#Hangman imagines
sappy-seresin · 1 year
Little Insomniac (J. Seresin)
Pairing: Jake Seresin x roommate!reader
Summary: You're dealing with an ongoing struggle to sleep, and Jake wants to help. Volume Two
Warnings: nothing really, just fluff.
Word Count: 3k
MY WORK IS ORIGNIAL AND IS NOT TO BE COPIED OR REPOSTED ELSEWHERE. Be kind and don't steal other people's writing, thank you.
Gif creds: @jakeseresins
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Jake stirs awake before his alarm has the chance to go off. Yawning, he wipes the sleep from his eyes before groggily reaching for his phone to check the time. 5:45, it reads, though he has to squint to make sure because his eyes are still bleary from just waking up. He lets himself yawn one more time before moving to sit at the edge of his bed, a gentle grunt falls from his lips as he enjoys his first big stretch of the day, preparing his muscles for his usual morning run.
Knowing that he’ll have plenty of time to get ready once he’s back, he swaps his sweatpants out for a pair of running shorts and slips on a coordinating shirt. He turns toward his bedside table to grab his headphones, immediately sticking them into his ears and scrolling through his phone to find his playlist, “Run Like Hell.” His head gently bobs to the best of the music once he’d hit shuffle as he finishes getting ready by sliding his running shoes on.
He makes sure to walk quietly as he passes your room. You won’t be waking up for another hour, at least, and he’s not keen on giving you a wake up call sooner than you have planned. He accidentally woke you up one morning shortly after the two of you signed this lease and it resulted in a rather heated reprimand from a rather hungover, half asleep, version of you that came stumbling out of your room with a baseball bat thinking someone broke in. Since then, he’s intentionally light on his feet, careful not to cause another scene.
Jake smiles at the memory of your disheveled state. You were slightly tipsy from the night before with pillow lines on your face and an unruly bun knotted on top of your head as you incoherently scolded him for nearly giving you a heart attack. In that moment, all he could do was blink at you like a deer in the headlights, trying not to focus too much on the fact that all you were wearing was an oversized shirt that covered everything above your mid thighs, leaving your toned legs on full display.
His trip to memory lane is clouded with confusion when he notices light radiating through the hallway from the living room. He got home after you did last night and swore he shut the lamp off before retreating to his bedroom. His feet carry him toward the light, stopping in the tracks when he notices your form on the couch. You’re seated comfortably with your feet splayed on the coffee table balancing your laptop on your knees, wearing that same damn t-shirt.
“What’re you doing up? You never beat me,” he questions, pulling one earphone out and adjusting the volume on his phone so he can hear you. His presence had gone unnoticed by you, so the sudden question made you jump in, your head snapping toward him in shock.
“Jesus Jake,” your hand flies to your heart in an attempt to ease its rapid beating, a quiet “whew” falling from your lips as you compose yourself, tilting the screen of your laptop down so you can see him better. “Why do move so quiet? You scared me half to death!”
“Sorry darlin’, I didn’t mean to scare you. Just surprised to see you awake so early. Like I said, you never beat me,” there’s an apologetic smile etched onto Jake’s soft features. He scratches the back of his head sheepishly, his eyes never leaving you when he moves into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, promptly opening it and taking a swig. He stalks back to the living room, wordlessly offering you the water, which you gladly accept.
“Can you actually categorize it as beating you if I haven’t slept?” you ask after gulping the cool liquid down. You hand the bottle back to him, nuzzling deeper into your position on the couch when he moves to sit next to you, pulling his other earbud out so that you know you have his full attention.
He stares at you in confusion after processing what you said. Sure, your sleeping patterns have always been odd to him, but a night of not seeming at all raises several questions, “You didn’t sleep?”
“No,” you sigh, completely closing your computer and discarding it onto the coffee table in front of you.
“Why not? I thought you said that you're ahead at work and don't have to stress about extra planning?" He slings his arm over the back of the couch, his fingers barely brushing across the fabric of your t-shirt. He ignores the temptation to drop his hand from the coach so that it rests fully on your shoulder, knowing it's not the time to tease the butterflies awakening in his stomach at the faint smell of your perfume.
"I am," you affirm looking over at him, his close proximity has you feeling at ease with a hint of bashfulness. "It's not work. It's nothing like that really. I just-I don't know, I can spend the entire day exhausted but I'm wide awake as soon as my head hits a pillow."
Jake nods, pulling his attention away from you to ponder if there's anything he can do. After a few seconds of comfortable silence, he returns his gaze to you, taking notice of the prominent bags under your eyes. Your exhaustion coats your features, coating you with a dreamlike state while you zone out on nothing. He bumps your shoulder gently, stealing your attention back. "Is there something bothering you?"
Your head shakes in response, an involuntary yawn falling from your parted lips. You pull your legs up to your chest, hooking your arms around them to hold them in place, and it takes everything in Jake's power to not focus on the fact that the movement made your oversized t-shirt rise up. He clears his throat, returning his thoughts back to the conversation rather than continuing to mentally admire your effortless beauty.
"Okay," he hums, "Well, can you at least take the day off to let yourself rest? I'm sure you'd crash if you got in bed now."
"I can't," you groan, running a hand over your face in frustration. "We have a major meeting today, and I'm running it because ninety-five percent of the team can't manage to do their jobs." There's a sympathetic look sent your way which only adds to the helplessness embedding itself in your entire being. All your impending schedule brings you is an unshakable dread due to how desperately sleep deprived you already feel.
"Okay," he repeats, standing from the couch. "Well, since you can't get out of it today, what do you say we go grab breakfast at that coffee shop you like downtown? My treat. It's not sleep, but it's the best I can do unless you're willing to let me call your boss and telling him to postpone the meeting."
You blink at him, a lazy smile twitching at the edge of your lips. "You know you don't have to do that right? I'm a big girl and can caffeinate myself."
"I know, but I want to. Besides, there's no way in hell I'm letting your sleep deprived ass drive yourself around town today. The last thing this town needs is a delirious Y/n Y/l/n operating a vehicle. Now, how about you go put some pants on so you don't catch a public indecency charge?" He's shooting you his signature 'Seresin smirk' now, which you can't refuse, so you take his outstretched hand and let him help you up.
A few days later, you're parked in that same position on the couch with your legs strewn over Jake's lap as the two of you watch the latest episode of 'The Rookie." There's been a comfortable silence in the room for awhile now, both of you fully engrossed in what's playing on the screen. Jake's fingers periodically draw circles against your clothed shins, a mindless habit of his that you've grown to love, while he makes a few side comments about Tim and Lucy's relationship Which you, being a lover of the slow burning couple, always agree with.
The episode comes to a close, leaving you both with anticipation for the shows continuation next week. Watching the Rookie became a weekly tradition when you became roommates after Jake came home from the bar one night, interrupting your peaceful binge watching. He made fun of the show at first, but forced you to restart it completely because he wanted to be completely caught up on everything it had to offer before deciphering whether or not he liked it. It took measly three episodes and he was hooked, which he denied by telling you he only watches it to bond with you. The way he lost himself in the screen, laughing and cracking jokes, was a tell-tale sign that he was hooked.
“It's late, I’m gonna head to bed,” Jake tells you after several unspoken moments, standing from his comfortable position and carefully repositioning your legs on the cushions. He stretches with a hefty yawn, running a hand over his face. You wordlessly watch him, enjoying the extra gravel to his voice that always comes when he's tired. “Want me to turn the lights off?”
“I'll get them. I think I’m going to be up awhile," you decline, straightening up to reach for the journal you left on the table before he came home.
“Still not sleeping?” He yawns again, watching as you get situated in a manner that tells him you are gearing for a long night.
You scoff, shaking your head in response to his question. One glance his way fills you in on the fact that he wants more of an explanation than that. "I've averaged maybe eight hours total this week, if you can count the baby naps my assistant lets me take during breaks. I swear I could run a marathon and still not be exhausted enough to encourage my body to rest."
“What about this? How about you let me take you to bed and we’ll try something new to help you sleep," he offers. Hope fills his green eyes momentarily before draining when you snort comically.
"Hangman, are you using my sleep deprivation as an excuse to get in my pants? I know I'm undeniably attractive, but that's a new level of low, even for Jake 'the heartbreaker' Seresin," you hadn't meant for the words to spill from your lips and regret them almost immediately. Yet, your raised eyebrows challenge him rather than showing any sign of lighthearted remorse.
“I’m going to blame your hostility on sleep deprivation instead of taking what you just said personally,” there’s a playful grin curved onto his cheeks as he peers down at the disdained expression you’re directing at him. “Now, come on grumpy, let’s get you some sleep,” You groan when he grabs your hands, shifting his weight so he can pull you off the couch. You fight against him, not wanting to let go of the comfortable position you’d fallen into. “Jesus, would you stop being a brat.” He can’t help but laugh as you continue making yourself dead weight to lessen his chances of dragging you off the couch. “Fine, two can play at this game.”
“What-JAKE,” an involuntarily squeal of surprise bubbles from your chest when he bends down, both his hands on your hips, and slings you over his shoulder effortlessly. He laughs as you smack against his back while he flicks the lights off, guiding the two of you toward your room.
“Put me down peasant,” you chant through your own fit of giggles. He simply shakes his head at your antics, carefully weaving through your bedroom before dropping you on top of your bed in a heap. Your giggles die down the longer you admire his lighthearted expression. You cough to try to keep yourself from ogling him like an idiot. It’s hard not to when he’s staring at you like you’re the creator of the jet planes he loves so much. “Couldn’t have given me a gentler landing?”
Jake rolls his eyes, feigning a scoff. “You asked me to put you down, and I put you down. Don’t go giving me a bad yelp review because you weren’t more specific, princess.” There’s a slight twinkle in his eye as the nickname flows off his tongue, smooth as silk. You mentally curse the involuntary heat rushing to your cheeks at the pet name, unable to suppress a bashful smile.
“Fair point,” you reply simply, fighting to keep yourself from spiraling at the sight of your roommate still towering over your splayed figure. He’d showered about an hour ago so his normally styled hair is laying against his forehead comfortably, the scent of his body wash ghosts your nostrils as he scratches the back of his neck, making it even harder not to swoon because he smells so good. “Are you going to tell me what your master plan to help me sleep is, or should I go ahead and preorder extra shots of espresso to keep me functioning tomorrow?”
Jake straightens up at the realization that he’d gotten sidetracked from his initial plan, a dubious grin plasters itself on his face as he moves to turn my bedroom light off, carefully making his way back to my bed in the dark.
“Jake, I hate to break it to you but simply putting me into bed isn’t going to help me sleep, if that’s all it took-what’re you doing?” Your question is left unanswered as he pulls the covers back on the side of the bed you’re not laying on, pausing to stare at you through the dark.
“I’m climbing in bed,” he states like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, fully situating himself under the covers. You stare at him like he’s got two heads, not understanding how his master plan to get you to sleep involves him fully being in bed with you. You’ve had daydreams about curling up in bed with him, falling asleep to the even rhythm of his heart beat, but those were simply fantasies about the man you have a complicated crush on because, well, he’s your roommate. Of course, the two of you are close enough that you’ve fallen asleep on his shoulder on more than one occasion but it’s never been intention and those moments definitely haven’t occurred in a bed.
“You’re in my bed,” you observe, still frozen in place on top of the covers.
“Yes, Y/n, I’m in your bed. Now, would you stop being difficult? Get your ass up here and let me do my job,” his voice is gentle but holds a certain demand that has you obliging immediately. Climbing up next to him, you allow him to lift the covers so that you can slide under them. You leave a comfortable amount of space between the two of you, though it feels awkward with the heat radiating from his body. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What? You told me to climb in with you, so I climbed in with you?” An exasperated groan sounds from his side of the bed, earning an embarrassed blush from you, completely at a loss as to what you did wrong. “It’s not my fault that you’ve managed to leave out legitimately every detail of your master plan.”
In response, Jake’s arms wrap around your waist, immediately tugging you closer to him until you’re practically laying on top of him. “Get comfortable, sweetheart,” he murmurs simply, as if him holding you in your bed is a normal occurrence that shouldn’t have a fit of butterflies going rampant in your stomach. “Stop overthinking it and get situated.” His request comes after a few beats of you remaining frozen in the awkward position he pulled you into. You lift your head to meet his eyes, looking for affirmation that you’re hearing him right. When his hand trails over your face to brush your hair from your eyes, you suck in an audible breath, the gentle touch sending shivers down your spine as he leans his head close enough to yours that his breath fans against your face. “Let me hold you tonight."
"Okay," you breathe, carefully rolling onto your stomach. You shift yourself just enough to comfortably rest your head against his chest, fully allowing yourself relax into him as the faint sound of his heartbeat greets your ears. Jake's arms find a home around your waist again, a content sigh falling from his lips at the fact that you're fully nuzzled into him.
"Comfy?" His question is hopeful as he mindlessly draws comforting circles on your back, the simple movement paired with the comfort of his arms already causing your eyes to grow heavy.
"So comfy," you yawn, melting into him further. One of your hands fist his t-shirt while his find a spot in your hair, gently massaging your scalp.
"Good," he kisses the crown of your head, secretly feeling pleased by the way you're already fighting to keep your eyes open after seeming confident that he couldn't do anything to cure your insomnia. "Get some rest, sweetheart." You don't need his permission to sleep, but his words are the final thing you remember before slipping into a sweet slumber.
Jake knows you're out by the way your body grows a little heavier. Light snores fall from your lips every so often, warming his chest at the fact that you feel safe enough to let him assist you. While tiredness scratches the back of his eyes, he can't keep himself from observing your sleeping figure, a soft smile curves onto his lips at the adorable sight. As your roommate, he doesn't want to admit it, but he's dreamed of a moment like this from the second the two of you signed the lease for this place. Neither of you had been each others first choice in the roommate department, but after so long of roommates falling through, he proposed the idea and you accepted. You were friends back then, but weren't close enough for sharing an apartment to feel normal. Yet, when the time came to move in, your lives melted together seamlessly.
Jake's hand continues weaving through your hair, the act making him feel soft while you sleep soundly on his chest. He can't help but admire your peaceful features now that all signs of stress and exhaustion are erased from your face. You've always been attractive to Jake but right now, while you're snoring softly on his chest, he swears you're the most beautiful sight he's ever laid eyes on.
It's harder for him to continue fighting his own sleep the longer the peace of the night weighs on his eyelids so he carefully shifts the two of you into a more comfortable position. He holds his breath when you stir, but releases it when your head lulls back to place on his chest.
"Sweet dreams, pretty girl," he finds himself whispering, giving you one last glance before letting his eyes flutter shut. They snap back open when you mumble incoherently in your sleep, a sigh rolling from your parted lips.
"I love you Jake," the words are slightly slurred when they roll from your tongue, but Jake hears them clear as day. His eyes widen in surprise, never having heard you utter those words. He feels humbled by the unconscious confession, his heart swelling at the thought of the words holding an unshakeable truth.
A/n: Another Jake fic while I continue working on Fawn Volume 2! I'm hoping to have the second part of Fawn posted before the week ends, I'm just finding that I'm pressuring myself with it a little because I love the storyline in my head so much that I'm scared to mess it up :')
Part Two
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Let’s give him hell - Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse, cursing, fighting. Protective older brother Jake and bestie Bradley
Part 2 is posted here
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“Please don’t be awake.” You repeated the words to yourself as you walked up the steps to your house, praying to a higher power that Jake wasn’t still awake. He had been home for leave and was staying in your guest room along with a couple of his navy buddies. You knew he didn’t want to stay with your parents because he wasn’t your dads biggest fan, so you said he could stay with you. But now, as you realized the situation you were in, you were regretting it. You really didn’t want your older brother to see the poorly covered bruises because you knew he would lose his shit. You were the youngest of the Seresin siblings and the one who was the closest to the only boy of the bunch, him being a couple years your senior.
The bruises that were slowly starting to turn purple now were the doing of the man who was supposed to always protect you. Jason, your boyfriend had gotten a little over zealous tonight and had put his hands on you. You tried to cover it with makeup and a baseball cap, but you knew you weren’t fooling anyone.
You kept your head down as you slid in the front door, trying to shut the door quietly. You heard your brothers voice and the voice of others; telling you that there was more than one naval aviator you had to avoid. You listened to the voices; recognizing Rooster and Jake laughing about who knows what. You slowly pushed the door shut and swore under your breath as the door squeaked loud enough for the conversation to stop.
“You’re home late.” You heard Jake call out, his head peaking out from behind the door frame in the kitchen. You nodded and lowered your head even more, clicking your tongue as you sat your keys down and sighed. You felt like you were a teenager again, getting caught by him when you were out past curfew. “Yeah, I fell asleep at Jason’s.” The words were a bold faced lie as you scouted out your escape up the stairs and to your room “I hope you haven’t tried to burn my house down yet.” You tried to keep a conversation flowing as you put away your shoes and your coat, hearing Rooster laugh at your comment.
Your heart swelled in your chest at the sound of your best friends laughter, wishing you could go say hi. But knowing better than that. “What do you think?” Jake’s voice made you roll your eyes as you affirmed his smart ass words, hearing a chair scrape along the kitchen floor. “Wow, she hasn’t even come to say hi to me. We both come into town for the first time in a year and she’s avoiding us..” You heard Rooster’s teasing voice and you feel your heart start to race.
“I’m going to bed! I’ll see you guys tomorrow! Night!” And with that you took off sprinting up the stairs, slamming your door behind you. You turned the lock on the door, or so you thought as you walk into your room and sink down into your bed. You slid the hat off your head and let yourself take in the sight of yourself, a few tears slipping down your cheeks as you shake your head; recalling the argument in your head.
You had called him out on not being faithful to you, having found evidence of him cheating in the form of a girl texting him while you were over. It had made you extremely upset, telling him you were done. At the words, he lost his temper. He took his anger out on you and you were now wearing the consequences.
“Hey, Jake asked me to come check-“ You heard a knock on your door as Bradley pushed it open, showing a perfect example of the literal open policy the two of you had in your friendship. He stopped dead in his tracks as he caught sight of you in the mirror, his eyes widening. “He didn’t.” His tone turned harsh as he walked in and sat in front of you, carefully taking your face in his hand. “Are you okay?” His voice softened as he carefully ran his fingers down your skin, his hazel eyes meeting yours.
You gave him the best fake smile you could muster, nodding as you put your hand over his. “I’m okay, Roo. I promise.” You wiped away a couple of tears as you looked up at him and swallowed thickly. “Please don’t tell Jake..” You knew exactly what your brother was capable of and you were terrified for it to be unleashed. Growing up, he was the kind to square up against your dad and he did it with a cocky smile on his lips.
Your dad laid his hands on your mom one time and never made the mistake again after Jake punched him for it. Sure, the blonde aviator got a nasty shiner and a bloody lip, but he looked your dad dead in the eye as he threatened with the cops. “Call them. I’ll tell them to read me my rights. You don’t fucking touch my mother like that.” His words were dripping with venom as he spit his blood into the grass, clenching his fists. “As far as I’m concerned, the law was mine to break tonight and I would gladly fucking do it again.” The fight was over then and there and never happened again.
“You know I have to tell him. He fucking hurt you.” Bradley was trying to keep his cool for your sake but you just looked up at him, shaking your head. “Then I guess I should just give you more ammo if we’re going to rile my brother up.” You pushed yourself up off the bed and out of Roosters grip, walking over to your dresser. You slid out of the shirt you were wearing, slipping on one of Roosters old shirts that he gave you. “He cheated on me too.” You met his eyes through your mirror, feeling a small sense of fear creep into your spine as you saw anger flash through his eyes.
Rooster shook his head as he watched you crawl into bed, biting the inside of his lip. He walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, feeling like you could use the sense of safety. He stayed there until he heard your soft snores, quietly letting himself out of your room.
He walked downstairs to meet the curious eyes of the other aviators, Jake opening his mouth to spout off a smart aleck remark. However, Bradley raised his hand to stop him, a dead serious look on his face. “We have an ass to go kick. He laid his hands on her.” The words were enough for Jake to stand straight up, immediately going to grab his truck keys. “Do you know where he lives?” One of the other boys spoke up, setting his beer down on the table as they all stood up from their chairs. “Unfortunately for him, I do. He’s going to pay.” Jake’s words were cold enough to chill someone to the bone as he motioned for everyone to follow him, ready to go take matters into his own hands.
Taglist: @atarmychick007 @ginger-gabsq @fandomxpreferences
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ethunreal · 2 years
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excuse me sir. hot dilf alert 🫠
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topgun-imagines · 2 months
His Little Girl || Moodboard
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145 notes · View notes
hanluex · 2 years
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hangman seresin x fem!reader | wc : 0.4k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, domestic fluff, established relationship
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“babes, my nanna wants to see you.”
your eyes widened at your boyfriend’s words, unable to register what was happening.
“wait, what?” you paused, freezing in your place. “dude!”
jake chuckled at your words, offering an encouraging smile. “i didn’t want to push this on you either, but my dad told nanna about you. and she said she wants to see you,” he explained.
“i’m still anxious, but i’m slightly more flattered.”
“of course you are.”
you laughed, playfully slapping your boyfriend’s arm. “are we meeting her or is it a video-call?” you asked, thinking of the perfect outfit to wear in your head.
the male shrugged, holding up his phone. “a video-call. just a quick hi. nothing much,” he assured, seeing the way your eyes widened.
“jake, stop! no, i need to prepare! you can’t just—oh my.” you held back a squeal as you jumped behind the sofa, hiding from the video-call your boyfriend’s grandmother had answered.
oblivious to what was going on behind the scenes, nanna sweetly greeted her grandson, grinning from ear-to-ear as she spoke.
“now, your father told me something about your girlfriend being as pretty as a peach,” she commented. “how come you’ve never told me about her or even showed a picture?!”
“i wanted to bring her over for christmas, but dad ruined the surprise,” jake replied, laughing as he shook his head. “i don’t know about peaches, but she looks like a tomato right now,” he added, smiling even more when you hit his arm again.
before you could object, jake raised his arm, clearly showing his grandmother the view of you hiding behind the sofa.
“hello, mrs seresin,” you greeted, offering a small smile. “it’s a pleasure to see you!”
you shot a quick glare at jake before sitting down next to him, making sure his nanna could see the both of you. your boyfriend held your hand for assurance, placing a small kiss on it.
just as jake was about to speak, his grandmother spoke. “jacob seresin, i didn’t know you were dating an angel,” she uttered. “how do you even look away from her?” you shook your head, waving your hands as you laughed.
“oh, no, mrs seresin–”
“please, drop the formalities. call me nanna!”
you smiled, relieved your boyfriend’s grandmother liked you. “well, nanna, you are too kind. i don’t know what to say.” your cheeks were burning, flustered by her compliment.
jake stared in adoration as you made small talk with his grandmother, absolutely smitten by you. but in pure seresin fashion, he teased you about it as a way of telling you how much he loved you.
“wait, nanna, this isn’t fair! how come y/n blushes so much at your compliments and not mine?!”
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noctumbra · 2 years
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          𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞/𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 
summary ─ eavesdropping can cause damage, apparently. 
pairing ─ jake “hangman” seresin x reader
warnings ─ kissing, jake is an asshole lol, teasing, pet names, hickeys
a/n ─ this is my first time writing jake seresin, pls be kind thank u 
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You knew he was staring. You could feel his sharp, green eyes on you, watching that part of your neck like a hawk. You felt like you should be uncomfortable, but you weren’t. You could imagine what he must have been thinking about the hickey on your neck, and you knew that he wasn’t right about whatever he was thinking.
You didn’t care, though. It served his cocky ass right.
“So, you ever gonna tell him to piss off at any time or…?” Coyote murmured, leaning on the bar counter where you have been running your cleaning wipes all over for the past twenty minutes. You shrugged. Balling up the wipe, you threw it in the trash.
“Nope,” you told him. Coyote chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t care, honestly,” you added and moved onto the people who were waiting for to order. As you prepared their drinks, you caught his eyes. You nodded at him once, smiled at the second and rolled your eyes at the third. After the third time, you started to ignore him for real, knowing that it was going to make him cave and come around to talk to you.
“Glowin’ and proud, huh?”
You grinned at the glass you were filling with beer when you heard Jake’s voice behind you. Finishing up the filling, you put a cool, no-expression face on and turned around. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said. Jake let out a chuckle, but it sounded fake and forced. You tried to hide your grin. You placed the glass in front of the customer.
“Of course, you do, c’mon,” he mumbled. His toothpick was back in its old place, Jake’s tongue twirling it around whenever he got worked up, angry or feeling extra cocky. “That thin’ is winkin’ at me from miles away.”
You faux-frowned. “What thing?” You asked him because if he could be an asshole, then so could you. Jake took a deep breath.
“That hickey,” he ground his teeth, chin pointing at where your hickey was situated. “Someone outside the bar can easily see it.” You moved your fingertips to where he was looking at on your neck.
“Why do you care?” You asked. You wiped the excessive water on the counter and some alcohol that got spilt as you sneaked glances. “I got myself a good time last night, so what?” Jake’s eyes narrowed. His beautiful green eyes darkened just a little bit, and you tried your best not to scream ‘ha!’ to his face.
Jake Seresin was a jealous.
“I don’t,” he said. “Just─ Everyone can see it.” You raised a brow.
“So?” Jake huffed angrily at your response.
“Who was it? Coyote?”
“What? No!” You rolled your eyes. “If you wanna know that bad, his name is Max.” Jake frowned as he tried to remember if he knew any Max. So far, the name didn’t ring any bells. “You don’t know him.” Jake nodded.
“At least tell me he’s takin’ you out on a date or somethin’, sweetheart.” You sighed. His cocky self was back in a blink with a little sarcasm sprinkled on top.
“Go away, Seresin,” you said and turned your back on him to deal with customers from the other side of the counter. As you prepared the orders, you friend and co-worker Julie came to help you. Both of you mumbled a ‘hello’ to each other and went through the customer crowd much faster than you could have done all alone.
“Why is Hangman looking like he could actually hang someone?” She asked you, and you chuckled.
“I may have been fucking with him,” you told her. “He annoys me.” Julie looked at you with an expression that said ‘right’ in a most sarcastic way possible before rolling her eyes. “What?”
“You annoy him right back, and it kinda makes me wanna knock your heads together and yell at you to have some sex─” Her words cut off when her eyes land on the hickey on your neck. “What!” You hushed her.
“It’s not what you think, my God,” you grumbled. “I burnt myself with my curling iron last night.” Julie blinked and looked at the mark on your neck for a little longer. “I swear there is no one else. If there was, you would know.” Julie hummed.
“Yeah, I guess,” she murmured and placed the order on the counter. “Wait. Does he know that that mark is from a curling iron?” You grinned widely at her as you shook your head. Julie laughed. “Oh man, this is good.”
You hummed. “I told him it’s from a guy called Max,” you said. Julie laughed harder because she knew your curling iron’s brand was Max. “He doesn’t know that it’s a brand’s name, though.”
“Now I do,” Jake’s voice rang behind you. You froze momentarily and swore at yourself silently. “You were fuckin with me huh?” You turned around to face him and shrugged. Jake chuckled as he shook his head. His blonde hair was glinting prettily under the lights, green eyes were sparkling with mischief and lips stretched with a wide grin. He nodded a couple times before he walked right behind the counter.
“If you excuse her for a moment, Julie-sweetie, I’ll be bringing her back in a minute,” he told your friend and grabbed your arm. You tried to resist, to stop him, but he was much stronger than you were, so it was useless. You slowed him down, though.
“Jake,” you told him, a warning in your voice. “What are you doing?” He didn’t say anything. He flipped the bird to Coyote who was whistling at you both from his place by the pool table. You hit his arm to get his attention on you, but he didn’t budge. “Jake! What are you─” He suddenly stopped and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder. You gasped. “Put me down!”
“No,” he said calmly and walked towards the doors where it led to a quieter place. You wiggled, scrambled and tried to get away, or to get him to put you down, but all of them useless.
When he finally put you down, it was on another pool table, but you were in the empty part of the bar. There was no one around, no place where someone might be walking in or watch you from somewhere.
You were alone. With Jake.
“You lied,” he said. He was standing between your spread legs, face so close that you could feel the tip of his nose brushing against yours. His eyes were looking down at you. The colors in them were nowhere to be seen, the darkness swallowed them whole. “You lied to me about having a good time last night.”
You tilted your chin up but realized it was a mistake when your lips brushed against his. “W-what if I d-did?” You stuttered. Jake didn’t say anything at first, and he lifted a hand to cradle your face. You didn’t dare to close your eyes although his hand felt really nice on your face.
“Darlin’,” he whispered. He brushed his nose to yours, nuzzling softly. “You don’t need to lie if all you want is my attention on you.” You frowned and tried to pull back, but Jake didn’t let you. He rested his forehead against yours, closed his eyes and leaned in a bit more. You felt his lips moving on yours as he talked. “Especially when I wanna give all’a my attention to you.”
You gasped at his words, but it was swallowed right up by his lips onto yours.
Jake’s lips were soft, and his kiss was bordering on demanding a little bit. Both of his hands were holding your face, thumbs brushing your cheekbones as he kissed the living daylight out of you. His tongue licked your bottom lip, teeth nipped and lips sucked yours; you were hyperventilating by the time he pulled back for a breath, but never took his lips off of you. Instead, he made his way down to your neck, peppering kisses and nipping the skin lightly, you shivered in his arms. His hands on your face made you tilt your head to your side before his lips caught yours again.
This time, the kiss was straight up demanding, controlling and passionate. He was leaning into you, one hand on your nape, fingers digging into the hair there, as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. You moaned when he did that. Your hands scrambled to hold onto him, and they found purchase on his waist. Your legs tightened around his hips, and you returned his kiss as passionate as he was.
It was way too easy to lose yourself in his kiss, not caring about the job you had to go back, or the incoming teasing from your friend and his… You forgot all about them. Jake and his kiss were what was important, nothing else.
You heard him moan into your mouth and felt all the hair on your body rise at that sexy sound. Pulling back with a gasp, you looked at him briefly before he ducked his head down to kiss your neck. His hand on your face moved to your jaw, it tilted your face to give him more space on your neck.
Jake bit down on the skin on the right side of your neck, he sucked and kissed thoroughly and didn’t let go. You gasped, moaned and shivered way before you realized what he was doing.
You pushed him away.
Jake was grinning, all too pleased with himself and amused. “Now you have a matching one on the other side of your neck. Call it Jake, will you? I’m sure him and Max will become friends in no time.” Winking at your shocked face, he gave you a salute and another grin, and then he walked out.
You jumped off the pool table and found something you could use as a mirror to check out the damage.
It was huge. Way bigger than the one you already had. You growled angrily. Walking out, you made your way to the bar and pushed the swinging doors open. Your eyes were quick to find him by the pool table, right next to Coyote and Fanboy.
“You motherfucker─”
Jake smirked at you. “Nice hickey, sweetheart,” he said to you, giving you a thumbs-up. Coyote, Fanboy and Rooster snorted into their hands while Phoenix and Bob rolled their eyes at his antics. You heard Julie gasp from the counter.
“Which octopus attacked you?” She shrieked.
“The one called Jake Seresin,” you seethed. Julie blinked, her face going from shocked to amused.
“I’ll pick you up at 8, a’right?” You heard him say. “Gotta teach these kiddos how to fly first.” You growled again and picked up an empty bottle and threw it at him. Coyote, Fanboy and Rooster laughed loudly as he ducked to save his head from getting smashed. Phoenix was giggling while Bob was smiling.
“Damn, hell of a throwin’ arm you have on you,” Jake said. “Almost got me.” You made a move to grab another bottle but Julie stopped you.
“He’s not worth it,” she murmured. Jake fixed his uniform.
“Tonight at 8, darlin’, don’t you forget it.” He winked at you again and walked out with the others on his tow. You looked at Julie. She was trying not to laugh but failing so hard.
“I’m sorry,” she said when she started cackling. “It’s just… Man, you have to wear a turtleneck in this weather to hide that shit.” You rolled your eyes.
It was all motherfucking Jake Seresin’s fault.
It took you three years to admit that you liked it.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
Forever Wingman
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader One-shot
Word Count: 1.4K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: I LIVEEEEEEE! work takes a lot out of me but here I still exist <3 Enjoy! -Thorne
If you’d asked her to tell you how the conversation had turned to relationships and marriages from flying jets and taking shots, she couldn’t, but she sure could tell you how hers and Hangman’s relationship had suddenly been blown wide open—not that anyone had any suspicion that the two of them were together.
“—So what you’re saying is that you wouldn’t marry me?” Hangman asked, almost offended, through the haze of beer he’d been consuming. “I thought you loved me?”
“Love’s a strong word,” she retorted, leaning back on one of the chairs. “Besides, I wouldn’t marry you even if you got down on one knee right here and popped the question.”
Laughter peeled from the group of pilots around them, along with a few “Ooo’s”, and Hangman’s gaze suddenly cleared as if no alcohol had been in his system, left hand dipping into his jean pocket as he clasped his fingers around the small black box.
He’d been to this house before. Once, four years after he graduated flight school and decided to meet the famous Ice-Man for the first time. He still remembered making an ass of himself in front of her parents. He was a kid. Stupid. Young. But that one incident had put him on a rollercoaster of emotion when she drove him back to the barracks room and immediately dumped him. It’d also put the two of them on a crash course for being each other’s best-worst fling.
He inhaled deeply and pressed the doorbell, waiting until an older woman opened the door and smiled. “Good afternoon, can I help you?”
He wasn’t surprised that she didn’t remember him. “Missus Kazansky, it’s good to see you again.”
Tipping her head to the side, she took a moment to gaze at him with confused eyes until, “Jake!”
“Yes ma’am,” he said with a smile.
“It’s been…quite a while,” she responded. “Is there something we can do for you?”
Hangman cleared his throat. “I was wondering if I could speak to Admiral Kazansky.”
She frowned and glanced back to the stairs. “Now’s…not really a good time, Jake.”
“I understand,” he sympathized. “But it’s important. It’s…about your daughter.”
“Is she alright,” she fretted. “Pete said she’s been doing well, but of course we’ve been worried about her going on this mission and we—”
“She’s fine,” he interjected with a calming tone. “I’m here to talk to Admiral Kazansky about her and I.”
At that, she cocked a brow. “From what she’s mentioned when she comes home on leave, there is no you and her.”
Hangman shrugged. “She and I are never really done.” He gave her a nod. “I’m serious this time though. Ten minutes is all I need. Please, Missus Kazansky.”
She took another glance of the stairs then sighed and opened the door. “Ten minutes. He hasn’t been feeling well in the last few days.”
“Thank you,” he acknowledged seriously. “I appreciate this chance.”
Nodding, she pointed towards the stairs. “Up those and the last door on the left.”
“Yes ma’am.” He climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway, coming to the door that was slightly ajar. He raised his fist when a sickening cough came from the room and he paused, waiting for it to be over before he knocked.
“Come in,” the response came roughly, and Hangman opened the door and stepped inside, immediately coming to a salute.
“Admiral Kazansky, sir.”
Tom looked the man over with a calm gaze. “At ease, Lieutenant,” he gruffly said; Hangman came to a parade rest as the Admiral tipped his head to the side. “Sit.”
He took the seat around the desk and watched as the senior typed his words on the monitor and turned it around.
What can I do for you, Lieutenant Seresin?
“I want to talk about your daughter.” He internally cringed at the cocked brow Tom gave him. “Sir.”
What about her?
“First, I want to apologize for being an asshat a few years ago. I embarrassed her when she brought me to meet you and your family.” Hangman frowned. “She, nor your family deserved that.”
Young sailors will be dumbasses. You, from what she has said over the years, have certainly lost the dumb, but not the “ass”.
Hangman snorted and nodded his head; he wasn’t even going to deny it. “Someone has to keep up the reputation of pilots being assholes.”
Tom smiled at that and went back to typing.
Why now, Lieutenant? Why after all this time?
His gaze turned solemn. “You don’t have long, sir. She’s made that clear. I…I want to make it right this time.”
And that means?
Hangman took a deep breath and sat up straight. “I want your blessing to marry her someday.” For a moment, the Admiral was at a loss of words. “Believe me, if I were in your shoes I would say no, but I care about your daughter, Admiral Kazansky.”
And how can you be sure you won’t string her along with empty promises.
“Because I love her,” he admitted. “Every fling I’ve ever had never comes close to how your daughter makes me feel. There is no woman for me other than her. And if it takes twenty years to convince her of that, I will. But I won’t settle for anyone other than her. She’s…she’s my girl.”
Tom gazed at him.
She’s going to need you when my time is up.
“I know,” he said quietly.
She’ll need you to keep her together and flying even when she doesn’t feel like going on.
“Yes sir.”
I love all my children equally, but she’s my baby, you understand how much she means to me.
“I do.”
I need to trust that you’ll take care of her in my stead.
Hangman swallowed thickly, feeling his eyes sting and for the oddest reason, he couldn’t understand why. “I will, sir. You have my word.”
Tom reached into the side drawer of his desk and pulled something out, placing it in front of him. A small black box.
Open it.
He did as Tom said and looked over the small silver band, inlaid with mother of pearl, a small sapphire in the center.
Her grandmother’s wedding ring. I always promised I’d leave it to her.
“Isn’t she going to ask about it?”
Not immediately.
He looked at Tom. “I love her.”
I know you do. I know you did all those years ago when you made an ass of yourself.
He laughed as he wiped his eyes and pocketed the box. “I’ll prove to her that I’m ready.”
As he stood, so did Tom and he walked around the desk and held out his hand for Hangman to take; he shook his hand heartily and roughly assured, “You have my blessing, Jake. Take care of my baby girl.”
“I will, sir.” Hangman pulled his hand away and immediately cocked his arm up in a salute. “Admiral Kazansky, sir.”
Tom gave him a salute back. “Lieutenant Seresin.”
Hangman pulled the box out, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he shifted back and dropped to one knee. He almost laughed as he eyes went wide, silence coming over the bar in a ripple effect around them.
He cracked open the box. “Marry me,” was all he said.
Her eyes dropped to the ring, a new wave of emotion coming across her face as she recognized it. “That’s her ring—my dad he—he had that—”
“I asked for his blessing.” Hangman gazed at her. “Marry me.”
“Jake,” she started, tears already starting to drip down her cheeks. “Holy shit, Jake, seriously?”
“As a heart attack,” he said. “Now I’ve asked you twice. This is the last time I’m gonna ask. Be my wingman.”
“You’re such an ass,” she griped and gave him her left hand. “But yeah, I’ll be your wingman.”
He slipped the ring on her finger and stood, a smile coming over his face as he took hers in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. Cheers erupted from their friends, and he brushed his thumbs over her cheeks, wiping the tears away as he continued to kiss her.
She pulled back and pressed her forehead into his shoulder, sniffing harshly as he fingers curled in the back of his shirt. “You’re such an ass. Always having to one-up me in front of everyone.”
Hangman grinned and kissed her temple, hugging her tightly. “And now I get to one up the Missus Seresin forever.”
“I am not changing my name.”
“Let’s save that conversation for the papers, yeah?” she sniffled again, and he chuckled, glancing at the others. “Alright, I’m gonna take my crying fiancée outside so she can get herself together.”
He started directing her out the doors. “You called me your fiancée,” she blubbered, and he started laughing.
“Oh my God, you’re such a baby!”
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playbucky · 1 year
Navy Boy, Army Girl.
Three army medics have been stationed on the ship that Hangman and Rooster have been stationed on for the past month. Y/N and her team have been placed in the middle of the ocean as a half-way marker for any seriously injured soldiers. Characters – Reader (Ghost), OC Abi, OC Jenkins, Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix. Word Count – 7.1k (this is only part one.) A/N - I finally got it to work!!!
‘What’s with the heli?’ Rooster asked, moving into the spot next to Hangman as they watched it land. The force of the wind from the blades caused the few people that stood around cover their faces, before the doors were pulled open and three people jumped out. Heavy bags weighing their shoulders down. The first two ducked their heads, worried about the blades catching them but the third didn’t react. They overtook the other two and shook the admiral's hand. They had a short talk before the four of them marched over the deck. ‘Army medics.’ They both said almost disappointed, watching the group of four before they disappeared inside.
‘Have you saw them yet?’ Rooster asked, Hangman raised an eyebrow and shovelled his food into his mouth. ‘Who?’ He asked, Phoenix whacked his arm when she saw his munched food. ‘The medics?’ Rooster asked, Hangman swallowed as Rooster glanced at Phoenix who silently shook her head. ‘No, you?’ He replied. ‘Not but Sergeant Kimble had to go yesterday and said it was like three supermodels. The one that treated him was supposedly an angel.’ Rooster said, Hangman arched an eyebrow. ‘Seriously?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘An angel? That can’t be possible – they’re army.’ Hangman commented, Rooster smiled. ‘I can punch you, and we can go and see.’ Hangman suggested, Rooster thought about it but stopped. ‘Or we could just look now.’ Rooster said, jabbing his fork behind Hangman. He turned along with everyone else in the room and fell silent. A man and woman talked to each other, then lifted three trays. They started filling them up before a third walked in. She was having an in-depth conversation with whoever was on the other end of the phone call. Her eyebrows furrowed deeply but smiled at her colleagues when they asked her a question. ‘The one on the phone?’ Rooster asked, Hangman nodded. ‘She’s the boss.’ He said, ‘Sergeant said she was called Y/N or that’s what they were calling her.’ Rooster explained, Hangman turned back to him. A shrilling alarm went off, breaking through the minimal conversation that was happening. Everyone turned back to them and watched as Y/N and her crew apologised to Jim as they set their trays down and took off running. Y/N almost ran into someone but skilfully dodged them, apologising and keeping conversation on the sat phone.
‘Can I help you ladies?’ You called out, they definitely weren’t ladies, their wide shoulders blocked the doorway as they tried to look into the room. ‘No.’ The taller one with black hair said. ‘No ma’am.’ The blonde replied, you nodded as you pulled on the blue gloves. ‘Good, now move out the doorway.’ You told them, waving your hand hoping they moved quickly. Rooster and Hangman shared a looked before they walked away, following the narrow corridors until they reached the others, joining them on going to the small gym that was stationed aboard. ‘Any luck?’ Payback asked, they both shook their heads. ‘No.’ ‘The admiral has called a meeting at sixteen hundred hours.’ Payback said, the pair nodded.
‘Admiral?’ Rooster greeted him as they entered the meeting room. ‘Why do we have medics on deck?’ He asked, Simpson rubbed his lips together. ‘We’ve always got them.’ He replied. ‘The specialists.’ Hangman added, flipping the toothpick around his mouth. ‘Our carrier is the closest to the field, any serious injuries will be brought here to be as stabilised then sent to a hospital.’ He informed them, Rooster and Hangman shared a look. Then the knock at the door broke it, the team turned and watched as you and your medics, stepped into the room. ‘Admiral.’ You greeted him, your eyes bounced over the group. ‘Army Medic Y/N Y/L/N this is Lieutenant Seresin, Lieutenant Bradshaw, Lieutenant Trace and Lieutenant Floyd.’ ‘Nice to meet you, these are Doctors Abigail Smith and Henry Jenkins.’ You introduced your small team. ‘We know how territorial you guys get when another branch is on your ground, you won’t have to worry about us.’ You told the group, the blonde that chewed on the toothpick turned to tanned skinned officer next to him. ‘Trust us we won’t be seeing much of each other, and we’ll be stuck in bay.’ You told them, their intense stares didn’t up. ‘So, you aren’t going to be playing nurse?’ Toothpick said, you gaze snapped to him as you watched him roll the wooden pick along his bottom lip. ‘Hangman.’ Low voice warned him, you arched an eyebrow. ‘As much as I’d love to wear that skimpy outfit just for you Hangman, our patients come to us when it’s life or death.’ You told him, you could see his eyes glisten with mischief. ‘I’m sure they’d love meeting an Angel when they're on their death beds, dainty hands and pretty smiles as they get their bodies rubbed.’ He added, you watched as the team silently groan and shake their heads. ‘Keep making the jokes and I’ll leave you to rot, I’m sure the sharks would enjoy a Texan boy for dinner.’ You commented, his team held back their laughter as you kept a straight face. ‘Admiral.’ You said, giving him a polite nod that he returned whilst fighting a smile, before you turned and followed Abi and Jenkins out.
‘Fuck.’ You cursed, the soldiers blood arched into the air and caught your apron and uniform. ‘Lieutenant?’ You called out, the blonde stopped at the door. ‘Yes?’ He asked, you hand your hand stuck in the man’s leg, the shrapnel had gone further in than expected. ‘You able to handle blood?’ You asked, he took in the blood that was across your chest. ‘Yes.’ He replied, you nodded and turned your head, rubbing your chin across your shoulder. ‘Good, get in and hold this together.’ You told him, his eyes widened. ‘I shouldn’t I don’t have any training.’ He said, you scrunched your face up. ‘Do you want this man to die?’ You asked, his gaze dropped down to the unconscious man. ‘Pinch it.’ You commended as you gestured to the large hole on the soldiers leg. ‘Shouldn’t your team be doing this?’ He asked but listened and stuck his fingers in, only then did he notice how ashy the man’s leg had become. ‘My team are dealing with another two.’ You told him before you both fell into silence. Jake watched as you moved your fingers about the man’s body with ease, finding the source of the continuous flow of blood before you grabbed a needle and thread. Jake’s eyes widened as the man moaned and tried to wriggle but you ignored him, you pulled the needle taunt and cut the thread. ‘You can let go.’ You said, Jake listened and removed his fingers from the man’s leg, his shin and lower half of his thigh already looked pinker as the blood managed to flow into it. ‘Wash up.’ You said but didn’t lift your head as you worked on stitching the gash together. Jake listened and walked over the sink, the water automatically flowed and he watched the red tainted water swirl the hole before it disappeared. ‘Lieutenant, thank you.’ You told him, he nodded and left the large room.
‘What are you doing here?’ You asked when you spotted Hangman lingering in the door way. ‘I thought I’d give you food, I haven’t saw at the break room since your first day.’ Hangman said, you looked at the boxes of food. ‘Thank you, but Jimmy delivers stuff to us.’ You told him with a smile. ‘You seem to have everyone wrapped around your fingers.’ Hangman commented, you scoffed and shook your head. ‘I wish, Jimmys stressing about his with wife.’ You told him, he watched as you pulled the tight headband down over your head before you pushed it up, pushing the any stray hairs away from your face. ‘Is she okay?’ He asked, you nodded, ‘Eight months pregnant,’ you told him, he arched an eyebrow, ‘feet are swelling like a bitch but she’s refusing to take it easy. He wanted to be reassured that she’ll be okay.’ You finished and watched his brows drop together. ‘Will she?’ Hangman quizzed, you nodded. ‘Yeah, I mean realistically she should be laying back in bed but she’s running a house.’ You told him, pulling apart the muffin. ‘Is there anything else I can help you with? I need to file our reports.’ You told him, he shook his head. ‘No, well I’m sorry for the way I treated when you were introduced.’ He apologised. ‘It’s fine,’ you waved at him, ‘I’ve dealt with worse things than a man that has bad timing for flirting.’
‘Hope you’re not sleeping on the job.’ The familiar voice said, you didn’t bother to open your eyes as warmth spread next to you. ‘I’m taking a five-minute break since I just stopped operating.’ You told him. ‘Who needed it?’ He asked, you opened an eye as you stretched your legs out in front of you, your boot clad feet rested on the railings before you closed your eyes again. ‘Someone.’ You commented, his brows furrowed. ‘Didn’t hear any alarms.’ He said, copying your action as he stretched his legs out and rested them on the railing. The small gap still caused his legs to be bent. ‘Kept it quiet since it was night.’ You mumbled, finally opening your eyes and looking out to the broad expanse of sea. ‘Do you have an end date to when you’re leaving?’ Hangman asked. ‘You want to get rid of me?’ You asked, he was quick to shake his head. ‘No, I just mean -,’ ‘I know, I’m here for the foreseeable future or until I get a call saying I’m deployed.’ You informed him, watching as he pursed his lips out. ‘You’re a solider?’ He asked, you nodded. ‘Yeah, done three tours myself. Two of which have been with Jenkins and Abi in the other squad.’ You informed him, his eyes widened and looked at your profile.
‘Your leaving?’ He asked, Phoenix was stood beside him as Rooster slowly walked over. They took in your attire, the scrubs that you had been practically living in for the last three months were replaced. The variation of green covered your pants, the beige top and shirt was tucked into them neatly. The heavy vest was tight around your chest, the various equipment was stuffed in the pockets. The helmet that balanced on your head was strapped under your chin. Yet all their attention was drawn to the weapon that was slung over your chest. ‘Just forty-eight hours, and don’t worry you still have Abi and Jenkins to annoy.’ You told them, the familiar look of worry crossed their eyes. ‘You’re going into the field?’ Phoenix asked, you looked at her. ‘Back in,’ you corrected her, ‘I’ve always been field, this was a temp situation.’ You said, she frowned. ‘You’re coming back, right?’ Rooster asked, you smiled at him. ‘In forty-eight hours.’ You repeated, ‘Will you manage without me Rooster?’ You teased, he smiled but nodded. The pat on your shoulder pulled everyone’s attention to heli pilot, you gave him a nod and a thumbs up before you turned for the group. ‘I’ll see you two days.’ You shouted.
‘Hangman, Rooster we’ll need your help if you’re free.’ Jenkins called out, they were quick to stand up and follow him. They followed him out onto the deck, Abi was already there giving them a quick smile. The helicopter was landing, the large metal blades sliced through the air as the skilled driver carefully landed it. The pilot signalled to Abi and Jenkins, they made their way across the desk, Hangman and Rooster close behind them. When the door to the heli was opened all hell broke loose. The first thing they saw was the two black bags, zipped up and tagged. Then three guys, that we’re wearing the same uniform as you had when you left, climbed out. Arms in make shift casts, heads wrapped and bruises covering their faces. Then when Rooster and Hangman looked in their stomachs dropped, you looked at them through your eyelashes but continued to press down on the guys chest. His chest was on display, the deep purple covered his left side. ‘Appeared healthy when first examined, suspected to have a broken rib and arm.’ You took a second to catch your breath as they pulled you out, ‘Crashed four minutes ago, no pulse, I would say punctured lung yet both sides are good.’ You continued to tell them. ‘Is he responsive?’ Jenkins asked, you shook your head and continued on with compressions, knowing that the team wouldn’t enter the building until he was in. ‘You’re bleeding.’ Jenkins said, reaching up to tilt your chin up. You looked at him, the dried blood stained the side of your face and the collar of your shirt. ‘He’s dying.’ You commented, continuing with the compression. ‘Y/N.’ Jenkins warned as well. ‘No.’ You snapped. ‘He’s dead.’ He warned you, you shook your head. ‘No, he’s not dead till he inside on my table and cold.’ You said, he tilted his head to the side. ‘Cold and dead.’ You repeated, Jenkins sighed and nodded. ‘Now get me inside.’ You commanded. ‘Abi, check the others over.’ You told her as you motioned to them, Abi  nodded and moved over to them.
‘Someone take over compressions.’ You commanded, Rooster stepped forward and interlocked his fingers before he pressed down on the man chest. You stepped away from the table, reaching up you unclipped your helmet and chucked it into the corner with your right hand. You then turned, stepping closer to a wall and pressed your left shoulder against it. ‘What the hell are you going?’ Hangman asked, you looked at him then to Jenkins who shook his head and focused back on his patient. You clenched your jaw, pushing down the pain that spread over your arm. ‘Let me pop it back in.’ Abi said, hands stretched out as she appeared behind you as you quickly moved. Rooster and Hangman watched on as the loud pop filled the room, you grunted and stood up tall. The pain was sharp but it quickly dulled down. ‘I’m fine.’ You said, wriggling your fingers to make sure you hadn’t caught any nerves. ‘Stop.’ You said, Rooster looked at you. ‘CT.’ You commanded, Jenkins was already spreading the gel with one hand and switched the machine on with the other. You watched the black and white image as he guided the wand around, the lighter object was resting against the large muscle. Jenkins moved the wand about and you inhaled deeply. ‘Shit.’ All the doctors said, Rooster and Hangman looked at the image, neither of them understanding it but they knew it was bad. ‘You need to leave.’ You told Rooster and Hangman. ‘We can help.’ They both said, you shook your head. ‘Thank you for helping but I’m about to cut into this mans chest and need all my concentration on him.’ You told them, as you wrapped the apron around to try and save your clothes, Abi quickly set the instruments out whilst you slipped gloves on. ‘How about we help with the others?’ Rooster suggested, the band of the glove snapped. ‘Look do what you want but leave.’ You almost snapped at them, you could feel the muscles down your back tensing up.
‘Staff Sergeant.’ The voice called, you lifted your head and made eye contact with the group that stood at the doorway. ‘What are you doing here?’ You asked. ‘I tried to -,’ Hangman stopped his sentence short when he saw the dried blood that coated your clothes, then to the fresh blood that was spread across the floor. ‘How is he?’ Griggs asked, you looked at him the to the others and sighed. ‘Heart was punctured,’ you started, ‘we managed to sew it together to hold it but when he’s back on land then it’s a long journey.’ You explained removing the stained shirt that you had been wearing for close to thirteen hours. ‘Will he be back?’ Adams asked, you slid your arms out and stood in front of them in your black sports bra. Hangman’s attention moved over you until it landed on the pale scar that ran over your right hip and wrapped around to your back. ‘No, as a result of the injury he’ll be discharged, honourably of course.’ You said. ‘Now please go and relax because I am going to shower the dirt, blood and grime off before I go and report.’ You told them, as you motioned to the blood coated shirt on the floor. ‘You need rest.’ Griggs said as he crossed his arms over his chest, the large tattooed forearm seemed to increase in size. ‘Rest can wait, their families need to be informed as quick as they can.’ You told them whilst you picked up the rough towel.
‘Sir.’ You stood taller, the sling your arm was in nipped at the back of your neck. ‘At ease.’ ‘What the hell happened? And why do we have five DOA, and only two bodies made it back?’ He asked, you rolled your neck. ‘We were ambushed.’ You informed him, he narrowed his eyes at you. ‘I read that.’ He stated, you nodded once. ‘We were travelling the route that was stated, we got five clicks away before the first of the convoy was taken out by a missile from Northwest.’ You started to explain, his face was stoic. ‘Third convoy was taken out by a missile but from the Southwest, the vehicle flipped and connected with our back panels and flipped us.’ You continued. ‘Five injured, Samson is lucky to be alive and heading back with you this morning.’ You pointed out. ‘Permission to speak freely?’ You asked, using your free arm and scratched your nose ‘Go ahead.’ He gave you permission. ‘They knew we were there.’ You told him, his brows furrowed together. ‘How?’ He asked, you shrugged your good shoulder. ‘No idea sir, I’ve been in this boat until you sent the heli.’ You reminded him, he nodded. ‘I hope you keep that idea to yourself.’ He warned you, you nodded. ‘I’m on a ship, sir. Unless my station has been changed?’ You asked him, he shook his head. ‘No, you’re still stationed here. Men are still out there.’ He said, you nodded your head once. ‘Understood sir.’ You said, he nodded back at you and turned around, he walked maybe two feet before he stopped. ‘Y/N?’ He asked as he turned back to you, you stood taller and raised an eyebrow. ‘Yes sir.’ You replied. ‘Talks of a medal of honour coming your way.’ He said, a smile plastered on his face. ‘And just like the other times I will be politely declining it.’ You reminded him, the smile dropped. ‘You can’t keep turning it down.’ He replied. ‘I’m not accepting it because this is what I signed on for this, sir, it’s in my contact to save the lives of the teams.’ You reminded him, he gave you a grunt before he nodded and walked away.
It had been a month since the last major incident, the only problem was the amount of men and women who were getting sea sick from the intense waves that had filled the ocean for the past three days. The waves had calmed enough that everyone could sit in the dining hall for the their dinner, you, Abi, Jenkins and the small group that seemed to follow Jake around were hunched over a plastic table. ‘Staff sergeant.’ You lifted your head along with Phoenix, Bob, Rooster and Hangman. Jenkins and Abi kept their heads down, they knew what was coming. The three of you did. The man stood tall in front of you, his looked over the small group that had gathered throughout the night as you were relaxing before whatever would happened tomorrow. ‘You can talk freely.’ You told him, he nodded. ‘You’re requested on site, transport leaves at O hundred hours.’ He said, you lifted your wrist and looked at the watch. Three hours. ‘Understood.’ You replied, he nodded before turning and walking away. ‘I need to go get ready.’ You said, downing the last of your water before pushing away from the table. ‘Cold and dead.’ Jenkins and Abi said, holding their curled fists up. ‘Cold and dead.’ You replied, knocking your own fists against theirs before you walked. ‘Why is she going on a stealth mission?’ Phoenix asked, Jenkins and Abi shook their heads. ‘Come on, we know that flying between they hours is sneaking in the enemy.’ She said, the group looked at the two medics. ‘Y/N has skills that benefit here and on land in combat.’ Jenkins told them. ‘You aren’t going with her?’ Bob questioned, they both shook their heads. ‘No, she has her own team.’
‘What’s happening?’ Rooster asked, Abi and Jenkins ignored him. ‘Abi.’ ‘Stay here and do not come and help us.’ She warned them. ‘It’s Y/N.’ Phoenix said, all heads snapped to her then they turned to Abi but she didn’t give them time to ask or for her to react before she was sprinting. ‘What happened?’ ‘Pulse is there but weak, left-hand side is believed to be third degree burns. Cold compress has been put on it, we incubated her and we are doing the breathing.’ He listed off, Abi and Jenkins nodded as they looked down at you. ‘What did she do?’ Abi asked, she looked up to the medic. ‘Protected a kid from a grenade.’ Your teammate told the group. ‘Oh, you stupid girl.’ Abi said, her gloved hand carefully brushing the top of your head. ‘Her breathing was shallow on the right.’ The medic continued to tell them, Jenkins brows furrowed. ‘Punctured lung.’ ‘Y/N?’ Someone called out, everyone’s heads snapped to the little girl that wriggled in the man’s arms. ‘Who’s she?’ Rooster asked. ‘The little girl, Sahar, she’s completely fine.’ The other medic said, Sahar’s eyes were wide as she looked at your unmoving body. ‘I’ll take her.’ Phoenix said and pushed away, walking it towards the little girl. ‘Are any of you injured?’ Abi asked, Jenkins and her directed their attention to the team that had been squeezed in the back of the heli. ‘Jenkins make sure Ghost gets better.’ The man at the front called, Hangman could make out that he was holding your helmet in his hand, Jenkins nodded before they pushed gurney.
You tried to open your eyes but they didn’t cooperate, they felt heavy, tied down. That was the least of your worries when the searing pain spread up your side. Across your stomach and down your leg, you tried to move away from the pain but you couldn’t do anything. You tried to speak but it only came out in grunts and moans as your body refused to work with you. ‘Jake.’ Jenkins called out, he lifted his head, ‘you need to hold her down she’s waking up.’ He said, Jakes eyes widened. ‘If she wakes up, she’ll worsen her injuries, talk to her, say anything that is on your mind but distract her.’ He said, Jake nodded and moved to the space above your head. ‘Hey.’ He breathed out, standing above you he could see all your injuries old and new. ‘My mum called.’ He said, his hands rested on your shoulders and kept you down as he watched Jenkins and Abi delicately pulled the singed clothes off your wounds. ‘She’s determined to set me up with the next-door neighbour, you know the one I showed you?’ Jake continued to talk to you, deep frown lines appeared between your eyebrows. ‘She’s nice, I’ll admit that but I think I’ll decline.’  He stated, Abi spared a glance up to see him resting his head against the side of yours, worry etched into his face, ‘She’s too preppy for me.’ he added, Abi looked away from him only to meet Jenkin’s gaze who nodded with a faint smile, agreeing with her statement that she didn’t have to speak.
‘What’s happening?’ Jake asked, his eyes wide as he looked at you on the gurney, the silver blanket wrapped tightly around you. ‘We don’t have enough skill or equipment here, the heli is loaded so she’s going to the hospital.’ Abi said, Jenkins gave him a nod as he walked over to edge were the ship, he greeted the crew. ‘Does she have anyone on land?’ Jake asked, Abi nodded. ‘She has her team.’ Abi said, Jake looked at her as she jutted her chin to the group that she came aboard with. ‘They’re family, you don’t need to worry about her.’ Abi stated, Jake pursed his lips and nodded. ‘I’m always going to worry.’ Jake mumbled, Abi gave him a small smile. ‘I’ll keep you up to date.’ She told him and stretched a hand out to squeeze his arm. ‘Thank you.’ He said before he stepped out the side and allowed Abi to push the gurney out.
‘Staff sergeant.’ The voice said, you lifted and looked at the door to see Jake in casual clothes, the black T-shirt was tight across his chest as the checkered shirt hung over his shoulders that he had paired with dark washed jeans. ‘Lieutenant.’ You greeted him with a smile, ‘What brings you onto land?’ You quizzed as he walked over. ‘I’m on leave. On it for a couple of weeks then I’m off again.’ He said, you arched an eyebrow. ‘That’s good.’ You replied, he nodded. ‘Yeah.’ ‘So why aren’t you meeting with you mum and declining that girl?’ You asked, his shoulders tensed up. ‘You heard that?’ He asked, you nodded. ‘Yeah, I heard and felt everything that day. Thank you.’ You thanked him, the corner of his lips quirked up before it dropped down. ‘Just doing my job.’ He replied, you gave him a nod. ‘Why do they call you Ghost?’ Jake asked. ‘It was either Ghost or Spartacus but Alex earned the latter.’ You told him, his brows furrowed together. ‘Let me guess the big burly dude?’ He asked, you shook your head and gave a him a wide smile. ‘No, she’s the one of the girls in my team. Managed to knock a door down the boys had been trying for five minutes plus she took down five men with a knife.’ You explained, he arched an eyebrow but nodded. ‘Makes sense.’ He nodded. ‘I got ghost because I’m an unseen force to the other side.’ You said, his brows furrowed in a silent question. ‘They don’t suspect a medic to have the training I do.’ You tried to move but the bandages that coated your left side nipped at the skin. ‘Let me help.’ Jake said, he walked to the right hand side and carefully slid a hand under your knee and the other just under your shoulder blade. He looked at you as you nodded and wrapped your good arm around his shoulders, he lifted you up before he adjusted the pillows behind you. You slowly let go of him as he slid his hands out, allowing you to sink into the cushions with a sigh. ‘Thank you.’ You sighed, your back finally comfortable as he dropped into the chair. ‘And what do you mean the girl is too preppy, she everything you look for.’ You asked, redirecting to the earlier conversation. ‘You don’t know what I look for?’ Jake replied, you arched an eyebrow. ‘We spent a year on that boat together, I think I know.’ You commented. ‘Tell me then.’ Jake challenged as he crossed his arms and leaned back into the chair. ‘You want someone that can ride a horse so you can go on those majestic horse rides down at the sea, the slaty air whipping through your hair, that you would’ve grown out by then.’ You joked, he arched an eyebrow. ‘You think I’d grow my hair long?’ He asked, reaching up to touch his neatly styled hair. ‘Yeah, maybe, I think you’d suit it slightly longer.’ You smiled at him, he arched an eyebrow. ‘Secondly I don’t want to do the horse riding along the sea, already did it.’ He admitted, your eyes widened. ‘You’ve did it? For who?’ You asked excitedly. ‘An ex girlfriend before I was deployed.’ He replied, amused but your excitement. ‘And she isn’t with you still?’ You quizzed, he shook his head. ‘No, I broke it off with her.’ He informed you, ‘Aw come on, that could’ve been you future wife.’ You said, he scoffed and shook his head. ‘Highly unlikely since she got married to Billy Baxton six months later.’ He informed you, you scrunched your face up. ‘Bet you broke loads boys hearts when you left?’ Jake commented, you scoffed and shook your head, the white bandages on your neck crinkled. ‘Still got your facts wrong about me Navy boy.’ You told him. ‘I do?’ He asked, eyes widened in surprise. ‘Yeah, the last time a boy tried to ask me out was after prom.’ You started. ‘But when he sneaked up on me in the dark, I reacted and sixty seconds later he had a broken nose and fractured wrist.’ You explained, his eyes widened as he leaned forward waiting to find out what happened. ‘He ran away crying for his mummy.’ You added, Jake burst out laughing as he tilted his head back. ‘Be quiet you’ll disturb Sandra.’ You warned him as you pointed to the curtains, he held up his hands. ‘Sorry.’ He apologised to the curtain. ‘It’s alright.’ Sandra replied, you widened your eyes at Jake before the curtain was pulled open. ‘I hope loudmouth didn’t wake you.’ You apologised, she shook her head. ‘No, you know I struggle to sleep.’ Sandra told you. ‘Yeah, but having a loudmouth navy boy might make it harder.’ You told her, she smiled and shook her head before she looked at him. ‘I’ll let him off since he’s so good looking.’ She commented, you smiled and turned to Jake whose cheeks were red but he smiled anyway. ‘Thank you, ma’am.’ He replied, his smile widened. ‘Don’t call me ma’am.’ She said, his brows furrowed. ‘Sorry.’ He replied, she dismissed it with a wave. ‘Am I hearing right that you were stationed on his ship for the last year?’ Sandra asked, you both nodded. ‘Yes, been a long one.’ You groaned, Jake rolled his eyes. ‘I didn’t know you were Navy.’ Sandra said, you held up an extended finger. ‘I’m not Sandra, I’m the better side. I’m with the army.’ You replied proudly, you could see Jake’s eyes narrowed at you. ‘Ahh it makes sense now.’ She said, your brows drew together. ‘What does?’ You both asked together. ‘The rivalry.’ She commented, waving her hand between the pair of you. ‘There isn’t any.’ You told her, she arched an eyebrow. ‘Pretty sure there is.’ Sandra said, you opened your mouth. ‘You did call me a lady the first time we meet.’ Jake commented, you rolled your eyes. ‘Second time,’ you pointed a finger at him, ‘and you flirted with me the first we meet. In front of our teams.’ ‘I had to mark my territory.’ Jake pointed out, you tilted your head to the side. ‘You coulda just whipped your privates out and peed everywhere.’ You informed him, his eyes lit up. ‘That would’ve got me in trouble.’ He pointed out. ‘Excuse me?’ A voice said, all three of you looked at the small nurse. ‘Hello beautiful.’ Jake greeted her, you closed your eyes and leaned your head back. ‘Not the nurse Seresin.’ You warned him, he held up his hands and smiled at you before he gave the nurse a wink, the apples of her cheeks quickly turned red as her attention focussed on you. ‘It’s time for your wounds to be cleaned and changed.’ She said, apologetically as she knew what it entailed. ‘Do you want your boyfriend to stay or would you like me to guide him to the waiting room?’ She asked. ‘He’s not my boyfriend and -,’ you trailed off, looking at him then to the nurse, ‘Only he helps wants to.’ You said, you didn’t want to force him. ‘I’ll stay.’ He replied, the nurse nodded. ‘Okay.’ ‘Nurse before you start could I possibly get help to the bathroom?’ Sandra asked, the nurse looked at her and smiled. ‘I’ll go get someone for you.’ The nurse said, Sandra nodded and the nurse left. ‘Thank you.’ Sandra said before she pulled the curtain over to give each other some privacy. ‘Go help Sandra sit up, just be careful of her right leg and chest.’ You told Jake, he listened as he nodded and stood up. ‘Knock knock.’ He said, pretending to chap the curtain. ‘You can come in Navy boy.’ Sandra said, you smiled as he looked over his shoulder before he stepped in. ‘The names Jake.’ He told her, Sandra nodded. ‘I know.’ She replied. ‘Thank you.’ Sandra said, sitting at the edge of the bed. Jake nodded and went to turn before she reached out and grabbed his hand. ‘She’s going to try and take the pain out on you.’ Sandra whispered, Jake arched an eyebrow. ‘She’ll act tough here, the wound cleaning is a bitch but she’ll close up when it starts to heal. The realisation that it won’t be normal kicks in soon.’ Sandra explained, before the curtain behind him was pulled open. ‘Nurse Franklin.’ Sandra greeted her, her eyes widened when she saw Jake. ‘Sandra, didn’t know you have a grandson.’ The nurse said as she looked at Jake. ‘I don’t, he’s a visitor for Y/N who’s been so helpful.’ Sandra replied, Nurse Franklins eyebrow rose. ‘Oh.’ She said, then looked to Sandra, ‘She has a visitor?’ ‘She hasn’t had any?’ Jake asked, they both shook their heads. ‘The team she came with, she hasn’t allowed them in.’ She said, Jake looked between the two women, ‘I’m surprised she let you in.’ ‘I know why she let him in.’ Sandra stated, nurse Franklin looked at the middle-aged woman before her eyes opened. ‘Really?’ The nurse asked, Sandra nodded. ‘Yes, both are too dumb to say anything.’ Sandra commented, the nurse pursed her lips. ‘Ah well.’ Nurse Franklin said, before she looked at Jake. ‘Treat her with respect, it’s nothing less than what she gives us.’ She warned him, Jake nodded and felt intimidated by their threats.
The whimper broke through the room, Jake’s head snapped up from the blood and puss stained bandaged to see your eyes scrunched shut, jaw clenched tightly as you squeezed his finger. ‘Y/N, look at me.’ He said. ‘Staff Sergeant look at me.’ He commanded, your eyes snapped open and landed on his green ones. ‘Deep breaths.’ He said. ‘I am.’ You gritted out. ‘You’re not.’ He retaliated. ‘Follow mine okay.’ He said, you nodded and he leaned forward. He rested his forehead against yours, bringing your joined hands to his chest and he inhaled. You followed suit before he exhaled, you tried to copy but the bandage was stuck and you forced down a yelp. The nurse glanced up to the pair of you, she smiled before she quickly pulled it free. ‘You’re almost there.’ Jake said, you lips twisted into a smile. ‘Sounds like I’m giving birth.’ You breathed out. ‘I think giving birth would be easier.’ He commented, both of you chuckled. ‘Maybe I’ll find out one day.’ You hissed, he smiled.
‘Mr Seresin?’ A voice called out, Make lifted his head and made eye contact with Jessica, the nurse who always seemed to be on shift. ‘Yes?’ He asked, she gave him a tight smile. ‘She’s doesn’t want to see you today.’ She said, Jakes smiled dropped and looked into through the window where the curtain wrapped around your cubicle. ‘Okay.’ He said, ‘can you pass these to her when she’s better?’ Jake asked, handing the small box of chocolates over to her. ‘I will.’ ‘Thank you.’ He replied and turned to walk away. ‘Jake?’ The familiar voice called out, he looked down the hall. ‘Sandra.’ He greeted her, your neighbour for the last eight days. ‘How are you?’ Jake asked her, she tilted her head to the side. ‘I’m okay.’ She replied, he nodded and the corner of his lips curled into a small smile. ‘Is Y/N okay?’ Jake asked, Sandra’s brows dipped. ‘She’s not letting you in?’ She asked, Jake nodded as she pursed her lips. ‘I could use some company.’ Sandra said, Jake looked at her. ‘I don’t want to intrude.’ He quickly said, she shook her head. ‘You’re not, I’m inviting.’ She told him, then twisted in her seat. ‘You can leave us, I think Jake’s capable of controlling a wheelchair.’ Sandra told the young porter, he nodded and walked away as Jake slipped behind the chair. He guided her back into the two man room, the curtains that surrounded your bed were drawn over, keeping you hidden from the world. ‘Y/N?’ Sandra called out, there was a short period of silence. ‘Yeah.’ You replied, your voice weak. ‘You’ll never guess who I found wandering the hallway.’ Sandra said, your side fell silent as Sandra slid into her bed with ease compared to the last time. ‘Santa?’ You asked. ‘I wish.’ Sandra commented, the silence filled the room. ‘That loudmouth Navy boy.’ Sandra said. ‘Jake?’ You asked. ‘Yup.’ She replied. ‘I told them I didn’t want to see him?’ You told her, not caring that Jake could hear everything. ‘Oh, he knows that but he’s here for me.’ Sandra commented. ‘That’s nice.’ You hummed. ‘Yeah, he got me those chocolates that you keep raving about.’ Sandra teased her, she must’ve noticed him handing them over to the nurses outside. ‘That’s nice.’ You hummed again, not humouring her conversation. ‘They are.’ Sandra replied, but whatever reaction she was looking for didn’t happen. Jake was about to tell her to leave it, then Sandra tilted her head to the side. ‘Dr said I’ll need to skin grafts to try and save my leg.’ She said, Jake looked at her with wide eyes then she counted down from three on her fingers before the curtains were yanked open. ‘You doctor doesn’t know shit then.’ You cursed, your brows were drawn together and focused on Sandra who was smiling wide. ‘You don’t need them, do you?’ You sighed, you hadn’t even spared a look at Jake.
‘No, but it’s nice to see you care about me.’ Sandra commented, you let out a sigh and dropped back into the bed which revealed the red scar down your neck. ‘You’re not being polite, you should say hi to my visitor.’ Sandra said, you inhaled deeply and lifted your head. ‘You weren’t nice to me there.’ ‘Manners make a person.’ She commented, you rolled your eyes and looked to Jake, his blue eyes already watching you. ‘Hi Navy boy.’ You greeted him. ‘Hi.’ He replied. ‘Happy?’ You asked Sandra, she smiled and nodded. ‘Now go over and talk to her.’ Sandra turned to Jake, his eyes widened as his gaze snapped over to her. ‘No, you want him as your guest you can keep him.’ You quickly replied, ignoring the way Jake’s face dropped. ‘You know pissing him off isn’t a good idea, he can pull rank.’ Sandra commented, you narrowed your eyes at her again before they moved to Jake. ‘He wouldn’t dare.’ You told him as you sent a glare at him. ‘I don’t even know why you’re here?’ You sighed and looked at your friend. ‘Because you’re my friend, and I wanted to visit you and -,’ He started. ‘And what?’ You cut him off, his lips pressed together as his jaw bounced. ‘Come on Jake, the massive rouse you just pulled and you can’t say it?’ You quizzed, his shoulders tensed up. ‘It was Sandra’s idea, I wanted to see my friend that has pushed everyone away from them before I’m deployed again.’ He said, his clenched hands at his sides relaxed when your face dropped. ‘What?’ You exhaled, Sandra’s head snapped to him as well. ‘I’ve been called back a week early.’ He sighed. ‘Oh.’ ‘Yeah.’ He said, playing with is fingers as he avoided looking at you. ‘We’ll thanks for letting me know, be safe and fly high.’ You told him. ‘Okay.’ ‘The nurses have your chocolates, make sure you give one to Sandra.’ He told you, you nodded and watched as he twisted and sent a smile to Sandra before he walked away. ‘You should’ve told him.’ Sandra announced when the door shut, your head flung back into the soft pillows that were slowly becoming uncomfortable. ‘Told him what?’ You asked her. ‘That you like him.’ She commented. ‘He knows I do.’ You replied, she groaned and turned on her side carefully of her leg. ‘By god, you’re just being stupid.’ She told you. ‘I’m not stupid, why would a walking Greek god what anything to do with a scarred-up vet?’ You asked her, careful how you turned your neck to look at her. ‘Because he loves you.’ She pointed out, you closed your eyes. ‘No, he doesn’t.’ You replied quickly, shaking your head, the bandages rubbed against your top. ‘He’s spent most his leave here with you, plus he came to tell you that he was leaving.’ Sandra pointed out, ‘also, why not let your team in who come every weekend but let him in?’ She asked, you picked at the small balled up bit of fabric. ‘Because I won’t see him again.’ You told her, she looked at you and shook her head. ‘Y/N.’ She warned. ‘No, he’s deployed on a boat god knows where training and flying. When I get out of here I’ll be discharged, then flung into the world trying to find a job.’ You told her what would most likely happen to you. ‘You could always become a doctor.’ Sandra pointed out, you scoffed. ‘No one would hire me with these scars.’ You told her as you gestured of the bandages, knowing what was under them. ‘The only scars that would be present are the ones on your neck and wrists, unless you plan on walking about naked.’ Sandra commented, you gave her a small chuckle. ‘Sandra please, me and Jake aren’t on that ship any more.’ You told her. ‘You could be.’ She replied, you shook your head. ‘In our dreams.’ You commented and ended the conversation, Sandra watched as you turned onto your side.
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50calmadeuce · 3 months
Ch.7: The Talk
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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"I'm going to be the best damn fighter pilot ever," declares your now 'husband' with a conviction that lights up his eyes. A smile spreads across your face, both proud and supportive of his determination and dreams. He looked so good in his khaki Navy uniform.
"That's exactly what I expect from you," you reply, your voice laced with pride and affection. "And I'll be cheering you on every step of the way."
His green eyes meet yours, and in them, you see not just the fierce determination of a man set on conquering the skies but also the warmth and gratitude for your unwavering support.
He drew you in closer, his eyes searching yours. "You're okay with this?"
"Jake. I have school to finish. It's not like being a medical doctor, believe it or not. It's actually harder. How long will you be gone?"
"Six weeks."
"And you'll be stationed in Florida during that time?"
"Yes, Ma'am," he responded, his southern drawl adding a layer of charm to his words, paired with a grin that melted your heart. It was hard to believe that you were actually married to this man after just a week and a half. "I'll keep you updated on my next location." Leaning in, he kissed you—a kiss that was soft, filled with love and promise. As you parted from the embrace, your foreheads remained gently pressed together. "I promise, we'll have our honeymoon after everything settles down, Mrs. Seresin." His words, sincere and full of future promises.
You smiled. "Technically, it'll be Doctor Seresin, but I won't hold that against you." The light-hearted jest carried the warmth of your shared understanding and the mutual respect for each other's ambitions and titles.
As the memory gently receded, you completed preparing the hot cocoa, adding a splash of bourbon for an extra layer of warmth. Carrying two mugs into the living room, you found Jake settled on the couch. Handing him one of the cups, he accepted it with a nod.
"Thank you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of appreciation as he wrapped his hands around the warm mug.
Settling on the couch beside him, you draped the Aztec blanket from the back of the couch over your lap, embracing the warmth and comfort it offered. After taking a sip of the cocoa, its warmth spreading through you, you turned to look at him. "Start talking, Hangman."
Jake took a deep breath, the seriousness in your request evident. The cozy setting of the living room, with its gentle lighting and the quiet ambiance, contrasted sharply with the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold. He shifted slightly, turning to face you more directly, his expression a mix of determination and vulnerability.
"Alright," he began, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of emotion. "You know the missions we fly aren't exactly routine, but this last one... it was different. It was one of those moments where everything that could go wrong, did."
He paused, searching for the right words, his gaze momentarily drifting away before locking back onto yours. "We were deep in enemy territory, and we got ambushed. It was like they knew exactly where and when to hit us. Maverick and Rooster, they were in a tight spot, almost didn't make it out. And if it weren't for a split-second decision, they wouldn't have."
The weight of his words hung in the air, a testament to the danger and the razor-thin margins on which survival often hung in their line of work. He took a sip of his cocoa, perhaps seeking a momentary respite from the memories.
Understanding the constraints of his job meant he couldn't divulge everything, you appreciated the efforts he made to share as much as he could with you.
He shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say I saved them at the last minute."
That familiar cockiness, a trait you knew well in your husband, surfaced, bringing a sense of normalcy and comfort to the conversation. It was these moments that reminded you of the strength and confidence that defined him.
The shift in his demeanor was palpable as his voice softened, weighed down by a sorrow that had lingered in the spaces between his words. "But I couldn't save our baby. I couldn't be here to protect you," he confessed, the vulnerability in his eyes as tears began to form, revealing the depth of his pain and regret. It was a stark reminder of the personal battles he faced, battles not against external enemies but against the circumstances that kept him from being there in your moment of need.
You gently set your cocoa down on the coffee table, carefully took his mug from his hands to place it beside yours, and then reached out to clasp his hands in yours. "Jake, I was just starting the third month," you began, holding his gaze with a tender yet steady look. "It was an accident that the horse kicked. We both know I just figured out I was pregnant."
Jake's face softened, the mention of the horse and the accident bringing back a flood of memories, each one tinged with the pain of what had been lost. His hands, strong yet gentle, squeezed yours in response, a silent acknowledgment of the shared heartache.
"I remember," he whispered, the words barely audible, yet laden with emotion. "I remember how excited we were, how much we looked forward to everything that was supposed to come next. And then…"
He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence, the weight of the loss momentarily overtaking him. The room seemed to shrink with the intensity of the moment, the air thick with unspoken feelings and the quiet sorrow of what could have been.
Taking a deep breath, he continued, "I know I wasn't there when you needed me most. I was… I was lost, Y/N."
"I know you were, but I love my job." You adjusted yourself. "It's better now. I work with a team now, so if I do, or we do, start a family, I won't be in that predicament." His eyes locked on yours as you took a breath, gathering your thoughts and emotions. "When I was making the cocoa in the kitchen, I thought back to the day you had to leave for your six-week fighter school. I remembered how confident you were—not just in what you wanted to do, but also in my goals and how we were going to navigate it all together. How you, someone I'd known for only a week and a half, could possess such unwavering confidence, I'll never fully understand. But it was in that moment I knew I loved you for it."
Jake's expression softened, the reminiscence touching something deep within him. The memory of that day, the emotions that had swirled between them, was a vivid reminder of the foundation upon which their relationship was built. It was a foundation of mutual respect, support, and an unshakeable belief in each other's dreams and abilities.
"I remember that day," Jake said, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and affection. "I saw something in you, Y/N. A strength and determination that matched my own. You had this fire in your eyes, this passion for your work, for your dreams. It was impossible not to believe in you, in us. Hell, that's why I married you."
"I married you for the same reasons, Jake," you responded, your voice steady, laced with emotion.
"After I told you to quit your job because of the baby, I thought I lost you," he admitted, his voice carrying a note of vulnerability.
"Well, not calling or talking was pretty rough, and I can't say I didn't think about divorce," you confessed, the honesty in your voice cutting through the air between you.
Jake looked at you, a depth of understanding and gratitude shining through his gaze. "But yet, you stayed," he acknowledged, his voice soft yet filled with emotion.
You nodded, affirming his words. "I did because I knew you were hurting," you responded, your voice carrying a mix of empathy and resolve. "I got to see the confident and cocky side of my husband before he left. I never got to see what happens when something breaks him," you continued, your voice laced with a mixture of reflection and concern. Jake met your gaze, a complex mix of emotions flickering in his eyes as he processed your words. "And I have this feeling, I'm the only one that has seen that side of you." The weight of this realization seemed to settle between you, a silent acknowledgment of the intimacy and trust that defined your relationship.
Jake leaned forward, closing the distance between you, until your foreheads gently touched.
"You're right," Jake whispered, his voice a soft echo of the bond that tethered your hearts. "You are the only one who's seen me like that. I've always thought showing vulnerability was a weakness, especially in my line of work. But with you, I've come to understand it's a form of strength. Being open, honest, and vulnerable with you—it doesn't make me weaker; it makes me whole."
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, seeking and finding the solace he needed in their depths. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you've always been my safe haven, a place where I can lay down the burdens I carry and just be me. Not the fighter pilot, not the officer, but just Jake. And I've never thanked you enough for that, for being my rock, my constant in a life filled with uncertainties, even when I wasn't there."
You reached out, your hand moving with a tenderness that conveyed the depth of your feelings, and gently placed it on the side of his face. Then slowly, you leaned in, closing the gap between the two of you with a sense of purpose and affection. The moment your lips met, it was as if time itself slowed down, allowing you both to fully immerse in the tenderness of the kiss.
At his family's ranch in Texas, under the expansive blue sky, you and Jake stood in front of a beautifully crafted country wedding arch adorned with wildflowers and soft, flowing fabrics that danced in the gentle breeze. The setting was picturesque, embodying the rustic elegance and warmth of the ranch that had been a significant part of Jake's life. You in your floral lace country wedding dress, and Jake in his dress whites. In front of the pastor, who wore a kind smile that reflected the joy of the occasion, you both prepared to exchange vows that would bind your lives together.
His sister, radiant in her role as your Matron of Honor, stood by your side, her presence a comforting and supportive force. Next to Jake, his brother-in-law, serving as the Best Man, wore a proud and approving look, clearly honored to play a pivotal role in this momentous day. The intimate gathering of family and close friends, all bearing witness to your union, created an atmosphere of love and celebration that seemed to envelop everyone in a shared happiness.
As you locked eyes with Jake, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, ready to embark on this new journey together.
"Jake Seresin, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, honor and cherish her, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and to remain faithful to her alone, as long as you both shall live?" the pastor queried, his voice resonating with the solemnity of the moment.
With a depth of emotion and unwavering certainty, Jake responded, his gaze locked with yours, a silent promise reflected in his eyes. "I do," he affirmed, his words a testament to the strength of his commitment and love.
"Y/N, do you take Jake Seresin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in the bond of marriage? Do you vow to love him, comfort him, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to be faithful only to him for as long as you both shall live?" the pastor inquired, his voice echoing the gravity of the commitment being made.
With a heart full of love and eyes shining with the promise of a shared future, you replied firmly and with unwavering conviction, "I do."
The pastor, witnessing the sincerity and strength of your vows, smiled warmly before turning to the gathered loved ones. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
As Jake stepped forward, closing the distance between you, there was a sense of coming home. When his lips met yours, the kiss was a deep well of all the love you felt for each other, a promise made not just for today but for all the tomorrows to come.
The applause that erupted from your family and friends filled the air with a joyous cacophony, a celebration of love’s enduring power and the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. As you turned to face the world as husband and wife, hand in hand, it was with the knowledge that together, you could face whatever the future held.
@buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
like the movies , hangman
note, the titles comes from all the cheesy romance books i read and romcoms. i watch. you might see tropes you recognize. with. it is inspired by books and movies, things might move faster than they do in real life. if you don't like that, don't read this. pair, jake "hangman" seresin x reader summary, after being left at the altar, y/n gets in her car and drives. with no destination in mind, she eventually ends up in front of a bar in san diego. she garners everyone's attention the moment she walks through the doors, one of those people being hangman. warnings, cursing, alcohol consumption (all legal), jerk former fiances word count, 4579 words
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"I'm sorry, he's gone." Those were the words that kept replaying over and over in your head. He wasn't dead, but he might as well be.
The words, "He's gone" kept playing over and over in your head, and it wasn't like you wanted to keep thinking about it, you were driving in silence, left alone with nothing but your thoughts. After almost half an hour on the road, you finally reached for the radio nozzle and turned it on.
You flipped through the channels, trying to find one that wasn't playing some kind of love song, and ended up on a station that played nothing but Christmas music, and even then there were some Christmas love songs that hurt more than the actual love song.
After driving all afternoon with no breaks, you were somehow still awake and moving, only running on a couple cups of crappy coffee and a bagel from that morning, you ended up at a bar.
You pushed open the bar doors, paying no mind to all the eyes that were immediately drawn to you. You plopped down on a barstool and waited for the bartender to come over and take your order.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asked, her eyes warm and inviting.
"Something strong." She smiled and grabbed a glass, pouring you a shot of something.
The question she was about to ask quickly died on her lips after she watched you down the shot, "That bad, huh?"
"The guy I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with left me at the altar. I've been driving since 2 in the afternoon, and it's..." You looked up at the clock, "10, so I've had a pretty shit day." You nodded, keeping your eyes locked on the ring still on your finger.
As you continued to stare at it, the more you wanted it off. You didn't know why it took you so long to take it off, but when you did it almost felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
"You know what? This rounds on me." The woman smiled, "I'm Penny."
"Y/N." You smiled. She was called away by another customer but offered you another smile before making her way over to the man.
"White dress? Don't tell me you got a groom at home waitin' for you?" You turned around to match a face to the voice. You were fully expecting a jerky-looking guy but were surprised to find a man in service khakis, a pilot, standing behind you.
"Nope." You answered with a simple shake of your head.
"I gotta say, this is very Friends-like.” He commented, “Girl runs into a bar wearing a wedding dress.”
“She ran into a cafe.” You corrected.
“Potato-Potato.” He rolled his eyes, “Can I ask why you’re in a bar in a wedding dress? I know there's a story there."
"Not much to talk about." You shrugged.
"There's always a story."
"Oh, there's a story, just not a very interesting one." You tried to brush it off, "What's your name?" You attempted to change the subject.
"Hangman." He flashed you an almost cocky smile.
"It's my callsign." The smirk didn't once fall from his face as he held out his hand, "What's your name?"
"Y/N." You shook his hand.
The same ritual continued for the next couple of nights. You would sit at the bar, drinking only one drink, paying but not leaving until closing.
If you left right after you finished your drink, you would be stuck going back to the empty hotel room with nothing but your thoughts, and the thought of that was almost as scary as the situation you were in at that very moment. Alone and trying to navigate your way through this new life alone.
"Another one?" Penny offered.
"No, I'm good." You smiled.
"So, I heard through the grapevine that you're moving to town."
"From who?"
"Mrs. Neilson and I are pretty close." You smiled. The owner of the hotel you were staying at greeted you with open arms and welcomed you as if you had known each other for years when you first arrived at her hotel.
"She would be correct. I am."
"She also mentioned something about you looking for a job." Penny brought up.
"I am. Is there anything else she mentioned? Perhaps the name of my first pet." You joked.
She smiled, "She's kind of a gossiper, but she means well. Anyways, I bring it up because I could always use some help around the bar."
"Really? Wait, is this you offering me a job, because if it's not, this would be really awkward."
She laughed again, "Yes, this is me offering you a job."
"Sweet, all right, what time do you need me, boss?"
"Can you start tomorrow?"
"I guess I could move some things around." You joked.
"Great. Can you come in at 3? Just to start training?"
"See you then."
The next night, you were behind the bar, serving people drinks, "That was fast." You heard. You glanced over and saw Hangman.
"Didn't have many any other options." You shrugged, "So, what can I get you?"
"What do you suggest?" You gave him your input and poured him the drink when he gave you the 'okay', "How're you doing?"
You shrugged, "Working helps the "not thinking" part." You admitted.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head, "All right, changing the subject." He nodded, "So, heard you're looking for somewhere to live."
"What? Was it plastered across the pinboard in town hall or something?" You joked.
"Nah, saw a poster hanging in the bathroom down by the beach," He joked, and you rolled your eyes, "I heard you and Penny talking the other night."
"Oh." You nodded.
"And I have a spare room." You stared at him, trying to decipher what was going on in his mind, "I'm offering it to you."
"Thanks, I'm okay." You shook your head.
"Oh, come on, why not?"
"That's a stupid question." You scoffed, "You're a man, you could murder me or something. I think I'll take my chances at the hotel instead."
"Oh, come on."
"Why are you pushing this so hard? We barely know each other. We had one conversation."
"A very long and lengthy one. It was like 2 and a half hours. I know all your deepest darkest secrets."
"I might've been a little tipsy, but I wasn't at the "sharing my deepest darkest secrets with a stranger" tipsy level yet." You told him.
"Does anyone else know that you partially contributed to Louis, the family dog, running away?"
"All right, no, but that's not my point. I don't even know your last name."
"Seresin." He answered without missing a beat.
"Come on."
"Let's make a deal. If you can't find someone within the next week, you come to stay with me for a few days, and if you do find a place, then you find a place."
"Why're you pushing this so hard?"
"Can't a friend just look out for a friend?"
"I wasn't aware we were friends."
"Ouch." He held a hand over his heart as if he had been hit there, "You sure know how to wound a guy." You rolled your eyes, "Do we have a deal, Ice Queen?"
You pursed your lips, stared at him, and against all better judgment, you shook the hand he had held out, "Deal."
"Is that the last one?" Jake asked as he slid the last of your bags into the bed of his truck.
"Yeah." You nodded. You spent 5 days looking for somewhere to live, and after finding nothing,
"Didn't really take a lot, did you?"
"When I was packing, I wasn't really thinking. I was just thinking about getting the heck out of there."
"All right, I get it." He nodded, "Just follow me home."
After you followed him home, he quickly started unloading everything into the guest room you would now call home, "Welcome home."
"I really appreciate you letting me stay here. And just so you know, I can clean and do all the housework since you, for some reason, won't let me pay for anything. My offer to pay for all my water and electricity still stands." You told him.
He smiled, "It's fine, really. I'm not really paying for anything as it is."
"Who's paying?"
"Uncle Sam." He carried one of your boxes into your new room.
"Well, crap, maybe I should've enlisted." You muttered.
You were getting settled in perfectly. You had a great job, had met some friends, and had a pretty cool place to live that wasn't too far from the beach, and things with Jake were even looking up.
You were becoming friends, and not like people you become friends with because you sit next to them in a class, you were actual friends who did things outside of school.
"I have work tonight, so you're on your own for dinner tonight."
He gasped, "You want me to starve?"
"Oh, whatever. You'll figure something out, and if not, there's always a frozen pizza in the freezer." You reminded him.
"Really? The Tony's pizza in the freezer? It tastes like cardboard." He complained
"Well, we have pasta in the cabinet." You shrugged, "Anyways, have a good day."
"Where're you going?"
"I have some errands to run for Penny."
"Wow, week 4, and you're already an errand girl." Jake joked.
"Harhar." You rolled your eyes, "See you later."
"Yeah, I'll stop by the bar with a snack for you after I'm done."
"Thanks, appreciate it. Have fun, don't burn the house down." You patted him on the shoulder as you headed out the door.
"I'll try not to." He called after you.
Later that night, true to his word, Jake showed up at the bar after whatever he was doing that day with a plastic bag full of some snacks, "There you are! I was starting to think you forgot all about me." You joked, taking the bag from him and looking in it.
"Nope, didn't forget. Your Redbull was hard to find. Had to go to two different stores to find it."
"Aw, you didn't have to. I would've settled for a regular one." You smiled.
"I'll remember that for next time." He nodded, a smirk on his face, "Now, can I please have a drink?"
"Of course." You smiled, grabbing him a glass and pouring him his usual drink.
"Y/N?" You heard from the doorway of the bar. You looked up and your eyes widened, "Wow, you don't know how long I've been looking for you."
You stared at the person who had entered the bar the entire time they made their way over, unmoving, "I almost gave up, but I couldn't leave you behind." He flashed you a smile that a couple weeks prior probably would have had you swooning.
"What are you doing here, Jared?"
"Coming back to get my fiance." That perked Jake's interest, and he looked between you and your "fiance" briefly, before turning his attention to Jared.
"I don't think we've met."
"Do I know you?"
"You will in about two seconds. It's nice to meet you, Jared." Jared, ever the douche, squared off against the guy who was at least five inches taller, "I'm Jake, but my friends call me Hangman."
"What? Did your parents hate you?"
"Did I leave out the Lieutenant part?" Jared visually paled, "Damn, I always seem to leave that part out." He snapped his fingers as if reprimanding himself for the mistake.
"Why are you here, Jared?" You repeated, ignoring Jake’s dramatics.
"Well, I've always stated." He glanced over at Jake from the corner of his eye, before keeping his attention on you, "I came back for you, and you weren't answering my calls."
"You aren't stupid, Jared. When someone doesn't answer your phone calls, it usually means they don't want to talk to you." You told him, turning around and going to help another customer.
"Oh, yeah, walk away. Like you always do. If there's one thing you're good at, I'd say it's walking away."
"Look, buddy..." Jake stepped in.
"No, you know what? I've got it. Tell Penny I'm going on break." You exited from behind the bar and nodded over to Jared who followed you out the door. Jared followed with a satisfied smirk, sure to flash it to Jake, "And you, I wouldn't be running a victory lap yet, seeing as you were the jerk who left his future wife waiting at the altar." It was Jake's turn to smirk as he watched Jared follow you outside.
Once outside, you turn to Jared, "All right, talk. You have 10 minutes, then I'm cutting you off." You crossed your arms. You stood there, listening to Jared ramble for about 5 minutes about how guilty he felt, for leaving you.
At the eight-minute mark, you were getting tired, "All right, stop, just stop it. This wasn't an accident, this was pre-meditated, and don't even deny it. I don't know why you came all this way, maybe to gloat or something, but now that you're here and you can see I'm fine, now it's your time to leave."
"Come on, Y/N."
"No, you can't come in with your little kind attitude, trying to get me back. Guess what, the girl you knew? She's gone, you left that girl at the altar. She's as good as dead."
"You've been gone, for what? A month? All right, times up. It's time to come home." He reached for your arm.
"No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here, right where I am. This is my life now, and if you don't like it, then swell. You aren't a part of it anymore so it doesn't affect you."
"Go, Jared. Leave. Don't let the "Thanks for visiting" sign hit you on the ass on your way out." You waved sarcastically. You turned, but let out a loud exclamation in pain when he grabbed your arm.
Jake had been standing close by in case he had to step in, and when he heard your loud exclamation, he jumped into action and pushed the doors of the bar open.
When he stepped outside, he stopped in his place when he saw Jared laying on the ground, holding his face in pain, and you standing off to the side, wringing out your hand and wincing in pain.
"All right then, remind me never to get you angry, Rocky" He joked, helping you towards the back entrance of the bar so he could help with your injured hand.
"You wanna talk about it?" Jake asked as he smacked an ice pack against a table, then held it onto your hand.
You winced, "Nope."
"All right, Muhammad Ali,"
"Stop it with the boxer nicknames." You swatted his hands away.
"I won't ask. But when you're ready, I'm here for you."
"Thank you, Bagman." You joked. He softly punched your shoulder before making his way back out to the bar.
"Let me get this straight." You were on the phone in the backroom with one of the only people in your family who actually knew where you were, your best friend, who really was more a part of the family, Anna, "Jared came into the bar, guns blazing, and you knocked him out?"
"And how's Captain America doing?"
"Don't know. All I know is he paid for everyone's drinks. Bar rules."
"Right, right, and how about Iron Man?"
"Jake?" You asked.
"Yeah, I guess in this situation he would be Captain America 'cause he works for America, but whatever."
"Jake's fine."
"No smooching?"
"Hanging up now." You sighed.
"No, come on. I'm joking." Anna whined, "Come on, tell me all the juicy gossip. Have you seen him naked yet?"
"Goodbye, Anna."
"You're no fun." She groaned, "Whatever, I'll come down to visit soon and you can show me to all his fun pilot friends."
"Oh, I'll be eagerly awaiting."
"Shut up. I love you."
"Love you, too." You smiled.
Hangman was lounging on the couch, waiting for you to get home when his phone rang. He quickly reached for it, hoping it was you. His mood instantly lifted when he saw it was you.
"Did you lock yourself out again?" He joked.
"Well, not exactly." His face hardened when he heard a male voice answer the phone.
"Who is this?"
"Whoa, pump your brakes, sweet cakes. This is Julian calling from the bar on Gilmore, and when asked who she wanted to call, Y/N said you."
"How many did she have?"
"Well, Javi kept buying her drinks."
"Who's Javi?"
"Don't worry, kicked him out. He was getting a little handsy with someone else. You're all good, you don't have to worry about getting all macho. Our bouncer had a jolly 'ole time doing it."
"Alright, I'm leaving right now." Jake sighed.
"Great. And hopefully, you look as pretty as you sound." Julian flirted.
In record-breaking time, Jake got to the bar and saw you slumped over the bar, "Look, there he is. Your prince charming." The man, Jake presumed was Julian, grabbed your attention.
Your head slowly came up and you looked over at him, and when you saw him, you dropped your head back down, "Never thought I'd get that reaction." He joked, making his way over to you, "How much did she have to drink?" He asked.
"Only a few," Julian answered.
"What did she have to drink?" He asked.
"The pretty pink one."
"The pretty pink one?"
"Javi bought her two drinks and was on the highway to number 3, but I cut her off."
"Thanks, appreciate it." Jake nodded, running a hand up and down your back, "Come on, let's get you home and in bed."
"No, sleep right here." You shook your head.
Jake looked up at Julian for any help. Julian, in response, raised his hands in surrender, "I don't think Julian would like that very much."
"But comfy." You curled into the seat that Jake knew wasn't comfortable.
He tried to think of something. He glanced around the bar for anything but found nothing. So, the next best thing was to carry you out of the bar himself.
He slid your jacket around your shoulders and slipped your bag onto his shoulder before locking his arms under your knees and arms, "Come on, let's get you home."
"Bye, Julian." You waved a limp hand in his direction.
"Bye, honey." He laughed.
"So, what's with the evening drinking?" Jake asked as he carried you back to the car.
"He came back." You told him as you let out a yawn and snuggled further into his chest.
Jake hesitated, "Who came back?"
"Who do you think, silly? Jared." You giggled.
"Jared came back? What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried, but your boss picked up and said you were up in the sky." Jake's mind was going 1000 miles an hour as he tried to formulate words and understand what you were saying.
"What'd he say?"
"He tried to get me back again." You explained, "And when I said no, he accused me of cheating, then called me mean names."
"What mean names?" Jake asked. You shook your head, "All right, you don't have to tell me." He gave an understanding nod, "Come on, let's get you home."
Jake drove you home, got you ready for bed, and was just about to turn off the lamp on your bedside table when you reached over and grabbed his hand.
"Stay, please." You whispered.
"You want me to stay?" You nodded, "All right." You scooted over and he crawled in next to you. The moment he was settled in your bed that was much too small for him, you cuddled into his side.
He stared down at you as you got comfortable, head resting on his chest while your arms were wrapped around his waist. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he laid in silence, listening as your breathing evened out.
He laid there, deep in thought as he digested what you had told him.
The next morning, you woke up with a gigantic pounding headache and a warm body next to you. You looked up, then closed your eyes again, opening them again incase you were dreaming and Jake sleeping in your bed was all just a figment of your imagination.
You stared at him for an extra couple of seconds before your brain started working. You carefully unwrapped his arms from around you and tiptoed out of your room.
You made your way into the kitchen, trying to think back to what had occurred the night before. You grabbed your jacket and keys off the counter and then bolted out of the apartment as quietly as you could.
You drove around for a few hours, trying to clear your mind. You picked up your phone and called Anna, "Do you know what time it is?"
"Anna, you're like an hour ahead of me. It's 10 o'clock here, which means it's 11 o'clock there."
"Exactly, sleepy time." Anna yawned.
"Well, wake up, 'cause I think I have a problem."
"All right, what's wrong? Is it about Jared?"
"Sort of." You nodded. You filled her in on all the drama that had occurred in the last 24 hours. After you told her what had happened, she stayed silent, too stunned to speak.
"Hello? Anna?"
"Well, this isn't fair. Why is your life so much more interesting than mine?" She whined.
You scoffed, "Well, I'm glad you think that way." You rolled your eyes.
"It's not like that. It's just, that you're literally living life like a movie."
"Well, whenever the credits want to roll, I'm ready and waiting." You joked.
As you worked that day, you were dreading the moment the clock stroke 7. That was when Jake came in. Like clockwork, he came in at 7 after work with a bright smile on his face, directed at you.
That night, things were a bit different. He came in at 6:50, with no smirk on his face and looking as disheveled as ever. The hair that he endlessly worried about was sticking up everywhere and looking out of place, and his dress khakis.
"Hey." He walked up to the bar, "Can I talk to you?"
You nodded, wiping your hands on the towel on your shoulder, then followed him outside, "So, what'd you want to-"
"What the hell is going on?"
"What're you talking about?"
"I wake up, and you're gone."
"I wasn't aware we were expected to wake each other up with sweet nothings and neck kisses." You joked.
"Y/N..." He sighed.
"Right, sorry, serious." You nodded, "I fled because I was scared. I didn't remember a lot of what happened last night, so I was a little discombobulated."
"Okay, fair, but no note?"
"Is that proper edicate when you leave someone in bed?" When he didn't answer, you continued, "Look, I'm sorry I left you there, but I didn't know what to think of it. I was confused, hungover, and trying to piece together what happened."
"Just... next time, give me a call or something."
"Next time? You know something I don't, Seresin?" You smirked.
"We'll see, depends on how you answer my next question." He crossed his arms, a smirk on his face.
"Ask away." You nodded.
"Y/N, would you like to get dinner together? Possibly catch a movie together?"
"Oh, that depends. I'll have to check my schedule." You pretended to ponder, before looking back at him, "Looks like I'm free."
"Great, I'll be knocking on your door tomorrow at 5, so don't be late."
"I'll try not to be." You smiled.
"I feel like I talked the entire night," Jake commented as you headed towards the movie theater that was only a few blocks from the restaurant you had just eaten at.
"I don't mind." You shrugged with a smile as you hugged his jacket that he had placed over your shoulders tighter around your body.
"Enough about me. Let's talk about you."
"What do you want to know?"
"Let's start out easy. What did you do before you... moved here?" He hesitated, choosing his words carefully.
You smiled at his thoughtfulness, "You mean before I got left at the altar. You can say it, you don't have to beat around the bush." He nodded, "I worked, well owned, and still own, a flower shop."
"A flower shop? Really?"
"Yeah. I bought it a few years after college, and I worked there with my cousin, but during the wedding, Anna, my cousin, told me to take a step back and started taking over the owner duties."
"Wow, I never would've thought." He chuckled.
"Yeah, but since I moved here, I sort of handed off the reigns to Anna, and from what I've heard, she's doing wonderfully, so I don't have anything to worry about."
"Do you miss it?" He asked.
"What? My life in Colorado Springs? Not really." You shook your head, "It was great to have all my family and friends so close and I love them all so much, but it was also suffocating. So, moving away for the first time ever, it feels like I can finally breathe."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Jake nodded a smile on his face and a look in your eyes you couldn't decipher.
"And plus, I've created a great life here, and I've only been here for like 3 months."
"Great life how?" He egged on.
"Well, I've got a great job, got a great group of friends, the beach is pretty awesome, plus, they have some pretty good burgers down here."
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
"Job, friends, beach, burgers? Nope, I think I've got everything." You pursed your lips as you thought about it.
"Really? I think you might be missing something." Jake pushed.
You pretended to think about it for an extra second, "Oh, that's right!" You exclaimed, and the smile returned to his face, "There is this amazing bookstore a couple blocks away from the grocery store we always go to."
He groaned and rolled his eyes, "I'm kidding." You laughed, "I met you, and you're kind of pretty amazing."
"Kind of pretty amazing? I'm awesome. I'm such a catch." He stated.
"All right, let's try to shrink down that ego of yours." You wrapped your arms around his waist, "You are a pretty cool catch."
"You are, too." He wrapped his arms around your waist, "I guess I have Jared to thank for something."
"Thank Jared? For what?"
"If he didn't leave you at the altar, you wouldn't have driven from Colorado to here-"
"The wedding was actually in San Francisco." You muttered.
"Why was your wedding in San Francisco?"
"Jared's family lives in San Francisco." You explained, "But, whatever, get on with what you were saying."
"Right, right. If he didn't leave you there and if you wouldn't have driven here, I wouldn't have met you and we wouldn't have been here."
"I guess we do have Jared to thank for this." You smiled.
"Now, let's never talk about him again."
"Let's." You nodded.
"Now, can I kiss you?"
"That would be wonderful." You smiled. He smiled back, then leaned down. As you kissed him back, you could see the credits rolling in your head.
my taglist: @2manytabsopen @jostystyles @typical-simplelove @kolsmikaelson @jostyriggslover96 @comphyjost @boqvistsbabe @rosesvioletshardy @atarmychick007 @annahargrove @Zzsloth
[ taglist ]
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Just Need The Right Partner
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Summary: Reader is a terrible pool player. Jake "Hangman" Seresin teaches them they just need the right partner. (I’m terrible at these)
Warnings: Cheesy, terrible writing, (I have no idea what this turned into, it’s not what I planned to write)
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader (Only one use of Y/N)
Characters: Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Javy “Coyote” Machado, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Robert “Bob” Floyd. Mentions of Penny Benjamin, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell,
Word Count: 3,055 (Sorry? Not sorry)
A/N: This started off as one thing and sort of took off into its own thing. Not the best thing I’ve ever written, but clearly it wanted to be written. Also know very little about pool, so if these details are wrong – I would love to know!
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It was your night off, but you still found yourself hanging out at The Hard Deck. You'd worked for your aunt Penny for almost two years and frequently spent your off time at the bar. It felt like home even though you were twelve hundred miles away from your actual home.
A week ago, a new round of aviators returned to Top Gun for some special assignment. They were even more competitive than you were used to from the other pilots, and almost all seemed to know each other personally. When you asked Penny about it, she said they were all previous graduates, most of them at the top of their respective classes. At least, that's what Pete had told her. You still weren't sure what you were supposed to call that guy – he said it was okay to call him Pete, but everyone in the bar referred to him by his call sign.
Dagger squad had been in every night since they arrived at the base. You had warmed up to a few of them. Phoenix was all-around amazing, Coyote made you laugh, and Bob was the sweetest aviator you had met since you started. Rooster was well-rounded – funny, kind, and caring; he reminded you much of your older brother, except your brother could not play the piano. Then there was the gorgeous blonde green-eyed aviator that seemed to be the cockiest of all- Hangman. His southern drawl and kilowatt smile could make you weak in the knees if you let it.
Most of the squad was in The Hard Deck tonight, except for Coyote and Hangman. You'd be lying if you said that you didn't notice, but you didn't let their absence stop you from enjoying your night off with the squad. It was Bob's shot in the game of pool you were playing; it was Phoenix and Bob against you and Rooster. You weren't losing terribly, but that was only thanks to Rooster's skill set.
Penny waved at you from the bar, catching your attention. "Be right back," You excused yourself, handing the pool cue to Rooster.
"A bit preemptive," She smiled, pushing a tray of alcohol toward you. "I'm happy to see you enjoying yourself. It does my momma heart some good. You work hard." Penny was a family friend; you had always known her as 'Aunt Penny' growing up, so when your mom called her and said you needed a fresh start, she offered you a job and a place to stay. She wasn't quite old enough to be your mom but was there any time you needed her.
"Thank you," You smiled back at her, "They are pretty great." You looked back over your shoulder at them. Rooster held the pool cue up in your direction with a smile.
"Go," Penny said, "take the tray with you."
You picked it up and carefully carried it through the crowded bar before setting it on the table next to where you were playing.
"We always have to wait in line," Bob almost whined.
"Perks," You shrugged with a smile before handing him a full beer.
Rooster exchanged the pool cue in his hand for the beer you were giving him. "Thanks," He smiled down at you.
"This is my preemptive request for forgiveness when we inevitably lose this game." You laughed.
You walked past him and leaned against the table, examining your shot options; none of them looked easy. The bell above the door rang in the background, alerting the bar to new patrons. Walking around the table, you tried to get a different angle for a shot you thought you might be able to make.
The change didn't make a difference, so without any more delay, you bent over the table and took the shot. When the white cue ball made an impact, it barely budged the solid-colored ball. Your head hung in disappointment as you turned around.
"Hey, it's okay." Rooster squeezed your shoulder, trying to cheer you up. "You'll get it next time."
Rolling your eyes, you laughed, "I think I'm running out of next time."
"Well, well, what is going on here?" It was a deep smooth southern drawl coming from behind you. You bit your lips together to prevent a smile from creeping onto your face.
"Bagman," Phoenix replied bitterly. Hangman rolled his eyes at her remark. "Hey, Coyote." She sounded more pleasant when she greeted his cohort.
You had turned around, looking at him now, surprised to see he was also in civilian clothing; the whole team was tonight. His dark blue T-shirt clung tightly to his chest and biceps, accentuating his muscles.
"Hello, beautiful," He winked at you.
"Hey," You smiled back at him.
"Want our table?" Omaha asked Hangman. "We're heading out for the night."
"Coyote, wanna play?" He asked.
"I might finally win, so sure," Coyote smirked.
"We will hold it for you while you go to the bar," Fritz spoke.
With the distraction of Hangman and Coyote gone, your game resumed. Phoenix and Rooster had both lined up and shot perfectly. Pool was a game you clearly did not have the skill set for. Bob was lining up his shot when they returned to their table.
"I have got an idea," Hangman spoke, coming back to stand next to the tables.
"This outta be great," Rooster rolled his eyes.
"We'll play the losing team." He spoke again.
"Oh no," You spoke up, "After this, I am definitely done. You've already endured enough losses on my behalf." You finished looking at Rooster.
He smiled at you, opening his mouth to speak.
"Partner switch," Coyote spoke in the background, cutting off Rooster.
"I'm sure I can turn your luck around," Hangman looked at you. "You just need the right partner, and I can promise you that isn't Rooster."
He was arrogant, that's for sure. But you had seen him play pool far too many times now. He was damn good at it.
"Um," You hesitated, wanting to take him up on his offer, purely to spend time with him, but you didn't want to hurt Rooster. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"No, he's right," Rooster spoke, staring down Hangman. "let's do it."
"Well, why don't you wait and see how bad I am before you even agree to this." You spoke.
"It won't make me want you any less," Hangman smirked.
"It's your shot." Bob broke into the conversation.
"Great," You groaned.
You picked up your glass, still half full, and downed the liquor before turning to the table. You could feel everyone's eyes on you as you stared down the table, looking for a shot. There were fewer balls this time, making it easier to see the possibilities. You wanted the attention to end, so you lined up the easiest shot you could find. It was worse than your last shot. The cue ball barely tapped its intended target.
"See," You turned, looking at Hangman, "Bad doesn't begin to cover it."
He smirked, a twinkle of mischief in his emerald-green eyes, "No," He stepped closer to you, reached out, and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, "I can work with that."
Your cheeks flushed, and you couldn't hide the gasp that escaped your lips. Your head was getting foggy. There should be no way one man could have that kind of effect on you. But here you were, weak in the knees and stomach in knots.
"I think I need another drink." Rooster grumbled before walking away.
"I'll be over here," Hangman stepped backward, still looking at you, "waiting for you."
You turned your back to him, trying to clear your mind, his words said one thing, but his eyes and body language made them seem like they meant something else. Phoenix wore a look of disappointment on her face. You could only assume it was due to the exchange she had just watched.
Standing there silently, you watched absentmindedly while the game finished playing out. Groaning each time your turn came. You could feel Hangman's eyes roam over you every time. It seemed like once the initial trash-talking between the group had passed, everyone settled down, and the laughter resumed. When Bob sunk the final ball to end the game, you felt a combination of relief and nervousness.
Before the other game could start, you returned to the bar to get another drink. You'd never been a big believer in liquid courage, but if there was any time to start believing in it, that would be right now. You exchanged a quick conversation with Penny before returning to the pool table. Rooster and Coyote were racking the balls while Hangman leaned against a stool watching over them.
"Alright, Hangman. I hope you are prepared to lose what I can only assume is a perfect winning streak." You said, coming to lean on the table next to his stool.
"Stop," He grinned, turning to face you, "Please, call me Jake. I've lost before, only on rare occasions involving illness or fatigue."
You rolled your eyes, smiling back at him. "Well, Jake," You emphasized his name, "I hope you'll forgive me when you lose."
"You want to break?" Coyote turned to ask you.
"Uh, that's an awful idea," You turned to look up at your partner, "Jake, please don't make me."
He laughed; it was a beautiful sound, "I'll never make you do anything you don't want to." He moved off the stool and headed towards the table.
And just like that, the game was on. True to his word, Jake never seemed to get upset with your awful skills. Occasionally he would help you with your shot by standing next to you and pointing easy ones out or changing your grip on the pool cue. Each time he came to your aide, he seemed to get closer, and his hand would linger a little longer. With his help, you did hit a few balls, they didn't go into a pocket, but they did at least move an inch or two.
The game seemed to fly by compared to the previous rounds. Before you knew it, only a few balls were left on the table, and it was your turn.
"You just need a little more oomph in your shot, that's all," Jake spoke, coming to stand next to you. "Here, let me show you," His hand slid down your back sending shivers up your spine. "Here," his voice was soft as he leaned over you, his hand laying on top of yours as you gripped the cue.
You couldn't focus on a single thing he was explaining, distracted by the heat radiating from him, engulfing every inch of you he touched. Your body reacted to his instructions, and you watched as the ball sank into the pocket. The clatter was enough to snap you back into the moment, turning to look at him like a giddy schoolgirl. When you turned to look at him, he didn't step back; you found yourself chest to chest with him, your breath hitched in your throat as you smiled up at him.
You could hear chatter between Rooster, Coyote, and the rest of the squad in the background. But it all sounded like a dull rumble as you looked into Hangman's eyes.
"See," He stated, grinning down at you. "You just needed the right partner."  
"You probably could have done that earlier in the game," You countered, trying to hide the effect he had on you.
"Yes, but then you couldn't say that you sunk the winning ball." He beamed with pride.
"We won?"
He nodded in response, taking the pool cue from your hand and laying it across the table behind you.
You didn't know a single pool rule other than hitting the ball in the hole. You always counted on someone to tell you if you were aiming for a stripe or solid color. You turned your head to look at your opponents. Rooster already had his back to you and was focused on talking to the rest of the group.
"We're playing Phoenix and Bob," Coyote said, pulling your attention back to the room. "Table's yours."
You turned back to the aviator still pressed against you. The longer you looked into his emerald green eyes, the foggier your head got. "I think I need some air." You spoke softly, unable to catch your breath.
Jake took half a step back, letting you pass him. His hand reached out to grab your own, interlacing his fingers with yours; he led you towards the back deck. You didn't object or pull away, just let him lead the way. If you were honest with yourself, you would have followed him anywhere he led. If you were more coherent, you would have noticed the gaze of his entire squad and your aunt, Penny, following your motions.
There wasn't a word exchanged between you until you passed the deck and were well into the sand, "where are we going?" You giggled.
He chuckled, "away from the noise. Here is good."
You half expected him to drop your hand; instead, you sat down on the sand. The soft breeze tousling your hair and the smell of salt in the air.
The whole night had taken a turn you weren't anticipating. Sure, Jake had been flirting with you since the night he showed up at the Hard Deck, but you assumed he was like that with all the girls. You hadn't witnessed him flirting with other girls, but surely, he was? Your head was swimming in thoughts. There was no space between you; if you were sitting any closer, you would have been sitting on his lap. You leaned your head onto his shoulder; you knew you should say something but didn't know what.
"Jake," You spoke his name softly.
"Yeah, doll?"
You smiled at the term of endearment, "I'm a babbler; if you don't say something soon, it's going to happen."
He chuckled, "I don't think I'd mind that one bit." He picked your intertwined hands up and rested them on his thigh, his thumb rubbing circles against the back of your hand. "I've never met a woman like you. All the places I've been, no one has captivated me like you."
"I'm not sure how to take that."
"It's a good thing, I promise." He paused for a moment; you weren't sure if it was for dramatic effect or if he was thinking of what to say next. "You're beautiful and intelligent, sarcastic, and witty enough to not only put up with me but do it right back."
You laughed, realizing he probably hadn't met many people, especially women, that could hold their own against him. Most were probably too captivated by his charm and good looks. Though, Phoenix did a pretty good job.
You weren't going to tell him that it didn't matter what came out of your mouth, snarky, witty, or otherwise; you were still weak in the knees every time he spoke.
"I'm sure you say that to all the girls, Hangman." You spoke, trying not to inflate his ego.
"I wish I could say that I did. But you are the most exquisite person I've ever interacted with."
You were thankful the only light around you was from the moon. It was dim enough that he most likely would not be able to see that your cheeks were burning from the blush.
"Did you just call me exquisite?"
He laughed, "yeah, I guess I did." He picked up your intertwined hands and gently kissed your knuckles. "I mean it, though."
You pulled your head back to look at him; while the lighting was dim, you could see the sincerity in his expression. The cocky charade had fallen, leaving a vulnerable Jacob Seresin in the pale moonlight. A beautiful sight that you were confident not many people had been blessed enough to see.
Before you could lose your gumption leaned up, pressing your lips to his. It was a chaste but sweet kiss and all the invitation he needed. He had a hold of your hips in one fluid motion, and you were straddling him on the beach. Jake's hands lingered on your hips under the hem of your shirt, the heat from his skin burning against your waist. Your fingers threaded through his short hair, grounding you through the fury of passionate kissing.
You were breathless when the kiss finally broke; you buried your face into the crook of his neck, trying to catch your breath.
"That's probably not what you had in mind when you said you needed air." Jake joked.
You kissed his neck, "the opposite, actually." You pulled back to look at him. "I expected to come out here alone. Clear my head, listen to the waves, maybe actually catch my breath." You chuckled.
"I mean, I can go inside." He raised an eyebrow at you, unable to hide the smirk on his face. He kissed the pulse point on your neck before kissing your jaw, "but only if that's really what you want."
"Don't you dare."
He kissed you again.
"Hangman," You heard Coyote yelling.
"Y/N" Rooster yelled. "We want a rematch."
You pulled back to look at Jake, hesitant to leave this setting. You were too happy at that moment, afraid you'd never experience it again.
"I promised I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to," Jake spoke softly, rubbing his hand soothingly across your back. "I'm happy to ignore them if that's what you want."
Shaking your head, "We should go." You agreed reluctantly, climbing off his lap.
"Let me help you," He stood up, reaching out his hands.
You took them graciously.
"You know they're going to be a nightmare to deal with now, right?" Jake spoke, intertwining your hands again.
"Natasha is going to hate me." You muttered.
"Not a chance; Phoenix loves you. We all do."
You looked up at him, smiling, holding on to his forearm with your other hand, stabilizing yourself as you made it to the deck. "Are you ready for this again, partner?"
He grinned, "I was born ready. You are, too, now that you have the right partner." He bent down and kissed you one last time before re-entering the bar.
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  A/N: If you’ve made it this far - thank you so so so much for reading! My Masterlist can be found here. All work is also available on AO3
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sappy-seresin · 1 year
I was Born to Love You (J. Seresin)
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
Summary: You're the one Jake was born to love, and he creates gentle moments to remind you. Based on Ray LaMontagne's "I was Born to Love You."
Warnings: None, honestly just toe curling fluff.
Word Count: 2k
A/n: MY WORK IS ORIGINAL AND IS NOT TO BE COPIED OR REPOSTED. Be kind and don't steal other people's writing, thank you.
Gif creds: @unicornships
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You’re in the kitchen of your and Jake’s shared home, knee deep in making dinner while Jake clinks around in the living room, having said something about music making the already soft atmosphere better. You smile to yourself as he clicks through several songs, imagining his tongue slightly jutted out of his mouth in concentration as he searches for the perfect melody to set the tone.
“There it is,” you hear him mutter after a lull of silence. Being focused on the task at hand, you miss the sound of Jake’s feet padding closer to you.
"Our song?" You point out, a fond smile tickling the corner of your lips as you glance at Jake over your shoulder. Butterflies dance in your stomach at the effortless elegance surrounding him. He's wearing a content grin, a hum of affirmation rumbles from his chest as he melodically approaches you with an outstretched hand.
"Dance with me," though it's a request, it comes out as more of a statement and you know 'no' won't be an acceptable answer.
"I'm making dinner," you remind him, a slight whine lacing your voice. You love treating him to home cooked meals when you have a night in, and he loves it when you do so, but sometimes, he just wants to dance with his favorite girl on his arm.
"Dance with me, Darlin'," he murmurs in your ear, catching you in his arms with his chest flush against his back. His lips graze your ear as he speaks and he promptly presses a chaste kiss on the skin just behind it, knowing you're always putty in his hands when he does that. "Dinner can wait." You sigh, melting into his chest, letting him know that he's won. His gently spins you around in his arms, wordlessly guiding you to the middle of the dimly lit living room. Unbeknownst to you, he lit several candles and turned down the lights while you were distracted in the kitchen. The simplistic romantic setting has you swooning further as Jake guides your hands to rest around his neck, promptly sliding his to rest just above your spine while he smiles down at you, humming with the beginning lyrics of Ray LaMontagne's, "I was Born to Love you" playing through your vintage record player.
You give me a sign, you give me a lift Take me home when I've done my shift. You give me a loan when I'm stone cold broke Get me high, when I need a toke.
"You're quite the charmer, Lieutenant," you smile, tracing circles across the exposed skin on the nape of his neck as you sway to the music, following his lead. A blush tints his cheeks, partnered with the bashful smile you love to be the reason behind.
"Only for my favorite girl," he admits, his voice is husky as his breath ghosts your face. The glimmer in his eyes makes your knees feel weak, just like it does every time you catch it being directed at you.
"I was born to love. I was born to love, I was born to love. I was born to-" plays through the speakers, adding to the warm hue covering the room as the two of you lose yourselves in each others eyes and rhythmic movements. You're both engrossed in each others company now, lost in each others eyes as you whimsically move through the candlelit room, enjoying the way the lighting lights up each others features in the simplest, most beautiful way.
Your breath gets caught in your throat at the look in his eyes. You've been together for years, and aren't new to the awe that twinkles in his green orbs as they drink you in, but that doesn't mean the gesture doesn't have you feeling like a puddle of goop beneath his feet every time you witness it.
"Times were tough, we made it through. We tasted the rough, so let's save the spoon," Jake sings along with the song, effortlessly twirling you before bringing you safely against his chest again. "All the time I was hurting you, got to believe that I was hurting, too." You're convinced that your own lovesick smile can't get any wider as you drink him in.
This song immediately carried significance in your relationship the first time the two of you heard it while slow dancing at a mutual friends wedding shortly after you started dating. The two of you knew that you loved each other, to a certain degree, before you heard it, but the lyrics immediately affirmed how you'd both been feeling after months of tiptoeing around it.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I think you're my person," he'd confidently, yet bashfully, uttered halfway through the second verse. His cheeks were tinted with nerves and whiskey as his eyes blearily captured your content exterior. Your eyes were doe-like as you blinked up at him in adoring surprise upon hearing his confession, but they quickly filled with tears of astonishment when he finished his next though. "I think I was born to love you." His expression was hopeful once he'd gotten the words out, dread dancing through his chest at the chance that you didn't feel the same way. Feeling vulnerable and out in the open wasn't something that Jake Seresin was used to, but he brought his heart out on full display in the moment, leaving himself exposed while awaiting your response. Taking a few seconds to process what he said, your hands cupped his cheeks to pull his attention away from the self doubt you could feel wafting off of him.
"Jake Seresin, I think I was made to love you too," you promised him with a tearful smile, losing your breath when he kissed you so passionately that your head spun.
"Sing with me baby," Jake requests, pulling your attention from the flashback. You easily tune back into the song, leaning your head against his toned chest as the two of you softly sing along with the chorus, the lyrics pouring from the two of you so easily that an outsider looking in may believe that you'd written them yourselves.
"I was born to love. I was born to, born to love, I was born to-." The two of you sing in whispered voices, further soaking each other in as you melt into him again.
"You're the only one I can talk to The only one I can really read I know you give because you want to Don't you think it's time you learn to let yourself receive?" You press a chaste kiss to his neck after the verse finishes, letting your lips ghost against his skin as you continue murmuring the lyrics to him, enjoying the way they sound through his Texan accent. His chins rests itself on top of your head as he recounts the way those words always make his heart clench due to their unwavering truth.
This specific verse is one that Jake has always connected with on a deeper level. You've been his safe place ever since he met you, and are the only person he's let see even the most broken parts of him. He's the same for you, and has been reading you like you're his favorite book that he can quote without skipping a beat.
Knowing that intimacy wasn't one of Jake's strong suits, you willingly jumped in and began showing him that he didn't have to carry the pressure of being the strong one all the time. You catered to every need that he'd allow you to without even blinking, because if you knew anyone that needed unconditional love, it was Jake Seresin. He quickly carried an immeasurable amount of gratitude for that, and swore to himself that he'd return the favor as soon as you'd let him and willingly receive love yourself.
"Can make you smile, can make you sing Just wanna give back a little bit of what you give me. I could sing you a song, play you a tune I know it's just a little thing, but it's something I can do."
Having been friends for a season prior to diving into each other, Jake had witnessed a small portion of your previous relationship, which tainted your own ability to accept love, though you never faltered in gifting it to others. You've always seen the value in caring deeply for other people's hearts and exemplifying that fact through your actions, but situations and relationships in your own life made it nearly impossible for you to return that favor to yourself. Jake made it his sole purpose to help you realize that you were just as deserving of love as the people you care about, if not even more. He wanted to give back all the love that you'd given him and, more importantly, he wanted you to be able to give that same kind of love to yourself. He did everything in his power to see it through.
"I was born to love, I was born to I was born to love, I was born to"
As soon as your friendship shifted into a hint of more, it was impossible for other people not to see that you were meant for each other. The way that you complemented each other so effortlessly never went unnoticed.
You know that couple that captivates everyone's attention due to their aura every time they walk into a room? That's you and Jake. Hell, that's been you and Jake before you and Jake fully existed. The eye-catching chemistry between the two of you has always melted the hearts of bystanders graced by your presence. The two of you carry the type of love that most people only dream of experiencing as you waltz through this life together.
I was born to love you I was born to love you.
The song finishes, but the two of you continue swaying in each others arms, not quite ready to let the fleeting moment pass just yet. Jake's hand cups the back of your head as he pulls away far enough that he can see your face in its entirety. Feeling shy under his attention, you glue your eyes to the floor, your entire head moving in an attempt to hide the emotions swirling in your chest.
Jake tuts his tongue, hooking his forefinger underneath your chin and dragging it upward so that your eyes lock on his again. He pauses, admiring the gentleness of your face, allowing his eyes to speak for him.
"I was born to love you, Y/n Seresin," he gushes, voice sultry and true, as he captivates you with his endearing expression. His thumb slides across the soft expanse of your cheek, resting at the space between your jaw and your neck.
"I was born to love you, Jake Seresin. And I'll gladly spend every day proving it," you promise, grinning at him now. He sucks in a sharp breath, overwhelmed by the love practically oozing from both of your pores. It takes a lot to render Jake speechless, yet you manage to do it every time you remind him just how loved he is by you.
Another beat of silent pining takes place before Jake's pulling you in for a brain scrambling kiss. His lips are soft against yours, molding together so easily that you can't help but believe they were sculpted just for you. You melt into him, each of you losing yourselves in each others kisses. You fall limp against his brute chest, merely putty in his mans hands as he lock his words in with his mouth, letting it do all the talking now. A new song queues itself up, but it's unnoticed by the two of you, the songs long forgotten as the dinner you were working on grows cold on the stove. Minutes feel like hours as you drink each others existence in, letting everything else fade away as though nothing else matters.
Nothing else matters to you as long as you can feel Jake's heartbeat thumping to the same rhythm as your own, your mind jumbled by even the simplest of kisses from him, and vice versa.
When you've found the person you were born to love, everything else in the world changes. Colors appear brighter. Aromas feel stronger. Darkness goes unnoticed. Somehow, love has the power to both amplify and extinguish everything around those lucky enough to experience it. You and Jake wouldn't have it another way as you bask in each others company, swaying gently to a never-ending stream of melodies as the world around you fades away.
A/n: One of MANY Valentine's/fluffy fics in my drafts. I had this whole plan to spend the day making mood boards and posting fics, but got sidetracked by inspiration for a personal photoshoot. I will be posting more Valentine's Day inspired fics over the course of the next few days, this is just the one that I finished last night and wanted to post before the day was over. I hope you enjoyed it!!
Tags/moots: @atarmychick007 @b-radbradshaw @teacupsandtopgun @fanboygarcia @bradleybeachbabe @rosiahills22
My taglist is still a work in progress, lmk if you want off of it, and I'll make sure not to tag you anymore!
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Cowboy Casanova
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
Warnings: suggestive language, some swearing
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The air in the bar was electric and thick with smoke; the speakers blaring footloose as you watched a big majority of people go to the dance floor. You were sat at the bar with your best friend, talking and catching up. Your head was thrown back in laughter, alcohol coursing through your veins.
“I’d like to buy these two ladies two shots of what they’re already drinking. Add it to my tab.” You heard an all too familiar voice come up to the bar beside you. The shit eating grin of Jake seresin met you as you turned your head, a mumbled swear leaving your lips. “I’d also like you guys to come and hangout with my buddies and I, if you guys are interested.” Damn it, you forgot the pull he had on you.
You took a deep breath, immediately saying no as your friend said yes. You caught a look of confusion flash across Jake’s face before he regained his composure. “Well, we’re right over there whenever you two make up your minds.” He tipped his hat before he turned and walked away.
Your friend looked at you incredulously, her mouth hanging open. “What the actual hell are you thinking? He’s fine as hell!” She looked at you as if you had two heads, waiting for your answer. She had you by the arm as she pulled you away from the bar.
You just shook your head and sighed, looking back at her. “Him and I have history. It’s.. complicated.” You didn’t want to admit that you fell for your on again off again friend with benefits, but it had happened. Then, he had left with the navy for almost a year, and you hadn’t heard from him since and you were a tad bit jaded about all of it. “He’s just bad news. Trust me on this.”
She just gave you a look, debating on asking before she just shook her head and accepted the answer. “Well alright then. But, I’m telling you right now he can’t keep his eyes off of you.” Your friend was now facing the opposite direction, her gaze directly on Jake and his friends before she saw you try and slap her playfully. She just laughed, winking at you before she walked off to the dance floor.
You let out a small sigh as you decided to turn around, your gaze immediately meeting Jake’s as he motioned you towards him, mouthing “come here.” You hesitated for a second before walking towards him, leaning against the wall beside him.
His bigger frame was soon in front of you, his arm placed against the wall above your head as he leaned in towards you. It was his favorite position to have you in, especially in busy places like this. “Well, hi darlin’.” The way he called that was enough to make your knees weak, your voice catching in your throat.
“You look good. The navy is treating you well.” You decided to skip the small talk and get into a rhythm of banter that you were more familiar with. You felt his green eyes staring into yours, your bottom lip pulling between your teeth before you said your next words. “I bet you have girls throwing themselves at you in San Diego.”
He just chuckled and smirked, a cocky glint in his eye. “I mean, I do. But, there’s something about this damn girl in Austin. She’s all I can ever fucking think about. No matter how long I’m gone.” His lips were close to your ear now, closing in on the sensitive skin right under your earlobe. It caused you to gasp, balling his shirt up in your fist as you let out a small squeak of pleasure. “And tonight she’s playing hard to get.”
You swallowed thickly, practically melting into his touch as he moved his free hand down to push your shirt up a bit. He moved his fingers to the exposed skin of your hip, drawing circles with his fingertips. “Y-you’re lying.” You managed to squeak out before he chuckled again, moving his lips back up to your ear.
“Sweetheart, if you haven’t noticed what you do to me yet, you’re blind.” His voice was husky and laced with lust, his lips moving to ghost over yours once, twice, three times. “You drive me absolutely insane.”
You let out a groan of frustration, standing on your tiptoes to let your lips meet his. “I want you all to myself. Especially tonight.” The words left your lips with a hint of desperation, Jake chuckling and smirking as he pulled away from you.
He reached up and took the cowboy hat off his head, setting it down on yours. “All you had to do was ask, baby girl.” Your eyes scanned over him as you heard the words he told you the first night he met you. You wear the hat, you ride the cowboy. Not that you ever had a problem with that. In fact, everytime you saw him you managed to steal his hat for that exact reason. “Now, get your friend home safe. Then we’ll meet up tomorrow. Keep the hat until then. I want everyone to know you’re mine.”
You smiled as you readjusted the hat on your head, running your hands down his chest briefly as you decided to get him even more riled up. “I mean, I gotta abide by the hat rule now. The hat stays on during that, by the way.”
“Trust me, I 100% agree. That hat is staying on all night tomorrow.” He sent a wink your way before you felt his fingers on the waist band of your shorts, a piece of paper being slid between your underwear and your waist band. “Oh, and when you can’t stop thinking of me later, there’s my phone number.” You swore under your breath as he pressed his body against yours before he winked and backed away, leaving you sexually frustrated and aching for him.
Oh, you definitely would be using that phone number later.
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Drunk - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Words: 2.4k+ Type: Fluff Summary: Jake being clingy while drunk. Warnings: GenderNeutral!Reader. Mentions of alcohol and being drunk. Jake wants to kidnap dogs on the street. From this request
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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Jake left the house probably around 9PM for a night out with his friends. He told you that he had no intention of getting too drunk, but you also happen to know him and his friends for long enough to know that what he said is a bunch of bullshit.
Whenever at a bar, days after being back home, Jake will drink and cheer for everything his friends find fitting. So, you already planned on picking him up on the day he told you of his plans.
And, just like expected, one of his friends called you 15 minutes ago to come to pick him up. You got in your car not too long after that and drove yourself to the bar. You waited for maybe 5 minutes, and the group appeared at the bar’s door with everyone clinging to one another.
You decided to get out of the car to help them out. They spotted you right away, so two of Jake’s friends began to separate him from the others and begin to lead him toward you. Jake was confused, even with a smile on his face, but he let them take him to wherever they found right.
When Jake first noticed you, he was a step away from you. You couldn’t contend with your laughter at how drunk he was, because he truly had not seen you yet. Meanwhile, you talked to his friends about if they had fun or how their night was overall. And only then, Jake noticed you.
It was the easiest way to detach him from his friends, but now you had your boyfriend extending his arms your way for a hug. You laugh at him and accept the hug. You have to also, eventually, wrap one of your arms around him and put him on your side so you can keep on going with the conversation. Jake leaned his cheek at the top of your head and closed his eyes as you spoke, all while his arms were tightly wrapped around you.
As soon as you said your goodbyes, you had to take Jake to the car and passenger seat. Walking was the easiest part, as Jake would trust anyone that led him, and he opened his eyes as soon as he heard you open the car door. 
But that’s when he saw someone’s dogs. The poor person was just taking their dogs out for some sort of night jog, and now your boyfriend was letting go of you and happily running towards them. You have no idea how many times you said his name, trying to get back his attention, or how many times you said “sorry” to the jogger, but they didn’t seem to take the drunk pilot’s intentions as any way bad.
You stood behind Jake while he kneeled on the floor and pet the dogs of the jogger with a huge smile on his face. You held onto him, scared that he might fall over in a drunken slumber, and the dogs happily came on closer to him and licked his cheeks from time to time. Jake’s baby voice made a hell out of an appearance in this interaction.
It took him a while to face you again, while still very much entertained with the dogs. He made you almost get down on the floor with him only so he could whisper: "Do you think we can kidnap 'em?" 
Honestly, you didn't even know where to start in explaining how that was a bad idea.
You had to eventually tell him to let go of the dogs and lead him back to the car. Jake made sure to say goodbye to the dogs and remind them of their outstanding cuteness before you took him away.
When he was finally inside the car, you ran to your side and turned on the child lock on all doors before he got any ideas. When the car was on and beginning to leave that street, Jake didn’t hesitate in taking his phone out of his pocket, grabbing the aux cord, and playing nothing but country music.
Jake screamed, shouted, and pulled windows down to sing the lyrics to random people on the street or to serenade you when you stopped at a red light. You had to make sure he had the seatbelt on him the whole time, but he never went too crazy.
Midway through your drive home, Jake made sure to remind you how much he loved those dogs ‘back there’ and how he would love to have one. He slurred some of his words but he was able to describe to you the perfect dog and even made you promise to ‘look for one' just like it tomorrow morning.
Now, the two of you got home. Your ears were ringing slightly after such loud country music, but you didn’t dare to complain. You get off the car first and help Jake get out as well. He instinctively throws his arm around your shoulders and helps close the door of the car. When you try to turn him to face your front door, he has his head back on top of yours.
“You smell good.” He tells, before continuing to sniff you.
You thank him through your laughter and force him to walk with you. When inside, he lets go of you all of a sudden and walks to the kitchen. You lock everything back up before following him to where he disappeared to. You find him forearm-deep into the freezer and simply watch as you try to understand what he’s doing.
A box of frozen pizza is pulled out, and Jake lets out a sound of pure joy. He turns to you with his big smile and almost trips on his way to the oven. You have to be the one to close the door of the freezer as he continues to leave things behind.
When you turn back around to face him, you see him with pizza in hand, the oven just turned on and his hand on the handle to open it.
“It needs to be preheated first!” You say right away, “And take the plastic off.”
“What plas-” Jake’s eyes go back to the cold pizza in his hand, and he does notice, finally, that the circle of dough with toppings has, indeed, plastic all around it. “Oh.”
The door of the oven is closed back up, and you watch Jake rip the plastic surrounding the pizza. You walk closer to him, already getting ready to pick up the trash he will drunkenly throw off his way and later ignore, and his attention is stolen by you by accident. His eyes go over to you when you reach to grab the plastic he so peeled off, and his mind goes blank.
Jake puts down the pizza and turns to you. You look at him confused and, out of nowhere, he grabs your face with his two hands and kisses you. 
“I love you so much.” He says while with his mouth glued to yours.
“I love you more.” You say, pulling your head back a little and creating some distance between you to make you able to see his face.
Jake stares at you with your face still in his hands, and you stare back at him. His smile isn’t there anymore but he’s staring at you with such a peaceful look in his eyes, you can’t even get yourself to tease him for his sudden silence after the love confession.
“You’re so beautiful.” He says with the same look on his face.
You awn at him out loud and bring your hands to his wrists. He kisses you one more time and then wraps his arms around you, squeezing you close to his chest into a tight hug. You’re more than humored by what he’s doing, so you obviously hug him back.
It’s not until a few long seconds of silence that you notice that Jake won’t be letting go of you any soon. You turn your head, while still being squeezed against him, and grab the trash that you so want off your kitchen counter. Jake, unphased by your actions, leans his head on you and begins to close his eyes.
The first time you notice him laying his head on you, you quickly pinch him awake. If he falls asleep on you, you will be on your kitchen floor the entire night. You are having none of that.
Jake groans at the pinch, and you push him off of you for just a little. Maybe if you keep him occupied, he will forget how tired he is. So, you pass him the trash and point it over to the trashcan in the corner of the room. Jake simply stares at the plastic on your hand, and you have to be the one to physically put it in his hand, turn his body around, and push him in the direction of the trash.
That seems to work, so, while your drunk boyfriend walks to the trash to get rid of what you just handed him, you go ahead and put the pizza in a tray so he doesn’t get your just-clean-oven dirty by dropping the pizza in any way.
Jake didn’t talk much while you two waited for the oven to preheat, but he did eventually come back to your side and wrap one of his arms around you.
When the pizza was done, the two of you sat on the couch while he ate peacefully. You paid more attention to him than anything else because Jake so happens to be a very interested individual with his food while he chews. He stares at it for very long seconds before taking another bite. He also lets one of those dreamlike sighs randomly after taking a bite. Or try to always pick the next slice as if it’s his first. He’s entertaining, to say the least.
As soon as he was done with the food, while you weren’t looking, Jake looked at you. You were just laying back on the arm of the long couch the two of you are sitting on. You’ve eventually changed into more in-house clothing, and, in Jake’s eyes, you never looked more comfortable.
Jake does it so quickly and so suddenly, that an actual scream escapes you. He grabs your ankle, pulls at it until you’re practically laying your back on the couch, and before you can even begin to ask anything, Jake lays his head on your chest. Half of his body stays in between your legs, his arms stay by your sides, and his torso and head are right on you.
“Do that thing.” Jake says.
“What thing?”
He simply grabs one of your hands just by his arms and literally throws it to lay over his head. It clicks in your head exactly what he wants. You look down at him while your hand has not begun to move, and slowly do it. As soon as you begin to play with the strands of his hair and move throughout his scalp, Jake’s eyes fall closed.
You have a smile on your face right as he does it and he has, now, the most peaceful look on his face. You stare at him for just a little while longer, sometimes even bringing your hands to trace imaginary lines over his cheeks or jawline. You can feel how relaxed he is on top of you.
Your eyes move back to the TV, watching whatever ads are playing on there, and never stop the movements of your hands. After a few minutes, Jake is so relaxed that you don’t really know if he is asleep or not. He never seems to open his eyes, nor move his arms by your sides.
It’s not until you stop playing with his hair to try and grab the remote for the TV from the coffee table that the answer to your previous question is answered. The biggest whine of all existence breaks from the man above you. You wholeheartedly laugh at that, and Jake lifts his head from your chest right away.
Jake tries to give you the best glare he can muster since not only have you stopped playing with his hair, but now your torso is shaking with laughter. Yet his fake anger doesn’t last very long as you keep on giggling.
A small grin stays over his lips while he tries to hide the fact that your laughter is very contagious to him, and he looks over at the TV.
When you eventually calm down, you expect Jake to lay his head back down but he doesn’t. He instead raises himself with one hand on the couch and stares down at your torso.
You, this time, try to figure out his next move before he does anything, but it’s impossible. And, just when you least expect it, Jake lifts the shirt you’re wearing and, due to it doing oversized, easily slides under it. Jake’s head now rests on your chest again, but, this time, skin to skin. And he relaxes almost instantly.
You don’t say anything, nor do anything, you just let him be. You have no idea how you will take him to bed when he falls asleep, or how you will get yourself out of this predicament, but you also don’t mind it very much. Jake’s warm, and most of his weight is not on you. He’s like a weighted heated blanket of some sort.
You can feel his soft breathing on your skin and can only assume that his eyes are closed once more, closer to falling asleep than before, especially now that he’s shielded from the lights. You lay your hand over the shirt and his head and turn back to face the screen just mere feet away from you.
In the space of a few minutes, you notice that Jake’s breathing has become way slower and deeper. He has definitely fallen asleep. You can peek at him a little through the color of your shirt, and you notice that he is indeed asleep.
Your eyes now move to the ceiling, thinking of a way out. 
There’s no way you get out from under him without waking him up, and, also, not fall to the floor. If you do want to take him to your actual bed, you might have to drag him if he doesn’t walk. But how would you even begin to take him off the couch? Just push him off? Can you even drag him all the way down the hallway? And how would you even put him in bed?
Jake lets out a deep breath in his sleep, and you peek over at him again. Deep in his peaceful slumber, Jake turns his head on your chest and happily sleeps away. There’s no way you will have the heart to push him off of you.
You bring your hand from under the shirt to play with his hair and notice how his face creates a teeny tiny frown when feeling it at first, but he quickly relaxes right after. With your vacant hand, you are able to reach the remote without much movement, and you turn down the volume to a soft mumble. Not even the sound can’t even disturb the sleeping pilot, now.
As you watch him with a heart full as he sleeps so carelessly and peacefully under your touch, your own eyes begin to grow tired. It might not be a good idea, you know that. You might wake up with the biggest pain in your back and neck, cold from the lack of blankets, and with eyes burning first thing in the morning due to not closing the blinds of the windows next to the television. But you do not care.
And, just like that, you too fall asleep.
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I know this was very simple, but I preferred to write something like this instead of a gigantic imagine. Hope you guys liked it &lt;3 Feedback is always appreciated!
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topgun-imagines · 4 months
An angst prompt?! Don’t tempt me with a good time
I would really love to see something with the line:
“i loved you, you used me.”
Calm filled the atmosphere. The first few days after Valentine’s Day were usually slow. After all, most people in relationships blew their flower budget before the 14th. This led to the shop being empty for most of the day. Your regulars still stopped by, men who would bring their partners flowers weekly and widowers bringing flowers to their passed-on loved ones.
These were the ones that gave you hope that love still existed. After the past few weeks, you weren’t so sure.
It was then that the small bell chimed above the door. You shovelled the last spoonful of leftover pasta into your mouth before you rushed out to the front to greet the customer. Distractedly, you fiddled with your apron as you walked around the corner. Oh, how you wished you would have been looking up.
When you lifted your head, there was a large, beaming smile on your face. It was gone within seconds.
Standing in front of you was Jake Seresin, the man who ripped your heart out of your chest and stomped all over it.
Your face hardened into stone in a matter of seconds. The pilot looked like a kicked puppy, but that didn’t stop the vicious words flowing from your mouth before you could stop them.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” You hissed the words through clenched teeth, damn near spitting on him. “Honestly, Seresin, what the hell is wrong with you? You think you can just walk in here like this after what you’ve done?”
Jake was standing in front of you, mouth gapping like a fish. During your rant, the pilot had no chance to explain himself, not that you would give him one anyway. You finally paused. At this point, steam was nearly pouring from your ears.
When he didn’t say anything, you raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, something that had changed since the break-up. That prompted him to speak. Your name was whispered quietly as he took a step forward.
With a scoff, you retreated behind your desk and began focusing once more on your pile of flower orders. It was then that he began speaking. From across your shop.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry.” That elicited a harsher scoff from you. Where did this man get the nerve?
“Hangman,” You never called him by his call-sign. That was enough for Jake to know that his chances were less than slim. “You do not get to do this. You do not get to come into my place of business to try and hash out your personal issues.” The only reason you paused was to suck in some air before you continued.
Ever so slowly, you set your pen down and walked around the counter. Once you were close enough, you jabbed your finger into his chest. “I loved you.” Your voice cracked and tears welled in your eyes.
Memories from the past came rushing back. Memories filled with nothing but laughter. Memories surrounding that one, fateful night. The night that you had come home, a week before Valentine’s Day, only for Jake to drop the bomb that he wanted a break. That he was no longer in love with you. As hard of a pill as it was to swallow, you had come to terms with the reality that Jake was never the man you thought he was. You had realized that everything, all the whispered ‘I love you’s’ and promises made meant nothing to him.
As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop your finger from shaking. Regardless of that, your voice was firm.
Jake wasn’t one for crying. Hell, he hardly ever showed emotion. But as he stood in front of you, watching the consequences of his actions play out, he couldn’t stop the single tear from rolling down his cheek at your next words.
“And you used me.”
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Thank you for the request anon! Send in some angst from this list :)
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hanluex · 2 years
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jake seresin x reader | wc : 0.6k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, fluff, raining, sleep-talking, allusions to kissing
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"you are very endearing when you are half-asleep."
you commented, running your hands through your boyfriend's hair as you two laid in bed, tangled in each other's limbs.
jake hummed in acknowledgment, squinting his eyes as he sleepily smiled, looking at you. "what did i say this time?" he knew immediately it had something to do with his sleep-talking, wanting to know what it was.
you giggled at his morning voice, feeling the skip in your heartbeat. "you said you loved me. multiple times," you shared, seeing the way jake's smile widened at your words. "but then, you also said you loved beer, too. it was an amusing discussion to listen to."
“huh, i said that?" jake tilted his head, unable to believe he would compare his partner to his favorite drink. "i'm sorry if you are upset about it, though, babe. i promise i will—"
"i'm kidding, hangboy. i couldn't understand a single word you said last night. it was all gibberish." you laughed as you saw the frown on your boyfriend's face. "you never sleep talk about me, don't worry."
"that's because i talk to you a lot when you are awake. i confess my love to you every minute, every second of the day, so i highly doubt i'd do the same in my sleep."
"you are still half-asleep, seresin. stop blabbering and let me go. i am hungry."
jake protested, groaning as he pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "no," he mumbled, enjoying the feeling of you in his embrace, sighing in content as he felt at ease.
to him, cuddling wasn't just a physical display of affection. cuddling was the most pleasant way to transform a boring morning into a happy memory.
so when it was raining cats and dogs outside, cuddling was jake's way of making the gloomy weather a memorable time for him to enjoy.
"jake," you whispered. "you know i love you, yeah? i really do ... with all my heart." you confessed, heart fluttering as your boyfriend pulled your hands away from his hair, intertwining it with his instead.
"i know. and i love you with my entire heart, too." jake agreed, his face mere inches away from yours as he ran his thumb across your lips. "but i'm not letting you go if that's what you are trying to get at." the huff that escaped you only proved his suspicion, causing jake to laugh as he pulled you impossibly closer to his embrace.
you grumbled under your breath, wanting to do nothing more than run to the kitchen and gobble down something. but with jake's death grip on you, it was proving difficult.
laying there in bed while listening to the pitter-patter of the rain outside, you looked at the male in front of you, tracing his features as his eyes fluttered close.
"jake," you tried again, smiling as he nodded for you to continue. "can i tell you something? it's just a random thought." you knew you had caught his attention when he opened his eyes to look at you, fully intrigued.
this was your chance to get out of his death grip.
"what is it, baby?" he leant back a little, looking at your face and observing your expressions. "tell me."
"i've always wanted to kiss in the rain. we've never done that, have we?"
in an instant, jake pulled his hands away from you, already sitting up on the bed, looking at you with enthusiasm clear in his eyes.
he was rushing around the room as he grabbed two raincoats and put on some shoes, while you sat in your place watching your boyfriend.
once he was ready, jake turned to you, extending his hand for you to hold. seeing his bright dimpled smile and the sparkle in his eyes, you felt as if a whole sanctuary of butterflies were released inside your stomach.
you always knew you loved jake seresin, but at this moment, you had never been more sure of the feeling.
"what are you waiting for, y/n? come on! let's go out!"
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