#Azem: Ceres
menphinaswhitemage · 1 month
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bladeshowers · 1 year
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sunderedwrath · 10 months
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Ceres hails from the Second reflection of the Source, a Sapiana (hyur) citizen of the oligarchy Empyrca (Ul'Dah) from a well-off family. One day, she returned home to discover her parents had engaged her to an older man while she wasn't present to defend herself, as their riches had been drained due to her father's gambling problems and her suitor promised to refill their coffers in exchange for a young bride.
Ceres refused and fled her home, only to realize the futility of it all as she wandered the streets of her city without anything to her name. She considered ending her life in protest of it all, not wanting to wallow in poverty or others' pity, but was suddenly approached a masked man introducing himself as Nabriales. He enticed her with the promise of never feeling helpless again, and upon her agreement, awoke the memories of her past life as the Ancient called Hera.
Hera had been an Ancient who lived in one of the many cities scattered across the Unsundered World, far from yet still obeying the laws of the Convocation of the Fourteen. She contributed to the world in her public service position, ensuring that communications to and from others went undisturbed. Ultimately, though, she lived a rather easygoing life in a beautiful utopia -- and, therefore, strongly supported the Convocation's desires to restore it to what it once was. And, upon seeing what she could have as opposed to the nothing she was now left with, how could Ceres do anything but join the Ascian's ranks?
Unfortunately, it turned out that she was made to be the lowest rank of Ascians: she had her past memories, the knowledge of the Ascians' grander scheme, and their nigh limitless powers -- but she could not obtain immortality by switching physical bodies and was nowhere near as strong as anyone above her. She couldn't even get stronger if she tried; as someone who had not been part of the Convocation, there was no way for her to ever be more than what she was.
Also, Nabriales was a obnoxious prick whom she quickly came to despise, but had no choice but to obey him lest she be unmade. She did is bidding, manipulated others to help push the Second's chosen hero into dangerous situations and tilt the balance of the elements -- all the while being far more careful not to actually face the infamous 'Warrior of the Wake.'
And when Nabriales achieved his mission, tipping the scales so that endless fires ravaged the world, she watched him depart without a single concern for any of the minor Ascians he had made. She could have easily teleported away, as many of her fellows did, but instead she remained and observed the defeated hero.
Reda'nüe was not the heroic type. She was self-centered and not above hurting others to further her own gains. She was also incredibly powerful -- far more than Ceres herself. As the Ascian turned it over in her mind, she decided to take a risk. She teleported both herself and Reda'nüe to a (temporarily) safer location, where she offered up the knowledge that she had. All of it.
"There's no saving your world now. It will be consumed by flame and lost within hours. But you don't need to go with it."
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"And you can always grow stronger. You'd just need a little help from your fellow shards. I can take you to the other reflections. We can find them together."
Nabriales did not care enough to keep track of the minor Ascian lackeys who did his bidding, and the Unsundered only made note of the collapse of the Second as a whole on the path to Zodiark's restoration. Ceres, weak as she was in comparison, had now found an ally in a shard of Azem -- a powerful one, now content to survive by absorbing the souls of her fellows.
For a time, they have been able to operate quietly and avoid crossing paths with the other Ascians. It takes a very long time to locate your soultwin on an entire world, but they have succeeded twice now. Reda'nüe has absorbed the heroes of the Third and Sixth worlds, consequently paving the way for those worlds to fall to the Ascians.
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menphinaswhitemage · 21 days
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Papa once told me that tomorrow an asteroid will descend. And in a single moment, everything we know and love will meet its end. So I tried to smile a bit- despite the end I see. After all, tomorrow I'll finally be free.
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menphinaswhitemage · 1 month
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A feeble fire is lit at the edge of my heart; without my knowing, it spreads into burning passion. My butterfly flapped about aimlessly, leaving behind a fine dust on your hand.
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menphinaswhitemage · 5 months
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To Change With The Seasons
As the seasons change during that inbetween phase the tips of her hair are the previous/next season but I didn't take a photo of all of them (the autumn photo is wrong because it should be blonde for the end of summer and white for the beginning of winter but I liked how it looked.)
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menphinaswhitemage · 8 months
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FebHyurary 2023 Day 21 - Eyes
Audrey raises a hand, staring at the reflection in front of her "My...my eye- w-what happened to my eye?"
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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Life is constantly, constantly on a journey. If you seek stability, head to the sea of stars.
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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AzemApril | Day 5 | Storge
Little is remembered about her parents or any possible offspring. Close observation of the sundered soul bares a resemblence to her ancient form.
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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AzemApril | Day 4 | Duty
Curious as well then, that her sould would always find herself surrounded by famailar shapes.
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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AzemApril 2023 | Day 3 | Downtime
Her soul always found solace in nature, no matter what form her body took.
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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AzemApril 2023 | Day 2 | Eros
(more risque angle under the cut:)
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menphinaswhitemage · 8 months
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Audrey Valentine, White Mage of the Twelveswood
Bio: - Age: 27 - Race: Hyur/Midlander - Pronouns: She/Her
Quick links:
carrd || Main Blog || gposes || writing (may include some gposes) || RP/Gpose Locations Spreadsheet || Revue Starlight Gposes
Main OCs:
Audrey || June || Alexandra || ??? || Ancrene || Estel || Velvet
Other OCs || My friends OCs || Azem: Ceres || The Shards
Sideblog to post my FFXIV OCs, alongside the occasional postings of my other characters.
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sunderedwrath · 10 months
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ASCIAN. Ceres' main verse, picking up where the story post leaves off: Ceres and Reda'nüe travel between and settle upon a reflection, seeking its shard of Azem. They often disguise themselves and, on occasion, part ways to cover more ground as they seek the world's chosen. They have recently arrived on the Source (or the First), likely due to being unable to avoid other Ascians on the other Reflections.
ANCIENT. The Ancient Hera is a competent public service worker, essentially bored by her office job but enjoying time spent off the clock in an otherwise perfect world. She lives in the utopian city of Idyllis and, although far from Amaurot and the Convocation, enjoys the whispers of gossip that come from the capital city.
MINION. The time during which Ceres, a black-masked low-ranking Ascian, serves under Nabriales and does his bidding in order to usher the Second to its end. It is possible, however, that he told her to go to the Source instead...
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bladeshowers · 2 years
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 for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas i have for our muses, whether it just be certain types of dynamics or general storylines i’d like to explore.
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After doing e12s I kind of wanted to do an AU or a plot where Amara (as WoL) retrieves (somehow?) her memories of her life as Azem. Whether that awakens the Azem in her or not would be fun either way. Bearing the weight of those memories and past, along with those powers, could be fun to write about. On the other hand, I would also like to do a plot where Azem 'returns' through Amara and elects to become a harbinger of fate and protecting humanities progression going forward to ensure it never gets threatened again and fully gives up a mortal life.
Danny & Amara visit other shards and find versions of themselves happily living normal lives together. Cue the shenanigans that come from that because I love the idea of a version of them out there somewhere that's a perfectly normal couple and the shard is perfectly 'normal'.
Danny & Amara having to help her with Island Sanctuary. That is all.
Ceres & Amon and what happens when the Empire falls and he gets approached by Emet and becomes an Ascian.
Rhea & Hermes - I have an AU idea for them that was rolling around in my head for awhile about them being a couple during akademiya days (TM) only to break up afterwards when he began working in elpis because he became too invested in his work. Which leads to later hilarity and awkwardness when they’re both on the Convocation. ALSO!! I’d love for an AU where they soulbind to one another. Why? no idea but grabby hands 
Zenos & Evan - ISLAND SANCTUARY. ALGAIA. STOOFS! Maybe arranged marriage au where zenos does not actually destroy garlemald? 
Evan & Emet - pls let hemera bother and bug him with her dumb familiars.
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bladeshowers · 2 years
Munday ask! I'm just gonna slam down 39!
what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
I have relatively new ones -- sorta -- to post in reference to this!
Amara -- Lithium - Evanescence I started listening to this for her in reference to another ship because it popped into my head one day in the shower and now it’s stuck. But it’s very her if you remove the elements of the partner’s alcoholism. Since Amara kind of struggles with her own mental health a lot and her immense fear of being alone and just being lonely in general TM.
Ardbert -- No Chances - TOP -- I have no explanation for this other than his muse seems to like it lmao. I do love me some slowed + reverb tracks,
For you, Bonus Hermes/Rhea, Amon/Ceres, to Danny/Amara -- Another Life - Motionless in White I legit forgot this song was a thing but it’s VERY accurate, I think, towards the shit Danny went through and his own internal torment of everything that happened in their past lives. NGL I can also see this working for a romantic emet/azem/warrior of light scenario but I like it for danny and her with our threads better <_< audio is not the best since i wanted a lyric video but YE
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