#Eul Roh
meadnbookpiles · 2 years
11th of the Phoenix, 1335 AE
There was nothing there.
Nothing of substance to be garnered from Eul’s evasive pleasantries, nothing to be learned by anything else at present, and most certainly - nothing on the balcony, despite Jia seeming so sure that something would be. We’re back to grasping at straws, and quite frankly, this feels like we have less to go off on that what we’ve left Tyria with.
The pieces... they don’t mesh together at all, why would the old man not want our support? Aunt Kef did illustrate that he was... reclusive, at best, and that his reply to her offer was a mere polite acknowledgement - and yet, should one truly reject a source of aid so readily offered? Especially when the lives of his Household and family members are quite apparently on the line?
It’s unsettling to consider, infuriating, really, as if something is right there, impossibly dodging out of the corner of your eye, a small mental nudge away from a fully fledged conclusion. 
I suppose we may depart to Shing Jea next? Jia’s badgering did manage to secure a vouch that we’ll be permitted to research the family Estates. There was supposed to be an Uptown apartment in Kaineng, as well as a Vacation Home by the Jade Sea... how wonderfully bizarre penning these names here, as destinations I may soon visit.
It’s a pity Drae was as tied down with his work as ever, getting through impossible stubbornness was ever his gift... we might have surfaced from our encounter with different results then, not defeated - victorious! 
Well, maybe.
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gongchanida · 3 years
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18 again icons.
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rosesjournal · 2 years
Day By Day
Joh shim seu rae dah gah oh neun nuhl
Chuh eum euh roh ahl gae dwaet dduhn Nahl
Gi ppeum dae shin hahn soom ae
Myuh chl bahm eul sae wuh ssuht jji
Ah joo oh rae guhl lil jji mollah
Noo goon gah bah dah deu ri gin
Ah jik Boo Johk hahn
Nahl ah rah joo gaet ni
Nuh moo soh joong haet dduhn sarang ee
Duh nah buh rin hoo roh
Sarang hahl Soo Up ddah goh
Nahn mi duh waht neun dae
Nah ae sang chuh kkah ji doh
Ah nah joo neun nuhl wi hae
* Mae il jo geum shik bo yuh jool kkae
Nae il jo geum duh chin hae jil kkuh Ya
Ji geum ae moh seup ee dae roh neun
Nuh reul sarang hah gi moh ca rah
* Nah ae mah Eum Oh doo nuh ae gae
Nae uh jool soo eet ddoh rohk
Joon bi hah neun nahl
Gi Dah Ryuh joo gaet ni
Dah shi nuh reul il jjin ah neul kkah
Doo ryuh oon seng gahk ee ahp ssuh
Suhn ddeut nuh ae gae
Dah gah suhl soo up kko
Dduh nahn geu ae seng gahk ddae moon ae
Ah jik noon mool mah nah
Ni ah pae Suh oon juhk ddoh
Nahn mah nah ssuht neun dae
Geu ruhn nah ae noon mool doh
Dah kkah joo neun nuhl wi hae
* Repeat *
* Repeat *
Dah mahn ee guht mah neun gi uk hae
Mahn ee heem deul duhn nahl deul ae
Ji Chin Nae mahn yuh ruh joon sarang
Nuh hah nah yuht ddah neun guhl
Nuh ae kuh dah rahn sarang mahn keum
Ah ni geu boh dah jahl hae jool kkuh Yah
Ji geum ni moh seup geu dae roh mahn
Geu nyang pyuhn ahn hi nahl ji kyuh Bwah
Goh ee ah kkyuh doon nae sarang ee
Nae gae juhn hae ji neun nahl
Geu ddae Mahl Hahl kkae
Nuhl sarang hahn dah goh
Joon bi hah neun nahl
Gi dah ryuh joo Gaet ni...
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chaglt · 6 years
BESAMEEEE !!! Pardon. Je ne suis pas très inspirée pour le titre, et je viens de mettre une “musique relaxante et apaisante anti-stress” sur Youtube (véridique). Après la vidéo “20 minutes de yoga pour se détendre après une journée difficile” faite avec Jacob hier, je reste dans le ton hihi :-) Ai-je besoin de vous expliquer mon état (d’esprit)? :D
Tout va bien, je me repose :) J’ai dormi de 21h30 à 7h la nuit dernière, avec des rêves assez comiques à la clé. De ma môman et de mon pôpa, mais aussi de ma colloc (qui se révélait être peintre dans mon rêve haha), et je pense que c’est tout. Une autre nuit, j’ai rêvé que la salle des profs était sur une plate-forme à laquelle on accédait via un pont, et que ce pont se cassait. Entonces (donc pour les initiés, mon dieu j’ai parlé allemand à un élève aujourd’hui.. je voulais lui dire “esta palabra se escribe sin e” et je n’arrêtais pas de lui dire “ohne e, ohne e”, m’étonnant qu’il ne comprenne pas la bilingue espagnol-français que je suis). Pour revenir à mon rêve, les pauvres profs coincés sur la plate-forme devaient sauter de la plateforme (dans le vide donc) pour atterrir sur un matelas géant en dessous. Moi j’ai refusé, et j’ai attendu la réparation du pont. Comme la ninja que je suis!
On a fait un chouette exercice avec mes Primero de Bachillerato :) Je leur ai demandé, après avoir lu un texte sur Halloween, d’inventer par deux ou trois leur propre fête. Fredo et Yusef m’ont inventé la “Powerade”, crée par un ninja du Moyen-âge et célébrée le premier mai. Sergio et Danni (je commence à retenir les noms héhé) m’ont inventé une fête où les robots se déguisaient en humains, sans que les humains le sachent. Ca m’éclate ce genre d’exercices créatifs, j’adore j’adore!
Ca par encore en c.. acauète (restons poli) cet article/ billet (pas de banque). Que dire sonst? Là je suis posée dans le salon, je reviens des cours, il est presque 14h (siesta time) et j’avais envie de me poser un peu para escribir. La dernière fois c’était jeudi si je me rappelle bien. Allez, je vous raconte ce que j’ai fait depuis (nous sommes mercredi):
Vendredi on est sortis avec la smala (= Pripri et Elise d’amour, ainsi que le colloc brésilien d’Elise (à qui j’ai posé plein de questions sur le fait qu’il ne ressemblait pas du tout à un brésilien) et Victor, un pote espagnol (tmtc ma poule :D) de Pripri. Mas tarde Manuel (il s’appelle pas comme ça mais j’ai oublié son petit nom), un pote argentin d’Elise (j’étais la seule qui n’avait pas de “pote” en fait haha. C’est triste.) nous a rejoint. On est d’abord allés dans un karaoké-bar, où Elise, Pripri et moi avons massacré “Comme d’habitude” de mon idole de toujours dont je vous mets une photo ici:
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Purée je meurs hahaha!
et “Papaoutai”, de notre Stromae national. Ces deux chansons sont puta difficiles à chanter, sa maman! On était gênées mais c’était bien marrant :) Par contre les espagnols n’ont pas tous repris en coeur avec nous, bizarre. [je change ma musique “relaxante blabliblou” pour Amélie Poulain, wait a second] Roh c’est bien mieux :)
Alooors, après on s’est retrouvés dans la rue, Tiago (le pauvre pseudo-brésilien - à d’autres!! - à qui j’ai posé 1000 questions) nous a quittées (bizarre) et on s’est baladés (au grand daim (din, d’hein?) de Pripri, TMTC choupette hahaha <3 ) jusqu’à trouver un bar presque vide à 3h du mat. 3 h du mat c’est un peu tôt hein! Moi je pensais que c’était parce qu’il était pourri mais non, la populasse (bien chaudasse) s’est ramenée au calme (j’ai voulu écrire “dans le plus grand des calmes” mais c’était pas trop le cas donc je vais m’abstenir, même si je viens de le faire HAHAHA qu’est-ce qu’on se marre) à 4 heures du matin. Quatre fucking heures du fucking matin. (Et après je m’étonne d’être fatiguée). Une bonne heure plus tard nous nous en sommes allés, moi à pied (ouaiiis), 45 minutes ma gu*eule! (cette astérisque ne sert à rien haha). Mais c’est super safe, c’est juste que j’étais au lit à 6h quoi :) Plus jamais, ça m’a en partie bousillé mon samedi.
Allez je vous cherche quelques photos de la soirée de vdd puis je passe au jour d’après (pas le film Maman, calme toi - c’est son film préféré, elle nous a obligé à le voir minimum 15 fois à la maison):
- HAHAHA en cherchant les photos je suis tombée sur des selfies de moi dans la glace en mode pina des familles (vous ne les verrez JAMAIS).. J’ai été faire du shopping chez Humana, conseillé par Priprou magique, une révélation! Tout à 5 euros en plus! Regardez le logo:
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Purée ça vous dit rien de plus ce vieux logo vert (je suis même pas sûre que ce soit le bon en plus). Ce billet s’annonce épique (pica! ça pique).
En gros c’est un magasin de seconde main :) Ben c’est franchement sympa, puis du coup j’ose des choses que je n’aurais jamais osées (vu que c’est à 5 euros souvent). BREF, les photos de ma soirée de vendredi (je recontextualise, comme je m’égare toutes les 4 secondes 36):
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Premier bar où on a eu des méga tapas gratuits (je voulais juste prendre le “recommandé par tripadvisor”)
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Pripri et Tiago, qu’Elise et moi avons mis en couble - couPle pardon (putain le fou rire - roh cette vulgarité Carlota, tu vas te calmer?!)
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Elise et moi (je tenais à vous partager cette photo et sa qualité surprenante)
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Une partie de Pri’, et trois chanteurs (mais si, au fond, les trois pixels) espagnols ultra clichés.
VoILA, vous n’aurez rien d’autre sur vendredi hihi!
Saamedi, je me suis réveillée comme une fleur (fânée et décomposée) à 10h30 (rappelez-vous de l’heure à laquelle j’étais au lit hihi) et j’ai végété, fait n’importe nawak, jusqu’à rejoindre Jacob (mon pote de Tenerife d’amour que j’aime) pour allez au marché du Matadero :) Regardez-moi ces bouilles:
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Bon alors je vous vois venir “purée mais c’est pas des bouilles, c’est des bâtiments”. Ah oui? En fait les photos envoyées sur Whatsapp n’ont pas l’air d’apparaître dans mon Google photos (à la pointe de la technologie la meuf, ouech!) et comme j’ai décidé de couper mon téléphone jusqu’à avoir fait ma sieste, je n’ai pas envie de l’allumer pour les transférer. Peut-être que vous les aurez plus tard, peut-être pas. En attendant, voici une photo de la vue du toit de Jacob (qui habite à 8 minutes à pied de chez moi, c’est trop bien).
Le marché c’était bien cool, on a eu plein d’échantillons gratuits et on a acheté aucun produit! Comme des vrais! A part un truc chocolat/fraise hihi. BREF, jolie après-midi, après j’ai fait une sieste parce que j’étais moisie. (c’est vraiment le terme adéquat). Puis j’ai rejoint Josué, un allemand et un latino (je sais plus d’où il venait, mince) dans un bar à salsa (j’avais été caca toute la journée, j’avais besoin de prendre l’air OK? je suis pas venue ici pour souffrir, ok?!)
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Les photos qui n’ont rien à voir avec le texte, haha j’adore! Bon ça c’est le truc qu’on a mangé avec Jacobouille la fripouille, voici le bar à salsa:
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Vous voyez les figures de fou, les fronts transpirants et cette énergie qui émane des corps? Moi non plus, les gens “dansaient” à droite.. pas de chance, j’ai fait une photo du côté gauche, et oui! #hipster
C’était vraiment sympa! Après on s’est retrouvés dans un pub irlandais, tout aussi chouette (moins facile de danser quand un beau mâle ne te guide pas, mais je suis une femme INDEPENDANTE crotteferdom) - ce que j’ai clamé haut et fort au latino qui était avec nous (dont j’ai même oublié le nom, une honte). Oh et anecdote très marrante, je n’ai pas réussi à parler allemand avec Max (l’Allemand donc). Mon cerveau ne voulait tout simplement pas. Par contre aujourd’hui avec mon élève (espagnol donc), ça oui, mon cerveau voulait bien. Merci cerveau. Merci. Et hier j’ai réussi à parler italien avec Jacob alors que jusque là mon cerveau refusait aussi. Je sais pas, il a des jours comme ça. Je devrais lui donner un nom (pas à Jacob, à mon cerveau). Si vous avez des suggestions, n’hésitez pas :)
Et le dimanche je vais faire un article tout exprès parce que
1. J’ai peur que ça déconne et de perdre toutes les âneries que je viens de débiter
2. Ce fut une des plus belles journées de mon séjour jusqu’à maintenant
3. Les photos sont magnifiques, et je ne voudrais pas les polluer avec le kitsch de Cloclo (love love quand même)
A tout de suite! :)
Carlota (un élève m’a appelée “Chalorte” aujourd’hui, ça m’a fait penser à ma petite cousine d’amour <3 )
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titaban · 4 years
Korean 101
Basic Greetings
안녕하세요 (ahn-nyung-ha-se-yo) — Hello
This can be said at any point in the day, and you can reply to this in exactly the same manner.
��갑습니다 (bahn-gap-seup-ni-da) — Nice to meet you
If you meet someone, especially someone of importance, you can illustrate your respect with this short phrase.
어떻게 지내세요? (uh-dduh-keh  ji-neh-seh-yo?) — How are you?
Just a standard way to inquire about someone’s day. It can be used with those you’ve seen recently or those you haven’t seen in a while.
잘 지내요 (jal-ji-neh-yo) — I am good
A positive response to the above question of “How are you?” and can simply mean that all’s well in your world.
제 이름은 _____ (jeh  ee-reum-un  _____) — My name is _____
A simple way to introduce yourself to anyone.
안녕 (ahn-nyung) / 안녕히 계세요 (ahn-nyung-hee  geh-seh-yo) / 안녕히 가세요 (ahn-nyung-hee gah-seh-yo) — Goodbye
Common Courtesy
감사합니다 (gam-sa-ham-ni-da) — Thank you
This is a formal, all-around safe way to offer your gratitude. Alternatively, you may say 고맙습니다 (go-mahp-seup-ni-da).
천만에요 (chun-mahn-eh-yo) — You’re welcome (formal)
It’s not often that Koreans actually respond to a “Thank you” with a “You’re welcome,” but if you wish to be extra polite, then you can throw in this phrase. Normally, you can respond to thanks with a simple, humble 아닙니다 (ah-nib-nee-da), which means “It’s nothing.”
실례합니다 (shil-leh-hap-nee-da ; polite) / 잠시만요 (jam-shi-mahn-yo ; “wait a moment”) — Excuse me
실례합니다 is a very polite phrase used to get someone’s attention, such as for when you approach a stranger for help. 잠시만요 more or less means “Wait a moment” but can be used for situations such as when you need to push past or be a minor physical hindrance to people.
여기요 (yuh-gi-yo) — Over here
Use this phrase with a raised hand or some kind of physical gesture to get someone to come over to you. This can also be used to flag down a waiter in a restaurant.
죄송합니다 (jweh-sung-hap-nee-da) / 미안합니다 (mi-ahn-hap-nee-da) — I’m sorry
Used for any situation where you need to excuse your behavior. Both ways of saying sorry are formal and have an almost equal amount of weight (are interchangeable).
주세요 (ju-seh-yo) — Please give
Navigating Around and Finding Your Way
왼쪽 (oen-jjok) / 오른쪽 (oh-reun-jjok) / 직진 (jik-jjin) — left / right / straight
These are self-explanatory, and if you’re asking for directions, you’ll most definitely be hearing these words. Make sure you memorize them so you can at least pick up general directions.
길을 잃었어요 (gil-eul  ilh-uht-suh-yo) — I’m lost
The phrase literally means “I lost my way” and will tell any native that you’ll need some navigation help. Follow up with something that will indicate where you’d like to go.
_____ 어디인지 아세요? (_____ uh-di-eehn-ji  ah-seh-yo?) — Do you know where _____ is?
This will be critical anytime you need to locate anything. This phrase isn’t travel-specific, and can be used for most situations where you need to find a location (for example, you can use this phrase at a department store to find a specific shop).
잘 모르겠네요 (jal mo-reu-geht-neh-yo) — I don’t understand
It’s highly likely that you won’t understand every word of Korean you hear, and it’s best to let whoever’s talking to you know that! Many will be kind enough to try and simplify their message for your comprehension.
한국말 잘 못해요 (hahn-guhk-mal  jal  moht-heh-yo) — I don’t speak Korean well
A nice notification that will save you from being bombarded by Korean. Honesty is a good policy when it comes to using a foreign language.
영어 할 수 있어요? (yung-uh  hal  su-eet-suh-yo?) — Do you speak English?
Most Korean natives know some English to be able to help you out in a tough spot, so don’t be afraid to ask!
천천히 말씀해 주세요 (chun-chun-hee  mal-sseum-heh ju-seh-yo) — Please speak slowly
Korean is a rather quickly-spoken language, especially when the speaker is quite emotional (Korean dramas, anyone?). Therefore, use this phrase to politely request a slow-down.
_____ (으)로 가주세요 (ih-roh  gah-ju-seh-yo) — Please take me to _____
If you need a guiding hand, then this will be the phrase to use. You can quickly find people willing to direct you to where you need to go. This phrase can also be used to inform a taxi driver of your destination. (When the place name ends with a consonant, use “으로,” otherwise use “로.”)
화장실이 어디예요? (hwa-jang-shil-ee  uh-di-eh-yo?) — Where is the bathroom?
_____ 주세요 (_____  ju-seh-yo) — Please give me _____
To order your meal, simply state it and tack on 주세요 afterwards. Short and simple!
메뉴 주세요 (meh-nyu  ju-seh-yo) — Menu, please
More often than not, Korean restaurants won’t have the menu out on the tables. To get one, simply raise your hand and state this phrase.
계산서 주세요 (keh-san-suh  ju-seh-yo) — Bill, please
Waiters in Korean restaurants often will not personally ask if you’ve finished your meal, so once your stomach is satisfied and you’re ready to head out, ask for the bill!
싸 주세요 (ssa  ju-seh-yo) — Please wrap / It’s to-go
If you want wrapped leftovers, you definitely have to let your servers know as they probably will assume otherwise. Note that you’ll likely only get your meal, not any side dishes, packed up.
저 알러지 있어요 (juh  ahl-luh-ji  eet-suh-yo) — I have an allergy
_____ 있어요? (eess-uh-yo?) — Do you have _____?
Use this phrase on a store employee if there’s something specific on your mind.
얼마에요? (uhl-mah-eh-yo?) — How much is it?
It’s highly recommended to know how numbers work in Korean, as there are two distinct systems that are used in different contexts. However, if you’re not overly familiar with them, it’s probable that the cashier will be able to tell you the price in English.
카드 받으세요? (kah-deu  bat-euh-seh-yo?) — Do you take credit cards?
South Korea has a high credit card usage rate, so you shouldn’t have a problem if you’re strapped for cash and only have your card on hand.
환불해 주세요 (hwan-bul-heh  ju-seh-yo) — Please give me a refund
Be prepared with a good reason for your request! Even if you’re a foreigner, you’ll still need to explain yourself (and explain well!) to the store employee.
교환해 주세요 (gyo-hwan-heh  ju-seh-yo) — Please give me an exchange
If your shopping purchase is damaged or needs to be switched to fit your needs, then use this phrase to notify the employee. You shouldn’t have a hard time with this request, especially if you have a valid reason.
Emergency Situations
도와주세요! (doh-oah-ju-seh-yo!) — Help!
A straightforward call for assistance. This literally means “Give me help,” to which a proper response might be 도와줄게요 (doh-oah-jeul-ke-yo), which means “I will give you help.”
긴급 상황이에요 (gin-geup-sahng-hwang-ee-eh-yo) — It’s an emergency
Whatever the nature of your problem, this phrase will get you rapid assistance. Consider who exactly you need to help you, whether it’s the police or the paramedics, for example.
경찰 / 경찰을 부르세요 (kyung-chal / kyung-chal-eul  bu-reu-seh-yo) — Police / Call the police
It’s helpful to know that in South Korea, the phone number to contact the police is 112. But in case you don’t have a phone or are in quick need of legal service, saying the above phrase to a native will most likely get the help you need.
병원 (byung-uon) — Hospital
If you say this phrase alone to a native, that could be enough of an alert for them to aid you. If you need quick medical attention and know you need care at a hospital, then use this phrase.
여기가 아파요 (yuh-gi-gah  ah-pah-yo) — It hurts here
This is useful for any injury you receive that needs to be treated. Along with this phrase, point to where exactly you feel pain.
의사가 필요해요 (uie-sah-gah  pil-yo-he-yo) — I need a doctor
Along with the word for hospital, this is good to know if there’s ever a possibility that you need professional care. It’s possible someone will call an ambulance for you, should the situation be dire, but you should also know that the Korean phone number for the fire brigade and ambulance services is 119.
화이팅! or 파이팅! (hwa-ee-ting! or pa-ee-ting!) — Fighting!
Slang used for encouragement, you can passionately exclaim this to boost one’s morale. It’s usually accompanied with a firm shake of the fist.
괜찮아요 (gwaen-chanh-ah-yo) — It’s okay
The equivalent to the English “It’s fine.” You can say this in a multitude of situations, such as expressing the state of your physical health or accepting a certain circumstance.
진짜요? (jin-jja-yo?) — Really?
Just in case you need some extra affirmation about something. This phrase is also commonly used as an exclamatory statement.
안 돼요 (ahn-dwae-yo) — It doesn’t work/It cannot (be)/No way
This phrase differs slightly in meaning depending on the context. You can use it for a variety of situations, from talking about a dysfunctional washing machine to adamantly denying a particular circumstance.
재미있어요 (jeh-mi-eess-uh-yo) — It’s fun
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charliedavids · 4 years
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Afrikaans – voël (fooo-el) Albanian – zog (zog - rhymes with fog) Arabic – طائر (BAH-eee-ruhn) Bosnian – ptica (puh-TEEET-za) Chinese – 鸟 (neee-ow - rhymes with meow) Danish – fugl (fooo-luh) Dutch – vogel (fall-hull) English – #bird (berd) Filipino – ibon (EEEE-bun) Finnish – lintu (LEEEN-to) French – #oiseau (wahs-zoh) German – #vogel (FOH-gul) Greek – πουλί (pooo-lee) Haitian Creole – zwazo (zwa-zoh) Hawaiian – manu (mah-new) Hebrew – ציפור (tsee-poor) Hindi – चिड़िया (JU-dee-yah) Hungarian – madár (muh-DAAR) Indonesian – burung (booo-rooong) Irish – èan (eee-in - like the boy's name Ian) Italian – #uccello (ooo-CHELLO - rhymes with Jell-O) Japanese –鳥 (toh-reee) Korean –새 (say-ih) Latin – avem (AH-vehm) Polish – ptak (pTAHK) Portuguese – #pàssaro (PAH-serr-ooo) Romanian – pasăre (pah-sah-rey) Russian – птица – (puh-teee-suh) Spanish – #pàjaro (pah-hah-roh) Swahili – ndege (nay-gay) Swedish – fågel (foh-gel) Thai - นก (nyoh) Turkish – kuş (koosh) Vietnamese – chim (jeeem) Welsh – adar (AH-dehruy) #eule #adler #papagei #eagel (hier: Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-u9bizFGToKqk8uRy8qDeAs0N8vQj1O16e46A0/?igshid=1xx6nsu3z3919
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
‘Cuddled in Kim Jong Un’s arms’: North Koreans envisage unification ahead of summit
PYONGYANG (Reuters) – Sixteen-year-old Ri Jin Ryong, a member of North Korea’s paramilitary Worker-Peasant Red Guards militia, says he has one message for South Koreans if the two countries ever reunite.
Participants form a map of Korean peninsula at Mass Games in May Day stadium marking the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s foundation in Pyongyang, North Korea, September 9, 2018. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui
“I will spread the word about how wonderful it is to be in our dear Marshal Kim Jong Un’s arms,” he told Reuters at Pyongyang’s zoo, where he and other soldiers were given a day of recreation after participating in a gruelling military parade before the North Korean leader on September 9.
Ahead of this week’s summit between Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang, North Korea is once again highlighting the idea of reuniting the two countries divided since the 1940s, through state media and major events.
In South Korea, however, the concept of unification has become increasingly convoluted and viewed as unrealistic amid an ever-widening gulf between the two nations.
“North Korea’s rhetoric gravitates around unification not because they really believe in an immediate unification but it’s a powerful slogan that gives justification for them to improve inter-Korean relations,” said Lim Eul-chul, professor of North Korean studies at Kyungnam University in Seoul.
“To South Koreans, the idea of unification is not as appealing because it immediately reminds them of the burden of unification costs.”
Days before hosting Moon for their third summit of the year, Kim Jong Un said: “We should tear down this wall of conflict to meet the Korean people’s constant ideals and demands to open a grand path for unification,” state newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported on Sunday.
Graphic: A land divided tmsnrt.rs/2KdXMcS
International sanctions over North Korea’s nuclear weapons restrict many cooperative projects and trade, a major obstacle to warming ties between the two Koreas, let alone reunification.
But North Korean defectors are much more likely to support the idea than their Southern neighbours, according to past surveys.
More than 95 percent of North Korean defectors who responded said unification is needed, compared to about 53 percent for South Korean respondents, one 2017 survey by the Seoul National University Institute for Peace and Unification Studies showed.
For decades, North Koreans have pushed the concept of “one country, two systems,” under which the country would maintain different systems of government in the North and South, at least until the two could be peacefully reconciled.
Participants perform around a globe highlighting Korean peninsula at Mass Games in May Day stadium marking the 70th anniversary of North Korea’s foundation in Pyongyang, North Korea, September 9, 2018. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui
“We understood that we should acknowledge differences between the North and the South on ideology, religion, faith alike, and cooperate with each other,” one North Korean who defected to the South in 2013 spoke on condition of anonymity.
“I also remember learning that unification would also help resolve our economic difficulties.”
North Korea’s per capita Gross National Income of 1.46 million won ($1,283.52) is only about 4.4 percent that of South Korea, according to estimates by the South’s central bank. While projections of the cost of reunification have ranged widely, running as high as $5 trillion, most believe the cost would fall almost entirely on South Korea.
After the first meeting between leaders of the two Koreas in 2000, both sides agreed to consider the idea of “one country, two systems”, at least as an interim step to unification.
But on its website, the Institute for Unification Education, the education arm of South Korea’s Unification Ministry, said the North’s idea of a federation consisting of two regional governments with different ideologies and systems “has little possibility of becoming reality given no historical precedents.”
“North Korea’s rhetoric concentrates on the unification between one people … but what it really means is that they think unification between the Koreas justifies disregarding international relations and sanctions,” said Shin Beom-chul, senior fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul.
“In a situation where there are U.N. and U.S. sanctions, it’s hard to go along with that rhetoric for the South.”
Sanctions banning almost all trade with the isolated country have hindered even basic bilateral exchanges between the neighbours. South and North Korea opened a liaison office on Friday after weeks of delay, as Seoul sought to address Washington’s concerns about a potential breach of sanctions.
On the streets of Pyongyang, North Koreans interviewed by Reuters uniformly supported the idea of unification, and just as uniformly, said Kim Jong Un is making it more likely than ever.
“Under the dear leader’s superior leadership, I believe the nation’s unification could certainly become reality if the North and the South cooperate from now on,” said cashier Ri Hae Kyong, 53.
Like all the North Koreans interviewed by Reuters in Pyongyang, Ri was speaking in front of the government minders who accompany media everywhere, making it difficult to truly assess North Korean views on unification.
Cosmetics clerk Yang Su Jong, 27, also said she believes “it’s not long” before unification happens, in part because Kim had made North Korea a “strong nuclear power.”
And North Koreans said they see their Southern neighbours as family.
“North and South are one blood,” Pyongyang waitress Song Jin A told Reuters. “As a new generation, we want to live with our compatriots in the South as one, (we) want to all live together cuddled in our leader Kim Jong Un’s arms.”
Additional reporting by Cong Sun in Pyongyang, Hyonhee Shin, Jeongmin Kim, Joori Roh and Heekyong Yang in Seoul. Editing by Soyoung Kim and Lincoln Feast.
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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investmart007 · 6 years
SEOUL, South Korea | Skepticism rising in S. Korea ahead of 3rd summit with North
New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/seoul-south-korea-skepticism-rising-in-s-korea-ahead-of-3rd-summit-with-north/170704/
SEOUL, South Korea | Skepticism rising in S. Korea ahead of 3rd summit with North
SEOUL, South Korea— The shine is starting to come off South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s engagement strategy with the North.
The liberal politician, who reversed nearly a decade of conservative hard-line policy toward North Korea after his election last year, is preparing for a third summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un amid growing public skepticism about his approach.
Moon, who goes to Pyongyang on Tuesday, has seen his approval rating fall to 49 percent in a recent Gallup Korea survey, the first time it dipped below 50 percent since he took office in May 2017 promising better ties with North Korea and political reform. Moon’s approval rating stood at 83 percent after his first summit with Kim in April.
South Koreans are divided over whether this week’s summit in Pyongyang will help break a stalemate over nuclear diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea, according to another survey released in early September. By comparison, surveys after the April summit found overwhelming support for Moon from a public fascinated with the historic handshakes, border crossings and other dramatic scenes the two leaders produced after years of rising tensions.
“Our people are beginning to learn that North Korea will not easily give up its nukes, something that many experts had already repeatedly predicted,” said Kim Taewoo, former president of the government-funded Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul.
Moon may face increasing difficulties if his summit with Kim in Pyongyang fails to make tangible progress on efforts to get North Korea to scrap its nuclear weapons program.
Economic woes such as a lackluster job-market growth and soaring real estate prices are compounding Moon’s problems, adding to opposition to his North Korea policy, many experts say.
“If Moon fails to address economic problems, he can’t maintain public contentment with his government only with his North Korea policy,” said Nam Sung-wook, a professor at Korea University. “If the economy gets worse, many people will demand that Moon stop looking to North Korea and start resolving our own economic problems.”
Moon knows how important public support is for his North Korea policy. Most major detente projects with North Korea started by his liberal predecessors during a 1998-2008 “Sunshine Era” were suspended after conservatives took power. Moon hasn’t been able to revive them because of U.S.-led economic sanctions on North Korea.
Liberal presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun endured withering conservative criticism that their little-strings-attached shipments of aid and cooperation projects with North Korea helped finance the North’s weapons program. Moon served as Roh’s chief of staff and was in charge of preparations for Roh’s 2007 summit with Kim’s father, former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il.
South Korean politics is characterized by a fundamental conservative-liberal divide over how to view North Korea. Liberals consider the North one to reconcile with while conservatives see it more as an enemy state that poses a significant security threat.
Moon’s conservative predecessors, Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak, faced harsh criticism from liberals that their hard-line stances only led North Korea to carry out more weapons tests and attacks such as two in 2010 that killed 50 South Koreans.
Opposition to Moon’s North Korea policy was initially weak, partly because the conservatives were in disarray following a corruption scandal that led to the ouster of Park, Moon’s predecessor.
A conservative backlash erupted when Kim sent North Korean athletes and top officials to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea in February, including a former spy chief blamed for the 2010 attacks. But any criticism was soon overshadowed by the April summit, which also improved Kim’s image in South Korea — in one survey at the time, 78 percent of respondents said they had faith in the North Korean leader.
Now, as nuclear talks between the U.S. and North Korea stall, conservatives feel vindicated and emboldened.
Professor Lim Eul Chul at South Korea’s Kyungnam University said conservatives now “tend to criticize North Korea and distance themselves from the Moon government for their own political gain.”
During a Cabinet meeting last week, Moon said he needs not only strong international support but also “nonpartisan backing at home” to help make next week’s summit produce a major step toward denuclearization. “Please, lay aside partisan politics in the face of these kinds of important things for Korea,” he said.
Moon even asked conservative opposition leaders to travel with him to Pyongyang for the summit, but they rejected the offer immediately. “Given that North Korea has not taken concrete denuclearization
steps even after two inter-Korean summits and one U.S.-North Korea summit, it’s overly excessive to ask us to go to Pyongyang,” said Yoon Young-seok, a spokesman for the main opposition Liberty Korea Party. “We can’t help asking whether the invitation … is aimed at giving Kim Jong Un a gift.”
By HYUNG-JIN KIM, Associated Press
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constantfluxx · 6 years
Gae byok geul ki da ri deon saram doh pyong on man eul soh mang ha neun min shim doh Keu keo jit mal roh ji chyo bo ryeot go kol joo rin jagi bae man chae weot teon eo reu shin neh deul rah P ga dwe go doh sali dwae chweo doh moja rat teon ga
People who wait for the creation of the world, The public that hopes for peace... Im sick and tired of all those lies All you people who only fill their own starving stomachs Even if you become my blood or my flesh, you're not enough
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newstfionline · 7 years
Can South Korea’s Moon Make ‘Sunshine’ Again With Defiant North?
Reuters, May 5, 2017
SEOUL--In February 2016, Yoo Chang-geun and around 120 other South Korean businessmen frantically pulled their staff out of the Kaesong Industrial Zone, jointly run with North Korea. Seoul had ordered it closed after Pyongyang defied international warnings and tested a long-range rocket.
Now, with South Koreans in next week’s presidential election almost certain to elect liberal Moon Jae-in, they have reason for hope. Moon has promised to reopen the complex, the signature project of the so-called “Sunshine Policy” of engagement with North Korea pursued earlier this century.
“We are more hopeful than ever,” Yoo says. “Moon might not be able to reopen Kaesong right away but he will follow steps towards it in the course of improving South-North Korean relations.”
But reopening Kaesong could go against the spirit of U.N. sanctions to prevent money from going into North Korea’s banned weapons programmes, government officials and experts say.
And for Moon to justify a return to engagement, North Korea would first need to at least signal a concession, said Lim Eul-chul, a professor at Kyungnam University in South Korea.
“Most importantly, not to make further provocation, like no more nuclear and missile tests. It can come out and show some kind of forward-looking stance, even if it is just words,” Lim said.
North Korea hinted at further nuclear tests as recently as this week, saying it will bolster its nuclear force “to the maximum” “in a consecutive and successive way”.
The isolated country has carried out five nuclear tests and a series of missile tests despite ever-tightening U.N. and other international sanctions. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at any time that can strike the mainland United States with a nuclear weapon.
Born out of the first of only two summits between leaders of the two Koreas in 2000, the Kaesong project opened to much fanfare in 2004 as a model of commercial cooperation: capital would come from South Korea and cheap labour from the North.
But critics say hundreds of millions of dollars paid to North Korea over the years as wages for workers at Kaesong were used to fund the development of nuclear weapons and missiles. North Korea had demanded that the wages be paid to the state and not directly to the workers.
Jong Kun Choi, who advises the 64-year-old Moon on foreign policy, said the candidate believes better inter-Korean relations is the best way to provide security on the Korean peninsula.
Moon, the son of North Korean refugees who came to the South during the 1950-53 Korean War, would end nine years of conservative rule in Seoul if elected, a time when Pyongyang stepped up its nuclear and missile tests.
“We want to be in the driver’s seat. Driving would mean doing so very actively with the United States, and Pyongyang.”
But he acknowledged the next administration would inherit “some very bad circumstances” that would make it difficult to simply revert to the engagement policies of previous liberal presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, who served from 1998 to 2008.
“How can we inject so-called Sunshine Policy into a situation that is so different to 10 years ago?,” Choi told Reuters.
Moon, a human rights lawyer who was a top aide to the late president Roh, has Washington worried his more moderate approach could undercut efforts to increase pressure and sanctions on Pyongyang, senior South Korean government officials said.
Moon’s election would also complicate the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system. He has repeatedly said the incoming administration should decide whether to deploy the anti-missile system and it should be ratified by parliament.
North Korea’s state media has been quiet about the candidacy of Moon, shielding him from the harsh invective usually reserved for conservative leaders in Seoul.
The official KCNA news agency called former president Park Geun-hye a “prostitute” being “pimped” by U.S. presidents and blamed her “venomous swish of skirt” for rising tensions between the two Koreas. It also insulted former U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon, who considered a presidential run early in the year, calling him a “wicked pro-U.S. element and dirty political philistine.”
Rhetoric aside, Moon has said it will be practically impossible to renew dialogue with Pyongyang if it conducts another nuclear test.
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