#Engagement Rings in Glendale
diamondringsinencino · 6 months
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Crime Wave
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Andre de Toth’s CRIME WAVE (1954, TCM, YouTube) doesn’t look like any other Warner Bros. film of its period. A large part of that is a result of de Toth’s shooting almost entirely on location in Los Angeles, Burbank and Glendale and his use of non-professionals in small roles. That gives the film a documentary feel. But he also has a distinctive visual style, with striking compositions and telling details. At one point ex-con Gene Nelson has just gotten a middle-of the night phone call from a former jail mate who’s in trouble. Later police detective Sterling Hayden calls, and de Toth cuts to a close shot of the phone ringing. It’s notable that the light is still on, suggesting that Nelson and wife Phyllis Kirk haven’t been sleeping since the previous call. Nelson’s hand reaches into frame to pick up the phone, and Kirk grabs him. Only her hand is visible, but the wedding ring is prominent as she tells him not to let the call interrupt them.
It's a good thing de Toth has a strong visual sense and a good hand at directing actors, because the script isn’t all that exciting and promises more than it delivers. Three ex-cons (including Charles Buchinsky, later Bronson) who had done time with Nelson are engaged in a crime spree and need his help to pull off a bank job and escape to Mexico. Meanwhile, Hayden is pressuring Evans to keep him informed should he hear from them, even if it puts Evans and his wife in danger. It’s all pretty much by the numbers, but it moves fast and looks great. The cast is very good, and Evans and Bronson wear tight shirts, which adds a definite visual appeal (those into women aren’t as well served; Kirk is attractive but rather modest). The cast also features Ted Corsia as the criminal boss, Ned Young (who would later co-write THE DEFIANT ONES) as a wounded crook, Jay Novello as a doctor-turned-compassionate vet, Dub Taylor as a talkative gas station attendant, Iris Adrian and a lot of mascara as Bronson’s ex-, Timothy Carey as a demented crook who can steal scenes even when out of focus and the voice of Evans’ frequent co-star Doris Day on the radio at the start.
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frontproofmedia · 3 months
Seniesa Estrada vs. Yokasta Valle: Undisputed Showdown in Glendale
EAST LOS ANGELES, Calif. (March 13, 2024) —Seniesa “Super Bad” Estrada understands the stakes as she approaches the biggest fight of her career. The WBC/WBA/Ring Magazine minimumweight world champion is one victory away from becoming the undisputed champion, one of the few accolades she has yet to achieve during a decorated 13-year professional career.
Estrada (25-0, 9 KOs), from East Los Angeles, will face longtime rival Yokasta Valle (30-2, 9 KOs), the reigning IBF and WBO champion, on Friday, March 29 at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Arizona. The undisputed showdown and clash of pound-for-pound queens will serve as the co-feature to the 12-round junior lightweight main event between former two-weight world champion Oscar Valdez and one-time world title challenger Liam Wilson.
Valdez-Wilson & Estrada-Valle headline a stacked card streaming live and exclusively in the U.S. on ESPN+. Promoted by Top Rank, in association with No Limit Boxing, tickets are on sale now via Ticketmaster.com.
Estrada and Valle have engaged in verbal back-and-forth on social media over the years, which carried over to last month's announcement press conference in Las Vegas. Valle's trainer, Gloria Alvarado, trained Estrada as an amateur. Valle's current promoter, Golden Boy Promotions, guided Estrada for several years. Despite a shared history, the rivalry is anything but friendly. 
Following a recent training session, this is what Estrada had to say:
 “Becoming an undisputed champion is something I’ve been chasing and wanting for a very long time. I can’t wait for March 29.”
 “You can’t let any of the emotions or anger from the past get to you. I’ve been in fights before where I was able to experience that. In my fight with Marlen Esparza, there was a huge rivalry between us. It all came down to who was going to stay mentally focused and stick to the game plan with all the tension leading up to the fight. This fight means even more because it’s for undisputed.”
 “{During the kickoff press conference}, I was there for business. I wasn’t there to be friendly. This is the biggest fight of both of our careers. In all her interviews and Tweets, she always said I was ducking and afraid to fight her. But during the faceoff, I didn’t hear her say any of that, so that wasn’t expected.”
 “I know I want this more than she does. I know she’s going to go in there and put up the fight of her life. And she wants it badly, too, but I want it more. I’ve been doing this since I was 8 years old.”
 “Undisputed is in my head all day, from when I wake up in the morning until I go to bed. All day long, whether I’m driving or at the gym, undisputed is on my mind 24/7. That’s the way it has to be. You have to live, think, and breathe undisputed until my hands are raised and those belts are around me on March 29.”
Photo credit: Top Rank Boxing
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clarklovescarole · 1 year
November 1937: Birds birds birds
November 1, 1937 – The Philadelphia Inquirer 
Gallery of Snapshots of Film Stars
Carole Lombard helping Clark Gable move and get settled in his new ranch house.
November 2, 1937 – Miami Tribune
Clark Gable has been busy designing clothes for Alice Marble, who is a friend of Clark’s girl friend Carole Lombard. 
November 4, 1937 – The Evening News
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Charlie McCarthy, who admits that he’s Clark Gable’s biggest rival in Hollywood, met Gable for the first time when they appeared on the air together from the NBC Studios. 
“So you’re Clark Gable!” said the diminutive man-about-town.
“Yes, Charlie, and I admire you very much,” said Gable, while Carole Lombard looked on.
“I don’t blame you, Clark, so do I,” modestly replied McCarthy.
“You’ve been quite a success at this Casanova business, Charlie,” said Gable, “tell me your secret and I’ll tell you mine.” 
“Would Lombard tell Dietrich?” was Charlie’s swift retort.
Despite their rivalry over Miss Lombard’s friendship, Gable and McCarthy parted the best of friends.
“You know, Carole, I’ve really wanted to meet that nipper very much,” said Gable, who engaged in the duel with the dummy over objections of some of his closest advisers, as he left the studios with Miss Lombard. “He’s really great.”
November 6, 1937 – The Pittsburgh Press
Hollywood Queens List Their Dislikes in Evaluating The Male Brute
By Alexander Kahn
How to be popular with the fairer – and more critical – sex is available to the masculine public as a result of a studio survey which uncovered the pet dislikes of some of Hollywood’s brightest feminine luminaries.
The first lesson comes from Carole Lombard, blond star of Paramount’s “True Confession.” Miss Lombard’s true confession about men is that she can’t abide dark-bordered fingernails and unshined shoes. She doesn’t care if his suit is a hand-me-down if his shoes are shined and his nails clean.
November 9, 1937 – The Gazette
Snapshots of Hollywood 
Clark Gable and Carole Lombard stopping to talk to Tyrone Power before the preview of “Second Honeymoon” and causing a near stampede of autograph moochers.
November 14, 1937 – San Francisco Examiner
A group of youngsters had the surprise of their lives Saturday night. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable attended a preview of Walter Lang’s “Second Honeymoon” at Glendale. The persistent autograph seekers were out in full force and two of them chased Clark Gable right up to the theater door. Suddenly, wheeling around, Clark held out a piece of paper to the smallest youngster and said, “Here, autograph this for me!” The boy was so surprised he let his quarry escape.
November 17, 1937 – The Morning Post
Clark Gable only spending two days hunting and that’s because Carole Lombard couldn’t go with him…
November 17, 1937 – Courier Post
Mrs. Clark Gable, now in our midst, says she will give him a divorce any time “he asks for it.”
November 18, 1937 – The Morning Post
No wonder Carole Lombard woke up with a sore throat and a headache today after all Tuesday’s excitement. Her telephone never stopped ringing after the preview of “True Confessions,” which rates not only stars but planets for its comedy perfection and for Carole’s performance. Shortly before the preview Clark Gable appeared with a flock of pheasants he had bagged, and then, to make the evening complete, Carole’s pet dachshund, Queenie, presented her mistress with ten little dachshunds. Queenie’s no piker, and she wasn’t going to let Stu Erwin’s Drambuie, who has nine puppies, outdo her.
November 20, 1937 – Morning World
Clark Gable has been seen snooping around jewelry stores for Christmas shopping for trinkets suitable to adorn a blond answering to the description of Carole Lombard…
November 25, 1937 – Boston Globe
Clark Gable bought a ranch in San Fernando Valley (and they do say Carole Lombard is going halves with him). He is breeding horses and also pigeons – of all things. Reminds me, Irene Rich is buying a rabbit farm, and preparing to put up what she calls a “shack!”
November 25, 1937 – Oakland Tribune
Carole Lombard will serve a turkey at home to her mother, her secretary Fieldsie, and Clark Gable.
November 29, 1937 – Harrisburg Telegraph
By Ed Sullivan
If Clark Gable plays Rhett Butler, make a small bet that his Carole Lombard will play Scarlett O’Hara!
November 30, 1937 – The Gazette
Carole Lombard wearing boots that almost came to her shoulders on a Sunday duck hunting expedition with Clark Gable; the number of birds bagged is still a secret from their closest friends.
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tessisawriter · 5 years
The Next Step (Clayton Keller)
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Request (anonymous): 24 and 33 w/ Clayton Keller
Warnings: A few sexually suggestive comments
Word Count: 1.8k
“Yes!” you said a little too loudly as your boyfriend, Clayton scored the overtime goal and secured a win for the Arizona Coyotes. Everyone in the classroom looked at you, and you quickly closed the tab that had the NHL tracker on it.
“Miss Y/LN? Is there something you would like to share with the class?” Your professor said from the front of the room.
“N-no sir,” you stammered.
He shook his head before continuing the lesson. You looked at the clock on your laptop: only five more minutes until you were free from your awful night class.
Your best friend Nicole, whose pen had laid slack on her notebook for at least a half hour, started writing urgently on a page and turned it towards you.
“Did they win?” it said.
You took the pen out of her hand and wrote back: “Yes, Clay in OT.”
She smiled, took the pen out of your hand again, and wrote, “Can’t wait to go out tonight. The usual place?” You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, which thankfully went unheard by your peers this time, and nodded.
“All right, class, next time we’ll talk about the stock market,” your professor announced, and you closed your laptop, shoved it in your bag, and jumped out of your seat. Nicole was right behind you as you scurried out of the classroom and towards the front door.
“Ugh, that was the most boring lecture yet!” you lamented as the two of you exited the building and started walking towards your car. “Why did we have to get stuck with an 8-10PM lecture?”
“Because we’re cursed,” Nicole muttered, and you laughed in response.
Your phone started to ring, and you didn’t even have to look at the screen to know it was Clayton.
“Hey, babe, great game!” you said. “And you scored the OT goal—I’m so proud of you!”
You heard Clayton chuckle on the other line. “Thanks, babe. I’m guessing you watched it on your laptop during class?”
You sighed while opening the door to the passenger’s seat of your car, Nicole already heading for the driver’s seat. She knew without even asking that you wanted to talk to Clayton. You buckled your seatbelt, gave Nicole the keys to your car, and put the phone on speaker before replying, “Guilty.”
“Babe, I love when you watch my games, but school is important.”
“But the class is so boring, and it’s late at night! Why pay attention when I can watch you?” you said as Nicole pulled out of the parking lot.
“Because you want to pass the class, right?” Clayton replied.
You gave a noncommittal grumble in response, but he laughed, knowing that you did indeed want to pass.
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble, Y/N, especially not because of me. One of these days, your professor is going to catch you and confiscate your laptop.”
“She almost got caught today,” Nicole butted in, and you glared at her for ratting you out.
You heard Clayton sigh on the other line. “Please be careful, Y/N.”
“I will! I’ll be more careful, I promise,” you said before changing the subject. “So, everyone’s going out to celebrate, right?”
“Yeah, at the usual place. Are you and Nicole meeting us there?”
“Yep, we’re already on our way.”
“You’re not driving, are you?” Clayton asked, panic in his voice.
You rolled your eyes. Clayton meant well, but he was so overprotective. “Of course not! Do you think I want to get in an accident?”
“Well, considering that you almost got caught in class today watching my game…”
“Come on, Clay, you know me: I’m responsible, especially around cars,” you asserted.
“I know,” he replied. “So I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in ten. Love you!”
“Love you, too,” Clayton replied before you hung up the phone.
“God, you guys are too cute,” Nicole said. “You even argue like an old married couple.”
“We do not!” you protested.
She giggled and stopped the car at the red light before putting her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying, Y/N, you guys are the only couple I know that I think will last past graduation.”
You smiled. You had been dating Clayton for over two years now, and your relationship was completely solid. All of your friends kept saying they thought he would propose after graduation next spring, and although you dismissed them whenever they brought it up, you secretly hoped he would. If someone had told you five years ago that you would want to get married at twenty-two, you would’ve laughed and said they were crazy, but everything changed when you met Clayton. You loved him and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, and now that Clayton had signed an eight-year extension with the Coyotes, it felt like the timing was right.
“You’ve got that look on your face,” Nicole said with a knowing smile.
“What look?” you asked, startled.
“The look you get whenever you think about Clayton,” she said. “I’ve never seen you look so happy as you do when he’s on your mind.” Nicole was your best friend since you were in elementary school in Glendale, and you lived together in an apartment while going to college in Phoenix. When you first met Clayton and told her about him, she was initially wary, worried that as a hockey player, he would break your heart, but she quickly changed her mind.
“Really?” you said.
“Really. You get all googly-eyed and smile really big,” Nicole confirmed. “I’m not supposed to say anything, but Clayton’s going to ask you to move in with him tonight. And before you say no,” she added, noticing that you had already opened your mouth to speak, “I’m totally fine with it. My parents said they’ll pay the rent for this year.”
“Are you sure?” Clayton already asked you to move in with him last year, but you didn’t want to leave your best friend behind. She had always been there for you, and you refused to abandon her. With that said, you did want to live with Clayton for a while before getting engaged: it seemed logical for that to be the next step in your relationship.
“Positive. You’re my best friend, and I want to see you happy. Clayton does that,” she said as she pulled into a parking space that happened to be open right next to the club and put the car in park. “And we’re here.”
“Thanks, Nicki,” you said, reaching over to give her a hug. Only you were allowed to call her Nicki; if anyone else tried, they had a death wish.
“Of course,” she replied. “Now let’s get in there and find your man!”
You giggled as you got out of the car and closed the door. Nicole met you on the curb, and you wrapped your arm around her as you walked into the club.
When you arrived in the VIP area, you saw the boys were already drinking quite a bit.
“Hey, it’s Y/N and Nicki!” Jakob Chychrun shouted. You looked over at Nicole, thinking she was going to kick his ass, but she blushed and smiled at him.
“Hi, Jake,” you said to the tall blonde boy in front of you. “Where’s Clay?”
“Actually, I have no…”
Someone’s hands started tickling your sides, and you cut Jakob off with a scream. You turned around to find Clayton standing behind you. “You scared me!” you said.
“Sorry, babe, I saw an opportunity and had to take it.”
“You’re not sorry,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re right: I’m not,” he replied, leaning in to kiss you on the lips.
“Hey Nicki, do you want something to drink?” Jakob asked your best friend. While you were still in Clayton’s arms, you pulled away from the kiss and leaned your head on his shoulder in order to eavesdrop on their conversation. Jakob had a crush on Nicole for a while now, and she felt the same way about him. You were hoping he was going to finally make a move.
“I can’t drink tonight. I’m the DD,” she said.
“Okay, wanna dance instead, then?”
“Sure.” Nicole was absolutely beaming when she took Jakob’s hand, and you winked at her before she turned away.
“Yay!” you cheered when they were far enough away to not hear you.
Clayton laughed. “God, stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Nothing. I just love how much you support Nicole,” he said while wrapping his arms around your lower waist, his hands resting on your hips.
You blushed at the contact. “Are you trying to seduce me?” you asked.
“Why, is it working?” he smirked.
“You know it is!” you said, laughing before schooling your face to take on a serious expression. “But I wanted to ask you something.”
“What is it, babe?” Clayton asked, a look of concern flashing across his face.
“It’s nothing bad, it’s just…Nicole said on the way over that you were going to ask me to move in with you.”
Clayton sighed. “Ugh, she wasn’t supposed to tell you! I should never have told her.”
“Actually, I’m glad you did,” you said. “The only thing that was holding me back from moving in with you last year was Nicole—I didn’t want to abandon her. But now that I know her parents are going to take care of the rent, I can rest easy.”
“Are you saying that you’ll move in with me?” Clayton asked, a grin slowly overtaking his face.
“Yes,” you replied, and Clayton picked you up and spun you around a few times before putting you down.
“Let’s go back to my…I mean, our place,” Clayton said, still grinning.
“Definitely, let me just tell Nicole we’re…” Your eyes landed on Nicole and Jakob making out on the dance floor. “On second thought,” you giggled, “I’ll text her. I don’t want to ruin the moment.”
Clayton looked over and chuckled. “Good idea. Thank God he made a move, I was getting real tired of ‘Nicole this, Nicole that,’” he said, mimicking Jakob.
You laughed. “All right, let’s get out of here. Do you need me to call an Uber?”
“Nah, I already called for one about five minutes ago; they should be here any minute,” Clayton said.
You smacked him lightly on the arm. “A little presumptuous, are we?” you joked.
“My team just won a game, my girlfriend looks absolutely gorgeous, and she agreed to move in with me. I think we both know where this night is headed,” he said.
“Oh my God, Clay! Your mom would wash your mouth out with soap if she heard you say that,” you giggled.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Clayton said with a blasé tone, and you grabbed his hand and made your way out of the club.
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finejewelry · 4 years
Diamond Engagement Rings Phoenix Arizona
Shop Top quality, best prices Diamond Engagement Rings at Pueblo Jewelers with easy financing in the Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Glendale, Avondale, Arizona
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About Leana!
Leana Noelle Macfadden was born on February 13, 1982 in Long Beach, CA, but raised in the town of Glendale, CA. Leana’s heritage consists of Latina, Scottish. Leana’s parents split up when she was very young. But her mom got re-married a few years after, and when Leana was 5, her sister Alexis was born. When Leana was 11, Lauren was born. Leana is very close to both of her sisters, although she’s claimed that Alexis is more like her best friend. Leana’s sisters have a different father than her, but they have the same mother, making them only half-sisters to Le. Leana attended Glendale High School and graduated in 1999. In high school, Leana participated in several extra-curricular activities, such as yearbook committee, varsity song, class council, drama, and cheer leading. Leana had always thought she was a smart girl, having won a spelling-bee in elementary school, but believes that middle-school had made her go stupid. Shortly after high school, Leana started university at the UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles. Here, she studied Psychology. University became harder to afford after a couple years, so when Leana was 21, she got involved with her side-project, Teen Topanga to afford the rest of her tuition. Topanga was only a temporary job, and only for her education; she does not like to talk about this time in her life. In 2005, Leana started working at a bar in Huntington Beach, CA called Beer Nutz Sports Grill. Here, she met many amazing co-workers who became her close friends, who are still her friends today. She also met her fiance, James Owen Sullivan, (Jimmy) “The Rev” (Drummer in the band Avenged Sevenfold) here, as a customer. Leana and Jimmy started dating around the time of September 2005 and got engaged in 2006. Leana says when he proposed, she felt like rainbow sprinkles. Together, Jimmy and Leana owned a condo in Huntington Beach, although Leana also had her own home at the time as well, in Glendale, she stayed here while the band went on tour. When Leana started dating Jimmy, to avoid papparazzi, she went by the name “Leana Silver”. Their wedding was scheduled for July 2010, but Jimmy had passed away on December 29, 2009, due to heart failure. Jimmy died young, but before that, in 2008, he fulfilled one of his life dreams. Him and Leana went sky-diving in San Diego and had an amazing time! Leana’s place of work, Beer Nutz closed down in 2008, and in 2007, Leana took on another job as a retail store manager, working alongside with her sister Alexis as the assistant manager, this store was called Chip & Pepper. Chip and Pepper closed in Summer 2009, and after that, Alexis moved on to bigger companies, and is now a store manager of her own. Alexis attended the UCLA as well, and also the Fashion Institute of Design. Leana describes her relationship with her sister Alexis as “best friends, bumble-bumble”. Leana is full-grown and stands at a height of 5'2" and a half. She likes being short. Her shoe size is 7, and she’s got big, brown eyes. Currently, Le has 12 different tattoos on her body, some of which include “Fiction’s Wife” on her lower right arm, and the red and green unicorn on her upper right arm. As well as “JAMES” tattooed across her engagement finger, matching with Jimmy who had “LEANA” on his. Also matching with Jimmy, they both had a number on their right hand symbolizing something personal between the two of them, and on the right hand, they both, and a friend, Jered, all have two crossed swords with a bottle behind them, normally two crossed swords means going to war with your enemies, but with the additional bottle, the meaning behind this tattoo is forgiving your enemies. Leana also has a crossed swords and bottle tattoo on her lower stomach. Leana has a barracuda on her upper back, which is an inside joke between her and a friend. On her chest, she has written: Whatever you are, Be a good one. Matching with another friend. Leana has “Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem” across her feet, which means “Seize the day, Seize the night” which always makes her feel better whenever she looks down at it. She also has another tattoo on her lower stomach, one on her wrist, and one behind her ear. For piercings, Leana has her ears, helix, and belly button done. She used to have a tongue ring but she had taken it out. She used to smoke cigarettes, but quit. Her favorite alcohol is Jack Daniel’s, and her favorite non-alcoholic drink is strawberry-kiwi in milk. She loves adding pickles, black olives, and salt to ANY food. Leana is not a model, or actress. She used to dream of becoming an actress, but after her experience with the fame Avenged Sevenfold gave her, she decided to refrain from becoming any more “famous”. She just wants to be a “normal girl” now. Leana’s favorite color is purple, she loves to dye her hair, and she loves animals. She has no children, but however, she does have 3 pets. A bearded dragon, rabbit, and a tabby cat, she says her pets ARE her children. Leana loves a good party, she can be described as friendly, enthusiastic, optimistic, encouraging, and as a daredevil or “fire ball”. Leana is still a child at heart, and she says being with Jimmy taught her never to take life for-granted, and to appreciate all the little things life has to offer. She loves her life, and everyone in it. When she sees random people, she always gives a smile or a friendly hello, because she believes even the slightest good deed could make someone’s entire day better, you could say this girl has a heart of gold. She doesn’t want to be known as Leana Silver, OR “Topanga” anymore. She just wants to be Leana Noelle Macfadden, and she wants to be normal.
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crocodilliantears · 3 years
What can say better about your feelings than a ring? As a symbol of infinity, it confirms that your feeling is strong and unshakable. That is why no wedding celebration is complete without rings. By exchanging these ornaments, the newlyweds seal their destinies forever, becoming one. You can find your engagement ring in jewelry stores glendale Preparation for the holiday of love necessarily includes the choice and purchase of wedding rings by the bride and groom. Before buying, each couple asks themselves the question: “How to choose the right ring size?”.
There are two ways to determine the size:
Find out with the help of existing rings.
Find out with a thread and a millimeter ruler.
To do this, wrap the ring finger of the right hand with a thread and attach the resulting segment to the ruler. The number of millimeters obtained will be the size of the ring. Even if you know your size perfectly well and are confident in it, it will not be superfluous to check it again. This procedure will not take much time, and you will buy a really convenient decoration. An engagement ring is a product that you will wear all your life, so take care not only of its beauty but also of your comfort.
There are several other parameters that are of great importance when buying a ring for a wedding ceremony. To find your product, decide:
What metal will the decoration be made of? Classic lovers will prefer gold. Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality, on the website of fine jewelry glendale  they will be able to find products made of 950-grade platinum.
What color would you prefer? Delicate white, exquisite yellow, hot red-choose the shade that best reflects your temperament.
Will there be inserts? You can buy plain smooth rings, you can-a decoration that combines several metals. For those who strive for originality and uniqueness, products with precious or semi-precious stones are suitable.
Will the rings be the same? Previously, it was considered traditional to buy the same wedding rings for a husband and wife. This tradition has remained even today. If there is a desire to observe the rituals and use the rings to show that you are a single whole, feel free to buy the same jewelry. However, it is not necessary that the rings are paired. They can be different, as a manifestation of your inner world and individuality, but complementary, as a symbol of love and unity.
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Jewelry stores glendale
Any piece of jewelry eventually loses its original appearance and beauty, needs cleaning and updating. If you notice that the wedding ring no longer looks as beautiful as after the purchase, you should think about its restoration. If it just turned dark, you can clean it at home with a soap solution, ammonia or soda. If there are scratches, damage or it has lost its shape, contact a jewelry workshop.
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diamondringsinencino · 6 months
Brilliant Lab Diamond Ring for The Timeless Bride
For brides who are looking for engagement rings that are classic, sentimental, and stunning, Lab diamond rings in Chatsworth, CA are the ideal choice. These rings are highly sought-after by royalty and celebrities and come in a range of styles and designs to suit every choice.
Lab rings represent love, loyalty, and friendship making it the perfect choice for your big day.
Reasons to love Lab diamonds
One of the main reasons why a lot of brides tend to prefer Engagement Rings In Glendale, CA is that it offers them a lot of creative freedom. Instead of picking diamonds for all Lab gemstones, you can pick two sapphires and a diamond or a sapphire, ruby, and a diamond for added appeal.
Most brides prefer to set these rings in yellow gold or platinum for a bold and stunning feel or rose gold for a feminine and romantic look. Just keep in mind that if you are picking all three diamonds for your gemstones, ensure that the clarity and grade of your diamonds are all the same.
Along with your Lab Diamonds In Beverly Hills, CA you can even set your band with smaller diamonds for added shine. However, most brides prefer to keep their band simple so that the beauty of their gemstones stands out and shines.
Three-stone diamonds allow you to incorporate your own added flair and style into the piece and create something that you adore wearing daily.
Ensure that you look for metals like platinum and yellow gold and gemstones like diamonds, rubies, and sapphires that are tough, durable, and can easily weather daily wear and tear.
You can also opt for a two-tone band of platinum and rose gold and set two ice-blue sapphires with a single diamond for a gorgeous feel or look for a band set with amethysts and a single diamond for a magical shimmer and vibrant appeal.
In Conclusion
Caring for your band is very important and you need to take your piece to a professional jeweler every couple of months to clean, repair, and maintain it so that it looks new and shiny for years to come.
Also avoid exposing your ring to any household chemicals, abrasives, and harsh detergents, and always store it safely away when cleaning, cooking, gardening, swimming, showering, or heading out for any activities so that it remains in a good condition for a long time.
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matthewnancyusa · 2 years
You must check out the CZ Jewelry store in the USA if you are searching for Best Jewelry Store Near Me. They deal in all Cubic Zirconia jewelry, from rings, earrings, and bracelets.
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tobix-the-arts · 3 years
What can say better about your feelings than a ring? As a symbol of infinity, it confirms that your feeling is strong and unshakable. That is why no wedding celebration is complete without rings. By exchanging these ornaments, the newlyweds seal their destinies forever, becoming one. You can find your engagement ring in jewelry stores glendale Preparation for the holiday of love necessarily includes the choice and purchase of wedding rings by the bride and groom. Before buying, each couple asks themselves the question: “How to choose the right ring size?”.
There are two ways to determine the size:
Find out with the help of existing rings.
Find out with a thread and a millimeter ruler.
To do this, wrap the ring finger of the right hand with a thread and attach the resulting segment to the ruler. The number of millimeters obtained will be the size of the ring. Even if you know your size perfectly well and are confident in it, it will not be superfluous to check it again. This procedure will not take much time, and you will buy a really convenient decoration. An engagement ring is a product that you will wear all your life, so take care not only of its beauty but also of your comfort.
There are several other parameters that are of great importance when buying a ring for a wedding ceremony. To find your product, decide:
What metal will the decoration be made of? Classic lovers will prefer gold. Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality, on the website of fine jewelry glendale  they will be able to find products made of 950-grade platinum.
What color would you prefer? Delicate white, exquisite yellow, hot red-choose the shade that best reflects your temperament.
Will there be inserts? You can buy plain smooth rings, you can-a decoration that combines several metals. For those who strive for originality and uniqueness, products with precious or semi-precious stones are suitable.
Will the rings be the same? Previously, it was considered traditional to buy the same wedding rings for a husband and wife. This tradition has remained even today. If there is a desire to observe the rituals and use the rings to show that you are a single whole, feel free to buy the same jewelry. However, it is not necessary that the rings are paired. They can be different, as a manifestation of your inner world and individuality, but complementary, as a symbol of love and unity.
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Jewelry stores glendale
Any piece of jewelry eventually loses its original appearance and beauty, needs cleaning and updating. If you notice that the wedding ring no longer looks as beautiful as after the purchase, you should think about its restoration. If it just turned dark, you can clean it at home with a soap solution, ammonia or soda. If there are scratches, damage or it has lost its shape, contact a jewelry workshop.
from firstmedicineblog https://ift.tt/3hvplB3 via IFTTT
0 notes
kai-the-spiderling · 3 years
What can say better about your feelings than a ring? As a symbol of infinity, it confirms that your feeling is strong and unshakable. That is why no wedding celebration is complete without rings. By exchanging these ornaments, the newlyweds seal their destinies forever, becoming one. You can find your engagement ring in jewelry stores glendale Preparation for the holiday of love necessarily includes the choice and purchase of wedding rings by the bride and groom. Before buying, each couple asks themselves the question: “How to choose the right ring size?”.
There are two ways to determine the size:
Find out with the help of existing rings.
Find out with a thread and a millimeter ruler.
To do this, wrap��the ring finger of the right hand with a thread and attach the resulting segment to the ruler. The number of millimeters obtained will be the size of the ring. Even if you know your size perfectly well and are confident in it, it will not be superfluous to check it again. This procedure will not take much time, and you will buy a really convenient decoration. An engagement ring is a product that you will wear all your life, so take care not only of its beauty but also of your comfort.
There are several other parameters that are of great importance when buying a ring for a wedding ceremony. To find your product, decide:
What metal will the decoration be made of? Classic lovers will prefer gold. Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality, on the website of fine jewelry glendale  they will be able to find products made of 950-grade platinum.
What color would you prefer? Delicate white, exquisite yellow, hot red-choose the shade that best reflects your temperament.
Will there be inserts? You can buy plain smooth rings, you can-a decoration that combines several metals. For those who strive for originality and uniqueness, products with precious or semi-precious stones are suitable.
Will the rings be the same? Previously, it was considered traditional to buy the same wedding rings for a husband and wife. This tradition has remained even today. If there is a desire to observe the rituals and use the rings to show that you are a single whole, feel free to buy the same jewelry. However, it is not necessary that the rings are paired. They can be different, as a manifestation of your inner world and individuality, but complementary, as a symbol of love and unity.
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Jewelry stores glendale
Any piece of jewelry eventually loses its original appearance and beauty, needs cleaning and updating. If you notice that the wedding ring no longer looks as beautiful as after the purchase, you should think about its restoration. If it just turned dark, you can clean it at home with a soap solution, ammonia or soda. If there are scratches, damage or it has lost its shape, contact a jewelry workshop.
0 notes
avevosetedilui · 3 years
What can say better about your feelings than a ring? As a symbol of infinity, it confirms that your feeling is strong and unshakable. That is why no wedding celebration is complete without rings. By exchanging these ornaments, the newlyweds seal their destinies forever, becoming one. You can find your engagement ring in jewelry stores glendale Preparation for the holiday of love necessarily includes the choice and purchase of wedding rings by the bride and groom. Before buying, each couple asks themselves the question: “How to choose the right ring size?”.
There are two ways to determine the size:
Find out with the help of existing rings.
Find out with a thread and a millimeter ruler.
To do this, wrap the ring finger of the right hand with a thread and attach the resulting segment to the ruler. The number of millimeters obtained will be the size of the ring. Even if you know your size perfectly well and are confident in it, it will not be superfluous to check it again. This procedure will not take much time, and you will buy a really convenient decoration. An engagement ring is a product that you will wear all your life, so take care not only of its beauty but also of your comfort.
There are several other parameters that are of great importance when buying a ring for a wedding ceremony. To find your product, decide:
What metal will the decoration be made of? Classic lovers will prefer gold. Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality, on the website of fine jewelry glendale  they will be able to find products made of 950-grade platinum.
What color would you prefer? Delicate white, exquisite yellow, hot red-choose the shade that best reflects your temperament.
Will there be inserts? You can buy plain smooth rings, you can-a decoration that combines several metals. For those who strive for originality and uniqueness, products with precious or semi-precious stones are suitable.
Will the rings be the same? Previously, it was considered traditional to buy the same wedding rings for a husband and wife. This tradition has remained even today. If there is a desire to observe the rituals and use the rings to show that you are a single whole, feel free to buy the same jewelry. However, it is not necessary that the rings are paired. They can be different, as a manifestation of your inner world and individuality, but complementary, as a symbol of love and unity.
Tumblr media
Jewelry stores glendale
Any piece of jewelry eventually loses its original appearance and beauty, needs cleaning and updating. If you notice that the wedding ring no longer looks as beautiful as after the purchase, you should think about its restoration. If it just turned dark, you can clean it at home with a soap solution, ammonia or soda. If there are scratches, damage or it has lost its shape, contact a jewelry workshop.
from firstmedicineblog https://ift.tt/3hvplB3 via IFTTT
0 notes
What can say better about your feelings than a ring? As a symbol of infinity, it confirms that your feeling is strong and unshakable. That is why no wedding celebration is complete without rings. By exchanging these ornaments, the newlyweds seal their destinies forever, becoming one. You can find your engagement ring in jewelry stores glendale Preparation for the holiday of love necessarily includes the choice and purchase of wedding rings by the bride and groom. Before buying, each couple asks themselves the question: “How to choose the right ring size?”.
There are two ways to determine the size:
Find out with the help of existing rings.
Find out with a thread and a millimeter ruler.
To do this, wrap the ring finger of the right hand with a thread and attach the resulting segment to the ruler. The number of millimeters obtained will be the size of the ring. Even if you know your size perfectly well and are confident in it, it will not be superfluous to check it again. This procedure will not take much time, and you will buy a really convenient decoration. An engagement ring is a product that you will wear all your life, so take care not only of its beauty but also of your comfort.
There are several other parameters that are of great importance when buying a ring for a wedding ceremony. To find your product, decide:
What metal will the decoration be made of? Classic lovers will prefer gold. Those who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality, on the website of fine jewelry glendale  they will be able to find products made of 950-grade platinum.
What color would you prefer? Delicate white, exquisite yellow, hot red-choose the shade that best reflects your temperament.
Will there be inserts? You can buy plain smooth rings, you can-a decoration that combines several metals. For those who strive for originality and uniqueness, products with precious or semi-precious stones are suitable.
Will the rings be the same? Previously, it was considered traditional to buy the same wedding rings for a husband and wife. This tradition has remained even today. If there is a desire to observe the rituals and use the rings to show that you are a single whole, feel free to buy the same jewelry. However, it is not necessary that the rings are paired. They can be different, as a manifestation of your inner world and individuality, but complementary, as a symbol of love and unity.
Tumblr media
Jewelry stores glendale
Any piece of jewelry eventually loses its original appearance and beauty, needs cleaning and updating. If you notice that the wedding ring no longer looks as beautiful as after the purchase, you should think about its restoration. If it just turned dark, you can clean it at home with a soap solution, ammonia or soda. If there are scratches, damage or it has lost its shape, contact a jewelry workshop.
0 notes
cassh24sg · 3 years
Purdue shows freezing price of veterinary school is possible – News
Dean Willie Reed
Purdue University photo by Kevin Doerr
Purdue University isn’t the only institution holding tuition fees, but it’s the longest with a decade, says Dr. Willie Reed, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine (foreground).
There are two ways schools can use to lessen the crushing student loan debt faced by veterinarians entering the world of work with loans that are double their starting salary, says Dr. Willie Reed, longtime dean of Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine.
“They are fixing tuition fees or increasing scholarships,” he noted.
Purdue University, under the direction of its notoriously frugal President Mitch Daniels, chose to do both, largely by freezing tuition fees on campus in West Lafayette, Indiana for a decade.
The goal – to keep veterinary studies and fees at around $ 20,000 per year for Indiana residents and $ 44,700 per year for non-residents with occasional fee increases – is to make education more affordable, especially for those who live in the state. At the Veterinary School, half of Purdue’s students are Hoosiers.
Like many in the profession, Reed views educational debt as the profession’s Achilles heel and supports his institution’s commitment to affordability. Across the country, veterinary education is more expensive than ever – between $ 19,616 and $ 72,292 per year in tuition and fees, depending on the student’s program and residency status – which presents most aspiring practitioners with a tough choice: abandon their dream career or risk piling up heavens – heavy debts.
Both are unacceptable to Reed: “Not preventing people from training – that’s so important.”
It is not easy. As Daniels pushes an affordability mission, Reed must balance an annual operating budget of $ 75 million while building a $ 108 million teaching veterinary hospital due to open in March. His efforts are backed by an annual government grant of $ 18 million that goes directly to the program. Revenues from the existing teaching hospital and diagnostic laboratory have increased, and fundraising donations have increased, “so we did it,” Reed said.
Many other veterinary programs aren’t that lucky. Government funding for higher education in general has not fully recovered from the cuts made during the 2008 recession that put pressure on student revenues, according to a report by government higher education funding released earlier this year. That means climbing lessons and more credits to pay for. The total student loan debt in the United States is $ 1.71 trillion among 45 million borrowers with average monthly payments of about $ 300.
“Debt is growing steadily, and it’s not just for veterinary medicine,” Bridgette Bain, associate director of analytics for the American Veterinary Medical Association, said at a recent online symposium. “US Student debt has increased by 100% in all disciplines over the past ten years.
“We certainly don’t see tuition fees being reduced,” she said.
Veterinary borrowers had an average of $ 188,853 in debt after graduation in 2020 – up 43% from 2011. according to AVMA figures. The highest individual debt among fourth-year students who responded to an annual AVMA survey last year was half a million dollars.
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The average debt for Purdue’s completed veterinary class last year was $ 145,336, Reed said, and 88% of the class received help from the university in the form of scholarships and grants.
“Universities are not rolling back tuition fees,” he said. “Ultimately, for Purdue, I think the best we could hope for has been keeping tuition down. It’s expensive to train veterinary students.”
Going to the Veterinary School at Purdue is cheaper than most of the 33 schools in the US that American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges reported. Looking at 2020 data in the group’s cost comparison tool, four years of government research at Purdue cost $ 80,734, the cheapest option for Indiana residents and the cheapest program in the country when fees and cost of living are factored in. For non-residents, the program was ranked the sixth cheapest option over four years, with tuition fees of $ 180,089; $ 284,492 when cost of living is included.
A Cost of education card from the VIN Foundation, a nonprofit arm of the Veterinary Information Network, the VIN News Service, rates Purdue similarly.
According to data from AAVMC and VIN Foundation, only one US program charges its residents less: four years of veterinary class at North Carolina State University costs $ 78,479. The most expensive program in the country is at Midwestern University. The private four-year program in Glendale, Arizona alone costs nearly $ 260,000 in tuition. Add in cost of living and fees, and the cost to attend Midwestern could exceed $ 420,000.
When asked if Purdue’s shallow teaching piqued the curiosity of Reed’s colleagues in other programs, the dean replied with amusement. “You’d think I’d be inundated with questions from other colleges, but that’s not the case,” laughed Reed. “I don’t think I got a single question about how you do it.
“But that’s fine,” he continued. “We have a lot to be proud of. Our engagement office has secured millions of grants from the NIH [National Institutes of Health]. Our diversity programs are outstanding: In the last classes, 30% were underrepresented minorities. And there is no end date for keeping our tuition fees. I don’t see it going away that quickly. ”
Last month, Purdue University’s curators agreed to keep tuition fees frozen for the 2022-23 academic year.
Easier said than done
Tackling the student debt crisis was cited as a goal of a new veterinary school, the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine, in its early stages of development in 2016 The program opened in August last year with 100 students, making it the 31st veterinary school in the country. Rather than following a traditional four-year calendar, the University of Arizona curriculum is condensed into three years, including summer, which ostensibly saves students time and money.
College officials initially aimed for tuition fees to be around $ 28,000 per year. They later found that this wasn’t financially feasible, soThe Arizona Board of Regents set tuition fees significantly higher: $ 45,000 per year for residents and $ 70,000 for nonresidents.
Dr. Julie Funk, who was hired as dean of the program in 2019, says she wishes she could do more keep student costs down, relying on divestments in higher education by state legislatures across the country, including Arizona. With little government funding other than a $ 8 million investment in 2016 to develop the college physically Institutions, the program relies heavily on tuition fees and start-up support from the university.
“The way we have our tuition fees, it’s a model that allows us to get from a startup to a break-even point between seven and ten years,” she said, noting that prices reflect the cost of resources Required for Starting a Business Veterinary College.
“To be honest, we have only just started generating sales,” continued Funk. “It’s like any other company. The university had to raise funds from other initiatives and invest in college, which we appreciate. But we also have to cover the cost of a veterinary college. That includes the cost of the faculty.” , Staff, student resources, facilities and animals. “
Funk came to Arizona from Michigan State University, where she served as Assistant Dean of Professional Academic Programs and Academic Achievement. In that capacity, she had a seat on the ring at the Economics of Veterinary Medical Education Summit, better known as the Fix the Debt Summit, the 180. pulled Attendees on the MSU campus in 2016 Brainstorm ways to reduce Student debt.
A common goal was set at the summit to reduce the debt-to-income ratio from 2 to 1 to 1.4 to 1 through a combination of measures, including obtaining interest waivers on student loans, Curb excessive student debt, increase staff salaries by 10% and reduce academic spending by 10%.
In many schools, however, enthusiasm for the initiative seems to have waned. “Paying off the debt,” said Funk, “is tough and very complex.” Many in academia are focused on government allocations and fundraising, maintaining accreditation, staffing concerns, and running a program amid the COVID-19 pandemic. You just don’t have the bandwidth to fully address the problem, she said.
“I don’t think people care,” said Funk. “I think it’s because there are no quick and easy solutions. I think there are some places where we’ve started initiatives, but other things are much more difficult. Certainly just the cost of veterinary training. ” “
The focus, she said, is on finding ways to cut overheads and invest in students.
“We’re really trying to use existing resources on campus so it’s not all de novo design and development, and the other part really focuses on the results of the first day so students are instantly productive in the field,” said Wireless. “Right now we can do that.”
Tomorrow: How Do Vets Do It Without Debt?
The VIN News Service comments are opinion pieces that present insights, personal experiences, and / or perspectives on current issues from members of the veterinary community. To submit a review for review, email [email protected].
source https://www.cassh24sg.com/2021/07/09/purdue-shows-freezing-price-of-veterinary-school-is-possible-news/
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sikhmarriage · 4 years
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San Bernardino
Santa Clarita
Palo Alto
South Pasadena
Indian USA singles
Indian matrimonial site
Arranged marriage
Matchmaking for Indians
NRI matrimonial site
Hindu marriage
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