#I really love what the dlc did with Yuffie and can’t wait to see what they do with her in Rebirth
fullbattleregalia · 2 months
I hate it when my brain supplies summaries of fics that don’t actually exist, but I would really like to read. For example:
“Hojo wants his lab specimen back. The AVALANCHE crew wants their friend back. And Yuffie? Well, she’s never stolen an entire person person before, but she’s open to diversifying. Anything to stick it to Shinra, right?”
Basically, Cloud gets recaptured by Shinra sometime after Remake, and Yuffie breaks him out when she happens to be passing through for unrelated, materia-theft reasons. This turns into a road trip comedy to find the rest of the group. (At some point Hojo dies. Possibly to a mako-mutated tonberry, because quite frankly he deserves it.) Please join me in imagining Cloud and his nonexistent social skills trying to deal with a hyperactive, teenage, kleptomaniac ninja one-on-one. And also using the buster sword to yeet Yuffie at the enemy. And Yuffie putting all her amazingly unsubtle efforts into making Cloud emote like a human and just generally poking him with a metaphorical stick, because it’s fun, and she can.
And I don’t know FF7 lore well enough to just write this for myself. 😑 Argh.
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