wheretogofrmhere · 4 years
Yes it does I am on the longest damn car ride two days cross and Heartbreak Weather is fanfuckingtastic to listen too!!
listen....the album hits so different in the car man, like its just so!!!!!!! ahhhh idk but you will catch me every damn day with my windows rolled down and the album playing loud and me screeching along lkjgh
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subaru-vibecheck · 5 years
it's your dad lad here to give you some dad asks: 55, 64, 67, 85 and 52
hey dad!!!!
dad ask #52: coffee or tea?
-coffee. always. i don’t like the aftertaste of tea at all
dad ask #55: what’s your favorite season, why?
-faaaallll cause everything looks nice and if its rightly fall, the weather is PERFECT
dad ask #64: how are you? honestly.
-i got a lot goin on but its nothing i haven’t dealt with before, and it’s been worse before so like whatever haha #ballin
dad ask #67: favorite type of candy?
-twizzlers all the way, unless you count fruit by the foot as candy, then that
dad ask #85: what do you wish you knew more about?
-alsdh cliche but myself tbh, i’m having a time trying to figure myself out and it would be fanfuckingtastic if i could like,, Know things
thanks dad ur the best!!
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I’m working on my final paper for my minor... and I am just so fucking sad. I left work because I got sick two and a half hours in which is fanfuckingtastic. I wish I wasn’t so sad
stupid weather
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Playlist Shuffle
I was tagged by @beepala
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist! Set your entire music library to shuffle and then report the first 20 tracks that pop-up! Then tag ten additional victims.
1) Mr Tembo - Everyday Robots, Damon Albarn
2) Horsell Common and the Heat Ray - Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of the War of the Worlds
3) Broken Piano - Tape Deck Heart, Frank Turner
4) Poltik - Coldplay
5)  Need - Pinegrove
6) Simple As This - Jake Bugg
7) Half Moon - HOME Odyssey, Midwest Collective
8) My Generation - the Who
9) The Desperate - Owen
10) Plain Sailing Weather - Tape Deck Heart, Frank Turner
11) Wings of a Dove - Madness 
12) History of a Cheating Heart - Everyday robots, Damon Albarn
13) My Sad Captains - Elbow
14) A Great Day for Freedom - Pink Floyd 
15) Always the Sun - The Stranglers
16) Need 2 - Pinegrove 
17) Elizabeth My Dear - The Stone Roses
18) Thumbnails - Morcheeba
19) Nobody Home - The Wall, Pink Floyd 
20) Baby Steps - Graduated Cylinders
I tag: @miss-fanfuckingtastic @science-fiction-is-real @let-me-glow @bazpitchbazbitch @theinternetismymindpalace @idmi @ysabelmystic and anyone else who wants to do it!
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yenosiria · 6 years
Mochi ice cream & rilakkuma pancakes!! (ask meme)
Mochi Ice Cream: Your favorite season and why?
Sometimes it’s Winter, other times it’s Fall or Spring. Fuck Summer. My preference is usually mood oriented. It has nothing to really do with the holidays more to do with the aesthetic and visual of it all. Though If I’m to be frank, give me Sakura Season. Perhaps I’m just a wistful dreamer...Anyway even though I’ve lived in Texas most of my life, I hold great disdain for hot weather. So cooler temperatures paired with Overcast skies or especially Rain is what happens to be my fancy. 
Rilakkuma Pancakes: Your dream breakfast?
Oh boy. So. I really love things like omlettes or bagels with lox. Waffles are fanfuckingtastic as well. As for a dream breakfast? Perhaps a banquet of all my favorite breakfast foods with choices of my preference in coffees and tea. I’d love to have any and all friends I have over. Just to mix and mingle while we all enjoy the food and beverages. Also I dunno if yall have ever had Guava juice or Mango juice but it’s soooooo good. 
Send me sweets! (o^~^o)♪
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dhickerson82 · 5 years
Well f@&k!!!
So last weekend was pretty damn great, busy but fun. Saturday I took in a concert in STL that was full of interesting shenanigans, as usual. It’s even more so when you’re a guy in a wheelchair rolling around that bitch solo all day. Of course in typical fashion we got on the road like 30 minutes late so combine that with pit stops & traffic I got the just in time to miss Gin Blossoms but they where the only real big loss of the day. The perfect weather changed up on us all about 2-3 bands later when 2 songs into Goldfinger it poured down!! Wet hand rims & trying to move fast & control it doesn’t work! A rain delay at an event like that leads to some interesting conversation let me tell you. By the end of the night I had a free beer, this random woman wanting to swap numbers & finally a free front row seat for Collective Souls... 🙃 Top the night off with Jack in the Box & I was golden. Monday it was another trip to STL but this was a baseball game with the parents. It was another day of perfect damn weather. Plus the giveaway was a Molina POP! so my nerdy ass was loving it! Car ride home was indeed topped off with some tacos from Jacks! 🌮🌮
Okay now let’s cut to Wednesday, you know the day I’ve been stressing about for weeks now. Sooooo I get to the hospital by 7:30 ish, go up for labs & paperwork & got ready to just sit & wait. Well by 9(ish) they are saying there’s an issue with my bloodwork. (Fanfuckingtastic) So the nurse is asking me if I’m on blood thinners & if I stopped certain vitamins, etc bc my blood is apparently even more thin than it was over a week ago when I was actually taking the damn vitamins! So they had to postpone surgery, now I’m waiting on their office to se me up with a hematologist to see what’s up & I have no idea when surgery will be. At this point it screws my November concert plans bc I’ll still be in recovery mode & I got no one to go along & help push my ass around. Not to mention if this takes too long it’s going to be getting into the Holliday’s that in still healing up. 😒 I’m pissed off, annoyed, frustrated, you name it. At least now I have a little more time to stock up on books & movies before the surgery bc I won’t be going anywhere & it’s not like my phone rings anymore. I guess it is what it is for now.
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ginkgou · 5 years
How was your day today? I made heart shaped brownies
HEY that sounds super duper fanfuckingtastic i love brownies and i love hearts u should send some my way also my day’s been going good! weathers nice so me and my cats played outside i bought chicken breasts and cooked it with kale it was yummy :3c 
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