#Coursant skyline
arkainea1911 · 2 years
What Keeps Me in the Light? - Rexwalker Week!!
For day 3 of Rexwalker Week: @rexwalkerweek
Prompt: Coursant - Guardians of Light
HEYO!! This is my first ever Prompt week post!! I'm super excited about being able to do this and I hope you all enjoy not just my work but all the works of everyone who is participating in the event!!
But who guards the guardians though? 
What protects us, master? 
The questions he had been asked by his young but inquisitive padawan after he had said that the Jedi had been the guardians of light and the force had been running around his mind since they had been posed a few days again. 
He stands, looking out over the Coruscant skyline, watching as the ships and speeds go about the skies. The sun is setting, allowing the shadows to stretch and consume the city. It's a sight that normally relaxes him. Filling him with a kind of serenity and allowing him to go into some light form of meditation. Right now though it just frustrates him. 
He didn't have an answer at the time and now it is bothering him to no end. 
Who or what protects us,? Who makes sure we are alright? Normally, we watch ourselves but..that can't be all…can it? The Jedi must have someone else who is looking out for us, making sure we are okay. With so much darkness that surrounds us sometimes, what keeps us from falling from the light? What protection is there for someone like me? 
He is so lost in his thoughts he doesn't hear the door open. 
“Anakin?” a voice gentle asks, startling him out of his thoughts. He turns to see Rex standing just in the doorway the sun making his skin glow with an otherworldly light, his eyes shining pools of golden brown. He looks glorious and surreal. He’s breathtaking. 
“Anakin?” Rex asks again, worry coloring his voice. 
He shakes his head clear and smiles at him.
“Hey sorry, Rex. I didn't hear you come in.”
“Is everything alright?” 
“Yea, yea everything is fine. I was just lost in thought, that's all” 
 "Alright, if you say so…but maybe you should try to meditate? I know it's not your strongest point but it has been a while."
“Yea, I should probably do that.”  he sighs, running a hand through his hair. 
Rex nods and walks toward the kitchen. He watches him go then looks back out. His mind goes back to the question. His mind eventually went to himself. Yes, while he did protect the light he knew that he was nothing but darkness at his core. One only survives as a slave by taking on aspects of the darkness. Yes, he protects the light but had been so close to falling. So close that he was sure he would have fallen if the former chancellor's plan had come to fruition. He shivers at the thought of what could have been. He thinks back to the questions and realizes that they bother him so much because he can't think of a single thing that might have stopped him from falling. He was supposed to take care of the light, fight for good, justice, and those who can't fight for themselves but what could possibly stop him from succumbing to the very darkness they were supposed to fight? 
Sighing again he decided to take Rex’s advice and goes to his meditation corner. Closing his eyes and opens himself up to the force. A galaxy of lights, stars, and bubbles comes to him. Each is different and unique. He travels along the paths that lead to his master, his padawan, his lover, various friends, and found family before landing on himself. Going deeper inside his own mind he sees the pain of losing his mother. The rage of slaughtering those who did it. The unworthiness of training under obi wan. The fear of losing his padawan. Hatred of the republic and the separatist alike for the war. Worry about not being a good enough general, friend, master, lover… His mind is spiraling. He can't breathe, can't think. The questions drive him further and further into the abyss. A dark so all-consuming that…
Sir, I’m here. a gentle familiar voice calls out to him in the dark. 
A small blue light shines, breaking the absolute black around him. He goes toward it, drawn toward it for reasons he can't fully understand. The light is cool to the touch. Slipping over his fingers like the cool water of the pool he first swam in at the temple. He feels love, understanding, and a calm sturdy presence that he knows well wraps around his fingers. 
Yes, sir, I’m here Rex's presence shines brightly in recognition. 
Rex, I'm so lost, so afraid, so…so alone. 
He brings Rex’s light to his chest. Holding it close to his heart like a lifeline. The cool warmth of his light seeps into him. Allowing a small opening to his mind to appear. With it, all the good memories and emotions come rushing back to him. The first time Asoka had first completed her flight simulator and how proud he was of her. When his master congratulated him on being knighted. The life day party his men had somehow thrown for him in the middle of a campaign. The happiness and awe of the younglings after he had successfully shown them all of the katas without stopping. The warm smile of his mother after building his first project. Celebrating the end of the war with his men. It all leads back to Rex, back to the first kiss he and Rex shared when there was finally nothing to stop their feelings. Back to when they confessed their feelings for each other, back to the warmth, back to the safety, back to the light.  
Anakin opens his eyes and looks up to see Rex move about the apartment. Watches as his royal blue light goes about his day. Lets his presence wash over him as his first warm summer rain. A balm that soothes his soul and pushes the darkness in his own heart away. He embraces his love's light, his warmth, and understanding. The answer, he finds is more straightforward than he thought. It is love itself that protects them. The love of others, the bonds, friendships, and relationships formed and maintained in one's life. It is the people who touch you, the places that inspire you, and the works and creations of beings past and present that encourage you to go forward. They wrap around you like a blanket, shield you through the storms of life, 
This is what they fight for and this is what protects them. 
And it’s his love for Rex that saved him from falling into the dark. When all the felt lost it was their love that managed to find him, giving him something to hold on to as the storms of his pain and regrets battered at him. He smiles as he watches Rex set the table for dinner. Feeling his master and padawan heading this way to join them. The galaxy still swirls around him as he pulls himself back. Standing up he stretches, kisses Rex and the cheek, and helps him with dinner. Rex looks over at him as he helps set up the table. 
“Is everything alright, Anakin?”
“Yea, Rex everything is fine. I just needed to meditate as you said. “ 
“Knew it.” 
Anakin laughs giving Rex a kiss as the door chimes. 
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