#3 years later & will is all walls & defenses. it's s2 will on crack. but this time he's not pretending to love hannibal
love-songs-for-emma · 2 years
it's the fact that (pre-s3) the most genuine will was with hannibal was when hannibal was lying to him, and the most genuine hannibal was with will was when will was lying to him. it's the role reversal. it's hannibal's realization when he gets what he wants that he no longer wanted it. it's will's realization when he gets what he wants that he no longer wanted it. it's two stubborn creatures each certain that they were in control, certain that they were Above feeling, being changed by one another anyway. it's the inevitability of two sides of the same coin plummeting into a fountain on a wish, together
#i mean theres nuance here but im mostly thinking in regards to the first two seasons#if i add s3 into this convo/line of thinking i'd need to sit down & do a proper rewatch & think about how it fits in#bc mizumono feels like The most genuine moment#but then. is it? is it if hannibal Didnt Get It. they're letting themselves be seen but hannibal refuses to look. refuses to see that will#was going to go after him. will made his choice & he chose hannibal. but hannibal's heartbroken ass couldnt see straight. so this moment#to me is both genuine & disingenuine. it's honesty lost in translation#them s3a is about both of them trying to be honest with themselves in aftermath of mizumono & s3b goes back to will's mask#3 years later & will is all walls & defenses. it's s2 will on crack. but this time he's not pretending to love hannibal#he's pretending Not to. & hannibal even let's his jealously rule him. s3b has them genuine to themselves but still caught in lies with each#other#culminating in the wrath of the lamb. which is The Moment they See each other & let themselves be seen. their most genuine moment on screen#& in this life is during the battle with the dragon & their exchange afterwards. the hug. the caress. the ''this is all i ever wanted for#you will. for the both of us'' and will's response. his moment of truth#''it's beautiful''#nbc hannibal#these two make me Insane#certifiably#i have been thinking about these 2 every day for 8 months now. this is Beyond brainrot. this is the longest hyperfixation ive had in aWhile#hannibal lecter#will graham#mizumono#twotl#hannibal s1#hannibal s2#hannibal#mads mikkelsen#hugh dancy#.txt#maria is literally just rambling. hi#hannibal.txt
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cyclopticblast · 5 years
Initial Subject Examination
Subject: Summ14PrimeB
Date: 3-10-19
Physical Examination:
Vitals: Body Temperature - 99.7°F Pulse - 64 Respiration Rate - 14 Blood Pressure - 147/71 Blood Oxygen - 98% on RA
General - NAD. Summ14PrimeB appears to be within margin of error for physical projections for Summ14Prime at approximate age. Patient is restrained but physically acceptable minus minor injuries. Pulls against restraints when permitted. Uncooperative. Very melodramatic at this juncture, though he never really did grow out of it, did he? Teenagers.
Eyes - Within normal range at cursory inspection. Will require further testing under previously established testing procedures for Summ14Prime (See Summ14Prime dated 8-21-1999) Concussive projections appear to now be continuous instead of sporadic per previous examination, as planned (See Summ14Prime dated 5-16-2002). Continued requirement of glasses containing Ruby Quartz, prescribed percentage seems to have increased.
ENT - Ears: Hearing grossly intact bilaterally, no discharge, lesions or deformities, Membranes intact. Nose - Nares patent. Nasal mucosa, septum and turbinates grossly intact. Mild epistaxis, physical trauma induced. Throat - Good dental hygiene, abnormally heavy molar wear, suspected tooth grinding. Tongue normal. Tonsils normal. Oral mucosa normal-appearing, moist and pink. No abnormalities.
Neck - Neck supple, trachea midline, normal ROM, no masses or abnormalities.
Lymph Nodes - No lymphadenopathy. No abnormalities
Cardiovascular - Racing heartbeat felt at times, cause noted as psychological. When factor is controlled for RRR. S1,S2 normal, no S3,S4. No M/R/G. Pulse 3+ bilaterally. No other abnormalities.
Pulmonary - Clear to auscultation bilaterally. Chest wall symmetric, no accessory muscle use. Normal tactile fremitus No tenderness to palpation. No abnormalities.
Skin - Mild bruising and petechiae to areas of Upper Back, Left anterior shoulder, neck and chest. Minor injuries scattered over person. Summ14PrimeB retrieved from combat site, so injuries are expected. See updated scar map attached with markings of scar tissue accrued since last examination. Some scattered freckles across face, neck and shoulders. Skin well-perfused with no rashes or other abnormalities beyond those listed.
Abdomen - Normal bowel sounds. Abdomen soft, non-tender and non-distended. No N/V/D. No rebounding or guarding. Liver size within normal limits. Stool negative for blood. Has not eaten since retrieval. No abnormalities.
Extremities - No cyanosis, clubbing or edema. 3+ pulses in both UE and LE. Capillary refill rate of 2 seconds. All extremities grossly symmetrical. Evidence of serious healed fractures to left tibia and fibula, and healed minor fractures to left radius and ulna. Right shoulder dislocated at time of retrieval. Quickly remedied. No present abnormalities.
Musculoskeletal - 5/5 strength bilaterally in Grip, elbow, knee and ankles for both flexion and extension motions. Some muscle soreness related to earlier mentioned combat.  No swollen joints or tenderness. Full range of motion, No deformities noted. Evidence of previous healed damage bilaterally to ribs 6-14 and left clavicle. Left rib 6 presently minorly cracked. No other abnormalities.
Endocrine - All readings within normal range. No heat or cold intolerance. No abnormalities.
Neurologic - Alert and oriented x3, Able to communicate well with unaffected speech. Cranial Nerves I-II, VII-XII intact. Cranial nerves III-VI require special testing protocol previously established for Summ14Prime, to be carried out. 2+ symmetric reflexes intact to touch, pin, vibration, and position in all extremities. 5/5 Strength in all extremities. Intact finger-to-nose. Normal gait. Rhomberg test negative. Normal pain responses. Headaches noted in earlier examinations of Summ14Prime are still present, though much diminished after full manifestation. Previously noted brain damage continues to affect control of concussive force projections. No improvement. Typical. (See Summ14Prime dated 9-30-1998 & 8-21-1999). No sign of any degree of paralysis, paresthesias, seizures, syncope, tremors or vertigo. Function within expected range for Summ14Prime without some of his later eccentricities. 
Psychological - Subject is highly anxious. Judgement and insight intact, subject appears largely functional. Summ14PrimeB does appear to have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This is typical for the Summ14 line and entirely consistent with records for Summ14Prime. Mental conditioning and memory modification seem to largely be in place. Non-neurological removal of some memory blocks requires further examination. Likely related to Charles Xavier’s interference, but there are signs of meddling by others. Subject’s attempted mental defenses were of poor quality. Psychic linkage with Grey11PrimeB snipped. If she is acquired, it may be helpful to reestablish, but for now it serves only as a liability.
Social History Subject is 17 year old male. Lives at boarding school in Salem Center, NY. Heading junior field team, as such faces frequent injury. Frequently physically active, with no tobacco, alcohol or drug usage.
Medical History Pending records search for complete picture. All entries for Summ14Prime through 5-16-2002 would seem to be applicable at first glance.Dental, genetic, and physical records a match with obvious additions since last entry. 
Assessment Physiological mental and genetic readings all appear consistent with Summ14Prime
Subject claims to be from alternate timeline. Generally these cases have more varied histories, but a cursory examination seems to bear the claim out. As is typical for alternate universe specimens, cell samples seem to give off very slightly varied vibrations. Summ14PrimeB holds identical memory modifications and mental conditioning to those put in place on Summ14Prime and shows evidence of identical medical treatments to his treatment history. Further investigation is definitely warranted, but proceeding under the assumption that their timelines are identical to the point of branching would seem acceptable.
Further tests and experiments will be forthcoming. Psychic probes ongoing to see what 14 has been up to and how best to control Scott slipping away again.
Further Thoughts May also consider attempting to acquire further specimens from B timeline. Wort3PrimeB has potentially genetically tampered with himself already. Lost cause, fool boy as ever. Potentially still interesting though. Very showy abilities now, though not quite as masterful as the techno-organic wings. Just how that happened and what the physiological and genetic effects are could be an intriguing discovery. Chance to acquire untampered Mcco3PrimeB sample very tempting, presuming he doesn’t turn himself blue again. Grey11PrimeB and Drak3PrimeB priority acquisitions if possible. Grey11PrimeB has shown different manifestations of new telekinetic abilities, never seen in Grey11Prime. Is this genetic or simply personal experimentation? Drak3Prime’s abilities have shown massive control development recently. If Summ14PrimeB is any indication, Drak3PrimeB may prove a path forward to that. Grey11PrimeB is the priority though.
-N.E., M.D.
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