#I need to have my yearly moment where I try to use add layers and fail horribly
vanillaverses · 2 years
oh god oh no they put the old man in a jar
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still can’t get over the fact that this happened it’s so funny to me,,
also if enough people like this I might?? make a cleaner version of this. no promises though
mostly just to play around with lighting.. but I think it turned out cool enough!! not completely happy with it but,, whatever
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blankdblank · 5 years
My Pearl Pt 5
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 -
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars,  @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor,  @here2have-fun, @onewithleaf 
All around you in the kitchen after you washed your hands you stepped to the bare station feeling all the free Durins peering at what you were doing. The apples Fili had prepeeled for you were claimed in your hands as a caramel sauce was started. Easily you diced and added the apples into the mixture while Thorin followed your instructions on the dough you guided him through how to kneed and stretch it properly before you spooned some of the mixture into the center before you tucked it into a ball and added them into muffin tins you added into the oven. The remaining bit was hastily tasted and passed around by the cooks around you all wondering how the strange mixture of ingredients could taste.
Growls sounded from the stomachs of the chefs around you when your dessert was taken out of the oven and carefully plated in a small bowl you coated with barely a sprinkle of sugar then handed over. The simple appearance of the dough puff made you roll your eyes at the questioning glance before you mumbled to Thorin, “Is everything I prepare going to get that look?”
With a smirking glance at you he caught Dis’ eye saying, “It’s finished.”
With another glance at it she turned and carried it out to the table as Frerin claimed an extra fork and stole a bite of one of the extra puffs and let out a pleased hum after adding the sugar himself. Each of the Dwarves around you sectioned it off and enjoyed the remaining puffs, leaving the last for Dis who smirked at you and said, “You should have a list of desserts we add in through the week.”
Your lips parted as she turned to share the thought with her Mother who was watching the customer through the window in the doorway and signing back their response with a growing grin. In a glance up at your right Thorin caught your eye smirking as he told you, “A well deserved chance to keep your practice up.”
After a nod you turned and helped Thorin put out the next set as more of the tables had caught a whiff of the desserts. By the hours end you had made four more helpings and passed the recipe on to Diaa before you joined Thorin to head back home again when she reminded him of your need for rest. In the car again Thorin stole another smirk at you asking, “So, lunch and a movie still?”
You nodded, “Sounds good.”
He smirked and started the drive back again then asked, “Amad reminded me of your saying you couldn’t work tomorrow?”
You nodded again, “I have an appointment.”
He glanced at you, “Something serious?”
You shook your head, “Just a usual yearly check up.”
He nodded, “Did you want me to get Frerin to take my shift again so I can take you?”
You shook your head, “I don’t think the stirrups and paper gown will be more enjoyable with an audience.”
“Oh, your women’s check up.”
You nodded, “Plus the extra enjoyable mammogram.” He glanced at you, “They take the breasts and squeeze them between two plastic plates to get the image.”
“I can make sure they are more gentle if you wish.”
“Gentle doesn’t get the images they need.” Making him sigh, “Thank you though.”
He smiled at you when your hand and head rested against his arm.
Back at the house you both eyed the now washed clothes that were resting across the island in your closet beside the stack of shoe boxes you walked to and eyed the empty closet. Reaching out you grabbed the first shirt and added them to the rack above your worn shirts as Thorin added your jeans to the cubbies to the left of them you asked him to add them to. After, you hung the dresses to the rack on the left of those without anything under it allowing them to hang freely. With a smirk Thorin turned and opened the first box of shoes and passed you the pair you set up on the racks before he grinned larger at the lingerie carefully placed in a basket on the island you moved to at Thorin’s not so subtle smirk eyeing his choices.
Each of which you tried on for him with the final pair being stripped off you on his path to your bed where he spent hours seeing to your pleasure and comfort. With yet another meal in bed from him in the middle, he scrolled on his phone through a few ideas for the fur wrap he wanted for you, asking for your opinion on them. With his choice selected and ordered it was now a waiting game leaving his phone on the night table to roll you over for another round at your teasing nips at his ear, ending with him wrapping you in his arms when you dozed off again.
Morning came with a shared shower and your pulling on your clothes with Thorin wrapped in a towel for the walk to his closet to get ready himself as you pulled on a pair of your new jeans and a t shirt. Finally you added your sneakers and pulled your hair back into a high ponytail on your path to join Thorin in prepping the breakfast Fili and Kili arrived for once again seeking another ride. A gentle peck later you split up for the morning with Thorin hoping you could make it to the Stone for lunch at least, should it go quickly for you.
Lunch came and went and as Frerin arrived for his shift Thorin drew his phone from his pocket dialing your number. Under furrowed brows he listened through Dwalin and his Nephews gathering around him curiously to the sound of cars whizzing by as you managed to fumble your phone open and shouldered it as you tightened the bolt you were working on, “Hey Thorin.”
“Where are you?”
“Um, over by Atlan square. Had to stop in at a car shop, damn brakes gave out.”
His lips parted as his stomach dropped before his blurted out inquiry making the entire kitchen freeze for a moment, “Are you alright?!”
“Ya.” A thunk was heard and you mumbled, “Damnit.”
“What is that sound?”
“Hm? Oh I’m putting my tire back on, just have one more to go.”
“You’re fixing your brakes?!” Without giving you a chance to answer he asked for your location precisely and headed to his car with Dwalin and the boys in tow and Fili now chatting with you assuring you were safe until they arrived.
The empty parking lot came into view with you parked across from the car shop that the mechanics were watching with arms crossed commenting on your ease at the task and especially the car pulling up beside you making them flinch back inside pretending to have not been aware of your place there at Thorin’s tensed rush to your side. On a jack your Jeep was resting as you finished adding the final pad and turned to reach for your tire after setting down your tool into the well used tool box beside you. Curiously he eyed the spread of tools and the oil coated rag you’d used to wipe off your hands beside a bottle of water and a blue bottle of soap for scrubbing off oils and grease while he asked, “Please explain this to me. You’re not even a hundred feet from the mechanic’s shop!”
Wetting your lips you stood and said, “Ok, I know there’s rules but I’m not going to have anyone just look at me and assume I’m a clueless wallet on legs. I spent fifty years working in body shops through my training courses and internships. I pulled in and those assholes wanted to charge me $3000 for a simple brake pad and rotor swap!”
Kili rubbed his neck, as Fili simply looked at your jeep trying to imagine what it actually cost as Thorin replied, “You have the card I gave you?”
You met his eyes, “Thorin, the parts are only $400-500 at the most for an hours job. I might not seem like much but they eyed the car spotted my earrings and smirked hiking the price that high! Just because I’m supposed to be taken care of doesn’t mean I’m going to allow anyone to abuse that or your generosity by assuming I’m an idiot. It’s a simple job, all I have to do now is put the tire back on and pump the brakes and I’m good to go. If it was something more serious I would have argued with them but it’s just a simple swap I can do in my sleep. Besides, I know a couple guys that’ll take the old scraps for a couple hundred.”
Unable to help it he smiled at you proudly as Dwalin glared at the men peeking out from the shop at the group through Thorin’s rolling the tire closer to you as he rumbled, “Next time please call at least before you start taking apart your car so we can keep watch.”
With a soft victorious giggle you knelt grabbing the tire and raising it, revealing the formerly relaxed muscles in your arms flexing, revealing the dips between the easily missed layer of protection you had making the task look as strenuous as lifting a pen from a table. Easily the lug nuts were added and tightened by hand before you lowered the jeep and finished it with the tire iron asking “Who wants to pump the brakes for me?”
Fili hastily raced around climbing inside grinning at his brother, who was just a bit too slow to miss out on helping. A few presses later you closed your tool box and carried it back to your trunk, with Dwalin adding the soap and water bottles. On your left however Thorin raised your sleeve checking what he hoped he hadn’t seen. The large thumb sized bruise drew a growling question from him, “Did they do this?!”
You peered at your arm then looked up at him shaking your head, “I had to get a shot.”
He raised a brow and Fili stated, “But it’s huge!”
You nodded, “It was a big needle.”
Thorin lowered his voice to a comforting tone, “What sort of shot would leave a bruise this big?”
After a glance at the boys you met his eye with a sigh, “It’s for my birth control.”
Kili’s brows furrowed as he asked, “Don’t they have pills for that?”
You nodded again slowly, “They made me really sick, I tried a couple.” You looked up at Thorin again, “It’s only four times a year.”
Looking you over he took in the irritation of the simple fact the process left such a mark on you but relented, understanding that it was what you and your Doctor had chosen as the best option for you. “How did it all go?”
“As well as it can, I suppose. Should get the call about the scans tomorrow.”
Kili peeked around the jeep as you closed the trunk, “Scans?”
“Just a mammogram.” Making his lips part, “It’s an annual thing, just, the full check up.”
He nodded and Thorin smiled passing him your keys as he gently nudged you to his car, saying, “Let’s get you home.”
The boys followed Thorin’s car while Dwalin shared about their shift from the back seat, only to ask after a glance at you, “Are you sore?” You turned your head to meet his eye, “Dis’ mentioned it before, being sore after.”
You nodded, “Bath usually helps.”
After a stop at Dwalin’s you were parked in the driveway of Thorin’s and accepted your keys and hugs from the boys before they took the short walk home again leaving you to be curled under Thorin’s arm for the walk inside. Through the doors Thorin watched you remove your shoes and walk to your house as he followed after, physically hurting at your seemingly sunken mood. “Is there anything I can do?”
In a glance back at him you replied with a tired smile, “I think just a bath, and, could we watch a movie after?”
Thorin nodded, “There is a tv in my bathroom if you wanted to use mine.”
“I’ll grab some clothes.”
Turning from you he went to his bath starting to fill the tub and switch on one of your favorite films just as you entered the room spotting his towel and film he’d set up for you with a soft smile. Wetting his lips he said, “I’m going to make us something to eat.”
“You don’t have to.”
He smiled at you, moving to be closer to you and brushed your bangs behind your ear, “You don’t have to eat, but still, I’m going to make us something.” You nodded and watched him leave the room. Turning around you stripped and lowered into the hot water easing your sore body adjusting to the pokes and prods and uncomfortable spreader you tried to forget by focusing on the opening credits.
With a plate of snacks in hand Thorin entered again and sat beside the tub leaning against the edge resting his arm on it and faced the film. Through it he kept glancing over you eyeing your sinking demeanor, “Was it the plastic thing?” You looked at him, “Dis said the plastic thing is the worst part.”
“It’s tolerable. I’m really ok.” His eyes scanned over your face, “I just get, I feel like I’m sinking after I get the shot. It goes away by morning, just all the hormones at once. I didn’t know if I should say it in front of the others, cause an uproar, and bring all the clan over at once.”
Gently he brushed a stray wet strand of curls back around your high bun with an adoring smile, “Anything else I can do?”
Wetting your lips you asked, “Could I sleep with you tonight?”
His hand moved to stroke your cheek sweetly, “Of course My Dearest Pearl, any time you wish.” Focusing on the film again after a weak smile you shared the snacks then climbed out dried off and pulled on your tank top and shorts over one of the more comfortable pair of lingerie Thorin had bought you. As Thorin tossed the wet towel into his hamper he drained the tub and shut off the tv and led you into his bedroom. Your former spot on his right was swapped for his right due to your bruised arm. Snuggly he curled you against his side planting a kiss on your forehead as you mumbled, “Just a warning I might fall asleep.” As he switched the film on in this room making his smile grow back.
“When you do I’ll hold you tighter. Get as much sleep as you wish My Dearest.” Planting another kiss on your forehead.
Slowly as the film played on you wrapped around him tighter making him hold you tighter in return, forcing back his tears at his inability to help you through this in any other way until he was on his side tangled with you completely and finally fell asleep himself after a long slew of Khuzdul sentiments muffled in your hair between his gentle pecks.
Pt 6
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thesinglebrokebitch · 5 years
Always be my maybe...
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You’ve seen that Netlfix movie about the guy and girl who grew up so close to one another. They were like brother and sister yet at the same time they had some sort of thing between them. You make a pack with someone about if we both are single at this age its just going to happen. We all probably have had that conversation at least once in our life regardless if it was joking or something sincere. But what do you do when that something is gone?
August 2nd has always been a day to celebrate for the last 20 some years. Its both my step brothers birthday at the same time it is the birthday of the unbiological sister/friend that I’ve known since I was 11. 
August 2nd is no longer a day I can look at the same.
I always told my dad I wanted to go to Sturgis. I would say I will go with or without him at least once in my life but as a “father” felt it would be maybe something he’d want to see his daughter go in without being in a drunken state of mind with a bunch of random people. Finally after years of trying to make it happen, it happened. 2018 was my first time getting to go. I would meet with my dad and his friends so that together we could start the ride.
August 2nd 2017 I woke up and finished packing my bag to drop off for the trailer to take my things. I ran home to call Megan and wish her a happy birthday but her phone was off and I couldn't blame her for sleeping in. I sent my text instead, finished my last minute things and headed out of town. Now for some, we all have our own way of thinking what we feel. For me, I spent a few summers on my dads bike. We would try and make it a thing to make a yearly summer bike trip somewhere. I find the ride to be relaxing, a time to literally block out almost anything distracting, take in the smells, feel the moment and at times, let the adrenaline rush. Barely a half hour out of town we stop for our first break. We file into a little small town bar, the kind where locals are regulars that help keep the lights on and everyone knows one another within 2 hours of the place. From there on out, the rest of my trip will change.
While sitting and talking with my dad Megan calls me back so I answer it announcing happy birthday. The other end of the phone doesn't seem to concerned about her day but more so mine. I’ll never forget the first words out of her mouth. “Are you siting down?”. That is such a random questioned to be asked. I figured she was preparing me for news that someone is engaged or someone new is pregnant. I don't think much of it. But then the words to follow are what shut me up. “Brandon is gone.”
Now Brandon is gone could mean a number of things if you know Brandon but its not like he’s ran away from a situation but he’s gone. He’s no longer there. I can’t wrap my head around what I am being told, it makes no sense. She continues on that her sister found out and was told to call me before I was to read something is posted online. My mind is blank.
I reach out to his brother and his mother. I am sitting and waiting for a response on who to call first. Finally Paula calls me. I am told the story. No on has heard from him, he’s missed doctor appointments which is unlike him so they reached out to her. She tells me she called the surrounding hospitals to see if he was there or brought in but nothing. She explained the process of having to go to his apartment, wait for the manager and then wait for the police. At this point, it feels like a bad dream. A very bad dream. She explains that his body failed him and that he is gone. I swallowed the largest lump in the world when she is done and for a second I think about one of the most important people in his life, mom. Brandon’s grandma is mom. There is no need to explain this nor should it be questioned. Just like that the phone is handed over. Bev (mom) in the voice of reason gets on the phone, I’ll forever be their red head, and that's when it all comes rushing out and I can no longer hold it together. It’s like someone turned on the faucet and I am now ugly crying. Bev is the adult when you’re an adult looking for an adult to help you. She is always caring, laughing, loving and taking in more to add to her family. I pull myself together and continue on my trip. Emotions on high edge and holding myself together for the best of it.
So let me explain why Brandon. The neighborhood we grew up in, we were a bunch of misfits. Our own kind of misfits. We were a family of our own. No one could ever say they didn't have anyone or a family where we came from. Bev would let Brandon and Marcus load into their apartment to play video games. There would be a entry way filled with shoes and skate boards. Her husband Paul would sit in the living room and watch us all run in and out of their place always yelling at us to be safe or not to do anything stupid. He may have looked annoyed, he loved each and everyone of us. I was his red head. Brandon and Marcus took me in as a little sister as I was being raised by a single mom. My mother worked in the city and the drive time home wasn't the shortest. The neighborhood was always there for us. On the weekends Bev, Paul and my mom would take us to breakfast. I would watch Brandon layer on all the syrup in the world on his pancakes and you couldn't tell that in his body. He looks like a bean pole. He was always loud, sometimes inappropriate, couldn't keep secrets, emotional at times, and loved everyone around him. Brandon was my brother growing up but when you’re not blood family and you grow up, you can look at someone a little different. I watched Brandon struggle through relationships at times. This is the guy who wore his heart so deeply on his sleeve and would give you his whole heart without doubting you’d ever hurt him. When he loved, he loved with every inch of who he was and every inch of his soul. You want to talk about a guy showering you with gifts, this guy would shower a girl with endless love and never would a girl have to question it. He’d plaster it everywhere for everyone to know. We would have many heart to hearts about needing to let some girls go when things ended and look to the future. We always joked around that when he was 35 and I 31 that we would be together if we had no one. He would bring this up whenever things would go bad or he was missing Paul. When they say you should be with someone who is your best friend, I could see myself with my best friend. Brandon had nothing but good intentions with a heart of gold and health that couldn't allow him to live his life to the fullest. From Disney movies, skate parks, cats, moshpits, family love, idling his brother and so much more will Brandon always be within us. 
So what do you do when your someone maybe is gone?
It’s been almost 1 year and I still have my count down running with his name on it.
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How To Use Landscaping For Privacy
Landscaping around a throw away.is it even possible? Yes, an individual will reason to think away from the box a bit. And to do this, you truly treat your shed as an independent entity. very much like your house. Instead of ignoring your shed's existence, try to landscape in this particular way that you actually accentuate your shed's beauty.
Some worth mentioning offenders was a raised plants border around a big old christmas tree. We made our first circle around the tree, along with stacked two more layers on surface of them, staggering the pieces as we went. By turning the concrete pieces upside down for the rough side to show, my recycled flower bed, looks similar to a very expensive Landscaping project and I have gotten many compliments about it! We had to sort and chose appropriate sizes, and even break a few to fit, but it definately is pretty and didn't cost a dime!
Clean possession. Hire a maid for the day or more effective but she'll appreciate it even more if we did it. Have mom just take a moment and relax even though someone else does all the laundry, dishes, cleaning and cooking prize. It is possible to even steam clean the carpet and get the property searching as great as new again.
Use in ground bulbs. You may not realize it, but some landscape lights can be recessed into the ground where they are hidden from sight. It's a great way to clean up designs for your lawn. Because most ground lighting systems use 120-volt electricity, which isn't advisable employ a do-it-yourself projects, you should consult an authorized professional.
When consider care of one's yard number of bound to less issues with it soon after in the. Pulling weeds and watering and cutting the grass yearly can save a lot of time when you really want your lawn looking its best. Can you imagine purchase barely ever pulled weeds or trim your grass? Your yard would probably start to turn into a forest simply no one would ever desire to spend amount of your outdoor. Things like watering, weeding, and cutting are the things which should be made often. Planting flowers and the like can certainly be a seasonal task. However, it is crucial that it gets done because that means less stress later.
When you mow your lawn, it a concept to leave some of this glass clippings where they fell. Extremely healthy ingredients . supply some great nutrients to some lawn as the grass decomposes, and realize that some not need add fertilizer to your lawn the maximum as it appears as though have more.
Personal accessories can certainly be a great choice. Choose something to adorn their hair or personal grooming items they have been eyeing. A present certificate for only a luxurious massage, day at the spa clearly manicure could also please them greatly. They love being pampered and cared for.
The customer landscape is always changing. If don't would like your business going down with ever drastic change, you need to be in order to adapt to this landscape. The net income is how one can will you can from retaining your customers and keeping them to spread the word about business. Use various marketing strategies and tools and follow the guidelines above.
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Filling Out USCIS Kind N-four hundred Software For Naturalization
Filling Out USCIS Form N-400 Application For Naturalization
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Starbucks Via is packaged completely in individual sachets unlike most of the opposite immediate coffee brands on evaluate which are available in jars. The ramen making process is no simple process even with the assistance of machineries. Interviewer: How would you describe the application and interview process? On the whole, plants will probably be bushy and flower in 7-eight weeks. She was merely the answer to my curiosity. That they had a barely above average crispiness to them, and a tiny little bit of kick with a good vinegary taste for me. Or one really enthusiastic (and hungry) fry fan. Bottom line, the tacos had a lot to stay as much as, given that tacos from south of the border are sometimes laborious to duplicate wherever else, for whatever reason. My daughter is a self-proclaimed "burger connoisseur" and these are her favourite quick-meals burgers. wethersfield connecticut Arby's is selling Roast Burgers. The new proprietor plans to develop a restaurant at the site, says Jake Wilson, Mall of Louisiana normal supervisor.
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the-grumpy-panda · 7 years
Seasonal Smelling Salts!
Oh, boy. It happened again. Someone needs to remind me daily to stay out of stores' seasonal sections (alliteration is fun!) from August to April. It's an onslaught of seasonal candy and foods, and I am putty in the hands of such commerce and decorations. I know better. I'm on the ruse that the whole Halloween food section is set up just for suckers like me. I know I don't need them. Heck, I don't even celebrate any of the holidays. I'm a damn fool!   I'll do better next year, I swear! Oh, look! An end cap display with a cartoon bat! Gimme the stuff! So what edible fare did I get lulled into throwing into my basket this time? Lots of things. Too many things. Most of these things were found at Target, a couple from my local grocer. Let's take a taste. -Cookie Butter Oreo! Truth be told, I had never heard of cookie butter before this Oreo was announced. Am I shunned now? Apparently it's a big to do. After eating this cookie, I can't say I get the fuss. Granted, an Oreo cookie version is a slight bastardization of whatever the "cool" and "original" brand/version is, but still. This merely tasted of a graham cracker with a graham cracker cream (and a grainy cream at that) to me. Is that what cookie butter is? It was an alright cookie if you like graham crackers, but it left me altogether unimpressed as a whole. -Werther's Pumpkin Spice Soft Caramels! Delicious. For a moment I had forgotten these were anything besides regular caramels. I was so in the mood for a Werther's caramel I popped one in and reveled in the familiar deliciousness of a Werther's. Then a hint of something caught me at the back end, and I almost let out a whispered "Oh, yeah..." It's a good compliment of flavors here. The spice is second fiddle to the caramel, as it should be, it's not overdone, and it's a very good balance of new and familiar. Thumbs up for these. I could see these becoming a yearly treat, kept on hand for very cold days to enjoy with some hot tea. I think a citrus tea. I don't know why. I probably heard that Alicia Vikander likes citrus tea. So it's on hand. Just saying... Unless she hates citrus tea. Then I have whatever it is she does enjoy. Or will have. Once she calls me... -Tastykake Pumpkin Pie! To its credit, this is a solid little pie and is loaded with filling. Unfortunately, that's where the good credits ends. The crust is just a little too bland to add anything and the filling is a bit too runny, almost like pie filling before it's baked. The filling flavor kind of reminds me of a frozen pumpkin pie one might get for Thanksgiving, but nowhere near as good.  My immediate thought when the filling hit my taste buds was "Ew, it tastes like baby food." even though I have no idea what baby food tastes like. There is a different "glazed pumpkin pie" version as well, but I didn't find that one to try. -Nestle Toll House Pumpkin Cobbler cookies! These are the packaged, break and bake variety. Described as 'cookie dough with pumpkin, oats, spices and a pumpkin pie filling.' Opening the package, the first thing I noticed was the dark amber color of the dough. Then upon placing them on the baking sheet, I took note of the gooey filling. Looked and moved like a soft caramel. I must tell you, they smell AMAZING while baking. I want this smell embedded in my skin. I want a blanket made of this smell.  I've never known a pre-packaged consumable to smell so... authentic? Classic? Like real life? I don't know how to put it, but I love it. Could the taste even come close to matching the smell? I am pleased to say YES. This is like the best oatmeal cookie a house full of adoring grandmas came up with. Even if you don't like oatmeal cookies (or pumpkin) give this one a try. Or don't. Taste is subjective. But for me, it's soft, and delicious, and comforting. The filling adds a smooth sweetness, it's not in your face pumpkin flavoring or a weird fake pumpkin taste and the spice aspect is right on point. It's not 'spicy' but someone took great care to make sure the balance of components was right. I am proclaiming this the hands down winner of the season and I hope it makes a yearly return. -Candyville Harvest S'mores Marshmallow! After nearly stabbing through my lip trying to get this thing open (don't ask about the how or why, please...I mean, it's wrapped with all the security of a Dum Dum lollipop for flippin' sake...) I was ready to throw it away. But I soldiered on. Basically a giant marshmallow coating in a thin layer of white chocolate, and then the top half gets a thin layer of milk chocolate on top of that and a dusting of graham pieces tops that. I can't say this is awful, but it's not exactly pleasant. It's fine, but it does seem old or stale, and clearly everything about it was made on the cheap using cheap ingredients. Kids probably would get a kick out of it, though. I find myself enjoying the novelty aspect of it for some reason. -Archer Farms Apple Cinnamon Pretzels! These smell remarkably like a packet of instant cider mix. They also taste like a congealed version of that, with a high portion of fake apple/acidity/tartness. This flavor isn't working for me at all. None of the components (pretzel, flavoring, white fudge coating) blend well and that tartness really hits you at the end, making it near Sour Patch Kid-like. -Hammond's Chocolatey Sea Salt Caramel Marshmallow! A marshmallow with an edging of caramel. And that's exactly what it tastes like. It's a dense marshmallow, too. Almost like a nougat. I sort of get a hint of salt, but I sense no chocolatey aspects whatsoever. Not sure how that got thrown in on the label. This is alright, but not something I'd have a second helping of. I guess your enjoyment will depend on how much you like marshmallow and caramel. -Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice Caramel Corn! With pumpkin seed kernels! Hmm. Smells of old nutmeg you found in the back of the pantry in the apartment you just moved into. Hmm. Tastes like caramel popcorn dusted with old nutmeg you found in the back of the pantry in the apartment you just moved into with the added fun of having pieces of pumpkin seed kernels stuck in your teeth all night. -Project 7 Sour Caramel Apple Gummy Bears! Well, whatever sour caramel apple gummies are supposed to smell like, these nail it. Taste wise, all I got was a green apple flavor. Not for me, but if a green apple gummy is your thing, have the rest of mine. -Land O Lakes Pumpkin Pie Spice Butter Spread! Exactly what you'd imagine. Butter with what the label simply calls "spices" but my taste buds say are a little but of nutmeg and a lot of cinnamon. Looks like a cheap pumpkin pie filling. tastes like a cheap pumpkin pie filling until the final notes reminds you it is in fact some sort of butter, and you realize the two tastes are probably best left apart. Putting it in a freshly toasted plain bagel and letting it melt (what, you don't try a small scoop of weird butter directly out of the tub first?) did help the taste some, though. It also really brought the abundance of cinnamon to the front. Alright. Time to quickly wrap this up. -Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice Biscotti! Tastes like a stale ginger bread man where they forgot the molasses and flavoring. Nothing pumpkin about this. -Archer Farms Caramel Apple Biscotti! Smells of burnt caramel and tastes of absolute nothingness. Is this a hospital meal? And with that, I retire. For the night? For the season? For all time? Until my next trip into a grocer? Who knows! 'Til then, you be you, I'll be me, and that hobo who once kissed me on the neck for giving him a dollar (true story) is probably still being him. Cheers!
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The best ways to Make Passion To A Guy! The absolute most Crucial Measures You Must Understand.
Every Wednesday on To Love, Respect and Vacuum cleaner our experts talk marital relationship, due to the fact that I adore discussing points that are going to develop your relationship. Don't stress, we are actually not going to advise that you help make poultry soup a staple in your diet to have a good relationship. Sometimes companions continuously say to the various other exactly what they really want or need to have to experience really loved, enjoyed, and also vital, and also the companion will certainly make some quick efforts to comply. Image a child that is merely satisfied to be (when they are actually certainly not bursting into tears, that is!) Make an effort switching your emphasis to being, as well as deal with an individual or even something that you like. I do not mind when our conversations receive a little monotonous & our experts lack factors to say, simply possessing you is enough making me pleased. For more l ove quotes, take a look at the popular, a site that concentrates on 'Best 10' listings from quotes in loads of groups. Therefore, yes, Commenter, I can decide to more than happy or believe moments of happiness and also internal love, despite having all that is actually going on. I feel that's certainly not only my duty however my task that can help store a much more nurturing resonance on this earth-- especially now. A woman that wants to practice is something that every man desire for, thus if you wish to make him truly pleased, provide him a possibility try one thing brand new. You will definitely find some core causes for this, and understanding these causes will definitely help you make the suitable changes. So our company could possibly boost our yearly income through hundreds of 1000s of bucks as well as still not be as happy as if our experts boosted the strength from our social connections. Therefore, make the decision to become a satisfied person as well as comply with the personal inspiration ideas listed below under. Breakup quotes are there to accept as well as happen to terms along with your breakup, aid set up and deal with your sensations, aid aim you in the ideal direction on where to go hence and also to aid you begin presuming and keeping good. Find, those may be amusing yet doing those factors create me pleased ... therefore choose't waste time on adverse notions. Imagine strolling right into your upcoming family members get-together emotion excited concerning being there and knowing that you'll leave behind feeling pleased about your entire experience. The upcoming time you discover an anti-romantic in need of romantic inspiration, allotment these adorable love quotes along with them as well as show that passion is worth seeking! Keep in mind, many individuals don't know effective ways to always keep a lady delighted therefore when you perform, you elevate on your own to a whole brand new level in a lady's eyes. While cleansing my shelf the other day, I located a book, 14,000 Factors To Be Delighted Approximately. Don't allow your personal to be owned through a sense of hazy malaise to make an adjustment merely for the benefit of modification. Nevertheless, it still pays out to create her happy through offering her something exclusive that she absolutely is worthy of. Yet my actions didn't follow what I understood intellectually as well as I located on my own counting on to be satisfied every single time one thing good occurred to me. Certain, I mored than happy for a while, however this didn't' final. Receiving exactly what he yearns for in the course of a sexual intercourse will certainly offer him far better contentment and also leaves him happy. Identifying traits that create you happy and also creating them component of your lifestyle are going to be the only method you could discover that satisfied spot. This features awaiting something to come into your lifestyle if you want to be happy. There is actually a lot in my background to propose that I ought to enjoy with the good things I have actually possessed, as well as I definitely am somewhat, but I was never ever totally delighted with on my own and also my reason in lifestyle. As our experts are actually still in January (just!) I determined this morning to create a checklist of a number of the many things that produce me delighted. If you don't find a strong woman that is content along with her life precisely as it is, you must create some major improvements. Make one thing exclusive for your man at least on the weekend break, when you possess adequate time to invest with each other. You could be actually intending an 80th birthday event for a night owl which possesses more electricity compared to the common young adult. The delighted microorganisms could be inhaled or even taken in with the skin layer while horticulture. Relationships are actually neither pleased neither troubled; it is actually an impartial as well as neutral factor produced when two people converged for whatever main reason. This belongs to your center being actually, yet appreciate that when she's around and give her your full focus if you desire to keep her delighted. I loathed being a vacant ship, and also as I began courting, I counted on that exclusive someone to follow throughout, pack me up, as well as make me pleased. Adorable life quotes are one such a way that ensure to carry on-the-spot countenance your skin. Therefore despite the fact that I wish my family members to constantly be happy, I must never ever downplay their pain or even pain, however merely let them recognize that I adore them and also when they prepare to allow it go, I'll exist in order to help all of them. I'm not coordinated, I can't fill in the space, I'll certainly never be happy given that stuffing in the blank once more and more, you add another brick to the wall of heartache. The colorful questions with brilliant components should shock the participants in the X-mas party. Appears alone may produce a guy desire you sexually, however if you wish him to fall in affection, commit to a partnership, as well as observe you as his one and only, at that point appears alone won't suffice. Yet simply saying no to something you appreciate, whether it is actually gelato or even moving and various other facets from an unique, daring sex lifestyle, are going to not create your need for this vanish. Today I was behind an individual in visitor traffic which determined they were actually going to create a right turn. Our joy my close friends is one thing that our experts should service without enabling other individuals's action to affect it or to have an adverse impact on this. Make a point of living a delighted lifestyle without permitting other people's activity determine the way you are trying to reside your life. YOU are the only one who could make you think better and by not doing anything will certainly receive you no place. She likes all of them for being actually males, except just what they might be. Males are actually generally satisfied that women are girls. That is true that costs and youngsters could create us quite burnt out, but if our experts placed that all apart as well as planning to the future with enthusiasm, our team become pillars of a great relationship. I performed certainly not change my task, find a brand new other half, or move to a different area to be happy. According to the site (n.d.), joy is an option in lifestyle that YOU must make In case you cherished this post along with you wish to get more information concerning yellow pages residential listings uk, alegreme2017.info, kindly go to our own web site. .
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Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
For those of us bored to tears by the prospect of VR (hey remember 3D TVs everyone? #GameChanger) and not interested in the two and a half games currently out on the Nintendo Switch at the moment, it is with some surprise that Ninty seems to be actively keeping the 3DS going for a it longer now. With the Nintendo Switch supposedly covering both mobile and living room play because, you know, people love to play video games on the go. When did you last see someone playing a handheld in public? Seriously? Think about it? I haven't had a StreetPass for 4 years now let alone seen a Vita in the wild. Nobody plays games on the go. Not in the UK anyway. It's just an advert to get mugged. Anyway, with the Switch now out, we'd assumed that the 3DS like the Wii, Wii-U and Gamecube before it, would have been instantly given a handful of ketamine and put on a life support drip with nothing but a few years of being pumped full of shovelware to con parents with before officially being discontinued. However, with the announcement of the New Nintendo 2DS XL perhaps there's a few more years in the girl left yet and although you'd be hard pressed to find it reported, for those paying attention, Nintendo have been heavily investing in free to play software on the platform. To the point where, it now takes me about 3 days just to do my 'dailies' across all of them. The formula is simple, take a very popular concept, give it a Nintendo flavoured reskin. Add two tiers of currency which can be earned by progress, logging in daily, connecting online or boosted with cold hard cash. And there's tonnes of the fuckers on the 3DS. Like Diablo? Here's Pokemon Rumble World. Like match three games? Here's Pokemon Shuffle. Fan of Minesweeper? Then have five varieties of Picross games. Like FPS? Then try Steeldiver: Sub Wars. And then there's whatever Nintendo Badge Arcade is. And it's working. We're playing ALL OF THEM and with deep shame, we'll admit dropping money on most of them too. Yes even Nintendo Badge Arcade.
The latest in the free-to-play reskin a classic concept game is Team Kirby Clash Deluxe announced and released at the last Nintendo Direct. Probably. We know you come here for our thoughtful and in depth games criticism and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, it's errr, it's alright. In essence TKCD as literally nobody is calling it, is a Kirby skinned Monster Hunter, 'hunting game' without the hours of bullshit that comes with the genre.
Poor Kirby, actually the star of some very very good games that nobody buys or plays. 
There are four classes- sword man, beam mage, hammer dude and potion man. If you are reading this then I don't need to explain the archetypes of classes in these kinds of games. You'll only play as one of the team but the rest of the team can be customised by class, you can download three visitors from the Internet a day or in the rare event that you encounter another 3DS player in real life you can undertake missions over WiFi.
From left to right the classes are; cabbage saleswoman, royal gardener, employment law specialist and the King's taster 
Free to Play layered currencies as standard. The pissy currencies used to make new weapons and armour is earned from beating 'monsters' as well as the most toothless form of Amiibo intergration- up to five Amiibo can be scanned a day to earn rewards, Amiibo from the Kirby series earn you slightly more. The currency you want, gem apples, are earned from a daily login and by clearing missions, sub-missions and milestone achievements for the first time. Gem apples are needed to unlock monster hunts, buy equipment and gear and very quickly the rate at which you earn them plateaus out. New tiers of gear is locked behind clearing 'ordeals' which are bosses you have to pay gem apples to unlock. There are also days of the week bonuses, there to make sure you don't miss a day, so on Sunday if you buy gem apples you can get more. On the other days of the week there are slight boosts to the fire, water and lightning element drop rates which are needed to buy equipment. The 'hunting' itself is actually quite fun. It occurs on a 2D plane with some of the bosses dipping into the foreground and background for invincible attack bullshit. Surprisingly, there's some depth to the classes which almost makes me wish we had a friend to play this through together over WiFi. The cabbage saleswoman can pause time with here cabbage stick, the royal gardener can create a defensive bubble, the employment law specialist is slow but packs a punch and the King's taster is the healer. Bosses are a mix of new Kirby foes and returning classics from the Kirby games that none of you played. Considering the 2D arenas, there is an element of learning the attack patterns of bosses before you can beat them and then beat them quicker to earn medals and sub-quest gem apples. It's free to play so I don't know why we've just written this review. Just download it. See for yourself. If you like Kirby (who doesn't?) and are easily seduced and addicted by reward mechanisms then give it a spin. Now if you'll excuse me, It's time for the yearly check on my Nintendog....
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Rawalpindi board English 10th Notes Chapter 4
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Rawalpindi board English 10th Notes Chapter 4 (First Aid) Include review questions, solved exercises, important board questions, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, MCQs, and grammar.
Grammar English 10th Notes Chapter 4
Q.1) Place adverbs at appropriate places. i) l am happy when it is my birthday, (always) ii)  My brother gets up at six o’clock from Monday to Friday as he goes jogging. (often) iii) He went to the market, (last night) iv)  Have you been to Hunza Valley? (ever) v) The birds were chirping, (beautifully) vi)  I'm waiting for Khalid to arrive. I have been waiting for over twenty minutes! (still) vii) He saw a blind beggar, (in the market) Answer: i) I am always happy when it is my birthday. ii) My brother often gets up at six o’clock from Monday to Friday as he goes jogging. iii) He went to the market last night. iv) Have you ever been to Hunza Valley? v) The birds were chirping beautifully. vi) I'm still waiting for Khalid to arrive. I have been waiting for over twenty minutes! vii) He saw a blind beggar in the market. Q.2) Find a suitable adverb to replace each adverb phrase in the following sentences. i) Our teacher wanted that work to be done without delay. ii) She iswithout doubt the most caring person I have met iii) This plant flowers once every year. iv) You should complete the work in a while. v) The two old friends met each other by accident. Answer: i) Our teacher wanted that work to be done immediately. ii) She is doubtlessly the most caring person I have met iii) This plant flowers yearly. iv) You should complete the work shortly. v) The two old friends met each other unknowingly. Q.5) Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Subject in the passive sentences may be skipped. i) You must put out all smoking materials. ii) You must fasten the seat belt. iii) They will demonstrate safety precautions. iv) You should read the safety instructions. v) You can store small packages in the overhead compartment. Answer: i) All smoking material must be put out. ii) The seat belt must be fastened. iii) Safety precautions will be demonstrated by them. iv) The safety instructions should be read by you. v) Small packages can be stored by you in the overhead compartment.
Writing Skills
Q.1) Write a paragraph on “How to take care of cuts and scrapes”. Use transitional devices e.g. first, next, then, after that, in the end etc. to join sentences within the paragraph. Any injury can cause pain by cutting or scraping. It can be safely treated through cleaning and clearing the bruises at home to reduce the infections and speed up healing. Following is the guideline for how to take care of cut and scrape. Firstly, try to stop bleeding by putting pressure on the area with a tissue, gauze pad, or clean cloth. The bleeding should stop after a few minutes. If the blood soaks through the gauze or cloth, add more gauze or another cloth and apply more pressure. Don’t remove the gauze or cloth to check to see if it is still bleeding until you have kept the pressure for several minutes. Next, after you stop bleeding, rinse the cut thoroughly with cool water. You can either hold the wound under running water or pour water from a cup over the wound. After that, apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream to the wound. If the rash appears, stop using the cream. Do not forget to cover the wound to keep scratch safe from bacteria and germs. And change the dressing on daily basis. Lastly and importantly, always keep a check on the signs of infection i.e. wound redness, raising pain, liquid flow etc. In such cases, seek doctor's assistance. Q.2) Did you ever get cuts and scrapes? How did you give yourself first aid? Write a paragraph in the past tense. First, make an outline with the help of the mind map given below.
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Learning to ride a bicycle for the first time is fun yet, frightening. It was a cloudy beautiful morning in summer. I took my bicycle, newly gifted by my father on my eighth birthday without any assistance. The road of my street is wide and clear. I mounted my bike and started paddling. I stumbled first but then balanced myself and gave my bike some speed which increased gradually. It was quite fun. Suddenly, I heard horn of a car from behind. As I turned my head to the back, I don’t know what happened and when I gained my conscious back, I was in a hole and bike on my side. The hole was not very deep. I couldn’t make sense of the accident from where the hole comes from, in the middle of the road. I stood up, dusted off my clothes and started looking for the bruises I got. At that moment I was feeling pain but not much, since I was scared to death because of the car horn. I held back my tears, took my bicycle and started running towards my house, stumbling and jittering. I didn’t tell my mother just to avoid her anger, went to my room silently and inspected my bruises. Now I was really feeling pain in my toes and knees. Along with that, I also had scratched my lips which were bleeding. I rinsed my wounds with cold water and covered the bruises with tissue paper. I took some ointment cream, polyfax from my mother's drawer and spread it over the scratched and cuts. As I felt a little satisfied, I went to the mirror to scrutinize myself. To my horror , I lost my tooth. That gave me a twinge of pain. I started crying louder this time. My mother came to my room and shocked by surprise. After that I faced the music for going outside alone. Riding a bicycle for beginners need high level of precautions. Helmet, knee pads and shoes are mandatory to wear to avoid these loses. Q.2) Answer the following questions. i) Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is a perfect model and example for all mankind. Explain. Answer: Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is a perfect model for all humankind. He is the best epitome of justice, equity and fair dealing. He never favored unjustly, that even his worst enemies used to bring their suits for justice. He followed the rules according to the rules given by Allah. ii) Write a note on Chinese New Year celebrations. Answer: Chinese New Year celebration starts from January 21st till February 20th. Families visit each other, devouring heavy feasts typically made for the event. Doors and wall are decorated with red wall hangings and frames, inscribed with the word fu. Red color is customary to wear. Even the envelopes given to children are red in color. It symbolizes good spirits. Thorough cleaning of houses is customary before the New Year event starts. That wards off bad spirits from the houses. Henceforth, Chinese New year celebration is associated with welcoming of good spirits that keeps bad luck and troubles away for the year. iii) Why is trying again important in life? Answer: iv) Write the First Aid Process of cuts and scrapes. Answer: 1. Trying again is important in life as it gives courage to face the challenges and never losing hope when you are on the way of success. As failure is a stepping stone in the process of succeeding. Trying hard keeping you persistent and build up your courage to embrace success. 2. Any injury can cause pain by cutting or scraping. It can be safely treated through cleaning and clearing the bruises at home to reduce the infections and speed up healing. Following is the guideline for how to take care of cut and scrape. Firstly, try to stop bleeding by putting pressure on the area with a tissue, gauze pad, or clean cloth. The bleeding should stop after a few minutes. If the blood soaks through the gauze or cloth, add more gauze or another cloth and apply more pressure. Don’t remove the gauze or cloth to check to see if it is still bleeding until you have kept the pressure for several minutes. Next, after you stop bleeding, rinse the cut thoroughly with cool water. You can either hold the wound under running water or pour water from a cup over the wound. After that, apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream to the wound. If the rash appears, stop using the cream. Do not forget to cover the wound to keep scratch safe from bacteria and germs. And change the dressing on daily basis. Lastly and importantly, always keep a check on the signs of infection i.e. wound redness, raising pain, liquid flow etc. In such cases, consult the doctor. Q.3) Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Since the advent of the Internet, there have been profound changes in the way we live, work or play. Firstly, the Internet has brought e-mail to the masses, which made it possible to send messages, digital photos, music, and videos to anywhere in the world instantly. Gone are the days when it took about fifteen days for a letter from Lahore to reach San Francisco. Besides e-mail, further innovations like instant messaging has also become the norm. With a web camera, users can actually see each other on the computer monitor and speak to each other through a microphone at no extra cost. In the past, this convenience was only available to companies that could afford highly expensive video conferencing equipment at exorbitant charges. The effect of this technological development is thai people are able to stay in close touch with each other even though they are thousands of kilometres apart. Not iong ago, this was only possible in science fiction movies and our fantasies, internet has also changed the way we access information. In the past, one had to search books, magazines and libraries if one needed to know something. Now, search engines e.g. Google and Yahoo give us a list of websites that provide the information that we need. There are even free online dictionaries, encyclopedias and maps. As technology advances, the impact of the Internet will be even more profound in the future. Now It is up to us to use its power to serve mankind in a positive way. Questions 1.    What is the first change that internet has brought in our lives? 2.    How have search engines revolutionized access to information? 3.    Internet has brought people closer. How? 4.    Find words from the passage that mean the same as phrases given below.         a.  far greater or higher than is reasonable         b.   the quality of being or making things easy  5. Write a precis of the given passage and suggest a suitable title for it. Answer: 1. Internet has changed our way of living, completely.  Through emails, we can easily send instant messages, photos, and videos anywhere around the world. Beside a camera, user can see each other from far distant area at a very cheap cost. Any information can be searched through the search engines with a single click. 2. Search engines have revolutionized the search, as it provides us lists of information related to any field of life with a single click that is accessible to everyone. We do not have to spend hours in libraries to search a book or piece of journal. 3. Internet is accessible to everyone, everywhere with cheap cost. People can communicate with each other, sitting miles apart and send instant messages and do video chats. Hence, it has brought people more closely. 4. (a) Line no. 5: equipment at exorbitant charges can be replaced by far greater or higher than reasonable.                                                                                                              (b) Line no.9;”even more profound in future" can be replaced by the quality of being or making things easy. 5. Internet has revolutionized the world through changing the lifestyle by introducing. Emails, instant messages, videos and picture on a single click. It has revolutionized the search by introducing search engines, like Google, yahoo etc. which take a split of second to provide ample of information regarding any subject hence, saves us from wasting our time by inducing our heads in book shelves in libraries. Everything is available at the cheapest cost which was beyond imagination before. Now it depends on us how we take it.             Title: "Internet -a bliss for Mankind" Q.4) Write a paragraph on any ONE of the following topics. i)  Land Pollution ii) The subject I like the most in school Answer:                                                    Land Pollution What is beneath your feet? A floor, made up of bricks. What comes next?  Underground pipelines. Beneath that, we have soil, sand, rocks, etc that form the earth. We imagine these basic foundations of our planet to be a kind of pristine, internal wilderness but that is not the case. We are the ones that cause changes to the world, negatively. We can see many of the changes we've made to the world, some of our impacts are virtually invisible, and land pollution is a good example. Factories are causing smoke that pollutes air and water as well through the oil drifting over the ocean, but the poisons that seep from underground mines, the garbage tipped into landfills by the truckload, or the way the very soil that feeds us is turning to dust. Land pollution, in short, is a much bigger and more subtle problem than it might appear. The land pollution is caused by solid wastes and chemicals. One of the major pollution problems of large cities is disposal of solid waste material including farm and animal manure, crop resi­dues (agricultural wastes), industrial wastes including solid fuels, garbage, paper, cardboard, plastics, rubber, cons­truction rubbish, brick, sand, metal and glass resulting from demo­lition of buildings, dead animals like dogs, cats and birds. Huge quantities of unwanted material cause serious disposal problems. Further, many of the chemicals emitted into the air such as radioactive minerals, sulphur, and lead, eventually come to earth to pollute the soil. Many pesticides and herbicides are harming the soil causing loss of fertility. In forest ecosystems, these chemical pollutants may inhibit processes of soil formation, and reduce the capacity of the forest to maintain fertility of the soil that eventually will cause shortage of vegetation as well as wood and other useful things. To save the earth from destruction, we need to introduce “recycling” of waste materials.  We also have to introduce organic food and organic farming that could lessen the use of artificial pesticides. Technologies, such as bioremediation can help in clearing out pollutants from land need to be used. Phytoremediation is a similar concept but involves using plants, such as willow trees, to pull contaminants from the soil. These will facilitate in cleaning environment. It realizes us that earth is a limited and precious resource.                                       The subject I like the most in school  Out of six subjects at school, Mathematics is my most favorite subject. No doubt some people find it difficult, dull and colorless but for me it has worth.  It gives me a level of satisfaction and interest while studying. I can solve problems related to mathematics for hours without getting bored. My aim in life is to become a mathematics professor or mathematician someday. The major reason why I like mathematics is that I do not have to memorize everything like a parrot the way I have to do in other subjects. To acquire good marks in mathematics you just need to have sufficient mental logic for the subject. This subject is also demanding in various education fields. This is the only subject in which you can score full marks and raise your overall percentage. The most amazing part of this subject is that you just have to remember some formulas to solve the problems. It is needless to say that mathematics is a very logical subject and does not require any kind of boring memory work like other subjects. For me remembering facts and dates is very difficult while mathematical reasoning is quite easy. Some of my friends find this subject very difficult. I wonder why. In my spare time, I help my friends to solve mathematical problems. As far as mathematics is concerned, homework and tests are easy to achieve. I really get surprised to see my classmates getting punished for not completing the mathematics homework. However, every individual on this earth has his/ her own kind of likes and dislikes. Q.5) Write a general essay on any ONE of the following topics. i) Traffic Problems of a Big City ii) School Discipline Answer:                                        Traffic problems of a big city Big cities have bigger problems. Traffic is one of the major concerns of big cities. Authorities remodel streets and roads to avoid traffic. But does it solve the problem? Traffic control in the big city, like Rawalpindi, is challenging. Increase in the number of vehicle day by day is causing troubles for pedestrians, and residents of the city. What is the reason behind the increase? People from rural areas are rushing towards metropolis of cities to make bright future. Banks are offering loans for cars. And lack of responsibility to follow the rules, among the drivers Big cities are bloodlines for a country’s economy. These centers generate great amounts of revenue through business activity and industrial estates. The facilitated lifestyle in big cities attracts more and more village dwellers to migrate to the cities. The rapid expansion of urban cities in Pakistan has generated many problems for its residents that contaminate the cities. As many dwellers set in cities as much land is required to live. For which trees are cut down, and forest are cleared off. This creates an imbalance in nature as well. Furthermore, an easy access to cars through bank loans has increased the number of vehicles on roads. The city roads are always crowded by trucks, buses, motor cars, scooters, and cycles which create chaos on the main roads of the city. People are attracted to the offer due to lack of public transport. The irregular expansion has caused a disrupted road network in the cities. This expansion in vehicles consumes a large portion of fuel, which release in the air causing air pollution. Last but not least, expanding traffic network arises the next challenge of implementing traffic rules. The traffic sergeants are at every signal but the people disregard their signs either deliberately or unknowingly. A lot of people driving on the roads are unaware of these rules and eventually causes loss of many precious souls. The government needs to take immediate steps toward this issue. The city was expanded irregularly on one side and the absence of facilities in the newly found towns draws its residents to drive to other parts of the city to shop for their necessities. Lack of proper public transports pushes everyone to keep his own vehicle. And with the ongoing construction projects and absence of proper alternative routes, the traffic jams have added to the woes of people. To wrap it up, I would suggest that in future all the big cities should be planned, keeping in mind the next 60 years expansion. Read the full article
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