#Do i think nmj x lxc is infinitely better than lxc x jgy?
burningsoprettily · 4 years
After watching Fatal Journey, I want to know the moment nhs decided not to trust lxc with this information about jgy being a grade A asshole.
Like, did nhs suspect lxc too? I mean, as far as nhs knew, it was lxc who gave that music notes to jgy. Was lxc on jgy's side? Did he plot his brother's murder too?
Ofc when nhs properly observed everything, he could see that lxc was genuinely devastated by nmj's death. So, lxc couldn't have done such a despicable thing.
But at what point did nhs decide to do everything alone?
Did he see how close lxc was to jgy? Is that why he chose not to inform lxc? Or was he being kind? Letting lxc live in ignorance while plotting how best to bring down jgy?
Was nhs reminded of how lxc was one of the rare few people who drew out an actual smile from nmj? Did nhs remember his brother everytime he saw lxc?
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