#Dr Nimb
katt-sports · 7 months
Psst. Lore.
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‘Leaf Wearables’ wins $1M for women's safety device ‘SAFER Pro’
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SAFER Pro, a smart safety device that sends emergency alerts with location details to users’ guardians when they sense danger, from New Delhi based Leaf Wearables, was awarded on Thursday June 7, 2018, $1 Million Anu & Naveen Jain Women's Safety XPrize, at the United Nations in New York City. SAFER Pro is a small chip that can ultimately be put into any device or jewelry with a discreet emergency alert button. When the alert is received, it additionally lets you record audio from the time of the alert. Leaf Wearables, an Indian start-up by Manik Mehta, Avinash Bansal, and Niharika Rajiv, the students of Delhi Technological University (Delhi College of Engineering) and IIT Delhi, were also chosen amongst the top 10 innovative startups in India by Department of Science and Technology who accompanied Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his visit to Silicon Valley to participate in first India-U.S. Startup Konnect in September 2015. Leaf Wearables’ Manik Mehta said, “It was in 2012 that the Nirbhaya rape took place in Delhi,” adding that it was then that they decided: “Enough is enough. Delhi is unsafe and things are not changing at all. We have got to solve this problem.” XPRIZE incetivises world’s brightest minds to solve humanity's toughest problems and partners up to create specific challenges aimed at getting small companies to create products that can help to achieve the goals. One of these challenges was the $1 million Anu and Naveen Jain Women's Safety XPRIZE, launched in October 2016 by entrepreneurs and philanthropists, Anu and Naveen Jain, to address the safety of women and girls by leveraging technology that challenged innovators around the world to create a device that can inconspicuously trigger an emergency alert if a woman is facing a threat and transmit information to a network of community responders, all within 90 seconds and costing under $40. A diverse range of 85 initial teams from 18 countries including, United States, India, Switzerland, Canada, Spain, Germany, China and United Arab Emirates, accepted the challenge. Among all competing teams were app developers, technology researchers, top-tier academic institutions and startups working toward safety for women worldwide. The five finalist solutions were tested to see how the devices might fare across a variety of environments including high rise office buildings, college campuses, in public transit, and at home. Devices ranged from smart jewelry that can trigger emergency alerts to other wearables that detect physical gestures and speech recognition for emergency triggers. Most importantly, all of the solutions from the finalist teams work in areas of no cell connection. The other finalists were: - Artemisfrom Lausanne, Switzerland, Led by Dr. Nicee Srivastava, is developing a device that can be used to trigger an alert not just by a gesture, but also by seamlessly tracking emotional threat levels. - Nimb & SafeTrek from Los Altos, CA and St. Louis, MO, United States, Led by Leo Bereschanskiy and Nick Droege, Nimb collaborates with SafeTrek to provide their customers an option to call for professional emergency services with just a touch of the thumb. The company was founded in response to rising concerns about safety on and off campus. Both teams work together to make the world a safer place. - Saffron from Bellevue, WA, United States; Tsinghua, China, Led by Nicholas Becker is collaboration between the University of Washington and Tsinghua University through the Global Innovation eXchange (GIX), focused on developing wearable sensors and machine learning algorithms to create inconspicuous technologies that improve the safety and well-being of women around the world. - Soterra from Bethlehem, PA, United States, Led by Lena McDonnell used a combination of global positioning services, cellular data and bluetooth to build a versatile, reliable and affordable network to connect women to emergency support systems. “Through XPRIZE, we made our philanthropic efforts targeted for exponential impact and spurred breakthrough solutions for women and girls’ safety farther and faster. To anyone who wants to make a radical difference in the world, we need to empower them to take action,” added Anu Jain. Anu Jain said at the award ceremony, “Safety is a fundamental human right and shouldn’t be considered a luxury for women. It is the foundation in achieving gender equality.” “Women safety is a global problem, it’s a global epidemic. A safe environment for women is a fundamental human right, it should not be considered a luxury and yet in today’s world, with so much advancement in technology and innovation, we still have not been able to solve this problem”. Dr. Peter H. Diamandis, founder and CEO of XPRIZE said, “I wish to also congratulate Leaf Wearables and all of the teams who competed in the Women’s Safety XPRIZE. Watching the winning solution in action in communities and college campuses helped us to demonstrate that breakthrough solutions are borderless and exponential technology can help aid humanity in our most challenging global issues like universal safety.” Read the full article
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#Repost @uknollywoodproducersguild @download.ins --- Press release UKNFF 2020 THE 3RD EDITION CELEBRATING THE BLACK TALENTS WITHIN AFRICA AND THE NOLLYWOOD! The UK Nollywood Producers Guild will host the Film Festival Awards Night at the prestigious Crown Plaza in London Battersea The UKNFF last years winning films were Unseen Treasure for Best Short, IBI (The Birth) for Best Indigenous (Native language) Feature Film, Dear Bayo for Jury’s award and Nimbe for Best Feature Film 2019. The winning script for UKNFF 2019 was Diced. The UKNFF 2020 has increased the award categories to include Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Producer etc to give more recognition to the talents both behind and in font of the screen. Some of the guests who graced the 2nd edition last year were The Mayor of London Borough of Enfield Cllr Kate Anolue, a current Patron of the Guild, The Mayor and Speaker of London Borough of Tower Hamlet, Cllr Victoria Obaze who also received her Certificate of Patronage for the UK Nollywood Producers Guild There were various Keynote speakers such as Shantelle Rochester of IDA ROSE Productions, Dapo Oshiyemi CEO Talking Drums Film Distributions, and Dr Alistair Soyode CEO Ben Television. There were also other key guests such as Sandie Bogle from Gogle Box, Prince and Mrs Mike Abiola CEO African Voice Newspaper, Representative from YANGA TV and CEO of Trumpet Newspaper Mr Femi Okutubo, amongst others. Dr Malcolm A Benson, the President of the UK Nollywood Producers Guild in his keynote speech said “The UK Nollywood Producers Guild will continue to work with skate holders and play it’s part in bringing Nollywood Producers together, enabling and creating the platforms where ever possible in order to improve standards. UKNFF 2020 online submission platform has already opened on the FilmFreeway. The UKNFF 2020 will be held on Friday 02/10/20 during the Black History Month. We welcomes early engagement for this 3rd Edition of the film festival and call upon filmmakers to submit their films as soon as possible before the deadline #filmfestivals #films #producer #filmmaker #Nollywood (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wwMv1Higs/?igshid=rcfcinw01f10
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downordic-blog · 5 years
Hendes store aften
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Hendes store aften. DK. 1954. Rippet fra original DVD. Alt er med incl. menu og ekstramateriale. Sort/hvid film. Spilletid 1 time, 42 minutter. Undertekster paa dansk. Medvirkende: Marianne Friis Helle Virkner John Bagger Poul Reichhardt Julius Jensen Johannes Meyer Chez Madame Karin Nellemose Hr. Poul Angelo Bruun Frk. Lilly Bodil Steen Sagf. Simonsen Olaf Ussing Nimb Overtjener Poul Mⁿller Himself Ib Sch°nberg Himself Wandy Tworek Yvonne Gaby Stenberg Den gamle vicevµrt Julius Jensen (Johannes Meyer) lover telegrafbudet at aflevere et telegram til Marianne Friis (Helle Virkner). Hans tanker gσr tilbage og han mindes alt det, Marianne har vµret igennem. Pσ hendes arbejdsplads Chez Madame giver Ejeren Fru Poul ( Karin Nellemose) Marianne og den anden medarbejder Frk. Lilly (Bodil Steen) besked pσ at pynte udstillingsvinduet om og pakke de sidste varer ud, selvom det er nytσrsaften. Marianne beundrer de smukke kjoler, og i en af pakkerne finder hun sin dr°mmekjole. Lilly har en aftale og hun kan kun nσ den, hvis Marianne vil lukke og hun smutter nu. Tidligere pσ dagen har John Bagger (Poul Reichhardt) vµret i forretningen. Hans Nytσrsaftale er r°get i vasken. Han havde flirtet voldsomt med Lilly. Marianne havde han derimod ikke set. Nu vender han tilbage for at se, om Lilly stadig er i forretningen, men hun er vµk. Her finder han Marianne trist til mode og ladt alene tilbage. Hun vil hjem, for hun er meget trµt. Udenfor forretningen venter John, han inviterer hende pσ cafΘ. Han fσr en ide. De tager tilbage til forretningen. Her fσr hun lov til at vµlge lige, hvad hun har lyst til, han skal nok betale det hele. Marianne finder sin dr°mmekjole med alt tilbeh°r frem, og trµkker sig tilbage for at klµde om. John er lige kommet fra London, sσ han har kun engelske Pund. De er vant til at fσ udenlandsk valuta I forretningen sσ det er helt i orden. Da Marianne kommer frem fra omklµdningsrummet, bli'r John mildest talt forbavset "Askepot er forvandlet til en prinsesse" Den begyndende fortrolighed, der opstod pσ CafΘen, fσr nu fuld nµring. Selvom Marianne ikke er helt fortrolig i den elegante pσklµdning, f°ler hun en form for tryghed i Johns selskab. Sammen tager de pσ Restaurant Nimb. En diskret pengeseddel til inspekt°ren (Poul Mⁿller) skaffer dem bord nr. 23. De elegante omgivelser og de tσrnh°je priser pσ menukortet, er ved at tage pusten fra Marianne. Der bliver i l°bet af aftenen uddelt prµmier af konferencieren (Ib Sch°nberg) og hovedgevinsten, en s°d teddybj°rn, bliver vundet af bord nr. 23. Marianne mσ op pσ scenen og hente sin gevinst Samtidig ankommer et selskab. Fru Poul, hendes mand hr. Poul (Angelo Bruun) og deres venner sagf°rer Simonsen (Olaf Ussing) med hustru (Betty Lange). Fru Poul genkender Marianne og opdager, at hun har forretningens dyreste kjole pσ. Hun tror Marinne har stjσlet den og henvender sig til hende. Marianne fortµller, at John har k°bt og betalt, for det hun har pσ. De engelske pund har hun lagt i kassen i forretningen. Optrinet har gjort Marianne ked af det. Men John kender en kur mod mismod. I l°bet af aftenen har de drukket meget Champagne, og Marianne er ikke fri for at have en lille fjer pσ. Hr. Poul tager hen i forretningen, for at hente de mange penge, for det kan vµre risikabelt at have dem liggende ubeskyttet. Aftenen er den helt store oplevelse for Marianne. Hun svµver pσ en lille lyser°d sky. Der er dog en hage ved det hele: John skal rejse den nµste morgen. Marianne be'r ham om at blive en dag mere. Det lover han. Kl. 24.00 be'r Marianne John om at kysse hende, som om han elsker hende. For hende, er han den mand, hun altid har dr°mt om. Hun har forelsket sig dybt i John. Hr Poul har betalt sin regning med de engelske Pund, han har hentet i forretningen, men Inspekt°ren beklager dybt, pengene er falske. Det er penge tyskerne fremstillede under 2. Verdenskrig for at underminere den engelske °konomi. Hr. Poul aftaler med Simonsen, at de m°des nµste dag. Der er noget, han gerne vil tale med ham om. John f°lger Marianne hjem og mσ hjµlpe hende i seng. Det sidste hun siger, inden hun glider ind i s°vnens verden, er: öHusk nu hvad du lovedeö. John ville have rejst, men en tyk tσge forhindrer flyet i at lette. Han vender tilbage til Marianne. Senere siger hun farvel til John i DagmarhusÆ afgangshal. John letter sin samvittighed, og fortµller Marianne sandheden om de falske penge. Hun bliver fortvivlet og flygter hjem til Christianshavn. Her taler hun med den gamle vicevµrt, der σbner hendes °jne. Inden John nσr ombord, ankommer Marianne til lufthavnen. Hun kalder pσ ham, og siger at det, han har fortalt ikke µndrer noget ved hendes kµrlighed til ham. Hr. Poul er i syv sind, om han skal anmelde det hµndte til politiet. Simonsen rσder ham i at lµgge pengene i kassen igen, for hvis han melder det, vil politiet finde dem der. Marianne fjerner pengene fra kassen og putter dem i en kloak. Hr. Poul fors°ger at presse Marianne til at vµre lidt s°d overfor ham. Dette fσr hende til at forlade forretningen. Her vσgner den gamle vicevµrt op af sine dr°mmerier og banker pσ Mariannes d°r. Hun σbner telegrammet og glµdestrσlende fortµller hun Julius Jensen, at John elsker hende og be'r hende komme til Hamburg. Read the full article
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Below are the headlines found on The Leadership Online Newspaper for today, Monday, 31 July, 2017.
Nigerias Inyang Clinches Another Tennis Title In US
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
BY ONUKOGU KANAYOCHUQU JUBAL, Abuja Nigeria national junior player, Gabriel In yang continued his breathless display on his summer training tour of the United States on Saturday by beating Alex Weinberg to retain the Feinberg 12 and Under tournament held at the Brant Lake Camp, Adirondacks, New York.The Victoria Garden City Club of Lagos player, who clocked 12 on July 21, was on top of his game against his American age mate wrapping up the one-sided clay court contest 6-0, 6-3 in less than an hour. 
Fashanu Jailed Over Land Scam
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
John Fashanu, who committed fraud by acting as fixer in a land scam was left in Abuja jail, according to United Kingdom publication, The Mirror. The 54-year-old was convicted following his involvement in a dishonest multi-million naira land deal.Going by the report, the former English international was locked up for two days after he was arrested at his home on the Sun City Estate, Abuja as officers probed claims that he hatched the plan to sell lands that were not for sale.Fashanu was said to h 
PDP Condoles Lamido Over Demise Of His Daughter
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
By Chibuzo Ukaibe, AbujaThe Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday commiserated with former Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule Lamido over the Demise of his Second Daughter, Hajiya Hadiza Sule Lamido.Hajiya Hadiza Lamido, a mother of three children passed on at the Age of 38 on Saturday, July 29, 2017 in India after a brief illness.A statement by PDP yesterday said It is indeed heartbroken for any man to loose his daughter especially at such a young age.Our leader Sir, we identify with your 
UK Votes 38M To Deradicalise, Check Fake News In Nigeria
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BY AHURAKA ISAH, AbujaConflict Adviser of the Department for International Development (DFID) representative in Nigeria, Dr Joseph Ochogwu has disclosed that the UK government has committed over 38 million to support the government and people of Nigeria to end the threat posed by terrorists.Ochogwu who stated this in his welcome remark stated this at the opening of 2-day workshop organised by the Office of National Security Adviser (ONSA) in collaboration with the Nigeria Stability and Reconcili 
Dangote Cement Maintaining Profit Performance With Pan-African Operations
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By OLUSHOLA BELLO, LagosDangote Cement Plc has maintained its performance for the unaudited half year result for the period ended June 30, 2017 and reaping from its effort of turning Nigeria to an exporter of cement.The company result released on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) at the weekend showed Overall Group revenue increased by 41.2 per cent from N292.5billlion in H1 2016 to N412.7 billion in H1 2017, despite an 11.3 per cent fall in group volumes, to 11.5Mt, as the impact of price incre 
Stakeholders Endorse Bill On Demutualisation Of The Nigerian Stock Exchange
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
by ahuraka isah, AbujaStakeholders in the nations capital market have endorsed the ongoing consideration of a Bill by the National Assembly to demutualise the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), from a company limited by guarantee to a company limited by shares.They spoke at a public hearing on a bill titled : An Act to Facilitate the Development of Nigerias Capital Market by Enabling the Conversion and Re-registration of the Nigerian Stock Exchange from a Company Limited by Guarantee to a Public Co 
Diamond Bank Reports N11bn Profit In 6 Months
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
Diamond Bank Plc said it has reported N10.8 billion profit- before- tax in its half year result for the period ended June 30, 2017.The banks result released on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) at the weekend showcased strong growth in core financial parameters surpassing analysts projections for the period.The banks operations for the first six months of the business year showed growth in all key financial parameters as profit before tax surged year-on-year by 2.8 per cent to N10.8 billion, thi 
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NCAA Wont Certify Any Airport That Is Below Standard Capt Muhtar
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
Captain Muhtar Usman is the director-general of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). In this interview with ANTHONY AWUNOR, the NCAA boss explains the processes, stages and readiness of certification of Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos and the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja vis--vis the role of CAA and ICAO.Can you tell us the role of NCAA in Nigerias aviation'Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is the regulatory body for aviation in Nigeria. It becam 
Half Year: Dangote Cement Records 12.6% Sales Volume Increase Across Africa
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
Dangote Cement, Africas largest cement producer, has announced its unaudited results for the six months ended June 30, 2017, posting a 12.6 per cent increase in sales volume across Africa.The financials released on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) indicated that the increase in sales volume showed a growing capture of Pan-African market as Dangote Cement continues to gain grounds.Revenues from operations in Nigeria increased by 34.5 percent to 291.4 billion, while Pan-Africa revenu 
CBN Grants Licence To Two Non-Interest Microfinance Banks
Mon, 31 Jul 2017
By KAYODE TOKEDE, LagosThe Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has granted operational license to two non-interest microfinance banks (NIMBs) with the third awaiting final approval.According to CBN, the two granted NIMBs are Tijarah Microfinance Bank in Bauchi State and I-Care Microfinance Bank Ltd in Kano State.The third is in Ibadan and has not been granted approval by CBN, a source in CBN explained to LEADERSHIP. The nations first Shariah compliance microfinance bank, Tijarah MFB Ltd. was granted a 
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Astăzi, 17 mai, în cadrul Zilelor Colegiului Național ”Calistrat Hogaș” (CNCH) din Piatra Neamț, elevii și profesorii s-au întâlnit cu reputatul istoric Gheorghe Cliveti, directorul Institutului de Istorie ”A.D. Xenopol” din Iași și profesor univ. dr. la catedra de istorie modernă a Facultății de Istorie a Universității ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași
”Iată că, după un alt istoric, Zoe Petre, pe care l-am avut invitat în 2013, astăzi ne întâlnim cu domnul prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Cliveti, specialist de marcă în domeniul istoric. Cartea de vizită a domnului profesor este atât de bogată încât cred că această întâlnire ar fi acoperită de enumerarea titlurilor și publicațiilor domniei sale. Cred că e suficient să spun că este autorul a numeroase cărți, studii și articole pe teme de istorie și membru în numeroase organisme naționale și internaționale. Din anul 2000 a devenit îndrumător de doctorate și a avut foarte mulți profesori înscriși la doctorat, unii chiar de la noi din județ”, a declarat prof. Florin Irimia, directorul Colegiului Național ”Calistrat Hogaș” Piatra Neamț.
Subiectul întâlnirii a fost ”Românii și conceptul european” iar la final elevii au adresat întrebări reputatului profesor.
”Vă mulțumesc pentru invitație, mai ales că ea vine din partea elevilor și profesorilor unui liceu de mare tradiție. Sunt onorat că manifestarea a capătat deja un nimb fiind ilustrată, onorată de personalități de marcă. Între întrebările pe care ni le punem la plecarea din liceu spre alte orizonturi se pune și problema înțelegerii lumii în care ne mișcăm, înțelegerii rostului nostru ca individ dar și a rostului nostru comunitar, național, românesc, prin raportare la ceea ce e mai apropiat de noi, Europa, nu în percepție geografică, ci în percepție de o anumită civilizație cu reflecții asupra unui moment. Suntem o entitate de factură europeană. Ce înseamnă a fi european ca civilizație? Înseamnă ceva așezat pe trei baze uriașe: filosofia greacă, dreptul roman și religia creștină. Purtăm sigiliul Romei, cum spune frumos Nicolae Iorga, suntem neam romanic pe trunchiul dacic, trunchi vechi, suntem între primele popoare creștinate”, a afirmat invitatul de onoare Gheorghe Cliveti.
Joi, 18 mai și vineri, 19 mai, manifestările prilejuite de împlinirea a 107 ani de la înființarea CNCH continuă cu ediția a VI-a a Concursului de matematică ”Constantin Borș” dar și cu alte importante acțiuni culturale. (Ana MOISE)
Întâlnire cu excelența la Colegiul Național ”Calistrat Hogaș” Astăzi, 17 mai, în cadrul Zilelor Colegiului Național ”Calistrat Hogaș” (CNCH) din Piatra Neamț, elevii și profesorii s-au întâlnit cu reputatul istoric Gheorghe Cliveti, directorul Institutului de Istorie ”A.D.
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ncfcatalyst · 7 years
Aeolus: New College’s premier undergraduate research journal
Aeolus: New College’s premier undergraduate research journal
Aeolus is currently accepting submissions before their April 3rd deadline for their four-page insert in Nimbe. All photos Giulia Heyward. The Beginning Neal Lacey received a fellowship to do research in Columbia, Missouri. He packed his bags and flew to Dr. Justin Walensky’s chemistry lab at the University of Missouri. It was while at Mizzou, that Lacey befriended his Residential Advisor (RA),…
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katt-sports · 7 months
Out of the entire Miitopia team, the main four experience a lot of horrors.
Cole, being the protagonist, has the entire Miitopia story as automatic horrors, plus hearing everyone else's trauma on top of that.
-Nick has a personal vendetta against Dr Nimb because he kidnapped his father, he is heckin angy
-SABURO... (gestures to the entire Ghontu Kingdom arc) NEED I SAY MORE? Oh, and the fact he literally got kidnapped before meeting Cole.
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Reposted from @uknollywoodproducersguild Press release UKNFF 2020 THE 3RD EDITION CELEBRATING THE BLACK TALENTS WITHIN AFRICA AND THE NOLLYWOOD! The UK Nollywood Producers Guild will host the Film Festival Awards Night at the prestigious Crown Plaza in London Battersea The UKNFF last years winning films were Unseen Treasure for Best Short, IBI (The Birth) for Best Indigenous (Native language) Feature Film, Dear Bayo for Jury’s award and Nimbe for Best Feature Film 2019. The winning script for UKNFF 2019 was Diced. The UKNFF 2020 has increased the award categories to include Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Producer etc to give more recognition to the talents both behind and in font of the screen. Some of the guests who graced the 2nd edition last year were The Mayor of London Borough of Enfield Cllr Kate Anolue, a current Patron of the Guild, The Mayor and Speaker of London Borough of Tower Hamlet, Cllr Victoria Obaze who also received her Certificate of Patronage for the UK Nollywood Producers Guild There were various Keynote speakers such as Shantelle Rochester of IDA ROSE Productions, Dapo Oshiyemi CEO Talking Drums Film Distributions, and Dr Alistair Soyode CEO Ben Television. There were also other key guests such as Sandie Bogle from Gogle Box, Prince and Mrs Mike Abiola CEO African Voice Newspaper, Representative from YANGA TV and CEO of Trumpet Newspaper Mr Femi Okutubo, amongst others. Dr Malcolm A Benson, the President of the UK Nollywood Producers Guild in his keynote speech said “The UK Nollywood Producers Guild will continue to work with skate holders and play it’s part in bringing Nollywood Producers together, enabling and creating the platforms where ever possible in order to improve standards. UKNFF 2020 online submission platform has already opened on the FilmFreeway. The UKNFF 2020 will be held on Friday 02/10/20 during the Black History Month. We welcomes early engagement for this 3rd Edition of the film festival and call upon filmmakers to submit their films as soon as possible before the deadline. #nollywoodmoviereview #nollywood #africa #africanmovie #filmfestivals (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Q2O1AnSmK/?igshid=1rimgpvfas67z
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downordic-blog · 5 years
Hendes store aften
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Hendes store aften. DK. 1954. Rippet fra original DVD. Alt er med incl. menu og ekstramateriale. Sort/hvid film. Spilletid 1 time, 42 minutter. Undertekster paa dansk. Medvirkende: Marianne Friis Helle Virkner John Bagger Poul Reichhardt Julius Jensen Johannes Meyer Chez Madame Karin Nellemose Hr. Poul Angelo Bruun Frk. Lilly Bodil Steen Sagf. Simonsen Olaf Ussing Nimb Overtjener Poul Mⁿller Himself Ib Sch°nberg Himself Wandy Tworek Yvonne Gaby Stenberg Den gamle vicevµrt Julius Jensen (Johannes Meyer) lover telegrafbudet at aflevere et telegram til Marianne Friis (Helle Virkner). Hans tanker gσr tilbage og han mindes alt det, Marianne har vµret igennem. Pσ hendes arbejdsplads Chez Madame giver Ejeren Fru Poul ( Karin Nellemose) Marianne og den anden medarbejder Frk. Lilly (Bodil Steen) besked pσ at pynte udstillingsvinduet om og pakke de sidste varer ud, selvom det er nytσrsaften. Marianne beundrer de smukke kjoler, og i en af pakkerne finder hun sin dr°mmekjole. Lilly har en aftale og hun kan kun nσ den, hvis Marianne vil lukke og hun smutter nu. Tidligere pσ dagen har John Bagger (Poul Reichhardt) vµret i forretningen. Hans Nytσrsaftale er r°get i vasken. Han havde flirtet voldsomt med Lilly. Marianne havde han derimod ikke set. Nu vender han tilbage for at se, om Lilly stadig er i forretningen, men hun er vµk. Her finder han Marianne trist til mode og ladt alene tilbage. Hun vil hjem, for hun er meget trµt. Udenfor forretningen venter John, han inviterer hende pσ cafΘ. Han fσr en ide. De tager tilbage til forretningen. Her fσr hun lov til at vµlge lige, hvad hun har lyst til, han skal nok betale det hele. Marianne finder sin dr°mmekjole med alt tilbeh°r frem, og trµkker sig tilbage for at klµde om. John er lige kommet fra London, sσ han har kun engelske Pund. De er vant til at fσ udenlandsk valuta I forretningen sσ det er helt i orden. Da Marianne kommer frem fra omklµdningsrummet, bli'r John mildest talt forbavset "Askepot er forvandlet til en prinsesse" Den begyndende fortrolighed, der opstod pσ CafΘen, fσr nu fuld nµring. Selvom Marianne ikke er helt fortrolig i den elegante pσklµdning, f°ler hun en form for tryghed i Johns selskab. Sammen tager de pσ Restaurant Nimb. En diskret pengeseddel til inspekt°ren (Poul Mⁿller) skaffer dem bord nr. 23. De elegante omgivelser og de tσrnh°je priser pσ menukortet, er ved at tage pusten fra Marianne. Der bliver i l°bet af aftenen uddelt prµmier af konferencieren (Ib Sch°nberg) og hovedgevinsten, en s°d teddybj°rn, bliver vundet af bord nr. 23. Marianne mσ op pσ scenen og hente sin gevinst Samtidig ankommer et selskab. Fru Poul, hendes mand hr. Poul (Angelo Bruun) og deres venner sagf°rer Simonsen (Olaf Ussing) med hustru (Betty Lange). Fru Poul genkender Marianne og opdager, at hun har forretningens dyreste kjole pσ. Hun tror Marinne har stjσlet den og henvender sig til hende. Marianne fortµller, at John har k°bt og betalt, for det hun har pσ. De engelske pund har hun lagt i kassen i forretningen. Optrinet har gjort Marianne ked af det. Men John kender en kur mod mismod. I l°bet af aftenen har de drukket meget Champagne, og Marianne er ikke fri for at have en lille fjer pσ. Hr. Poul tager hen i forretningen, for at hente de mange penge, for det kan vµre risikabelt at have dem liggende ubeskyttet. Aftenen er den helt store oplevelse for Marianne. Hun svµver pσ en lille lyser°d sky. Der er dog en hage ved det hele: John skal rejse den nµste morgen. Marianne be'r ham om at blive en dag mere. Det lover han. Kl. 24.00 be'r Marianne John om at kysse hende, som om han elsker hende. For hende, er han den mand, hun altid har dr°mt om. Hun har forelsket sig dybt i John. Hr Poul har betalt sin regning med de engelske Pund, han har hentet i forretningen, men Inspekt°ren beklager dybt, pengene er falske. Det er penge tyskerne fremstillede under 2. Verdenskrig for at underminere den engelske °konomi. Hr. Poul aftaler med Simonsen, at de m°des nµste dag. Der er noget, han gerne vil tale med ham om. John f°lger Marianne hjem og mσ hjµlpe hende i seng. Det sidste hun siger, inden hun glider ind i s°vnens verden, er: öHusk nu hvad du lovedeö. John ville have rejst, men en tyk tσge forhindrer flyet i at lette. Han vender tilbage til Marianne. Senere siger hun farvel til John i DagmarhusÆ afgangshal. John letter sin samvittighed, og fortµller Marianne sandheden om de falske penge. Hun bliver fortvivlet og flygter hjem til Christianshavn. Her taler hun med den gamle vicevµrt, der σbner hendes °jne. Inden John nσr ombord, ankommer Marianne til lufthavnen. Hun kalder pσ ham, og siger at det, han har fortalt ikke µndrer noget ved hendes kµrlighed til ham. Hr. Poul er i syv sind, om han skal anmelde det hµndte til politiet. Simonsen rσder ham i at lµgge pengene i kassen igen, for hvis han melder det, vil politiet finde dem der. Marianne fjerner pengene fra kassen og putter dem i en kloak. Hr. Poul fors°ger at presse Marianne til at vµre lidt s°d overfor ham. Dette fσr hende til at forlade forretningen. Her vσgner den gamle vicevµrt op af sine dr°mmerier og banker pσ Mariannes d°r. Hun σbner telegrammet og glµdestrσlende fortµller hun Julius Jensen, at John elsker hende og be'r hende komme til Hamburg. Read the full article
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