#Friend's OC: Maur
catamaurrr-star · 3 months
maur my oc and teddie from p4 would be best friends if they ever met
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catamaurscards · 4 months
daisy and jasmine!!!! (for the ask game :3)
YIPPEEE im picking maur for this one because hes my silly little guy
daisy: one of my friends had an oc with the same name as them and i thought "heehee thats fun. i wanna do that too" and maur was born. also fun fact i made his lore up on the spot and ive barely changed it since
jasmine: maurthecoolest :DDD !!!
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valorieblogzz · 11 months
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Maur Maur Mai zenin and my friends oc
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mysteryideasgroup · 1 year
Maurice Parker (My NEW MSA and Night At The Museum OC) Night Security Guard
Full Name: Maurice Parker
First Name: Maurice
Last Name: Parker
Nicknames: Maur, Mauri, Mr. Parker
Gender: Male
Profile pic
Age: 22
Blood Type: A+
Occupation: Night Security Guard
Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___/___
(___, ___, ___, ___)
Favourite Animal:
Species: Human
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
For @laurasanchez36
Maurice Parker belongs to my new msa and night at the museum oc
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lyrishadow · 4 years
Fictober: Abbey
Prompt26: “How about you trust me for once?” Fandom: Runes of Magic Title: Abbey Pair: Rixa (OC) /Maur (friends OC) Rating: T I wrote this in the universe of Runes of Magic, an mmo available via steam etc. It was my friend’s bday this last week and I wanted to give her a gift. So here is an odd fandom and I don’t know if it has an equivalent on Ao3 but I will post it there as part of my series.
Rixa had begun her existence as a thief and pirate, her family rich off the misfortune of others she had come to the city looking for both redemption and challenge. For what does a thief do to rebel against the family but try and do good instead. Maur had started the other way around, coming from a good family, and wanting to stretch his wings. So they met in the middle and found each other in the midst of all that was going on in the city of Veranas.
it was a rainy day when they set out for the confines of the Abbey, tasked with retrieving several items and bringing an end to the demon spirit deep within. Neither had been there before, the dark and foreboding graveyard did not allow for people to exactly visit regularly. Inside the building, they came across two specialist priests who are keen on cleansing the place of its problems neither wanted to do this of their own accord but we're seeking adventurers such as Rixa and Maur, they gave limited instructions although they were not exactly clear on how to enter into the chambers below, but warned against certain magical doors which lead to places which were not of the present world. “Beware of the nightmare world, you want to avoid that at all costs.” “It is necessary to cleanse this place in the waking world” Agreed the other with all the learned wisdom of a sage, he placed his hands together in front of him. “Now off with you.” 
Fighting their way downstairs past spiders and bats who both seemed to have taken up residence in the Abbey, they found themselves at a dead end.
"How about you trust me for once?" Rixa regarded Maur " this is not the time to be using random doors."
“Huh but it looks cool?” Maur pointed to a door covered with tentacle-like features. “Where do you think it goes?” “It screams nightmare don’t you think?” Rixa replied
“But I don't see any other door” Rixa mused “It must be hidden.” She  turned her back to Maur and looked towards the altar in the center of the room she ran her fingers along the base of the altar looking for a secret door lock Maur hummed to himself a moment, then he turned to her asking “Why don't you try liking the brazier, sometimes those things open secret doors.” Rixa frowned annoyed that she hadn't thought of that herself she lit the brazier with gusto, and the secret door slid open leading them to the entrance of the cavernous below of the Abbey.
“You sure about this?” Rixa asked adjusting straps and daggers on her outfit - her clothes were covered in dust, she wrinkled her nose as she brushed it off the black wondering if there was a color which didn’t attract it. “For a rogue you sure are fussy.” Maur laughed watching her closely. He hefted his shield and sword, testing the weight and smiling when he found it to his liking. Running a hand through his hair, he made the same actions as Rixa and smoothed his outfit - although mail and plate hardly require much smoothing, and Rixa was certain it was an act of imitation and thus teasing. “Yes I am certain, this needs to be done, I have been asked to retrieve several items from in here already.” Maur paused before adding, “I can keep you safe though.”
The abbey on the surface was dark enough, down here you had ghosts and ghouls, but also the bats and spiders which seem to be common all over. The ghouls posed the biggest risk. As another zombie fell to her blades Rixa looked to see Maur watching her. “You look good when you are fighting.” He stated shrugging before turning and using his knight’s ability to smite another zombie that had ambled up. They fought side by side scrambling through the lower areas, fighting the necromancers who were masking the presence of what the priests upstairs referred to as the duke. The duke was a fierce lumbering and very large ghoul. If he had a life before this it was not evident in his presence or his clothing. “This place is crazy.” Maru offered as they watched the duke and prepared for their attack. “I am guessing he isn’t going to just let us walk past and into those doors?” “No, and I think it is going to be a good test.” “Well, don’t die on me,” Maur said with a laugh “I have gotten attached to having you around.” “Oh really?” Rixa sighed she liked Maur a lot more than she let on. “Ready to fight this … thing..?” “He’s a ghoul and like most ghoul’s he is probably going to use fear…” Rixa said analyzing the situation “I suggest we go about this with ca….” Maur had already run into the fight. It was not a short flight, the count was far from nimble but for one so big he moved at lightning speed. Twice Rixa intercepted a blow meant for Maur and regretted it as she cloaked herself in the shadows and ruefully dressed the wounds with healing herbs as fast as she could. “Well.” Maur said as his sword shattered the skull of the ‘duke’ “That was fun.” “Interesting idea of fun…” Rixa muttered sheathing her daggers and looking around “Look the door opened.” “Bricks and mortar, maybe we have made it to the Abbey proper?” “Looks that way, oh…” Rixa stopped short and Maur ran into her with a grunt of surprise. Inside the room, an apparition was pacing, as if waiting for them it turned. The ghost was that of one of the ‘Eye of Wisdom’ people, the ones who had their finger on the pulse of the magic here, and the dangers. “Did I miss something?” Rixa asked, “I feel like they should have told us that there were Eye of Wisdom people here.” “True.” Maur frowned but moved forward past Rixa to talk with the ghost who set them to collect a book from further in. “Heh, the ghost can’t get their book ok.” Rixa muttered, “I guess that is why there are piles of bones everywhere.” They made quick work of the room, the zombies there were harder to fight but the two of them were capable and in sync with each other’s fighting style by now. “Over here!” Maur called from a corner “Pile of books…” He kicked it as he said that and a person rose from behind them, his hands were still bound but he was able to use magic. “What are you doing? You will ruin it!” he screeched as they tried unsuccessfully to just free him from his bindings, the man or being said as he died “Don’t tell anyone I was here…” “Just once I wish people would be happy to be rescued or saved.” Rixa shook her head, it was always something “I mean unless he wanted to be bound up in here…” “Maybe that is his kink?” Maur muttered under his breath waiting for a reaction from Rixa who just stared at him a moment. “Perhaps it is, can’t blame him for that then.” The two of them move through dealing with a large slime, or a ghoul slime? Rixa was not sure which it was except it was large and green. Then across the hall, they fought a ghoul who summoned more small ghouls to the fight. Luckily for both of them, Maur had enough defensive abilities in his repertoire. “Shall we open the large foreboding door at the end of the room?” He asked as he cleaned his sword ready for the next fight. “Of course,” Rixa nodded “What harm could come of it.” “Heh, knew I liked you,” Maur replied pushing the door open they moved to the last battle in the Abbey with enthusiasm. To finally be done here was a definite goal, though Rixa could not help but feel it was just the beginning of the story. Through the door, two masked figures could be seen negotiating with a witch-like demon. Maur and Rixa looked at each other and surged on to defeat their enemy. “Thank you…” That was not the expected response from a ghoul having been defeated, but a ghost, not a ghoul stood in front of them. She told them she had sacrificed herself so that others could escape. Suddenly it made sense, the entire fight had been about controlling the woman’s spirit, who in life had been a powerful mage, in death had been taken over by a demon who turned that power to their ends. They returned the book to the ghost who requested it and carried on until they were outside. “So I guess we part ways?” Rixa asked “Do we have to?” “Maybe for a time.” she paused “But if you need me all you need to do is ask; and I will be around.” “Thanks. I… yes the same to you.” Maur had an honest blush on his face which made Rixa stop a second. “Never far Maur, just keep that in mind!” She mounted her horse and swinging a dark cloak around her shoulders and over her hair she rode off. 
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caryctid · 4 years
hcpebelief said:all the even # for neira plssss // Questions About Creating Your OCs
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Under the cut for length
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
The Turks in general, yes, but not any in particular. She’s supposed to be in the same ‘generation’ of the Before Crisis Turks, having joined up about four years before the start of the original game, but her accident and later arrival mean she’s there for much less time. Timeline wise, she’s not quite a veteran Turk but I’ll say she was damn good at her job even if she made attempts to seem a little ditzy.  I like the idea of someone who’s good at her job but doesn’t seem like she would be, I guess. 
The ‘espionage’ part of her job was the most important part when designing her, Neira code switches well partially because of two emotionally distant and manipulative parents and I figured that skill must be good for something.  
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Inequality of wealth mostly, because quite a few of the protagonists come from poorer backgrounds and/or have been fucked up by Shinra’s actions, having someone who doesn’t quite understand the ramifications of working for this company kind of made sense to me. She’s not willfully ignorant, perhaps unintentionally blind.
It leads to a lot of inner turmoil when the plate drops on Sector 7 and she gains her memories back in her main verse and in a verse where she remained a member of the Turks it serves as a moral event horizon. Like...sure she’s killed people before but I think it hits her properly then.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
Not particularly, they’re the most memorable feature about her and that’s about as far as it goes. Even if someone doesn’t remember Neira, they’d remember her eyes, because they’re kind of piercing, but that’s it. Also her faceclaim had green eyes and I just kind of rolled with it. 
8.  What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
I’m super blessed to not have had an empty childhood with parents vying for my attention, so I don’t share much with Neira at all!
10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? 
I mentioned in my rules that she had a thing for another Turk, Maur, the male Martial Arts of Before Crisis but it was nothing more than a younger woman finding someone who was tall, hot-blooded and overly-courteous attractive. The fact that they’re both from the Costa del Sol also kind of cemented that attraction on her side. 
I’d say she’s tailor-made to not be compatible with him. At all. 
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Getting her inner voice is difficult in her architect verse, which is hilariously enough her main verse. She’s supposed to embody an artistic soul stuck in a less than exciting job, but it’s much, much easier to write her as the assassin she used to be. If that makes sense?
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
A smooth, silky voice and a woman who carries herself like she owns the place, Neira’s an easy flirt and tends to act overly friendly because she lacks friends in general. She doesn’t quite have a sense of boundaries in the way other people do but she’s distant because she can’t quite let people know who she really is because she doesn’t even know. Late night bar drinks? That’s fine and fun. A workplace argument? It happens. Sex is amazing and she’s down. And she’s one hell of a loyal friend but at the same time she’s always going to be over analyzing and wondering ‘why me?’. Because she doesn’t actually feel worthy.  Analytical thinking + inferiority complex = Neira’s awkward as hell feelings towards people in general.
Aneira was good at her job, really good. Like even with a prosthetic hand she’d have still been a Turk if it hadn’t been for the memory loss. Despite her size she was adept at defending herself, her shooting was impeccable but most importantly she was analytical as all hell. Not quite a living lie detector but perceptive enough to know when there was more to something. Before her accident, she saw herself as someone who could go after Tseng’s position one day. 
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
It doesn’t quite make me cry but the fact that she thrived when she was in the Turks and she lost her memories of it could be considered upsetting. She lost friendships, connections and an ability to feel normal that she never quite had in childhood. Sure, she was a pawn for a department that did unsavory things, but she wasn’t alone. 
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
Aneira doesn’t think of herself as much of a person after her memory loss, how could she possibly when she’s lost so much? If you’re made of memories, as Neira believes, then she’s lacking. 
Turk verse Neira has similar issues for different reasons, she’s not a person, she’s a tool and it shouldn’t matter because she finally belongs somewhere and yet it still annoys her somehow in ways she can’t quite explain. 
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catamaurrr-star · 11 months
maur's super duper awesome list of all his ocs!!! celebrate!!!(longish)
PLEASE ask me about my ocs PLEASSEEEEEE (explanation for the world [number] thing here)
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my favorite 3 little guys (world 1)
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name: umbra chrono age: 23 pronouns: he/they info: my favorite oc (dont tell the others).... time travelling catman who really misses his parents and is having a horrible time at college. is tormented by sadness every now and then BUT he's also good friends with maur and gude so that helps. oh yeah also haunted by the narrative i guess fun little fact: he's a siamese ragdoll!! he dyes his hair black though to try and hide that. this doesnt work as he has the brightest bluest eyes on the planet
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name: MAUR !!!!!!! age: 15 pronouns: he/she info: technically not my sona. but they do look VERY similar. anyways so this guy can turn into a cat whenever he wants and was raised in apocalyptic warzone australia (just go with it) but escaped on a boat onto the rest of the world and now steals from places as a homeless stray cat. he likes to annoy umbra as often as possible and steal food from him when he's not looking fun little fact: his eyes light up REALLY FUCKING BRIGHT in the dark. like led lights
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name: gude normal age: 19 pronouns: they (but he and she are also accepted. they mainly preferred though) info: most mentally stable oc. they're half elf and they only got the ears from their dad. they love monster hunter and its their favorite thing in the entire world. oh yeah their brother is also kind of a god. OH YEAH ALSO they have a Power!!!! they can make chair arms out of nothing. there is no limit to these chair arms but it gets more and more physically draining to have too many of them for too long. they can disappear whenever gude likes fun little fact: they only wear shorts. not a single set of pants. also striped shirts or tshirts with really stupid designs on them that they thought were funny.
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name: jimmy falenhardt age: 10 pronouns: he/him (he;s a cis girl though) info: other most mentally stable oc. he's just a little guy who likes doing postal service and is OBSESSED with cats. like he brings cat food and cat treats with him everywhere. he's very very silly and makes cat puns at every single opportunity he gets. other than that he's very adventurous and a little bit cocky. fun little fact: he picked his own name. he didnt even have a name beforehand everyone just politely referred to him as The Child
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name: iron age: ???? pronouns: any info: no one knows what their deal is. no one knows where he came from but apparently she's australian. they rarely ever talk and when he does its the most ominous confusing or just frankly bizarre shit ever. she has So Many scars its crazy. resident little freak fun little fact: yes they look like that in canon too. bright pink hair and paper white skin. so much wrong with her ❤️
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genshin ocs time
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name: pyre (not his real name) age: mid to late 50s pronouns: he/him info: sumeru pyro claymore 5 star. somewhat possessed by a flower and lives in the sumeru desert. used to have a wife and a kid but his wife died in a sandstorm and he got separated from his kid and doesn't remember either of them anymore. due to the flower possessing him. he just kills people now and is the #1 enemy of cyno fun little fact: at some point he gets free from the flower and has to deal with The Horrors of losing like. 20ish years of your life
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name: qamar (no last name idk) age: late 20s pronouns: she/they info: sumeru/mondstadt anemo sword 4 star. got separated from her family by a sandstorm basically wiping out her home in the sumeru desert and she got lost and adopted by rhinedottir who happened to be in the area. grew up with albedo and is on a mission to find out what happened to her family and friends and if all of them truly died or not. also mentors sucrose sometimes and is unintentionally Very Mean fun little fact: she REALLY likes dragonflies. there are several dragonfly motifs on her design (if i actually ever draw it ...)
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name: FELIX!!!!!!! age: 40ish pronouns: she/her info: fontaine pyro catalyst 5 star. was part of an ancient race that died out and is basically the last of her species. performs as a popular actress in the opera epiclese for plays and stuff and works with lyney sometimes but SURPRISE!! she's also an UNDERCOVER REBEL!!! she goes by the name "Rouge Résistance" while trying to show all the cracks and flaws in the fontainian justice system by graffiti and stealing stuff to give out to others later . and also arson. kinda like robin hood but with fire fun little fact: her weapon? these fucking hands
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au name: pope!maur (i thought it was funny) info: was adopted by the church after escaping australia and is now a tyrannical pope at age 15... very insane everyone hates him. he uses his position to do Not Swag things. somewhat of an infamous celebrity fun little fact: originally i made him (and incel umbra) as just maur and umbra in different outfits but then i gave them different persoanlities and origins and boom!! different characters
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au name: incel!umbra info: after his parents mysteriously disappeared he went on the internet . and got ruined forever because of it. now hes a really fucking mean nihilist who's generally draining to be around and one day wants to burn down the entire world fun little fact: he and christian!maur DESPISE each other and will go out of their way to annoy each other at every single opportunity. not in the friendly way either they genuinely hate each other
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au name: time god!umbra (usually shortened to tg!umbra) info: basically just works for the higher time gods in the world. makes sure everything in time goes well and can vaguely control it. also doesn't follow linear time it's kinda wild. doesn't follow the normal umbra lore either he was just made like this and he just has to accept it fun little fact: he does get paid. just not a lot though. like very little payment for his work
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au name: space god!maur (usually shortened to sg!maur) info: like tg!umbra, he works for the higher space gods and he makes sure everythings position isnt getting weird and fucked up. he can teleport wherever he wants and he can work outside of 3 dimensions. thats how silly he is fun little fact: the gods have forced his face to be smiling forever. he is actually not happy with this
thats probably all of them for now .. will update this whenever i make new guys ...
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