#I sleep so peacefully at night knowing Dean can never say no to sam 😌
monstersandbrothers · 1 month
I know this isn’t like news but oh my god. Dean breaks sooooo fast when it comes to sam. He has the hardest principles in the WORLD until it comes to sam. Fresh blood “i’ve been looking up to you since i was fOUR DEAN” “alright, we’ll hole up.” and then in s14 he’s so adamant that he will not be talked out of his plan to be buried in the ocean trapped with Michael and even tells sam as much and avoids sam for as long as he possibly can because he KNOWS sam will talk him out of it. And then oh would you look at that. One pouty little brother face and one “please” and one brotherlover fistfight hug and dean folds like an origami swan. Well shit Okay Sammy let’s go home. god it’s so sexy. He never stood a chance against the insane littlebrotherism. ITS SO SEXY
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