#Ceder Hill
crimescrimson · 5 months
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The Evil Within & Scenery [19/?]: Cedar Hill Church Catacombs - The Underground Secret
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supermassive-games · 5 months
The Casting of Frank Stone trailer!
The shadow of Frank Stone looms over Ceder Hills, a town forever altered by his violent past. Delve into a story of cosmic proportions and be part of a twisted journey where nothing is quite as it seems.
Coming 2024!
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nonooddo · 2 months
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Just What is this Developer Up To..?
Oddo Developments is building, planning or has built tower blocks of thousands of beds and and 'townhome' developments across this part of the county and the greater Kansas City area.
The developer is relentless in fighting communities across the region - with teams of architects, lawyers, illustrators, PR people and paid-up engineers all producing 'unbiased reports', 'scenic' renderings and of course candid submissions in multiple sets of municipal planner meetings. Meetings that local residents know nothing about until the Oddo Project is already baked - and its odor has already seeped all through the corridors of the various city halls.
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"You Cant Handle The Truth" - until its too late for you to do much about it..!
And IF there is a need for high stacked rental housing - maybe all these legal maneuverings - that just happen to NEVER include the locals and the communities Oddo moves it resources into - are meeting that need. But that doesn't explain why Oddo is determined to grab hold of the gateway to Cedar Creek...
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The Oddo company's other plans, on a much less significant Cedar Creek adjacent site - (between Valley Parkway & 103rd/Hwy 10), are much more modestly scaled. Not on a high elevation - those plans are only intended to be TWO STORIES HIGH...!
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Yet More ODDO It will be doubly difficult to sell apartments with traffic views if the luckless Oddo residents wake up to find that Oddo over-development in Lenexa is causing traffic to back up onto Hwy 10...!
Of course selling views of traffic on K-10 would be more of an uphill battle than selling views from the top of the hill on Cedar Creek parkway. Cedar Creek views that we provide, at our expense, and Shadow Glen golf course views that Oddo will appropriate along with the name 'Shadow Glen'.
So is the deal - 'stacking "synthetic stone cladding" and "cement board" multi-level micro apartments' all along K-10 designed to catch the eye of commuters? Those forced to wait for a space on the Cedar Creek off-ramp will have noting to look at but tail-lights and 'ANOTHER ODDO DEVELOPMENT' billboards? Logical maybe - if cheap and nasty.
But what does that do to the claims of luxury resort living..? Is that really the way you recruit top level tenants? Somehow I think not. So really - what is Oddo Developments doing trying to take over the entrance to Cedar Creek..? Why does THIS site have to be 6 stories of building - as opposed to 2 elsewhere (from which he clearly must be able to turn a profit...)?
I'll tell you - this is all about what we have, we created, we should own and we should be in charge of (were it not for another developer who clings onto control through a faux HOA)...
Oddo Developments wants to loot Ceder Creek of its views, its open spaces, its character and its green resources... He has no way to prevent his tenants using our open property, crowding the carefully stewarded natural spaces - and our absurd developer-run HOA has no plans, ability or inclination to stop Oddo. After all - birds of a feather....
So we should be in no doubt that the rapacious machine presently gnawing at our door, does not have a better face or a nicer plan. There are no 'more acceptable' approaches or alternatives. Not from an entity that is here for the singular reason of appropriating for itself all that we have worked for, contributed to, managed, observed, maintained, stewarded and paid for. Oddo's very presence in Cedar Creek is fundamentally at odds with all of us who live here. And that difference is irreconcilable.
The essence of Cedar Creek is at stake here. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Oddo can't be allowed to win.
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anacostiadigest · 1 month
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Welcome to Anacostia, Washington DC. It is one of Washington DC's oldest neighborhoods, going through a changing landscape. Anacostia is full of DC cultural history. Main street Anacostia is experiencing a new renaissance of opportunities. There is a thriving arts and cultural commentary, powered by the Anacostia Arts Center, and the surrounding area, businesses community. This is a creative cultural hub for artists of all walks of life. Art and Culture is transformational, and that is happening in Anacostia, where there is an emerging community seeking to celebrate the past, and the future of Anacostia, and its contribution to Washington DC.  Come venture with us into visiting historical landmarks, such as Frederick Douglas House, on Ceder Hill, the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum, that has a collection with in-depth photographs and artifacts of the neighborhood past. the Anacostia Big Chair, and more. New restaurant to dine in BusBoys & Poet, or Mama’s Pizza Kitchen. Or, just explore nature, walking, biking, hiking, skating, along the Anacostia River Trail.  There is so much to see, and do in Anacostia.
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copertonehill · 5 months
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Tú "tierno" osito.
Tiempo y mucho ha pasado ya desde que una vez la inocencia estuvo en ti, en esas épocas ya de un tiempo muy lejano él te ha acompañado y al estar a tu lado él siempre ha velado por ti ya desde esos tiempos dónde fue tú "tierno" osito que vio esos días dónde lágrima caía y no era porque rostro radiara de alegría, pues ella nunca fue compañía o al menos una que iba y venía, pero no se quedaba en tu compañía, tú "tierno" osito vio cómo esa tristeza a él también embargo para en ella junto a ti vivir con esa esas cicatrices que aún hoy son notorias en ustedes porque no serán aquellas que solo jabón limpie y sane sino aquellas que dejan enseñanza para saber qué vida no es una comparsa donde hay un querer de colores vivos y algarabía y no como ahora a ese "tierno" osito que con el cejo fruncido estará y con él darte esa "libertad" para decirle al mundo lo "mierda "que es con fingida y sarcástica sonrisa, pero aun así no pierdes la confianza ni esperanza porque junto a ese tú "tierno" osito saldrán adelante con talante para mostrarle a todos lo equivocados que están y así tener ese vigor para no ceder y así un poco de ocio y alegría tener y así tú "cariñoso" osito será el que junto a ti "vivirá" cada momento de libertad porque nunca se sabrá lo que tiempo después depare, pero eso a ti y a él poco les importará porque juntos ante la adversidad que no les quitará más bien dará otra cicatriz una vez más entre dos salidas encontrarán y así cualquier problema será cosa de un pasado que no se olvida, pero si en tristeza no será porque en ella no se sentirán, pues con esa "ternura" de osito solución siempre será esa que al voltear esquina se encontrará y así un día más de experiencia se tendrá.
-Copertone Hill,2023®-
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wdonnait · 5 months
Shannen Doherty, anche con il tumore vuole vivere fino all'ultimo giorno
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/shannen-doherty-anche-con-il-tumore-vuole-vivere-fino-allultimo-giorno/116779?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=116779
Shannen Doherty, anche con il tumore vuole vivere fino all'ultimo giorno
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Shannen Doherty combatte una battaglia contro il cancro dal 2015 e durante questo periodo ha comunicato ai suoi sostenitori sia momenti di felicità che di sofferenza. All’attrice di Beverly Hills, in un’intervista con “People”, ha rivelato che il cancro si è diffuso anche alle ossa, ma questo non la ferma nella sua lotta: “La mia vita non è ancora conclusa. Il mio amore non ha ancora fine.
Crea e vive
La mia capacità di creare non è ancora esaurita.Shannen Doherty affronta ancora il percorso di trattamento per il cancro, ora giunto al quarto stadio, e mostra una forte determinazione nel non cedere: “La mia esperienza non è ancora conclusa. Il mio impegno nell’amare non ha termine. La mia capacità di creare persiste. Continuo a nutrire la speranza di un cambiamento positivo. Semplicemente, non ho finito. Il mio momento più significativo deve ancora manifestarsi.
Shannen Doherty, otto anni di lotta
In questi otto anni ha documentato con schiettezza gli alti e bassi della malattia. Un percorso che l’ha portata a riflettere e mettere in discussione tutta la sua vita. Un tema che esplorerà nel podcast “Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty”, in arrivo il 6 dicembre su iHeartRadio. La strada per lei non è stata facile: dopo la diagnosi iniziale di cancro al seno nel 2015 l’attrice ha subito una mastectomia e si è sottoposta a chemioterapia e radiazioni
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cotrozzilivio · 1 year
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camminiamo sulla collina. Il gelo scoppietta, mi tiene il braccio come un vecchio col respiro stanco che ha paura di cadere e che vuole cedere al vento il potere che ci trascina con un ruggito all'inferno - we walk up the hill. Frost crackles, holds my arm like an old man with tired breathing who is afraid of falling and that wants give in to the wind that drags us with a roar into hell pic credit #sakryukinkurill #mondobongo #poesiaitaliana #poetry #cotrozzi #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_p0CuKlwK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jmblyajones · 3 years
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Since 3x4 I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while. I want to preface this by saying that Eagles is its own agency but knowing that the creator is an OTH fan, I thought this would be fun!
Felicia: I thought she most reps Brooke because of their similar outgoing personalities. She is popular and she is definitely open to different things. Also, Felicia comes with the smoke just like Brooke. They are literally just as confrontational. In 3x4 we found out that Felicia feels a little lost with her life. She doesn’t really have a specific direction. Yes, Brooke made fashion her path but she also stated how she felt not worthy and good enough. I could definitely see this with Felicia - her coming from a family where all the focus was on Elias and his hockey career. It’s interesting because you see how both girls are also confident in other ways as well. Felicia is definitely open about being sex positive like Brooke and have confidence when it comes to men like in 1x2. Now a big thing is us not knowing more of Felicia away from boys, almost as if her identity is tied to them like Brooke’s was in a way in the beginning. I mean right out the gate, s1, Felicia purposely pursued Ludde to be petty and rebel against her father.
Elias: This comparison makes me excited because I get to really dive in. Elias mirrors Nathan in many ways. He is very one track minded with his sport, hockey. It’s all about hockey and wanting to go pro and join leagues that will help him achieve that. We see that with Nathan’s whole journey before he went pro, basketball was his whole life. Mats, Elias’s father has been hardcore training him most likely since birth, like Dan and Nathan. S1 Mats was a terror to Elias and an absolutely hardass. Remember that scene when Adam hurt Elias’s wrist on the ice and Mats said something to the affect of Elias needing to be able to take a hit? In many ways, Dan is 10x worse but Mats definitely had many Dan moments. Let’s not forget, Dan and Mats were both high profile sports players as well. With Mats being a huge name in hockey, there is that pressure for Elias to be as good if not better. Also, Elias is a big name himself. We see this s1 when they come back to Sweden and the Eagles talk nonstop about his performances on ice. Both Nathan and Elias had a period of time where they were womanizers too. Elias can be very cocky as well lol. Season 3, Elias is excited to come back knowing the Eagles were in the gutter. He kept saying that since he’s going to be there, they will do well with him as if he will be the one to make the team great again lol. And we know how self centered Nathan was in the beginning seasons especially when it came to basketball.
Amie: We’ve know since the beginning that music is Amie’s passion. S1 she auditions to be apart of one of the school’s hottest bands. Haley is also known for being a musician. Coincidentally (not really) both ladies went on their own headlining tours, Haley s2 and Amie s3. Even crazier, they both have their own “Chris Keller” 🥴. Haley believes there is good in everyone and the beginning evidence of that was her continuing to tutor Nathan despite his conflict with Lucas and later through the series how she was one of the first to sympathize with Dan. With Amie, 3x4, she tells Elias that not one person is just good or just bad but both, somewhat in defense of their town’s mean girl Klara. I would just like to note too that both ladies also had some naïveté about them. With Amie, this is more shown when she first started hanging out with Felicia. And with Haley, you could see it when she was around Nathan or Brooke.
Ludde: Lucas and Ludvig’s comparison is both what we’ve seen and my predictions for Ludvig’s future. In the first season we see Ludde with his posse just like Lucas with his. Both their friend groups are involved in the sports they play in some way or fashion. Both guys have been playing their sports, basketball and hockey, their whole life. 2x5, Ludde got seriously injured to the point where currently, it is up in the air if he will even get close physically to where he was before his accident. In s2 of OTH Lucas finds out he has HCM. He has to take meds that will help his heart but in turn it purposely slows down his physical performance. Both Lucas and Ludde work(ed) to get back to their peak physical condition and struggle(d) tremendously. Another thing they have in common is big interest outside of sports. In s2 of Eagles we see Ludde telling Amie about his music passions. He wants to write songs and even co-wrote a song with Amie that hit the charts in Sweden. S3 we learn that Ludde applied to a music school in London too. In OTH we learn that Lucas decides to become an author even coming out with a book as an adult. Pairing that, as an adult, Haley became an english teacher. I bring that put to parallel Haley and Lucas being into english/writing and Ludde and Amie being into music. Now, it is my prediction that Ludde won’t be in hockey for much longer or he wouldn’t pursue going pro in hockey and instead, pursue the music field.
Klara: I know this may seem like shade but it is not intentional. I don’t know who I could place her as, meaning she is kind of her own. I could say Peyton but the only thing I see them having in common is tragedy. You could say Brooke but Brooke’s whole personality, Klara would shit on. You see that s1 with how Klara treated Felicia. If y’all figure it out i’ll definitely update this!!
* I just want to note that when you look at how the Eagles characters interact with each other too and compare that to how OTH characters interact, they fall even more in to place in some cases. There are also some instances where plots are reversed as well:
- Elias joins the Eagles vs Lucas joining the Ravens
- The Ludde, Felicia and Amie triangle similar to Brooke, Lucas and Peyton
I definitely want to hear y’all’s thoughts and opinions on this!!
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
Fandoms + Characters.
when it’s crossed out it means I’m not writing for them.request are; open. — requesting info.
(p) = platonic.
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• Celebrities
Timothée Chalamet. Andrew Garfield. Adam driver. Billie Eilish. Oscar Isaac. Finn Wolfhard. Sturniolo triplets. Dylan is in trouble. Joseph Quinn. Jamie campbell bower. Henry Cavill. Cillian Murphy. Dylan O’brien. Scarlett Johansson.
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• Harry Potter.
— golden trio era.
Hermione Granger. Harry potter. Draco Malfoy. Ron Weasley. Fred Weasley. George Weasley. Ginny Weasley. Luna lovegood. Neville Longbottom. Theodore Nott. Cederic Diggory. Pansy Parkinson. Blaise zabini.
— marauders era.
James Potter. Remus Lupin. Sirius Black. Lily Evens. Frank Longbottom. Alice Fortescue. Peter Pettigrew. Marlene McKinnon. Dorcas Meadowes. Regulus Black. Severus Snape. Lucius Malfoy. Bellatrix Black. Narcissa Black.
— lords & beasts era.
Tom riddle. Abraxas Malfoy. Gellert Grindelwald. Newt Scamander. Tina Goldstein. Credence Barebone. Queenie Goldstein. Nagini. Leta Lestrange. Theseus Scamander. Jacob Kowalski.
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• Marvel.
Avengers: Steve Rogers. Thor. Tony stark. Natasha Romanoff. Bruce Banner. Clint Barton.
-> Doctor Strange. Vision. Wanda Maximoff. Pietro Maximoff. Bucky Barnes. Sam Wilson. Kate bishop. Yelena Belova. Shang-Chi. T'Challa Udaku. Matt Murdock. Scott Lang. Peter quill. Gamora. Loki. Hela.
spider-men: tasm!Peter Parker. tom.h!Peter Parker. Gwen Stacy(s). Aunt may.
spider-man: into the spider-verse: Miles Morales. Gwen Stacy Aaron Davis. Miguel O’Hara. Jessica Drew. Hobie Brown, a.k.a. Spider-Punk. Peter B. Parker. Pavitr Prabhakar.
eternals: Thena. Ikaris. Sersi. Druig. Makkari. Kingo. Gilgamesh. Thena.
S.H.I.E.L.D: Daisy Johnson. Melinda May. Bobbi Morse. Maria Hill. Leo Fitz. Jemma Simmons. Robbie Reyes. Deke Shaw. Lance Hunter. Grant Ward. Lincoln Campbell. Yo-yo Rodriguez. Al ‘Mack’ McKenzie. Antoine Triplett.
• Arrowverse.
Barry Allen. Wally West. Iris West. Cisco Ramon. Caitlin Snow. Nora West-Allen. Ralph Dibny. Allegra Garcia. Chunk. Gypsy. Julian Albert. Harrison Wells(all). Oliver Queen. Thea Queen. Felicity Smoak. Sara Lance. Ray Palmer. Nathan Heywood. Leonard Snart. Jefferson Jackson. Mona Wu. Astra Logue. Behrad Tarazi. Gary Green. Amaya Jiwe. Kuasa. Spooner. Gideon. Martin Stein. Mick Rory. Kara Zor-El. Alex Danvers. Lena Luthor. Winn Schott. Nia Nal. Mon-El. Jimmy Olsen. Andrea Rojas. Lois Lane. Brainiac 5. Kal-El, Clark Kent, Superman. Louis Lane. Jordan Kent. Jonathan Kent. Sarah Cushing.
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• Twilight.
Edward Cullen. Jasper Hale. Rosalie Hale. Carlisle Cullen. Emmett Cullen. Charlie Swan. Bella Swan. Jacob Black. Angela Weber. Leah Clearwater. Seth Clearwater. Sam Uley. Laurent.
• Avatar 1 & 2. (way of water)
Water Avatars: Ronal. Tsireya. Tonowari. Aonung. Rotxo.
Jake Sully. Neytiri. Tsu'tey. Dr. Grace Augustine. Mo'at. Miles Quaritch(depends). Norm Spellman. Trudy Chacon.
2: Neteyam. Lo'ak. Kiri Sully. Spider(NO SMUT!). Tuktirey(NO SMUT!)
• Peaky Blinders.
Thomas 'Tommy' Shelby. Polly Gray. Arthur Shelby. Sir Oswald Mosley. Grace Burgess. Alfie Solomons. Finn Shelby. John Shelby. Michael Gray. Lizzie Stark. Ada Shelby. Esme Shelby. Gina Gray. Freddie Thorne. May Carleton. Bonnie Gold.
• The Witcher.
Geralt of Rivia. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Ciri. Dara. Yennefer. Tissaia. Queen Calanthe. Renfri Vellga. Triss Merigold. Fringilla Vigo. Fringilla Vigo. Eskel.
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• Stranger Things.
Mike Wheeler. Will Byers. Dustin Henderson. Lucas Sinclair. Jonathan Byers. Argyle. Steve Harrington. Eddie Munson. Peter Ballard/One-001/Henry Creel. Jim Hopper. Max Mayfield. Eleven-011/Jane Hopper. Nancy Wheeler. Barbara Holland. Vickie. Robin Buckley. Chrissy. Joyce Byers.
• The One Hundred.
Octavia Blake. Bellamy Blake. Clarke Griffin. Lexa. Finn Collins. Raven Reyes. Jasper Jordan. John Murphy. Monty Green. Madi Griffin. Lincoln. Jordan Green.
• The umbrella Academy.
Vanya/Victor Hargreeves. Number Five. Allison Hargreeves. Klaus Hargreeves. Diego Hargreeves. Ben Hargreeves. Lila Pitts. New #1, Marcus Hargreeves. New #2, Ben Hargreeves. New #3, Fei Hargreeves. New #5, Sloane Hargreeves. New #6, Jayme Hargreeves.
• Teen Wolf.
Stiles Stilinski. Scott McCall. Derek Hale. Allison Argent. Lydia Martin. Isaac Lahey. Liam Dunbar. Theo Raeken. Brett Talbot. Nolan Holloway. Malia Tate. Jackson Whittemore. Kira Yukimura. Erica Reyes. Cora Hale. Ethan and Aiden. Paige Krasikeva.
• Maze Runner.
Thomas. Newt. Minho. Teresa. Chuck(NO SMUT!) Alby. Gally. Ben. Frypan. Aris Jones.
• Wednesday series.
Enid Sinclair. Ajax Petropolus. Bianca Barclay. Eugene Otinger. Dr. Valerie Kinbott. Thing. Yoko Tanaka. Young Gomez. Wednesday Addams. Morticia Addams. Gomez Addams. Pugsley Addams. Marilyn Thornhill. Tyler Galpin. Larissa Weems. Xavier Thorpe.
• Sex Education.
Maeve Wiley. Aimee Gibbs. Ruby Matthews. Olivia. Ola Nyman. Lily Iglehart. Jean Milburn. Vivienne Odusanya. Maureen Groff. Otis Milburn. Steve Morley. Isaac Goodwin. Jakob Nyman. Sean Wiley. Dex Thompson. Eric Effiong; platonic. Adam Groff; depends. Rahim; platonic. Anwar Bakshi; platonic.
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• Psych.
Shawn Spencer. Burton "Gus" Guster. Carlton Lassiter. Juliet O'Hara. Abigail Lytar. Pierre Despereaux. Marlowe Viccellio. Buzz McNab.
• 911.
Evan Buckley. Howie Han. Albert Han. Maddie Kendall. Bobby Nash. Athena Grant. Michael Grant. May Grant. Eddie Diaz. Christopher Diaz(p). Henrietta Wilson. Karen Wilson. Abby Clark. Ravi Panikkar.
• 911: Lone Star.
Tk; Tyler Kennedy Strand. Carlos Reyes. Judson Ryder(p). Owen Strand. Charles Vega (p). Wyatt Harris. Nancy Gillian. Marjan Marwani. Mateo Chavez. Paul Strickland. Michelle Blake. Tommy Vega. Grace Ryder. Julius Vega.
• Hawaii Five-0.
Steve McGarrett. Danny "Danno" Williams. Kono Kalakaua. Wo Fat. Catherine Rollins. Grace Williams (p). Lori Weston. Adam Noshimuri. Joe White (p). Tani Rey. Lou Grover (p). Jenna Kaye. Chin Ho Kelly. Kamekona. Jerry Ortega. Sang Min Soo. Rachel Edwards. Gabriel Waincroft. Junior Reigns. Doris McGarrett. Eric Russo. Michael Noshimuri. Charlie Fong. Dr. Max Bergman. Samantha Grover (p). Mary Ann McGarrett. Renee Grover. Clara Williams. Kawika.
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• Disney.
Wizards of Waverly place; Alex Russo. Max Russo. Justin Russo. Mason Grayback. Harper Finkle. Zeke.
Good Luck Charlie; Teddy Duncan. Pj Duncan. Gabe Duncan. Spencer Walsh. Ivy Wentz. Skyler. Emmett Heglin.
Descendents; Mal. Evie. Ben. Carlos. Jay. Harry Hook. Uma. Lonnie. Doug.
Liv and Maddie; Liv Rooney. Parker Rooney. Josh Willcox. Diggie Smalls. Maddie Rooney. Joey Rooney. Dump Truck. Andie. Willow Cruz. Holden Dippledorf.
Kickin' It; Jack Brewer. Kim Crawford. Milton David Krupnick. Jerry Martínez.
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‎© 𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖿𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽𝗌𝗅𝖺𝖽y𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽.
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crimescrimson · 5 months
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The Evil Within & Scenery [10/?]: Cedar Hill Ruins - The Abandoned & Lost
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Okay so when the Tear Jerker stops at the peak of the hill it says they're 425 ft in the air. Top Thrill Dragster at Ceder Point Ohio is 420 ft, which is as far as I know, the tallest rollercoaster in the midwest, meaning they made the Tear Jerker just 5 ft taller than the actual tallest coaster in the midwest so it just beats it out. And I'd also like imagine canonically that watcher world was being built and seeing as it's in Michigan it was like "fuck Ohio were gonna make a coaster just a bit taller than yours so now we have title of tallest coaster bitch"
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minglana · 3 years
Léxico aragonés usado en el dialecto aragonés
Al dialecto aragonés también se le puede llamar baturro. El idioma aragonés ha tenido una gran influencia en el dialecto baturro, ya que el idioma se hablaba por casi todo el Reino de Aragón. Estas palabras son recuerdo de esa historia.
Aragonese dialect can also be called baturro. The aragonese language has had a great influence in the baturro dialect, since it used to be spoken in most of the Kingdom of Aragón. These words are the remains of this history
*Nota: Algunos de estos términos sólo los he oído en mi casa, y otros están bastante en desuso, especialmente en Zaragoza. Aún así, he oído a bastante gente de varios pueblos usar muchos de estos términos.
*Note: I have only heard some of these expressions at home, and others are becoming obsolete, especially in Zaragoza (the capital). Still, I have heard quite a lot of people from various smaller towns use some of these expressions.
baturro - español - english
ababol - amapola; persona simple y distraída - poppy flower; easily distracted person
adubir - dar abasto - be enough; cope
alcorce - atajo - shortcut
alberge - albaricoque - apricot
alparcero - cotilla - gossiper; nosy person
apoquinar - pagar - to pay
arguellau - flaco, delgado - skinny, slanky
bateaguas - paraguas - umbrella
batir - romper - to break
boira - niebla - fog
bozar - atascar - to clog
brozas - chapucero - sloppy person
capazo - conversación larga y espontánea - long spontaneous conversation
carnuz - carroña - carrion
chabisque - lodo, fango; lío, desorden - mud; mess
chafardear - cotillear - to gossip
chandrío - lío, destrozo, follón - mess
china chana - poco a poco - little by little, slowly
chipiado/chupido - mojado - wet
coca - torta de harina - flat flour cake
desustanciado - sin sabor; persona con poca sustancia - unflavored; dry person with no personality
dorondón - niebla muy espesa - extremely dense fog
empentón - empujón - shoeve, push
encorrer - perseguir - to run after
esbafarse - irse el gas (de una bebida) - to be left without gas (usually a drink)
esbalizar - resbalar - to slip
esbalizaculos - tobogán - (playground) slide
escañarse - atragantarse - to choke
escobar - barrer - to sweep
escoscado - limpio, arreglado - clean, tidy
escuchetes - en voz baja - a whisper
falsa - desván - attic
fato - tonto; oscense - dumb, stupid; person from Uesca
gayata - bastón, palo - walking stick, sheepherder stick
gorrín - pequeño (dedo gorrín) - small (dedo gorrín=pinky toe/finger)
ibón - lago pirenaico - pyrenean lake
ir de propio - ir a propósito - go on purpose
ir/llevar a corderetas - a caballito - piggyback ride
jauto - soso, sin sabor - unflavored
laminero - goloso - person with a sweet tooth
lifara - comida popular, banquete, convite - feast, popular meal
litonero - almez - hackberry
lurte - alud - avalanche
matután - persona grande, torpe - big person, usually clumsy
mueso - mordisco - bite
olivera - olivo - olive tree
ordio - cebada - barley
panizo - maíz - corn
pedugo - niño pequeño - small child
pincho - arreglado, elegante - tidy, elegant
pizco - pellizco - pinch
pocastrazas - persona con poca habilidad para algo - person with little ability to do something
pozal - cubo - bucket
pueyo - monte - hill, mount
rasmia -energía, garbo - energy
reblar - ceder, darse por vencido - to yield, to give up
rujiar - rociar - to spray, to drizzle
saputo - sabiondo - know-it-all, smart alec
tajador - sacapuntas - pencil sharpener
tozolón - tropezón, caída - stumble, fall
tozal - monte pequeño - hill
trafucar - confundir - to confuse
tronada - tormenta - storm
zagal - chico jóven - young man
zarrio - trasto sin uso - junk, useless
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copertonehill · 5 months
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Tú Dragón interior.
Figura delicada y hermosa como el de una Diosa que en el Olimpo mora, en su exterior ella se muestra con ése encanto que parece de Sirena porque es fantasía y hechizo que llena a ése navegante que mira el cielo y te busca porque sabe que serás ése sextante que a buen Puerto llegará pero no debe de ser aquel que desea un mal porque si lo hace correrá contra ése Dragón que hay en tu interior y él no será condecendiente con aquel que maldad tenga en su corazón porque Tú Dragon interior le devorara y trizas ése navío hará para que destino ya no sea ese seguro puerto sino uno que a ese lugar oscuro que anterior a cadalzo será donde es seguro nada bueno le sucedera pues en eso serás firme pues fuerza de Dragón debés de tener aunque sabés cuando ceder en su ferocidad pero no dejaras nada al azar porque dados ella no tirará porque seguridad en juicio siempre tendrá pues será ésa diosa para todo aquel que quiera navegar en ése mar turbulento del corazón y ella con ése dragón serena pero con mirada firme aún en oscuridad todo en ella así será por éternidad.
- Copertone Hill, 2023®-
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Best Destinations for the Stark Family (2/5)
~SANSA STARK: She was the second daughter of Eddard “Ned” Stark and his wife Catelyn Tully. She was considered the most beautiful and sweet-natured maiden, being highly sought after by several powerful men and even by the prince of the Seven Kingdoms, Joffrey Baratheon.
Despite having different commitments to powerful men, her aunt the widowed Lysa Tully offered her sister Catelyn to marry her children, Sansa and Robert Arryn so that they would both be Lords of the Vale, this was well seen by Catelyn and convinced her husband of formalize the commitment. Robert was a sickly child who had a high probability of dying young so his mother was in a hurry to marry him off and for him to have offspring. Lady Sansa was not very happy to marry a sick child, but she accepted without question the will of her parents and she married Robert in 301 A. C., when she was 15 years old and 9 years old.
Her stay in the Vale of Arryn was disastrous due to the excessive control of her aunt Lysa of her and the capricious behavior of her husband being her more of a babysitter than her wife. It took a long time for the couple to consummate their marriage by sharing the bed until 307 A. C., but Sansa was unable to finish the act with a sick teenager and the surveillance of the widow Arryn. In the end Lysa asked to annul the marriage between her cousins ​​stating that Sansa was sterile and that with her her son would have no descendants.
Robert Arryn refused to let her ex-wife go, preventing her from returning to the North, so Nestor Royce and her daughter Myranda gave him shelter in her home at the Gates of the Moon. During her stay, Sansa had a good friendship with Lady Myranda who made sure that she was comfortable and healthy, but she also became close to Mya Stone, the illegitimate daughter of Robert Baratheon. Lord Robert married a woman of the Ruthermont House, but with this he did not have children either being called "The bird without eggs" and his distant cousin, Harrold Hardyng was considered as heir to the Vale, but Lysa Tully refused to give up the throne of his son.
Three years after living with the Royce family, her ex-husband Robert Arryn died without descendants, being succeeded by Harrold Hardyng who was the grandson of Alys Arryn, Jon Arryn's younger sister. Hardyng had met Sansa when she arrived in Eyrie and had fallen in love with her because of her beauty despite the fact that he was having an affair with a commoner named Cissy who had given him an illegitimate daughter, Alys Piedra.
After becoming Lord of the Eagles' Nest, Lord Hardyng appeared at the Gates of the Moon and in front of those present asked the hand of the Princess of Winterfell to which she accepted. For fear of being punished by the Faith of the Seven, Harrold and Sansa secretly married in the settlement of House Royce with the help of Lord Nestor and his children, being a happy event. The older brother of Sansa, Robb saw with good eyes that union maintaining the alliances between the Stark and the Arryn.
Lysa Arryn, frustrated by that marriage, began to spread rumors that the new Lady of the Vale was sterile and that she came to share a bed with Nestor Royce, her son and even with Myranda. Faced with these accusations, Harrold ordered Lysa to be locked up in one of the Cells of Heaven, remaining there until her death in 329 A. C.
The rumors about Lady Sansa were false when she got pregnant on her wedding night, this being a great joy for the marriage and the Vale. At the beginning of 311 A. C., her first daughter is born, Lyarra, who would have the surname Arryn by choice of her parents as well as her siblings. Her daughter would become Mistress of Winterfell upon marrying her cousin, Berron Stark. Sansa proved to be a very fertile woman, giving her husband five more children with a difference of one year each:
Elys Arryn who would be Lord of the Vale and known for having a love affair with his cousin, Catelyn Baratheon, daughter of his aunt Arya Stark.
Jon Arryn who would be a Mountain Guide in the service of his brother.
Nestor Arryn who would be a master in the citadel.
Sansa Arryn who would marry Rickard Wylde, a descendant of Walder Frey.
Ceryce Arryn who would be Alysane Mormont's daughter-in-law by marrying her son.
Sansa had an important weight in the politics of the East being regent during almost a year when Harrold left for Harrenhal where he would support the cause of the kings Aegon VI and Shireen Baratheon in their war against Joffrey Hill for the Iron throne. During her regency she had numerous problems with some bandits who planned to take advantage of a woman's mandate, but Lady Stark ended up imprisoning them and some decided to execute them for attacking the Arryns.
After the return of her husband from the war, Sansa Stark's life was quiet spending most of the time with her children and her husband, in addition to supporting him in some of her decisions as Lord of Eyrie. Sansa Stark died in 335 A. C., at 49 years of age and her death was painful for her family, especially for Harrold who kept the memory of his beloved woman.
Los mejores destinos para la familia Stark (2/5)
~SANSA STARK: Era la segunda hija de Eddard “Ned” Stark y su esposa Catelyn Tully. Era considerada la doncella mas bella y de carácter dulce siendo muy pretendida por varios hombres poderosos e incluso por el príncipe de los Siete Reinos, Joffrey Baratheon.
Pese a tener diferentes compromisos con hombres poderosos, su tía la viuda Lysa Tully le ofreció a su hermana Catelyn casar a sus hijos, Sansa y Robert Arryn para que ambos fueran Señores del Valle, esto fue bien visto por Catelyn y convenció a su marido de formalizar el compromiso. Robert era un niño enfermizo que tenia muchas probabilidades de morir joven por lo que su madre estaba apurada en casarlo y que tuviera descendencia. Lady Sansa no le hizo mucha gracia casarse con un niño enfermo, pero acepto sin rechistar por la voluntad de sus padres y se caso con Robert en 301 d. C., cuando ella tenia 15 años y el 9 años.
Su estancia en el Valle de Arryn fue desastrosa debido al control excesivo de su tía Lysa y al comportamiento caprichoso de su marido siendo mas una niñera que su esposa. La pareja tardo mucho en consumar su matrimonio compartiendo la cama hasta el 307 d. C., pero a Sansa le fue imposible terminar el acto con un adolescente enfermo y la vigilancia de la viuda Arryn. Al final Lysa pidió anular el matrimonio entre los primos afirmando que Sansa era estéril y que con ella su hijo no tendría descendientes.
Robert Arryn se negaba a dejar ir a su ex esposa evitando que esta regresase al Norte por lo que Nestor Royce y su hija, Myranda le dieron cobijo en su hogar en las Puertas de la Luna. Durante su estadía Sansa tuvo una buena amistad con Lady Myranda la cual se encargo de que estuviera cómoda y sana, pero también llego a ser cercana a Mya Piedra, hija ilegitima de Robert Baratheon. Lord Robert se caso con una mujer de la Casa Ruthermont, pero con esta tampoco tuvo hijos siendo llamado “La ave sin huevos” y se considero a su primo lejano, Harrold Hardyng como heredero del Valle, pero Lysa Tully se negaba a ceder el trono de su hijo.
Tres años después de estar conviviendo con la familia Royce, su ex marido Robert Arryn falleció sin descendientes siendo sucedido por Harrold Hardyng que era nieto de Alys Arryn, hermana menor de Jon Arryn. Hardyng había conocido a Sansa cuando esta llego a Nido de Águilas y había quedado enamorado de su belleza pese a que el estaba teniendo un romance con una plebeya llamada Cissy que le había dado una hija ilegitima, Alys Piedra.
Tras convertirse en Señor de Nido de Águilas, Lord Hardyng se presento en las Puertas de la Luna y delante de los presentes pidió la mano de la princesa de Invernalia a lo que esta acepto. Por miedo a ser castigados la Fe de los Siete, Harrold y Sansa se casaron en secreto en el asentamiento de la Casa Royce con ayuda de Lord Nestor y sus hijos, siendo un acontecimiento feliz. El hermano mayor de Sansa, Robb vio con buenos ojos aquella unión manteniendo las alianzas entre los Stark y los Arryn.
Lysa Arryn frustrada por aquel matrimonio empezó a esparcir los rumores de que la nueva Señora del Valle era estéril y que llego a compartir la cama con Nestor Royce, su hijo y hasta con Myranda. Ante estas acusaciones, Harrold mando a encerrar a Lysa en una de las Celdas del cielo permaneciendo allí hasta su muerte en 329 d. C..
Los rumores sobre Lady Sansa eran falsos cuando en la noche de boda se quedo embarazada siendo esto una gran alegría para el matrimonio y el Valle. A principios del 311 d. C., nace su primera hija, Lyarra que tendría el apellido Arryn por elección de sus padres al igual que sus hermanos. Su hija sería Señora de Invernalia al casarse con su primo, Berron Stark. Sansa demostró ser una mujer muy fértil llegando a darle a su marido cinco hijos mas con una diferencia de un año cada uno:
Elys Arryn que sería Señor del Valle y conocido por tener una historia de amor con su prima, Catelyn Baratheon, hija de su tía Arya Stark. 
Jon Arryn que sería Guía de montaña estando al servicio de su hermano.
Nestor Arryn que sería maestre en la ciudadela.
Sansa Arryn que se casaría con Rickard Wylde, descendiente de Walder Frey.
Ceryce Arryn que sería nuera de Alysane Mormont al casarse con el hijo de esta.
Sansa tuvo un peso importante en la politica del Oriente siendo regente durante casi un año cuando Harrold partió hacia Harrenhal donde apoyaría la causa de los reyes Aegon VI y Shireen Baratheon en su guerra contra Joffrey Colina por el trono de Hierro. Durante su regencia tuvo numerosos problemas con algunos bandidos que planeaban aprovecharse del mandato de una mujer, pero Lady Stark acabo por encarcelarlos y algunos decidió ejecutarlos por atentar contra los Arryn.
Tras el regreso de su marido de la guerra, la vida de Sansa Stark fue tranquila pasando la mayor parte del tiempo junto a sus hijos y su marido, además de apoyar a este en algunas de sus decisiones como Señor de Nido de Águilas. Sansa Stark falleció en 335 d. C., a los 49 años de edad y su muerte fue dolorosa para su familia, en especial para Harrold que mantuvo la memoría de su amada mujer.
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Deborah K. King
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O pensamento feminista negro não pode fazer frente às opressões interseccionais sem empoderar as afro-americanas. A autodefinição é a chave do empoderamento dos indivíduos e dos grupos, de modo que ceder esse poder a outros grupos (não importa quão bem-intencionados sejam nem quanto apoiam as mulheres negras) reproduz em essência as hierarquias de poder existentes.
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maybeweexisttobleed · 3 years
Jonathan sembrava fare di tutto per ignorarla e non incrociarla. Si era strappato il braccio meccanico perché dentro di sé sapeva che era la cosa giusta da fare e, soprattutto, ora sapeva gestire un potere legato ai fulmini. Poteva trattarsi di gene X o di una connessione profonda con Vardo, ma alla fine prese coscienza di essere un semidio, un figlio di Thor. Si chiese come potesse essere accaduto e sembrava provare vergogna e disagio ripensando al padre che l'aveva cresciuto. Si chiese di sua madre ma non aveva alcuna risposta e in quei dubbi si aggiungeva anche il bisogno di ottenere certezze da Alexandra. Certezze che però non poteva offrire e non era capace di mentire, non a Jonathan. Gli disse di aver parlato con con Maximilian Lee, di aver incrociato Iris Carter e il resto della sua famiglia presente a Vardo. La natura di semidio, i problemi che avrebbe comportato nella coppia, presero sopravento persino sulla bellezza e quella sana invidia che aveva provato nel conoscere il bambino della coppia. Avrebbe voluto trovarsi sposata e con dei figli, invece in quel momento sembrava essere in cima a un precipizio fatto di dubbi e insicurezze. Un giorno sarebbe invecchiata e Jonathan avrebbe dovuto fare i conti con una differenza d'età non indifferenza, un'aspettativa di vita diversa e soprattutto con risorse differenti. Lei era solo un'umana, aveva accettato di sottoporsi a delle migliorie attraverso i cyber-up per stare al passo con il Dipartimento e il lavoro di poliziotta. Lui, invece, proveniva da Asgard e per quanto cercasse di ricordarsi dell'infanzia serena a Forest Hills, ora aveva di fronte un uomo con dei poteri e nuove responsabilità.
E quando lei si ritrovò a battersi per salvare la loro unica speranza di tornare a casa, un'antenna recuperata da degli scout in missione perlustrazione, si era sentita così inutile e debole di fronte alla forza e alla superiorità numerica di quei non morti così agili e instancabili. Diede fondo a tutta se stessa, credette di morire insieme a Iris Carter, a Elettra Martini e Connor Mcgallaghan. L'energia di Vardo arrivò a sopraffarla e così trovò maggiore agilità e soprattutto il suo arco e le sue frecce diventarono infuocate. Un potere che la rese forte, inarrestabile ed euforica. Poi venne il momento dove sembrarono tutti sul punto di cedere nonostante continuassero a spronarsi a vicenda, osservò le stelle mentre scalciava l'assalto di quelle creature che avevano chiamato Perduti. D'improvviso arrivarono le astronavi EIOS, i nemici cominciarono a essere decimati e lei si nascose in un capanno seguendo Iris e cercando altri innocenti da tenere al sicuro. Loro tutti attesero l'arrivo dei soccorsi, fu una notte lunga e indimenticabile, si sentiva potente e invincibile...ma non aveva fatto i conti con ciò che l'attendeva a Philadelphia.
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