#300 followers omg wos
seneon · 11 months
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omg guys thanks for 300 i literally do the least on this app but thanks 💪
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alrightieaphroditie · 2 years
eddie munson and the five love languages *:·゚✧ back to masterlist
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pairing *:·゚eddie munson x fem!reader wc *:·゚3.7k warnings *:·゚18+ minors please do not interact!  mentions of kissing/making out, dry humping/thigh riding, oral (both f and m receiving), dirty talk, praise, slight public play, p in v penetration, nothing too detailed really, literally a whole hodgepodge of things :) an *:·゚firstly, thank you so much for 300 followers! omg i had like less than 20 when i first started posting my fics, so i am hella appreciative for all the love i've received for them- it literally makes me wanna cry. anyways,, this is kind of my take on a lil character analysis of eddie munson and how he would handle the different love languages, with a hint of nsfw elements for each. definitely considering doing this same thing for steve harrington, so if anyone is interested... let me know :) i hope i did these + the character justice; it was hella fun to write this! mostly unedited, so if anything jumps out at you while reading please let me know! any and all feedback is greatly appreciated
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i. physical touch
eddie loves having his hands on you at any time of the day, so if your love language is physical touch, you're in luck (because his is too.) on the days when you decide to sleep over at his trailer, you'll always wake up to being spooned by eddie, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist and one of his legs pushed between yours. even when it's too hot to cuddle, eddie always manages to find a way to press some part of him against you; be it his toes touching your foot or his knee lightly against your back or even his pinky barely brushing against yours.
when you're getting ready, eddie always slinks into the bathroom with you, making some excuse about needing to brush his teeth or hair or something. he learned how to do everything one handed while his other is placed on the small of your back, thumb rubbing against your shirt lightly as his eyes focus on you. more times than not, this turns into him wrapping both his arms around your waist, his face pressed against the crook of your neck.
when in public, eddie either has one of his hands in your back pocket, of his fingers will be hooked into the belt loop of your pants, or his hand will simply be entwined with yours. usually, one of your hands is going to be placed similarly; you'll have your arm wrapped around his back, hand in his jean jacket pocket, or your fingers will fiddle with the belt he always wears, or the rings adorning his hands. but your favorite place for your hand would have to be in his, and vice versa. the two of you have even created a little code while holding hands; one squeeze means i love you, and two squeezes mean i know.
eddie does especially well with showing his love for you by physical touch when the two of you are getting intimate. this boy could be suffocated in your body, and he'd be grinning the entire time. every time your kissing gets a little hot and heavy, eddie will either do one of two things; he'll either move so that he's lying on top of you, absolutely no space in between your bodies while he presses his hips flush against yours, his hands either in yours or resting on your hips or holding up your thighs. or he'll position the two of you so that you're the one on top, straddling his waist with your thighs. he'll keep one of his hands on the small of your back, fingers spread against your shirt (or skin) as he helps guide your hips into his, and his other hand will either be resting at the back of your neck, guiding your mouth against his, or resting on the front of your neck, fingers digging into your skin ever so slightly as he commands your body.
he always, always, takes the time to kiss and lick across your entire body it seems, which in turn always leaves you flustered and whimpering for more. eddie munson is a lot of things, but the one thing he definitely is, is a certified pussy eater. the man could go down on you for hours, and he would get so drunk in your taste that it becomes a sort of drug to him. this is where the suffocating would happen, because eddie absolutely loves when your thighs wrap around his head while he's going down on you. once again, his fingers are usually intertwined with yours, and he rests them on your hips, keeping you pinned down as he licks and sucks every inch of your dripping pussy.
sometimes, he'll even move your legs around his next because he knows you're hesitant to, and you'll worry for a second about his breathing abilities, but he always manages to make you forget it with a swipe of his tongue.
ii. words of affirmation
eddie munson is very good at giving out verbal praise, even though sometimes he doesn't even realize he's going it. that wasn't something he received a lot around his parents, that is, until he moved in with his uncle, and so in a way, he always tries to make sure that others are receiving what he never did. and so while he never really realized that was something he did, when he learned the affect it had on you and how much you appreciated it, he ramped it up.
even with the most miniscule things, eddie makes sure to give you that praise. you passed the history exam you were stressing out over? "i knew you could do it, babe. you're so fucking smart it's ridiculous." you stay up late helping him come up with campaign ideas even though you don't fully understand the topic just yet? "i couldn't have done this without you, princess. you'd make a wonderful dungeon master someday, thanks to my teachings." you bought any type of new clothing? "holy shit, that looks amazing on you! you know what, though? i bet it would look even better on my floor." (that one is always accompanied by a wink, but he makes sure to show you how beautiful he thinks you are later.)
he lays it on thick when he's high, especially when he's high. he always gets so peaceful when he's under the influence, and most times, when the two of you smoke at his trailer or in your room, he props himself up on the bed, legs crossed at the ankles with his fingers steepled against his chest. you always think he's fallen asleep; he just sits so still and is so silent for the longest time. and then he'll randomly just open his mouth and it's just, "i'm so lucky to have you in my life, y/n," or "my favorite thing in the whole world is the way your nose scrunches when you laugh too hard," or "i love you so fucking much."
this very easily translates into the bedroom for him, too, as he is always very verbal when the two of you get together. that was how he realized how impacted you were by his praise in the first place; it was one of the first times you had gotten together, where everything was still kind of new and there was a lot of fumbling on both ends. you had been on your knees in front of him as he sat on the couch, his hand threaded in your hair as you sucked his cock into your mouth. as you moved up, tongue running along the underside of his length, you let your teeth graze his shaft ever so slightly, which made eddie practically melt. "oh, jesus christ, princess. you're so good at this, yeah? it's like your mouth was fucking made to take my cock," he muttered in between moans, and his eyes had almost been shut, but he didn't miss the way your eyes brightened at his words. he didn't miss how you almost doubled your efforts into pleasing him, deep throating him for the first time that night.
his praise always come with a bit of possessiveness too, but you don't mind. you hear it every time you're kissing, his thigh pressed against your core as his hand helps your grind against it. "that's it, baby. use my thigh to get your needy little pussy off. you're doing so good, princess. i can feel you fucking soaking my thigh, jesus." you hear it every time he's down between your thighs, his tongue gliding through your folds. "your little pussy gets so wet, doesn't it, baby? drippin' all over my bedsheets just because i was kissing that pretty neck of yours earlier, huh? it's okay, princess. you taste so fucking good, i don't mind cleanin' you up." you hear it every time he thrusts his cock into you, fingers gripping the fat of your inner thighs as he spreads your legs wider. "fucking hell, baby. your pretty pussy takes my cock so well, like you were fucking made for me. god, you feel so good around me."
you hear it all the time, and you never get sick of it.
iii. quality time
some of your previous partners had made you a little self-conscious, what with you always wanting to spend not all (but most) of your time with them. they thought it was clingy in not the best way, even though you would've been satisfied just sitting on the couch together doing your own respective things, so initially you had been hesitant to express that to eddie. but eddie munson is a bit of a clingy individual himself - and i say that in the best way - so if your love language is quality time, that is not an issue for eddie. he thrives being around those he loves, and he always, always, gives them his undivided attention, which is exactly what you need.
it started slowly, with you asking if eddie would like to go to the record store with you after school. then that became a weekly ritual, and you felt comfortable enough to start asking eddie to stay the night with you. he picked up on your hesitance, though, and immediately took control of the situation. soon, you were involved in his d&d campaigns; spending many afternoons together at one of the picnic tables in the trailer park while discussing the many, potential sadistic moves he could throw at the boys. and then you were attending the campaigns, even though you weren't officially a member of the hellfire club. you sat perched next to eddie on his throne, and you always made sure to bring homemade cookies, which kept the others from complaining. and before you knew it, you and eddie were doing nearly everything together after school.
eddie never wanted to make you feel like your previous partners had, so he tried to keep things interesting. once a week, he planned an extravagant date night for the two of you. he'd take you to enzo's and treat you to dinner, and then a stop at the record store was absolutely necessary. he'd let you pick out a new cassette, and then the two of you would drive up to the edge of a small cliff that looked over the town of hawkins while listening to it. sometimes you'd smoke, sometimes you wouldn't, but you always spent that time talking about anything under the sun. or, if the two of you didn't really feel like going out, he'd order pizza from the local shop in town, and while you were waiting, you'd go look at family video. you'd both pick movies, laughing at how vastly different the two genres were, and then you'd spend the night in his trailer, cuddled up on the couch after eating and binging the two movies. his uncle wayne even joined you halfway through the second movie, when he got home from his shift at the plant.
but your favorite moments with eddie where when it was just the two of you, doing the most mundane things together. the afternoons were you'd both be sitting on the bleachers going over the chemistry homework. when wayne needs eddie to pick something up from the grocery store and you tag along, holding his hand as you walk through the aisles as he mutters to himself to remember. when you're both laying on the bed, reading, and you can hear the sounds his pencil makes against the pages as he makes note of a quote he likes before he goes back to chewing on the end of the pencil.
most of the time, though, eddie, being the man child he is, will always try to turn those moments into something a little explicit. you'll usually be the only two on the bleachers outside, but the football players and cheerleaders might be practicing on the field below, getting a head start for the season to come. he always moves to the step below yours, angling his body so that he can cover you from their view. you think nothing of it, until you feel his fingers trail up your bare leg before ghosting over the hem of your skirt. his light touches soon turn into his fingers brushing across your panty clad pussy, making you suck in a moan as he gently runs his fingers along the seam, pressing it into your core. sometimes, he gets brave enough to slip his fingers underneath the material, swiping his fingers between your folds and moaning when he discovers how wet you for him already.
and when you're back in his van after grabbing whatever it was that wayne needed, he'll pull you onto his lap before you can buckle, swallowing your yelp of surprise with his mouth as he kisses you roughly. he can't take his time during these moments, as his uncle is expecting you both back at his trailer soon, but these moments are usually for your pleasure more than his anyways. he wastes no time digging his fingers into your hips as he helps you grind against him, his mouth going down to your neck, teeth nipping gently at your skin as you rock against him until you come.
but those moments when you're alone in your room, both lying on the bed reading, those are the moments when he can take his time with you. he's a huge tease, and so he'll start by lazily running his fingers against your arm or your leg, whatever's closest and baring the most skin. and then he'll get a little more handsy, either slipping his hand up the back of your shirt and caressing your skin lightly or nudging aside the bottoms of your pants and running his fingertips against the band of your panties just ever so slightly. by that point, you're sick of the teasing, and so when you toss down your book to the floor, he's immediately on you, flipping you onto your back and capturing your mouth with his.
yeah, those are your favorite moments with eddie.
iv. receiving gifts
now eddie munson may not be the richest man in hawkins (or in general, let's be honest) but he absolutely loves spoiling you with gifts. and when he finds out that receiving gifts is your love language? oh, yeah. spoiling you makes his dick hard, so there's no doubt about it that he'd put in the work to do so.
when you first started dating, even before he knew, he was always giving you little gifts. most of the time, it was something as simple as a flower he may or may not have cut from someone's garden. he loved the way your eyes lit up when he told you he had a surprise for you, and that was enough dopamine for him to continue bringing you little things. it graduated from stolen flowers to flower bouquets when he had the money, and he loved how you reacted the same despite the obvious difference. it wasn't necessarily what he got you as a gift that made your heart feel full, it was simply the fact that he had saw something and thought of you.
this progressed as your relationship grew. even though you weren't a member of the hellfire club, there's no way you could date eddie munson and not be somewhat involved with the game, and so his one big splurge was on a set of dice for you that matched his, so that you could practice whenever you wanted to, which you did. eddie also took note of how often you commented on his guitar pick necklace, and how often your fingers found he rings adorning his, and so he took it upon himself to make you your own necklace with one of his guitar picks. this gift made you absolutely swoon, and it led to you telling eddie you loved him for the first time. then, as a sort of promise ring, he gifted you a small silver band with a black gem situated in the middle - a ring that fit your style while also heavily resembling one of his. and you loved it; wore both pieces of jewelry every day since.
there were definitely times, though, when he gave you gifts that were more for him than anything else. there was an adult book shop right at the edge of town that sold much more than just books, its whole upstairs section carrying nothing but different type of lingerie, and at least once a month eddie would stroll into your bedroom, hands behind his back with a wicked grin on his face. you'd instantly know that a little black bag was clutched behind his back, and your face would heat up in a blush, eager to see what he would've brought this time.
more times than not, it was just a lingerie set he had been dying to see you in (and out) of. he'd hand you the bag, watching you keenly as you'd pull the garments out with your eyes wide. they always varied in color, but mostly he stuck to a theme - black, red, white, and occasionally a baby pink color. and then, after you examined the clothing, he'd tilt your chin up with the tips of his fingers and kiss you lazily before ushering you into your bathroom, spanking your ass slightly when you turned around. he'd situate himself on your bed, leg bouncing from anticipation, and each time you came out of the bathroom, he'd have the same reaction; his leg would stop, his hands would grip the bedsheets around him, and his mouth would part ever so slightly as his eyes took you in.
you never did last long in the lingerie after that.
v. acts of service
people may not really realize it, but eddie munson is constantly doing things for others just for the sake of doing them. he goes out of his way to open the door for people, is always checking that his friends have what they need and is always offering to go grab whatever they don't, takes the worst looking apple so that dustin can have the best looking one. eddie may look scary, but he has such a good heart when it comes to others; he just wants to help.
and that's what he tells you when he suggests that he can run your errands instead, when you're stressed about having enough time to study for one of your finals. "i just wanna help you out, princess. let me go grab those things for you, okay?" and your heart will melt, and you'll nod your head and receive a kiss on the forehead before he leaves. eddie provides no shortage of acts of service for you, because really all he wants to do is take care of you. he's so willing to do whatever he can to help you out that sometimes it amazes you. eddie's the type of boyfriend who would not even hesitate in going to the store to buy you tampons. will he be slightly embarrassed when checking out? of course. but does that stop him? not in the slightest.
he'll never admit this, but he secretly loves it a little when you get stressed out, only because he knows that'll be his time to shine. the second he notices your leg bouncing under the table while working on a project, or when he catches you picking at the skin around your nails when reading a textbook, he'll immediately jump into action. he's got it down to a system; he'll make up some excuse about needing to run to the store for something or other, casually asking you if you'd want anything. you always answer no, too focused on whatever you're doing to fully register what he's asking you. but in the end, he always comes back with your favorite chocolate and a something else you needed but didn't realize; a new pack of sharpened pencils, more lavender bubble bath mix, the toothpaste you meant to pick up earlier but forgot.
eddie's always making sure your car has gas in its tank, that you never forget to bring your lunch (he either packs extras or he just buys you some food from the vending machines). he even helps you making flashcards for exams, and in a way, that helps him study too. he's always doing things for you without you ever even asking, and sometimes you don't pick up on it, but most of the time, you realize what he's done by the grin he gives you, and you suddenly become less stressed and more appreciative.
and this kind of translates into the bedroom, too, as eddie always, always, always, makes sure that you come at least once before he does. be it by his fingers, his tongue, or even his thigh, he always puts you first so that he doesn’t have to worry about it after (because let's be real, this man will immediately fall asleep after he comes...). his favorite thing to do though, especially when you're stressed out, is having you ride his face until you simply can't stay upright. it usually starts while you're at your desk, leg bouncing as you focus on making something perfect, and the noise of your feet tap tap tapping away on the floor makes eddie lose his mind. he'll stand up from wherever he's sitting, smacking his hands against his thighs in a way that makes you jump. "that's it, princess. you need to wind down," he'd say, grabbing your hand and dragging you over to the bed.
sometimes you try to protest it, but eddie just shakes his head and completely ignores you as he starts to take your clothes off. there isn't anything necessarily romantic or intimate about it initially - eddie views it, in part, as something that simply helps you relax. i'm doing it for you, he'll remind you, his voice muffled against your wet skin as his fingers dig into your waist. if eating your pussy until you pass out is considered helping, then so be it; eddie will do whatever is necessary.
that's just the kind of guy that he is.
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