huelanegemsworlds · 5 months
Buy Pure Natural Ceylon Blue Sapphire (नीलम)|Origin - Ceylon | GGL Lab Certified| Life time Exchange
Natural Ceylon Blue Sapphire (नीलम),| Wt – 3.35 ct to Wt – 8.10 ct all types of Gemstone are avaliable ,Gemstones made of Ceylon blue sapphire range in price from Rs.3500 per carat to Rs.50,000+ per carat, depending upon the above factors
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saurabhshelar · 11 months
नीलम रत्न को पहनने की विधि | Blue sapphire method of wearing | Neelam Ra...
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rudrakshkailasha · 1 year
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Natural Certified Ruby Gemstone माणिक 5.69ct-6.32 Ratti Ruby Stone Price Best Gemstones Shop Near By me, online store for gemstone in delhi.
Ruby is a precious gemstone known for its deep red color and durability. It is a variety of the mineral corundum and is one of the most valuable gemstones in the world, along with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.
Ruby has been treasured for thousands of years and has been used in jewelry, adornments, and even weapons. It is also believed to have mystical properties and has been associated with love, passion, and vitality.
In addition to its use in jewelry, ruby is also used in scientific instruments, such as laser technology, due to its ability to transmit light and heat. Ruby is also used in watchmaking, where its durability and scratch resistance make it an ideal material for watch faces.
Ruby gemstones are typically found in countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Madagascar, among others. The quality and value of a ruby depend on factors such as its color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. A high-quality ruby can be quite expensive and is often considered a valuable investment.
Benefits of Ruby Gemstone
Ruby is a precious gemstone and is considered one of the most valuable gems in the world. It has been revered throughout history for its beauty and believed to have various healing and spiritual properties. Here are some benefits of the Ruby gemstone:
1.Health benefits: The Ruby gemstone is believed to have many health benefits, including improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the immune system.
2.Emotional and spiritual benefits: Ruby is said to help enhance emotional and spiritual well-being. It is believed to help with confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. Ruby is also said to promote love, joy, and harmony.
3.Protection: Ruby is known as a protective stone and is believed to protect against negative energy, evil eye, and psychic attacks.
4.Leadership and success: Ruby is associated with leadership, ambition, and success. It is believed to help individuals in positions of authority and help them make confident decisions.
5.Physical beauty: Ruby is known for its stunning red color and is often used in jewelry. Wearing a Ruby can enhance one’s physical appearance and beauty.
6.Chakra balancing: Ruby is associated with the Root chakra and is said to help balance this energy center. It is believed to help individuals feel more grounded, secure, and connected to the earth.
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jeevanjali · 1 month
Blue Sapphire: रंक को राजा बना सकता है जादूई रत्न नीलम, जानिए किन राशियों के लिए धारण करना होता है शुभNeelam Ratna: जिस प्रकार ज्योतिष शास्त्र (Astrology) में ग्रहों की भूमिका बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होती है उसी प्रकार रत्नों का भी अपना विशेष महत्व होता है।
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guptablog76200 · 2 months
खूनी नीलम के फायदे
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खूनी नीलम के फायदे जानने से पहले आप थोड़ा नीलम रत्न के फायदे और नुकसान के बारे मे समझ लीजिय |
नीलम रत्न (Blue Sapphire) को वैदिक ज्योतिष और रत्न शास्त्र में महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है और इसे धारण करने के कई फायदे माने जाते हैं। नीलम को सातवें ग्रह, शनि के रत���न के रूप में माना जाता है और इसे धारण करने से शनि ग्रह के अशुभ प्रभावों को कम किया जा सकता है। यहां कुछ नीलम रत्न के प्रमुख फायदे हैं:
नीलम स्टोन के फायदे-- खूनी नीलम के फायदे
शनि दोष का निवारण: नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से शनि ग्रह के दोषों को कम किया जा सकता है। इससे जीवन में आने वाली संघर्षों और परेशानियों में कमी हो सकती है।
वित्तीय स्थिरता: नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से व्यक्ति की आर्थिक स्थिति मजबूत हो सकती है और वित्तीय संकटों से निकलने में मदद मिल सकती है।
आत्मविश्वास और बल: नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से व्यक्ति को अधिक आत्मविश्वास मिलता है और वह जीवन के मुश्किल परिस्थितियों का सामना करने के लिए तैयार रहता है।
मानसिक शांति: शनि के अशुभ प्रभावों को कम करने के कारण, नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से मानसिक तनाव और चिंता कम हो सकती है।
शिक्षा और करियर में सफलता: शनि ग्रह के अशुभ प्रभावों को दूर करने के लिए नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से शिक्षा और करियर में सफलता मिल सकती है।
शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य: कुछ लोग मानते हैं कि नीलम रत्न का धारण करने से शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य में भी सुधार हो सकता है, लेकिन इस पर वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण उपलब्ध नहीं है।
नीलम रत्न का उपयोग केवल ज्योतिष और रत्न शास्त्र के तहत होता है और इसे उचित विशेषज्ञ के परामर्श के बाद ही धारण किया जाना चाहिए। इसके अतिरिक्त, रत्नों का उपयोग ध्यानपूर्वक और सतर्कता के साथ करना चाहिए।
नीलम रत्न पहनने से पहले आपको आपकी जन्म कुंडली दिखला लेनी चाहिए | क्युकी और रत्न तो आपको सिर्फ थोड़ा बहुत नुकसान पहुचाते हे | नीलम रत्न सीधा बर्बाद ही कर देता हे |
नीलम स्टोन के नुकसान-- खूनी नीलम के फायदे
अनुचित उपयोग: अगर नीलम स्टोन का उपयोग धारणकर्ता के ज्योतिषीय चार्ट के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है या उपयोग का तरीका सही नहीं है, तो इससे नकारात्मक प्रभाव हो सकता है।
स्वास्थ्य संबंधित समस्याएं: अनुचित नीलम स्टोन का उपयोग करने से स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याएं जैसे कि त्वचा के इंफेक्शन, तनाव, या मानसिक संतुलन की समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।
आर्थिक हानि: अगर नीलम स्टोन असली नहीं है या उपयोग का तरीका सही नहीं है, तो यह आर्थिक हानि का कारण बन सकता है।
मानसिक तनाव: नीलम स्टोन का अवबोधन न होने की स्थिति में या उपयोग के बिना, व्यक्ति को मानसिक तनाव या चिंता का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।
परिवार या सामाजिक समस्याएं: अगर नीलम स्टोन का उपयोग गलत तरीके से किया जाता है, तो इससे परिवार या सामाजिक संबंधों में विवाद या अस्तित्व की समस्याएं उत्पन्न हो सकती हैं।
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rudragram9 · 11 months
नवरत्न माला का सही अर्थ क्या है? और इसे धारण करने से क्या लाभ मिलते है ?
नवरत्न माला एक धार्मिक और आयुर्वेदिक माला है, जिसमें नौ विभिन्न रत्नों को एक साथ बनाकर धारण किया जाता है। यह धार्मिक और ज्योतिषीय परंपरा में प्रयोग किया जाता है और हिंदू धर्म में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। इसमें हर रत्न को विशेषतः ग्रहों से संबंधित गुणों और प्रभाव के साथ रखा जाता है।
नवरत्न माला के नौ रत्न इस प्रकार होते हैं:
माणिक्य (Ruby) - सूर्य ग्रह से संबंधित है।
पन्ना (Emerald) - बुध ग्रह से संबंधित है।
पुखराज (Yellow Sapphire) - बृहस्पति ग्रह से संबंधित है।
मोती (Pearl) - चन्द्रमा ग्रह से संबंधित है।
मारकत मणि (Emerald) - शुक्र ग्रह से संबंधित है।
हीरा (Diamond) - शुक्र ग्रह से संबंधित है।
नीलम (Blue Sapphire) - शनि ग्रह से संबंधित है।
गोमेद (Hessonite) - राहु ग्रह से संबंधित है।
कटक माणिक्य (Cat's Eye) - केतु ग्रह से संबंधित है।
नवरत्न माला को धारण करने से कुछ मान्���ताएं और लाभ हो सकते हैं:
धार्मिक उन्नति: नवरत्न माला को धारण करने से धार्मिक उन्नति मिलने की उम्मीद होती है। यह आध्यात्मिकता और आत्मविकास को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए लोगों द्वारा प्रयोग किया जाता है।
रोग निवारण: नवरत्न माला के धारण से शारीरिक और मानसिक रोगों के निवारण में सहायता मिल सकती है। इसे समस्याओं से छुटकारा पाने और स्वास्थ्य को सुधारने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।
ग्रहों के प्रभाव को शांत करना: ज्योतिष शास्त्र में माना जाता है कि ग्रहों के अशुभ प्रभाव को नवरत्न माला के धारण से कम किया जा सकता है।
सौभाग्य और समृद्धि: नवरत्न माला को सौभाग्य और समृद्धि को आकर्षित करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है।
याद रखें, नवरत्न माला के लाभ धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक मान्यताओं पर आधारित हैं और इन्हें विज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोन से समर्थित नहीं किया जा सकता है। यदि आप इसे धारण करने की सोच रहे हैं, तो धार्मिक विश्वासों को समझें और एक धार्मिक गुरु से सलाह ले
यदि आप नवरत्न माला खरीदने या और ज्योतिष रत्न सम्बन्धी जानकारी चाहते हैं, तो आप वेबसाइट www.rudragram.com पर जाकर और जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।  
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kailasharudraksha · 1 year
Natural Cat,s eye With Lab Certified Gemstone
Benefits Of Cat,s eye Gemstone
Cat's eye gemstone, also known as Lehsunia or Chrysoberyl, is a unique and fascinating gemstone with several benefits. Here are some of the benefits associated with wearing cat's eye gemstone:
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Protection: Cat's eye gemstone is believed to provide protection against negative energies and evil influences. It is thought to act as a shield against psychic attacks and ward off malevolent spirits.
Luck and Fortune: Wearing a cat's eye gemstone is believed to bring good luck, fortune, and abundance. It is said to attract unexpected windfalls, opportunities, and success in various endeavors.
Intuition and Insight: Cat's eye gemstone is associated with enhancing intuition and psychic abilities. It is believed to sharpen the wearer's perception, enabling them to make better decisions and have a deeper understanding of situations.
Emotional Stability: This gemstone is said to promote emotional stability and balance. It can help in reducing anxiety, stress, and depression by calming the mind and providing a sense of grounding.
Healing and Recovery: Cat's eye gemstone is believed to have healing properties and is used in alternative therapies. It is said to aid in physical recovery, particularly from diseases and ailments related to the nervous system and eyesight.
Spiritual Growth: The cat's eye gemstone is associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is said to enhance spiritual awareness, meditation, and the exploration of higher consciousness.
Financial Stability: It is believed that wearing a cat's eye gemstone can attract financial stability and prosperity. It is often recommended for individuals involved in speculative businesses, investments, and entrepreneurship.
It's important to note that these benefits are based on traditional beliefs and folklore associated with cat's eye gemstone. Individual experiences may vary, and it's always advisable to consult with a qualified gemstone expert or astrologer before using any gemstone for specific purposes.
RUBY ( माणिक )
EMERALD( पन्ना )
WHITE SAPPHIRE (सफ़ेद पुखराज)
PEARL ( मोती )
CORAL RED( मूंगा )
OPAL( दूधिया पत्थर )
HESSONITE (गोमेध )
CAT'S EYE (लहसुनिया )
CITRINE (सुनेला )
IOLITE (काकानीली )
AMETHYST (जामुनिया)
MOONSTONE (चंद्रकांत मणि )
LAPIS LAZULI (लाजवर्द )
AMBER (कहरुआ )
TURQUOISE (फ़िरोज़ा)
PERIDOT (जबरज़ाद )
Address-1185-87/9,Gruond Floor,Gems plaza,chatta Madan Gopal makiwara, Chandni chowk,Delhi-110006
Cont No. : 7042891757
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Tanzanite (Zoisite) Stone
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Tanzanite is a gemstone variety of the mineral zoisite, which was first discovered in the Mererani Hills of northern Tanzania in 1967. It is prized for its vivid blue-violet color, which is caused by the presence of vanadium and other trace elements in the crystal structure.
Tanzanite is a relatively soft stone, with a hardness of around 6.5 on the Mohs scale, which means it is prone to scratches and chips. It is also sensitive to heat and sudden temperature changes, which can cause it to crack or break.
Tanzanite is typically cut into faceted stones and used in jewelry, particularly in rings, pendants, and earrings. The most valuable tanzanite is deep blue with strong violet overtones and a high degree of transparency.
Tanzanite is a birthstone for December, and is also sometimes used as an alternative to sapphire in engagement rings. It is a popular choice for jewelry collectors and enthusiasts, and has gained widespread recognition as a unique and beautiful gemstone.
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Tanzanite खनिज ज़ोसाइट की एक रत्न किस्म है, जिसे पहली बार 1967 में उत्तरी तंजानिया की मेरेरानी पहाड़ियों में खोजा गया था। यह अपने चमकीले नीले-बैंगनी रंग के लिए बेशकीमती है, जो क्रिस्टल में वैनेडियम और अन्य ट्रेस तत्वों की उपस्थिति के कारण होता है। संरचना।
Tanzanite एक अपेक्षाकृत नरम पत्थर है, जिसकी मोह पैमाने पर लगभग 6.5 की कठोरता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह खरोंच और चिप्स के लिए प्रवण है। यह गर्मी और अचानक तापमान परिवर्तन के प्रति भी संवेदनशील होता है, जिससे यह टूट या टूट सकता है।
Tanzanite को आमतौर पर कटे हुए पत्थरों में काटा जाता है और गहनों में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, खासकर अंगूठियों, पेंडेंट और झुमके में। सबसे मूल्यवान तंजानाइट गहरा नीला है जिसमें मजबूत बैंगनी रंग और उच्च स्तर की पारदर्शिता है।
Tanzanite दिसंबर के लिए जन्म का रत्न है, और कभी-कभी सगाई के छल्ले में नीलमणि के विकल्प के रूप में भी प्रयोग किया जाता है। यह आभूषण संग्राहकों और उत्साही लोगों के लिए एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प है, और इसने एक अद्वितीय और सुंदर रत्न के रूप में व्यापक मान्यता प्राप्त की है।
RUBY ( माणिक )
EMERALD( पन्ना )
WHITE SAPPHIRE (सफ़ेद पुखराज)
PEARL ( मोती )
CORAL RED( मूंगा )
OPAL( दूधिया पत्थर )
HESSONITE (गोमेध )
CAT'S EYE (लहसुनिया )
CITRINE (सुनेला )
IOLITE (काकानीली )
AMETHYST (जामुनिया)
MOONSTONE (चंद्रकांत मणि )
LAPIS LAZULI (लाजवर्द )
AMBER (कहरुआ )
TURQUOISE (फ़िरोज़ा)
PERIDOT (जबरज़ाद )
Unit of Salasar Ji Gems LLP 1185-87, Shop No. 9, Gems Plaza, Chhatta Madan Gopal, Maliwara, Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India, 110006
Working Hrs. : 09:30 AM to 08:30 PM
+91-987 312 3421
+91-997 139 1757
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buygemstoneonline · 2 years
Neelam stone or Blue Sapphire comes in vibrant blue color. It is a heavily precious gemstone, which belongs to the Corundum mineral family. Neelam Ratna is believed to be the most powerful gemstone. Moreover, it is also said to act the fastest of all gemstones. The gemstone can bring success, wealth, and recognition to the life of the wearer.
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princerealgems · 2 years
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gembirthstones · 2 years
Buy quality and genuine Neelam stone price Delhi, India from us at the most comparative price in the market which no one can offer. Buy Neelam stone ring we have readily available Neelam stone rings meeting the requirements of every class of customers.
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huelanegemsworlds · 5 months
Buy premium 100% Original & natural Blue Sapphire(नीलम, Neelam stone)- Huelane | Gemstones at Best Prices in Delhi
Blue sapphire(नीलम), also known as Neelam stone, is a very valuable blue gemstone that belongs to the corundum mineral family. In Vedic astrology, Neelam Ratna is acknowledged as the most potent and rapidly acting gemstone, bestowing upon its wearer immediate prosperity, notoriety, and accomplishments.
Blue Sapphire(नीलम, Neelam stone)
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nisthadhawani · 3 years
नीलम रत्न धारण करते समय इन बातों का रखें ध्यान। किस राशि के जातक पहने नीलम?
नीलम रत्न धारण करते समय इन बातों का रखें ध्यान। किस राशि के जातक पहने नीलम?
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rudrakshkailasha · 1 year
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Benefits of aquamarine Gemstone
Aquamarine is a captivating gemstone known for its stunning blue-green color. It offers several benefits, including:
Soothing and calming: Aquamarine is often associated with tranquility and is believed to promote a sense of calmness and serenity. It can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote overall emotional well-being.
Communication and self-expression: This gemstone is thought to enhance communication skills and encourage self-expression. It is believed to facilitate clear and effective communication, helping individuals articulate their thoughts and emotions.
Courage and confidence: Aquamarine is associated with courage and confidence. It is believed to empower individuals to overcome fears, speak their truth, and embrace change with resilience and grace.
Inner harmony and balance: Aquamarine is said to align and balance the energies within the body, promoting a sense of inner harmony and equilibrium. It is believed to support emotional healing and encourage a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Spiritual awareness: Aquamarine is often considered a stone of enlightenment and spiritual awareness. It is thought to enha nce intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth, opening doorsto higher levels of consciousness.
Physical healing properties: Some believe that aquamarine possesses physical healing properties. It is said to support the health of the throat, respiratory system, and the immune system. Additionally, it may aid in reducing allergies and inflammation.
Protection and purification: Aquamarine is believed to have protective qualities, shielding individuals from negative energies and promoting a sense of safety. It is also considered a purifying stone, cleansing the mind, body, and spirit of negativity.
It's important to note that while gemstones like aquamarine have a long history of being associated with various metaphysical properties, these beliefs are not scientifically proven. The benefits mentioned are based on anecdotal evidence and traditional beliefs. Individual experiences with gemstones may vary. 
Who Can Wear aquamarine Gemstone
Aquamarine gemstone is generally suitable for anyone who appreciates its beauty and symbolism. However, in terms of astrological beliefs, aquamarine is commonly associated with the zodiac sign Pisces. It is believed to bring good luck and calmness to those born under this sign. Nonetheless, anyone can wear aquamarine as a personal choice or for its aesthetic appeal, regardless of their zodiac sign or birth month.
Contact Details Unit of Salasar Ji Gems LLP
1185-87, Shop No. 9, Gems Plaza, Chhatta Madan Gopal, Maliwara, Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India, 110006 Working Hrs. : 09:30 AM to 08:30 PM +91-987 312 3421 +91-997 139 1757 [email protected] Connect for More Information
RUBY ( माणिक )
EMERALD( पन्ना )
WHITE SAPPHIRE (सफ़ेद पुखराज)
PEARL ( मोती )
CORAL RED( मूंगा )
OPAL( दूधिया पत्थर )
HESSONITE (गोमेध )
CAT'S EYE (लहसुनिया )
CITRINE (सुनेला )
IOLITE (काकानीली )
AMETHYST (जामुनिया)
MOONSTONE (चंद्रकांत मणि )
LAPIS LAZULI (लाजवर्द )
AMBER (कहरुआ )
TURQUOISE (फ़िरोज़ा)
PERIDOT (जबरज़ाद )
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themysticrebel · 4 years
The nine planets in sidereal astrology and their effects on the human mind and life force:
The planets are not just physical entities roaming around in the sky. They have vibrations affecting the Earth.
On the basis of your past life karmas, your current life is ordained. The exact position of the planets in your horoscope, the rāśīs (or zodiacal signs) in which they are posited, and the mansions they occupy will certainly affect your psyche and physicality in some way or the other.
The Moon represents your mother or mother figures in your life. It rules over the emotional domain, imagination, and sentiments, provides you mental clarity, and gives you a sense of purpose.
The Sun, representative of your father or father figures, confers fame and recognition. It gives success in jobs and ensures support from the government. It is considered the ruler (or king) of all the planets in astrology.
Mercury rules over intellect and all its myriad usages. Study material, stationery, paperwork, professions related to writing, journaling, music, literature, poetry, and travelling, all come under Mercury’s rulership. One must not disrespect any material for writing lest they should provoke Mercury’s wrath. It is said to curse people with skin diseases such as eczema.
Mars rules over charisma and sexual drive/libido.
Venus bestows attractiveness and enhances desirability. It supports you in finding a perfect life partner.
Saturn is the ultimate Judge. When deified, he is popularly worshipped as Śani (शनि) in Hindu belief. It bestows upon you the fruits of the karma you have generated in your past lives; hence, teaches you how to respect the law of karma; follow discipline and order; and respect the ones who are lower in social status. It causes delays, fear, anxiety, and restriction; represents the labour class, servants, and the poor. Its energy resides in the colour black, footwear, ironware, oil extracted from the seeds of yellow mustard as well as the cold pressed seeds of black sesame, kohl, antimony, and the precious stone of blue sapphire (नीलम). It presides over Saturdays amongst weekdays; rules the earthy sign of Capricorn and the aerial sign of Aquarius; and governs the direction of West in the ancient architectural science of Vāstu Śāstra. It acts as a significator of employment, financial security, money, and fulfilment of desires. The house of your natal chart that Saturn occupies indicates the karma you have been born to balance out in your current lifetime. It is exalted in the Venusian sign of Libra and gets debilitated in the Martian sign of Aries. Its negative effect is supposed to soften in the sixth, eighth, and the twelfth houses of the horoscope. It aspects the third, seventh, and the tenth house from its placement in your natal chart.
In Pauranic mythology, Jupiter is known as the Guru of the Devas (gods and demi-gods). It opens up doors for higher education and spiritual knowledge, ignites interest in learning of occult sciences and esotericism. Jovian energy gets activated while listening to or chanting of Vaidic hymns and mantras. It bestows a happy conjugal life in case of women as it is the significator of one’s husband in the horoscope. It also signifies philosophy, knowledge, education, the profession of teaching, your teachers or Guru, wealth, capability of active listening and understanding, expansion, fat, and lethargy in a person. It presides over Thursdays amongst weekdays, rules the fiery sign of Sagittarius and the aqueous sign of Pisces; and governs the direction of North-East (Īsānakona) in the ancient architectural science of Vāstu Śāstra. Its energy resides in yellow colour, turmeric, marigold flowers, gold, and the precious stone of yellow sapphire (पुखराज).
Rāhu (the North Node of the Moon) and Ketu (the South Node of the Moon) are shadow entities or mere mathematical points in the sky. Rāhu is supposed to delude and keep you away from reality. It is illusionary. Ketu makes you a maladaptive daydreamer; influences the faculties of imagination and psychic abilities, and heightens fantasies or romanticisation in the house that it occupies. Ketu is a significator of children, dogs, detachment, spirituality, dissatisfaction, unrealistic expectations from self, isolation, anxiety, and depression. It makes you gullible and directionless when negative. Feeding multi-coloured dogs is a remedy to propitiate Ketu.
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wordofthehour · 4 years
Word of The Hour: sapphire
English: sapphire 1. the blue transparent variety of corundum, highly prized as a gem 2. native alumina or aluminium sesquioxide, al2o3 3. the color of the gem ------------------ - Hindi: नीलम - Italian: zaffiro - Portuguese: safira - Spanish: zafiro ------------------ Word of The Hour's Annual Survey (2020): https://forms.gle/yACMX7nXyNNTBNsK6
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