drizzle-clan · 3 months
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DrizzleClan references!
Of the OG/Founder bunch!
Tried to simplify each design, they'll probably chop and change as they go but mwah, did these in one sitting I do not recommend
I've ran ahead a bit before starting to doodle incase there's drama, so the apprentices do have their warrior names on these!
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clangen-mishaps · 1 year
Drizzle clan's story will be filler, or maybe one of the main clans here. Its all about Quailkit for now but lets see our other cats!
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We got a nice little lineup, with a LOT of kits.
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He's handsome, but a bit clueless. An insecure leader is a bit worrying...
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Next up is our deputy. She's grumpy but she's good at mediating. Mixed with Drizzlestar's knack for teaching maybe things will go all right? Unless Drizze questions himself too much...
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Our medicine cat causes trouble? Its a good thing he's good with words. I like him.
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Limespeck, you're charismatic and good at keeping camp, but based on that status you're quite the ambitious one. I love you please don't be our Tigerstar to be.
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She DOES NOT APPROVE. If the apprentices cause trouble I can't wait to see Sunpaw and Raggedpaw up close. Responsible and a great hunter AND a good teacher.
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bUTTERFLYFUR!!! I hope she and Fringegrowl are sitting around talking bad about the apprentice cats because NEITHER OF THEM APPROVE OF YOUR MISCHIEF. Another responsible cat, who'se a good climber.
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OH SO YOU'RE A HORNY TEENAGER. Let's hope your arrogance doesn't get in the way of your GF goals.
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idk this is some pretty tame mischief. Wanting a gf and playing in dirt isn't what I expected of them.
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A little bully who wont take his meds.
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A bossy boy. I hope you cleaned those thorns up.
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An attention seeking bug eater.
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a noisy lady who annoys older cats. also...we don't have many femles in the clan do we?
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Also you are literally baby everyone's going to treat you like baby.
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wulvbonez · 10 months
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DrizzleClan pt. 1  Doing a generated clan thing, using https://perchance.org/chinchallegiance2 ! Antstar was taken in as apprentice with the former name Swift.  Her genes are as follows: ll, Bb, OY, Dd, ww, CC, ii, wbwb, AA, McMc, spsp, tata
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doggirlviscera · 1 year
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i dont like this at all why do they have chemistry why is this a thing that can happen
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eeveekitti · 1 month
why does alive moonstar have sig's forehead symbol? :0
i am SO glad you ask anon i've been waiting for this
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all the forehead marks you see on each leader design so far is actually a unique leader mark! i'm very fond of the ol star on the forehead, so i decided to take that and run with it a bit
in drizzleclan, every leader gets a specific mark upon entering starclan. this mark, given on the ninth life, is typically passed onto the next leader as a symbol of their leadership, hence why pebblestar would have moon's mark, and moonstar having sig's! so in every nine lives ceremony, the last one to give a life is always a leader for this reason. sometimes it's not the previous leader for one reason or another, as i will likely elaborate on in sig's post later today, but drizzleclan's ancestors have no shortage of leaders to pass it on.
peachstar [gourmand] also has a leader mark, but i hadn't made pebblestar's design when i drew her, so it's a teensy bit inconsistent on that front. will prob be fixing it now that i've noticed lol
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antclan-blogs · 7 months
Stoatstripe becomes a mediator. Whisperingpaw becomes a medicine cat apprentice, realising she has failed at becoming a warrior. Hushstep takes her to meet the other medicine cats.
This moon’s story under the cut!
“Are you sure they’ll like me?” Whisperingpaw asked anxiously as she and Hushstep trotted through the sparse woods towards the Moonbush. Her eyes sparkled in the evening moonlight, the worry in them clear.
“Of course they will.” Hushstep mewed firmly, giving her a comforting nudge. It was immensely difficult for him to walk the same path that he had walked so many times with Berryspot, his former apprentice whom had recently been killed by a fox. However, he had always known deep down inside that Whisperingpaw was a medicine cat at heart.
“But—but what if Starclan don’t accept me?” She fretted. “I’ve spent so long trying to become a warrior, so maybe that’s the path they chose for me at birth?”
Hushstep sighed. “Whisperingpaw, I know for a fact that you’ll be accepted by Starclan. It was very brave of you to come to me a few days ago, and they will acknowledge your courage.”
A few days prior to the half-moon meeting, Whisperingpaw had nervously asked Hushstep if she could leave her warrior training behind and join him in the medicine den. The decision had been brewing for a while, and both mentor and apprentice felt sure it was the right one. Even Mossgleam, Whisperingpaw’s previous mentor, agreed that becoming a warrior wasn’t meant for her.
“I hope they do.” Whisperingpaw murmured. “I tried so hard to be a warrior, I really did. But I’ve always known I wanted to heal.”
Hushstep nodded. “It’s a worthy path for any cat to follow. I know your littermates might give you a hard time, but every cat can see this is where you belong.”
As the experienced medicine cat uttered those words, a glimmering clump of bushes became visible round the bend and the strong scent of other clans became apparent.
“Hello?” Hushstep called as they approached the bushes. A beautiful black she-cat looked up as they arrived and purred in greeting.
“Hushstep! It’s great to see you again. We missed you at the last two meetings.” She mewed, getting to her paws and touching noses with Hushstep.
“Ah, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. I’m sure you were told at the Gatherings, but Berryspot’s death was quite difficult to bear.” He explained quietly, sounding immensely sad when he thought of his former apprentice. As if remembering suddenly, he turned to Whisperingpaw. “Ravenbloom, this is my new apprentice Whisperingpaw.”
Ravenbloom seemed to appraise the younger she-cat for a moment, before softening her gaze. “Hello, Whisperingpaw. You seem a little old to be an apprentice.” She smiled, meaning well.
“I was training to be a warrior for many moons.” Whisperingpaw explained awkwardly. “It took me far too long to realise that being a medicine cat was what I was really meant for.”
“I’m sure she’ll be wonderful.” Hushstep added. “And I hope…I hope that Berryspot would approve.”
Ravenbloom gave her fellow medicine cat a sympathetic look. “I know he would, Hushstep. Any further news of Antclan?”
Hushstep shrugged. “I believe Stoatstripe, a young warrior of ours, has decided to channel his talents into becoming a mediator.” He reported casually.
The scent coming from Ravenbloom’s glossy pelt told Whisperingpaw she was from Drizzleclan. Looking around, she spotted a large rosetted tom wandering towards them from his previous spot next to the Moonbush.
“Jaguartooth! It’s been a while, old friend.” Hushstep greeted as cheerfully as he could. Many cats were sure that the white-furred medicine cat would never fully be the same after Berryspot’s untimely departure.
“Hiya, Hushstep.” The older tom grunted, his mew hoarse. “Good to see ya. This your new apprentice?”
Hushstep nodded and brushed his pelt against Whisperingpaw’s. “Yes, this is Whisperingpaw. Is Acornleaf joining us this evening? I’m sure they’d get along.”
Jaguartooth glanced around. “Yeah, he stopped to catch a fat rabbit a while back. Should be here any mo-“
Suddenly, a skinny brown tom with ruffled fur and bright eyes burst through the trees with a massive rabbit in his jaws. “Hey, you’re here!” He called, dropping the prey and bounding over to the group of cats. “Evening, Ravenbloom and Hushstep! Who’s this?”
His gaze moved to Whisperingpaw, excitement sparking in his wide green eyes as he took in a new face. “Never seen you before. Are you Hushstep’s apprentice?”
Whisperingpaw nodded shyly. “Yes, that’s me.”
Acornleaf nodded and turned back to Hushstep. “I’m awfully sorry about Berryspot. He was a great cat, we’ll all miss him.”
Hushstep stared intently at his paws. “Yes.” He agreed solemnly. “He was brilliant. But we must move on with our lives.”
Suddenly, a rustling came from the bushes and two new cats approached the group of medicine cats. Whisperingpaw picked up their scents as being cats of Meadowclan, the last of the four clans to arrive.
“Ah, Bluewing! Here at last, and with Petalpaw too.” Ravenbloom greeted, flicking her tail merrily. “Nice to see you both.”
Petalpaw’s eyes lit up when she caught sight of Whisperingpaw. “Is that Hushstep’s new apprentice?” She asked her mentor excitedly.
Bluewing, looking tired and a little impatient, nodded. Petalpaw couldn’t have been older than seven moons, bouncing on her forepaws with shining eyes. “Cool!” She squeaked. “What’s your name? I’m Petalpaw, and one day I want to be called Petalblossom!”
Whisperingpaw blinked, trying to process the sheer energy of the young she-cat. “I-I’m Whisperingpaw. Nice to meet you.”
Bluewing thrust their tail over Petalpaw’s mouth before she could say anything else and smiled apologetically. “Sorry about her, she’s rather new to all of this. Pleasure to meet you, Whisperingpaw.”
And as the seven medicine cats began to nibble at the glimmering berries of the moonbush in preparation for their half-moon dreams, Whisperingpaw knew that this was where she was meant to be all along.
if my main girliepop whispering is happy, i’m happy
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nauroo · 1 year
Drizzleclan literally has the best named cats ever
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It said Taco Bell kept her name but I found out she actually added pounce to her name
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harem-of-dumb-blonds · 2 months
Raspy lungs (Moon 3) Part 2. END.
A patrol comes across a Drizzleclan apprentice who begs to join
Floodpaw is welcomed into the clan and given to Heavybelly to train.
Mambagaze, Loudscream, Mightystar, Heavybelly, and Hawkfeather all adopt Floodpaw as their own. She is delighted to have a whole crowd of parents.
Heavybelly starts wearing bluebells.
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More Warrior Cats OCs - this is Froststar (he/him), leader of SparkClan. 98% of his time is spent trying to keep Spottedsnow out of trouble because ze can't stop trying to solve non-existent mysteries. The other 2% is spent reassuring Myceliumstar that no, ey is not going to ruin DrizzleClan by being its leader.
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nol-listra · 4 years
Hey so I made a Warrior Cats RP Group for fun. And we are still looking for more people to join us hhh
(Many Highranks need to be filled still and boi oh boi we have a plot brewing!)
Welcome to a tale of deceit and betrayal among two ancient clans and two new ones. 
✧ OakClan - The wise and agile cats that used to call the forests their own and used to share wisdom and Strength with DrizzleClan.  ✧ 
✧ DrizzleClan - The strong and adaptable cats that used to call the lakes and rivers their own. Yet now suffer the loss of their forest territories. ✧ 
✧ SparkClan - The newly founded clan by the great lake. Fuelled by the wish for freedom of the Warrior Code and life dictated by fate. ✧ 
✧ AshClan - A clan consisting of loners,rogues and kittypets. Striving to make themselves known as equals to the so proud clans. ✧ 
✧------------------✧ Here you may paint your own tale! ✧------------------✧ 
The Clans territories are dwindling and they are in dire need of more Warriors to fend of the two new threats among them! Create your own Clancat, Rogue, Loner or Kittypet to participate in this vast tale! 
 ✧------------------✧ What we offer! ✧------------------✧ ✧ Laid back Admins and a relaxed rp for fun! ✧ The occasional Cat Design give Aways by the Admin. ✧ An open plot to jump into anytime! ✧ Roles to truly give you the feeling of being a clancat. ✧ Three new Ranks within the clans! ✧ Semi-literate Roleplays! ✧ LGBT friendly and open!
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drizzle-clan · 3 months
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Moon 0 Patrols
Piperpaw and Creekshadow are the classic "grumpy parent, excited child" trope and I love it
Also a chance to say who's apprentice to who!:
Piperpaw - Creekshadow
Boulderpaw - Havensprout
Mudpaw - Lavenderlake
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clangen-mishaps · 1 year
Rogues decimated us on a patrol
We lost 3 cats, including Drizzlestar. Sheeppaw was an apprentice, and Larchreed was missing a leg.
We lost DRIZZLESTAR. all of thier lives?
So many cats are in mourning. Its awful.
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boredzillenial · 6 years
Like warrior cats? Looking for a new rp community? Join A New Sunrise! We are a discord and minecraft rp community. Come explore the island where our clans; Sootclan, Drizzleclan, Mangroveclan, and Ridgeclan, begin their journeys. Dm me for details! You can also check out our official insta @anewsunriseig
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doggirlviscera · 1 year
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eeveekitti · 11 days
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since i never ended up finishing rw x wc art month [and didn't get to the day i MEANT to post these] hi here's gourmand's slugpups as wc apprentices!!
these were actually done like a month ago but again never got posted lol
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^ their kit drawing for reference
snailpaw is raincloud [surv]'s apprentice, and bugpaw is amberspark [arti]'s :3
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antclan-blogs · 7 months
Brookpaw’s tail was mangled by a dog. Mossgleam has heat exhaustion.
This moon’s story under the cut!
“It STINGS!” Brookpaw was howling from the medicine den, loud enough for every cat in the clan to hear. The young apprentice didn’t seem to care if it was the middle of the night now that her tail was mangled.
“I know, I know, shhhh.” Berryspot soothed, holding her flailing paws down as Hushstep carefully applied a poultice to the wounded areas.
“Stupid, stinking, fleabag of a dog!” Brookpaw cursed, writhing in pain and anger. Her day of training with Badgerdust had been rudely interrupted by the arrival of a vicious dog, who had attacked Brookpaw and managed to grab hold of her tail in its’ slobbering jaws.
“It won’t come back now. Badgerdust chased it away, remember?” Berryspot reminded her gently.
“I know.” Brookpaw snivelled. “OUCH!” She suddenly yelped and jerked back as Hushstep applied the last of the poultice and moved away.
“Oh, calm down.” Prairiepaw mewed sleepily, standing at the mouth of the den and swaying on her paws as if she’d just woken up.
“Hi Prairiepaw.” Brookpaw greeted her sister. “Also, I WON’T calm down! You don’t know how much pain I’m in!”
Prairiepaw rolled her eyes and trotted over to where Brookpaw lay in the sandy earth. “That’s a few nasty cuts you’ve got.” She remarked.
“Ya think I don’t know that?” Brookpaw mewed irritably. “I’ve kept Mossgleam awake half the night with my screeching.” She nodded in the direction of the heat-exhausted warrior, who was facing the wall and trying to send themself to sleep.
“You’ve kept the whole camp awake! Wheatpaw has been muttering about raking your pelt off all night!” Prairiepaw told her.
Brookpaw let out a whistling sigh. “The other apprentices don’t like us much, do they?”
“Not at all. They think we’re spoiled, because our mother is clan leader.”
“It’s not our fault we were born!” Brookpaw mewed indignantly. “What else do they say?”
“That we’re all more annoying than the other clans combined, and that I never shut up.” Prairiepaw told her littermate matter-of-factly. “Don’t listen to them, though. They’re just jealous.”
“Hmph. I forgot how mean apprentices can be.” Berryspot sighed. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They all had the chance to become a little gang, and you’re like the newbies. Soon they’ll warm up to you.”
“Were other cats apprentices at the same time as you?” Brookpaw asked Berryspot as he fussed around at her tail.
“Glademoss and Stoatstripe, but we weren’t close. I was older, and a medicine apprentice. Besides, they were the best of friends in their apprenticeship. Wasn’t much room for me.” Berryspot explained. He didn’t sound sad, as such, more accepting.
“So who were you friends with? Didn’t you have any brothers or sisters?” Prairiepaw asked, frowning. She couldn’t imagine a life without her littermates, or even the other apprentices.
“I don’t know.” Berryspot answered truthfully. “Antclan is all I’ve ever known. I came here when I was just a newborn kit.”
“Where were you before?” Brookpaw ventured, still shifting uncomfortably.
“DrizzleClan. That’s where my mother was, the daughter of Rivernose.”
“Rivernose had kits?” Prairiepaw gaped, looking a little too surprised.
“I suppose so.” Berryspot shrugged, looking uncomfortable. “I don’t like talking about it much, and neither does he. All I know is that he and a few other cats were exiled for something or other, and he took me with him.”
The two apprentices exchanged glances and shrugged. Not many of the founding members of Antclan much enjoyed talking about their pasts, as they were often rather uncomfortable to remember. The apprentices had soon learned to let them recount things in their own time.
“Well, I suppose I’ll let you heal.” Prairiepaw sighed. “Cedarpaw said we could practise battle moves in the clearing.”
Brookpaw nodded, knowing that Cedarpaw was the nicest out of all the other apprentices due to his shy and kind nature. “Ok. I’ll see you later, Prairiepaw!”
“Bye, Brookpaw!”
cant wait until all the apps are warriors and they start getting crushes it’s gonna be so dramatic
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