nknaxs · 1 year
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holdingforexo · 3 months
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holding for jongin: day 265 of 641 ↳ EXO KAI photographed by Go Won-tae for Gucci via Esquire Korea | March 2021
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restoreher92 · 3 months
**Controlling behavior** can be challenging to overcome, especially when dealing with people who don't treat you well. Here are some strategies to help you stop trying to control others:
1. **Challenge the Fear**: Recognize that controlling behaviors often stem from **anxiety and fear**. Understand what you're afraid of and evaluate if those fears are realistic¹. Remind yourself that you cannot control other people's actions or choices.
2. **Develop Emotional Control**:
- **Learn to self-soothe**: Instead of relying on others to calm you down when upset, find ways to soothe yourself.
- **Manage your emotions**: Understand and regulate your emotions. Practice calming techniques to prevent impulsive reactions.
- **Calm your anxieties**: Address the underlying anxiety that drives controlling behavior.
- **Modify the situation**: Focus on changing your own responses rather than trying to control external factors.
- **Distract yourself**: Engage in activities that divert your attention away from controlling thoughts.
- **Consider therapy**: Professional therapy can provide tools and insights to manage controlling tendencies².
3. **Separate Yourself from Their Behavior**: When dealing with someone who mistreats you, remind yourself that their actions are not a personal assault. Create an internal dialogue that helps you detach emotionally from their need to be right or their hurtful behavior⁴.
Remember, you can't control others, but you can choose how you respond. Prioritize your well-being and focus on self-improvement rather than trying to change someone else's behavior.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/11/2024
(1) How to Stop Being Controlling | Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/conquering-codependency/202103/how-stop-being-controlling.
(2) How to Stop Trying to Control Others - wikiHow Life. https://www.wikihow.life/Stop-Trying-to-Control-Others.
(3) 5 Ways to Deal with Someone Who Always Has to Be Right. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/stress-fracture/202109/5-ways-deal-someone-who-always-has-be-right.
(4) How to Stop Letting Other People Upset You | Firestar Speaking. https://www.firestarspeaking.com/how-to-stop-letting-other-people-upset-you/.
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penser-en-ligne · 6 months
SÉANCE #09- L’importance de la parole citoyenne
La parole des citoyens en ligne à trop d’importance
Les médias numériques ont permis à tout le monde de s’exprimer. Peu importe la manière dont les gens s’expriment et le contenu qu’ils partagent, ils possèdent la liberté de dire ou de faire ce qu’ils désirent. Cela permet à tous de devenir un journaliste d’enquêtes sans aucune expérience sur aucun sujet.
Un journaliste est un professionnel de l’information. C’est son travail de relayer de l’information de qualité afin de nous informer des choses qui sont vraies et pertinentes. Avec les médias sociaux numériques, les journalistes perdent en importance pour laisser plus de place aux journalistes citoyens. C’est là qu’il y a véritablement un problème.
L’information du vrai journaliste est vérifiée et analysée. À l’inverse, l’information du journaliste citoyen provient d’une source que l’on ne connaît pas la validité.
 Dans les réseaux sociaux numériques, c’est la guerre de la rapidité. Celui qui dira une information qui a du sens en premier sera vu en grande quantité et repris par plusieurs personnes sans être vérifié. C’est là que les fausses nouvelles augmentent dans le numérique à un rythme plus rapide que les informations de qualités. Le vrai journaliste peut difficilement être le premier à partager une nouvelle, car il se doit de prendre le temps d’avoir une information de qualité.
Il y a tellement un énorme mélange de contenu et d’information que la bonne information s’y perd. La pandémie n’a pas aidé la situation bien sûr, mais nous avons un problème. On ne peut plus différencier les deux. Entre un mème, un vidéo d’humour, une vente de maison, un complot américain, une histoire de politicien, une recette de grand-mère et des demandes de dons pour des causes comment discerné le vrai du faux. C’est compliqué, car il y en a juste trop.
On accorde trop d’importance à ce que des inconnues en ligne peuvent dire et pas assez à ce que des professionnels disent. Pourtant, quand notre ami dit des choses non cohérentes on ne le croit pas, mais pourquoi on croit les gens en ligne ?
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ladysims18 · 10 months
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carasimart · 10 months
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nknaxs · 1 year
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masahiko4435 · 1 year
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20230309 昨日も休みだったので昼間撮った分アップっぷ pic① エケベリア #サハラ 常に葉の先が紫に色付いてる綺麗な子。 キール部分に線入るのも好きなポイント(マニアックすぎ) pic② 先日成長点が失踪した#ラズベリーメモリーズ を勇気を出して胴切りしたその後。 2~3株ほど顔出してる♪どうかこのまま健やかにお育ち下さいま���!!(-人-;) (葉挿しはまだ発芽してない。甘いか!) 植え替えやってますが、昨年の春サボってたので202103…の2年経過ものがボコボコ出てき追い込まれてます。。。 去年のオイラの馬鹿。。( 9。゚Д゚。)9 #多肉植物 #ベランダ多肉 #多肉オヤジ #エケベリア #エケベリア_itm #Echeveria #Echeveria_itm #サハラ_itm #ラズベリーメモリーズ_itm #成長点が失踪 #胴切り #植え替え #追い込まれてます #エケさんがた #もう暫くお待ちください #必ずやります (Tokoname) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkVQ5orMzv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holdingforexo · 7 months
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holding for jongin: day 143 of 641 ↳ EXO KAI for Gucci via Monotube | March 2021
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laiondataset · 1 year
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“sensitive air conditioning installer”
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degacegoh · 2 years
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hirihulisen · 2 years
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ookiiisignage · 2 years
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집 _ 임연경 202103 페인트마카, 아크릴물감, 네온플렉스, 집성목 나에게 집이란 무엇인가 라는 질문이 던져졌을 때 그린 그림이에요. 집이란 나의 존재부터 시작하기에 짧은 말로 모든 걸 담기는 어려워요. 때로는 복잡하게 꼬이기도 하고, 때로는 절대적인 '가족'이란 의미로 앞서기도 하고, 내가 편히 쉴 수 있는 곳이기도 해요. 가족의 품에 있던, 독립했던 인간은 결국 어떤 형태로든 함께 살아가야 하는 것이 수 많은 질문 뒤 오는 마침표 같아요. 눈,코,입의 생김새와 팔,다리가 달리고 먹고 싸고 자는 것까지 다 똑같은데도.. '다양한 것'을 '다른 것'이라 구분하거나 상대의 판단에 맞써서 우리는 서로 끊임없이 싸우게 되는 거 같아요. 그런 의미에서 싸운다는 것은 잘 싸워야 한다는 것이 큰 주제 같아요. 나를 더 품격있게 다듬어가는 수련이라고 생각하거든요. 내 기분에, 인정받고 싶어서, 혹은 안다고 생각해서 하는 싸움만큼 빈 수레,허상,가짜가 따로 없죠. 안다는 확신에서 오는 신념만큼 무서운 것이 또 있을까 싶습니다. 겉핥은 철학을 자기 입 맛으로 각색하여 쳇바퀴처럼 같은 싸움을 반복하거든요. 결국 그런 관점에서 우리는 나와 다른 생각을 하는 사람과 싸우는 게 아니라 사실은 내가 나와 싸우는 것이고, 내가 나를 배워가는 것이고, 내가 나를 만들어 가는 것이겠죠. 알고 있는 것을 진짜 알고 어우러져 잘 살기 위해서는 '잘 싸우는 방법'이 필요해요. 여기에서 싸움의 기술은 꼭 언성을 높이거나 혹은 참고 회피하거나 가 아니기에 고도의 객관화가 필요로 하겠죠. 이게 제가 생각하는 '집'인거 같아요. 내가 나일 수 있으면서 함께 살아가는, 사랑하는 방법이요. 이걸 전 싸움의 기술이라 설명했지만 '따로 또 같이' 라고 이야기하면 좀 더 쉬운 언어일까요? 전 아마 죽는 날까지 ?를 즐길거 같습니다. 아니, 즐기길 원하는 것이 좀 더 진실이겠네요. #동안의비결 이랄까ㅋㅋㅋ #인생 #탐험가 #철부지 #합리적의심 #탐구 #객관화 #따로또같이 #집 #임작가 #오오키 #이태원오오키 #이태원전시 #그림 #글 #작품전시 #작품설명 #아트네온 #조명디자인 #네온사인 #그림명상 (이태원에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChY3AXYLjXK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ayasinspiration · 2 years
Dejumble  Inspiration
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Fienza Eleanor Shepherds Crook Basin Mixer: Chrome/White Ceramic Handle
Fienza Eleanor Shepherds Crook Basin Mixer: Chrome/White Ceramic Handle
Stunning modern vintage style. Made from solid brass. Suitable for mains pressure, max. 500kpa. PEX split-resistant flexible hoses   SKU 202103 Brand Fienza Range Eleanor Color Chrome Function Swivel  Handle White Ceramic Cartridge Quality European, 40mm Water Consumption 5.5L/min WELS Rating 5 star
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nknaxs · 1 year
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