#I PAID $8 Dollars FOR THIS Twitter blue check
artsbynorhan · 2 years
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I PAID $8 Dollars FOR THIS Funny Sarcastic Twitter Parody Gift T-Shirt By LASTOFFER: http://bit.ly/3E1JolM
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polyampocketpussy · 2 years
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[ID: screenshots from as thread by @The_Law_Boy on Twitter:
the new blue check proposal seems to completely misunderstand the checkmark concept. elon thinks it's about utility to the verified user - enhanced visibility etc. - but the real utility is to the reader, who (at least theoretically) gets a quick way to filter out noise
if you're a public figure i get the purpose of verification, but if you're just some rando getting verified for clout, why would you even want a blue check? all it does is signal that you paid for visibility
twitter never quite got blue checks right, but this is basically abandoning the concept entirely and just replacing it with a pay to play social media experience
a surprising number of people seem to think that allowing someone to pay 8 dollars to get a marker of legitimacy is going to REDUCE scams and disinformation lol"
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asknarashikari · 6 months
things are hectic over at tokutwt... I'm glad I don't have an account, especially now where some countries are asked to pay a dollar just to use twitter like everyone else does, its not even a blue checkmark, you have to pay a dollar just to tweet, Quote retweet, retweet, and reply.
I didn't bother to check which two countries were forced to have this paid thing just to register to twitter.
I don't have Twitter/X either (though it's because of personal reasons) so I'm mostly unaware of what's going on there, though I did see someone I follow here on Tumblr post something about someone leaking stuff about the new Sentai(?) and using a watermark used by another source who could now get into trouble for it.
If that's what you're referring to... well, whoever did that just gave Toei a reason to crack down on similar accounts, so if news is hard to come by, we all know who to blame, I guess.
Apparently the $1 payment to sign up thing you mention, one of the countries in question is the Philippines of all places... which just makes me even less likely to get one now lmao. $1 (about P56 in current rates) is already a huge deal even just for a "test" price, if they bump it up to their actual fee of $8 (about P448) they'll never attract another user in this country again. That's literally over a day's worth of wages (on minimum wage) in some places!
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jawnjendes · 5 years
the fog will clear up | shawn mendes
chapter 13/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: sry its short and definitely a filler im sry its boring but it helps build up stuff thatll happen next ok ok im sry
*let me know if u wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist
Annalise woke with a start. She was wide awake immediately. There was no room for sleepily rolling around the sheets, her eyes weren't heavy like always. She didn't know what dying and coming back to life felt like, but she was pretty sure it felt something like that. She had a weird urge to go for a jog.
Staring at the ceiling, Annalise reached towards the nightstand next to her, intending to grab her phone. Her hand touched the bottle, and she picked it up anyway, reading the prescription label.
Annalise Flores SERTRALINE 50MG TABLET Brand name: Zoloft
"You don't waste anytime, huh?" she murmured before setting it back down. Then, she grabbed her phone and checked the time.
8:47am. A new fucking record. Annalise rolled out of bed, unable to stay still.
In the 2 hours she had to kill before work, she tidied up the dorm, ate a decent breakfast, took a shower, and got started on the course work she had to make up. The energy levels were through the roof, she had never been so on edge and productive at the same time. Why wasn't she put on sertraline sooner? Sure, she felt hyperaware and borderline anxious, but that was apart of the process of getting on a new antidepressant. She was getting things done this way. Sure, she jumped when the lock on the door jiggled, but she was up and running anyway!
If she wasn't, she wouldn't have seen Stella entering the dorm. She was surprised to see Annalise on the couch, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Oh… I thought you were asleep. I'll, uh, I'll come back."
"No, wait!" Annalise sounded a little too frantic, but it did stop Stella from leaving. "Uh, come sit down! Please!"
Stella narrowed her eyes slightly as she went to the couch. At least she was willing to listen.
"I, uh, I'm sorry," Annalise began, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm sorry for what I said. A stupid guy isn't the only good in my life. I have you. You matter to me, and I'm sorry for making you feel like you don't." She really couldn't stop herself from rambling. "I miss you. I miss seeing you here between classes, and I miss your optimism because a bitch could use some of that. And, and I'm sorry for the negativity I've brought in here. I'm working on it now, I swear. Just… come back. Come home… because bro, you're my wife, dude."
It could have been funny, but there was nothing funny about the way she said it. Her eyes were wide and pleading, and she was rubbing her hands together. Stella merely blinked her hazel eyes, nearly overwhelmed by that string of words.
"Look at you, expressing your emotions," she said after a while. "I can see why you hold it back."
Annalise nodded rapidly. "It's my first day on a new medication. Got me all sorts of hyped up, but I'll mellow out in a couple of weeks. And I'm taking therapy seriously again!"
Stella was surprised. "Oh, I see. Well… I've missed you too. Bro…"
"I'll come home too. Camila's bed is too small for the two of us."
"I know. I have to update you on all that."
"Okay!" Stella broke out a smile and stood up. "Dame un abrazo, puta."
That was much easier than Annalise had anticipated. She stood up and hugged her best friend, relieved. Stella wasn't one to hold a grudge, nor was she as stubborn as her roommate. It was another person to cross off the list.
Shawn had social media mainly to get his music out there. Yes, he interacted with his friends on Snapchat, and some fans on Twitter. Most of the time, Shawn just tweeted when he had new music coming out. He didn't check any of his social media very often, not even to stalk Ann's accounts because she was rarely on her's. He didn't even have his notifications on, purely to keep himself from the possibility of getting too attached to the opinions of random strangers online.
That was why he woke up that morning to a number of texts from Camila.
So to Twitter he went. Shawn rubbed sleep out of his eye as he went to his profile. He had around 10k to begin with, that he built up on his own over the last couple of years. He nearly dropped his phone on his face as he read the new number.
"What… the fuck?" he breathed out as he sat up in his bed. He scrolled through the list, making sure this wasn't a series of spam bots.
His mentions were just as wild, and it explained the sudden blow up.
@hollaestor: @shawnmendes hiii bella told me to follow you
@samxriv: @shawnmendes i am free to hang out on tuesday to hang out when i am free
@gisellenjh: @shawnmendes bella sent me here and im glad she did! loving your music!
And there were plenty more like that. There were so many tweets, Shawn couldn't even get through all of them. It was making his head spin. There was only one Bella he knew about too… He just couldn't spell her last name. Thankfully, her handle was just @bellasanti, and it was the first one to pop up when he typed it in the search bar.
Right under Bella Santiago's name and the blue checkmark were the two little words: Follows you. Shawn refreshed the page ten times before it sank in. This YouTuber, who has over 2 million followers, somehow found Shawn's music… and she liked it. She liked it enough to tweet about it… 3 days ago.
@bellasanti: underrated spotify artists: @shawnmendes. give him a listen. send him some love. truly talented guy💖
Shawn had only overheard Bella's videos when Ann was watching them in the other room. He never really watched any of her content. But he wanted to pass out at the fact that she took the time to listen to his music and tweet about him. He wanted to jump on the bed. He wanted to call-
He texted Camila back. "Wtf why did no one tell me sooner?? This is so crazy!!!!!"
"We thought you knew and you were keeping it from us!! LMAO congrats rockstar!"
He couldn't believe it. His follower count was rising. He was getting emails from Spotify saying his songs were being added to many different playlists.
@shawnmendes: @bellasanti wow thank you so much! Love you bella❤
He deleted the last bit before tweeting it. Holy shit. Shawn lied back down on the mattress, completely breathless.
How does someone like Bella Santiago find Shawn out in cyberspace? What Spotify rabbit hole did she go down that led her to him? How many of his songs did she listen to? How many songs did she save to her library? How many of those playlist emails were from her? Shawn had so many questions.
There were two things Annalise noticed when she was out on the courtyard after Biology. The first thing was a table on the side of the walkway, with a handmade banner hanging off the front. It read in big letters: Shawn Mendes: Live at The Cameron House. Brian, Alessia. and Camila were all sat on the same side at this table, talking to a student who was interested in the little display.
"The lounge called back," Annalise muttered to herself.
The other thing Annalise noticed was Patrick sitting under a tree nearby, reading a book. She went to him first.
The last time she had spoken to Patrick was when they cut up flowers together. He was never one to explicitly state when something has upset him, and he has seen Annalise in a depressive episode before. Annalise knew him well. Patrick kept his distance because he didn't like the negativity around her, and he couldn't afford any more of it himself.
"Hey," she greeted.
His blue eyes tore away from his book to meet her gaze. "'Sup?"
"Trying to be less fucked in the head," she told him.
Patrick nodded in approval. "Cool."
That was all that was needed for the two of them. Content, Annalise turned and went for the table. A small line had formed when she wasn't looking, so she waited behind the last person. However, with three people running the thing, Annalise got to the front fairly quick.
"Oh, she actually showed up," Brian chimed, amused.
"Meaning?" Annalise asked.
"Thought you were too pissed at Shawn to care about his show, that's all."
She swallowed the pit of annoyance, discovering that even more people knew about that. Brian is his friend, though, of course he'd know.
"Selling tickets or something?" Annalise turned her attention to the two girls.
"Yeah! Ten dollars a piece!" Alessia explained.
"Cool, I'll take one."
Just as she opened the flap on her book bag, Camila spoke up.
"Wait. I'm pretty sure Shawn said he wanted to buy you your ticket himself."
Annalise rolled her eyes. "Well, he's not here and I can do things for myself." She pulled out her wallet and paid her own goddamn ticket.
Camila breathed out a laugh. "Are you ever gonna let him do anything nice for you?"
None of your fucking business.
A new thought occurred to Annalise. "Why are tickets being sold for this show? Aren't his gigs usually free?"
"There's more production going into this one," Brian told her. "The lounge gave him the option to make it a ticketed event, and we need to make back what we already put into it. So now, it won't be a performance, it'll be Shawn's performance."
Shawn already knew how to make an audience his bitch, but…
"Alright then." Annalise shrugged and then accepted her ticket and receipt from Alessia.
The ticket alone was already quite extravagant. There were little red roses designed around the edges. This boy really loved his fucking flowers.
"I'm guessing rose petals will fall from the ceiling or something?" she guessed with a chuckle.
"I was given strict orders to not spoil anything," Brian told her, folding his arms.
The two had a mini staredown until Annalise shrugged again. "Whatever."
Then, Camila piped up again, suddenly excited. "Ooh, Ann did you hear? Bella Santiago followed Shawn on Twitter!"
"She what?" Annalise stupidly replied.
Camila practically squealed. "She gave him a shoutout too! He's blowing up on Spotify! Isn't that awesome?"
Annalise wanted to say something, but her brain wasn't quite caught up yet. So she just walked away.
The other three students watched her leave. Needless to say, they were confused.
"Is she ever gonna be happy for him?" Alessia wondered.
"I think she was excited?" Camila said tilting her head.
"I can't believe Shawn is going through all this trouble for that," Brian said with a scoff.
"I can still hear you!" Annalise called over her shoulder as she kept walking.
All three of them went red in the face, embarrassed. Brian would have made a comment about her being a vampire with supersonic hearing, but he didn't want to be called out again.
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou  @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @goldenmndes @shawnvvmendes @shawnsunflower @shawmndes @ruinhoney @someoneunimportantxx @calyumthomas @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea @softmendesss @mutuallynotmutual
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If you’re like me, you’re currently handing out resumes left and right to every establishment in your town, hoping to get a full time summer gig out of it so you can make some money. But maybe, you haven’t gotten a call back and you’re aching for some cash due to your town’s poor hiring structure or lack of job postings; don’t worry. I got you covered. These are fifteen surefire ways to make some easy cash this summer without having to find a part time job.
1. Download Qriket for a game show style showdown to win some easy money.
Qriket is an app that allows you to win money by just spinning a wheel. Cool, right? The way you get spins to win money is by watching ads, which typically run from 1 second to a minute long. Pick one of the colors — blue or yellow — and spin the wheel for a chance to win between 0.05 cents to $1000! You typically get around ten to fifteen spins a day, which also allow you to enter QriketLive competitions where you can face thousands of others to win larger sums of money. Sign up here with my code AACD65 and you’ll get 25 spins immediately —no ad watching required.
2. Sign up for Swagbucks.
Swagbucks is another online tool that you can use to make some very easy cash. Whether it’d doing surveys, watching videos, completing offers, or playing games, Swagbucks is a reputable site to garner some money on. For everything you do, you get Swagbucks which you can then convert into PayPal money or Amazon giftcards. Sign up here and receive a $5 bonus — from yours truly.
3. Sell your stuff!
I recently made $50 by selling old bike parts I had in my garage and a skateboard I used to ride years ago on Kijiji. If you have something you haven’t touched in years — old appliances, CD’s, instruments, or even scrap metal — selling these items on sites like Kijiji, LetGo, and Craigslist is an effective way to not only get rid of unneeded items, but get cash for them as well.
4. Advertise your services.
Can you play an instrument that you can teach the basics to others? Do you read palms or tarot cards? Are you good at doing makeup? Turn your hobby into cash by advertising your services around town and online. If you advertise for a little bit cheaper than the ‘professionals’ — you’ll be sure to see an influx in customers sure to give you a chance.
5. Become a thrifting god.
Thrift stores are wonderful little places where name brand goods hide. Levi’s jeans, Tommy Hilfiger tees, and even Gucci purses are available for cheap purchase at thrift stores like your local Salvation Army or Goodwill. Sell these items for a profit on sites like ThredUp and Depop where fashionistas are sure to take interest in your listings. Sign up for ThredUp now and receive a $10 credit.
6. Walk dogs, or conversely, pet sit.
If you like animals, this is the side hustle for you. Pet owners are often full time workers unable to give their animals the care they need and will look for someone to do so for them. Dog walking is a great way to make some simple cash while getting paid for hanging out with a dog — which is pretty awesome. If you would like a higher paying gig, look at your local classifieds for owners looking for pet sitters. Whether it’s checking in on the animal once a day or staying at the residence for a couple of days while the owner’s are on vacation, pet sitting is a rewarding way to make a few extra dollars this summer.
7. Busk on the streets.
Have a smidgen of musical talent? Bring out your instrument and busk on your city’s streets with an open case to make a few bucks. Just make sure to read up on your town’s busking laws first — you want to end up with some cash, not a fine!
8. Flip freebies on Craigslist.
People are often to miss the value of their junk. Scour Craigslist’s or Kijiji’s free sections and see if you can sell their items at a profit, either as is, or, if you’re crafty, through flipping them to garner more value. Whether it’s giving the item a quick paint or some new screws, a speedy DIY is sure to increase your profits exponentially.
9. Create a product and sell it on Etsy.
Good at knitting, making necklaces, molding soaps, or creating cute home décor items? Etsy is the place for you to bank on your crafty talents. Whether it’s selling headbands or bracelets, Etsy’s community is sure to jump on your creations for a lovely profit.
10. Make an app.
Have experience in app creation and see a need a need in the market? Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine and design an app. Place it in the App Store for a price or offer in app purchases and boom — quick cash for your great ideas.
11. Sign up for DailyRewards and earn money in your pajamas.
DailyRewards, like Swagbucks, is a site where you can earn money doing a variety of things, from survey taking to playing games straight from home. Sign up for an account here.
12. Start a YouTube channel.
Have a charming personality and a video camera? What once was a quirky site to upload videos of cute animals on to has since become a multi-billion dollar empire. Create YouTube videos for something you’re passionate about — whether that’d be fashion, beauty, music, sports, or even video games — and sign up for their monetization program to earn some money for your passion. Sign up and start creating here.
13. Start a blog!
Don’t like talking to a camera? No worries! If you have anything to talk about, write about it and put it on your blog. With programs like Google AdSense and Amazon Affiliates, one can easily see a viable income emerge from a simplistic hobby. With sites like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger, starting a blog has never been easier. So what are you waiting for?
14. Start driving or delivering for Uber.
Have a valid driver’s license, clean criminal record, and an outgoing personality? Driving or delivering food for Uber is an effortless way to have a steady income without the commitments of a full or part time job. Sign up here.
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15. Babysit.
If you don’t mind kids and have your certification, advertise yourself as a babysitter ready to work. Babysitting can lead to steady work if you have enough clients who have set schedules of when their kids need to be watched. Post your services online and prepare for some easy money!
What method of gaining money are you going to use this summer? Let me know in the comments down below, and as always, thank you for reading.
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Disclaimer: some links are affiliate links where I receive a small commission based on each referral. All opinions are my own.
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“With Liberty and Justice for All”
(copious amounts of profanity ahead)
After the initial shock left me numb, then angry, then depressed, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach took over and, funny enough, for a long time I was pissed off not because of what happened, but because it was allowed to happen. I wasn’t even furious with the key players anymore because they’re...well, real life versions of one dimensional characters, they did what they were supposed to do, what they would always do, what everyone knew for a fact they would do. I was mad at The People. The American People. Not at the - we’ll never really know how many - millions which were racist, misogynist, xenophobic, hateful and downright stupid enough to feel that donald was worth a genuine vote, but at the vast majority whom, between Clinton, 3rd party candidates, write -ins (and assorted silliness) didn’t vote for donald. Why was I so mad at these - mainly sane - folks? Because a majority let itself be ruled by a minority with, until recently, barely a peep in protest. Very few people took the fight as seriously as it needed to be taken and where we are today is a result of that.
Had this been a normal, fair election...it would be one thing, but it’s been clear since the start that things were far from an even remotely legitimate deal. The U.S. had bad Presidents before, it also had dumbass Presidents before, look at Bush Jr. who was as sharp as that kid in your nephew’s class who eats all the crayons; Jr., funny enough, found himself down in votes as well, but still “won”. However, and despite that - let’s call it - coincidental similarity, donald is frighteningly different from W. He’s not only ignorant and illiterate, he’s something Bush wasn’t: a vicious sociopath. donald isn’t just unbelievably stupid (and so very proud of his stupidity), he’s not just a loud clown, he is a fucking deranged monster and if you think I’m exaggerating, you haven’t researched him thoroughly enough because his track record will scare the shit out of anyone. The dude truly is criminally insane. 
Now, donald supporters will argue till they’re blue in the face that non donald voters are sore losers, “libtards”, “snowflakes” and whatever else colorful little adjectives the not too bright amuse themselves with in order to have something with which to (try to) annoy others and thus, not having to confront their own stupidity. However, recently we’ve learned that not only has the corruption and treason which lead us to this situation been reliably and extensively documented, but also that American intelligence agencies had the information for months...and sat on it. The connections between donald’s minions and the shadiest shit imaginable has been established, foreign intelligence services have been frantically waving their arms in the air, begging US intelligence to, for fuck’s sake, look at their findings regarding very blatant treason...and yet, YET...here we are. Now the public knows all about it and the backlash has been until recently, pretty damn weak. Thankfully the public’s fighting morale picked up in a big way with the women's march, but it’s still a long way from effective. Plus the march was very rightfully so focused on specific topics, but what’s needed is an all out blitz of opposition and protest. For every - single - thing.
A lot contributed to donald’s - LOL - “victory”:
1) partisanship within the agencies (here’s looking at you, Comey)
2) the Russian meddling (through blackmail, money, influence, disinformation, paid trolls, and other endless etc’s)
3) vote tampering (took a shitload of lawyers and some serious bribe showers to keep that one on the low...seriously, look into it and your jaw will drop like an anvil on a road runner cartoon...but apparently, we’ll just ignore outright mathematical impossibilities and documented bribery because that’s the world we live in now)
4) voter suppression, critical in areas with large black communities because the overwhelming majority of black voters weren’t here for this fuckery - especially women, go Ladies, making us proud as always!
5) useless 3rd party voting despite the many, maaaaaaaany warnings not to engage in it because it was so DAMN clear what was gonna go down and people still did it cause stupid reasons no one cares about; how are you enjoying that skinny ass high horse now, fuckers???
6) the utterly shitty job by American news organizations who sucked donald’s lil dick dry for months in the name of ratings and which now are shocked, shocked I tell you!!! that the motherfucker turned on them...who could have possibly seen that one coming,unbelievable!!! And still, STILL they haven’t learned from it, they’re still airing donald’s mental diarrhea verbatim all - the - time, calling racist and xenophobic shit “controversial” and having lap dogs like Crack Barbie Conway talking about goddamn “alternative facts” on national television with a straight face!
7) the impotent and pathetic opposition put up by democrats, I mean seriously folks...some democrats voted in favor of donald’s cabinet members; have you learned nothing from 8 years of republican fuckery? Oppose ALL the things! If it wasn’t for Maxine Waters “fuck you AND this shit” attitude, Tim Kaine’s “I just think it’s funny how...” brand of shade and a few other good folks in there, we could just throw the whole damn party in the trash
8) republicans having been WHIPPED by donald’s cheap reality star popularity which was - sadly - more than enough to outshine the zodiac killer and whoever else they had lying around. Republicans had to drop to their knees for donald and, in exchange, they can pull off a U.S. fire sale like they’ve been aiming for for 8 years now. Make no mistake, there isn’t a terrorist organization in the world which can hold a candle to the American republican party, their business is death and destruction for profit and they excel at it
9) the “slow moving right wing coup” (Maher called it, just before the election), the almost decade long crusade of misinformation and public manipulation through garbage like fox news and breibart through puppets like hannity and kelly. donald’s fake shot at the Presidency would have been impossible without the massive groundwork that came long before he was even considered to be viable enough for this
10) the fact that a lot of folks adored donald’s catchy tune of hate and racism. trump voters didn’t vote for him despite this, they voted because his message was music to their ears. How an uncharismatic, orange, shar-pei looking motherfucker managed to establish a cult of personality would actually be impressive if it wasn’t terrifying.There’s no real “economic angst”, there was no “reaction against the status quo”, nobody wanted to drain no damn “swamp”, the “he tells it like it is” excuse is just that...everything which was used to justify donald’s popularity is utter BULLSHIT. donald got votes because a black Man was President, because women had valid sexual and reproductive health rights, because the LGBT community got basic rights recognized, because Islamophobia is a reality, because black folks were asking not to get killed for sitting and reading a book, or ringing a doorbell asking for help, or buying skittles 
and of course, 11) the fact that trump made it totally cool to just go right for any pussy you fancy at any time, i.e. normalized sexual assault. If that doesn’t scream about the rampant engulfment of society in rape culture, I don’t know what does.
Yes, a lot helped donald get to where he is today, but the problem isn’t that this stuff happened, it’s that it was allowed to happen, the beginning of the shitstorm. It’s not like the asshole totally changed his tune overnight; everyone knew he was a risk and still, it was constantly underestimated. Just a few days ago the U.S. was forced to go with a 100% illegitimate President, one planted by a foreign power, under blackmail from that same power, with an estimated 1.5 billion (that’s billion with a B) dollars in debt, making him one of the brokest motherfuckers in the world (and oh boy, is he robbing the Presidency blind already...between selling access to himself and facilitating businesses abroad...), supported by the terrorist hate group formally known as kkk and every filthy, inferior white supremacist around, with a cabinet filled with incompetent, batshit insane, corrupt picks who’ll be responsible for everything from your tax dollars to nuclear weapons - fucking TERRIFYING - and who’s sole job is to burn it to the motherfucking ground and piss on the ash and oh yeah, let’s not ever stop talking about donald’s sex abuse history which includes confessed predatory behavior, strolling through teens changing rooms and rape accusations from minors to his ex wife. You really can’t expect much from a guy who once said “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”; she was 13 at the time. 
So while the rest of the world had been pulling its hair and collectively asking: “What, in the absolute name of FUCK is going on and why is it allowed to continue!?”, most people had been showing indignation...on Twitter, being extremely angry...at home. It took some pretty dark reality checks to shake folks up. The thought of 22 (now some sources say 30+) million Americans losing healthcare brought a few thousand people out, just a few thousands out of 71 million who voted for a different candidate. For months now I and many others have been begging anyone who’ll listen to go out, go beyond the fallacy of sticking solely to hashtag activism and actually act! Before the women’s march injected some much needed life into people, I was met with everything from sheer indifference to a sense of total hopelessness (useless sentiment), but the worst thing so far, the one that really angered me to the fucking core, was the sickeningly common sentence “we can’t do anything about it”. Buying into the fact that you’re powerless, failing to understand that people run the government and not the other way around is the most successful form of oppression ever deployed and let me tell you, there’s nowhere else on earth where it has been applied more successfully than in the US. Politicians running wild knowing there’s 0 accountability for their actions is what motivated the batshit insane last few weeks in which republicans have released a kind of greatest hits of nefarious fuckery which include the sentencing of millions to death or bankruptcy (or both) without health insurance, getting rid of what little oversight they have (though that was over with? Check again...), and paying the bill for donald’s dumbass wall which may be the most ridiculous, useless thing ever made...this kind of distancing between politicians an accountability is why crisis like Flint drag out for years with no resolution - or even interest for a resolution.
It really is a damn tragedy the situation has been allowed to run out of control, so now it’s time to get a handle on the lunacy. Before American women (actually, women everywhere) brought it, a few weeks back, LA and NY showed up early with marches of about 10 thousand people each, the most meaningful actions pre-post-inauguration; some folks burned a couple of trash cans in Portland (and conservatives have been crying out that “the cities are burning!!!” ever since, failing to mention, of course, that rioters are mainly paid elements to create this kind of disruption so people like donald can bitch about it later; see also Washington DC a few days ago) and that’s about it really...So what have we learned? Massive protests, shutting down streets, cities...it’s the only way to go. There needs to be a continuity to the kind of spirit which propelled the women's match. Politicians will never admit it, but they’re terrified of people in large numbers, they may despise voters but they also need them. So this “inauguration”, these disastrous first days, a ridiculous circus which would have been deemed too stupid to be featured in the cheapest of French farces can either mark the end of The American People’s chance to act or the start of a proper, comprehensive uprising. If you were waiting for the inauguration to then push for an impeachment...that won’t fly here, it’s too late for any of the regular democratic processes. Election was illegitimate, electoral college voted illegitimately...relying on this kind of stuff is dead and buried. Keep hearing folks talk about 2020, elections...bless their hearts...even if by some miracle we reach that date, do y'all really think there will ever, EVER be anything remotely close to a free election ever again? With these corrupt fucks in power? Nah, that ship has sailed. donald getting “elected” was what’s called a proof of concept and now, like a cancer, his so called administration will infect every nook and cranny of government, making it impossible to remove. Best case scenario, some key players get kicked out and there’s a chance to start repairing the damage, but the root is firmly planted and there will be massive problems for many years to come because donald and his posse got this far. Plus, external influence is and will continue to be massively powerful; Russia has republicans tightly grabbed by the balls which means all their decisions aren't really their own and that the US is now a satellite state. Cold War era communists would piss themselves in excitement like puppies if they had ever even dared to dream that such a thing could be possible. And the kicker is, the U.S. wasn’t even the main act, it was just a beta test. France and Germany are coming up next, efforts to end NATO and the EU are well on their way and in Europe, stupid people are falling for the same kind of “populism” (aka very poorly disguised racism and xenophobia and other assorted far right ideological diarrhea) that stupid people in America fell for when sprayed by golden boy himself. My faint hope is that a large enough number of Europeans will wake up in time. So far I remain disappointed. Twice now in fairly recent times Europe fucked itself up; soon it will be on its way to a third go. “Those who don’t understand history...” etc.
So here we are, 2017 and worried about world wars, nuclear wars, a Russian empire, nazis and the end of democracy. Ain't that a bitch? The real kicker tho, the part that made me so very pissed off at the reasonable, logic people out there is that the whole thing was so, so, SO very fucking avoidable...we got complacent and lost focus on how vicious the fight was and how vicious we had to be to win it. I love FLOTUS44 to no end but the motto should have been “when they go low, we get a motherfucking club and crack their head open cause they’re already in a convenient position to get bashed and we gotta take these fuckers out, pronto” - not as catchy, but it was the right attitude. To show just how soft and out of touch people have become, this week there’s been a debate about if punching a nazi is wrong. I shit you not! “If” it’s wrong...smh. And even if throwing hands isn’t your thing, all anyone ever really had to do was show up. Right at the start, show up, provide the numbers for “strength in numbers”, be a body in a crowd. Wasn’t hard, wasn’t costly, didn’t need a great deal of planning...call up a couple of friends who in turn call up 2 or 3 more and just...showing up and demanding the most basic legitimacy needed for an election, demanding that a line was drawn between free speech and hate speech, demanding that something as vile as donald and pence and bannon and kushner and flynn and every other piece of shit in the gang wasn’t allowed anywhere near a Presidential election. People knew what was at stake, people saw the democratic processes fail.
Like I said, the key players are predictable, they don’t break character; you know for a fact what they’ll do: donald will always be a sociopathic old perv and act like such; republicans will always be money hungry, moralless whores (and I use that word for the actions themselves, I mean no disrespect to hardworking, honest prostitutes who don’t deserve to be compared to something as disgusting as republicans); white supremacists will always be inferior whiny bitches; and the people who support all these aberrations will always be too fundamentally dense, too goddamn stupid to understand the seven ways till Sunday in which they’re getting fucked while cheering for the ones pounding their ass. But the people who know better, the people who’ve seen this ridiculous charade since the start for what it is and got lost in pointless shit like in house fighting (who had the best candidate cause of reasons) or simply didn’t lift a finger in any serious and meaningful way to try and stop it...they’re ones responsible for the mess being in play. It’s pretty simple: you see a toddler with a gun, you don’t wait till it shoots itself in the damn face, you take the gun away.
So where will we be a little while from now if things don’t change dramatically? Well let me put on my Carnac The Magnificent hat on (a lil something for the kids to Google, take their mind of this whole “we’re all probably gonna die horrible deaths” dealio): Our buddy Vladimir, finding out this shit actually works (whaaaaaat? Long shot win!), will try and succeed with the same model in other countries, Europe will be at war again, a short one because Russia will steamroll resistance as it takes over.NOT looking forward to that. The US will be carved like a thanksgiving turkey; first, the complete demolition of the Obama legacy because, you know, memories of a black Man in office for 8 years won’t do, gotta bulldoze that shit like, yesterday! Remind “the blacks” (as donald says) of their place, make aberrations of the LGBTs again, and fuck this environment shit cause who needs clean air and water when there’s fucking oil to drill, goddamn it!!! However, it won’t be just a gutting of government and liberties and rights, but also of territory. California will be the first to exit, also with - very indirect and covert - Russian backing, NY will follow. Texas will probably join in cause...well, it’s Texas, it’s just itching to shoot at something. The rest of the territory will be as miserable as any third world country. Sadly I won’t get the pleasure of shouting “MAGA!” and laughing my ass off in the face of every single Trump voter while they starve or die from most banal diseases in the book. A true shame. Russia will continue to fund terrorism like it does with ISIS, as well as planning/carrying out terrorist attacks whenever it suits their strategic interests (see Berlin, last Christmas), with donald being ISIS’ greatest poster child for recruitment while his buildings will make for great targets. Convenience! Oh and let’s not forget that in a pre-butchered US, Republicans will still need a war, so expect one. Republicans will also need 9/11 levels of terror, so expect a 2.0 version of that as well. 
All of this of course if donald’s alarming mental decay doesn’t throw a wild card in the mix and he just decides: “fuck it, I’ll nuke everything” cause someone sent him a mean tweet. #Sad. And even if by some other wild card donald were to get impeach over prostitutes pissing on him or whatever the fuck else the shithead got recorded doing, the problem would still be the same: compromised government, completely invalid election, proven concept for aspiring global dictator, and resounding triumph of white Amerikkka’s “values”. The only way to do something which means a damn is to go out in force, quickly. 
In a week marked by reporters get yelled at, at the White House, over crowd size “alternative facts”, a week in which we find donald had the inauguration pictures photoshoped to make his hands look bigger (what a fucking LOSER. That dick must really be in the micro category, I swear), a week in which the president elect goes nuts with executive orders to, out of pure spite, demolish the Obama legacy (donald is so insanely jealous of 44 that it clouds whatever shred of reason that pea brain of his can still muster) while simultaneously rambling about a blatant lie of millions of illegals voting while people in his goddamn entourage are actually guilty of voter fraud, a miserable week which saw government put a gag order on agencies divulging scientific facts, making them create “rogue” twitter accounts, an alarming week with revelations that staff and golden showers himself use all kinds of unprotected email services, the same thing which haunted Clinton forever without a shred of substance to it and that now, apparently, is totally cool, a sad week in which the megalomaniac embarrassment moved forward with orders to keep women in children stranded in war zones...is a week in which everyone should be planning exactly how seriously they want to contribute to the containment of this situation. personally, I suggest very and as soon as possible.
[This take on things is my own. Will not try to impose it nor debate it]
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silkyandsurveys · 4 years
survey #4
What grocery store do you shop at the most?
we usually go to giant hehe
Which stovetop burner do you use the most?
the bottom left is usually what i use especially to boil things i won’t use any other
Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand?
my mom is the type to lie wash by hand and THEN put in the dish washer which like lowkey pisses me off cause it wastes so much water
What color is your favorite laundry basket?
this is the weirdest question ever but we only have like tan ones and one blue and they’re all the same exact thing
What color was your first car?
my black nissan mwah
What was your first job?
i used to answer the phone for my grandfather when i was super young and get paid like 20 bucks lolll but my first actual job was a dishwasher 😍
What is the best job you’ve had?
uhm i actually liked when i was a food server
What is the best pharmacy near you?
we use cvs and it’s actually really poppin
Do you use public transportation?
no never i live in a small town so there is no public transport
Which bank do you use?
i have some savings in one and then my actual bank is a pennsylvania ran bank
Do you have a credit card?
no not 18 bleh
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
probs chick fil a mcdonald’s or taco bell they all be yummy
What do you want to name your kids?
i have some ideas i love finn/flynn weston for boys i really struggle for girl names though
How many tattoos do you have?
none but on my 18th birthday i plan to get one
What year did you graduate high school?
i graduate next year !
What chore do you hate the most?
i hate putting away laundry SO much
What is your favorite shampoo to use?
i use shes moisture and i quite like it it’s the first one that really allows me to not shampoo every day cause it really cleans my scalp
How do you remove stains from clothes?
stain remover always
Do you carry pepper spray?
no i lowkey want to but i’m scared of spraying it wrong ig
What highway do you drive on the most?
i literally never use the interstate and even if i did i honestly wouldn’t know the name of it
Do you like driving?
yes i love to drive. going on drives during quarantine has been actually my favorite thing to do. i love being the one driving cause i just like having the control of the car cause i’m a big scaredy-cat
What is your favorite radio station?
hits 1? i don’t ever listen to radio but if i do that’s what i’ll listen to
What do you use for an alarm clock (phone, stereo, actual clock, etc.)?
i use my phone or my alexa
Which department store do you shop at the most?
i no joke had to look up department stores but honestly i don’t shop there? if i had to pick one it would be macy’s but even then
Which dollar store is your favorite?
i don’t ever go to a dollar store i can’t remember the last time i did
Do you shop at the dollar store often?
not really. i only go there for party supplies or like school projects but like ? i never go
What is your favorite gas station?
i use sunoco but i like sheetz the best
Do you burn candles often?
yes i love burning candles i’m so sensitive to smells so i like to burn candles so my room can be a cohesive smell. i also leave the windows open whenever i can for that reason too
How do you relax?
go on tumblr or embroider. i also love watching youtube videos i have like specific categories of videos that will make me relax and not worry
What’s your favorite app on your phone?
twitter for sure
What do you cook the most?
if i’m cooking i’m either boiling pasta or baking i don’t do anything else
When was the last time you relaxed in a hot bath?
i had a bath a month ago? i don’t like baths though unless i’m in a HUGE bath tub and a bubble bath
Do you take showers or baths normally?
showers like 100% of the time
What is your favorite candle scent?
i love vanilla candles but man smell candles are so nice. something fresh and springy is nice but the absolute best candles are fall and christmas
How much does it cost for you to laundry (if you use a slot machine)
0 i have a washer
Do you make your bed every day?
uhm i fake make my bed normally? i sleep pretty still so i only mess up my side but then i’ll like adjust my blankets to make it look made but it’s not really
Do you have any pets?
yes two dogs
Do you have kids?
no this girlies 17
Are you married?
Do you save receipts?
no i don’t i used to and it probably would be good too but i find it really hoarder esc and gets so messy.
Do you use re-usable bags at the grocery store?
yes i try to but i don’t always succeed . i try to not use bags if i don’t need to
What color is your carpet?
my rug is like medium grey
Have you ever burnt yourself with the glue gun?
yes that shit is so painful
Do you write checks?
no i don’t think i ever have from my own bank account. i’ve only written one check and it was for SATs this year
Ever had a garage sale?
yes my area has a big yard sale every year and we used to do it
What have been some of your best garage sale finds?
i’ve never gotten anything special
What time do you wake up in the morning?
lately around 9
Are you a morning person?
i wish so much it was easier for me to wake up because my favorite time of the entire day is early morning and i love waking up early and being productive but it’s so hard for me to get up. i’d still say yes cause i’m always in a good mood in the morning and i love it
Are you more of a morning person now than you used to be?
yes for sure
Do you like to read?
i don’t like reading real books but i’m ngl my guilty pleasure is fan fiction still to this day
What was the first election you voted in?
never voted i’m not legal
Who is on speed dial in your phone?
i don’t have speed dial
Do you play games on your phone?
yeah but very rarely
What phone do you have?
iphone 8 + but i’m gonna get a new phone next month hehe
What was your first phone?
it was called a cosmo i don’t remember the real brand though
What kind of computer do you have?
i have a hp
Wall calendar or desk calendar?
i don’t have either but i like planners the best
If you read a daily devotional, which one are you using currently?
i have costar if that is the same?
What is your favorite book?
hunger games they’re my fav books and movies
What is the strangest food you’ve had?
i really don’t know i’m not an adventurous eater at all
What do you do when the power goes out?
my heart actually snaps
Does your home have a basement?
How often do you clean?
i try to clean my room every couple of days to keep it tidy
How often do you go grocery shopping?
every two weeks about
Ever bought a lottery ticket?
i’ve never bought one but i’ve been gifted them
Do you gamble?
What does your purse look like?
i don’t have an every day purse. i need to get one really bad though
Do you ever sleep on the floor?
uhm no the last time i slept on the floor was after i got cross faded at my sisters apartment lol
Which room do you stay in the most?
my room always
What is your bedtime?
i try to like “get ready” around 9-11 but then lately i’ll go to bed around 1-3 at most
Ever worked two jobs or more at once?
i don’t think i have ive worked at a fair while having my normal job if that counts?
Do you live in an apartment, condo, house, or dorm?
my moms house
What does your dream house look like?
very open and bright but filled with decor
Describe your dream wedding.
something very bright and light and pretty. idk i have a small distaste to marriage
How often do you go on vacation?
it used to be never when i was a kid but the past couple years it’s about twice a year?
What is your favorite type of weather?
i love snow, rainy and cold, or cool and sunny
What do you do when you have a sore throat?
complain i can’t lie
How often do you go see a doctor?
it depends i have some years where i go all the time and others where i rarely go at all
Do you have acid reflux?
i don’t think so no
Do you snore?
no thank god
Are you on birth control?
no i can’t go on birth control hehe love it
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
i think colgate?
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
i have glasses but i actually never wear them
0 notes
politicalemail · 6 years
Janet Mills for Governor Newsletter! from [email protected]
  Engage,   Hello from the campaign trail! It’s been a busy week at the Mills for Governor campaign, with Janet crisscrossing the state to pay tribute to Maine’s hardworking men and women on Labor Day, meeting folks left and right, and, of course, getting ready for next week’s gubernatorial forums!   There’s plenty to update you on so we’ll get right to it – but, as always, we want you to know how grateful we are to have you on our team. We need your help to take Maine in a new, better direction this fall. Let’s keep at it!   Campaign Updates -- Week of September 3rd   Exciting Announcement: We Launched Our New TV Ad!   On Tuesday of this week, we launched our first TV ad of the general election, called Above and Beyond. Watch it HERE. The ad tells Janet’s story: that of a hard-working, head-down, no flash Mainer who not only strives to do what’s right, but who also goes above and beyond.     “Janet does what Mainer's do - she steps up. She works hard every day, she fights for what's right and she gets the job done,” said Lisl May, Janet's youngest step-daughter who is featured in the ad. “Whether it was helping to raise me and my sisters or protecting the interests of Mainers as Attorney General, I've witnessed firsthand her profound sense of compassion and her drive to make the lives of those around her better. I saw it every day growing up, and I still see it now. It’s how I know she'll be a great governor, and it’s how I know that she'll go above and beyond for all of us who call Maine home, just like she’s always done.”   Click HERE to share Janet’s ad on Facebook with your friends and help spread Janet’s positive message about a better direction for Maine!   It’s Lawn Sign Season. Do You Need One? We Can Help!     Janet’s (adorable) granddaughter has her sign! Want to join her and show your support? Sign up through our website HERE – and make sure to share the link with your friends     This Week in Pictures and Videos   From Winslow to Portland to Lewiston to Brewer to Blue Hill, Janet crisscrossed the state this past weekened to pay tribute to the hardworking men and women of Maine’s labor unions on Labor Day. Janet has stood with working men and women throughout her entire career, and she will continue to do so as governor. Check out these photos from Labor Day weekend, along with some from her visits to businesses in Waterville this week:   Janet joins the Southern Maine Labor Council in Portland.   Janet celebrates at the Western Maine Labor Council BBQ.   Janet with a young supporter!   Showing off the cow milking chops at the Blue Hill Fair!   Janet at The Last Unicorn Restaurant in Waterville with local business owners.   Janet following a tour of Educare in Waterville with staff.   WATCH: Why I Support Janet   Click HERE to Watch the Video   “I support Janet Mills for Governor because she has proven to be an effective person at getting work done and making positive change for people in Maine for years.” – Tony, Cape Elizabeth   If you are interested in telling Mainers why you support Janet for Governor, either on video or in a letter to the editor, please email: [email protected].     Janet in the News!   Portland Press Herald: Survey: Older Maine voters split support between Mills, Moody for governor   A poll of older Maine voters commissioned by AARP Maine shows a close race between Democrat Janet Mills and Republican Shawn Moody, each of whom hopes to succeed Gov. Paul LePage.   The survey of 804 voters over the age of 50 had Mills holding a 39-38 percent lead over Moody, with 15 percent undecided. Independents Terry Hayes and Alan Caron were well behind at 4 and 2 percent, respectively.   Portland Press Herald: LePage files court-ordered plan to expand Medicaid in Maine – and asks feds to reject it   Mills said Tuesday night that Medicaid expansion is supported by groups ranging from hospitals to the Maine State Chamber of Commerce and those “fighting the opioid epidemic.”   “Like a lot of Mainers, I’ve had enough of this administration standing in the way,” Mills said in an emailed statement. “The money is there, and, as governor, I’ll implement Medicaid expansion on day one. From the health of our people to the health of our economy, there’s too much at stake not to.”   Maine Public: ‘It’s Imperative that I Have a Seat at This Table’: Record Number of Women Running for Office   Democrats are hoping this new energy and engagement favors them in November, not just in congressional races, but in the state’s as well. That includes the four-way contest for Maine governor.”   “And I've got news for President Trump and Shawn Moody,” Mills said. “If you want to roll back the rights of Maine women, if you want to come after Planned Parenthood and the critical services they provide to Maine people, you're gonna have to get through me first.”   Lewiston Sun Journal: Unions Celebrate Labor Day   Democratic gubernatorial candidate and Maine Attorney General Janet Mills and congressional candidate Jared Golden also spoke Monday, sharing their support for unions and labor work in Maine.   “I don’t like the direction the Supreme Court is going in,” Mills said. “When it comes to workers’ rights, when it comes to women’s rights, voting rights, any kind of rights, environmental rights, we’ve got to take it to the states. That’s why I’m going to be there. It’s the last line of defense for our rights.”   Lewiston Sun Journal Letter to the Editor: Janet Mills for Governor By Rita and Ronald Melendy, Auburn   Attorney General Janet Mills worked hard to protect the rights and wishes of Maine voters for the past eight years. She has fought valiantly and successfully against the governor, who wreacked havoc in his reign. He continues to deny the will of the people.   If elected, Mills would see that the people’s wishes (passed by 59 percent of the voters) would be addressed — Medicaid coverage for low income and incapacitated adults who could qualify — and thereby assuring that Maine gets its share of the millions of matching federal dollars that other states get.   Mills knows the process well. Elected as a representative and confirmed twice as attorney general, she needs no training.   As governor, she will be ready on Day 1 to work for affordable health care, clean air, water, jobs and the economy and to replace Maine’s crumbling roads and bridges.   We support Attorney General Janet Mills for governor.     What's Next -- Upcoming Events!   Please come join Janet at these events and show your support!   Saturday, September 8th from 12-2:00 p.m. Tri-Town (South Portland, Cape Elizabeth & Scarborough) Democratic Picnic 30 Myrtle Avenue, South Portland   Monday, September 10th at 5:30 p.m.(Reception at 4:30) Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Forum 490 Pleasant St, Lewiston   Thursday, September 13th from 8:30-10:30 a.m. E2Tech’s Gubernatorial Debate Hannaford Hall, 88 Bedford St, Portland     To learn more about Janet Mills and why she is running for Governor, like our page on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. Authorized and Paid for by Janet Mills for Governor Janet Mills for GovernorPO Box 110Farmington, ME 04938United States If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe.
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/7-tax-misunderstandings-that-could-cost-you/
7 tax misunderstandings that could cost you
by Selena Maranjian for The Motley Fool   @CNNMoney April 6, 2017: 10:47 AM ET
While we can never know everything, there are times when ignorance can cost you dearly — and tax season is one of those times. Here are seven tax misunderstandings Americans should clear up immediately.
A pile of little papers on which are written words such as “tax return” “tax audit” “tax advice” — and many simply have big question marks on them
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1. You shouldn’t necessarily want a fat tax refund.
For starters, while it’s wonderful to get a hefty check from Uncle Sam after filing your tax return, that’s not really such a great thing. After all, it’s technically your own money that you’re getting back, and the government has been hanging onto it until you filed your return. Modest refunds are common and not a problem, but big refunds generally happen when we have too much withheld from our paychecks. You can adjust your withholding by submitting another W-4 form to your employer.
2. Tax credits are more valuable than tax deductions
Tax credits and deductions aren’t the same thing. Both offer tax breaks, but tax credits are more powerful.
A deduction reduces your taxable income. Have gross income of $70,000 and a $4,000 deduction? Your taxable income is now $66,000. If you’re in the 25% tax bracket, you avoid being taxed on that $4,000 and save $1,000. If you have taxable income of $70,000 and a $4,000 tax credit, however, the credit reduces your tax dollar-for-dollar. It’s worth a full $4,000.
Credits are available for all kinds of things, such as education expenses, the adoption of children, and the care of children and dependents. A particularly valuable credit, if your income is low enough to qualify, is the Earned Income Tax Credit, which might shrink your taxable income by more than $6,000. The Child and Dependent Care Credit offers a credit of up to $3,000 for the care of one eligible dependent and up to $6,000, total, for two or more.
3. You do have to report all income
It can be easy to think that you only have to report income to the IRS that you get documentation for in the mail — such as via a W-2 form or a 1099 form. Not true. You need to report all income, from rental income to prize money to gambling winnings. If you get paid in cash for some or all of the work you do, that, too, needs to be reported.
You should report all income because it’s the right thing to do, but also because the IRS may already know about some income you’re not reporting, and it will wonder why you’re not reporting it. After all, entities that pay you will very often be reporting that expense to the IRS.
4. You can’t get an extension for paying your taxes
Many people misunderstand the nature of a tax extension. When you file IRS Form 4868 for an extension, you are only postponing the filing of your return. You can’t postpone paying the taxes that are due. That might sound tricky, as you may not know exactly how much you owe if you haven’t yet completed your return, but the IRS expects you to make a good-faith estimate and pay that amount. (If you think your total taxes due will be around $15,000 and $12,000 was withheld by your employer, you would send in the difference, $3,000.)
The IRS imposes penalties for filing a late return and for paying taxes late. Penalties can be as much as 25% of the tax owed and the unpaid tax. Even if you can’t pay, file your return. And if you can pay at least some of what you owe, do so, to minimize the penalty hit.
5. You can reduce your chances of being audited
Your chances of being audited are very low — and were recently less than 1 in 100. Don’t think it’s all a matter of chance, though, because there are factors that can make an audit more likely. For example, if you have earnings that are well above average, you’ll be more likely to have your return audited. If you’re self-employed, you’ll be more likely to be audited, as well, because it can be easier for a self-employed person to fudge numbers than it is for a salaried person.
Factors more under your control that can keep your audit odds low include being neat and legible when filling out your return, reporting all income on it (including all dividends and interest that’s reported on 1099 forms), and not having math errors on it that will draw the attention of the IRS. If you report having no income at all, the IRS might question that — which is not a problem if you really did have no income. It may also question bigger-than-usual deductions such as for charitable donations or business expenses. Again, such deductions might get you audited, but they won’t cause much trouble if they’re legitimate and you have documentation to back them up.
6. You have rights as a taxpayer
You might feel powerless against the IRS, but you do have rights. There is a Taxpayer Bill of Rights that was adopted by the IRS in 2014, assuring us the right to be informed, the right to quality service, the right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax, and the right to challenge the IRS, among others
There’s even a Taxpayer Advocate Service, headed by our “National Taxpayer Advocate,” Nina Olson. Ms. Olson regularly informs Congress of problems she sees in our tax system and makes recommendations for fixing them. Her office also helps thousands of taxpayers with various problems every year.
7. The IRS will not phone you
Finally, the IRS is never going to call you out of the blue — and it won’t send out unsolicited email, either. If you receive a phone call, as many people have, from someone saying they’re with the IRS and that they need you to make a payment immediately or they need your Social Security number or bank account or credit card numbers, don’t believe them. There are many tax scams out there bilking taxpayers out of money.
Getting your personal information can help a scammer engage in identity theft — filing a tax return in your name and collecting a refund. The IRS is aware of and has been tackling this problem, and in fiscal year 2015, it initiated 776 identity theft related investigations, resulting in 774 sentencings. Working behind the scenes, in the first nine months of 2016, it reduced the number of people who filed affidavits with the IRS saying they were victims of identity theft by almost half, compared to 2015 — with affadavits dropping from 512,278 to 237,750. Still, be warned and be wary.
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Be savvy about the IRS and how our tax system works, and you can save yourself headaches — and possibly hundreds or thousands of dollars.
CNNMoney (New York) First published April 6, 2017: 10:47 AM ET
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