brand online--and ensure that you’re focusing it all on the user’s needs.     5) David Mink - Founding Partner at Avalaunch Media David's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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"The best way to improve rankings in Google is to focus on the user. Think about the intent of the keyword that the user is searching, make sure that the content experience that you are providing is giving them the best possible answer/solution to their inquiry. If your website has great content (optimized for the user with expert-level knowledge) and a great experience (page speed, UI/UX) all the other vanity metrics and indirect ranking signals will help improve your ranking. If your content is truly great you will naturally build the off-site trust signals with shares, peer reviews and links.” 6) Niki Mosier - Technical SEO Manager at Seer Interactive Niki's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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In my opinion, a strong technical foundation is key to improve organic ranking in Google. Is the site secure, how fast does it load? Is there a good mobile experience? Are there too many redirects, not enough internal links? If Google can't crawl or access or content quickly and efficiently, then it doesn't matter how good that content is.   7) William Kammer - SEO Director at Clearlink William's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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"Figure out how to increase your real estate on the first page. Ranking on the first page is fine, but what about featured snippets? Rich snippets? Social streams? Media carousels? Map packs? As Google focuses more on "no click" searches (keeping people on Google instead of clicking into websites), it's important for us to increase our exposure as much as possible when we rank.  Also, technology is allowing us to gain more data than ever before, it's extremely important for us to accurately and efficiently analyze giant data sets to gain unique insights. If you have the resources, work with other departments like development, engineering, data science, etc. to create internal products to speed up the data gathering and analysis process as well." 8) AL Sefati - SEO Strategist at 9thWonder Agency AL Sefati's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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With voice search growing, and machine learning playing a bigger role in Google’s algorithm, it is more important than ever for SEO experts of 2019 must be data oriented. They need to utilize all available tools at hand to gather data and make strategic decisions based on those data. It is OK to read other reputable blog posts and learn from them, but your SEO strategy decisions must be your own and based on data you have gathered and analyzed.   9) Dani Hawley - SEO Director at LevLane Advertising Dani's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Site content is key! To rank online you need to understand the journey the consumer takes to get there. Research around keywords, topics, and competitors needs to be completed to know ideal journey your target market takes. Each page needs to have a solitary topic around the searched keyword to answer the user's query.  Ultimately, Google wants its clients (searchers) to get to a destination that answers their question without having to back out or search around the site for the answer. We can achieve that through optimized content within an SEO strategy. 10) Victoria Olsina - SEO Manager at Consensys Victoria's 3 Best Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Content and Backlinks: Content is still king in 2019. Every single piece of content we produce for the Consensys website is usually a thousand words or more, and this has led us to dominate rankings within the enterprise blockchain vertical. We are lucky enough to have organic PR coverage and links for most the articles we publish on our blog, but that being said beware of the news websites that just copy and paste every single piece of content triggered by the RSS feed. Good backlinks are still key to top rankings, disavow the low-quality links. Poor quality non-diversified links are one of the reasons why the Daily Mail and CCN have been harshly penalized on the latest Google Algorithm Update. Google wants your answers with the right format: Featured snippets have been around for more than 2 years but more and more I have noticed how cheeky snippets “steal” our organic traffic even though we are ranking higher than those search results. We can’t fight it, we can only adapt our content to Google’s desires and answer the search intent in the predetermined ways: paragraph, lists and bullet points. Double Check the Technical Factors: Just by looking at Linkedin and job boards I have noticed a huge trend in recruitment for in-house technical SEO roles. This is a clear indication of the industry’s priorities and also a hint for what the future of SEO as a profession will be: no more one SEO person optimising for every single factor, but a clear division between content optimisation and technical factors such as javascript rendering, page speed, etc. 11) Chirag Shah - CEO of ShoutnHike Chirag's Ways to Improve Google Rankings:
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Title and description with keywords still rule Unique, engaging content with proper H tags and punchlines and subheadline Page loading time Convincing responsive design Blogs on relevant topics and relevant backlinks Bonus Tips- Use latest FREE tool Neil Patel's Uber suggest to get links, ranking, etc. We believe this remarkable real-life experiences and best SEO Tips from the expert’s actionable techniques can help you improve your website’s Google ranking and positioning. Do you have any other SEO strategy, tips, or recommendations to boost the website’s Google ranking? We would love to hear it from you. Let us know in the comments! Read the full article
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Best Mobile App Development Company in Riyadh,Jeddah,Saudi Arabia-Fusion Informatics
Saudi Arabia is officially regarded as the (Saudi Arabia Kingdom). It's the Middle East's biggest independent country. Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Jeddah has become the primary centre for the recent trends and technology that companies have appeared to spend more on technology.
As far as technology is concerned, Saudi Arabia placed 13th in the Global Security Index. Over the years, the Mobile Application sector has changed quickly. Saudi Arabia has recently become a hub for mobile app development companies. Saudi Arabia's public recently embraced smartphone, leading to drastic changes in the Saudi industry. Business in Saudi Arabia needs to upgrade its company policies and should be more focused on internet involvement. Here, mobile app development plays an important role in advancement for business in improving sales and engaging customer. There are several Mobile App development companies in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Jeddah that can help your business to engage more customer and retain the existing one by developing a well-planned mobile app for your business.
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Before Selecting a Top Mobile app development company in Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, companies should look at these factors.
1. Profile of the company
2. Portfolio of the company
3. Experience
4. Maintenance and Support
If you're looking to create a mobile app for your new or current business, this post will definitely assist you to get all the details about one of the best mobile apps development company in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Jeddah. Depending on the main indicators and prior track documents, inventory, service delivery, core knowledge, expenditures, UI / UX layout. It is easy to Hire the Best Mobile Apps development companies in Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Fusion informatics is one of the top mobile applications development companies in Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for businesses to create their attractive app idea into a strong mobile application. At Fusion Informatics, we are always striving hard to meet customer requirement by developing high-quality apps within a specified timeframe and the highest plan for the sector. For multiple mobile devices, we create apps that are responsive enough to adjust to altering market trends. What makes us one of the greatest mobile app development company in Riyadh, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is our dedication to our job.
Our app developers are always focused on constructing the finest mobile app and ensuring we provide our customers with the finest facilities in an advanced manner. We place qualified and extremely professional designers working to develop apps that are consistent across the globe with distinct app development platforms and frameworks. Our reflective and interactive app growth approach helps our design team transform easy app concept into the attractive app that produces strong income. That's why fusion informatics is the largest apps development company in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Jeddah.
Our Mobile app development services include
1.iphone/ios app development
Development of iPhone apps is more profitable for companies than for Android. So there's a huge demand worldwide for iPhone applications. If you're planning to create an iPhone app, reach us to create an incredible app. Our highly skilled developers of the iPhone app assist to do this.
2. Android app development
We develop applications that individuals like to see and develop Android apps that individuals enjoy using. We have a squad of skilled developers for developing Android apps. Our team support for developing android apps can considerably improve your company efficiency and profit.
3. Custom App Development
Our custom app development facilities a wide range of opportunities for business people to take their business to the next level. We customize apps according to the requirements of their sector and provide our clients with significant advantages.
4. Hybrid App Development
Our mobile app developers have a great experience building hybrid apps that work flawlessly beyond various mobile devices and multiple platforms. Our developers can develop the best app solution to match your business demands.
Fusion informatics is working on the recent technologies and techniques in Mobile App Development. Now, the iOS and Android app development become easy for you with us. Start discussing your concept with our development team and get Robust Mobile application to your business
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simicartnew-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.simicart.com/blog/pwa-case-studies/
Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Top 3 Case Studies
Imagine that you have just launched your start-up and your website looks awesome, but you don’t have enough budget to develop a mobile app, which may be important to your business strategy. However, it is very expensive and a bit risky. You will also have to spend a lot of time building a native app, but nobody knows your brand well. Will people trust your application​ enough to download it from the App Store or Google Play Store?
What’s more – will your customers/readers be determined enough to take some additional steps like closing your website, opening Google Play or the App Store and then patiently wait till the app has installed?
Remember that people are much more demanding these days. In other words, they are also very impatient – they expect fast solutions. Downloading such an app from an external store doesn’t sound like a very quick operation and native apps are not very accessible for every user. From the User Experience point of view, there are many obstacles for the customer before he achieves his (and your) goal.
And another thing – are you sure that your clients will have enough internal storage space to download your app?
So you will invest a lot of money in building a mobile app (both for IOS and Android) and you can’t be sure that people will actually use it. Ahh… and don’t forget about all these huge amounts of your marketing budget that you will need to spend on advertising and promotion!
But wait, don’t be panic, fortunately, you are living in 2019, when Progressive Web Apps ​are​ becoming a common solution when it comes to creating mobile apps!
Have you ever heard about Progressive Web Apps​? If not, now is your chance to catch​ up on this latest technology trend or you will be left behind! We have already written a​ comprehensive article ​explaining what they are and why it’s worth choosing this option.​
Today we would like to give you some inspiration and introduce success stories of brands that have already built Progressive Web Apps.
Trivago acquires a good reputation for hotel search engine that is available in 33 different languages. On the base of hotel’s information, pictures, ratings, reviews, filters, and other features, Trivago helps their users to find the best offer.
The problem is Trivago have noticed a significant increase in mobile users in recent years. The brand realized that the mobile experience is getting more and more important for their clients.
However, creating mobile solutions is not a piece of cake and this means making difficult choices. Specifically, the company wasn’t sure whether people would accept the cost of downloading a mobile app, just to check if it fits their expectations. They also noticed that many people have problems with a quality mobile connection. Due to these reasons, Trivago was​ looking for different opportunities than a native app.
Finally, they discovered Progressive Web Apps​, whose features seemed to be perfect for​ their needs. At that time, they were looking for a solution that would provide them with push​ notifications, ​offline mode,​ and ​home screen shortcuts​. And the most important factor for Trivago​ was the accessibility​ to this app ​through a standard mobile browser​.​
Trivago Progressive Web App
This PWA solution helped them to build an app without having to involve big teams of software developers. They focused on the most important features in the beginning, like push notifications, offline access and the possibility to add the app to the home screen​. Of course, there were difficulties at first. They said​ that one of the biggest challenges was to create an intuitive User Interface because designing a mobile appearance is much more different than that on standard websites. According to Laura Oades, designer for the PWA:
“On mobile, you have the additional problem of crafting a UI that is platform agnostic and not confusing” and “PWA is largely unchartered territory in design, and a real opportunity for creative problem solvers to stretch themselves to define a new standard.”
The results
Source: pwastats.com
The Trivago mobile website is available in 33 languages, across 55 countries.
More than 500 000 people added a Trivago shortcut to their home screen and their engagement increased by 150%.
Compared to previous mobile websites, Progressive Web App attracted far more users. Before PWA, only 0,8% repeat visits were recorded, now this number increased to an average of 2%.
Push notifications turned out to be a perfect means of communication – they helped to increase conversion – the number of clicks in the PWA on hotel offers increased by 97%.
Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’ on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others’ boards (i.e. a collection of ‘pins,’ usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned
After analyzing usage for unauthenticated mobile web users, they realized that their old, slow web experience only managed to convert 1% of users into sign-ups, logins or native app installs. The opportunity to improve this conversation rate was huge, leading them to an investment in the PWA.
The Pinterest PWA started because they were focused on international growth, which led them to the mobile web.
Over 3 months, Pinterest rebuilt their mobile web experience using React, Redux and webpack. Their mobile web rewrite led to several positive improvements in core business metrics.
Pinterest Progressive Web App
The results
Their mobile web rewrite led to several improvements in performance.
Time spent is up by 40% compared to the old mobile web experience, user-generated ad revenue is up 44% and core engagements are up 60%:
Source: Medium
Source: pwastats.com
Pinterest’s old mobile web experience was a monolith — it included large bundles of CPU-heavy JavaScript that pushed out how quickly Pin pages could load and get interactive.
Their new mobile web experience is a drastic improvement.
Not only did they break-up & shave hundreds of KB off their JavaScript, taking down the size of their core bundle from 650KB to 150KB but they also improved on key performance metrics. First Meaningful Paint was down from 4.2s to 1.8s and Time To Interactive reduced from 23s to 5.6s.
Although Pinterest vend iOS & Android apps, they were able to deliver the same core home feed experience these apps do on the web in a fraction of the upfront download cost — just ~150KB minified & gzipped. This contrasts with the 9.6MB required to deliver this experience for Android and 56MB for iOS
As you’ve already known, Twitter is a social media platform, where people post short messages called tweets. It was created in March 2006. Now it has more than 335 million active users (July 2018).
Twitter noticed that users had to overcome many obstacles while using their mobile website.
Some of them were on slow mobile networks​ and ​had little space on mobile devices storage.​ As a result, visitors were reluctant to spend time on Twitter’s website or engage in posting and commenting more. Twitter wanted to find an attractive alternative for people who don’t use their native app or don’t have enough space for downloading this.
Twitter Progressive Web App
Twitter decided to build a Progressive Web App​ because it seemed to be the best​ combination of a modern website and native features. Instant loading, lower data consumption, and large accessibility were features that Twitter was looking for.
The outcomes turned out to be very impressive – the numbers speak for themselves:
20% drop in bounce rate,
65% rise in pages per session,
75% rise in Tweets sent.
Source: pwastats.com
As in previous success stories, the “add to home screen​” prompt and ​push​ notifications increased the user’s engagement significantly. As it is reported in ​thi​s Case Study,​ Twitter noticed that 250 000​ unique daily users run Twitter Lite from the​ home screen 4 times a day on average. What’s more, they’re sending more than 10M push​ notifications per day.​
Source: pwastats.com
According to Twitter intentions, the PWA takes much less space​ (only 600 KB) than the​ native Android app (23,5 MB), so there’s a bigger possibility that people will have enough space in their internal storage to save it.
What’s more, Twitter added a data saver mode​, that helps users to control the amount of​ mobile data used. Thanks to this option, you can choose which images or videos you want to fully load, and which may remain just as a preview.
Embrace the future of websites
PWA is the future of mobile applications. There’s a possibility that they will replace native applications with time, becoming a perfect combination of native app and website.  In a world where the speed to adopt new technology is a competitive edge, businesses that manage to embrace the PWA moment earlier, can significantly drive revenue, increase user engagement while staying ahead of the competition.
In the past, Apple had some limitations for progressive web apps, however, they are now being more and more supportive to PWAs. If you prompt to build a PWA version for your app, contact us to receive a demo right away.
Recommended post: Do Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Benefit SEO? (With Stat and Examples)
Explore SimiCart PWA
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