taevisionceo · 2 years
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toodickin · 2 years
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paulgadzikowski · 2 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Colonel Potter of AfterM*A*S*H looks through the newspaper at the desk in his office while Guinan of Star Trek: The Next Generation looks on. Potter is saying, "This can't go on." Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Legally, it is considered a Spin-Off of the film M*A*S*H (as opposed to the series of the same name), set in what was then the present day.
This is such a funny sentence. Legally.
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cakesdown · 1 year
I'm actually so close to making a yt video about my experience in the creepypasta fandom
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heroofthreefaces · 2 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new and are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons. Thanks for reading.
[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link. Colonel Potter and Mrs. Potter of AfterM*A*S*H and Peri and the Doctor, sixth incarnation, of Doctor Who are sitting around a card table between rounds of whatever they’re playing. The Doctor is saying, “Well you know, the Horseshoe Nebula has an EM field with properties which heighten the telempathic nature of sentients who are born and mature there.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.]
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Kashmiri Mitha Feedback from a Client. Order Today Your Favourite Mukhwas; Healthy Munching options; Kashmiri Products: http://bit.ly/KASHMIRI FREE HOME DELIVERY @ https://www.amazon.in/kashmirimitha "Eat healthy stay healthy " "Good to Serve @ Home, Office, Restaurant & Hotels" #kashmirimukhwas #mukhwas #mouthfreshner  #sounff #AmazonIndia #airoli #Ghansoli #Khandeshwar #kharghar #koparkhairne #Rabale #turbe #vashi #MysoreColony #bhaktipark #Sakinaka #chakala #westernexpress #versova #azadnagar
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 11 months
Hey, I know that i've already asked agood amount of hc but could you please make an hc for retsu, musashi, mumon, sukune and jun with an S/O that was almost killed by someone like their enemy or something (like a very graphic and bloody injuries that are basically exposing the bone or the whole body is basically fully bruised) but they get to the hospital and they are in a coma and they wake up after 3 to 6 months or so moments before their S/O is umpluged from the life support and everyone thought that they were basically dead.I would like to know about their thoughts, feelings and plans after they thought they were going to lose their S/O and their plans for the future, also what they would do the person and how would they react to their S/O coming back and some aftermate.
Thanks for having the patience to deal with so many asks.
Heres a kiss for my FWACCOF(Favorite Writer And Content Creator Of Tumblr)
P.S.(I know that this kind of reads "fuck off" but I liked the acronym so I'll let it stay)
Hope you have a nice second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year/life/eternety.
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Situation: Baki's men's train of thought when an enemy attacks their S/O. / Tren de pensamiento de los hombres de Baki cuando un enemigo ataca a su S/O.
Characters: Jun Guevaru, Musashi Miyamoto, Mumon Katsuragi and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevaru.
"These months have been exhausting without them, so stressful how everyone seems to go on with their lives while I feel lost because they didn't react, but they have finally come to their senses. They have opened their eyes and looked at me after so long, I really missed those beautiful eyes.
Who could even think of hurting you, mi amor? What kind of monster could hurt you, mi ángel?
I must make sure that your house is protected so that this incident does not happen again. A couple of my men could regularly hang around there just to keep the perimeter clear, I'll be with them anyway so I can protect them. Oh how I've missed you…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"It's ridiculous to take it out on someone who can't defend themselves, what logic is there in attacking others when the target is me? The discomfort in my chest hasn't disappeared since they were attacked a couple of months ago, now that they woke up I felt less… Uncomfortable, but that feeling is still there.
Is it some kind of desire for revenge? Revenge doesn't taste so bitter, besides, I'm satisfied when I use my katanas on the offender. I don't understand what happens.
I don't understand how they are still here either, their slow breathing and their lack of mobility during these months only gave me an image of what I thought was the future, I don't know how they managed to come back to life, but I will stay with them until they can explain it to me…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"They opened their eyes, heaven has finally heard my pleas, maybe God got tired of hearing me cry at night to get them back to me. I stopped myself, I wanted to jump on them and kiss them as if I hadn't seen them in years, but I I held back; her condition is delicate and I must be careful.
The doctors haven't stopped talking about her treatment and diet from now on, that old cookbook I found at her house should help me a bit. They probably don't mind me staying at their apartment, I spend most of my time there and they need help right now.
I have to go home before them, I have to clean and change the sheets so they can rest as soon as they get out of the hospital, maybe they want to eat something after a long time? Probably, I'll take care of bringing today's dinner so that I can regain my strength after all these months…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"They are fine, they are fine, they have finally woken up and just in time, just when I lost hope of one day being able to see their eyes looking at me once more. If only I had been by their side when they needed me most, maybe if would have paid more attention to their surroundings they would not be here, they would not have suffered as they did.
The wounds have healed, but they need therapy and periodic checkups to make sure they are better. Maybe I should ask them to move in with me so that I can take care of them properly during all the remaining time of recovery and therapies, that would also allow me to be around for them when they need to do something and their injuries do not allow it.
A good diet is also vital, it could supply the pantry with foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, meat and fish, reduce sugar and bad substances for a period of time. The tea is medicinal, surely they will manage to calm your discomfort and help you sleep. I should take out the inflatable bed and offer them my bed, the important thing is that they are comfortable and rested…"
Versión en español.
Jun Guevaru.
"Estos meses han sido agotadores sin ti, tan estresante como todos parecen seguir sus vidas mientras yo me siento perdido porque tu no reaccionas, pero finalmente has vuelto. Al fin abriste los ojos y me miraste después de tanto tiempo, realmente extrañaba esos hermosos ojos.
¿Quién podría siquiera pensar en hacerte daño, mi amor? ¿Qué clase de monstruo podría lastimarte a ti, mi ángel?
Debo asegurarme de que tu casa esté protegida para que este incidente no se repita. Un par de mis hombres podrían pasearse regularmente por allí solo para mantener el perímetro libre, de todas formas estaré junto a ti, así que puedo protegerte. Oh, como te he extrañado…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"Es ridículo desquitarse con quien no puede defenderse, ¿Qué lógica existe en atacar a otros cuando el objetivo soy yo? La incomodidad en mi pecho no ha desaparecido desde que fue atacado hace un par de meses, ahora que despertó me he sentido menos… Incómodo, pero ese sentimiento sigue allí.
¿Será alguna clase de deseo de venganza? La venganza no tiene este sabor tan amargo, además, quede satisfecho cuando use mis catanas en el causante. No entiendo que sucede.
Tampoco entiendo como sigue aquí, sus lentas respiraciones y su falta de movilidad durante estos meses solo me dieron una imagen de lo que creía era el futuro, no sé cómo logro regresar a la vida, pero me quedaré a su lado hasta que pueda explicármelo…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Abrió los ojos, el cielo al fin ha escuchado mis súplicas, quizá Dios se cansó de escucharme llorar por las noches para que me lo devuelvan. Me contuve, quise saltar sobre el y besarles como si no le hubiera visto en años, pero me contuve; su estado es delicado y debo tener cuidado.
Los doctores no han parado de hablar sobre el tratamiento y la dieta que debe seguir de ahora en adelante, ese viejo libro de cocina que encontré en su casa debería ayudarme un poco. Probablemente no le moleste que me quede en su apartamento, paso la mayor parte del tiempo allí y necesita ayuda justo ahora.
Debo volver a casa antes, debo limpiar y cambiar las sábanas para que puedan descansar tan pronto salga del hospital, ¿quizá quiera comer algo después de mucho tiempo? Es probable, me encargaré de traer la cena de hoy para que pueda reponer fuerzas después de todos estos meses…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"Está bien, se encuentra bien, al fin ha despertado y justo a tiempo, justo cuando perdí la esperanza de algún día poder ver sus ojos mirándome una vez más. Si tan solo hubiese estado a su lado cuando más me necesitaba, quizá si hubiera puesto más atención a su alrededor no estaría aquí, no hubiera sufrido como lo hizo.
Las heridas han sanado, pero necesitan terapia y revisiones periódicas para verificar que están mejor. Quizá deba pedirle que se muden conmigo para que pueda cuidarles debidamente durante todo el tiempo restante de recuperación y terapias, eso también me permitiría estar cerca cuando necesite hacer algo y sus heridas no se lo permitan.
Una buena dieta también es vital, podría abastecer la despensa con alimentos ricos en vitaminas y nutrientes, carnes y pescados, disminuir los azúcares y sustancias malas durante un periodo de tiempo. El té es medicinal, seguro que lograran calmar sus molestias y les ayudaran a dormir. Debería sacar la cama inflable y ofrecerle mi cama, lo importante es que esté cómodo y descansado…"
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redhatmeg · 4 months
So Goodbye, Radar two-parter...
Now, unlike with Trapper, Blake or Burns, Radar was one of my two favorite characters. In fact I liked him way before father Mulcahy, because when I was a kindergartener and my parents watched M*A*S*H, I remembered him the most.
This two-parter certainly hammers home how much Radar is needed in 4077th. The whole first part is about the hospital being left without a key piece of equipment that makes not only work, but living in M*A*S*H harder. Klinger tries his best to get the generator, but he's nowhere near as savvy as Radar, so when the man himself comes back, everybody is relieved and expects him to take care of the generator right away. And in part two, Radar gets a brilliant idea to use car lights as improvised lighting for the operation, once again showing how invaluable he is.
We spent almost eight seasons with this guy and one thing was repeated about him throughout all those years - Radar, as a clerk, is, de facto, running the 4077th and without his administrative skills, it would not be as effective as it is.
So it's no wonder that when Radar sees struggling M*A*S*H personnel, he decides to decline his discharge and stay as clerk. He feels like he has duties to the hospital - duties that outwegh the duties to his home farm. Everybody wants Radar to finally go home; to help his mother and start his own life, because - to them - he fullfilled his duties. It is only when Klinger manages to get the generator that Radar finally let it go.
As with almost everything in M*A*S*H, Radar's farewell party gets interrupted before it even starts because the choppers are coming (and weirdly enough, this time we hear them at the same time as him). As everybody is taking care of the wounded, every major character that stays gets to say goodbye to Radar standing in the middle of the commotion. It's actually bittersweet, because they don't have much time between helping the soldiers and Radar's ride home, but with little gestures (Charles shaking his hand and calling him by his name, Mulcahy blessing him, Hawkeye saluting him during the operation) and short goodbyes they show they care and they will miss him.
I remember that I was a bit sad that Radar left. Over time I got used to Klinger as clerk and later I've got to watch some episodes of AfterM*A*S*H series where he shows up for, like, one ep.
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bellz-twilight · 1 month
Aftermations tw 4n4
✧I went off track today but tomorrow will be better,✧
✧Progress takes time ✧
✧we all mess up✧
✧I still ate less than a ‘normal’ person✧
✧everything will be alright✧
✧tomorrow I will st@rve again✧
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idrellegames · 1 year
Wayfarer Dev Log 2023.01.05.
Hi friends,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday, if you celebrated. 💕
December was a quietly difficult month for me. I pushed forward with the Episode 3 Part 1 material, but hit burn out a week or so into the month. I reached a point where I disliked everything that I had written, felt stuck with the new content I was creating, and was unhappy with the progress I was making.
The challenge with interactive fiction is that for complicated moments that reflect a wide berth of player choice often leave the writer feeling stuck in a time-loop. You may write 2000 words a day, but it’s difficult to feel progress when those 2000 words are part of a single variation and you still have to go back and tackle the same plot beat from several more angles.
This is the nature of the beast—in order to achieve narrative flexibility and allow the player to actually roleplay and feel like their choices are meaningful, you often have to revisit similar plot beats several times over from different angles.    
Instead of struggling with it, I decided to take some time off in order to rest and recuperate. I got sick twice, and I’m still recovering from flu/cold. It’s not a great start to the year, but I am trying to get back on track and hopefully will have an alpha update soon.
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No new patches were released in December.
As mentioned in last month’s dev log, the next public update is TBD. As I want to finish both Episodes 3 and Episodes 4 on the alpha build before updating the public one, the next public update won’t happen until we’re well into 2023.
There is a major bug in Episode 2 that affects playthroughs with high Aeran friendship (+60 approval). Chances are most players have encountered it without knowing it. There is a specific spot in a conversation with Nova where a single romance point can be gained. This point will lock you out from the friendship reconciliation scene at the end of Episode 2. Because the romance bar is hidden on non-romance paths, you cannot see whether you have gained this point or not.
This bug will be patched out in the next patch. The recommendation will be to replay the episode from the beginning to ensure you don’t have miscellaneous romance points accumulated.
If you want to replay it now and avoid the dialogue option that gives you the bug, restart from the beginning of Episode 2. When the MC is talking to Nova on the Dareia, you will encounter a passage where the #1 option is either:
1. “Anything to keep Zenaida happy. You, on the other hand…”
1. “If you’re done being helpful, I’m sure you have something better to do.”
Choosing either of those options while your approval with Aeran is 60 or more will net you the accidental +1 to romance and a notification that Aeran’s approval (not his romance) has gone up. To avoid the bug, choose the #2 option.
This bug will not affect your playthrough if your approval is below 60 or if you selected Aeran’s romance in Episode 1.
Episode 3 Part 1 is still in development. The current material is approximately 257,000 words.
This new content has not been coded and added to the alpha build yet.
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A retrospective on Wayfarer’s earliest prototype (with a playable demo) was released on Dec 3. [Apprentice tier+]
Bi-weekly progress reports about Episode 3’s development. [All tiers]
Weekly Sneak peeks of new Episode 3 material. [All tiers]
The Wayfarer Pin-Up Calendar 2023 launched on January 2. This calendar is a community project created by artists passionate about the game. It is digital only and will be available until March 2. Pay-what-you-want, with all proceeds donated to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. As of January 5, the calendar has raised $783 CAD. See the details and get your calendar here!
Two public previews of Episode 3 Part 1 were released. You can read a preview of the Aeran romance branch here and one from the aftermath of the Veyer tryst here.  
Wayfarer now has its own fandom wiki! This is a community project, created and maintained by fans (I am not affiliated and do not update it). You can check it out here.
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If you’ve enjoyed Wayfarer, used my tutorials, or would like to support my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Patrons receive access to the alpha build, a private Discord server, exclusive previews, bonus content, side stories, and other benefits.
Wayfarer is a passion project and creating it is a full-time commitment. Any little bit goes a long way to help me bring it to fruition.
If you aren’t in a position to support financially, reblogs, shares, ratings and comments, and spreading the word about the game are much appreciated and do a lot to help me out! 💕
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paulgadzikowski · 4 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Klinger of AfterM*A*S*H sits on a couch in the inpatient ward at General General and calls out to Father Mulcahy as he passes by, saying, "Say, Father! Did you see that new movie, The Ten Commandments?" Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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sylvctica · 4 months
hello, and goodbye
Their name, which often rolls off Zhongli’s tongue so naturally, felt heavy—poised hands settling down his tea which he has been taking long, tentative sips from. “May I suggest holding a funeral?”
“A wh—a funeral?” Thick eyebrows knitted in as Sylvie’s own, now empty, teacup came to a rest upon the same table, confusion spilling across their face as a weird and uncomfortable knot seemed to lump within their stomach, like a sudden lurch.
“For Foras … and you,” he continued, straight to the point and leaving no room for doubt on what he meant. “ … forgive my forwardness, but this has been weighing on my mind for quite some time. Since the Rite of Parting, I've deeply pondered if I could offer the same to you.” 
… of course, at a glance, the deceased in question is still very much alive—talking and smiling as one does, telling jokes about ‘hooters’ and ‘boobie’ birds that would get a groan to rise out of him. But for those like the Geo Archon who lived through countless millennia, he knew they were a dead God walking. Very few could recall them as Foras, God of Trees and Lord of Forests who once roamed the lands of Sumeru, whom people worshipped and adorned with garlands of flowers, whom people prayed to for safety, health, and bountiful harvests.
Now, little traces of them remain in the world. They bled into the casualties that were forgotten and buried in war. If people mourned and searched for them, they would not know it.
Sylvie’s tongue nervously darted out to lick at dry lips, mind lost between racing and having absolutely no coherent thought, as if it were frozen—something violently thrashed within their chest for a few moments as a cold seed spreads through their stomach, like icicles; it was only his gentle touch and squeeze to their hands that brought their focus back from the dark haze that edged their mind.
The sincerity in his eyes was nothing short of good intentions. They know that as a consultant—but most importantly, as their partner and an old friend—there was no one better fit for this task than him to offer such a thing. 
So what was that fear that was keeping them from directly saying yes?
Perhaps it was the finality of saying goodbye to 'Foras' that scared them more than holding a funeral for their own death. But they wanted that and have wanted to snip that past identity for a while, so why did it make them want to cry merely thinking about it?
Why did it feel like it was asking to tear themselves in two?
No easy answer came, just waves and waves of emotions that seemed to tear at the seams of their heart, torn between wanting to release, and wanting to hold 'Foras' closer. A sharp inhale followed, deep and filling—before slowly being exhaled through their nose, feeling the pressure of Zhongli’s hands squeezing around theirs patiently—worryingly.
“I … I dunno. Like I …I think it might be worth ... the um ... no, it's a good idea. Yeah." Sylvie’s voice was quiet, meek, lacking any of their usual bravado and confidence. "Please be slow with me, I ... I want to, but the idea scares me. Silly as ... I feel silly for being so scared of ... burying myself. I'm scared, but I trust you. I trust you."
And he would hold their trust close to his chest.
Of course, no ceremony was one that could be done in the mere span of a day, so it gave the Dendro God time to sit and ruminate. Except, they did anything and everything to keep themselves from doing so, throwing themselves into commissions, around crowds, into conversations and hobbies that kept their mind occupied from the looming fog.
Sylvie had already long come to terms with their own ‘death’ three thousand years ago; the only remnants of the effect was the deep scar running through their whole torso—almost bisecting them—and the bitter dislike of the cold from dying in old, frigid Mondstadt in some futile attempt to get shelter elsewhere for their people.
That was whatever.
What they never wanted to revisit, was the aftermath of that upon their reawakening.
There was no one there anymore for Foras.
Morax now donned the mantle of Rex Lapis, the weight of Liyue heavy on his shoulders; he had more than enough on his shoulders, they would not—could not—add to that, when they knew all too well what it meant to be a God.
Guizhong was gone, many were gone, taken away in the war without any goodbye. The rest withdrew—all carrying their own aches and pains they were healing from.
Sumeru was not an option, for even thinking of visiting made them feel shaken with shame for their failure as a God to their people—leaving ████ as a distant thought instead, even though they so, so sorely wished they could talk to her, to listen to her wisdom once more as fingers threaded through their hair to decorate it with flowers.
They were alone. 
No one could answer the anguished calls of their heart, not when their own were still hurting and bleeding.
No one could answer them.
Who were they?
What were they meant to do now that all their people were gone?
And why hadn’t they just stayed dead?
“I hope you don’t mind the request, Director Hu Tao.”
Hu Tao looked up towards her consultant, hands resting on her hips as her expression was thoughtful; it was rare for Zhongli to request much outside of work and clientele, especially in a way where he didn’t wish to divulge the reasoning behind it. “Of course I don’t mind it, seeing you with such a serious face when you ask me that … go, take all the time you need.”
Sylvie quietly observed the green jade within their grasp, turning it in their hands as it glistened underneath the light of the sun; they know the rite should be using Noctilucous jade, blue in its luster and glow … but they know Zhongli picked it because green was representative of them. A deviation from tradition, a gesture of kindness in a way that would not betray the original intention of the ceremony as the jade was carved.
Silk Flower perfume, incense, bell …
“And you dragged the traveller along to get all of these?” they laughed out quietly, turning to look towards him.
“Mm, yes. It was quite an experience, I will say, especially as they had to sing to open up the Glaze Lilies; I’m glad that it was not a requirement this time around, with your hand in recreating the needed ingredients.” His smile mirrored their own, small and subtle. “I’m sure you would’ve enjoyed it had you been around to see the negotiations and hurdles that must’ve been crossed in the process.”
“Ones that had someone else bartering for you because you very conveniently forgot your money? And for three million Mora for incense of all things? And the … ahem, cocogoat you had to hunt down?”
“Everburning Incense. You must be aware and mindful, my jade, I was merely learning at that stage, and anyone could’ve easily mistaken Qiqi’s request.”
“Uh huh, considering even the six thousand-year-old god did. And now you do it on purpose to leave your mora at home and use your big puppy eyes towards me to buy you stuff on occasion.” Their elbow nudged into his side, watching. “How the hell did you even manage to get the incense this time around?”
“Baizhu owed me a favour.” Sylvie could only respond with a raised eyebrow towards him. “Legal loopholes allow him to import some external herbs that within Liyue are often regulated and need months of paperwork processing ahead of time, but were necessary for a critical patient in absorbing and removing miasma without reliance on adeptal arts.”
“Mm, I’d call that a very big favour. Makes sense.”
The jade was placed back down upon the table, settled into a quiet room within the funeral parlour that was secluded and private, housing the items that were to make up the Rite of Parting; although nothing like the one held for Rex Lapis. This was just for the two of them, and no one else.
They could not bear to have anyone else see this. “… I suppose that makes all of it,” they murmured quietly, not looking back up towards him.
“Outside needing to carve the jade to its needed shape, yes. It should not be longer than a few more days before we can enact the rite.”
They know this funeral is also for him as well, and is why he is pouring all of himself into doing it; in the tides of war, where grief and vulnerability were not allowed, the weight of their death had not dawned on him until it was far too late. Feelings slowly eroded and washed away like rivers over stones, dulling them down into something they can shelve far, far behind.
Ironic that he’s picked up the mantle of a funeral consultant when he needed it the most.
And though it all rests in the past now, memories flicker for both of them, of the anguish and hurt as he held their torn body within their own cold, dying dreamscape, of the apologizes spilling out amongst sobs they could never imagine leaving him, of the regrets he's had over so many years as he felt Sylvie’s essence slipping between his fingers, of their own words assuring him in their time of peril that it’ll all be okay (oh, he thought, they were always so selfless, down to their last breath) … to him, it still felt very much real when he thought back to it, even if it was merely a dream he walked into.
So, Sylvie thinks, when has he ever had time to mourn? For them? For lost friends and companions? For the people of Liyue who had died for him? It’s why they wanted him to have this opportunity to do so, even if it was only for them, even if they were still here.
It eases up a bit of the dread coiled in their stomach.
It took a few days for the jade carvings to return, and one more day until the actual procession and rite itself. Sylvie occupied themselves during those days, wanting to exhaust their body until they fell asleep and to not leave any moment to think. Of course, they prepared, mentally as much as they could, but it didn’t keep the fear from bubbling in their stomach.
White chrysanthemums and a bowl of fresh fruit decorated the small altar, with a wooden deer-carved figurine topping it; there was no body to mourn, when the body was still breathing, blinking, and moving about, so their own hands carved something symbolic of themselves to place atop the altar. 
The door was closed behind them, finalizing the fact that this was happening, as the two quietly gathered around the altar.
“We are here today to honour and remember Foras, known as the God of Trees, of Harvests, of Fertility, of Health, a god born of Sumeru’s lands, beloved by those who looked up to them. Although many years have passed, one should admire their courage, dedication and love they returned for their people across many years.”
The heavy scent of the incense and the perfume washed over them, the flicker of light blurred in their eyesight as Zhongli’s voice filled their thoughts.
“Thank you, Foras, for all your kind words, and laughter you’ve brought, of all the times you’ve been there. May you have the same in return, in gentle hands that will hold your own and will listen to you. May the earth welcome you back with open arms..”
This was a goodbye that was three millennia in the making.
A goodbye to the laughter of the past, to the small hands of children holding their robes, to smiling faces thanking them for watching over them, to feasts held in their name, to old friends they will not see again, to a Sumeru that’s long been outgrown.
Gods, did it feel like a stab through the insides to say goodbye to that part of themselves, no matter how much it still lived within them, shaped them.
It hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts.
The quietness of the rite and his voice was only interrupted by their sobs, raw and aching as they were unable to hold back the waves of emotions that tore through them—indiscernible in name—that sent their body shuddering with a detached coldness as it shook with their voice.
They didn’t want to say it.
But they needed to.
The God of Trees was dead.
Sylvie could not tell how much time passed, lost in thoughts and emotions that felt like mud. They could vaguely feel the shape of hands smoothing over their shoulders in soothing circles. Their knees ache a bit, realizing they had curled down into a squat at some point—and that Zhongli was beside them, his hand being the one to rest on their back. Green eyes lifted to look towards him, finding his expression bare—worried, concerned, and with a glassy look to his own golden eyes.
Their lips parted for a moment, before closing with a soft, “I’m sorry.”
“For doing what would come naturally in a situation like this, you do not need to apologize.” There is a quiet tenderness to his words, vulnerable and open—a funeral for both to find closure, and to both help each other up from. 
His hand moved to reach out towards them, palm splayed open … and they took his offer, stumbling up to their feet and finding their legs numb and asleep. The smell of the incense had faded out a bit, leaving only a taste of Glaze Lilies in the air.
“Thank you, Zhongli.”
Words could not cover their full gratitude, instead wrapping their arms around him in a tight embrace, a heavy sigh sinking their body down into him and face burying against the side of his head, focusing on the scent that was him instead—subtle, of sandalwood and something floral from that shampoo they gifted him. They could feel his arms in return around them, squeezing them with a pressure that grounded them further into the present. Everything still felt raw, like an open wound—but now it could close for them both.
“… could you make me a gravestone, Zhongli, saying Foras was buried there? I—I don’t know if that’s a part of the rite, but I … want one back in Sumeru. Actually, two gravestones, if that’s alright—though with the second being blank.”
Sylvie’s words tumbled a little over the latter half of their statement; something felt wrong about the concept of their gravestone being alone. Something equally felt wrong about not having a gravestone for … for someone who never had a chance to be mourned over. Perhaps just an open invitation for any visitor to see someone they wish to say goodbye to.
It took him a few moments, untangling himself out of their grasp to peer towards them. Fingers cupped their face gently, thumbs moving to press over their cheeks and to wipe the wetness underneath their eyes.
“Of course, Sylvie. I would’ve offered myself, but you thought of it first before I could say. I will; for you.”
It was a simple gravestone, etched with Sylvie’s true, old name. Besides it rested a mirrored one, though lacking any engravings and simple in its nature. Zhongli’s eyes remained downcasted and half-lidded; the bundle of flowers within his arms was placed down in front of the named gravestone, looking over the small additional offerings of fruits, carvings, wheat … things drawn from nature itself that were placed in thanks.
He’s not all too surprised, given that upon the grave was written: “Here lies an old god that once called this place their home. Rest your weary head and leave your weight here, for the forest will listen to you.”
“It’s funny, seeing my grave is kind of a weird relief.” Sylvie’s voice spoke up beside him. “Maybe I’m just weirdly happy there’s some remnant left behind of myself, even if it’s in the form of my death and rebirth.” Zhongli’s eyes lifted to look towards them, patient and quiet … and eventually their own eyes lifted to meet his gaze. “Thank you, Zhongli. I hope it has helped you, too.”
“It has. Thank you, Foras.”
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sukea69 · 9 months
I had to think for a while about this (from the first time you sent out the ask request lol)!
"Settle down, there, drama queen," said Mito to Madara. (re: your friendship post)
Finished half of this and realised that my mito wouldn't be so informal, so the 'drama queen' bit will simply have to remain unvoiced and heavily implied. under the cut bc it got slightly long
"Oh, settle down, will you? It's about pragmatism."
"Settle down? Mito-sama, what you're describing is murder." His voice was strident, threatening to become a yell, but he did as he was instructed and settled when Mito held a hand up to show that she was gathering her thoughts. The tags in her hair fluttered in the breeze.
"Do we not murder others for payment every day? Come now, Madara. Being our own does not exempt them from the harsh reality of this world."
Madara rolled his expressive eyes and shook his head. Clearly, she had not convinced him.
"Being our own should entitle them to our protection."
"And would you appreciate that, dear one? Constant protection?"
"That's different."
"I'm sure."
They talked for a little while more, and Mito had to concede that it was slightly different for Madara, but not enough for her whole point to be invalid. Babying shinobi would get them nowhere.
Afterm they fell into silence together, steps in sync. It was always nice to walk with Madara, when he let the frenzied energy slough of his shoulders for a bit, slowing his steps to match hers. They didn't often find things to agree on, Madara an untempered wildfire of a man and Mito herself not unlike the unmerciful sea, but their conversations were lively and Mito had yet to induce one of Madara's infamous sulks.
He was refreshing.
He slowed to a stop with her as they came across a tree laden with flowers, the red petals vivid against the clear blue sky.
"Here." Mito siad, and plucked a small branch from the tree, all well formed blooms and bright new leaves. "To match your eyes."
"Thank you." he said, and he sounded like he meant it.
Talk of murder and politics and obligation were left behind as they enjoyed the sensations of a late spring afternoon in each others' comfortable company.
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heroofthreefaces · 2 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new and are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons. Thanks for reading.
[Image description: Preview panel for the cartoon at the link. Radar of AfterM*A*S*H and the Doctor, fifth incarnation, of Doctor Who stand talking. Radar is regarding an object in his hand and saying, “A bus ticket to Saint Louis?” The Doctor is saying, “Congratulations on your nuptials.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero of Three Faces site.]
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kl-foodie · 1 year
Aftermeal Desserts: The LARGEST Dessert Cafe in PJ & KL?
Aftermeal Desserts: The LARGEST Dessert Cafe in PJ & KL?
Desserts are one of the most essential foods in life. Fight us all you want, but you know deep down…it’s true. Whether you’re craving for melt-in-your-mouth shaved ice, cheesecake or just light beverages, this spot has it all! Plus, they have recently expanded a new space, making it the LARGEST dessert cafe in the Klang Valley!  Dessert Lovers Must Not Miss Out On The Biggest Dessert Shop In…
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