#I feel like Obi-wan or Satine says it like the game ngl
kindlythevoid · 10 months
Okay how do you say Bo-Katan, because I just realize I’ve been pronouncing it:
Bow (as in bow-and-arrow) - Kuh (as in cousin) - tan (as in suntan lotion)
When it could also technically be said as:
Bow (as in wrapped with a bow) - Catan (as in the game Catan)
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bosooka · 1 year
i have a feeling i know what you'll put for 1 and 11, but for the sw ask game, 1, 2, 11, and/or 14, whichever you'd like to answer :)
1. do you find force users or non-force users more interesting?
honestly? i love them both equally! this is totally my writer's brain talking, but you can explore wildly different things with them. i will say, i'm interested in basically all force users except the nightsisters, but i only really care about mandalorians as far as force-blind characters go. characters like han solo don't particularly appeal to me.
2. which character do you want to be most like?
i'd say satine and/or obi-wan, because their dedication to their values is unwavering no matter how impossible it is to remain faithful. they refuse to compromise even when the entire galaxy demands it of them--hell, even when they're faced with dying for what they believe in. i think the world could use a lot more of that.
11. who is the most underrated character?
i am almost legally required to put satine here. anyone who sees her as just obi-wan's love interest/padme's foil is my enemy forever lmfao. the depth and nuance she added to the in-universe political discourse regarding the clone wars is immense, and, despite what some people on this website will tell you, her depiction of pacifism is not inaccurate, nor is she hopelessly naive!!
14. what is your favorite alien species?
zabraks, entirely because of @scribhneoir-sidhe's OC calla. they have TWO HEARTS. and HORNS. WHAT.
ngl i don't think about aliens very often 🤣
ty for the ask!!
[SW Asks]
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