keereejou · 10 months
My Overwatch 2 Review
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hazelcallahan · 1 year
do y’all just think blizzard has a big red button that reads “gayify character” for emergencies be honest
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muchymozzarella · 1 year
It's bad enough that I was even a little excited about Overwatch 2 PVE and had that excitement quashed but it's worse seeing people unironically blaming Devs when execs are happy to erase years of work at the drop of a hat just to make line go up
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princessfelicie · 8 months
me: man i fucking hate bobby kotick, hope he loses his job soon
the free market:
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blacknifealecto · 10 months
games like elden ring and baldurs gate selling like absolute fucking gangbusters makes me really excited because this DOES communicate to the people who have the money to do Whatever They Want (triple A studios and their investors) that what succeeds is COMPLETE GAMES THAT ARE DEVOID OF MICROTRANSACTIONS
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briscal · 1 year
The people who say "[blank] announcement is a cover op for [horrible thing company is doing]" are so fucking stupid. Especially with an announcement at a big event that's been planned months in advance.
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shadovvlink · 1 year
the entire rest of may has probably been ruined for me with ow2 pve being yeeted
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
Acti-Blizz is on the verge of collapse from pissing off their employees huh
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jaebird88 · 2 years
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Good game 👍
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shadeops21 · 1 year
Cosplay Guide 2.0 - Progress Report & Poll
Hey all! Just a small SITREP to keep everyone updated:
Progress on Cosplay Guide 2.0 is slower going but steady, as RL things have taken priority. 50% complete through the singleplayer guides, though the remaining characters don't have many skins left total anyway so it actually may be closer to 75%.
Once they're done I'll get to work on MP, and that's where I may really hit a roadblock, given I want to do the 'default' skin + 1-2 additional skins, based on a mixture of personal preference and what I see being used a lot. I won't be doing the fantastical/weird skins as most of what's used won't be replicable in cosplay.
Now, given how much time the MP part of the guide will take me, I wanted everyone's opinion on something.
Will leave this going for a week, and may re-run it depending on how much action this sees.
I will drop this teaser of what to expect. Really proud of this page, even if the actual rig itself pissed me off to no end (seriously ActiBlizz art & design team, learn how fucking MOLLE and PALS works...)
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Thanks again for all your support!
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noellevanious · 1 year
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its so fucking funny thiat blizzard is still trying this "stuff the SEO ballots with overwatch announcements so people cant see their fuckups" tactic. even though it just doesnt work. because thats not how videogame news works and it only caters to people who theyve already lost.
like it seems like a joke. it seems like something somebody on 2016 tumblr qouldve posted. "watch. by 2022 overwatch 2 will be out and whenever actiblizz does something stupid theyll put out a press release about how tracer is now a transfem lesbian and reaper is nonbinary and bisexual". and yet it hapoens every. single. time without fail.
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nimona-antifa · 9 months
Goddammit Overwatch you were supposed to be different.
Lotta feelings rn but at the same time I feel so numb. Like. Is this really the best live services get on consoles now? Fucking. Fortnite and Overwatch 2? And anything that dares to challenge the status quo just dies within a year or so. I Fucking hate this, Gigantic and Battleborn should still be playable but instead I'm stuck with this slop. Like at least with Fortnite you know there'll be more fun skins and it is kinda fun all things considered but Overwatch comes out with halfway decent skins so fucking rarely now that there's no fucking point, because on the off chance they DO come out with a cool one and you get at all excited about it, you better buy and/or grind for it NOW or you'll never fucking see it again. Prove me fucking wrong ActiBlizz. Make every skin that's ever been released available to get SOMEHOW. No monkey's paw bullshit either.
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angeltannis · 5 months
Overwatch’s situation has been particularly heartbreaking because like, when Telltale Games went bankrupt I was devastated, and the whole time playing Forspoken I felt sad knowing Luminous Studios was shuttered because of its failed launch, but both of those at least made SENSE. They had a REASON. Similarly, Gearbox has one foot in the grave because they were never a big studio to begin with, and Borderlands’ popularity has dwindled in recent years, so they’re trying to survive off money from cheap cash grab games and remasters. It all fucking sucks, but it makes sense in this capitalist hell!
Overwatch was THE BIGGEST GAME IN THE WORLD, and Actiblizz had PLENTY OF MONEY!! Even now, with a botched ass sequel, the series apparently brought in 225 MILLION DOLLARS in 2023!! I shouldn’t be hearing about developer layoffs! I shouldn’t have to see the world full of characters I love get eaten alive until there’s nothing left and these greedy fucking execs move on to the next fictional world to destroy! I’ve tried to be detached and casual and sarcastic about the entire OW situation for years now, but the truth is that it really fuckin hurts!! These characters have been with me and other people who love them for years now! They don’t deserve this! Neither do the people who created them and poured love and time into them, who made them real! It’s so unfair and cruel! Why does the world have to be like this?!?
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coringetorix · 1 year
It’s absolutely incredible how often Overwatch manages to continue to shatter my expectations.
Overwatch 2 being mostly a shop overhaul? That I somewhat expected. >$20 for a legendary is kinda in line with Apex I guess, but the amount of free credits you can obtain is an actual joke.
Removing features like the On Fire system and profile levels? Completely unnecessary but whatever, it’s minor. Not a good thing, though.
Killing Overwatch 1? You said you wouldn’t do that, ActiBlizz. Not happy about it, but I see the benefits of all your players being on one game.
Only PvP at first? Baffling. PvE was the whole selling point. Guess it’s coming later, but what do you have to offer now? Is OW2 essentially just a big patch?
Making you have to pay for heroes? Insane. Overwatch is one of the most rock-paper-scissors-hard-counter style games there is.
PvE campaign cancelled. So, it is just a big patch.
Turns out the campaign was internally cancelled before they publically announced it was coming at a later date. Incredible.
New (read: just like the old) PvE costs money for 3 missions with no replayability. Absurd. How can my hope get any lower?
Early reviews say the missions are mid. At this point, that’s par for the course. No surprise there, but...
It will take a year to make another few missions. What the fuck, lmao. 
I desperately want to know what’s next. I’m hooked on this storyline. What new lows can ActiBlizz sink to? I want to find out. My imagination will inevitably fall short and I can’t wait.
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
What you said earlier about your post about Capcom and Resident Evil also applies to other game franchises that is storyline focused like RE and other companies. It’s basically one of the sad cycles of gaming.
I’m currently playing SF6 and I enjoy the story (and I’m gonna review it and analyze each character as best I can using the way you analyzed characters in your meta posts), but I know for sure there are players that don’t care about story, they just want to get into the fighting even though Street Fighter always had been story heavy since the very beginning.
i used this example before, but dudebros not caring about the story is what killed diablo.
diablo 1 had a genuinely unnerving dark fantasy setting where the devil was trapped in a magical stone and had been for thousands of years. and then one day the townsfolk unearthed the stone underneath the town, where it was then taken into custody by the archbishop. he got hella devil corrupted and was influenced into shoving the stone into the skull of the young prince, who then became the actual embodiment of the devil and started marching the legions of hell to the surface. at the end of the game, you beat the devil, but you get corrupted, too, and you shove the stone into your own head. that's how the game ends.
and then diablo 3 came along and was like
lmao it's a bloodline
nah dawg that king's line is cursed
yeah it has nothing to do with the influence of the devil actually, it can't actually happen to just anyone. so that hero from the first game? royal blood. yep.
also like angels are here and shit because it has nothing to do with the temptations of humanity and everything to do with the war between heaven and hell happening on earth. that's cool right?
no actiblizz it's not fucking cool. it sucks. it fucking sucks actually.
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noonmutter · 28 days
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y'know, I don't play overwatch and never have
and prolly never will, because I wanted a story mode and that was a cruel joke actiblizz played on everyone
but this fucking ad for a new event sponsored by the fuckin car company
and they are the lamest skins imaginable
why are these skins indistinguishable from unpainted warhammer minifigs
these look like if I flipped them over I'd find the telltale signs of poorly sanded sprues on the feet
pharah's gun looks like a warframe concept that got rejected for looking like if you sneezed it'd collapse and wobble for ten minutes and taste vaguely like lemon but mostly like a 70s cookbook
the only obvious sign that these skins are porsche-related is the emblem above d.va's head
how on god's green earth did somebody design this and think "this definitely evokes the iconic lines and implict speed of the boxster" or even just a basic "this definitely looks just like a porsche panamera" (nobody wants anything to look like a porsche panamera)
I am assuming, from the use of the word "electric," that they want to bring the youths' attention to their fantastic line of electric sports cars, which overwatch players of all ages can definitely afford and also want
hey kids! d.va wants you to go buy a fantastic new 2024 Porsche Taycan! it's new and sexy and definitely doesn't look like every other sedan in full profile and its starting price is only $99,400! (yes I looked it up) That's less than a hundred grand! And for $111k you can upgrade to the world's coolest electric station wagon, the Taycan 4 Cross Turismo!
I'm not even that into porsches. I found out today that I know way more random shit about porsches than I thought I did
it's the battlenet app's fault I had to see this and I'm yelling at it like a grouchy old car person
god dammit
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