#Ayurvedic Treatments in Chandigarh
Welcome to the website of Dr. PK Gupta, renowned sexologist in Delhi !
Dr. PK Gupta (sexologist in Delhi ) is a highly regarded and experienced sexologist dedicated to providing comprehensive and confidential care for individuals and couples seeking assistance with their sexual health concerns. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field, Dr. Gupta has established himself as a trusted authority in the realm of sexual wellness. At our clinic, we strive to create a safe and supportive environment where you can seek the guidance and treatment you need.
Services Offered by Dr. PK Gupta:
Sexual Dysfunction Treatment: Dr. PK Gupta specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of sexual dysfunctions, including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and orgasmic disorders. With his extensive experience and up-to-date knowledge of the latest treatment options, he provides personalized care to address the underlying causes of your concerns.
Couples Counseling: Relationships can sometimes be affected by sexual issues, leading to stress and emotional strain. Dr. PK Gupta offers couples counseling to help partners enhance their communication, overcome obstacles, and reignite intimacy. Through empathetic guidance and evidence-based strategies, he helps couples strengthen their bond and restore harmony in their sexual relationship.
Sex Education and Counseling: Dr. PK Gupta firmly believes in the power of education when it comes to sexual health. He offers comprehensive sex education and counseling to individuals and couples, providing them with accurate information, debunking myths, and addressing any misconceptions. With a patient-centric approach, he encourages open dialogue and promotes healthier attitudes towards sexuality.
LGBTQ+ Support: Dr. PK Gupta is committed to providing inclusive care and support to individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. He understands the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and offers tailored treatments and counseling to address their specific needs. With sensitivity and respect, Dr. Gupta ensures a safe space where everyone can seek the assistance they require.
Psychological Support: Sexual health concerns can often have psychological ramifications. Dr. PK Gupta offers compassionate psychological support and counseling to help patients navigate the emotional aspects of their sexual health. He collaborates with qualified psychologists to provide a holistic approach to treatment and ensure the well-being of his patients.
Book an Appointment:
At Dr. PK Gupta's clinic, we prioritize your convenience and confidentiality. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Gupta, please visit our website or contact our clinic directly. Our friendly staff will assist you in finding a suitable time slot for your visit.
Embark on a journey towards a healthier and more satisfying sexual life with the guidance and expertise of Dr. PK Gupta. Take the first step today by reaching out to our clinic and allowing us to support you in achieving optimal sexual wellness.
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Why to choose Kshar Sutra Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus: Insights by Dr. Vinay Kumar renowned kshar sutra expert at Arogyam Piles Clinic and Research Center, Mohali, Chandigarh.
At Arogyam Piles Clinic in Hamirpur, Dr. Vinay Kumar offers expert Kshar Sutra treatment for pilonidal sinus. Renowned for its minimal invasiveness, this Ayurvedic technique ensures quick recovery and low recurrence rates, providing an effective solution for patients seeking advanced care at Arogyam Piles Clinic.
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chandigarhayurved · 5 days
Rhinitis and Allergies Ayurvedic Treatment
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Allergic rhinitis is a medical condition which is characterized by the overactive immune response of the body to certain tiny particles in air called allergens. When a person inhales these allergens through nose or mouth, the immune system of the body produces a chemical called histamine in increased amounts. This chemical is responsible for an allergic response of the body. The common symptoms include nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, irritation of nose or throat, etc. It is commonly known as common cold.
The allergens are present both outdoor and indoor such as dust mites, pet dander, molds, pollens, etc. These allergens initiate overactive immune response of the body towards the allergen. With good eating habits and healthy lifestyle, it can be easily managed and prevented. There are some self-care measures which are helpful in its treatment.
The immune system of body produces white blood cells which help in providing protection to the body from foreign micro-organisms. But in allergic rhinitis, the immune system over-reacts to the presence of an allergen in body. The allergens are inhaled through nose or mouth. The immune system starts an inflammatory response in body. There occurs swelling of the mucous membranes of nose, mouth and throat. It is accompanied by itching in the affected area for the ejection of the allergen.   
Some of the common allergens are:
Following are the signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis:
Nasal congestion
Dust mites
Animal dander
Mold spores
Runny nose
Itching in nose and throat
Dark circles under the eyes
Increased mucus production
General body weakness
Sore throat
Difficulty in breathing
The doctor will ask about the signs and symptoms of the disease to the patient. He will ask patient about any allergies. He can suggest blood tests and an X-ray to the patient. He will ask about the past medical history also.
Here are some of the medications of Chandigarh Ayurved centre which are used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis:1. Detox Premium Powder
These herbal sachets are prepared from ingredients such as Shankh bhasma, Sutshekhar ras, Parvalpishti, Shukta, Giloy, Kamdudha ras, Shvetparpati that gives calming effect on the stomach.
Shankh bhasma: This ayurvedic bhasma is prepared from conch shell. The bhasma shows antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antacid, digestive stimulant properties. The problems like indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, etc are easily treated with it.
Sutshekhar ras: It is an ayurvedic preparation that maintains pitta dosha in the body. This ras provides effective results in abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, fever, headache, epigastric tenderness, etc.
Parval pishti: This pishti is prepared from coral calcium processed in rose water. It provides effective results in acidity, burning sensation, headache, etc.
Shukta pishti: This pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body and removes all toxins from the body.
Giloy satv: Giloy satv possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, carminative, immunomodulator, etc properties. It eliminates the ama from body hence provide good results in acidity problem.
Kamdudha ras: This ras reduces heat, burning sensation, epigastrium tenderness, irritability, heartburn, and acidity.
Shwet parpati: It is also effective in acidity.
Recommended Dosage: Take one sachet twice daily.
2. Nerve up tablet Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in the symptoms related to Allergy. Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
3. Curcumin Capsule Curcumin Capsule helps in pacifying all three doshas. Curcumin Capsule is beneficial for variety of skin conditions like Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis. This Capsule contains standardized extract of the herb Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric having powerful Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-microbial and Antioxidant properties. Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily.
4. Amrit Tulsi Ras This herbal preparation is in drops form prepared from five types of Tulsi. Shama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Rama Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum), Kapoor Tulsi (Ocimum canum), Shwet Tulsi (Ocimum basilicum), Nimba Tulsi (Ocimum citriodorum) that provides good result in all allergic reactions. Recommended Dosage: Take two to three drops twice daily.
5. Immuno Booster Tablet It is a pure herbal combination that helps to build up immunity. It consists of effective levels of antioxidants. vitamin C and E circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. It has natural immunity-boosting properties to prevent and ease cough, cold, headache, and infections. it provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, itching throat, body ache, and weakness. Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
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paryasfoundation12 · 9 days
Unlocking New Horizons: The Transformative Power of Nasha Mukti Kendra, Chandigarh
Amidst the vibrant tapestry of Chandigarh's bustling cityscape, a beacon of hope shines brightly, illuminating the path towards healing and self-discovery for those entrapped in the unforgiving grip of addiction. Welcome to Nasha Mukti Kendra, a sanctuary of renewal where the chains of substance dependency are shattered, and the journey towards reclaiming one's authentic self begins.
A Serene Haven in the City Nestled within the heart of Chandigarh, our state-of-the-art facilities offer a serene oasis, a respite from the stresses of urban life. From the moment you step through our doors, a profound sense of tranquility envelops you, inviting you to shed the burdens of the past and embrace the restorative power of our nurturing environment.
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Our architectural design seamlessly blends contemporary aesthetics with natural elements, creating a harmonious space that fosters healing and rejuvenation. Lush gardens, soothing water features, and thoughtfully curated spaces for meditation and reflection provide a sanctuary where you can reconnect with your innermost self, unwind from the relentless noise of the external world, and cultivate a deeper sense of peace and clarity.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Holistic Healing At Nasha Mukti Kendra in Chandigarh, we understand that addiction is a multifaceted condition that extends far beyond the physical realm. It is a complex interplay of emotional, psychological, and spiritual factors that require a comprehensive and integrative approach to healing. Our team of highly trained professionals, comprising counselors, therapists, medical practitioners, and holistic wellness experts, work in harmony to craft personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Drawing from a diverse array of evidence-based modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and motivational interviewing, we empower you to unravel the complex web of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have perpetuated the cycle of addiction. Simultaneously, we integrate time-honored holistic practices, including yoga, meditation, and mindfulness techniques, to cultivate inner peace, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with your authentic self.
Embracing the Healing Arts At the core of our holistic approach lies a profound appreciation for the transformative power of the healing arts. Our dedicated art and music therapy programs provide a canvas for self-expression, emotional release, and creative exploration. Through these modalities, you'll have the opportunity to tap into your innate creativity, process complex emotions, and discover new avenues for personal growth and self-discovery.
Our experienced art therapists and music facilitators create a safe and nurturing environment where you can freely express yourself, unshackled from the constraints of judgment or inhibition. Whether through the stroke of a brush, the rhythm of a drum, or the melodic notes of a guitar, you'll embark on a journey of self-exploration, unearthing hidden insights and cultivating a deeper understanding of your inner landscape.
Nourishing Body, Mind, and Spirit Complementing our therapeutic modalities, we offer a comprehensive range of wellness programs designed to nourish your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our state-of-the-art fitness facilities and expert trainers guide you on a journey of physical revitalization, helping you rebuild strength, increase energy levels, and experience the profound benefits of an active lifestyle.
Our skilled nutritionists and chefs collaborate to create delectable, nutrient-dense meals crafted from locally sourced, organic ingredients, ensuring that your body receives the nourishment it needs to thrive during the healing process. Additionally, our rejuvenating spa treatments, including traditional Ayurvedic therapies, provide a sanctuary of relaxation and restoration, allowing you to release tension and achieve a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit.
Building a Community of Support The path to recovery is rarely a solitary journey, and at Nasha Mukti Kendra, we understand the transformative power of shared experiences and a supportive community. Through group therapy sessions, peer support groups, and structured community activities, you'll have the opportunity to connect with individuals who share similar struggles and aspirations.
This profound sense of belonging and understanding fosters an environment of accountability, encouragement, and mutual growth, empowering you to forge lasting bonds and cultivate a strong network of support that will serve as a foundation for your ongoing recovery journey. We also recognize the vital role that families play in the healing process, and our family therapy programs provide a safe space for open communication, emotional vulnerability, and the mending of strained relationships.
Continuing Care and Lifelong Guidance Our commitment to your well-being extends far beyond the confines of your stay at Nasha Mukti Kendra. We understand that the journey towards sustained recovery is a lifelong process, and as such, we offer comprehensive aftercare services and ongoing support to ensure that you have the tools and resources necessary to navigate the complexities of daily life.
Through our robust alumni program, you'll have access to regular support group meetings, social events, and continued guidance from our team of professionals. Additionally, we provide sober living facilities and transitional housing options, ensuring a structured and supportive environment as you reintegrate into your community, armed with the resilience and coping strategies to maintain your hard-earned sobriety.
At Nasha Mukti Kendra, we are more than just a facility – we are a sanctuary of transformation, a place where the echoes of addiction fade into whispers, and the melodies of wholeness resound with newfound clarity and purpose. Nestled in the heart of Chandigarh, our haven offers a unique opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, one that harmonizes evidence-based therapies with the healing power of the arts and holistic practices.
If you or a loved one is grappling with the unyielding grip of addiction, know that there is a path towards freedom, a path that begins with a single courageous step. Take that step today, and let us guide you towards a life of profound healing, self-expression, and the reclamation of your authentic self, surrounded by a community that understands your journey and celebrates your triumphs.
contact us today.
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healersangeetajha23 · 1 month
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1. Diverse Healing Modalities: Chandigarh’s healing centers offer a wide range of modalities to address depression. From traditional therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to alternative approaches like art therapy and meditation, individuals have access to diverse tools to support their healing journey.
2. Expert Guidance: Trained professionals, including therapists, counselors, and holistic healers, provide expert guidance and support. They work collaboratively with individuals to understand their unique challenges and develop tailored strategies for overcoming depression.
3. Community Support: Chandigarh’s strong sense of community plays a crucial role in depression healing. Support groups, workshops, and community events create spaces for individuals to connect, share experiences, and receive encouragement from peers who understand their struggles.
4. Mind-Body Wellness: The emphasis on mind-body wellness is integral to depression healing in Chandigarh. Yoga, mindfulness practices, and Ayurvedic therapies are integrated into treatment plans, promoting overall well-being and helping individuals manage stress and anxiety.
5. Holistic Lifestyle Changes: Beyond therapy sessions, Chandigarh’s healing centers promote holistic lifestyle changes. This includes guidance on nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, and stress management techniques, fostering a balanced and healthy lifestyle conducive to mental wellness.
6. Family and Social Support: Recognizing the importance of familial and social relationships, depression healing in Chandigarh involves engaging families and loved ones in the healing process. Education, communication strategies, and family therapy sessions help strengthen support networks and improve understanding of mental health challenges.
7. Accessible Resources: Chandigarh prioritizes accessibility to mental health resources. Online platforms, helplines, and outreach programs ensure that individuals can easily access information, support, and services, breaking down barriers to seeking help for depression.
8. Long-Term Recovery: The goal of depression healing in Chandigarh is not just short-term relief but long-term recovery and resilience. Through ongoing support, follow-up care, and strategies for relapse prevention, individuals are empowered to sustain their mental wellness journey beyond the initial phases of treatment.
Experience the transformative power of Depression Healing in Chandigarh. With diverse modalities, expert guidance, and a supportive community, we help you find hope and reclaim your mental well-being. Healer Sangeeta Jha leads our team, providing trustworthy healing to overcome life’s challenges and thrive.
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indianvaidyas · 3 months
Hair fall, also known as hair loss or alopecia, can be caused by various factors. It's essential to identify the underlying reasons to determine the most appropriate treatment. To get the most effective yet natural remedy for alopecia, consult a good ayurvedic doctor for hair fall in Chandigarh.
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redorchidspa · 7 months
Red Orchid Spa: A Tranquil Oasis with 15 Years of Excellence Across India and Dubai
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding a sanctuary to rejuvenate the mind and body is a necessity. Enter Red Orchid Spa, a distinguished name in the wellness industry, celebrating 15 years of delivering unparalleled spa experiences. With a presence in multiple locations across India and Dubai, Red Orchid Spa has become synonymous with luxury, relaxation, and top-notch service.
A Network of Tranquility:
Red Orchid Spa has strategically positioned its havens of tranquility in key locations, offering an oasis of serenity for its patrons. Whether you find yourself strolling through the bustling streets of Gurgaon, exploring the vibrant markets of Delhi, or amidst the cultural tapestry of Punjab and Chandigarh, Red Orchid Spa is there to cater to your relaxation needs.
Gurgaon Delights:
ILD Mall, Sohna Road
MG Road
Golf Course Road
Delhi Destinations:
IGI Airport Road, Mahipalpur
Swedish Thai Spa in Karol Bagh
Punjab and Chandigarh Charm:
Sector 35 C, Chandigarh
Sector 26, Chandigarh
Ansal Plaza Mall, Ludhiana
Sector 32, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana
Model Town, Jalandhar
Mall Road, Amritsar
Vishal Nagar, Bathinda
Mumbai Magic:
Hiranandani, Powai
Google's Choice:
Red Orchid Spa's commitment to excellence is reflected in its top rankings on Google. Customers searching for the best spa experiences consistently find Red Orchid Spa at the forefront. The brand's dedication to customer satisfaction, quality service, and a serene ambiance has garnered it a reputation that precedes itself.
A Symphony of Massages:
Step into Red Orchid Spa, and you step into a world of relaxation curated just for you. The spa boasts a menu of diverse massages, each designed to cater to specific needs and preferences. From the therapeutic Deep Tissue and traditional Balinese massages to the calming Swedish and aromatic Turkish massages, Red Orchid Spa offers a spectrum of experiences to soothe the body and mind.
Signature Treatments:
Abhayanagam Massage: A traditional Ayurvedic therapy for holistic healing.
Potli Massage: An indulgent treatment using herbal pouches for a rejuvenating experience.
For More Information:
Discover the world of Red Orchid Spa by visiting their official website: www.redorchidspa.in. Here, patrons can explore the array of services, learn about the spa's philosophy, and even book their next escape into bliss.
Red Orchid Spa isn't just a spa; it's an embodiment of tranquility, luxury, and impeccable service. With a legacy of 15 years, this spa retreat continues to redefine relaxation across its various locations. Whether you're in the heart of Gurgaon, the soul of Delhi, the charm of Chandigarh, the vibrancy of Mumbai, or the cultural richness of Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar, and Bathinda, Red Orchid Spa is your key to unwinding in style. Indulge, relax, and let Red Orchid Spa be your guide to a rejuvenated you.
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shuddhihiims · 1 year
Discover Ayurvedic Healthcare in Chandigarh- ShuddhiHiims
We provide Ayurvedic Healthcare Treatment in Chandigarh and throughout the India. Contact ShuddhiHiims for Healthcare Treatment in Chandigarh
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arogyampilesclinic · 1 year
Dr. Anupam Verma
Dr. Anupam, Proctologist and ayurveda consultant for piles, fistula, fissure and pilonidal sinus. Dr. Anupam is one of the renowned ksharsutra specialist in Chandigarh tricity. She is passionate to treat patients with ayurvedic medicine, lifestyle modification and ayurvedic non surgical treatment kshar sutra. With her expertise in kshar sutra she has treated several complicated cases of fistula. If you're looking for female ayurveda doctor for piles, fistula, fissure, pilonidal sinus and kshar sutra expert, Dr. Anupam is here to help.
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Reach him - 96467 64444 / [email protected]
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hotelandresorts123 · 1 year
Spa in Zirakpur
Spa Hibiscus is a luxurious spa in Zirakpur, Chandigarh. This serene retreat offers a variety of treatments that are perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. From their signature massages and body treatments to facials and nail services, Spa Hibiscus has everything you need to escape the stresses of everyday life. Their experienced therapists use natural and organic products to ensure a truly indulgent experience. Step into the tranquil environment of Spa Hibiscus and let your worries melt away.
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Best ayurvedic doctor in Chandigarh for Piles treatment
Arogyam Piles Clinic in Hamirpur offers unparalleled care for individuals seeking relief from piles. Our expert team, led by the best ayurvedic doctor in Chandigarh, provides specialized treatment using traditional Ayurvedic methods. With a focus on holistic healing and personalized care, we aim to alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being. Trust Arogyam Piles Clinic for effective and compassionate treatment solutions.
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chandigarhayurved · 2 months
How to Treat Fistula Naturally at home?
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In fistula painful pimples appear around the anus and burst. In this disease, the skin like vagina gets spread around the anus and vagina, which is called fistula. One face of this wound is inside the rectum and the other is outside. When fistula disease becomes more chronic, it creates a hole in the bone due to which pus keeps coming out from the bones and sometimes bleeding also occurs.
Causes of fistula
Most anal fistulas are caused by an infection that starts in an anal gland.
Previously drained anal abscess
Crohn’s disease or other inflammatory bowel disease
Trauma to the anal area
Infections of the anal area
Symptoms of fistula
Pus discharge through anus
Leakage of pus or blood around the buttocks or a hole around the buttocks
Swelling or severe pain in the area around the anus
Recurring formation of lumps or abscesses in the anus
Burning sensation while passing stools
Burning sensation in the anus area most of the time
How to treat fistula naturally at home
Clove is a great indian spice and you can easily find this in every household apart from being rich in flavors. It is also rich in anti-bacterial properties that prevent the growth of infection in your body which might be the primary cause of fistula.
You can add a pinch of clove powder in your tea to get similar benefits.
Tea tree oil
It is used for skin issues but also for numerous other health complications too. It has antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use tea tree oil for fistula as it kills the germs that cause infection. Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and take a cotton pad and dip it in the oil mixture. Dab on the affected areas and leave it for 20-30 minutes. After that, wash it off.
Turmeric milk
It is a magical concoction that is known to boost health in multiple ways. It is rich in antibacterial properties which gives the required boost your immune system. It is indeed one of the best and most effective home remedy for fistula.
Make turmeric milk by boiling a pinch of turmeric powder in milk. You may add honey for sweetening the drink but do not add sugar.
Neem leaves are also used for the treatment of fistula. For this, take these leaves in the quantity of 5-5 gram of ghee and sesame seeds. Then grind it and mix 20 gram of barley flour in it and prepare its paste with the help of water. Now spread this paste on a piece of clean cloth and tie it in the fistula. There is a lot of benefit from this
Banana and camphor
A ripe banana and camphor are also very helpful for the treatment of fistula. Make a cut in the middle of ripe banana and put camphor equal to a gram in it and then eat it and do not eat or drink anything one hour before and one hour after eating it.
Prepare a paste by mixing honey and rock salt together. Then place this wick in the fistula. If you do this regularly then you will get definite benefits from it.
Fistula management According to Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre
Panchasakar Churan –
Panchsakar churna is a herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It mainly works on your Vata and pitta dosha of your body. It can cure Chronic Constipation and help relieve symptoms of Acidity, indigestion, Belching and colic pain. It acts as a mild Laxative and reduces Bloating. It works very efficiently on a disease named IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) which is very common nowadays that affects your day to day activities. CAC Panchsakar churna is 100% natural and pure.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful at bedtime with lukewarm water.
Triphala Syrup –
Triphala has been used in Ayurveda for many years to treat many diseases. As it is used to detoxify the body and also supports the immune system. It is the best anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties. The syrup is made up of Bibhitaki, Haritaki, Amalaki. Each fruit is thought to positively impact’s the body’s three doshas.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonfuls thrice daily.
Arsh Care Tablet –
Arsh care tablet are pure Ayurvedic formulation. These tablets contains pure extract of Reetha Chhilka (Sapindus mukorossi) purified in Cow’s milk. The herb used for formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, laxative properties. It makes your stool soft and help prevent constipation. It is effective against bleeding piles and reduce the pain, burning sensation,irritation while defaecation, treat Fissures, Fistula.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily.
Jatiyadi Ghrita Lepam –
It is the best ayurvedic herbal remedy that can be used externally to get relief from the swelling, redness, discomfort, itchiness of the piles. It is very effective in calming the imbalance pitta. This lepam is formed from Patola, Nimba patra, Tuttha, Jati patra, etc. It possesses excellent antimicrobial activity and is very effective in controlling piles and fistula.
Method of Application – Apply the lepam on the affected area.
Kaishore guggulu Tablet –
Kaishore guggulu Tablet is a herbo- mineral 650 MG tablet. CAC Kaishore Guggulu tablet helps in balancing Pitta dosha in our body. Kaishore guggulu is an ayurvedic guggul formulation used for raised uric acid, Blood purification, mild to severe attacks of Gouty arthritis, inflammatory diseases, Wounds, Indigestion, Constipation, Loss of appetite, Diabetic carbuncles etc. Kaishore guggulu contains pure herbal ingredients such as Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shunthi (Zingiber Officinale), Kalimirch (Piper Nigrum), Pipali (Piper Longum), Vidanga (Embelia Ribes), Nisoth (Operculina Turpethum), Danti Mool (Baliospermum Montanum), Goghrita etc. These herbs helps in regulating metabolism, cleans out toxins from the body and boosts immunity.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
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bhrigupharma · 1 year
Top 50 ayurvedic companies in India
Our blog may be of great use to you in your search for India's leading Ayurvedic businesses. The basis of the Ayurvedic industry can be found throughout India. The Top 50 Ayurvedic Companies in India are working hard to fulfill the demand for goods derived from the Ayurvedic tradition. Along with the enormous curiosity, the Ayurvedic industry also has an extraordinarily large scope. The following businesses are among India's most reputable Ayurvedic enterprises and can connect you with lucrative Ayurvedic industry possibilities in the country. Aside from this, these businesses also provide a comprehensive selection of risk-free herbal remedies in every possible way.
Many ayurvedic businesses in India are reaping the benefits of this trend. In addition, businesses also export various Ayurvedic products to other international locations. The number of people using items with an Ayurvedic focus has constantly been growing. Because of its many positive effects, more and more people are turning to it as a kind of medical treatment. Suppose you are also interested in beginning Ayurveda firms or want to get detailed knowledge on India's most important ayurvedic companies. In that case, this is the place for you to come for the best possible outcomes.
Bhrigu Pharma
One of the most reputable and successful Ayurvedic enterprises in India is Bhrigu Pharma. Bhrigu Pharma has its production plant, producing Ayurvedic medications of the highest possible quality to treat various medical conditions. The firm offers the widest selection of Ayurvedic products on the market. In addition, Bhrigu Pharma is now providing a PCD Pharma Franchise to interested parties in India. You can get a pharmaceutical business franchise in India, provided that you are a resident of any part of the country. Consider the Advantages of Choosing Bhrigu Pharma:
Products of the highest quality
Certified experts with years of experience
Charges that are not too high
High standards for the packaging
Unadulterated Goods
Uniray Lifesciences
Unirac Lifesciences is widely recognized as among India's most successful Ayurvedic businesses. Zirakpur, India, is where the business was launched in 2012. In addition to selling a variety of Ayurvedic goods, UniRay Lifesciences is also an Ayurvedic Third Party Manufacturing Office in India. In addition, the complete selection has been validated by AYUSH. In addition, on the assumption that you are searching for PCD franchise services in India within the Ayurvedic industry, Uniray Lifesciences is the business that would be the best option for you to choose.
Advance Ayurveda
The goods that Advance Ayurveda manufactures and sponsors are all traditional Ayurvedic remedies. Chandigarh is the location of the company's headquarters, and it was established in 2010 to distribute high-quality Ayurvedic goods to the general public. In the main regions of India, such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Gujarat, and Sikkim, amongst others, the firm provides a comprehensive selection of Ayurvedic medications. Our brilliant and forward-thinking collection of specialists has worked together for a significant amount of time to provide a variety of Ayurvedic definitions.
Vee Remedies
The best ayurvedic pharmaceutical firm in India can be found at Vee Remedies. The organization is excited to provide open doors available to anyone looking for business opportunities in the top pharma franchise business possibilities. The company is an ISO-accredited business, and one of its goals is to provide top-tier Quality Natural Reach in oral form. Because of our strong presence in the pharmaceutical industry, almost three hundred colleagues have decided to work alongside us.
The Ayurveda practiced by Nuralz, a subsidiary of Vibcare Pharma, is philosophically aligned with that of Vibcare Pharma. To guarantee that you have access to the highest quality Ayurveda goods, All-Natural products are produced in facilities that have been certified as meeting WHO-GMP standards. As a result, Neuralz is considered among India's most successful Ayurvedic PCD Franchise businesses.
Patanjali Ayurved is an Ayurvedic enterprise owned and operated by Baba Ramdev, a well-known Yoga Guru in India. The company is not new to the market for ayurvedic products, takes excellent care of its customers, and provides an exceptional and impartial selection of ayurvedic medications and other ayurvedic goods.
The following is a list of the remaining Top 50 Ayurvedic Companies in India:
The following is a list of the top 50 Ayurvedic firms in India, each of which is committed to providing franchisees with the highest possible quality products:
Sandu Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Wilson Drugs
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Ltd
Himalaya Wellness
Vicco Laboratories
Nagarjuna Herbal Concentrates
Basic Ayurveda
Swastik Ayurveda
Arlak Ayurveda
Navayur Herbals
Intas Pharmaceuticals
Altar Lifesciences
Pax Healthcare 
Exmed Healthcare
Voxiva Pharmaceuticals
Patanjali Ayurved
Rishab Healthcare Pvt. ltd
Lewis Bioserch
Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd
Nutricore Biosciences PVT. LTD.
Mac Biosciences
Sheth Brothers
Dhara Enterprise
Kairali Ayurvedic Group
Lexicare pharma
Apex International
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Dabur India Ltd
Uniray Life Sciences
Zandu Ayurveda
Servo Care
Hamdard Laboratories
Pax Healthcare 
Ipca Laboratories Ltd
Sricure Herbs
Herbal Hills
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd
Birla Ayurveda
Deep Ayurveda
Elzac Herbals
Zenacts pharma
Ayurveda Lifecare Pvt. Ltd.
Zydus Cadila
Arizone International LLP
Abbott Laboratories (India)
Alkem Laboratories Ltd
FDC Limited
Inquiring how to get franchisees from the ayurvedic companies named above.
You could get a franchise from one of these Ayurvedic companies, but you'll need a significant financial commitment. Advertising is another area in which these companies excel. Also, their staff thinks their business and sales process is straightforward. It's safe to say that they have widespread brand recognition. Here are some suggestions that might help you get franchise contracts with them.
If you search online for an ayurvedic clinic, you can compile a list of clinics that offer services within your price range.
To learn more, check out their website and contact a sales representative.
Acquire the meanings of terms associated with space, commerce, and finances.
Make sure you double-check their business practices with your demand and investment data.
To finalize the deal, their marketing department will get in touch with you once more.
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indiaepost · 1 year
'Shri Krishna AYUSH University to be built on 100 acres of land in Kurukshetra'
IEP Chandigarh After inaugurating the Ayurveda festival at Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Sector 46, Chandigarh, Khattar said that Shri Krishna AYUSH University will be built on 100 acres of land in Kurukshetra. Ayurveda is the oldest medical system and has made possible the treatment of incurable diseases. Early treatment is possible in the Allopathy medical system but it has…
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indianvaidyas · 4 months
Kidney disease refers to a condition where the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood properly, leading to waste buildup in the body. This condition can range from mild to severe and may result in various complications if left untreated. Book a consultation with a good ayurvedic doctor for kidney disease in Chandigarh for the best holistic treatment.
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inbiotaherbs · 1 year
Inbiota Herbs: One of the Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal PCD Pharma Franchise companies in India
Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal PCD Pharma Franchise companies in India: Your body and mind are vulnerable to a wide range of illnesses. Due to our hectic lifestyles, it has become more challenging to maintain good health, which makes a number of medical conditions more prevalent at a young age. The most effective treatment for all of these illnesses is provided by ayurveda. The best, most reputable and Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal PCD Pharma Franchise companies in India, Inbiota Herbs provides the highest calibre Ayurvedic goods and medications.
FAQs from Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal PCD Pharma Franchise companies in India
Question- Do Ayurvedic PCD Franchises offer some targets?
Answer- No, It is not target based business, it is totally independent Business. 
Question – Is the ayurveda franchise profitable?
Answer – Yes, there is a huge surging demand for ayurvedic products across India. Thus, starting business with Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal Pharma Franchise companies in India is highly profitable.
Question – What documents are required for an ayurvedic PCD Franchise?
Answer – Drug License and GST no. will be required for starting business with Top Rated Ayurvedic Herbal PCD Pharma Franchise companies in India.
Read Also This:
How to Get Herbal Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise in India
Ayurvedic PCD Pharma Franchise in Chandigarh
Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise in Andhra Pradesh
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