#All I want is to see is Arajin consider Matakara his friend that’s all I ask😭
kaiiscottage · 2 months
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this left me a bit insane ngl
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reitheist · 2 months
bucchigiri ep 8 thoughts (a.k.a. the drama-loving bitch inside me finally gets fed):
marito <- mahoro (can't take a hint) <- arajin (even worse at taking a hint) <- matakara (the worst at taking a hint)
ope well ara is back to being a dick to matakara
okay he's being a liiiiiiittle nice
matakara asking all the people in his life to attend is very sweet
i wonder if he asked ara to host because that's the only way he'd get ara to attend? hmm
kenichiro's little smile 😭
not senya proposing lmao
eh shindo seems a little too sincere. trying to trick matakara? is ichiya making him get close so he can merge with matakara?
oh yeah definitely lol
i need this show to give me more than a static shot of ichiya cause his outfit slays
the animation on the gyoza-making is beautiful
also really nice to see something that arajin is good at that isn't given to him by magic. also nice to see him in a moment where he isn't the butt of the joke about how sad and horny he is
the colors got all desaturated... i'm a bit scared for what is going to go wrong with this party
does kenichiro own any other coat
did he die??? get jumped????
zabu and komao are real ones
hell yeah zabu go off
eat your goddamn guilt gyoza arajin
is ichiya gonna get him when he's weak hearted, like as implied in the first scene?
matakara even during a crisis you are still so gay. arajin is literally just a guy you need to prioritize yourself sweetie
i want matakara to go absolutely apeshit he deserves it
matakara your childhood friend who weighs 100 lbs soaking wet showed up one day with the power of a god and you never considered maybe he might be getting a little outside help
so is a big theme of this show about the dangers of idolization maybe? matakara believes in arajin to an unhealthy extent which only hurts him when he finds out he's nothing like how he imagines. ara is constantly hurt by mahoro failing to be the moe-blob gf of his dreams. mahoro is hurt when her brother doesn't return her affection. we're dealing with a lot of one-sided relationships here
i'm glad ara is finally being genuine and telling the truth
also maybe dealing with how idolization hurts the ones we idolize?
matakara :(
damn matakara is getting possessed by senya's evil gay ex. brainwashed by the homosexual agenda.
that was a really great episode! i wish we had gotten to this point earlier in the season though. i hope we keep up this more serious tone until the end. it's nice to finally get some real emotional catharsis. probably my fav episode of the season so far. i'm very excited to learn about senya and ichiya's falling out.
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pinkroseblooms · 2 months
It’s a great move for writing a story but I just detest when the villain isn’t exactly lying to you. Even though Shindo has been an enemy for most of the series so far, Matakara is trusting him because he hasn’t lied to him. He was right about Arajin and he was right how get Ichiya so Matakara can get the “power” he wants.
It's like yes, Arajin is using someone else's power to be strong (for his own reasons, primarily to impress Mahoro)and he is a coward, but he hasn't tried to do anything to convince Matakara he's still that kid who had those high ideals and wanted to be a Honki person. Every step of the way he's told Matakara "No, I'm not who you think I am, I don't care about that stuff now, I just want a girlfriend and to not get my ass kicked, and I don't even consider you my friend anymore we haven't spoken in 5 years".
Shindo sees how one track mind Matakara is, how wholly committed he is to his own moral code, his beliefs about strength and Honki people, and the pedestal he's put Arajin on. It's all come crashing down on him and Matakara is also dealing with his brother (who he also idolizes) possibly dying and his own fears and doubts (is that what the smoky thing is? Srsly wtf is that thing? Is it literal or metaphorical?). I'm on pins and needles to see what Matakara plans to do next.
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rubywolf0201 · 24 days
You know, I'm worried about the hypocrisy of people in relation to Arajin who hate him because he doesn't want to fight with anyone while there are other characters who are also annoying. zabu; he is a bully and only cares about his friends at first he was horrible to arajin and he only changed his behavior because of matakara. Marito; It's horrible the way he treats Matakara, mocking him, I'm happy he got a beating. arajin's mother also bothers me the way she talks to arajin's friends like ideal age for what? Unpopular opinion, if there was no Senya or Matakara in the anime, Arajin would suffer heavy bullying and would also be beaten a lot.
Yeah i can definitely see your POV on some of that really. Though then again, Episode 1’s establishment was kind of a little weird if you ask me. Like we see Zabu and Komao during their first introduction, targeting Arajin during his first day in Ichizu High. It’s a little bit strange on why they targetted him but I’m sorta assuming they want to recruit him into Minato Kai though their body language and later scenes doesn’t seem like it as said later scene have both they or rather Zabu bully him out of pettiness (I gotta rewatch the series as soon as all episodes are aired).
Then in Marito’s first introduction, we see him beating up Arajin for being near his sister and not to mention that prior to using Senya, Arajin was unaware of their relationship and was also innocent (well defenseless despite having Senya around) but later episodes establish that he is a little bit neglectful towards Mahoro (tho i can’t blame him to some extent considering girl kinda of violate his personal boundaries and was close to kissing him in his sleep in Episode 2 😬) and Utsumi revealing that neither Minato Kai nor Siguma Squad are the typical delinquent gangs to go after innocent people, something which is again showcased in Episode 3 where Marito rescued out an innocent student from the NG Boys clutches. Although, I’m inclined to think that he more or less attack randos for being near his sister or so but everything about the Jin siblings sorta confuses me so I’ll leave it up to someone to correct me on this.
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rubywolf0201 · 2 months
Thoughts on the latest episode of BUCCHIGIRI?! aka that one episode that had me off the seat!
- Episode starts off with Arajin skipping happily to his class and then soon as he enter, Komao is seen playing with him.
- Puppy boi Matakara enters into the scene not too soon but this time, there’s no hostility between him and Arajin (HOORAY!!!)
- Though as soon Arajin asked about Mahoro, Mata had to mention that she’s in the hospital with Marito. Ara immediately rushed out going past Mata. 🙂🙃
- But it’s quickly subverted after the OP that Matakara decided to tag along with Arajin and from what we can see, their relationship is almost back to normal.
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- Ok we got info on why Mitsukuni is in juvie: Apparently he took down a dirty cop who is forcing his buddies to sell illegal drugs, which lands him in big trouble with the authorities for doing that, even if he did saved some of the dirty cop’s friends.
- After hearing that, Arajin had a geniune expression where he feels pity for his friend and realizes that he must’ve been through a lot.
- The hospital scene between the Jin siblings has to be the funniest. Like we see Mahoro bringing in ‘lunch’ for Marito to eat but the ‘lunch’ looks like this:
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And of course, Marito is repulsed by this sight (I mean who wouldn’t be?) and makes you question who even prepares her meals considering that earlier episodes shows it to be fine?
- The moment Arajin enters into the scene, we see Mahoro’s mood immediately goes down while Marito is excited to see him.
- Marito was a tad bit cold to tell his little sister to get out (I mean I get that her cooking is….abominable but still…) and of course Mahoro is hurt by that.
- I’ll be honest with you: I had to pause at that scene because I knew something horrible is going to happen and it did. So braced myself.
- Arajin gave chase to her and this gets very cool: Not only does she wall-pin him but she dropped the most rawest lines ever:
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- Arajin doesn’t seem bothered by it (?) but he seems aroused by the fact that Mahoro has kabedon’ed him.
- Marito and Arajin begin discussing with each other about the rival groups organizing a group date which changes scene where Hagure begins to tell Arajin about the group date in detail. Arajin, as always asked Hagure if Mahoro is going to be in a swimsuit to which Hagure replied yes (which is obviously a lie and that Hagure is doing it to amuse him)
- In the bathhouse, we have Matakara, Komao and Zabu discussing about the group date but that’s not what I want to pay attention to because:
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- Oh and Zabu is acting tsundere-ish for some reason of wanting to ‘repay’ Arajin back. Such a dork. (I do hope he and Komao gets promoted a lot more in the future)
- Back in the Tomoshibi residence, Arajin is trying to show off his muscles to which Senya question where. Oh and we have Mrs Tomoshibi gushing over her son and all that.
- Arajin then starts having daydreams of his ‘date’ with Mahoro and it’s kind of funny how he envisions both of them kissing, despite him witnessing her true character up front in the hospital.
- The day has arrived and we see Arajin heading out excitedly to go to the group date.
- Meanwhile, the businessman entered into the cat cafè/brothel (?) as usual but however, instead of asking to see the usual cat or something like that, he asked for a different one, which catches the cat cafè waiter off guard.
- When Arajin arrived, he was not amused that the whole ‘group date’ turns out to be a wrestling match!
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- Yep it seems our ‘beach episode’ is a wrestling match!!
- Also, it’s kind of weird to see Hagure without his usual cap but hey at least we get to see him with a different head accessory.
- And of course, the first match is between Outa and Kenichiro. It was an intense match and it ended up with a draw because of how powerful it is.
- Also Marito has a pretty neat getup.
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- Honestly, I wish I could describe everything that is happening because of how literally every one is in a WWE getup and that this whole ‘group date’ is more like a bonding session between Minato Kai and Siguma Squad.
- Arajin after witnessing everything decided to step out for a bit and wait for Mahoro but the moment she arrives she’s in a pretty modest getup and riding a camel no less. (No not the one where she rides the mechanical one like Marito’s but a literal one)
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(Also, I’ll leave it to certain moots to think that if Mahoro’s getup is ok or not)
- Speaking of Mahoro, it kind of amazes me that she instantly changes out of the outfit she’s wearing into her school uniform (I have to wonder why doesn’t anyone wear casual clothes for this ‘beach episode’? Does Ichizu High even gives the weekends off?)
- I wish I could describe all of the matches but it would’ve been a mouthful and it’s basically just a filler episode.
- Mahoro fangirling over her brother will never be funny to me and you can see just how unamused Hagure looks, implying that he and everyone else at Siguma Squad are used to that kind of antics lol.
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(Also Komao is like ‘WTF is happening here?’)
- Zabu is hilarious AF and the fact that he’s the only guy to wear a wrestling singlet and then he got blasted out lol.
- Anyways, Mahoro is hungry and Arajin senses that so he went outside to get food.
- From there, we see the NG Boys making yakisoba and Akutaro is there too but somehow his face is now ok except for a broken nose.
- Arajin came by and was surprised to see him and decided to inquire him about Senya but Akutaro just brush it off and says to him to have Senya answer him.
- Upon receiving the yakisoba and being dragged off by Senya, Ichiya FINALLY SPOKE!!!
- Also we finally got a good look at Matakara’s build and wow.
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Dude’s built like a brick house I keep forgetting that he is 15/16 years old (I need to know his secrets to getting this big)
- Also his wrestler getup is pretty cool.
- Jabashiri also decided to join in the match to get his revenge on Matakara.
- We have nice Arajin/Matakara bonding episode in this one and you can see them gaining each other’s trust in this one.
- Though, I will say the moment Arajin slips up in distracting Marito is a big OOF!
- Again, I wish to describe more but it’ll get pretty long but all I can say is that Marito went super berserk to the point the tent fell down lol. Oh and somehow both Arajin and Matakara wins the whole match.
- Towards the end, we see all of the members from Siguma and Minato getting along. Matakara and Arajin are walking and just overall being casual.
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But side note, like Mahoro, couldn’t they have bothered to make casual clothes for the guys cause how the heck do you even have time to change back into your school uniform HELLO?!
- But putting that aside, just as Matakara is seeing Arajin chasing behind Mahoro like the simp that he is, Akutaro and Ichiya are seen spying on Matakara, especially the latter what that means is a mystery but it’ll be an interesting one in next week’s episode.
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