#I wanna pretend it’s only white peoples doing this shit so bad but c’mon y’all
starlooove · 7 months
Listen I’m never gonna knock how u engage in fandom but I need my fellow black and brown siblings to STAND UP! You are letting white people influence you to attack other poc over a difference in opinion on a convo that white person shouldn’t even be in.
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Hell and Back Pt.1
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, drug use, mentions of death/the dead, parental neglect, mentions of selling hard drugs, brief mention of drugging, self deprecating thoughts, near death.
Word Count: 4.5k
Songs: Trouble Dont Last Always- Rev Timothy Wright, Violent- carolesdaughter, Feel Better- Penelope Scott, Kids- Current Joys, Never (feat. O_super)- Mag.Lo, Weary- Solange, Sleepwalk (Remastered 2010) Santo & Johnny, Dark Red- Steve Lacy, Glitter- 070 Shake. 
“‘I wish I could be a religious person. They always seem so happy and carefree. To be able to put that much trust into something or someone. I know you were never religious but your family was. My family isn’t really all that religious but they did always feel like prayer could solve all. I’d been praying my whole life and not one had ever been answered. All my family is a bunch of hypocrites and sinners, but hey hate the sin not the sinner right? Ha yeah right.”
A/N: The part two of this chapter should be out soon and there was only two proof reads sorry for any mistakes. 
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October 13th 
‘Dear Rose, This is stupid, this shit is for white people. Wait let me try again.’
I ripped the paper in half. I was trying to do that thing where you write letters to dead people to help you get over their deaths or whatever. I never had a diary and I felt stupid doing this in the first place so it was definitely hard. 
I was sitting in one of the queen-sized beds of the hotel room with an empty college-ruled notebook. I heard Bri and MJ go down to get breakfast, but I pretended to be asleep, I wasn’t hungry.
I’d already ripped three pages out but, I was going to do this, I started it and I wasn’t gonna back out now. 
‘So I don’t really know why I’m doing this but I miss you, like a lot. I cried last night. For like the first in at least 6 months. I don’t know why I felt that was important, but it was relieving. I’m in the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stayed (legally) at right now. You’d like it. It's just a Marriott but it’s pretty big. I don’t know if I believe in heaven (or a God even), but I truly hope you’re there right now. I know I’m probably not going if it is real. If it is I know you and my mom and everyone else is there and I just don’t want earth to be the last time I saw y’all. I just feel ungrateful because I’m not happy. I’m not happy to be where I am right now. I know I’m better off than almost everyone else in Melrose but I didn’t earn my spot. I lied and cheated my way to where I am. 
I remember that one argument we had. The biggest one back when you first started selling. I had the audacity to get mad at you for just trying to provide for your family. Then became everything I despised. I was trying to look back on the “good days”. Which was depressing because looking back at what we thought were goods days were just days that weren’t terrible. 
At least when you were selling you never lost yourself. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I just feel burnt out. 
Yesterday me and Bri were fooling around in the hotel which was fun so I guess that’s good. I’m tryna stick to the positives of my day. Another good thing was that I found one of Jay’s hoodies in my bag . It’s pretty comfortable. I miss him too. I’m trying not to think about all the people I’ve lost because that list could go on for eternity. I might do this again, I don’t know it doesn’t feel so stupid anymore. I’m burning this note though. I know you always said no one lives forever but why’d you have to go so soon, the good ones always do. If there’s truly life after death tell my mom I love her for me and I love you too.
Sincerely Y/N,’
October 14th 9:03am
‘I wish I could be a religious person. They always seem so happy and carefree. To be able to put that much trust into something or someone. I know you were never religious but your family was. My family isn’t really all that religious but they did always feel like prayer could solve all. I’d been praying my whole life and not one had ever been answered. All my family is a bunch of hypocrites and sinners, but hey hate the sin not the sinner right? Ha yeah right.
I remember Ms. Williams with that stupid  “Shoot for the moon and if you miss at least you’ll be among the stars” poster. It was tacky and we were always making fun of it. I never realized how much it bothered me until now though. I’d say I have selective memory if I have any memories at all,  but that poster is seared into my mind. I think it might be because I felt like it was mocking me because she knew goddamn well none of us were making it out this city. Let alone ever getting anywhere near the stars. Now, I was the closest to the stars and out of everyone who could've been here it was me. The person who deserves it the least.
Sincerely Y/N,’
October 14th 8:57pm
‘I think the reason I’m still doing this letter thing is because I don’t wanna stop missing you because missing you was better than feeling nothing. I don’t truly think I do anymore. Which sounds bad, but I just mean I’ve gone through the grieving process which I guess means, it’s time to let you go. I’ve never actually gone through a full grieving process without someone else dying in the middle of it. I read this thing once about people having favorite people or a favorite person and I think that was you for me. It means you basically can’t function without that person and when they're not around it makes your emotions go crazy. I don’t really want to say goodbye cause I miss the feeling of you in my life, but when it comes down to it I don’t remember it much. So I guess this is the final goodbye. 
Love Y/N, ’
  I was getting really fucking tired of Thorn. I was getting tired of Y/N L/N too. Why couldn’t I just exist. I don’t wanna have to be anyone. I just wanna get high and eat fruit snacks damn. but I could never have what I want could I.
I was sitting under some storage containers in a warehouse with all these old white men working on weapons and shit. Waiting for Vulture to come in. He flew into the warehouse I could almost see the anger, radiating off of him before he stepped out of the wings. He looked oddly familiar, if I hadn’t killed off all my brain cells I probably would have made the connection sooner but it got made and that’s all that matters. 
The Vulture was Liz’s dad. 
This is a fact I could and would be using to my advantage. I pulled out my backup phone and snapped a couple pictures of the people around me as a torn up van pulled up. 
A man hopped out and Liz’s dad immediately started yelling at the man about something. He seemed to think it was funny though. Like he was high on adrenaline or something. I caught the words Avengers. Then something about Shocker and getting fired. I’m guessing the Shocker had the same idea as me to tell his family about his business. He picked up the closest weapon and fired it at the man. He instantly crumbled to the floor in ashes. That was nasty as hell. 
Now these weapons are wayyyy more dangerous than I thought. He stormed out after bestowing another man the title of Shocker. Then it was only me and the guy working on some weird weapon left. I walked over to him and knocked him out. Taking the anti gravity gun with me and some shiny thing I thought looked cool I placed a tracker with a camera and mic on the Vulture suit before leaving. 
That was about two weeks ago. Now, here I was, on the back of the truck of some random company following Vulture around like a lost dog. I should be back at the hotel right now, but I’ve never been known to do what I was supposed to. 
He was talking to someone about a plan to steal more fuel for these weapons. 
I was hiding behind a dumpster and I accidentally hit something on my way to leave. 
I know he saw me. 
I didn’t have time to think I was just running and running. I didn’t even realize I was practically hyperventilating until I made it back to the hotel. I didn’t have the key to my room. I must’ve dropped it somewhere. 
I dropped it because I’m a dumb fuckup who’s gonna get herself and everyone else killed because I could never do anything right. I’d be better off dead. 
I knew Bri and MJ were asleep and I didn’t wanna wake them up. I was sitting by the door trying to keep myself from going into a full blown anxiety attack. I pulled the hood of Jay’s hoodie over my head and pulled my legs up to my chest. 
I think I might’ve drifted off for a second because I opened my eyes and Peter was standing over me looking concerned.
“What?” I asked sitting up. 
“It’s just,” He brought his hand up to his forehead in confusion “Why are you on the floor? Are you okay?” He asked.
“I’m fine, what are you doing up?” 
“I was just walking around,” 
That wasn’t a very clear answer. Suspicious. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? Your eyes are puffy,” 
“I’m fine, probably just allergies,” He hummed like he didn’t believe my answer. 
“You can go back to your room now,” I added since he was still standing there staring at me. 
“You still never answered my question on why you were sitting out here on the floor,” 
I just ignored him and pulled the hood back over my face. 
He slid down on the floor next to me. 
“I’m not leaving until you answer me,” 
I didn’t feel like talking and honestly? I didn’t want him to leave. 
I turned to face him before saying 
“Looks like you’re gonna be here for a while then,” 
I ended up telling him eventually and he offered to let me stay in his room saying Ned wouldn’t mind. I was too tired to decline the offer. 
“Y/N,” I was awakened by Peter shaking my shoulder. 
“Hmm?” I hummed. 
“You gotta get up,” 
I rolled my eyes and pulled the throw blanket back over my head. I would have flipped over but I probably would’ve fell off the couch.  
“Everyone else is already at breakfast c’mon,” 
He pulled the blanket off of me reeling back when he brushed against my skin. 
“Y/N, you’re burning up,” 
“Mhm hm,” I hummed again turning onto my side. 
“I’m being serious Y/N get up,” 
“Ugh, fine” I exclaimed sitting up. 
“Do you feel sick?” He asked, touching my forehead again.
“I feel fine,” I said pushing his hand away. “Thank you for letting me stay here but, you seriously need to learn to stop being so repetitive,” 
I went downstairs where everyone else was eating breakfast and let MJ and Bri know I was okay. 
Now it’s really fucking stupid to smoke pre-rolls if you don’t want to be drugged but last night when I was watching out for Vulture someone offered them to me. Perks of pretty privilege I guess. MJ was all of my impulse control and she wasn’t with me so I smoked it. 
And when I tell you this shit was strong I mean it was strong. I have a high tolerance when it comes to weed because I smoke a lot but this hit hard. Surprised I wasn’t shaking. Maybe I was. 
Normally you don’t get full body highs from smoking. It’s usually edibles that do that but this wow. Couldn’t tell if this was Indica or Sativa. I thought it was Indica at first but I had too much energy for that. Maybe it was a hybrid if so, that’d explain the fog over my brain. 
I wasn’t thinking clearly I knew I shouldn’t get any closer to Peter than I already was, but I was bored. 
Now we were on top of some middle school jumping the roofs. I'm pretty sure he was only here because he wanted to keep tabs on me since he found me on the verge of a panic attack last night and currently thinks I’m sick. 
“Are you sure this is safe?” He asked.
“Yes it’s safe, don’t be a pussy,” I rolled my eyes “Besides I do it all the time,”
“So you go to D.C and jump to different roofs of a middle school all the time?”
“You know what I meant smartass,” I elbowed him lightly and he laughed. 
I laid on my back and shortly after he joined me. 
“How do they get shirts so soft,” 
“I said how do they get shirts so soft,” I sat up. 
“I don’t know probably lots of thr-” 
“C’mon let’s go down there,” I interrupted pointing at the building before hopping down. Running through the mall looking through almost every store I’d spent about $1,000 just shopping for everyone who came to mind. Eventually I walked into Zumiez with Peter trailing behind me. I was looking at the hoodies by the skateboard rack. 
“I always wanted a skateboard as a kid,” He said coming up behind me. 
“Pick one,” I nodded my head towards the rack of decks. “I’ll get it for you,” 
“ I can’t let you do that,” He said. 
“No, I insist,” I laughed at my word choice “That’s a fancy word” I laughed and he laughed too “No but for real, pick a deck and I’ll buy it for you,” He shook his head “I’m not leaving until you do,” I turned his words from the earlier night onto him.
“Fine,” he sighed walking back over to the shelf. 
After picking the rest of the accessories for the board he said. 
“I still have no idea how to ride it,” 
And with me still not thinking I said
“Ok then I’ll teach you,”
We headed back out the mall but not before I got a diamond chain because why the hell not. We were about to get on a train to head back until I interjected. 
“Wait,” I grabbed his arm. “Come with me,” 
“Are you sure this is safe?” He asked as we sat under the bridge that the train runs over. 
I laughed at his nervousness. 
“I do this all the time and I'm still here, aren’t I? Don’t be a pussy,” 
Waiting for the next train coming over I put on a song that's been stuck in my head for a while. Weary by Solange. I didn’t realize I was singing along until he complimented my voice.
“You should sing more often, you have a really nice voice.” 
“Shh” I hushed feeling my heats heating up at the compliment. Soon I felt the train coming “Just live,” 
I leaned back on my elbows and closed my eyes. I guess this was some form of therapy. The rumbling of the tracks traveled through my body. It would’ve been loud but I’ve picked up the ability to block out noises I don’t want to hear on command. After the train passed the sun was already setting. I figure I might as well get food. This would classify as the first real meal I’ve eaten in awhile. I’ve heard of people not being able to eat unless high which I never thought would or could happen to me. Right next to the restaurant we ate at. There was a 7/11. I’m not sure how many people know this but almost every night shift employee at 7/11 is a plug.
“Can you hold my bags real quick?” I asked.
He nodded so I let him know I’d be back quickly and I had to go to the bathroom 
I did not.
The employee I ran into proved my earlier statement.
He had about 10 mg of adderall and some xans. I wasn’t really planning on taking the xans, maybe I’d just sell them. I went back and forth adderall because it’d enhance my brain function instead of actually producing a high. I got two slushies and some other bottled soft 
 I put the key up to the door then slowly opened it. They were on the couch and looked up at me when they heard the door open. If I knew they weren’t gonna be mad at me for just leaving and not telling anyone, I’d actually be happy because Bri was getting along with my friends. 
“So where’d you go?” MJ asked.
“I just went out mom,”  I replied, sitting on the dresser by the door. 
“Well you clearly went shopping,” Bri said. 
“Yeah and?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry I had a babysitter,” I rolled my eyes again. “You know you can come in right?” I referred to Peter who was still standing by the door.
He moved in, still not moving any farther than the bathroom door. I moved to close the door behind him before sitting on the bed closest to me.
She moved closer to me and looked into my face. 
“Are you high right now?” She asked gazing into my eyes.
“Really?” I asked incredulously “No I’m not, and fuck you, now I’m not gonna give you your shit,” 
“No! I’m sorry,” She said and I rolled my eyes, a smile cracking onto my face “What’d you get me?” She made grabby hands at the bags. 
I handed her the one from Hot Topic. 
“There’s a whole buncha stuff in there but…” I reached into the bag and took out the socks with weed plants on them. “These,” I held them up to her. “These are mine,” 
“Alright weirdo,” she said looking through the bag. I went to go over to MJ but Bri grabbed my arm. 
“Hey where are you getting the money for this?” She asked in a hushed voice.
“Don’t worry about it,” I waved her off. 
I got MJ at least 7 books from a series she was reading and Peter said he had to go back to his room. 
I was watching a movie on Bri’s phone while MJ started reading her book. 
We heard a knock on the door.
I gave Bri a look that said I’ll get it. Then pushed off the bed. It was Liz.
“Me and some other kids are going to go down to the pool, so we were wondering if you wanna come?” 
“Yeah just gimme a second I’ll be down,” 
I ended up convincing Bri to come with me because I didn’t want it to be awkward. 
It was nice. The pool I mean. There was a slight breeze and pretty much the whole team was there. Minus MJ, Ned, and Peter. 
I didn’t really think about getting my hair wet. People were playing games toward the end of the pool. Bri was halfway in and halfway out on her phone. 
I was floating on my back. It was as if I was drifting down a long river with my eyes closed. The breeze over my body pushing me along. There was a heavy weight on my back that had been building since birth, but the water took a hold of that weight for me. 
I just lied there on my back floating and breathing. 
Things were peaceful at the pool. They however were not back at the room. 
I could not sleep. Believe me I tried. I looked through my bag with “everything” I brought. It wasn’t much since I hadn’t been home in a long time. However I did pack that cart I had in class a while back.
I was scrolling through Tiktok and remembered it was still next to me. I made a tiktok to that one audio with the whistles where you ghost the vapors on each whistle  because I thought it looked cool and I can do whatever I want on my account.
 I don’t know how long it’d be but I finally felt my eyes fall shut for the night.
When I woke up it was weird because I was already at the decathlon. I’d already been working on whatever problem it was that’d we’d gotten, but I didn’t need to because MJ had already gotten us the answer and we’d won. 
I should’ve been more excited. 
 Why wasn’t I excited? 
You couldn’t tell I wasn’t as happy as I made myself seem. I had become quite the little actress over the years and by actress I meant liar, I’m really good at lying. 
I didn’t realize Peter was missing until we’d gotten on the bus to go to the Washington Monument. 
“Hey,” MJ waved her hand in my face “You okay? You’re doing that thing where you scratch your inner arm, and you only do that when somethings on your mind.” 
She placed her hand on mine to stop me 
“So what’s up?” 
“Nothing much like you said just thinking,” 
“Everything,” I didn’t want to tell her what I was really thinking about because things would get real awkward real quick. 
MJ just wouldn't drop it though.
“There’s clearly something bothering you so just tell me what it is you can tell me anything,”
“I just told you,” I sighed. 
“Tell me what you’re really thinking about,” 
“Death,” I looked at her, who looked back at me, “There, you happy with your answer now?” 
“No,” She said and I looked at her knowing it was a look of exasperation. “Who’s death?” She asked.
“What about your death?” 
“Just wondering if it’d be painful,” 
When we pulled up Bri was standing by MJ, she didn’t want to go into the tower because of it being built by slaves. I understood that I didn’t really want to go either but my feet were moving on their own accord. 
I could’ve fallen asleep right then and there on that elevator. It was if my brain was checking in and out all day. 
I might've. I don’t know. The rip off police officer was saying something but it all sounded like gibberish to me. 
I closed my eyes and leaned on Liz’s shoulder. She patted my head and went back to whatever she was doing. Then there was an audible snap.
Followed by a jerk of the elevator.
My shot open and I looked up at the ceiling and there was a circle of singed metal.
“We’re all gonna die here,” The kid who I believe's name is Abe claimed. 
And for my sake I pretended I didn’t hear him. 
Everyone staring up at the ceiling, another student said.
“We’re freaking screwed,” 
To think I was just thinking about death less than an hour ago and here I was about to taste the sweet kiss of it. 
“I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working,” The police officer said. 
Yeah fucking right that’s what they all say. They just didn’t want us to panic but that’s exactly what I was doing. Panicking. 
“We are very safe in here,” she added. That's what they say seconds before everyone dies. 
The trap door above the elevator opened and everyone began to move again. I could feel the elevator shaking again. No way was I gonna move and risk snapping the cords. 
I was gonna die here. 
Most of the team had gotten out already. Then it was Flash’s turn and he just had to put the fucking trophy up with the rest of everyone. The elevator fell farther as he got out. I wanted to move but I couldn’t. My brain power wasn’t stronger than my muscles. I couldn’t will them to do what I needed them to. 
Something hit the ground above us and the elevator was free falling. 
It stopped second after we were launched to the ground then low and behold Spider-man 
I swear it was like he was stalking me. I’d be kinda freaked out if I didn’t know he was Peter.
When he spoke it was in a very poor accent. 
He was telling Ned not to move because he was shaking the elevator. 
He pulled the metal death box up to the doors and Mr. Harrington, Ned, then Liz got out. 
Spider-man or “Peter” said something but I couldn’t make out what exactly I was still trying to process everything. 
Then the elevator was falling, I reached out towards Spiderman but wasn’t close enough to reach him. 
A web caught my arm but I was still hanging.
Until I wasn’t. My feet were planted on the ground but my brain was moving too fast for me to keep up. 
“Y/N?” My shoulder was being shaken.
“Yeah huh?” I said trying to locate and place an identity to the voice it was Bri. 
“I was asking you if you needed a ride home,” 
Oh yeah she didn't know. 
“Uh I don’t know maybe,” 
“Alright…” She said turning back over to whoever she was talking to this time. 
Since I was the one to almost fall they wanted to check me out in one of the ambulances. 
Which I do not trust at all.
The whole medical field is a giant scam so is insurance, ask MJ she’ll tell you. 
Once we’d gotten back to the school. Everyone’s parents were all freaking out over them and asking if they were okay. Majority of everyone had already left. Peter had his Aunt. MJ had her parents. Ned has his dad. Bri had her dad. Everyone has someone.
Well almost everyone. 
Flash was still waiting too. With Mr. Harrington off in the distance. 
Then there were two 
I moved over and sat down on the curb next to him.  
“You got no one either huh?” I asked.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Fair enough. The hostility was understandable. I did punch him in the face less than a week ago.  
I kept talking though.
“My dad never picks me up from anything either. “ I didn’t really want him to but he could’ve at least asked while I was still living at that apartment and now he expects me to come back like it’s nothing. 
A car pulled up and some random white guy who was probably a chauffeur picked up Flash. 
Then there was one 
I wanted to go home but I had no home.
I guess I had one home in the cemetery. Everyone I love leaves me. That’s something I learned over the years. It applies to many and the sooner you learn that the easier life will be for you. I hadn’t been back here in the longest. I’d normally just show up and clean the graves of the people who I’d known closely. 
This was embarrassing but sometimes I’d talk to my mom. Today was one of those days I sent. I stayed talking to my mom and Rose so much for stopping the letters which I did for way longer than I thought I would. 
I was already in my old neighborhood and before I knew it I was at my “house”.
I really didn’t mean to come home. I just did before I could stop myself.
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hungergames-fanfic · 5 years
Happy 10th Birthday
It’s been a whole year and this time Efrain and me are celebrating our birthday at his apartment. A lot of people have been invited and it’s feels like the best birthday ever because this amount of people have never been at any of my birthdays.
It’s my parents, momma Bilmin and Ignacio, who was just dropped off at my house this morning. Efrain’s family is here too, even his big brother Eduardo who I just met. Wigma, Wendy, Lucas and Dallas, the boy from next door, are here too. Edwin wasn’t invited because Efrain is mad at him for not doing none when he got beat up by Kenneth. Edwin said he wasn’t tryna get jumped but Efrain said “Isa wasn’t there for a picnic either, you just a phony”. Edwin got so mad he pushed Efrain but Wigma hit him upside the head and he cried home.
When we first got here, my friends and me played outside for about an hour before momma Bilmin called us back inside to come eat. She brought everything from home and cooked it here. She brought rice, beans and beef steaks but that’s for the adults. Says for the kids she brought something different so right now we’re eating hardened tortilla chips with cheese and beef.
“They’re called nachos”, I tell Eduardo. He’s the oldest, Efrain is the youngest. He’s seventeen years old and he smells better than Felix and Omarion who always smell like burnt grass.
“So, who’s this”, Omarion points at Ignacio who has cheese all over his chin and shirt. Omarion is a tanned, green eyed, blonde haired, skinny boy who’s always here smoking with Felix out in the fire escape. Ignacio wipes the cheese off his shirt with a chip and eats it. This makes Omarion cackle loudly. He closes his eyes, tilts his head back and laughs with his mouth wide open. He’s always laughing at every little thing. It makes anybody feel funny.
“This is Ignacio, he’s my little cousin”, I chuckle and put my hand over his shoulder. Ignacio sticks out his tongue and licks his chin, smiling at Omarion. We sit in the living room. Ignacio and me are on the floor eating on a coffee table, Omarion and Eduardo, who’s quietly eating his food, sit on the two seater sofa.
Eduardo is really intimidating to me. He’s tall, slim, has light brown wavy hair, light skinned with a wide nose and thick lips. His eyes are a pretty gray just like Mrs. Oxoro and his arms are big with muscle. Efrain says he works in one of the meat factories hauling pounds of meat on a daily basis. “Bad pay but at least it makes you look good”, Efrain says Eduardo says.
In the kitchen, momma Bilmin teaches Felix how to make brownies, Omarion says he’s excited to make them special.
“Brownies are already special though”, Ignacio says. This makes Omarion go into another laughing fit. He elbows Eduardo who chuckles but doesn’t look up, he just smiles, shakes his head and eats his food.
At the dinning table, Wigma, Wendy, Lucas, Dallas and Efrain sit eating their food. Only reason Ignacio and me are so far away is cause there wasn’t anywhere else to sit. I’m okay with this, Ignacio already feels out of place so I’m keeping him close so he doesn’t feel left out. At the table with them sits Mrs. Oxoro enjoying nachos too. Next to her, standing behind her chair is Mr. Oxoro talking and eating steak with daddy who leans on the wall. Momma is out on the hallway making a phone call. She has one of those fancy cellular phones cause the Mayor constantly needs help. Daddy says he’s a useless idgit.
“Hey, you were there when Efrain got jumped right?”, Omarion whispers at me. This makes Eduardo look up at me, he wipes the corner of his lips with his thumb and sucks on it. My cheeks feel warm. I nod at Omarion.
“Dora got beat up too”, Ignacio says smiling and pointing at me with a beef covered finger. I push his hand out of my face. Omarion makes a funny grin, cringes and makes a weird noise.
“Well, I ain’t gon let people beat up on my friend”, I say. Omarion touches his chest and elbows Eduardo who looks at him and smiles.
“Damn. That shit touched my heart, I already know Felix punk ass would‘ve probably joined them”, Omarion jokes.
“Oh, word! He ain’t had any business fuckin’ with y’all in the first place, that’s his fault”, Eduardo says pretending to punch Omarion in the stomach and they both laugh so hard Omarion goes silent. I want to laugh too but I’m confused.
“Y’all talkin’ shit? I heard my name”, Felix walks up to us.
“Naw, baby we wasn’t talkin’ bout you, c’mon, c’mere sit on my lap”, Omarion pats his leg. Felix waves him off, gives him the finger and leaves. This makes Omarion laugh again. Eduardo stands up and leaves with an empty plate, he’s grinning and nodding his head again.
“So what happened?”, Omarion asks.
“Efrain says they was botherin’ him and they told him that they was gonna beat him up after class. I ain’t know until Olive came to get me”, I say.
“What did you do when you saw‘em on top?”, Eduardo asks coming back with Felix. His voice is really deep. My cheeks feel warm again. They sit down on the sofa and all three look at me. I turn to look back at Efrain who’s black eye is still a shade of purple. He’s laughing with Lucas and Wigma.
“I defended my friend”, I say, “I ain’t care bout the beatin’, I just wanted them off of him. My back still hurts too, Kenneth called me a fatty and said he was gonna break my back but then a lady showed up and stopped them”, I say taking a bite off a soggy chip.
“Bro”, Omarion laughs. “Called you a fatty and said he was gon break ya back?”, he laughs even harder. This time Felix joins and they jump on the sofa like idiots. Eduardo just shakes his head.
“That shit so cute though”, Omarion says and smacks Felix on the shoulder, “you ain’t ever fight for me bro, what’s up with that?”.
“Aye man, I’m not gettin’ my ass beat cause you wanna test my loyalty”, Felix snarks. Omarion sucks on his teeth and rolls his eyes.
“I ain’t ever been beat up before!”, Ignacio boasts.
“You wanna?”, Omarion asks with a fist in the air. Ignacio just stares wide eyed, mouth open, breathing loudly. This makes Omarion crack up again. “Yo, some bout his boy” he laughs and points. Mrs. Oxoro calls us all to the table.
This year, our cake is square and a lot bigger than usual. On it, momma Bilmin has written “Hαρρყ Bιɾƚԋԃαყ Iʂαԃσɾα & Eϝɾαιɳ” with ten candles all over. The cake icing is baby blue with yellow birds flying across it. Momma Bilmin really outdid herself with the cake this year. Everyone loves it and tells her how pretty it is.
After they’ve sung us a very loud and silly happy birthday, they tell us to blow the candles but I let Efrain do it. Just as he does, Eduardo slams his face on the cake. This makes me and almost everyone laugh. Efrain wipes his face and slaps the icing on Eduardo’s arm, who tries to run away. Wigma sneaks a taste of icing by dabbing her finger on Efrain’s cheek. Even Wendy is smiling just as big as everyone else.
When we get home, Ignacio and me are so energized we run around the house playing hide and seek until aunt Lucia comes for him. Excited and happy, Ignacio jumps all over the place and tells her about all the fun we had. Playing out in the street, eating nachos and cake. Aunt Lucia doesn’t look happy.
“You went to Bloques?”, she screams back at momma who has her arms folded. She looks tired and bored.
“They had fun, Lucia”, momma says.
“My baby could have been kidnapped!”, she screams and grabs his hand, pulls him close and hugs his face.
“How momma? I’m too fat”, Ignacio says pulling away tryna look up at her. This makes me laugh. Aunt Lucia shoots me a stare, then at momma and walks out the house holding Ignacio tight by the arm. He waves goodbye from the back window as they drive off.
“Dora”, daddy calls me inside the house. He’s not mad. Has his arm out so I can take it. “I got you some”, he says and smiles at me. I smile back and tighten my grip. His hands are rough and strong. We walk out back towards the farm house, inside, in one of the stables is an all white pony. Her eyes are blue and nose is pink.
“You got me a pony?”, I scream at him. He laughs and pushes me closer to it. I’m so happy I can’t stop jumping and screaming while I pet her. I’ve never asked for a pony before but that doesn’t mean I ain’t want one!
“Thank you, daddy, thank you!”, I hug him, jumping up and down. He picks me up with a tight hug, kisses my cheek and whispers “happy birthday, baby”.
Best birthday ever.
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