#Alison Heywood outfits
hellcheerful · 2 years
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Alison Heywood + outfits (season 2) requested by anonymous
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Who marries in Sanditon?
It’s the big question, isn’t it? Every scene from the opening credits came true last year. This year, we’ve had almost every opening credit already. One of the few shots remaining is the wedding shot. In this analysis I will look at what we can deduce from the opening credit pictures, and what we can’t guess.
Now before we dive into this year’s shot, let’s look at the one from last year.
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In this shot, we see a woman in blue and a man with a top hat marrying. What we can clearly see is a dark skinned woman turned away from the wedding, clearly Georgiana. So back in season one we knew Georgiana wasn’t marrying. Whether the people marrying were Charlotte and Sidney or Esther and Babington though, we couldn’t guess as the woman wore a veil and the man’s face was obscured. In the end, Esther didn’t wear blue, she wore white, though Babington did wear a top hat. This tells us the image of the couple in the front isn’t reliable. I do like pointing out that on the bride’s side we see a woman in the front row in red, who wears an identical outfit to what Lady Denham wore to Esther’s wedding.
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Season two’s imagine is slightly altered. But what we see is the following: Georgiana is once again the back. There’s no other WOC in Sanditon (yet), so we have to assume it’s her. Georgiana won’t be marrying this season. This belief is further strengethened becaude Georgiana is finding out a lot about her inheritance this season, and we know we’ll be having some new black actors for Georgiana’s storyline in the next season. This makes me think Georgiana still has a whole road ahead of her, and is not in the right place yet to marry.
The couple in front of the church is the same one as in the last picture, so we can assume we must base nothing on the outfits of the couple in the front. What else do we see though? Some people have been added or replaced in the church
Left,in the back we see a woman with a pale bonnet with dark blue trimmings, and blue clothes. There is someone with blue trimming right around the edge of the bonnet who wears a lot of blue clothes, and it is:
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Charlotte Heywood. There are some more reasons why we may assume Charlotte won’t marry this season: 1) Justin Young said he wanted season 2 to focus on Charlotte learning to heal and open up again. 2) He also said he wanted Charlotte to only decide and enter a relationship again in season 3.
So that leaves 2 suspects who can marry: 1) Clara Brereton, who could marry her baby daddy Edward.  2) Alison could marry her captain.
In the right side of the image, we can see some military men were added. So it’s definitely possible Alison is marrying her captain, but: 1) In the description of episode 6 on the PBS website, it’s said Alison is set on returning home with her dreams destroyed. It could be that there’s a last minute engagement. After all, Esther was all but ruined before the final 15min of the last season, but it is worth keeping in mind. 2) why wouldn’t a captain marry in uniform? I understand that the writers could perhaps think it would give too much away, but it’s really weird, especially given Edward, Lennox and Fraser could all don a uniform for their wedding. Including a uniform in this shot would have only scrapped one potential wedding: Georgiana’s. That’s not spoiling an awful lot, especially since they already put Georgiana in the back of the drawing.
Edward would be the only military guy to put away his uniform and marry as “a gentleman” (his favourite role). But because he’s still in the military, it would be normal that the military attends the wedding. HOWEVER: in my dreams, Clara and Esther band together to kick Edward out of their lives. Esther and Clara are really learning to understand each other this season, and they both know Edward’s a piece of shit. Edward is currently trying to ruin Esther’s life AGAIN, and he’s using his and Clara’s child to make a profit off Lady Denham’s inheritance. I really hope they see through his schemes and kick him out. Clara is already feeling remorseful about potentially hurting Esther, which is a lot better than last season, so there might be a chance we again see Edward being kicked out of Sanditon at the end of the final episode this season. But on the other hand: having Edward be a villain for another season, this time with the Denham inheritance, would be the exact kind of shit dramatic showrunners love.
So those are my opinions and educated guesses, I place my eggs in Alison’s and Clara’s basket.
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